• Page 13 Uniquely You! New Year Bash: Save the Date
• Pages 14-15 Community Resources
• Pages 16-19 Featured: Meet The Friedland Family
• Pages 20-21 Sponsor Spotlight: Phoenix Community Services, LLC
• Pages 22-23 Nonprofit Spotlight: Autism Community Connection
• Page 24 A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
• Pages 26-27 Pastor’s Corner: Finding Faith: A Journey Worth Beginning
• Pages 28-30 Event Recap: A Day of Inclusive Fun at Dig Dig for Kids!
• Pages 32-34 Local Events
Jamie Olson jamie.olson@n2co.com 248-882-8448
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This section is here to give our readers easier access when searching for a trusted neighborhood partner to use. Get to know the businesses that make this magazine possible. Please support them in return and thank them if you get the chance!
BehaviorWorks ABA (317) 731-7777 behaviorworksaba.com
K1ds Count Therapy (317) 520-4748
Sycamore Services (317) 745-4715 sycamoreservices.com
Tangram www.TheTangramWay.org
The Hope Source (317) 578-0410
Law Office of Elizabeth A. Homes LLC (317) 660-5004
Stinson Law Firm (317) 622-8181 www.stinsonlawfirm.com
Connections Case Management (317) 440-0637
The Dust Devils (317) 709-6120
Achieve Community Services (317) 918-0337 acssupports.com/
AID of Indiana (765) 273-3999 aidofindiana.com/
Carters Play Place (317) 836-5510 cartersplayplace.com
LEL Home Services (317) 387-1443
Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation (317) 615-9140 www.mdff.org
Noble (317) 375-2700
Phoenix Community Services LLC (765) 622-7808
The Arc of Hancock County (317) 462-3727
Hopewell Center (765) 642-0201
WestPoint Financial Group
Gordon Homes (317) 567-2005
ABC Community Services LLC (317) 516-1178
ComForCare Home Care (317) 575-3983 www.comforcare.com/indiana/ north-metro-indianapolis
Specialized Home Care Services (888) 506-4182 www.specialized4u.com/
Howdy Homemade Ice Cream (317) 397-0008 www.howdyindy.com
State Farm John Cole (317) 430-1958
Rock the Spectrum (317) 764-6607 werockthespectrumcarmel.com/
George’s Pharmacy & Medical Equipment (855) 600-6251 www.georgespharmacy.com
Dynamic Music Therapy (317) 829-6654
Indy Neurofeedback (317) 888-8500
Guardian Care www.myguardian.care
Dynamic Minds Academy (317) 578-0410
My Quillo (317) 626-4387 myquillo.com/
Putnam County Comprehensive Services (765) 653-9763 www.pccsinc.org
Weighted blankets are blankets designed to be heavier than standard blankets. You can commonly find them in knitted or duvet options. Duvet-style weighted blankets use beads or other dense fillers to add weight. Knitted weighted blankets use dense yarn to create a heavier weight.
There are many benefits of using a weighted blanket! The overall purpose is to help your body find calmness by using deep pressure stimulation. Weighted blankets can benefit you by:
• Offering comfort and security • Soothing anxiousness and stress
• Improving sleep quality • Relaxing the central nervous system
The proper time to utilize a weighted blanket will differ between individuals. Some may find using a weighted blanket during anxious spells and depressive episodes give them the most relief while others may prefer to only use a weighted blanket to sleep at night.
The best time to use one is whenever you need a sense of calm!
Air Purifiers - Chewies - Home Modifications - Noise Cancelling HeadphonesPica Bedding & Clothing - Adaptive Utensils - Sensory Solutions - Specialized Equipment - Special Needs Strollers - Weighted Blankets & Vests
Whether your loved one lives with sensory integration, cognitive impairment, or any other special needs, we’re confident in our ability to help you find the right specialized equipment for disabilities. Give us a call to learn more about all we have to offer, including therapy products, adaptive equipment, and more.
Music Therapy & Wellness
Early Childhood Music Classes Sign & Sing Virtual Classes
Music Therapy can help individuals of all ages and abilities, including those with: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia ° Autism ° Cerebral palsy
Developmental Disabilities ° Down Syndrome
End-of-life care (Hospice) ° Intellectual Disabilities
Mental health ° Neurological disorders
Psychiatric disorders ° Rehabilitation
7502 Madison Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46227 (317) 829-6654
Uniquely You Indy a free monthly magazine for and about our local special needs and disability communities. Each issue shares inspiring stories, critical resources, and recommended businesses that make Uniquely You the ultimate go-to guide for special needs families in Indiana.
“Stories of families that connect us. The sharing of our vulnerabilities as parents, families. THAT’S what makes your magazine special.”
