Festa Italiana Program 2016

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Come for the Food, Stay for the Fun!

FREE Admission! at Seattle Center

Sat & Sun

The 29th Annual

Sept. 24-25

“Great Italian Chefs” Cooking Demos • Live in Concert, GIADA VALENTI “From Venice with Love” with special guest Tony La Stella • World-Famous Grape Stomp, Italian Car Show, Italian Dog Show, Bocce Tournament, Pizza Toss, Kids Activities, Great Food & More!

www.FestaSeattle.com Produced by Caldirola Productions • Program Design by Tomo Kuman-Lesher, Printing by Strong Impressions • For more information (206) 282-0627 The Space Needle image is a registered trademark of Space Needle LLC and is used under license.

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9/1/16 3:53 PM

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Welcome to Seattle’s 29th Annual Festa Italiana! Festa Italiana is an all-volunteer community organization which produces an annual series of events the last week of September, culminating in a major Italian Festival at Seattle Center. Since 1988, Festa Italiana has been celebrating the cultural roots of Italians and Italian-Americans in the Pacific Northwest by promoting the arts, the food and the culture that are uniquely Italian.

Join Us Come join us in the beautiful Fisher Pavilion and the surrounding grounds and buildings at Seattle Center as once again we present the 29th Annual Italian Festival, September 24 & 25, 2016. Times are 10 AM - 7 PM, Saturday and 10 AM - 6 PM, Sunday. Friday night at 7 PM, we welcome international singing star Giada Valenti “From Venice with Love.”


Our highlights include Seattle’s “Great Italian Chef” headlining a great schedule of cooking demos, Sicilian puppetry by the Carter Family Marionettes and a Grape Stomping competition which has to be seen to be believed! By popular demand, the Food Court & Vendor Market has been expanded as well. As always, we will again offer a wide array of cultural and educational opportunities in which to participate and learn. Year after year, however, our main attractions continue to be food, entertainment and fun for the whole family! Benvenuti!

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Italian Singer, Giada Valenti, Opens Festa with Friday Night Concert At 8:00 PM, Friday Night, September 23, 2016, Festa Italiana will present “Giada Valenti… From Venice with Love” as the Grand Opening of the 29th Annual Italian Festival at Seattle Center. This special concert will be presented in the Fisher Pavilion at 8:00 PM with doors opening at 7:00 PM. It stars world-renowned Italian singer Giada Valenti from Venice, Italy in a Seattle performance of her USA tour “From Venice with Love,” which has been seen nationwide on PBS television stations since December. In the concert, Giada performs her own interpretations of American and Italian hit songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s, as well as recent contemporary material. Critics have said “Giada’s voice and spirit touches the heart of her audiences, she is a rare talent who can deliver songs in multiple genres.” Giada Valenti’s “From Venice With Love” is a romantic musical journey that will make you fall in love with love all over again.

Table of Contents

Welcome (2) Features (3) Festival Entertainment (4 & 5) Grape Stomp (6) Bocce Tournament (7) Festival Schedule (8 & 9) Just for Kids (10 & 11) Chef Demos (12) Local Italian Resources (13) Giveaways & Arts (14) Beer Gardens (15)

Featuring “Great Italian Chefs”

Check out the Map on the Back!

Festa Italiana 2016 OFFICERS Dennis Caldirola Executive Director Joanne Spino Marchese President Michele Guerrini Vice President Martin Nigrelle Secretary Mike Carrosino Treasurer

TRUSTEES Gary Galeotti Cathy Mettler Joel Patience Nello Prissinotti EMERITUS BOARD Remo Borracchini Richard Bruno Dorene Centioli-McTigue Nick Grossi

Art Direction by Mark Falconer | Layout & Design by Jacqie Callahan, Pacific Publishing Company

For the details check out page 12 3

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Festival Entertainment Giada Valenti September 23rd, Festa Italiana will present “Giada Valenti... From Venice with Love” as the Grand Opening act of the 29th Annual Italian Festival at Seattle Center. Tickets $35 and $100. Doors open at 7 PM.

Tony La Stella Mamma Mia! Popular local Italian-American tenor Tony La Stella and his band will only play one show Sunday and you don’t want miss it. Sponsored in part by the Veterans Family Fund of America.

Gino Lucchetti & Nancy Grossi This Italianate tenor and lovely diva partner perform all of your favorite operatic arias with verve and emotion... glorious Italian vocals.

