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Mom’s Weekend Retreat Recap
Words can’t express the impact that our Mom’s weekend in May had on the lives of 22 special needs moms. We are so grateful to Teter Retreat and Organic Farm for hosting. Thank you to Lindsay Zehren with Resounding Joy Indiana for leading many of the workshops and music sessions. Thank you to Purposeful Living INC for providing the love boxes and Erin Boaz and Mary Warner for leading that workshop. Thanks to Katelyn White for leading our mindfulness moment on Sunday. Thanks to all the food sponsors--Sweet Greens, Positive Interactions Therapy, and Julie Walker for making breakfast casseroles. Janus & Capabilities Cafe for coming to make breakfast Sunday morning, and Chick-fil-A for providing lunch Sunday. Thanks to Tanya for making dinner Friday night and chi tea on Saturday. We’re so appreciative to Gaylor Electric for sponsoring the cost of the flower planters that each mom made to take home with her. Special thanks to Outward Bound Support Services, LLC, and other donors who provided financial support so that several of the moms could attend at no cost.


For many moms, it was their first time ever away from their specialneeds kids. There were tears, hikes, laughter, fun, great conversations, growth, healing, friendship, hugs, Smores, and friendship.

Time like this is so valuable. Taking time to fill our cups up to be able to pour into the ones we love most is important. Thank you to all who helped this weekend be possible. It was a weekend to remember for all.

“I had the best weekend at the special needs moms retreat. I took a big step out of my comfort zone and I am beyond happy I pushed myself to attend. Moms from all over Indiana gathered--all special needs moms caring for disabled children. Some were moms of adults seasoned in their journey, while others were fresh to the special needs world. In every mom’s story I saw a little piece of my family’s story as well. We laughed, shared, and even cried together this weekend. The unity and comfort that was felt between the moms that attended the retreat was nothing like I have ever experienced; it was beautiful and magical.

I attended the retreat to find connections and find my village. I had been feeling completely isolated and longed to find a community of people who understood. Not only did I gain tremendous support but I learned so much.

• I feel seen and understood.
• I feel validation.
• I feel hope.
• I am not alone in this journey. I now have a village, tools, resources, and a mindset change as I continue on with my family’s journey.
This weekend was a blessing that God put in my path and I will forever be grateful!” - Faith

“I had such an amazing weekend at the Special Needs Living Magazine Mom’s retreat! I can’t fully put into words how much meeting other moms with similar experiences and struggles has meant to me. I no longer feel alone and isolated. This has brought a feeling of connection and healing I never really felt possible. I am so thankful for this opportunity and for the friends I made. So grateful to Erin Erin Wrennick Boaz, Jamie McCabe, and Lindsay Zehren for hosting and doing all the behind the scenes work.” - Emily W

“It was truly one of the best experiences of my life!! For the longest time, I’ve been asked “What’s wrong” and all I could say was “I’m tired”. But it was my soul that was tired and my cup was empty yet I was still trying to pour into everyone else’s from it. This weekend was the rest my soul desperately needed, my cup is overflowing for the first time, and I have finally found my village! I love it! And I can’t wait to do it again! And I would love to reconnect with everyone soon!” - Emily

“This past weekend I was able to take part in Special Needs Living Magazines mom’s retreat. 22 special needs moms from all over Indiana came together to share, love, laugh, cry and breathe. It was healing and beautiful. I’m so thankful to have been able to participate and meet these funny, caring, generous, tireless women.
Thank you Jamie McCabe, Erin and Lindsay Zehren for giving so much of yourselves to help fill our buckets. I’m forever grateful.” - Julie J