F R I D A Y | M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | S E R V I N G N O R T H D A K O TA S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y S I N C E 1 8 9 6 | V O L . 1 1 5 I S S U E 4 3
The Spectrum W W W. N D S U S P E C T R U M . C O M
Starting off strong Finding sense in ‘Nunsense’ Softball team looks forward to continuing early season successes Page 9
What directing this whimsical play means to a local director Page 5
Tickets vie for student support Matt Severns Spectrum Staff The student government executive body is preparing for a transition from this year's administration to the next. During this shift, campus has been dotted with campaign posters, and candidates have been working to advocate for their platforms in an attempt to garner student support before elections April 4 and 5. Two tickets have emerged, and though both have professed adamancy about bettering the university, there are some differences in perspective about how best to achieve this goal. A pressing matter facing student leadership next year involves the funding NDSU receives at the state level. Discrepancies in how funds were distributed between the universities in the North Dakota University System led to an 8.8 percent increase in tuition during the last session. The state Legislature is in session again next year, and leaders at both the student and administrative levels are looking to achieve funding equality. Presidential candidate Luke Brodeur and vice-presidential candidate Jace Beehler will rely on the experience they have to drive change. "Without making an impact on the state funding and making sure we're given the correct amount of money as the rest of the universities, we won't be able to make sure NDSU is ready for the future," Beehler said. "That's something that we have a lot of experience in from the university's perspective, and that's something that
we have a lot of experience in from a leadership perspective," Brodeur said. "We both understand the system really well; we were both around when Kevin and Shawn did a lot of their work." Presidential candidate Mike Paolini and vice-presidential candidate Sydney Hull will focus their efforts on working with local and key legislators in the process. "[We will be] building relationships with local legislators and legislators who are chairs of some of the main committees like higher education and making sure our relationships are in that and that our presence is known," Paolini said. "We also plan on focusing bills that positively affect our students." "We need to work with these guys to really ensure we have equitable funding because this is the first session they're really taking this seriously," Hull said. Though state funding is an issue at the forefront of the candidates' minds, both tickets have developed platforms that go beyond funding and legislative issues. The Paolini-Hull ticket says one of their goals involves the development of a program aimed at helping international students become integrated into American, North Dakotan and Bison culture. "Sydney and I want to implement a project called the international mentorship program, which allows new international students, when they come in for the first semester at NDSU to be paired up with a student who's already here so they can learn how our culture is and learn our university policies," Paolini said. The Brodeur-Beehler cam-
Co-News Editor
Linda Vasquez Spectrum Staff
Matt Severns | The Spectrum
Student government executive candidates have been campaigning this week, trying to sell their platforms to the student body before elections. Pictured are Luke Brodeur and Jace Beehler (top) and Mike Paolini and Sydney Hull (bottom).
paign says that one of the platform issues that has garnered interest from the students is an aquatic center vote. Brodeur and Beehler are exploring the idea of adding an aquatic center to the Wellness Center, provided the student body has an
interest. Right now, the plans for this are not specific; instead, Brodeur and Beehler hope to use the student voice to determine the level of student interest. Based on the response, Brodeur and Beehler would
begin the planning. Despite differences, both campaigns identify building relationships and communicating with the campus community as paramount in creating an effective student executive team.
Student government will be hosting student body elections April 3 and 4. Along with voting for the executive team and senators, students will also be voting on proposed constitutional amendments. Cam Knutson, student body president, says the constitution plays a role in the service that student government provides to the student body. “We’re bound by the constitution. Anything that is in the rights, the duties – we’re obligated to follow the constitution and not break it. When you take a big step back and look at what that document means, you realize it provides stability here. Student government is such a great organization at NDSU…” Knutson said. “People in the past have built it up, and one of the parts is the constitution. That stays.” The list of amendments has been condensed for voters to better understand the proposed changes of the document.
Proposed constitutional amendments Currently, the court assistant justice’s primary task is to take minutes at meetings and is fills the position associate justice when absent. The assistant justice can currently be promoted to associate justice when appointed by the president and approved by senate. One amendment proposes that assistant justice can assume the position automatically pending approval from associate justice.
The process to remove the president currently includes signatures from 10 percent of the student body on a petition, or approximately 1,400 signatures. This amendment proposes that the senate may initiate the impeachment process with agreement from the student body. A proposed amendment states that students participating in the tri-college or dual-credit program are not allowed to vote.
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College of Science and Mathematics gets new dean
Constitutional amendments to be on ballot Emma Heaton
•Special elections are currently held when recalls or initiatives are brought up by petition. If senate is unable to come up with a voting date, it will land on the last two days of the month. •Non-degree students are currently not represented on student senate. This will allow non-degree students one vote in the “University Studies and Non-Degree” academic district. •A list of seven policy areas that senate participates in will be added. •The senate will have the
ability to remove the vice chair’s ability to waive office hours in order to maintain senator’s responsibilities. •Senate will hold the power to amend pending legislation or documents, unless it violates constitution of government code. •Students will be notified of proposed amendments via Announcement Listserv emails, rather than via the student newspaper. •The chief justice, student body vice president and vice chair of senate’s requirements as co-chairs
Have a story idea? The Spectrum welcomes all students and staff to submit story ideas for any section.
will be moved to the student government code. This will allow for more flexibility for different situations. •Currently, the constitution states that all documents are open to inspection. It will be added that documents will be available unless they cannot be disclosed due to law. •A list of actions that do not need presidential approval will be added. •The duties and powers of officers in student senate will be adjusted.
Editorial Staff: Editor-In-Chief: Matt Severns at Editor@ndsuspectrum.com Co-News Editor: Matt Severns at co.news@ndsuspectrum.com Co-News Editor: Emma Heaton at co.news1@ndsuspectrum.com
The new dean of the College of Science and Mathematics was announced by NDSU Provost Bruce Rafert Friday. The new dean will join NDSU some time in July. According to an NDSU press release, Scott A. Wood, the current dean of the College of Science at the University of Idaho is replacing Kevin McCaul. McCaul is retiring after six years as dean but will continue teaching in the psychology department. “I am very excited to be joining the College of Science and Mathematics at NDSU. From the first moment of my interview to the last, it was clear that the college and the university were an excellent fit for me,” Wood said in a statement to The Spectrum. “[The] College of Science and Mathematics has wonderful faculty, staff and students, and it has a very bright future that I am pleased to be a part of.” Wood says he hopes to work with college personnel and develop an aspirational vision. “Among my first goals for the college are to…increase the number [of] faculty and staff positions to accommodate enrollment increases and increase the level of scholarship, and [also] to build relationships with alumni and local and state businesses that might lead to increased levels of private funding down the road,” Wood said. In 1980, Wood received a bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y in both chemistry and geology. In 1985, he earned a master’s degree and doctorate in geology from Princeton University. His area of expertise includes: aqueous geochemistry, geothermal energy exploration, nuclear waste disposal, health effects of asbestos and other minerals in the lungs and geochemistry of rare earth elements and platinum group elements. Wood has also published 170 seminar and conference presentations, 13 chapters in books and monographs, 23 refereed conference proceedings and has published 83 refereed journal articles. “Scott will help build academic distinction across the college, while creating new networks of support and innovation for the entire college. We are delighted to welcome him to NDSU,” Rafert said in the news release.