The Vancouver Italian Folk Chorus Very versatile ensemble whose repertoire includes some of the most beloved Italian songs of all time. We appreciate their loyalty to us all these years and are looking forward to their performance that also features members of their opening act, The Italian Men’s Choir of Canada.

Ballard Sedentary Sousa Band Early Saturday afternoon on the Moretti Mainstage, The Ballard Sedentary Sousa Band presented classic Italian marches including the “March of the Bersaglieri” and “A Frangesa,” as well as excerpts from “Aida” and “il Trovatore.” Guaranteed to wake you up!


Mbrascatu The nationally-known indie band from Portland, OR will be playing Saturday night only this year. With all their songs sung in Calabrese dialect, this is “Tarantella Rock” at its finest! Sponsored in part by a grant from WESTAF and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Danny Quintero “Danny Q.” is know throughout the NW as a great Sinatra-like song stylist. When not fronting a 16-piece Big Band at nightclubs like Tula’s, he shows off his silky voice in more intimate gigs with a quartet.

Fortissimo! Known for many years as “Seattle’s Three Tenors,” these singers have been show-stoppers at Festa for over 16 years now... Gino Lucchetti, Chai Ahrenius and Steve Wall are all brilliant operatic talents in their own right...together they are awesome! Always a standing ovation.

Italian Choir of British Columbia Returning to Festa every other year...this Canadian choral group never fails to impress audiences with their tight harmonies and classic repertoire. They also feature an accordionist and a wonderful soprano.

Seattle Mandolin Orchestra Returning to Festa year after year, this large and unique ensemble sets the tone each day by being the “opening act.” Lovely to listen to, fun to watch.

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Festival Entertainment The Primo Basso Band Led by Lenny Luzzi and Tom Falcone of the Rigatones and featuring a “hot” Italian singer, this five-piece combo plays every year at “The Great Italian Festival” in Reno, Nevada.

Julie Cascioppo Julie Cascioppo, Seattle’s “Sicilian Diva” has entertained audiences in Paris, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Bangkok, Hong Kong, London, Hamburg, Brussels, New York, LA and San Francisco. When she’s in Seattle, she’s usually at Vito’s or some other intimate cabaret of the type that used to be called “smoky.” She loves to perform at Festa because she gets to play to to her Italian side and sing songs from her childhood.

The Porcaro Group A new addition to the lineup on the Moretti Mainstage, Rob Porcaro hails from Toronto Ontario Canada and has been singing since he was 9 years of age. In the late 60’s, he fronted the legendary “Thin Red Line” and immigrated with them to Seattle where he now sings at festivals like the Bite of Seattle the Taste of Tacoma and the San Gennaro Festival.

The RigaTones Lenny Luzzi and Tom Falcone... always draw big crowds with their tunes and high-energy antics. Watch for them each afternoon in the big Wine & Beer Garden with everyone singing along. Now, That’s Amore!

The Tarantellas Richard Sclafani and Pete Cicero were lifelong musicians who grew up in Italian-American families in Seattle. They were musical “paesans” for 30 years until Peter’s passing a year ago. He has been ably replaced by guitarist Juan Barco.

Carter Family Marionettes The award-winning Carter Family Marionettes from the NW Puppet Center in Seattle, present their brand new production of “Columbina’s Birthday,” starring Arlechino and the whole Commedia dell’ Arte gang, twice daily all weekend.

Orchestra Italiana under the direction of Bill Halsey Presenting “from Vivaldi to Verdi”, Vivaldi’s Concerto in F for 2 oboes, 2 hunting horns, solo violin and strings, and Verdi’s Forza del Destino overture plus other favorites.

La Mezzanotte Trio Consisting of Bonnie Birch, Nick Heiting & Paul Ostler will appear in both the Wine Garden and on the Moretti Mainstage accompanying Fortissimo!

Cinquegranelli Montessori Students Students from our local Italian Montessori School have opened Festa Italiana with song and dance for over 25 years.

Bob Bailey III Our Grape Stomp caller, also known as “Doc Bailey” loves to make Seattle laugh. Around the world he’s a comedy star but at home he’s just a funny guy from Ballard.


Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Grape Stomp Competition Your mission, should you decide to accept it, it is as follows Each three-person team must crush the most juice from 20 pounds of grapes in four minutes. Every member of the winning team gets great prizes and every stomper gets a free Tutta Bella Grape Stomp T-shirt!


1. Each team consists of three participants, 15 years of age or older and in good health. All team members are required to sign the Grape Stomp Waiver-Release. 2. Only teams that submit the entry fee of $24 per team, a completed application & waiver-release will be officially entered to compete. 3. Each team will consist of three stompers/collectors. Only one person will be permitted to stomp at a time.

Stomp Rules

1. The Grape Stomp will consist of heats beginning at 12:45 PM each day. The last heat will take place at approximately 4:45 PM 2. Each team will have a barrel with 20 pounds of grapes to stomp. The team collecting the most juice in their heat will be the winner. 3. Stompers must use bare feet. 4. One four-minute heat allows 3 minutes of stomping and 1 minute of juice collecting. 5. A five-gallon jug will be used to collect the juice. 6. The juice will be measured by the judge, encouraged by the audience.

May the Best Feet Win! 6

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

29th Annual

Oberto Bocce Tournament Saturday, September 24th & Sunday, September 25th, 2016

The Bocce Tournament is one of the major events of Festa and we want you and your team to join the fun! This year, the tournament is staying in the Seattle Center Pavilion. We invite your club or organization to participate in the tournament with as many teams of four as you wish. As always, this will be a double-elimination contest. Many players find it hard to be available for a two day tournament, therefore we plan to break it into two categories similar to last year. You are asked to place your team in one of the following categories: RECREATIONAL - For teams that play on a casual basis or spur of the moment - This category plays every year on Saturday. MASTERS - For teams that regularly play together in most tournaments - This category plays every year on Sunday. Play will begin each day at 9 am and all teams must be registered by 9 am. Latecomers may forfeit their chance to play after that time. The Bocce committee reserves the right to reassign a team to another category if necessary. You will be advised by phone if this occurs. Teams may be coed and should have their own equipment. The entry fee is $80.00 per team. A T-shirt, hand towel or hat will be given to each team member so be sure to indicate the proper size in the entry form. First and second place teams in both categories will receive a trophy or medallion.

The Dante Alighieri Society PRESENTS

Maratona Infernale: Infernal Marathon The Dante Alighieri Society invites you to a free screening of Lamberto Lambertini’s 7-hour film “Maratona Infernale”Infernal Marathon (Readings of the 34 Cantos from Dante’s Inferno in the original Italian with English subtitles). Nonstop at the Armory Loft 2, Sat. and Sun., from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Become immersed in the poetry, images and music of Italy. Watch for as long as you like!


Saturday Festival Schedule

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Exhibitors & Vendors



(Kid’s Stage) MC: Gary Galotti

MC: John Venables


Cinquegranelli Montessori Students 10 - 11a


Seattle Mandolin Orchestra 11a - 12p


Ballard Sedentary Sousa Band 12 - 1p

2. Borracchini’s Bakery, Fisher Food Court & Fisher Pavilion 3. Caffe Appassionato Espresso, Fisher Food Court & Fisher Pavilion 4. Festa Italiana Sodas, Fisher Pavilion 5. Festa Pasta Booth, Fisher Food Court 6. Festa Sausage Sandwiches, Fisher Food Court 7. Festa Wine & Beer Gardens, 3 Locations!


Gino Luchetti & Nancy Grossi 1 - 2p


Italian Men’s Choir of Canada 2 - 3p

8. Procopio Gelateria, Fisher Pavilion 9. Shiskaberries, International Fountain (Car Show) 10. Sons of Italy (Seattle) Meatball Sandwiches, Fisher Food Court 11. Tutta Bella Pizza Truck, Fisher Courtyard


Vancouver Italian Folk Chorus 3 - 4p


Fortissimo! w/ the Bonnie Birch Band 4 - 5p


The Porcaro Group 5 - 6p


Danny Quintero 6 - 7p


Mbrascatu 7 - 8p

12. Urban Pie Pizza Samples, Armory Walkway EXHIBITORS & PRODUCT VENDORS 1. 11 Olives Olive Oil & Vinegars - Fisher Pavilion 2. A Masquerade Costumes & Masks Fisher Pavilion 3. Apple Cox, Artist – The Armory (Art Show) 4. Books About Italy – Fisher Pavilion 5. Facepainting with Reese Scales Tino’s Cortile