Kate Miller, Reader
“When you sponsor Uniquely You magazine, you’re not just promoting your business; you’re providing a vital resource for families of children and adults with special needs. This magazine serves as a roadmap, guiding these families through the complexities of their daily lives.”
Karah Powell, Advertiser
Celebrate. Connect. Impact. © 2025 The N2 Company, Inc..
Arc of Indiana www.arcind.org
Autism Community Connection www.autismcc-in.org
Autism Society of Indiana
Blind and Visually Impaired Services (BVIS) Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS)
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) DHHSHelp@fssa/in.gov
Disability Determination Bureau Division of Aging (IDA)
Division of Family Resources (DFR) Division of Mental Health and Addiction Down Syndrome Indiana Early Childhood and Out of School Learning (OECOSL) Easterseals Crossroads www.easterseals.com/
317-232-7770 988
We understand the unique needs of families with medically complex children. We offer a network of support, ensuring their caregiving journey is a bit lighter.
Emergency First Steps
Indiana Department of Education: Office of Special Education – www.doe.in.gov/specialed
Indiana Family to Family - www.inf2f.org
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) – www.in.gov/fssa/index.htm
Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities (GPCPD)
Indiana Resource Center for Autism
Indiana State Department of Health
Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council (INSILC)
Indiana Works
INSOURCE – http://insource.org/
Medicaid Disability
Medicaid Waivers
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Special Education Questions
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR)
Call or text with questions 317-575-3983
comforcare.com/indiana/north-metro-indianapolis @comforcareindy @comforcare_northmetroindy
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JAMIE OLSON: Uniquely You! Magazine Area Director jamie.olson@n2co.com 248-882-8448
Scan to view the past issues of Uniquely You! Indy
DISCLAIMER: Any articles included in this publication and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of The N2 Company d/b/a N2 Publishing but remain solely those of the author(s). The paid advertisements contained within the Uniquely You! magazine are not endorsed or recommended by The N2 Company or the publisher. Therefore, neither The N2 Company nor the publisher may be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies.
NOTE: When community events take place, photographers may be present to take photos for that event and they may be used in this publication.
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Need to know who to connect with to ask a question? This is where you find out who you need to know!
317-977-2375 or 800-382-9100
Special needs trust, advocacy network, support in applying for waivers and social security, family support, Self Advocates of Indiana
Resources, support, events
Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver, Family Supports Waiver, Supervised Group Living, consumer and provider education and resources, Caregiver Supports Services, Contact to update and track if on a waiver waitlist.
Receives applications and determines eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Refugee Cash Assistance.
information, resources, events
Adult Day Services, Adult Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation Programs, Children and Adolescent Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation Programs, Employment Services, Community Services, Assistive Technology Supports and Services
Serves families of children with disabilities of all types. Events, support groups, resources, monthly newsletter
Directory of services for the disability community
Early intervention for children from birth to 3 years old with developmental delays. Evaluations and therapies in-home
Online articles, resources, training and conferences
Vocational counseling and training, job placement assistance, physical and mental restoration services, rehabilitation technology (e.g., adaptive devices, vehicle modifications)
Special needs education support, Advocates for IEP help
988 or 800-273-TALK (8255)
Resources and support for any kind of mental health issues
A nonprofit organization offering free and low-cost legal services to the disabled community on any civil matters
Serves families, children, senior citizens, people with disabilities and mental illness
Information, education, training, outreach and peer support for families
Support groups, classes, resources, conferences, information
Database of organizations to help with any type of needs by location in Indiana
Supports students in public schools with accessible educational materials, assistive technology, Universal Design for Learning, expos
Have a suggestion for an important connection that could be added to this page? Email your suggestion to Jamie.McCabe@n2co.com.
Nothing Can Stop Solo Mom, Elizabeth Friedland, and her son, Jack
EElizabeth Friedland is a solo mom by choice. Her son Jack was placed with Elizabeth at three months old, and she adopted Jack when he was two. The Friedlands live in the Meridian Kessler neighborhood in Indianapolis.
Jack is 7 now and a second grader at Center for Inquiry School 70, in the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) system. Jack has ADHD, a mild intellectual disability, and related developmental challenges. The school has been fantastically supportive of Jack, meeting his needs through his Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Jack’s special education teacher, Kirsten Elliot, has been with Jack since kindergarten, offering general classroom oneon-one supports, as well as individual instruction outside the classroom. Jack also receives additional tutoring from teachers before school twice a week. Everyone at IPS 70 knows Jack and loves him for his whole self. Elizabeth proclaims, “We are a lucky family!”
Other critical members of Jack’s team are Axon Health, which manages
his ADHD medication, Dr Evan Kreutzer at Riverview Pediatrics, and Indiana Neuropsychology Group, which provides neuropsychological screenings and guidance. He receives behavioral/ play therapy at Indy Child Therapy and is seen by Tiffany Fritz and Riley Banks Guard for clinical occupational therapy.