Features Editor: Linda Vasquez at features@ndsuspectrum.com Arts and Entertainment Editor: Nick Proulx at ae@ndsuspectrum Opinion Editor: Jaime Jarmin at opinion@ndsuspectrum.com Sports Editor: Travis Jones at sports@ndsuspectrum.com
F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Matt Severns Co-News Editor Phone: 231-5260 | Email: co.news@ndsuspectrum.com
News 20th annual International Week Erin Stegman Spectrum Staff This week at NDSU, students can expect to see a large number of cultural events happening on campus. The 20th annual International Week is kicking off on Monday with a parade of nations, followed by the International Expo. “[International Week] is a week long series of events that celebrate all the international students, cultures, and aspects of life here on campus,” Lisa Huack, a director in the Division of Equity, Diversity and Global Outreach office said.
Huack has been working for eight years in the office of International Programs at NDSU, starting in 2004. While the week has many events that celebrate the 1,200 international students on campus, the Parade of Nations and the International Expo are some of the most attended events. At the parade of nations, students can watch as international students parade through Memorial Union holding the flag of their nation and end in the Great Plains Ballroom. Before the event, President Bresciani and the International Student Association President will make a few remarks to
jump-start the week. The International Expo begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. At the expo, students can gather around booths set up by each country where they will see different cultural items from the each country. “For example, students from the Korean student association will bring Korean traditional clothing where students can dress up and take photos, or sometimes the Chinese students will teach you how to write your name in Chinese,” Huack remarked. NDSU’s International Week has many events to offer, including the Passport Drive, the Fulbright Presentation, salsa
lessons and International Night, where students gather to watch a variety show where the international students are featured in songs, dances and theater skits from each country. “International Week and the events are really a group effort … everyone is a team on this one,” Huack said of the events. International Week kicks off March 26 and ends March 30. For more information on International Week or the International Expo, stop in the Office of International Programs or visit http://www.ndsu.edu/international.
Matt Severns | The Spectrum
A light construction project on the main floor of the Memorial Union will provide more office space for Bison Connection staff.
Bison Connection expands office space Emma Heaton Co-News Editor Bison Connection worked in collaboration with the Memorial Union for a nearly $25,000 office update, with construction taking place primarily over spring break. The brief project on the wall
ultimately benefits students, according to Wendy Clarin, manager of Bison Connection. “We had this concept of how phones and e-mail are in the back, customer service contact is out front,” Clarin said. “[If] you’re right in front of me, I should help you.” The project will provide additional office space for the employees working at Bison
Connection. Previously, there were six staff members with only four spaces. “A better utilization of the space was to make more space for staff,” Clarin said. “We can answer more phone calls [and] do more e-mail.” The Bison Connection and Memorial Union offices are within the Division of Student Affairs, which works to pro-
vide a variety of programs and resources for students. The funding for the project was provided by the Memorial Union’s budget for facility updates. Students can also expect to see the television by the Bison Connection desk to move to the newly constructed wall.
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Spectrum accepts both mail (254 Memorial Union, Fargo, N.D., 58105) and e-mail (Matthew.Severns@ndsu.edu or Editor@ndsuspectrum.com.) Please limit letters to 500 words. Letters will be edited for clarity. They should include the writer’s name, telephone number, major and year in school.
Job seekers getting asked for Facebook passwords SEATTLE (AP) — When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook username and password. Bassett, a New York City statistician, had just finished answering a few character questions when the interviewer turned to her computer to search for his Facebook page. But she couldn't see his private profile. She turned back and asked him to hand over his login information. Bassett refused and withdrew his application, saying he didn't want to work for a company that would seek such personal information. But as the job market steadily improves, other job candidates are confronting the same question from prospective employers, and some of them cannot afford to say no. In their efforts to vet applicants, some companies and government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person's social networking profiles and instead asking to log in as the user to have a look around. "It's akin to requiring someone's house keys," said Orin Kerr, a George Washington University law professor and former federal prosecutor who calls it "an egregious privacy violation." Questions have been raised about the legality of the practice, which is also the focus of proposed legislation in Illinois and Maryland that would forbid public agencies from asking for access to social networks. Since the rise of social networking, it has become common for managers to review publically available Facebook profiles, Twitter accounts and other sites to learn more about job candidates. But many users, especially on Facebook, have their profiles set to private, making them available only to selected people or certain networks. Companies that don't ask for passwords have taken other steps — such as asking applicants to friend human resource managers or to log in to a company computer during an interview. Once employed, some workers have been required to sign nondisparagement agreements that ban them from talking negatively about an employer on social media. Asking for a candidate’s password is more prevalent among public agencies, especially those seeking to fill law enforcement positions. Back in 2010, Robert Collins was returning to his job as a security guard at the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services after taking a leave following his mother's death. During a reinstatement interview, he was asked for his login and password, purportedly so the agency could check for any gang affiliations. He was stunned by the request but complied.
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief ... Matt Severns editor@ndsuspectrum.com Co-News Editor ... Matt Severns co.news@ndsuspectrum.com Co-News Editor ... Emma Heaton co.news1@ndsuspectrum.com Features Editor ... Linda Vasquez features@ndsuspectrum.com A & E Editor ... Nick Proulx ae@ndsuspectrum.com Opinion Editor ... Jaime Jarmin opinion@ndsuspectrum.com Sports Editor ... Travis Jones sports@ndsuspectrum.com
"I needed my job to feed my family. I had to," he recalled, After the ACLU complained about the practice, the agency amended its policy, asking instead for job applicants to log in during interviews. "To me, that's still invasive. I can appreciate the desire to learn more about the applicant, but it's still a violation of people's personal privacy," said Collins, whose case inspired Maryland's legislation. E. Chandlee Bryan, a career coach and co-author of the book "The Twitter Job Search Guide," said job seekers should always be aware of what's on their social media sites and assume someone is going to look at it. "I think that when you work for a company, they are essentially supporting you in exchange for your work. I think if you're dissatisfied, you should go to them and not on a social media site," she said. More companies are also using third-party applications to scour Facebook profiles, Bryan said. One app called BeKnown can sometimes access personal profiles, short of wall messages, if a job seeker allows it. Sears is one of the companies using apps. An applicant has the option of logging into the Sears job site through Facebook by allowing a thirdparty application to draw information from the profile, such as friend lists. Sears Holdings Inc. spokeswoman Kim Freely said using a Facebook profile to apply allows Sears to be updated on the applicant's work history. The company assumes "that people keep their social profiles updated to the minute, which allows us to consider them for other jobs in the future or for ones that they may not realize are available currently," she said. Giving out Facebook login information violates the social network's terms of service. But those terms have no real legal weight, and experts say the legality of asking for such information remains murky. The Department of Justice regards it as a federal crime to enter a social networking site in violation of the terms of service, but during recent congressional testimony, the agency said such violations would not be prosecuted. But Lori Andrews, law professor at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law specializing in Internet privacy, is concerned about the pressure placed on applicants, even if they voluntarily provide access to social sites. "Volunteering is coercion if you need a job," Andrews said. In New York, Bassett considered himself lucky that he was able to turn down the consulting gig at a lobbying firm. "I think asking for account login credentials is regressive," he said. "If you need to put food on the table for your three kids, you can't afford to stand up for your belief."
