Monroe Monitor Holiday Guide 2017

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Holiday Guide

MONROE MONITOR & VALLEY NEWS November 28, 2017 | Published Since 1899

Monroe For The Holidays


Holiday Guide

November 28, 2017 | Published Since 1899


Saturday, December 2, 2017 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Hosted by East County Senior Center 276 Sky River Pkwy Monroe, WA 360-794-6359

Raffle tickets for this decorative quilt are $1 each


Holiday Hops & Harvest Bazaar

SATurdAy deceMber 9TH 1-6pM Taste Wine, Beer, Chocolate, Coffee, Cookies, Cheese & More! Visit Santa • Live Holiday Music ALcoHoL TASTing TickeTS 8 for $10, or $2 eAcH All Proceeds Going To Sky Valley Food Bank

Dreadnought Brewery • Post Doc Brewery • 20 Corners Brewery • Triplehorn Brewery Skookum Brewery • Gregarious Cellars • WilRidge Winery • J. Bookwalter Winery Treveri Cellars • Forgeron Cellars • Cherry Valley Dairy • Galaxy Chocolates Black Barrel Vintage • And More! bring An unwrApped gifT for Sky VALLey food bAnk


Downtown onroe has it all Lynnwood resident Katy Penwell stood behind her brimming display of honey-based items at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds Gary D. Weikel Event Center on Black Friday. Jars and tubes of the sticky, sweet gel, soaps, lotions and salves were piled high on small wooden crates throughout the booth. The owner encouraged passing perusers to take a whiff of the organic, scented cosmetics. “Everything is made by the bees and for the bees,” she said. Penwell was among 140 small-business owners peddling their products at the second Olde St. Nick’s Christmas Market on Friday and Saturday. Poppyseed Productions founder Molly Daniels and Rustic Pine boutique owner Andrew Fegler put on the event. The market has grown significantly since its beginning the year before as a storefront filler in the back of Big Daddy John’s, which is no longer in business. Thousands chose to start their holiday shopping at the site this weekend.

Walking around the long lines of booths, many of the companies started in home studios. Often, the majority of products are sold online or at different markets and fairs. Daniels said hundreds of people applied for the open slots, which meant she had to turn many down. She said she wanted to spotlight smaller local companies with rare homemade products, or ones that complemented each other. Each applicant was vetted, Daniels said. The quality of the commodity, professionalism of the business, and the owners’ engagement with their clients came into play. About 100 companies with handcrafted items and 40 with direct sales, such as LulaRoe or Scentsy, were accepted, she said. Daniels began her production company in 2015. It has quickly expanded and become well known within its service areas. She said she spoke with one owner who came as far as Spokane to sell at XXXX, Page 8

“Wishing you a Happy Holiday from our family to yours” Otto Hanssen, DDS • Alfonso Pineyro, DDS Rob Pratt, DDS • Nguyen Nguyen, DDS • John Kenny, DDS

Monroe Family Dentistry • Utmost attention to your comfort • Emergency patients welcome • Latest in cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening • Nitrous oxide gas available • Complimentary consultations • Most insurance plans accepted and filed


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corner of Tye Street & 169th, Monroe @ harrysontye | 360.863.2439

learn more at Member WDS


Holiday Guide

November 28, 2017 | Published Since 1899


From our family at the Monroe Monitor, to you and yours! Wishing you a very Happy Holiday and prosperous New Year.

Everyone Loves Caramel Popcorn! Submitted by Suzette Graafstra, Pharm A Save Medical Supply

Brandon, Kelly and Amanda

19030 Lenton Pl SE Monroe • 360-805-3530 For every $25 purchased in GIFT CARDS receive 8 oz. Soft Serve or 15 points added to FIVE STARS account!

Pop 3-4 poppers of air corn and put This is going to create a “foam” into a paper bag. This is a great trick that allows it to really stick to the for easy cleanup! popcorn. Keep stirring and pour over the 3 –4 air poppers of corn that are in the paper bag. Close In a big saucepan: the top of the bag and shake. Once • 1 cup brown sugar coated, lay it out on the counter or • ¼ cup Lite Karo syrup a non-adhering surface and let cool. • ¼ cup or 1 stick of butter Store in an air tight container.

Bring this to a rolling boil, stir for appr. 2-3 minutes then add: • 1 tsp. soda • 1 tsp. salt

Really... Who doesn't like caramel popcorn! Enjoy...

