NFBPA So.Flo Standard Newsletter September 2022

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SO.FLO STANDARD Bi-MonthlyEmailNewsletter LEARN MORE ABOUTFORUM2023 Volume SeptemberIV2022 NFBPA Leadership Forum April 26-30, 2022 The National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) is the principal and us.NFBPAThirty-sixinandunparalleledqualityreputationmembers,organizationindependent,andadvancementmostprogressiveorganizationdedicatedtotheofblackpublicleadershipinlocalstategovernments.NFBPAisannonpartisan,501(c)(3)nonprofitfoundedin1983.Withover2,500NFBPAhasestablishedanationalfordesigningandimplementingleadershipdevelopmentinitiativesofsuccess.Ourmembersareleadersmanagersofpublicprogramsandagenciesmorethan350jurisdictionsnationwide.chapterssupportthegrowthofatthelocallevel.Weinviteyoutojoin From Our Partners The Winter Institute is a day-and-a-half interactive conference for FCCMA full members. It is limited to 90 FCCMA members and 10 corporate attendees. It is designed to be an intense, interactive workshop for Boulevard,2023FCCMAFlorida’scityandcountymanagersandassistants.willholdits2023WinterInstituteFebruary9-10,attheSheratonSandKey,1160GulfClearwaterBeach. Inside This Issue: AcademicNewMembersNationalHispanicHeritageMonthontheMoveMemberSpotlightsSuccessStories


NFBPA South Florida celebrates and reflects on the wealth of cultural diversity of our members and local government professionals. The observation of Hispanic Heritage Week began in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period. It was enacted into law populationnumbers,theyColombia,populationwidePerufromofWhenforfromonAugust17,1988.WeobserveHispanicHeritageMonthSeptember15toOctober15everyyear.Thetheme2022is"Unidos:InclusivityforaStrongerNation"wespeakofHispanicandLatinoHeritage,wespeakarich,diverseculturallegacy.FromSpaintoMexico,PanamatoPuertoRico,fromEcuadortoChile,andtotheUnitedStatesofAmerica,Hispanicpeopleareflung.Afro-LatinosmakeupamajorityoftheinCubaandtheDominicanRepublic.InBrazil,Panama,Venezuela,Ecuador,andNicaragua,formasignificantminority.IntermsofabsoluteBrazilhasthelargestAfro-descendantoutsideofAfrica.


Dr. Philip C. Harris, President South Florida Chapter Forum for Black Public

Dr. Philip C. Harris, President South Florida Chapter National Forum for Black Public Administrators

We embrace South Florida’s multicultural communities. Diversity strengthens us as cities and county government. We will continue to design and implement quality leadership development initiatives of unparalleled success for all our members in local government, education, private sector and nonprofit professionals, executives and public managers, andtoadvancetheircareergoals.

On Saturday, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. Calle is a five-time Grammy nominee and won the 2015 Latin Grammy for Best Instrumental Album. He has been featured on more than 1,200 albums and 9,000 singles with the likes of Frank Sinatra, Celia Cruz, Gloria Estefan, Rihanna, and many more big names. Performing alongside his band of some of South Florida’s best studio musicians, Calle will play a blend of smooth jazz, AfroCuban jazz, and new songs.Tickets are available for purchase now. On display from September 15th to October 21st. On display from September 15- October 21, 2022 at Northwest Regional Exhibit Space (located in Northwest Regional Library) and the North Regional/Broward College Library 2nd floor ComeGallery.view amazing and vibrant work from local Latinx artists as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage month! En La Florida features the work of Carla Acosta, Stella Castro, Maria Deluka, Ricky G, Katherine Gerasin, Sara Marcano, Virginia Marvel, Tita Millán, Jonias Riviera, Jamie Ricardo Rodriguez and Carlos Solano.