BUSINESS STAFF Co-Copy Editor ... Erin Stegman copy1@ndsuspectrum.com Co-Copy Editor ... Stephanie Stanislao copy@ndsuspectrum.com Photo Editor ... Josie Tafelmeyer photo@ndsuspectrum.com Design Editor ... Phil Gregory design@ndsuspectrum.com Web Editor ... Nithisha Mucha webmaster@ndsuspectrum.com
Office Manager ... Karla Young office.manager@ndsuspectrum.com Business Manager ... Michelle Full business.manager@ndsuspectrum.com Advertising Manager ... Ryan Johnson ad.manager@ndsuspectrum.com Advertising Executive ... Brian Koening ad.exec@ndsuspectrum.com Advertising Executive ... Andrea Jaques ad.exec@ndsuspectrum.com Office Assistant .. Morgan Wiedrich Graphic Designer ... Emma Wey Circulation Manager ... Zheng Fu
F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Emma Heaton Co-News Editor Phone: 231-5260 | Email: co.news1@ndsuspectrum.com
News briefs NATION
STATE ND man found dead near MN tracks was Amtrak rider MOORHEAD, Minn. (AP) Authorities say a North Dakota man found dead along railroad tracks in western Minnesota was a passenger on an Amtrak train bound for Chicago. The Forum newspaper (http://bit.ly/GDlhb7) reports Clay County Sheriff Bill Bergquist confirmed that 27year-old Jared Nilles of Fargo was a passenger but said authorities still do not know how the man died. Williston men accused of making counterfeit bills BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -Two Williston men have been indicted in federal court on counterfeiting charges. Michael Borash and Jeremy Koller are each charged with five counts. Authorities say they made bogus bills and used them at three gas stations in Williston and a motel in Dickinson. Both men have pleaded not guilty.
MSU-Moorhead getting Sanford scholarship money FARGO, N.D. (AP) -Dakotas-based Sanford Health is providing $2 million for athletic scholarships at a Minnesota university. Minnesota State University Moorhead will get $200,000 per year for the next 10 years from the health network based in Fargo, N.D., and Sioux Falls, S.D. The money will support existing athletic programs. Mont. teacher’s body likely found in ND BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Authorities said Wednesday they found a body outside Williston, N.D., believed to be that of a missing teacher allegedly snatched from a Sidney, Mont., during a morning run more than two months ago. The body — believed to be 43-year-old Sherry Arnold — was being sent to the Montana state medical lab in Missoula for further identification, said Sidney Assistant Police Chief Robert Burnison.
Mysterious booms rattle Wisconsin city _ again CLINTONVILLE, Wis. (AP) -- Authorities are flummoxed as to the source of mysterious booms that resonated again in the eastern Wisconsin city of Clintonville early Wednesday, and hope a public meeting will calm residents' nerves. No one has come up with a feasible explanation of the loud disturbances that shook people awake in Clintonville on Sunday and Monday nights, and rattled sleepers again as the sun rose Wednesday. San Francisco sheriff won't resign SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A defiant San Francisco sheriff said Tuesday he has no plans to resign despite the threat of an ethics probe over a domestic violence case. "I wanted to and have taken full responsibility," Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi told a throng of reporters outside his office in San Francisco City Hall A judge on Monday sentenced Mirkarimi to three years of probation and a year of counseling after the sheriff
pleaded guilty to misdemeanor false imprisonment. ‘Stand Your Ground Law’ at center of Fla. shooting MIAMI (AP) -- Florida is among 21 states with a "Stand Your Ground Law," which gives people wide latitude to use deadly force rather than retreat during a fight. The self-defense law helps explain why a neighborhood watch captain has not been arrested in the shooting death of an unarmed teenager. The Florida law lets police officers on the scene decide whether they believe the selfdefense claim. In many cases, the officer's defer to making the arrest, letting the courts work out whether the deadly force is justified. In this case, however, police have said they are confident they did the right thing by not charging 28-year-old George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic. The shooting's racial overtones have sparked a national outcry and debate over whether the shooting was warranted. And like many self-defense cases, two sides of the story have emerged.
Prosecutor: French shooter was planning new attack TOULOUSE, France (AP) After a pre-dawn raid erupted into a firefight, French riot police pressed Wednesday for the surrender of a holedup gunman who is suspected in seven killings and claiming allegiance to al-Qaida. A prosecutor said the man was planning to kill another soldier imminently. After 13 hours of negotiations, one French official said hundreds of police were ready to storm the building in the southwestern city of Toulouse to end the standoff. Three police have already been wounded trying to arrest the 24-year-old Frenchman of Algerian descent who is suspected of killing three Jewish children, a rabbi and three French paratroopers. Estonia makes human trafficking illegal TALLINN, Estonia (AP) -Estonia's Parliament passed legislation on Wednesday banning human trafficking and making the Baltic nation
the last EU country to enact such laws. The lawmakers voted 91-0 in favor, with 10 members absent. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves is expected to make the bill law by approving it in the coming weeks. 7.4 quake shakes Mexico, 100s of homes damaged MEXICO CITY (AP) -- A strong 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit southern Mexico on Tuesday, damaging some 800 homes near the epicenter and swaying tall buildings and spreading fear and panic hundreds of miles away in the capital of Mexico City. One of the strongest to shake Mexico since the deadly 1985 temblor that killed thousands in Mexico City, Tuesday's earthquake hit hardest in the border area of southern Oaxaca and Guerrero states. In Guerrero, officials confirmed that some 800 homes had been damaged, with another 60 having collapsed.
Josie Tafelmeyer | The Spectrum
Students in the Society of Automotive Engineers took fourth place in the Clean Snowmobile Challenge: (left to right) Chad Thomas, Michael Schmidt, Thomas Mittelsteadt, Tyler Hausladen, Nathan DuChene and not pictured Rick Bjorkquist, Andrew Bristow and Drew Weber.
NDSU SAE takes 4th at snowmobile engineering competition Students modify snowmobiles with focus on environmentalism Hannah Dillon Staff Writer A team of students involved in the Society of Automotive Engineers recently took fourth place at a competition aimed at creating cleaner, quieter snowmobiles. The team traveled to Houghton, Mich. March 5-10 to compete in the Clean Snow-
Providing a variety of services for both men & women
mobile Challenge. The event is a collegiate design competition put on by the national Society of Automotive engineers, consisting of 17 teams from across the United States and Canada. “It’s a good jumping off point for engineering students to kind of explore new ideas that don’t have a chance to be explored in industry,” Chad Thomas, a senior in mechanical engineering and treasurer
of the NDSU SAE chapter, said. This competition is unique, according to Thomas. He encourages engineering students to get involved, as it is an experience unlike one that could be found in the engineering industry. The competition required participants to reengineer a stock snowmobile. In six months, the NDSU team designed and built their snow-
Located in the basement of the Memorial Union 701-231-7425
mobile, and then brought it to competition. The team consisted of students involved with SAE — for which they got credit – and volunteers that just wished to help out. Thomas says the Clean Snowmobile Challenge was started in 2000 to work toward creating cleaner snowmobiles for use in places like national parks and to focus on the environmental factor. This year, along with the
fourth place win, NDSU’s team won awards such as best overall design and best engine design. “If it weren’t for few a little hiccups, we would have taken the whole competition,” Thomas said. He is confident the team can succeed further at the next competition. This was the second year that NDSU was able to compete in the challenge. In 2010, the team took sixth place over-
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all. Last year, the team tried to compete with an electric snowmobile, but didn’t make it to the competition. “I think we have a really good shot at taking the whole competition next year if we continue developing this current sled that we have,” Thomas said. For more information on the NDSU chapter of SAE, visit http://www.ndsu.edu/me/sae/i ndex.html.
