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What's HAppening at Janus Inc?!

Janus offers Pre-Employment Transition Services

Janus has been offering our pre-employment transition service (pre-ETS) in the local high schools for over two years now. Pre-ETS helps families as they start the process of transitioning their loved ones from school into the next stage of life and has been a huge success. We are in the Noblesville, Carmel and Westfield school systems.

The primary focus of pre-ETS is to assist students with disabilities in making informed choices about their vocational and educational options for life after high school by providing them with information and firsthand experiences that address the five areas of service. These five areas are job exploration and counseling, work-based learning, workplace readiness, self-advocacy, and post-secondary counseling. Our career coach, Erin Kim, will also provide students with information about vocational rehabilitation services and will assist students and families with the referral process.

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