As a new mom, it was hard for Elizabeth to know where to begin when Jack’s behavioral challenges emerged. At age two, his daycare teachers noted that he was exhibiting behaviors that were different than most of the kids his age.
Elizabeth couldn’t figure out what the “point of entry” was for help, diagnosis, or services. She felt very much like she was on her own, hunting for specialists and figuring things out by trial and error!
Elizabeth wishes she had had one point of contact who could have ushered her through the process. Instead, she would find one resource that would then lead her to another. After Jack was asked to leave three private preschools due to their inability to meet his needs, Elizabeth found the Developmental Enrichment Preschool (DEP) at St. Luke’s United
Methodist Church through the recommendation of a therapist. The women at DEP were incredible with Jack. Not only did they help him adjust to a classroom and start to manage his behavioral difficulties, but they also pointed Elizabeth in the direction of other therapists and services.
Next, Elizabeth found Tiffany Fritz, Jack’s occupational therapist with Untapped Pediatric Therapies, and Tiffany urged Elizabeth to start working with IPS even before Jack started there for Kindergarten. That way, he’d have an IEP in place on day one.
Now, Elizabeth loves giving people the “road map” that she wishes she could have had five years ago. Elizabeth’s advice?
• Start with an in-depth evaluation from a neuropsychologist. The diagnosis and insights help you create the plan for services and supports you might need moving forward.
• See a developmental pediatrician, in addition to keeping your traditional pediatrician, to specifically help navigate medication management for ADHD and other behavioral challenges.
• Consider a supportive public school as they are often more equipped than traditional private schools to accommodate children with special needs and learning differences.
• Get your child’s whole “team” together on a call if needed. It’s great to have a large team of
specialists helping your child. Connecting those individuals helps them to see a fuller picture of the child and treat them as a whole individual.
Elizabeth recommends joining Facebook groups where families provide support, resources, and friendships, including Midtown Parents and Indy Parents Special Needs Community.
Elizabeth is grateful to work from home in corporate communications, and credits her company, Allegion, with providing flexibility and a
parent-friendly culture as she raises Jack alone. Jack has had a lot to battle through, yet he’s the happiest, most compassionate, and affectionate kid. Watching Jack learn to read and write, which has been so hard for him, has been wonderful for Elizabeth to witness. Elizabeth loves those moments when Jack is so proud of himself!
Equally wonderful is watching Jack understand and regulate his emotions. He even reminds the adults around him to use their coping tools too! When he sees his
mom get frustrated, he’ll remind her to do her “mountain breathing” or some yoga poses.
Jack is much like any 7-year-old. He loves to be outside hiking at Fort Harrison or Eagle Creek with his mom. He plays soccer and tennis and loves to skateboard, ride scooters, and swim. On school breaks, Elizabeth and Jack often travel to St Joseph, Michigan, or Sand Key, Florida.
Elizabeth loves modeling compassion in action for Jack, and guiding him to tangibly
help others. She shared that Jack loves to be a helping friend. Elizabeth launched a nonprofit called Safe Park Indy, devoted to giving homeless Hoosiers living in their cars a safe place to park and a link to social services and amenities. She also continues to be a foster parent and host family for Safe Families for Children. Nothing can stop this solo mom and her son, Jack, from living a full life and advocating for others!
You can follow Elizabeth Friedland at @efriedland.
Get your child’s whole “team” together on a call if needed. It’s great to have a large team of specialists helping your child .
Founded in 1997 with two clients, Anderson-based Phoenix Community Services now operates multiple residential homes, day programs, and participant assistance and care (PAC) programs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Founder and owner LeCedus Thompson started PCS to invest in the community, giving adults with IDD a voice and choice in their future.
Thompson and his staff help their clients achieve a maximum level of independence through their multiple programs. They currently offer residential services, day habilitation services, wellness coordination, day services, PAC services, and family support. Most of their clients are funded through Medicaid Waiver programs, allowing for custom support plans.
Thompson states, “I always wanted to give back to the community growing up because my community always gave back to the kids in the neighborhood. I started my journey when I was in college, working for a company similar to this one, providing support to
individuals with disabilities for a couple of semesters.
When I graduated, I worked at the Muncie Boys and Girls Club for 8 years, providing the youth with different activities.“
When not running PCS, Thompson enjoys spending time with his five children, cooking and boating. He also likes to sponsor kids’ youth teams in the areas he serves.
“We want our individuals to know that they live in a community that supports them as well,” he said.
Thompson is proud that PCS works successfully with some of the most challenged individuals in the community by sticking to a personalized plan and being consistent in their care. As a waiver service provider, Thompson and his staff see a wide variety of needs and do their best to “continue giving the individual a voice so they can be heard.”