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F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Linda Vasquez Features Editor Phone: 231-5260 | Email: features@ndsuspectrum.com
ABDC’s new 10 crews Linda Vasquez Features Editor America’s Best Dance Crew is ready for a whole new season and I’ve got the scoop on the 10 crews that will be competing for this year’s best crew title. 1. Collizion Crew- Atlanta, Ga. America’s Best Dance Crew judge Lil’ Mama announced Saturday that Collizion Crew is a southern crew that’s bringing their “A-town flavor and swag to the ABDC stage.” The members of the group where once all in a near fatal accident together in which they all survived. Their name originates from the collision they were involved in. The crew consists of seven male members. 2. Electrolytes- Arizona Consisting of eight male members, the Electrolytes are a b-boy crew specializing in Hip-Hop dance. Having won the United States Hip-Hop Dance title at the 2011 Hip-Hop International event, ranking seventh in the world, the Electrolytes hope to take the ABDC title too and share their motto: “dance fuels the body.” 3. Fanny Pak- Los Angeles, Calif. Back to the ABDC stage, Fanny Pak is the first crew in the show’s history to come back for a second chance. Known for their zany and eclectic style, season two’s Fanny Pak is featured in the upcoming film “Honey 2” and is coming back with a MTV Video Music award. The co-ed crew features 10 members. 4. 8 Flavahz- Hawaii This eight all-female crew is made up of females ranging from eight to 17 years old. The ladies come from Honolulu and Los Angeles. 8 Flavahz blends diverse styles including, Hula, HipHop and Jazz dance. With their diverse dance styles they hope to spread this message: “Honor and appreciate the diversity of all people through movement.” 5. Funkdation- Monterrey, Mexico Funkdation is the first crew in ABDC to be an international group. The crew blends
salsa dancing with old-school hip-hop to produce latin funk. The co-ed team consists of 11 members. 6. Irratik- Montreal, Canada Irratik is an all female crew that has won the Canadian Hip-Hop Dance Championship three times, placing second twice and first once. Lil’ Mama described this crew as having “fierce choreography with fierce looks” that can potentially win Montreal the ABDC title. 7. Mix'd Elements- North Hollywood, Calif. “Mix’d Elements distinguish themselves with their unique use of suspenders and their ability to seemingly flow through several styles, better known as flotivity,” Lil’ Mama said in the announcement Saturday. The seven-member crew consists of one female and the rest male members. Mix’d Elements placed second at last year’s Hip-Hop International’s USA Hip-Hop Dance Championship. 8. Mos Wanted Crew- Los Angeles, Calif. Mos Wanted Crew is comprised of 10 members, who are all choreographers and dance instructors in the industry’s top dance studios. According to Lil’ Mama, Mos Wanted Crew represents over 30 crews from California and Texas and “have blown up the Internet with their original dance videos.” 9. Rated Next GenrationWashington This young crew consists of six female members and one male member. Rated Next Genration placed first at the 2011 Hip-Hop International’s USA Hip-Hop Dance Championship- Junior Division. The crew also placed sixth in the world at last year’s HipHop International. 10. Stepboys- Roseville, Calif. Stepboys offer a dose of comedy to their dance style due to many of the members’ economic hardships. The crew contains 10 members, including three female dancers. Each week one crew will be eliminated until the best one remains. Season seven of ABDC premieres April 11 at 8 p.m. on MTV.
Bison of the week
Alyssa Langaas| The Spectrum
Josie Tafelmeyer | The Spectrum
Getting letters of recommendation is a virtual rite of passage for college students, but doing it correctly can make all the difference.
Asking for letters of recommendation Houda Abdelrahman Contributing Writer From scholarship applications to internship or jobs, you’ll very likely need a letter of recommendation at some point. Here are some tips to help you better grace the process: Ask in person during an appropriate time when your professor can focus on you, such as an appointment. Shooting off an email from behind the safety of your laptop is easier but asking in person allows your professor to recognize your face. Your instructor may know what you look like and recognize you as a student who always contributes to discussions, but he or she may not know your name. Asking in person may also allow you to express yourself in a more sincere manner than plain text can ever do. Plus, saying ‘no’ is harder in person.
According to about.com guide, Tara Kuther, avoid simply blurting, “Could you write a letter?” Explain what you are applying for and most importantly, ask for a strong, “helpful letter.” Assuming your goal is to be accepted, you want a letter in support of you, not just “any old letter.” Ask a professor who can discuss your academic and leadership skills, as well as your personal characteristics. Choose someone you believe has a good impression of you. Pay attention to warning signs that your professor will not write a shining letter. Both nonverbal and verbal clues can hint that your instructor is not willing. A weak letter will definitely show the writer’s true thoughts. In a pool of dashing, terrific letters from other applicants, a weak letter could drown your application. To avoid last moment anticipation, always share deadlines immediately. Make sure you give the letter writer enough time. Two weeks is not
enough time, but five-to-six weeks is. Even if you are sure that your letter writer is a whiz at hammering out recommendations, do not underestimate the time and effort required. Allowing your letter writer enough time is not just the polite and proper thing to do, but giving the letter writer enough time benefits you so that the letter is well thought out and hopefully favorable on your behalf. Once your instructor has agreed to write a letter for you, provide him or her with the necessary material to write the best about you. An unofficial transcript, any forms, a resume, a personal statement outlining your career goals and a list of your involvement will all help your letter writer. If your letter writer has not sent off the letter and the deadline is quickly creeping up, Pre-health adviser Julie Schroer recommends following up with a polite e-mail reminder. The key word here is polite. Your professor may
have sent the letter without your knowledge. “Wait two weeks. If still nothing, give a phone call. If after an e-mail and a phone call nothing has been sent, talk in person,” Schroer recommends. Finally, thank your letter writer. He or she has taken time out of his or her busy schedule to critically think and write about you. Send a thank you card. Do not simply shoot off an email saying ‘thanks.’ Buy a good, old-fashioned thank you card and take the time to handwrite your thanks. Avoid sounding presumptuous. A key reminder throughout this process is to be polite, courteous, and respectful. Feeling timid or shy is natural when asking someone of higher authority for a favor, but by making sure you ask correctly, you can increase your self-assurance. Good luck.
