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Nonprofit Spotlight: Jasmynn's Voice

The mission of Jasmynn’s Voice is to give iPads as an AAC (Alternative Augmentative Communication) device to those who have autism and struggle with language deficits/delays.


“It is our belief that the iPad can be one of the many keys to unlocking silence for those with autism. Through educational apps and apps designed specifically to “speak” for nonverbal kids/adults on the spectrum, there can be improvements in behavioral struggles, anxiety and frustration; all of these accompany an inability to be understood by the “speaking, neurotypical” world, Founder Melissa Archer explains.

Alice with Jazz

“Jasmynn (Jazz) was diagnosed with autism at age 3. By age 4 she had her 1st device, an iPod touch that was loaded with the communication app, Proloquo2Go. That was the beginning of our family discovering there was a lot more locked inside of our nonverbal daughter than anyone had imagined. Jasmynn flourished with the device, quickly mastering hundreds of apps and moving on to the iPad when it came onto the market. The iPad opened avenues for Jazz that inspired our desire to invite others like her to join our journey of unlocking the silence.

Elijah with Jazz

Hence, Jasmynn’s Voice came to exist in 2012. We have given several hundred individuals the same opportunity to “find their voice” via the iPad.

Liam with Jazz

Through Jasmynn, we are finding there is hope that our friends with autism can discover how to unlock those silent words when given the tools and guidance to do so. Our reach has expanded over these 11 years into 18 Southern-to-mid-Michigan counties. Jazz has been able to “gift” over 700 iPads thus far. Jazz is almost 23, considered functionally nonverbal but amazing in too many ways to recount. She inspires hope in other families who are on a similar ASD journey,” Melissa Archer shares.

Lucas & Jazz

“We also have playground language core boards which have been set up so that typical kids might interact at recess or in the cafeteria with their nonverbal/AAC user peers. Our vision is by donating/training/sharing/ supporting those with autism to find tools then one day, hopefully, the ability to use a device to get their needs met and more. Jazz’s father is also a police officer and has designed a first responders’ training (2 hours for free) educational program to help identify and assist those individuals on the spectrum.”

Elijah with Jazz


Jasmynn’s Voice holds one main fundraiser- a golf outing in September, which helps to support Jazz’s mission. “We are grateful for any help in furthering the word about what Jasmynn’s Voice has been doing and will continue to do to ‘help others find their voices, one device at a time.’”

Through Jasmynn, we are finding there is hope that our friends with autism can discover how to unlock those silent words when given the tools and guidance to do so. Our reach has expanded over these 11 years into 18 Southern-to-mid-Michigan counties.


“Because of your determination and unwavering commitment to the success of Jasmynn’s Voice, Elijah has been given a gift of a lifetime, the gift to be heard, the gift of speech. We cannot thank you enough for the opportunity.”


“Looking at this photo, I cringe, focused on my haggard appearance!! Funny how other special needs parents see it though. That is exactly what Melissa, with the Jasmynn’s Voice Foundation, found special (I think) about it! It actually speaks to the everyday “grit” that we need to push through and get things done! Especially when you arrange something with Autistic children! If you say it’s going to happen, Make it happen!

Watching Jasmynn participate by hosting, the staff who worked so hard to put this together and then the families, who were generously gifted the iPads. It was very uplifting and genuine! This iPad changes our lives on so many levels and gives such a reprieve. The child, the family, the teachers, and the community will ALL benefit, with better communication! So we feel extremely blessed not only for the iPad, but the chance to connect with such a viable and supportive foundation.

So we are extremely grateful for the WHOLE experience and look forward to future events.”

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