MC: Bob Bailey III

Festival Opens at 10am

FOOD VENDORS: 1. Al Forno Feruzza Pizza, Fisher Food Court


Brian Gojdics from Tutta Bella 11 - 12p Festa Pizza Toss 12 - 12:30p The Tarantellas 12 - 2p

Italian Puppy Parade 12:30 - 1p Carter Family Marionettes 1 - 2p Festa Pizza Toss 2 - 2:30p

La Mezzanotte Trio 2 - 4p

Zoe Zavaglia 12 - 1p

Italian Puppy Parade 2:30 - 3p Carter Family Marionettes 3 - 4p

Tobie Robinson 1 - 2p

Grape Stomp at

Steve Thompson 2 - 3p

40 Minutes Past the Hour from 12:40 - 4:40p

David Madrid West Coast Italian Radio 3 - 4p Brad Inserra from Columbia Hospitality 4 - 5p

The RigaTones 4 - 7p

Sunday Festival Schedule MORETTI MAIN STAGE


TINO’S CORTILE (Kid’s Stage) MC: Gary Galotti

MC: John Venables



MC: Bob Bailey III

Festival Opens at 10am








Exhibitors & Vendors 6. Festa Historical Photos - Armory



Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

7. Festa Souvenir Booth - Fisher Pavilion

Walter Pisano from Tulio

Julie Cascioppo 11a - 12p

Italian Men’s Choir of Canada 12 - 1p

Vancouver Italian Folk Chorus 1 - 2p Bill Halsey & the Italian Orchestra 2 - 3p

Primo Basso Band 3 - 4p

11 - 12p

The Tarantellas 12 - 2p

Italian Puppy Parade 12:30 - 1p

La Mezzanotte Trio 2 - 4p

12 - 1p

Carter Family Marionettes 1 - 2p Festa Pizza Toss 2 - 2:30p Italian Puppy Parade 2:30 - 3p Carter Family Marionettes 3 - 4p

Luigi DeNunzio from Seattle’s Little Italy

1 - 2p Grape Stomp at 40 Minutes Past the Hour from 12:40 - 4:40p

Franz Junga & Marco Nocco from Il Fornaio

2 - 3p

The RigaTones 4 - 6p

8. Italian Dog Show - Tino’s Cortile (SC Pavilion) 9. Italy4Real.com Fisher Pavilion 10. Jewelry of Italy Fisher Pavilion 11. Le Arti della Festa (Art Show) – The Armory 12. Mediterranean Olive Trees – Fisher Pavilion 13. OSA F.C. Soccer Classes - Tino’s Cortile (SC Pavilion) 14. Pacific Food Importers (PFI) Fisher Pavilion 15. Venus Fashion Jewelry – Fisher Pavilion

Frank Insernio from Insernio Sausage

3 - 4p

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 1. Dante Alighieri Society, Fisher Pavilion

Perry Mascitti & Jeremy Taisey from Tulalip Prescort Casino

Tony LaStella 4 - 5p

Fortissimo! w/ the Bonnie Birch Band 5 - 6p

Enza Sorrentino from Mondello Ristorante & Ronald Holden from Cornichon

Festa Pizza Toss 12 - 12:30p

8. Home Depot Crafts for Kids - Tino’s Cortile (SC Pavilion)

3 - 4p

2. Eastside Genealogical Society, Fisher Pavilion 3. il Punto Cultural Center, Fisher Pavilion 4. Italian Club of Seattle, Fisher Pavilion 5. Seattle-Perugia Sister City Association, Fisher Pavilion 6. VFW Italian-American War Heroes Exhibit, Fisher Pavilion 7. Dante film “Maratona Infernale,” Armory Loft


Just for Kids

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

The emphasis that Italian-Americans, and Italian immigrants in general, place upon “family” means that any festival based on a love of “All Things Italian” is going to be very kid-friendly in just about every aspect. Everywhere you look there’s food, music and colorful dancing. (We only ask that they don’t go in the Wine and Beer Gardens!) Nevertheless, there are some activities at the Italian Festival that have been specifically designed for the younger set.

Soccer Classes

Tino’s Cortile In memory of our good friend and avid supporter, Tino Lazzaretti, the Kids Courtyard at the Italian Festival has been renamed “Tino’s Cortile.” In this small way, Festa seeks to honor his legacy of promoting education for children, especially children of immigrants, as a means to fulfillment of “the American Dream.” Sponsored in perpetuity by the Costantino Lazzaretti Endowment.


