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Born 33 years ago this month, Danielle Arnold came into this world a force to be reckoned with! Despite severe seizures leading to changes in her brain, Danielle refused to let anything, or anyone, stand in her way. She has also fought allergies that resulted in uncomfortable hives and neurological challenges. She fought schools to teach her more and her desire to learn is insatiable even now. She longs to learn to read and do math and fights disappointment that teachers wouldn’t, or couldn’t, teach her these skills. Though she aged out of school at 26, Danielle’s love for learning never stopped. She wants to go to college to learn more and hopes that someday, the right teacher will be able to help her learn all the things she wants to learn. Instead, she has dived into the world of animals! Through 4H and OATS (www. oatshrh.org) along with her family farm, Danielle has learned animal husbandry and life skills. With 4H, Danielle raised and showed sheep, meat birds, turkeys, hogs, ducks, and show chickens. She got to participate in art projects and photography, too. Danielle began at OATS when she was 10 years old and has remained through several transitions starting with Nancy, the first director who founded the facility in 1998. Next came Beth who moved the farm to its new and current location. Now, with Doug, Danielle continues to be an integral part of the OATS community. She helps feed and care for the horses and when she isn’t riding, she helps other riders in the classes designed to help those with special needs. Danielle shares “I love helping with classes and helping other riders, Their smiles make me so happy”! Not only has Danielle lived on the property, but she has participated in riding lessons for 15 years, even competing in shows. 2023 offered her the opportunity to compete with Sam, a halflinger at OATS, at MSU. Not only did she represent OATS with grace, but she also brought home the blue ribbon, winning against 15 other riders! In addition to Sam, Danielle has ridden Parker (her favorite), Outlaw, Cheval (now retired), Moon, Peewee, Motown (a former police horse), Grace, Liberty (whom she rides now), George (now in greener pastures), Cody (with his best friend, George), Elf, Mickey, and Ernie. There are few horses she has yet to ride.

Horses and other animals are not her only passion. Danielle loves to travel and see the world. Her favorites are Florida, Colorado, and cruises where she can see many places. She enjoys seeing and interacting with all the different people and places as she travels to new places. A travel dream is to visit a friend in Japan. Danielle was also on the swim team in high school, further expanding her learning and skills. Among life and animal skills, Danielle has learned to cook with her mother, Betsy’s, help. She can make popcorn all by herself. She also helps care for her young nephew and helps her mom around the house. The skills Danielle learns while caring for her nephew and helping her mom cook bring her closer to living on her own someday. Her family is working on finding a suitable house and appropriate roommates, but it is a long process. In recent years, Danielle has worked on waking up happier in the mornings and feels she has accomplished this. This skill will also be helpful when she gets to live more independently in the future. Some of Danielle’s favorite things are making people smile through helping with riding classes and making birthday cards. She also likes to watch the mounted police practice when she gets the chance. Competing in and watching horse shows are high on her list of favorites, too. Danielle enjoys training leader dogs, watching her neighbor’s dogs or chickens, and saving the money she earns helping at OATS. Danielle has even raised and trained two leader dogs, too. She wants to buy a new puppy, a horse, and some chickens. Fowler Center up north (https://www.thefowlercenter.org/) has been a beacon of opportunity for Danielle to interact with others like her and work toward gaining independence. With Fowler Center, Danielle has done horse camp and several adventure travel trips. She continues to look forward to these excursions.

Danielle proves every day that allergies and seizures shouldn’t keep you down. She pushes through and works hard to learn everything anyone will teach her. Her work at OATS and with 4H show that the right fit lets every person reach their potential and that perseverance prevails. As she works with the OATS director to create advertisements for OATS or alongside a local high school group at OATS to repair fences, Danielle continues to grow her skills that may someday allow her to achieve her goals.

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