Dear Bison Pack, Last semester I met a girl who was in almost all of my classes. We hit it off right away and even coordinated this semester's classes so we could be together as well. However, now that I'm spending more time with her, I'm starting to see the “real her.” She has very bad manners and etiquette, not to mention not very good hygiene. Even though it sounds mean, I feel as if she is an embarrassment to be around because she can be loud, profane, and rather rough. When we're together and people see her, I think they assume I'm like her, too. I don't think I'd like to call off our friendship because I have enjoyed her company. However, I spend so much time with her and I honestly feel uncomfortable sometimes. She thinks I'm being too delicate when I try to mention things, but I really can't help but feel a little dismayed. How do I let her know that some things she does are not very polite? Sincerely, Embarrassed and Annoyed Dear Embarrassed and Annoyed, What is more important to you: her friendship or some of her bad characteristics? No one is perfect. That being said, everyone has some bad characteristics that are part of their personality and who they are. I can see why you would be embarrassed if she is profane and has bad manners when you are around people, but if it makes you feel that uncomfortable, instead of criticizing her for it, try helping her. For example, try giving her subtle hints like getting her a bath set from Bath & Body Works. She might not use it right away, but the idea is left there for her to consider it. As for assuming that others think you’re like her, don’t. If you don’t act that way in public, no one will think you are that way. The manner in which you present yourself in public is how people will see you. Others may see her as loud and rough because that’s the manner in which she displays herself, not how you do. If you have tried to tell her your worries and she still doesn’t get the hint, there really isn’t much you can do except decide whether or not her bad characteristics mean much more than the friendship you have together. -Tough Bison Dear Embarrassed and Annoyed, I think you need to suck it up. If you truly want to continue on with this friendship, you need to deal with your friend and her quirky qualities—even if you find them to be obnoxious. You must find some aspects of your friend’s personality to be interesting and likeable, so think of the positives of having this girl as your friend before completing dismissing her or becoming a “Negative Nancy.” As for what other people think of you or your friend, you really shouldn’t care. Obviously you don’t have to agree or like everything that your friend does, but when it comes down to it this is your friend and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed by her actions. Be a real friend and stand by her no matter what the circumstances may be, because chances are she would do the same for you. -Bison Blondie Dear Embarrassed and Annoyed, There is a way you can change her mode of operation without tossing her out like a filthy dishrag. Make your hygiene and manners awesome to the extent that you over-do everything -- absolutely everything. She’s bound to take note at some point, and when she calls you out on them (based on your description of her, she will no-doubt think you’re acting weird), defend your actions like they are accepted norms. This small incident will establish you as clean and her as anything but. Next, make good hygiene and manners a point of conversation with your group of mutual friends. When they agree with your stances she will feel like an outsider. The need to conform is a powerful tool at your disposal; exploit it. Keep calm, and carry on. -Bison 1997
F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Features Healing the wounds: Suicide awareness The great debate: Resources, attentiveness key in preventing tragedy Tessa Torgeson Contributing Writer Recently it has disturbed me to hear about some ignorant attitudes regarding suicide in my classes at NDSU from both students and professors. Suicide attempts have been discussed as “attention seeking” and not taken seriously. This is judging and criticizing rather than seeing our fellow students, friends, sisters, brothers and neighbors as people who are hurting and need our love and support more than ever. These negative attitudes also cast a shadow of shame and guilt over those who have been affected by the loss of someone who died of suicide or who have attempted suicide themselves. This attitude I’ve encountered on campus saddens me because large strides have been made in suicide awareness and prevention, especially in Fargo. The Fargo Forum published a poignant and compassionate article about suicide prevention in the wake of suicide deaths by high profile males in the community such as attorney Steven Light and Rev. David Syverson.
Fargo also has an amazing organization called FirstLink, which consists of a suicide hotline, suicide prevention education and a survivor support group. FirstLink and other organizations are crucial community resources to preventing suicide and helping communities heal. These services are desperately needed. In the national level, there has been a tragic trend of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people committing suicide. Research shows that being LGBT does not inherently place a person at risk for suicide, however, the lack of social support and isolation that some LGBT people experience can contribute to feelings of depression and potentially suicidal thoughts. For me, this issue is deeply personal. It has been almost a year since my friend Shaun committed suicide. Shaun was a 21-year-old nursing student at MSUM who was gay. Shaun will forever be etched in the hearts of those he touched. Shaun was charismatic and like a human teddy bear. He radiated warmth, compassion and was also hilarious with an infectious
laugh. Yet, underneath this façade, Shaun was suffering. As survivors of a loss, we were overcome with grief, wondering what we could have done, how we could have prevented it. These questions remain unanswered. Instead, we must honor his memory and advocate for suicide awareness and prevention in our communities. To begin, I emphasize that it is critical that all suicide warning signs should be taken very seriously including depression, giving away prized possessions, threats of suicide, serious self-harm or wanting to die even if it is a text or a Facebook status. Don’t let the person who you are concerned about be alone or have access to firearms, drugs, alcohol or sharp objects. If you are unable to reach the individual, call the police department for a welfare check and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (available 24/7) for those specially trained in suicide crisis. Help the person access mental health services, and the emergency room can be utilized if the person is in immediate harm. Right away, this
individual may be upset with you but ultimately will someday realize you did these things to show you care and were genuinely concerned. For less crisis-oriented situations, it is important to show compassion around this issue. The stigma surrounding suicide in our culture, especially the Midwest, is damaging and detrimental to everybody. We need to uproot the judgment, criticism and shame. The roots are deeply embedded but with time and empathy, we can begin to heal these wounds. The wounds from Shaun’s loss are still felt and it is in his memory that I write this article. He was truly a special, one-of-a-kind person and a guardian angel. He will always be an inspiration to me to reach out and love all people -- not to judge even if we disagree. Author’s note: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) is 1-800-273TALK(8255) it is a free confidential service available 24/7. The NDSU Counseling Center offers free counseling services to NDSU students. For more information about suicide prevention visit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention website at Afsp.org.
The F-Word: A contemporary feminist critique My disdain for a man who preaches hate Carissa Suter Contributing Writer
It’s no secret that I’m a proud feminist, so naturally when other feminists and women in general are under attack I feel obligated to stand up for my fellow women. I believe that lately women have been under attack regarding the contraceptive debate. Perhaps the proudest attacker is Rush Limbaugh, which is surprising to nobody. Rush Limbaugh has hated on women longer than I’ve been alive. He created the term “feminazi” which implies that feminists are hateful and militant beings. He is outspoken about his disdain for feminists, once saying, “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.” Personally, this quote doesn’t offend me because Rush himself is in no position to judge others based on their appearances. Not only does Limbaugh dislike feminists, one could argue that he hates women. I would argue that he is person-
ally responsible for many sexist and misogynistic viewpoints in America. He’s called women “sluts,” “prostitutes” and “whores” multiple times on his talk show and most recently began an attack on Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law School student who spoke before a congressional committee on a contraception hearing. Fluke spoke in the favor of the Affordable Care Act, which would regulate contraceptive coverage; she spoke about her fellow classmates who have suffered financially, emotionally and medically because of the lack of contraceptive coverage. Following her remarks Limbaugh began telling his viewers his side of the argument. He called her a “slut” and a “prostitute” and claimed “she wants to be paid to have sex.” He also said, “if he’s going to pay for her contraceptives then that makes him her pimp and he wants her to post videos of it online so he can watch.” Now, I have never been a fan of Limbaugh, but these claims were completely outrageous. I’ve read transcripts of his racist, sexist, homophobic and otherwise hateful comments before, but this was the
most obvious attack yet. I figured that people would realize what a hateful and terrible person he was and that he would fall. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Yes, over 100 advertisers have asked that their advertising not air during his show, but one would think that comments like that would warrant a more intense backlash. What I find surprising is that educated and well-informed people continue to listen to and support Limbaugh . Personally, I wouldn’t care a lot about his comments if he weren’t the most listened to radio personality in America. I understand that he exaggerates and uses satire to make a point and entertain listeners, but what I find sad is that many people respect his opinion. I cannot express the extent to which this shocks me. I would just like to make a few points about the incident. First of all, I highly doubt that Limbaugh, a college dropout who was born into a wealthy conservative family understands how financially difficult it is to be a person in college needing to afford necessities like contraceptives.