After a person with IDD becomes an adult, they often age out of traditional supports. Companies like Phoenix provide a valuable segue into adulthood and independence. As parents of disabled individuals get older, these companies also provide long-term services
to ensure maximum care continues once parents are no longer able to provide it.
The residential services arm of PCS serves adults on certain Medicaid Waivers who live with housemates in the community. They are cared for by PCS direct support professionals (DSP) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each client has a private bedroom while sharing common areas like bathrooms and kitchen space. The DSP provides
a wide range of services, including cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, providing personal hygiene assistance, and teaching independent living skills. Staff members also provide basic health monitoring by taking vitals and administering medication. When needed, PCS takes clients to medical appointments and helps implement physician’s orders.
Day Habilitation Services for Individuals
Thompson and his staff help their clients achieve a maximum level of independence through their multiple programs.
(DHI) provides adults with support outside of their homes. DSPs will pick up clients from their homes and take them into the community. The goal of DHI is to provide support and build relationships in the community. The support person may help the client do their personal shopping, practice crossing the street safely, or have new experiences. Depending on the client’s interests, they may see a movie, attend a concert, eat at a restaurant, or walk around a park. The goal is to help the client gain confidence and become a more integrated member of society.
Wellness Coordination is often paired with other services. PCS provides LPNs or RNs who complete a head-to-toe assessment in the comfort of the client’s home. These nurse visits monitor vitals and weight while addressing any needs that require medical attention. Not only does this help keep clients healthy but it also reduces medical anxiety and stress.
As adults with IDD age out of the school system, they often struggle to navigate peer-to-peer
interactions in a way that meets their needs and abilities. PCS offers day programming to help fill that need. Their day service program is available Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Staff are on hand to greet clients and assist with fun and educational programming. They offer a wide variety of activities including games, math classes, science exploration, reading, art, socializing, and cooking classes. These activities are designed to not only provide ongoing instruction but also to help clients lead more fulfilling lives. PAC services are intended to help adults with disabilities live independently by providing ongoing support. This can look like assistance with personal care, meal prep, accessing community events, or shopping. PAC is especially helpful for adults living on their own or with family. For those living with family, a PAC staff member can give family caregivers some respite time to take care of their own needs.
PCS provides care for individuals on several Indiana Waivers, including
the Health and Wellness Waiver, Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver, and Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver. These waivers can assist adults who are transitioning from pediatric services to adult services. The support and education PCS offers is a valuable tool for this transition and supports adults long term.
The residential services arm of PCS serves adults on certain Medicaid Waivers who live with housemates in the community. They are cared for by PCS direct support professionals (DSP) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Supporting Delaware, Hamilton, Johnson, Marion, and Madison counties with three Indiana locations, PCS strives to provide independent and fulfilling lives for every client. They accomplish this by acknowledging that each person is an individual with their own interests and feelings. Individuals have the right to be treated with respect and have the right to self-determination, including refusal. By providing a wide variety of services, PCS tailors each person’s care to their unique needs, helping them live their best life.
If you have a loved one who could benefit from these services, please contact PCS at 765.622.7808. They would be happy to help you create an individual plan that supports your loved one and helps them explore their interests.
K“Our hope is to expand the programs to create additional social groups while providing support and resources for those affected by autism in our community.”
elli Higgins has been the Executive Director for Autism Community Connect (ACC) for 5 years. She has been involved in the autism community for 10 years. ACC’s mission is to help those with autism successfully grow and transition into adulthood. By providing education, resources and community events, ACC promotes understanding and acceptance of autism. “We aim to help everyone with autism feel valued, respected and included,” Kelli said.
“Along with our programs and events we provide family support for anyone who is looking for specific information and resources,” Kelli added. “We also host informational webinars throughout the year. ACC is a small nonprofit in Johnson County, but we serve all who are affected by autism and have a lot to offer throughout the lifespan of individuals with autism.”
ACC has two programs. The Young Adult Connection (YAC) program is for individuals with autism aged
19 to 30 and is designed to help participants make new friends while working on social, life, and soft job skills. Group members get to choose a specific community outing each month. A community outing could be volunteering at a local library, going to see a movie, shopping at the mall, going to a baseball game, bowling, or enjoying holiday parties.
The second program, My Summer Journey (MSJ) is geered toward kids aged 13-19. MSJ runs for three weeks
in June, Monday through Friday. Funfilled days help keep kids in a routine that can make the transition back to school much easier. The focus of the program is to make new friends along with working on life and social skills.
