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Paleo Diet Tone Abs and Burn Fat T he Paleo diet, or Caveman diet as some like to ref er to it, is basically about eating all natural f oods to boost your metabolism and f acilitate in the f at burning process. I would like to share with you more about this diet and how you can use it to tone your abs and burn f at easily. T he diet is very simple and the #1 f ood rule of Paleo is this: If a caveman didn’t eat it, neither can you.
Going Paleo Sounds simple right?
What does that exactly mean to eat like a caveman? It means you will be cutting out sweets, candies, and processed f ood. Which means things like pasta, rice, bread, bagels, cereal, and all other ref ined grains are all of f -limits. Going on a Paleo diet can be a bit challenging, especially if you love all the good “bad” stuf f like pasta, pastries, cereals, bread, rice etc. If you are a carb lover who is having a rough time dropping weight, I’d seriously suggest putting those ref ined carbs on the backburner f or at least 30 days and giving Paleo a shot. I know you will see tremendous success on this diet and you’ll be amazed at how it can transf orm your body.
Here are six tips f or going Paleo: 1. Drink plenty of water ! As I always talk about on this site, drink a ton of water, cut out all sodas and sugary sports drinks. T hey have no business in this Paleo lif estyle.
2. Eat lean meat and wild fish. When you do eat meat, you want to go as natural as possible. Cut out the processed meats and try your best to eat grass-f ed meat, f ree-range meat, organic meat and wild f ish. 3. Eat mostly veggies and fruit. While the Paleo diet does give the OK to eat meat, it’s important to note that meat wasn’t always available. Remember, cavemen had to hunt f or their f ood and snagging din-din wasn’t always a guarantee. So what did cavemen rely mostly on f or f ood? Veggies and f ruit. And this is what you want to eat too. 4. Eat nuts and seeds, and cook with all-natural oils. Nuts and seeds contain healthy f ats and are good f or you, so eat them. But if you have to drop pounds, you def initely shouldn’t go heavy on nuts- mainly because they are also high in calories. Also when cooking, use natural oils like extra virgin olive oil and grape seed oil which also contain healthy f ats. 5. Eat eggs, but cut out dairy and all processed foods. Eggs, like meat and f ish, will be your source of healthy protein. As f ar as dairy, f act is there were no domesticated cows in caveman days, so dairy’s a no-no. Same goes f or processed f oods, as well as “low calorie” and “low f at” prepackaged meals. Remember, we’re going all natural. 6. Workout like a caveman. Cavemen were very f it (as f ar as we know) and if you want that lean, toned caveman look you should try working out “Paleo style” by doing things like short and f ast sprints (to simulate running f rom a dinosaur), pull-ups (to simulate climbing trees f or f ruit) and other high-intensity, f at blasting moves like squats, lunges and weight-bearing exercises.
Here is a great cookbook to get you started on your new Paleo Diet lif estyle that will have you eating like a Caveman King right f rom the start. Please check out these recipes and come back to let us know which ones are your most f avorite. If you have any others to add, please share them here as well.
photo credit: elana’s pantry via photopin cc photo credit: elana’s pantry via photopin cc