Secondly, I find it almost comical that he suggests college aged women post videos of themselves having sex if it is covered under insurance because then, technically, we would have to ask the same of Mr. Limbaugh. I’ll explain. Limbaugh was in some legal trouble a few years back for having in his possession some Viagra that wasn’t prescribed to him personally. The reason this is funny is because Viagra is covered by insurance in the United States, so technically, by his standard, we’re paying for Limbaugh to have sex, a valid point nonetheless. Lastly, I simply don’t understand how people still admire and respect this man. He attacks women, immigrants, racial minorities, the poor, the LGBT community and anybody who doesn’t agree with him. It’s my hope that someday people will open their eyes and realize that there are respectable and level headed individuals to receive information from who don’t preach hatred and malice but instead focus on newsworthy, truthful topics with non-partisan opinions.
Thin vs. Healthy Amanda Breen Contributing Writer “Thin is sexy!” I saw this self-esteem killer emblazoned across the front of a pistol magazine at Scheel’s. Even in the rifle section of a sporting goods store I can’t escape the media telling me to be skinny. According to almost every advertisement these days, I won’t be happy unless I am as thin as a rail. Now I realize that this is not a new situation. The image of women in the media has been a problem for a long time. However, I am getting really tired of it. The older I get the more I realize it just doesn’t matter. Being thin and having a perfect body isn’t going to bring me ultimate happiness or success. Self-worth based on what size jeans you wear is very fragile. Eventually metabolisms slow, wrinkles deepen and looks inevitably change. If you were happy only because of the way you looked, you’re going to have a hard time adjusting when you no longer have your college body. While thin may be “sexy,” it’s not always healthy, and isn’t our health what should matter? Society needs to start putting a higher value on health. If we strive to live a healthy lifestyle, naturally our body will not only look better, but we will also feel better. Flipping through the channels on TV, you will run across any number of commercials for “quick fixes” for our body “problems.” However, if you take a closer, critical look at the products, oftentimes they are very unhealthy.
I am a 20-year-old female college student though, so I understand the desire to have the perfect body. The promise of a “bikini body in four short weeks” appeals to me as much as anyone else. But I have decided to shift my focus from looking better to feeling better. I believe that confidence is sexy. And confidence is only gained through being truly comfortable with your self. Instead of giving in to the media pressure to have 0.3 percent body fat by dieting or skipping meals or abusing your body, value your health. Instead of having a goal to achieve the perfect body, change your goal to having a healthy body. Replace carbs with protein, replace snack foods with fruits and vegetables and go to the gym. Spring has officially sprung and what better way to soak up some of that precious vitamin D than by going for a run, bike ride or roller-blading? And don’t forget to hydrate and get plenty of sleep. If you change your diet and add exercise to your daily routine, your self-confidence will skyrocket. You will feel great about yourself and have more energy. Yes it takes work, but changing to a healthy lifestyle will create a more permanent change as well as decrease health issues. Dedicating yourself to this change may be difficult at first, but in the long run I promise that you will feel much better about yourself. Therefore I challenge you: Next time you see an ad claiming you aren’t beautiful unless you are thin, don’t listen! Don’t let the media tell you what to think about yourself. Value your health above all else and you will feel so much better.
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Arts and Entertainment
Nick Proulx Arts and Entertainment Editor Phone: 231-5261 | Email: ae@ndsuspectrum.com
NDSU Concert Choir wrapping up tour Sunday Student debuting own composition
Nick Proulx A&E Editor For Eric Saari, the NDSU Concert Choir Tour Home Performance is about proving to all that the choir is still carrying on time-honored traditions. “There’s always the expectation, for ourselves and also of others who have been in the group, and we always want to put our best foot forward and make sure that they understand we are carrying on a tradition of musical excellence,” Saari said. Choir director Jo Ann Miller concurs, and even claims the group makes her proud on a daily basis with each rehearsal. “Besides being genuinely nice people, they really do take the responsibility to represent NDSU and themselves, and they try to do the very best performance they can do. Every time we stand up in front of an audience, they are absolutely giving everything they have, and that is so inspiring for me as a teacher,” she explained. The performance Sunday acts as a wrap up of their recent tour over spring break. Traditionally the group sings at venues like churches and high schools around the region, stopping in Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska and even Canada occasionally. This year though, the choir was invited to perform at the North Central American Choral Director’s Association Conference in Madison, Wis. “The reason that we really love our tours is that it gives us a chance to sing the music the we prepare repeated times, which results in better performances and also better musicianship when you have a chance to do that. So it’s really an educational thing as well as a chance to get to perform, which we love to do,” Miller said. Miller thinks sometimes the students don’t realize how talented they are, and the chance to perform at this venue was an opportunity for the choir to see where they fit in compared to other groups. More than that though, she says the tours are moments for the students to bond. “If you ask them, they would probably first say they
take away deeper relationships with their choir because we do have a really close-knit group,” Miller said. “They really are close friends, and when you travel on a bus and share a hotel room with people for a week, that’s one of the things that happens -- you have deeper friendships.” Saari agrees, saying that the group “gels” over the tours and that performing becomes second nature, almost like breathing. “It was one of those moments when there’s a lot of buildup to it. It’s really important for the prestige of our group, for everyone that’s performing at such a high level, that they see that we are also performing at a high level too,” Saari said. “There’s a lot of preparation and hard work that went into it. Having been a part of this choir for about ten years on and off, it was a proud moment for me because I thought we did well, we executed the performance beautifully,” he continued. The home performance will serve as not just a moment of pride but a debut for one of Saari’s own compositions. Set to an excerpt of Walt Whitman’s “Song at Sunset,” his music includes chord clusters, tones and dramatic moments that correspond with the poetry. “You want them to be moved at some point by what you’re doing, because it’s an art form that is always in the moment,” Saari said. “It’s not like a painting that you can stare at for 15 or 20 minutes and really absorb it. My piece is two and a half minutes; I want that to impact them in that moment. I want them to hear colors that remind them of the sunset, very simply, and to feel the warmth that brings.” The program also features “Friede Auf Erden (Peace on Earth)” by Arnold Schoenberg, a very challenging piece the choir used as a centerpiece for their conference performance. They’ve added some folk, spiritual, love songs and similar pieces for Sunday’s show, and it should run about an hour and 15 minutes. “Even if you’re not a choral singer yourself, you can’t help but be taken by the energy and commitment that you’ll see in the choir. They sing with so much energy and so much expressiveness, so you’ll hear gorgeous voice, beautiful music and a real commitment to performing and trying to express the meaning to the audience,” Miller claimed. The performance begins at 2 p.m. in Festival Concert Hall.
Josie Tafelmeyer| The Spectrum
“Nunsense,” a goofy play featuring bright-eyed nun characters, will be plaing at the Fargo-Moorhead Community Theater through this weekend.
