2 minute read
Special Needs Living-Empowerment Day
Special Needs Living invites you to join parents and caregivers of special
needs individuals for a day of encouragement and connections
No matter where you are in your journey, we invite you to join us. This is put on by parents and caregivers for parents and caregivers. The goal of this day is to take you from surviving to thriving. There will be personal stories shared, round table discussions, and many connection opportunities available throughout the day.
Mom and dad perspective, self-care and mindfulness, perspectives from parents with young kids, teen kids and adults with special needs. Breakouts for how to sustain your marriage while raising a child with special needs. How to find your tribe and support in the special needs community as a single parent or caregiver. A panel breakout for how to best navigate through the waiver for kids and one for parents who have adult kids on the waiver. We will have a message to talk about how to thrive and easy-to-do mindfulness activities throughout the event. We will end with a Food Truck Social, where everyone is welcome to stay, grab something to eat and continue to connect with people from the event.
This event will be in person. We will have virtual options available. The event is free thanks to White River Christian Church, Special Needs Living and the supporters. We hope to see you there.
We hope you leave feeling like you can thrive and that you have a community with many connections, resources, and support!
Hope to see you there! Date and time Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. EDT Location White River Christian Church 1685 North 10th St. Noblesville, IN 46060
We will have in-person and virtual options available. You can reserve your spot here or scan the QR code below. https://www. eventbrite.com/e/ special-needs-livingempowerment-daytickets-358772416957