In 2025, ACC is excited to start Teen Connection, another program designed for 13-to-19-year-olds. Teen Connection will create a welcoming and supportive environment where teens with autism can build and sustain new friendships while also working on strengthening critical social and life skills. Teen Connection group members will meet once a month, initially at the Greenwood Public Library, where they will get to know each other while playing games and enjoying social interactions in a supportive environment that teaches and models healthy friendships.
Other social events throughout the year:
“Our son loved the opportunity to be included in a camp that meets his needs, and we love knowing he’s in a place where he will be included and accepted for who he is. MSJ is more than just a camp, it’s a place where our son has felt welcomed and loved for who he is.”
ACC Trunk or Treat is for individuals of ALL ages and families affected by autism to have a good time while getting treats and learning about local autism resources. ACC Trunk or Treat will have vendors sharing information and resources about the services they provide to the autism community. Visitors will also get to experience Touch A Truck, including a fire truck, an ambulance, construction equipment and even a medical helicopter landing! This event is FREE and open to the community.
Family Game Night is for families affected by autism to have a fun night in the community. The event will feature board, individual and group games for ALL ages to enjoy. Come play a game with your family, meet new families for a group game, or chat with each other while having fun at Kid City.
Trivia Night is great evening of fun playing trivia with friends, having a delicious meal, vying for special raffle baskets, and raising money to support those affected by autism in the community! Trivia Night will have special games throughout the night like Heads and Tails, Wine Grab & Go, and more.
ACC’s annual Breakfast with Santa has delicious food, “reindeer” games, holiday crafts, carriage rides, and a chance to meet with Santa Claus! This event is for families affected by autism, and is lots of fun for all ages and every family member.
“One of our focuses is to address the shortage of teen and adults programs and services for those with autism,” Kelli said. “Our hope is to expand the programs to create additional social groups while providing support and resources for those affected by autism in our community.”
Our Leighton has faced so many challenges throughout her 10 years. She faces each of those challenges without any fear or complaints. Our girl is a rare disease (subcortical band heterotopia) and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome warrior! She is amazing and our hero.
The pilar of our focus is providing the best possible care and supports for all persons served. This care is driven by Individual choice as the centerpiece for all services we provide. Additionally, we encourage and welcome parents, family members, and even friends of individuals served, to apply for positions as paid caregivers.
beautiful way to celebrate the essence of special moments and memories. Whether it’s a first step, graduation, vacation, or any cherished occasion, each photo tells a unique story of joy and achievement. It’s a chance to share these meaningful experiences with others who can appreciate and celebrate each journey.
We are also celebrating March, April and May Awareness Months, inviting you to share a photo that captures a special moment related to that month. Customize your caption to highlight the moment’s meaning to your family.
The Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation uses its collective resources to help those with a neuromuscular disease live safer, more independent lives. Some
Imagine standing at the edge of a path you’ve never noticed before—one that stretches into the unknown. This path represents the Christian faith. Maybe you’ve never given much thought to God, or you’ve only heard whispers of Jesus Christ in passing.
The journey to knowing God doesn’t require prior experience—just a willing heart, an open mind, and a little curiosity. Let’s look at this process, from a pastor’s perspective.
Curiosity: The Spark of Something New
For many, the first step toward faith begins with curiosity. Maybe it’s a quiet longing for answers to life’s big questions: Why am I here? What happens after I die? Is there more to life than what I can see?
Questions like these have stirred hearts for thousands of years. If you find yourself asking them, know this— you are not alone.
It is perfectly fine—and even healthy—to start with doubt or skepticism. Not believing in God isn’t a barrier; it’s a starting line. When you genuinely seek truth with an open heart, you are taking the first step toward something far greater than yourself. The Bible even says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”
(Jeremiah 29:13, NIV).
The Search: Resources to Begin Your Journey
So where do you go from here? Fortunately, we live in a world rich with resources that can guide you as you explore the Christian faith.
1. The Bible: The Bible is the foundational text of Christianity, often described as God’s love letter to humanity. If you’ve never read it, start with the New Testament—specifically, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. These books recount the life of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and His incredible message of love, forgiveness, and redemption.
2. Conversations with Christians: Faith is not meant to be explored alone. Talk to someone you know who is a Christian—maybe a friend, neighbor, or coworker. Ask questions about their faith journey. What led them to believe in God? How has their relationship with Jesus impacted their life? Just ask.
3. Church Community: Visiting a local church can feel intimidating at first, but it is one of the best ways to experience Christianity firsthand. Churches are more than buildings; they are communities of people who are on this faith journey together. Many churches have resources for beginners—small groups, classes, or even one-on-one mentoring to help you grow in understanding.
4. Books and Online Resources: There are countless books and websites designed for people exploring Christianity. “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis is an excellent starting point, as it provides a logical, relatable explanation of the Christian faith. Websites like BibleGateway.com or apps like YouVersion allow you to read the Bible in modern, easy-to-understand translations.