Burkholder returns to more ‘Nunsense’ Production runs this weekend company has only been working on their actual set since Friday, and they were still applying layers of finish to the hardwood stage before their first dress rehearsal Monday night. Even worse, a cast member dropped out of the production just two weeks out from the premiere. These have so far proved to be minor obstacles for Burkholder though, whose career has been journey full of roadblocks. After six years in college and virtually no progress to attest to it, Burkholder moved to Boston and was cast as Jesus in a production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” just four days later. Three years later he moved to New York and worked professionally, directing and writing plays that he imagines many people probably haven’t heard of. After six years there Burkholder decided to come back
Nick Proulx A&E Editor Why this play, and why now? It’s a question Matthew Burkholder asks himself before working on any production, and “Nunsense” is no different. There was already a general love of the show within Music Theatre Fargo-Moorhead when the company chose Burkholder to direct the play late last summer. However, the initial thoughts he had when he received the job were reservations; this show has been done around Fargo a bunch of times. For Burkholder, an important part of theater is not just putting on a fun show but one with some meaning. And this production hasn’t gone along without it’s fair share of obstacles either. The
aspirations. As for what makes this performance unique, Burkholder gives all the credit to the cast. “When I was holding auditions, I was literally thinking I would guarantee some of the roles,” Burkholder said, adding, “but they said, ‘no no, you go ahead and cast it how you want to. I ended up making some of the same casting choices, but I had some freedom in the process.” Of the five actresses, two have been in many of the area productions and one is returning to a role she played in the first Fargo show over 20 years ago. “Nunsense” will be at the Fargo-Moorhead Community Theater Thursday through this weekend. It shows at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 on Sunday.
Don’t expect a Steam Box anytime soon Lombardi dashes Valve hardware rumors Steve Strom Staff Writer
It seems that Valve, the developer behind such franchises as “Portal,” “Half Life” and “Left 4 Dead” as well as creators of the ubiquitous online store Steam, has no intention of getting into the hardware business “any time soon.” Last week technology website The Verge reported
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the possibility that Valve was working on a PC-based console called the Steam Box in partnership with third party manufacturers. The device would have reportedly shipped with a customizable controller that would allow for interchangeable components. Valve filed for a patent on just such an item last year. Seemingly corroborating this rumor, Valve’s Greg Coomer posted a picture online for a PC that he had been building and the full
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to NDSU and finish up his dormant bachelor’s degree, and most recently he received a Master of Fine Arts in directing from the University of Alabama. He says he hasn’t left theater all this time because it’s in his wheelhouse. “Most of the shows I do end up being about the power of theater to transform in a real visceral way that film can never do. There’s a realness about people inches away from you, and there’s no pause or rewind in theater,” he explained. While there’s a silly plot to follow in “Nunsense,” Burkholder said the play is really about five women who love to perform. Every character talks about being a star at some point in the show. In this way, he says the play not only speaks to the mission of Music Theatre Fargo-Moorhead, but also draws parallels to his own
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specifications of the machine. Evidently, this was just a test unit for the company’s new Steam user interface being developed for gameplay on a television. Valve’s marketing chief Doug Lombardi said as much to Kotaku at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference later last week. “We’re prepping the Steam Big Picture Mode UI and getting ready to ship that, so we’re building boxes to test that on,” Lombardi said. “We’re also doing a bunch of different experiments with biometric feedback and stuff like that, which we’ve talked about a fair amount.” The so-called Steam Box was also reported to include an interface for this biometric feedback. According to The Verge’s original source, the interface would monitor heartbeat, galvanic response (sweaty hands) and then use that information in a given game. According to that same source, the technology was so effective that “You won’t ever look back.”
Regarding the Steam Big Picture UI (which will hopefully not be called that when it’s released) and the biometrics, Lombardi said, “All of that is stuff we’re working on, but it’s a long way from Valve shipping any sort of hardware.” Despite Lombardi pouring cold water on these most recent rumors, it doesn’t look like we should rule out some sort of Valve machine sometime in the future. Valve is well known for its ability to keep a secret. Furthermore, Lombardi denied that the company had ruled out such a possibility for the future. “Whether we’re talking about Valve making hardware or partnering with others, nothing like that is happening any time soon,” Lombardi said. While this may just be the normal public relations runaround, you never can quite tell with Valve. Meanwhile, “Half Life 2: Episode Three” still doesn’t have a release date. Good on you, Valve.
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F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Jaime Jarmin Opinion Editor Phone: 231-6287 | Email: opinion@ndsuspectrum.com
Life is bigger than politics
Redefining the full-time student Anne Debner Contributing Writer
Jaime Jarmin Opinion Editor
Political issues usually occupy my column from week to week, but for this issue I decided to write about something significantly more substantial: volunteering. As an English education major, I admit that it is still frustrating trying to find the right words that fully encapsulate my experience while volunteering over spring break. However, I do know that I can’t stress enough the importance of becoming a volunteer while in college, despite the fact that we are exceptionally busy students. I signed up for a nine-day spring break trip called the “Pay it Forward Tour” through the Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) chapter at NDSU. Having never been a part of this organization before departing on this trip, I decided to take a leap of faith and climb on board the bus where I hardly knew anyone, which took more courage for me than I thought it would. Little did I know that the other 28 college students who joined me on this trip would help change my life forever and become my closest friends. Instead of heading to the beaches in Mexico over spring break and partying with the locals, these students decided to pay to work. They taught me the real meaning of servitude. Whether it was painting buildings, picking up litter, moving furniture or scrubbing repugnant bathrooms, we slapped on a bandana, work gloves and worked until we were instructed to stop. Once we stopped working, we jumped back on the bus and headed to the next city where we would do the same thing all over again after sleeping only a handful of hours on a hard gym floor or on a bus seat. But we didn’t care. The work we were doing was bigger than us, and the impact volunteering had on each of the cities we visited across the United States conveyed a message that there’s more to life than petty things like your next exam or plans for the weekend. The people I worked alongside were some of the most selfless people I have ever met, and the work ethic these students displayed was contagious. It didn’t matter what type of work they were doing -- they did it with a smile on their face and a joyful heart. Although the adjectives I would use for this trip could be life changing, impactful or simply rewarding for not only the volunteers but also the people and communities we were helping, the one thing I can say is that this spring break I became overwhelmed by this generation of young people’s willingness to serve. Politicians may be admired for their impeccable public speaking skills or ability to obtain material successes, but the real leaders are those sitting next to you in class. These are the men and women who truly want to work for the people. Jaime is a junior majoring in English education.