Delray Beach Arts Garage - Celebration of Music and Culture featuring Latin Grammy-winning jazz saxophonist Dr. Ed Calle

Application Deadline September 15, 2022 Website:

THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE was established in 1987 as a program dedicated to grooming African American managers for the rigors of executive positions in public service organizations. Understanding the array of critical problems faced by cities, counties, and states – the need for talented, energetic, creative, resourceful, and capable executives from diverse backgrounds is increasingly present. ELI was established to sharpen the skills and capabilities of an elite core of managers and administrators who have already demonstrated superior achievement in their careers as assistant city managers, department heads, bureau/division chiefs, and the like. This program is one of the few training institutes in the United States that offers a curriculum mixed with both academic-based theory and practitioner-based experience through partnerships with universities and cities throughout the county. The ability to compare the impacts of urban development, transportation policy, economic development strategies and other public policies in a select group of cities over an eight-month period is unique to ELI participants. Candidates also have an exceptional opportunity to interface with elected and appointed administrators from across the country who grapple with diverse public policy decisions daily, citizens who live in these communities, and universities that study and analyze public management application and theory.

The Wellness Committee was charged with introducing programs to help staff adopt and maintain healthy behaviors and motivate employees to be active. This includes getting proper sleep, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy diet. These healthy behaviors will lead to reduced stress, lower health risks and improved life satisfaction. City leaders know that even when employees are present at work, they may not work productively, especially if they are in poor health. The implementation of the wellness program will assist in improving employee work performance and encouraging staff to live healthy and balanced lives. Better health leads to healthier mental and physical attitudes about work, and a better overall lifestyle. Healthy employees are more productive, happier, less stressed, and work with increased morale. Support is vital for the success of any program. The City of Lauderdale Lakes’ Wellness Program provides social support, tools, and strategies to aid employees adopt and maintain these healthy behaviors. With this support, employees are more excited about physical activity, eating healthy and living a more balanced lifestyle. Employees are also more excited about coming to work, being productive and engaging with their coworkers and their customers. They do all of this because they enjoy the benefits that come from working in an active, balanced and healthy workforce. At the City of Lauderdale Lakes, we know that healthy, happy and engaged employees are key to work life balance and the municipality’s success!

The leaders of the City of Lauderdale Lakes cares about the employees and their physical and mental wellbeing. On June 15, 2022, the City launched a wellness program comprised of seven staff members from various departments managing the program. The Wellness Committee’s mission and vision is to promote physical activity, and wellness and encourages everyone to “Get out and be active.”

2022-2023 EXECUTIVE BOARD Incentive to Students Who SIGN UP for this Event: Event attendees can become a member of the ICMA National and Student Chapter at NSU for free, sign up here(see joining instructions here). Use the NSU Approval Code during sign up: NVSE2022COL.

Join the NFBPA Maryland Chapter for their Annual HBCU Night! Wednesday, September 8th | 7:00PM EST This panel will discuss the hottest topic around townthe settlement of the HBCU lawsuit against the state of Maryland. Featured will be three panelists with firsthand knowledge of the history, the judicial, and the legislative aspects of the lawsuit which resulted in the unprecedented court approved monetary award ($577 million) to settle this case. Participants are encouraged to wear school apparel or otherwise show their school pride! Panelists Join Now on Zoom Meeting ID: 885 5770 6933 Password: 275939 ExcellenceCo-FounderDavidBurton&PresidentCoalitionforEquityandinMarylandHigherEducation MorganDr.EarlRichardsonPresidentEmeritusStateUniversity MichaelJones ExcellenceLeadAttorneyforPlantiffs(CoalitionforEquity&inMarylandHigherEducation) Join Us for HBCU Night!

SOUTH FLORIDA MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Through the NFBPA South Florida Chapter connection, I was able to gain employment with Broward County Human Services Department, Family Success Administration Division, Housing Options Service Team as a Behavioral Health Specialist. I’m preparing for the Master of Public journey!IJurisdiction,Chapter,NotAdministration,DepartmentofPublicPolicyandAdministrationatFloridaInternationalUniversity!forgotten,butIwouldlovetoincludethatIamaproudmemberoftheO.E.S.SanSalvadorStateofFlorida,andPrinceHallAffiliated!amproductivelyelevatingwithcontinuingmyNFBPAexperience.Thisisjustthebeginningofmy Melanie D. Williams, B.H.S. Broward County Human Services Department Eventsmy(Previousinspiredfrominspiration,ThewheremotivationalProfessionalismTeammentoringknowledgeDevelopmentembracedjoiningworkedWomanalwaysPsychologymymembershipbeenMyIhavebeenamemberofNFBPAstarting03/29/2019.membershipinthisdynamicorganizationhasnothingotherthanamazing!BeginningthisasanunemployedstudentpursuingB.A.inLiberalStudieswithaminorinatBarryUniversity,myvisionhasbeentobeaLeadingBlackProfessionalwithacareerinPublicAdministration.Ionit,butIwasmissingsomething.SinceNFBPA,manyProfessionalLeadershaveme!ThisorganizationofProfessionalhasexpandedmycareergoalandideas.ThisisthenetworkandthatIhavebeenmissing.TheExecutivepresenttheirlevelofPublicServiceatitsbest,whichisinspiringandforalljoiningmembers.Thetopistheimpactstarts!relationshipbuilding,networking,mentorship,motivation,andprofessionalimpacttheNFBPAwhilestudying,IhavebeentoadvocateforMiamiChildrenInitiativesBoardMember);IhavebeenvolunteeringtimeontheSouthFloridaChapterMarketingandCommittees.