Taking the Leap: Building Your Faith
Faith in God is not built overnight; it develops like any meaningful relationship—one step at a time. As you read the Bible, ask questions, and explore the church, something profound happens. You’ll begin to see how God’s story intersects with your own life. You may notice a quiet sense of peace or purpose emerging. Jesus invites everyone to this journey. He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, NIV). Whether you carry doubts, worries, or past mistakes, God meets you where you are and invites you to walk with Him.
Some people hesitate to explore faith because they fear it will require blind belief. But Christianity encourages you to seek truth. Jesus Himself welcomed questions and conversation. When the disciple Thomas doubted His resurrection, Jesus didn’t scold him—instead, He invited Thomas to touch His hands and see for himself (John 20:27). Your doubts are not obstacles; they are opportunities to ask, explore, and discover.
As you engage with Scripture, the church, and God’s people, your faith will begin to take root. You don’t need to have everything figured out. Just keep showing up. Keep reading. Keep asking questions. Over time, you’ll come to understand God’s immense love for you and His desire for you to experience a life full of hope and purpose.
If you’re feeling a pull to begin this journey, don’t ignore it. Take a small, intentional step today—open a Bible, visit a church, or talk to someone who has walked this path. You might be surprised at what you find: a God who has been patiently waiting for you to seek Him, and a community ready to welcome you with open arms.
Remember, every believer once started as a seeker. You don’t have to have all the answers; you just need the willingness to ask, “What if?” From there, God will take your hand and guide you step by step into a life more beautiful than you can imagine. Be blessed today!
On December 8th, families gathered at Dig Dig for Kids in Fishers, Indiana, for an unforgettable afternoon of inclusive play and connection. Hosted by Uniquely You Magazine in collaboration with Dig Dig for Kids, the event was specially designed for children with special needs, ensuring an engaging and supportive environment for everyone.
For two hours, attendees explored Indiana’s largest indoor sandbox – a unique space born out of a grandparent’s love and inspired by the shared joy of construction-themed play. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as children of all abilities enjoyed a variety of activities, including digging, building, and letting their imaginations run wild in the massive sandbox.
Parents expressed their appreciation for the welcoming atmosphere and the opportunity for their kids to learn, play, and have fun together. With free admission and an open invitation to all, the event exemplified the spirit of inclusion and creativity.
Highlights of a visit to Dig Dig for Kids include:
• Safe, accessible play areas thoughtfully created to ensure inclusivity.
• Sensory-friendly activities tailored for children with all kinds of special needs.
• A chance for families to connect and share in their children’s joy in a supportive community.
Parents expressed their appreciation for the welcoming atmosphere and the opportunity for their kids to learn, play, and have fun together. With free admission and an open invitation to all, the event exemplified the spirit of inclusion and creativity.
Uniquely You Magazine and Dig Dig For Kids extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us in making this day a resounding success. It was a beautiful reminder of the power of play and community in bringing people together.
Stay tuned for more events like this in the future – we can’t wait to see you again!
“Dig Dig for Kids is a local family-run business, founded by the father and son duo, Billy and Justin, with a mission to create a safe and calming sensory play experience for children. At the heart of their venture is a giant sandbox designed to provide a unique, inclusive environment where kids of all abilities can thrive. Billy and Justin are particularly passionate about offering a space that caters to children with disabilities and other life challenges, ensuring they can engage in sensory play that meets their specific needs. Through Dig Dig, they aim to create more than just a play area—it’s a venue where every child can feel safe, supported, and free to explore and enjoy.”
digdigforkids.com Dig Dig For Kids 12800 Ford Dr, Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 827-2087
~Maria S. (parent)
Note: Don’t forget to apply for the Access Pass! The Access Pass Program allows families that meet the specific requirements listed below to visit The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and all participating locations for $5 per family member per visit for up to two adults and all dependent youths living in the household. You qualify if you receive:
• Hoosier Healthwise Insurance (Indiana’s health care program for low-income families, pregnant women and children)
• SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
• TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
• Apply here: https://www. childrensmuseum.org/ visit/hours/access-pass.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis First Thursday Night- First Thursday every month Feb. 6, 4:00 pm
On the first Thursday of every month, we open our doors from 4–8 p.m. for just $6 admission per person! Why should you visit? Admission is just $6 per person for the entire museum. That’s a savings of more than 75% per ticket!
It’s the ONLY time the museum is open to the public in the evening, so it’s a perfect after-hours night for your family.
