meet travis breeding By Travis Breeding
Sharing What it is Like to Live with
Hi, my name is Travis Breeding. I am 35 years old. I was diagnosed with autism when I was 22. I am the author of over 15 books about life on the autism spectrum. The books include discussions on common comorbid mental health conditions that coexist along with autism. I reside in Huntington, IN. I live with my parents and three dogs – Miley, Bella, and Scooter. I love to hang out with my dogs and take them on walks. I enjoy playing basketball with friends. I played basketball in elementary school and was one of the stars on the team. I have had many challenges with being on the autism spectrum. Keeping employment has been the hardest part of autism for me. Traditional jobs just do not work for me.
16 Special Needs Living • March 2021
Instead, I am trying to make it through life and support myself as an entrepreneur. I love to write books about autism. I recently started my own publishing company – TEB Publishing – to help other people publish their books. My goal is to help parents of children with autism tell their stories in a book so that they can share their stories with the world like I do. I also hope to help publish books for autistic teens and adults who want to tell their stories. I personally believe everyone should be able to write and publish their story in a book. Life was easy in elementary school. Things really began to become a challenge for me when I got into middle school and I started having to change classes.