Hi everyone! My name is Laura McCoy and I recently graduated with a masters from Florida International University’s Public Administration program Currently, I am completing a two-year fellowship with the City of Fort Lauderdale after ranking as a finalist for the International City/County Management Association’s (ICMA) “Local Government Management Fellowship" program. As a Senior Management Fellow, I work under the City Manager’s Neighbor Support Division to provide quality service and support to all residents of Fort Lauderdale. Working in this position grants me exposure to exercise my passion of helping others and making a difference in the communities I serve. As I develop my professional career, I seek to network and partner with dedicated, enthusiastic, and passionate public administrators facilitating change in local government. Please feel free to contact me through any of the mediums below. Affiliations:

National Forum for Black Public Administrators, Member Professional Development Committee International City/County Management Association, Member



“organizationandresource.Afterfinishingmyfirstmaster’s degree abroad in 2019, I identified a roadblock, particularly for students, to access needed resources such as networks, best practice guidance, job opportunities in my field of interest, and more. I was inspired to grow the foundation of the ICMA Student Chapter so that students can utilize it as an effective resource to acquire opportunities in our current systems and competitive markets. I hope to continue to provide such initiative and ideterminationtomydiversecareernterestsindomesticgovernance.”

MIA PLAGMANN, MPA Mia Plagmann recently graduated from the Master of Public Administration program at Florida International University (FIU). She served as the 2021-2022 ICMA Student Chapter (ICMA@FIU) President at FIU and led a talented, dynamic Executive Board to grow an involved student



Jephery G. Francis is a recent Spring 22 graduate of the Master of Public Administration program at Florida International University. He is also wCaOLeMoisaagFsFfrFPAAaHiJpUPuacompletedacertificateinUrbanPolicyInnovationstFloridaInternationalUniversity.HehasndergraduatedegreesfromFIU’sBachelorofublicAdministrationprogramandFloridaStateniversity’sBachelorofScienceinManagementrogram.ephery’scommunityandorganizationalnvolvementincludesPiAlphaAlphaNationalonorSocietyforPublicAffairsandAdministrationtFIU,TheInternationalCity/CountyManagementssociation,TheAmericanSocietyForPublicdministrators,TheNationalForumforBlackublicAdministrators,andAlphaPhiAlpharaternity,Incorporated.Also,hehasafull-timeoleastheSeniorGrantsAdministrationAssistantorTheCommunityInvestmentsteamatTheMiamioundation.ThispositionplaysacentralroleinupportingTheMiamiFoundation’sDonorAdvisedundgrants,processingpayments,acknowledgingiftsreceivedforfunds,andprovidingbroaddministrativesupportfortheDepartment’sctivities.Whenhe’snotworkinginhispublicervicecareerorparticipatinginorganizationnvolvementheisanentrepreneur.Jepheryisco-wnerofayachtconciergeservicecompanyMeeteAtTheDocksMiami,LLCandco-ownerofanvent&marketingcompanyLiveNoctrnl,LC.verall,JepheryhasapassionforpublicservicendwantstohelpthecommunityofMiami-DadeountyandSouthFloridatocontinuetoprogressithsocialequityandurbanpolicy.

Summit: 10:00AM - 5:00PM * Networking Mixer 5:00PM-8:00PM Gehring Group Corporate Headquarters 3500 Kyoto Gardens Dr. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Ready..Set..2022 RESETRedefining,Empowering,Strengthening,Educating&TransformingLeadership Friday, October 21, 2022 Hosted by Title Sponsors

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