The OSA FC, formerly the Tacoma FC, has announced they will provide an inflatable soccer court in Tino’s Cortile, the kids courtyard at the Italian Festival at Seattle Center, and conduct soccer clinics for children of all ages! On hand to teach will be the almost all-Italian coaches and team members from both the men’s squad and the women’s squad, and, while supplies last, they will give out prizes and premiums to the young players. Times: 11 AM - 3 PM, both Saturday & Sunday

Just for Kids

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Italian Puppies at Italian Festival & Puppy Parades The All-Italian-Breeds Dog Show is in the SC Pavilion, also known as Tino’s Cortile. There will be separate booths for each breed including Sicilian Sight Hounds known in Italian as Cirneci dell’Etna, Italian Greyhounds (center), Lagotti Romagnoli (right), Spinoni Italiani (far right) and Cani Corsi, amazingly big mastiffs. Each day at 12:30 and 2:30 PM, their handlers will bring them out on a leash to be petted as they tell you all about their breed. Your kids will not want to miss this!

The Festa Pizza Toss

Design Your Own Tile FR


(What a Show! Don’t Miss it!)

12 Noon, 2 & 4 PM, Saturday, and 12 Noon, 2 & 4 PM, Sunday - Tino’s Cortile, Seattle Center Pavilion. Sponsored by the Washington State Grand Lodge of the Sons of Italy in America.

The Carter Family Marionettes From the NW Puppet Center will reprise their new production of “Columbina’s Birthday,” starring Arlechino and the whole Commedia dell’ Arte gang, at 1 PM and 3 PM, Saturday and Sunday in Tino’s Cortile indoors in the Seattle Center Pavilion.

Take Home & Bake it in the oven, 11 AM to 4 PM, both days at the big orange booth sponsored by HOME DEPOT, Tino’s Cortile, Seattle Center Pavilion.

Cinquegranelli Montessori School Performance On Saturday, the children of Cinquegranelli Montessori School will sing and dance to Italian songs on the Moretti Mainstage in the Fisher Pavilion, 10:30 AM.


Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Insernio’s Sausage Presents

Great Italian Chefs Saturday Demos

Sunday Demos

11 AM - Brian Gojdics Tutta Bella

11 AM - Walter Pisano Tulio Ristorante

12 NOON - Zoe Zavaglia

12 - Enza Sorrentino & Ronald Holden Ristorante Mondello and Cornichon

1 PM - Tobie Robinson Private Chef

1 PM - Luigi DeNunzio Al Boccalino & Cafe Bengodi

12 NOON - Steven Thompson Private Chef

2 PM - Franz Junga & Marco Nocco Il Fornaio

3 PM - David Madrid West Coast Italian Radio

3 PM - Frank Insernio Insernio Sausage

4 PM- Brad Inserra Columbia Hospital

4 PM- Perry Mascitti & Jeremy Taisey Tulalip Resort & Casino

Every hour throughout the weekend, a different chef from a local Italian Restaurant will be featured on the “Great Italian Chefs” Cooking Stage sponsored by Isernio’s Sausage. Additional support provided by the Mediterranean Inn, Ostroms Mushrooms, Lava Heat “Italia” Patio Heaters and Minterbrook Oysters. Over the years we have had demos from chef’s representing such local restaurants as: Café Juanita, Tulio, il Fornaio, Il Terrazzo Carmine, Café Bengodi, Serefina, Assaggio, etc. Take a look at this year’s great line up! Come Learn Italian Cooking from the Experts! Free Admission. Lots of delicious free samples!!!