It’s not as crowded as you might think! We have limited capacity on First Thursday Nights. Parking is always free!Our Food Court is open, so you can grab a quick and easy dinner for the whole family. Low cost. Low crowds. Late night play! https://www. childrensmuseum.org/ visit/calendar/event/273
Various Events
Feb.1- Feb. 28, Opens at 10 AM 3000 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208, 317-334-400Santa’s BIG Snowball Fight0
https://www. childrensmuseum.org
Conner Prairie — Indiana’s Living History Museum Winter on the Prairie Feb. 1 through Feb. 28, 10:00 am- 3:00 pm
Join us for special programming highlighting the beauty of winter! Winter on the Prairie is a one-of-a-kind way to experience everything Conner Prairie has to offer. Grab your boots and mittens as you journey across acres of nature to explore. Discover the tranquility and beauty that can only be found after a fresh snow. Then, join the residents of Prairietown and warm up by the hearth as you take in the smells of the food on the fire. Make new friends as you learn how winter was embraced with parlor games and time spent indoors with friends and family — much like it is today. Looking for a place to play? Check out Featherston Barn that features elements of Discovery Station and special programming that celebrate creativity and play!
The second Sunday of every month, from 10 AM to noon, are sensory-friendly hours at Conner Prairie! Enjoy a calm environment Check-in with Guest Relations, stating that you are here for sensoryfriendly hours. You will get free admission and may stay as long as you wish.
Various events
Feb. 1- Feb. 29, 10:00 am- 10:00 pm 13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN 46038. Phone: 317-776-6000 or 800966-1836 https://www. connerprairie.org/events/list
Indiana State Museum
Sensory Friendly
Afternoon Check website for date and time
650 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204
Experience the Indiana State Museum in a sensoryfriendly way! Each month, we’ll lower the lights and reduce distractions to give children and adults with sensory processing
differences a chance to enjoy an interactive learning experience in a comfortable and accepting environment. Social narratives will be available at the ticket counter and sensory–based activities will be spaced throughout the museum. Plus, check out a Sensory Bag to make your experience even more enjoyable. Check calendar for dates https:// www.indianamuseum. org/calendar/
Various events
Feb. 1- Feb. 28, check website for events and times. https://www.indianamuseum. org/calendar/
Indiana Pacers
Feb. 1, 11, 23, 24, 26 Gainbridge Fieldhouse, 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 https://www.nba. com/pacers/
Family Fun
Indianapolis Zoo
Various events scheduled daily Feb. 1- Feb. 28, 9:00 am- 4:00 pm 1200 West Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46222 https://www. indianapoliszoo.com/
Sensory Friendly Play at Urban Air Noblesville Feb. 2, 9:00 am- 11:00 am 14450 Mundy Dr, Noblesville, IN 46060 Urban Air’s Sensory Friendly Play day is typically held on the first Sunday of the month. Check the Noblesville calendar for the latest info. https://calendar.google.com/ calendar/u/0/ embed?src=hi8j9brk9 4jgnc71kmslc13js8@group. calendar.google.com
Sky Zone South
Sensory Play
FEb. 3, 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Every month first Monday of the month
Sensory Fun Fridays runs every Friday from 9:00am-10:00am. 4150 Kildeer Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46237
Jump an socialize in a comfortable, friendly environment. Enjoy the freedom of jumping. Sensory hours provide a quieter, toned-down jumping experience for those with special needs.
AMC Theatres
Check website for location, date and times AMC is proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing! Our Sensory Friendly Film program is available on the second and fourth Saturday (family-friendly) and Wednesday evenings (mature audiences) of every month. Please check your local theatre listings for specific showtimes, and don’t forget to share your family fun with #AMCSensoryFriendly. https://www.amctheatres. com/programs/sensoryfriendly-films
Adaptive Dance
Feb. 6, 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm
Every first Thursday through May 2025 the Arc of Hancock County, 8535 N Clearview Dr, McCordsville, IN 46055
We are proud to announce that we received a minigrant from the Community Foundation of Hancock County to turn our Adaptive
Dance (Body Rock) classes from March and April into a regular monthly program. These classes will be held at Hancock Wellness Center - McCordsville in the Community Room every first Thursday of the month from August 2024 through May 2025 from 5:00-6:00pm. This class is free, but you must be registered. Parents of participants under 18 years old must be present. We cannot wait to see you there! Please use the link to register: https://arcofhcadaptivedance. eventbrite.com
Adaptive Ballet Series
Feb. 3, 10, 24 4:00 pm4:50 pm Winter Session 4055 Roy Wilson Wy, New Palestine, IN 46163 Come join us for a fun and inclusive ballet class tailored for all abilities! Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or just starting out, this class is designed to accommodate everyone. This program is designed for individuals with disabilities of all ages. No experience necessary, just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Parents and guardians must stay for participants under 18 years of age. For more information: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/adaptive-balletwinter-session-tickets916528640837?aff =ebdsoporgprofile
Beef and Boards
Murder on the Orient Express Jan. 9- Feb. 9, 2025
Jersey Boys
Feb. 14- Apr. 13 9301 Michigan Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46268 https://beefandboards. com/Online/default.asp
Jubilate Choir
Butler University, Lilly Hall, Room 133 Wednesdays, 6:45-7:30 PM
The Jubilate Choir is for singers with special needs in grades 3-9. Singers with varying abilities meet each week to grow musically. This tuition-free choir focuses on proper singing techniques, music theory and sight-reading, partsinging, and social skills involved in being a member of a musical ensemble.