Order Your Holiday YoPies and YoCakes for Christmas, New Years, and Valentine’s Day. Or any special occasion. Come see us all winter!

Soft Serve


Buy 1 Soft Serve & get $2 off a 2nd Cup

CALL US TODAY: 360-794-8024

Submitted by Bonnie Roulstone Harry’s on Tye

A great way to transform any bourbon stout or moscato for the holidays is to mix it with your favorite cider. A good sweet cider to use is D’s Baked Cider or another locally made cider. Throw in a cinnamon stick and drink in the holiday season. Holiday Cocktails -1 ½ ounces of your favorite Vodka -3 ounces of cranberry juice -a spritz of lime juice (remember fresh is always better) -fresh pomegranate Directions: Mix together your vodka, cranberry juice and lime juice in a shaker with ice. Place your pomegranate in the bottom of a glass and strain your drink mixture over the top of your fresh fruit. If you are not a fan of pomegranate you can leave it out and the drink is still a holiday favorite.

Warm Up YoUr HolidaYS We’re Here to Serve You!

19922 Highway 2, Monroe, WA 98272 | Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. | Sundays - Closed


Holiday Guide

November 28, 2017 | Published Since 1899

Of Milk and

A holiday shopper

Honey owner Katy

stops to decorate

Penwell chats with

pottery at Becca

customers during

Otis’s 5 Lines

the Olde St. Nick’s

Pottery booth

Christmas Market

during the Olde St.

at the Evergreen

Nick’s Christmas

State Fairgrounds

Market at the

Gary D. Weikel

Evergreen State

Event Center on

Fairgrounds Gary


D. Weikel Event Center on Friday.

Think small shop local XXXXX, From Page 6

the market. Pa m S e l ne s i s one of D a n ie l s’ preferred vendors. They have been working together for about two years at other markets and events. Selnes is an entrepreneur for Trades of Hope, a company that promotes and sells Fair Trade products made by impoverished women in 17 countries, including the U.S., as a way of helping them improve their quality of life and move into a position where they can also support their own communities. Selnes said she star ted her ow n business with the company about 1 1/2

years ago. Raising up other women has become her passion. Right now they are marketing many holiday products made around the globe, she said. A few of those sat prominently on tables, including ornaments and decorations for household displays. “Yeah, it’s been a good day,” she said smiling. “I am happy, I can help a few more women.” Penwell also said her sales were a success. She said she will likely walk away with nearly five times as much revenue as she has made at similar events. Both women said Daniels is one of the most organized event planners

they have worked with. Her speedy communication and respect for the vendors is spot on, they said. Tara Meucci of Lynwood and her children Alivia and Antonio came out to the center to do some early shopping. She said her husband tipped them off to the market that morning. She took a break from browsing while her kids decorated mugs made by Becca Otis of Monroe. The owner of 5 Lines Pottery is in the midst of preparing to open up a storefront on Main Street in the historic downtown corridor. Meucci said she loves markets akin to Olde St. Nick’s. The three family

members frequent craft fairs together. The products are unique, and she prefers to support small businesses when she can, being an owner of one herself. Daniels and Fegler have also expanded throughout the region. They have another Olde St. Nick’s Market scheduled for Dec. 15-16 at the Vasa Park Resort in Bellevue. She said the hope is that they continue to grow the event. “We would love to have it every year,” Daniels said. “We love it — I think the community loves it. Like I said, people are coming from all over.”

Looking for Unique Gifts?

Look no further than Downtown Monroe 5 Junk In The Ol’ Trunk 102 E. Main St. Wed-Sat 11-5 Sun 10-4 1-360-863-7443

1 Black Barrel Vintage Co. 112 W. Main St. Wed-Mon 11-5 1-360-243-8816

S Ferry Ave.


2 Camp 1923 108 W. Main St. Mon-Fri 11-6 Sat 11-5 Sun 11-4

t. in S




6 Vintage & Rust 202 W. Main St. Wed-Sat 11-5 Sun 10-4



3 The Junk sisterhood 126 E. Main St. Mon-Sun 10-6

Lewis St.

Heavenly Soap


7 Heavenly Soaps 115 3/4 W. Main #101 Mon-Sat 9-5 Sun 11-5

4 M&M Antiques 123 N. Lewis Mon-Sat 11-6 sun 11-5

N Blakely St.

7 6

8 Free Spirit Vintage Market 102 E. Main St. Ste 2 Thurs-Mon 11-5

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