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Festa Italiana Seattle 2016


Il Punto! Italian Cultural Center

Salvatore Cascone, President 1315 24th St SE Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 939-3502 Ragusani@comcast.net www.AuburnBocce.org

Andrea Callegari, President 23718 Bothell-Everett Hwy, #H, Bothell, Washington 98021 ilpuntoseattle@gmail.com wwww.ilpuntoseattle.org

Auburn OSIA #1955 Dan Chicketti, President P.O. Box 1224 Auburn, WA 98071-1224 (206) 478-3876 Dan.C.Chicketti@Gmail.com

Italian Interest Group / Eastside Genealogical Society Mary DeMatteo Sangalang, President PO Box 374 Bellevue, WA 98009-0374 (425) 649-2250 collectingroots@msn.com


Bellevue OSIA #2377

Italian Club of Seattle

Linda Patricelli, President 22837 NE 132ND ST REDMOND WA 98053-5664 (425) 898-7412 lindapatricelli@hotmail.com

Diana Kaczor, President 2616 W. Lynn Seattle, WA 98199 (206) 427-8799 dianakaczor@hotmail.com wwww.ItalianClubofSeattle.org

CAI-PNW (Italian Alpine Club)

Seattle Fedele OSIA #1390

Norizan Paterra, President 22837 NE 132ND ST 11624 NE 65th St. Kirkland WA 98033 (425) 576-9257 info@cai-pnw.org www.cai-pnw.com

Angela Mascio, President P O. Box 94467 Seattle, WA. 98124 (206) 206-229-8334 president@seattlesonsofitaly.org

Casa Italiana Board of Directors Martin Nigrelle, President 1600 - 28th Ave. West Seattle WA 98199-4205 (206) 310-7689 martin.nigrelle@hotmail.com

Alan Veigel, President 6016 - 24th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98115-7009 (206) 527-0994 alan35@comcast.net seattle.gov/oir/sistercities/perugia.htm

Casa Italiana Board of Governors

Seattle Trentino Club

Brian DiJulio, President Washington Asset Mgmt. 10657 NE 2nd St. Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 646-6630 bdijulio@gmail.com

Dante Alighieri Society Dan DeMatteis, President Box 9494 Seattle, WA 98109 (206) 556-4120 danteseattle.info@gmail.com www.danteseattle.org

Feast of San Gennaro Jerry Mascio, Director San Gennaro Foundation 1217 S. Angelo Street Seattle, WA 98108 (253) 872-1900 info@sangennarofestivalseattle.org www.sangennarofestivalseattle.org

Grand Lodge OSIA Tony Anderson, State President 7502 N 15TH ST TACOMA WA 98406-1107 (253) 677-9366 atony@harbornet.com www.osiaglnw.org

Seattle-Perugia Sister City Association

Joan Barker, President 700 S. 282nd St. #742 Des Moines, WA 98198 (206) 878-4502 www.facebook.com/groups/seattletrentinoclub

UW Italian Studies Division of French and Italian Studies Richard Watts, Chair Box 354361, University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6241 FAX: (206) 616-3302 rhwatts@u.washington.edu frenital@u.washington.edu depts.washington.edu/frenital/

Tacoma OSIA #1175 Don Dosa 521 Buena Vista Ave. Fircrest WA 98466-6903 don.dosa@yahoo.com (253) 564-6109

West Side Italian Civic Club Micheal Bailey, President 605 Boylston Ave E., APT 305 Seattle, WA 98102-7004 (206) 914-4433 mbailey0205@yahoo.com


Festa Italiana Seattle 2016


Art & Photography Few places in the world offer artists and photographers the endless opportunities found in Italy. It’s no mistake that this central European Country in the shape of a boot possess a unique beauty of its own. Be it the landscapes, the architecture, the seascapes, the people or even the 15th century cobblestone streets, Italy looks good in watercolor, oil or through any camera lens. Now in the top spot for US travelers going abroad, the biggest challenge an artist or photographer has in Italy is where to buy more film or another easel!

Art Show of Works About Italy

Win a one-week Stay in Italy for two in a Villa in Tuscany Courtesy of Italy4real.com. Proceeds benefit Fest Italiana, a non-profit organization. Win a one-week stay in Italy for two in a villa in Tuscany from Italy4Real.com. Raffle Tickets $5 a piece. Only 1,000 chances will be sold. Drawing at 6:00pm Sunday in the Fisher Pavilion.


This year, Le Arti della Festa Italiana will again be expanded to incorporate more artists and more artistic media. As always, this exhibit will feature work by myriad artists on any number of subjects but still centered on Italy, Italian culture and Italian life. As in past years, it will be presented in the Armory at Seattle Center and be available for viewing for free by the general public on Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 5 PM. “Le Arti della Festa Italiana” is a juried show and artists including painters, photographers, sculptors and mixed-media, etc. are encouraged to apply. To enter, please follow the registration process below. “Le Arti della Festa Italiana” is a juried show and all artists including painters, photographers and sculptors are encouraged to apply.