Though Jubilate has, at its core, the same goals as other choirs in the Indianapolis Children’s Choir (ICC), singers in Jubilate engage in additional activities like visual and tactile experiences that are catered specifically to the current members of the choir.
Director: Lauren Southard For more information, contact Lauren Southard at 317-940-8065 or lsouthar@ icchoir.org. https://icchoir. org/special-needs/
Gigi’s Playhouse
Various classes during the week.
5909 E. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46250 317-288-8235
indy@gigisplayhouse.org https://gigisplayhouse.org/ indianapolis/sfcalendar/
Uniquely You! Annual New Years Bash! Sponsored by Uniquely You! and ComforCare
Feb.1, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Haverstick, 9111 Haverstick Rd Indianapolis, IN 46240 This party is for adults and kids with special needs, along with the supporters of Uniquely You! MagazineIndianapolis & Surrounding Areas. There will be activities
and games for kids, and you are welcome to bring your caregiver to the event to help. Parents will be able to enjoy an afternoon of fun and entertainment. We will have live bands, thanks to Rock Garage and Infinity, dancing, appetizers, beverages, games and more! To register: https://buytickets.at/ uniquelyyou/1471376
Make plans to participate in our FIRST ANNUAL VARIETY SHOW! We are looking for individuals and groups with disabilities to preform during our talent/ variety show. Take the stage and entertain us with your special talent. sign-up for Variety Show here: https://form.jotform.
com/242916312893158 or use the qr code. We can’t wait to see everyone there!!
Arc of Bartholomew County- Always Ready for Chocolate
Feb. 8, 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm
The Commons: 300 Washington St. Columbus, IN 47201
The annual Always Ready for Chocolate event (formerly known as Taste of Chocolate), which is continuing a more than 25-year-long tradition, is on February 8, 2025!
Join us and support The Arc of Bartholomew County in our mission to help local individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities, as well as their families.
Elizabeth A. Homes is a special needs planning and elder law attorney. She has been licensed and practicing law since May of 2014. Her practice at the Law O ce of Elizabeth A. Homes LLC is focused on Special Needs Planning, Guardianships, Elder Law, Estate Planning, and Probate Work. This includes Wills, Powers of Attorney, Advanced Directives, Trusts, Trust Administration, Medicaid Planning, Special Needs Planning, Guardianship, and Probate. She is admitted to practice law in the State of Indiana.
We ask "What If?" so you don't have to ask "What Now?"
What to Expect:
• Delicious desserts/ treats from local bakeries/restaurants and organizations
• Live entertainment
• Art show/ sale featuring art by individuals with disabilities
• Local service providers and area resources in attendance to share information on what they offer
• Including day service providers, ABA therapists, case management, financial planning, and more! https:// www.thearcbc.org/alwaysready-for-chocolate-2025
GiGi’s Playhouse Gala March 1, 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm Check website for more information and registration coming soon.
We are excited to announce the Annual GiGi’s Playhouse Indianapolis Gala, which will be held at the Indiana Roof Ballroom on Saturday March 1st, 2025. This years Gala will not only celebrate the many achievements we have experienced throughout the last 10 years but will also help us to raise the crucial funds needed to ensure the success of our next 10.
For more information, please contact Liz Richards, Executive Director, erichards@gigisplayhouse. org; https://gigisplayhouse. org/indianapolis/gala-indy/
Is there a local event for the special needs community you would like us to promote in an upcoming issue? Email us at SpecialNeedsIndy@n2pub.com.
Ignite your child's imagination and nurture their potential at the Connie J. Dillman Center for Autism and Behavioral Health at Tangram! Our ABA therapy and clinical diagnostic testing services are now accepting new enrollments!
At Tangram, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to both children and their families, fostering growth and development every step of the way! Tangram offers Assent-Based Applied Behavioral Analysis services. The Connie J. Dillman Center for Autism and Behavioral Health is committed to providing individualized evidence-based practices focusing on self-advocacy and naturalistic instruction. Now offering ABA services in the following settings: in home, at school, in center or in the community! Contact us today to arrange a consultation and discover how our ABA services program can benefit your family. Let's create a brighter future together!
To learn more, visit thetangramway.org, call 317-571-1042, or email behavioralhealth@thetangramway.org.