The Festa Italiana Historical Photo Exhibit Sponsored by American Family Insurance Check out the Photos on display Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 5 PM.

Classic Italian Vehicles Italian Autos, Motorcycles, Scooters and Bicycles at Fisher Green at the International Fountain SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION: A display of Alfa Romeos, Maseratis and 2016 Fiat 500 “Cinquecento” models from Rairdon’s Alfa Romeo of Kirkland.

Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Wine & Beer Gardens Because of the Italian tradition of marrying wine and beer with food, there will be three Wine & Beer Gardens at the Italian Festival, all sponsored by our wonderful providers. One will be in the Fisher Pavilion with a nice view of the Mainstage, one will be on the Fisher Roof in the “Piazza Food Court,” and the third will be in the Fisher Pavilion Courtyard featuring strolling musicians playing your Italian favorites in the sunshine. Look for the colorful umbrellas and the white picket fences.

THE FOLLOWING BEVERAGES ARE AVAILABLE - Bolla Wines of Italy (Chianti, Pinot Grigio & Prosecco) by the Glass: $6 by the Bottle: $20 - Moretti Beer - Rossi & Lager (Imported) by the bottle: $5 - Limoncello di Torino by the shot: $5 with San Pellegrino Sparkling water: $5 - Bicerin Chocolate Liquore by shot: $5 with San Pellegrino Sparkling water: $5 - San Pellegrino Italian Sparkling water (8oz Bottle): $1 - Acqua Panna Italian Spring Water (8oz Bottle): $1 All Sponsored by Bolla Wine & Prosecco, Moretti Beer and Bicerin di Gianduiotto

By Washington State law, no one under the age of 21 may enter a Wine & Beer Garden and I.D. is required.

The Festa Italiana Historical Photo Exhibit Sponsored by American Family Insurance. Check out the Photos on display Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 5 PM

A display photo of Joe Desimone (founder of Pike Place Market) on farm truck with produce, early ‘teens?

DeSanto and Scaringi warehouse with Zinfandel grapes (probably from California) early sixties?

Baker Giglio Gai and Lena Iacolucci, Graham Street Grocery; early 20’s?


Festa Italiana Seattle 2016

Festival Map 1. Key Arena 2. Northwest Room 3. Snoqualmie Room 4. Seattle Repertory Theatre 5. Intiman Theater 6. Exhibition Hall 7. Pacific Northwest Ballet 8. McGraw Hall 9. Mercer Forum 10. Mercer Arena 11. KCTS Television 12. Memorial Stadium 13. KCTS Television 14. Skate Park 15. EMP 16. Space Needle 17. Seattle Center Monorail 18. Fun Forest Amusement Park

24. Sculpture Garden 25. Seattle’ Children’s Theatre 26. The Fisher Pavillion/ Terrace

18A. Dale Chihuly Museum

Moretti Mainstage, Food, Arts & Craft Vendors, Indoor Wine Garden

19. Center House/ Armory

27. The Fisher Courtyard

“Taste of Italy” Wine Tasting, Historical Photos, Le Arti della Festa Art Exhibit

Wine Garden, Ducatis & Scooters

20. The Children’s Museum 21. Boeing Imax Theatre 22. Pacific Science Center

28. Pacific Science Center Pavilion/ Skateboard Park Italian Dog Show, Bocce Tournament, and Tinos Cortile (Kids Courtyard)

23. Mural Amphitheater

Artisan Gelato . Espresso Drinks Lunch . Beer & Wine

29. International Fountain/ Fisher Green Classic Italian Vehicles Show

31. Storm Team Shop P. Parking

30. Pottery Northwest

Do You Want to Learn Italian?

The Dante Alighieri Society of Washington offers all levels of Italian, small classes and native Italian-speaking instructors. You can also get a PLIDA Italian Competency Certificate. Evening classes are at Seattle University and start on Oct. 4th for the fall.

Interested in All Things Italian?

DAS members meet twice a month for talks – in Italian or English - on Italian art, history, life and culture and for good conversation and warm hospitality. Why not become a Dante member?

Learn more about DAS Stop by Booth 2 in Fisher Pavilion Visit our website at www.danteseattle.org facebook.com/danteseattle


Give us a call (206) 556-4120


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