The definition of a full-time student at NDSU is currently one who takes 12 credit hours per semester. NDSU is proposing to change this in their Student Success Tuition Model, which defines a fulltime student as one who is taking at least 15 credits per semester. This proposal would change a few things. The proposed plan would increase the tuition by 5.6 percent per credit for those taking under 12 credits. As the plan is laid out, there would be no increase in tuition for those only taking 12 credits. You would still only pay one rate of $3,067.50 per semester (before fees) no matter how many credits you took above 12. The goal of this plan is to encourage students to become fulltime by increasing the tuition rates of part-time students and to encourage full-time students to take 15 credits per semester. The proposal states that since you need 120 credits to graduate that it would require
you to take 15 credits per semester in order to graduate in the standard four years. They want to move students through school faster so that the students do not end up with as much debt. Personally, I have never taken under 15 credits so this plan would not yet affect me. However, I think it is important that the option to take only 12 credits and still be a full-time student in the eyes of both the university and the federal government should remain available for students. It might seem like a good plan, but I have a few reasons why they should not change the definition of a full-time student. The first reason is it does not make sense to change it when the federal definition of a fulltime student is 12 credit hours. I agree that sometimes it is good to pioneer new ideas, but I believe in this is not one of those ideas. Many incoming students, and especially their parents, would be confused by the change because traditionally a full-time student is taking 12 credits. The university encourages students to be involved in
campus organizations because they say it improves the college experience. One of the reasons the plan was created was so that students would move through school faster and thus accumulate less debt. But think about this: If a student is highly involved on campus as the university recommends and a student is employed so that they do not have to take out as many loans, will they have time to take even more credits and still perform well in school? I am not saying it is impossible but I think it will increase the stress level among students and give Ceres 202 more work than needed or wanted. A third reason is this: You do not need to take 15 credits a semester in order to graduate in four years. It is possible to bring in credits from high school AP classes or other college credit taken in high school. Finally, students only taking 12 credits a semester are not the only reason that students are taking five years to complete college. The average college student switches his or her major three times in their college career. Switching your
major can put you behind, and as a result it takes an extra year to complete your desired degree. Also, students who double major often have to take more than the 120 credits needed to graduate, therefore resulting in taking five instead of four years. I do not agree with the plan, but I do understand its purpose. They want to retain more students and the students that they do not retain are sometimes those who only take 12 credits a semester. They also want to reduce student debt by moving students through college as quickly as possible. They want students to be dedicated, active and professional. They do not want their students to be lazy and end up in college for six years. Also, our university is struggling for money. Because we have been granted more funds from the state, a tuition increase was not allowed, but there is a year gap before the university will receive the money from the state. Their proposal of increasing the price per credit for part-time students will help the university to fill this gap.
Though I do not have a solution for the funding gap, I think that there is another way to retain students and to make sure that the students who do attend are ones who will take initiative to do well and succeed in college: Instead of allowing just any old Tom, Dick or Harry to attend NDSU, they need to have standards of acceptance for the university. Having a minimum GPA requirement as well as an ACT or SAT base will weed out the students less serious about academics. This will reduce the dropout rate because students who are not serious about college will not be able to attend in the first place. I believe that NDSU needs to reevaluate their plan and be honest with themselves. Is this the best solution to the problems they address in their proposal, or is it the solution that helps them to fill that funding gap? Will this benefit the university and the students in the long run? Anne is a sophomore majoring in communications.
Nostalgia: Yearning for simpler times Tessa Torgeson Contributing Writer As of late, I have been yearning for simpler times. My sentiments are certainly nostalgic; it is fun to reminisce about the past. Yet beyond that I also am unhappy with the direction of the current instant gratification, technology-inundated culture. Don’t get me wrong: I feel like I am going to convulse without the Internet, and I feel as though I don’t have a pulse if my phone is dead. Technology does truly amazing things and the access of knowledge at our fingertips is incredible. I just worry that in this postmodern chaos we fail to pause to appreciate the moment, life as it’s happening and the creative process itself. Stop and think: How often
are you truly immersed and focused on one thing? I rarely do this. My counselor has asked me to try “walking meditations.” Simply observe, don’t judge. Just walk and appreciate my surroundings. “Yeah right,” I said. When walking to class, it’s a real juggling act. I’m simultaneously jamming to my iPod, texting and getting my caffeine buzz on. I was so busy I failed to notice the stunning transformation of the trees from green to the kaleidoscope of autumn colors in the fall. I failed to appreciate the illumination of the first frost and the joy of holding out my tongue to let the first snowflake of the year melt. I challenge myself to do that every day now. Try it. I might sound like a hippie, new age, self-help guru. I’m not. I just have noticed a massive correlation between how much I work on being present
in each moment and my happiness. This is culture and is not natural! Like many people in our generation, I’ve been programmed to perpetually be performing the juggling act for fear of not getting enough done, fear of being lazy, fear of the stillness. Fear of what I might hear when I pause to listen. The silence is uncomfortable at first, but then it became oddly comforting. It is comforting to pause to enjoy simple things and appreciate the process. For example, baking and cooking recipes from scratch handed down from many generations has been both fun and delicious. It’s also a fun throwback to my grandma’s. I am blessed to still be able to enjoy their cooking and it is neat to bond with them over shared tradition. Another neat thing to learn and connect with older relatives while being mindful in
the moment is crafts. I must profess I am not nearly nimble or patient enough to knit, crochet, paint or do other such things. I was the kid in arts and crafts who inevitably ended up covered in glue and glitter. But I definitely appreciate the resurgence of young people learning crafts, like my roommate who could make an old pile of garbage into something cool. It’s not as much about the end product though, as the process. The process is beautiful, whether it’s crafts, music or writing. I feel technology has robbed some of the beauty of these things. For example, ereaders have replaced the glory of the musty old smell of a library book or the crisp, fresh pages of a brand new book. Regarding music, let it be said that auto tune must die. I imagine Kurt Cobain or John Lennon turn in their graves
when they hear the music today that is dominated by computer-engineered voices. This is not talent. Talent is the process, talent is living in the moment when putting one’s heart and soul into mastering an instrument and voice. Before I begin sounding like a crotchety old curmudgeon, I would like to get back to the heart of the matter. In this era of instant gratification and quick fixes, I would encourage people to pause to appreciate the world spinning around you. For nostalgia’s sake, I must end with a quote my hero Ferris Bueller -- the king of living in the moment: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Don’t miss it and enjoy the moment. Tessa is a senior majoring in English.
Good humor
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The Spectrum EEO/AAE
Steven Strom | The Spectrum
F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Travis Jones Sports Editor Phone: 231-5262 | Email: sports@ndsuspectrum.com
Hate seeing him go
Travis Jones Sports Editor If you follow me on Twitter, or have seen a couple of my Facebook statuses you’ll know that Sunday night was a tough night for me. Aside from the fact that I look identical to him, Robbie Hummel, my favorite college basketball player of any generation, had his historic career ended by Kansas in the round of 32. Robbie’s career is historic in the sense that it wasn’t the accolades and points that made him stick out in peoples’ minds; he went through hell three times during his career and never batted an eye. Hummel came in with a class of Purdue Boilermakers that may never be matched again. Chris Kramer, JaJuan Johnson and E’Twaun Moore. They led Purdue to a secondplace finish in the Big Ten, but the upside of the core of that team was sky-high. I remember watching Johnson and Moore and thinking how big of stars they were going to be in the NBA. Hummel really caught my eye, however, because I played a similar role that he did in high school. He was a mid-western kid form Valparaiso, Indiana, and I had my newest sports obsession. It all started his sophomore season. He finished the season with a back brace despite a conference championship and a Sweet Sixteen appearance in the NCAA tournament. The injury was sustained to a part of his vertebrae, but he played through it. In his junior season against Minnesota, he tore his ACL in his right knee. ACL: The three worst letters put together that any athlete could see. As we saw in the women’s basketball team at NDSU, it’s a devastating injury that changes seasons and careers. Johnson and Moore decided not to enter the draft after their junior seasons, even though they would have likely been first round picks. My opinion is that they stayed for Robbie; I think they wanted to play their last season with him. Sports are cruel though, and Robbie tore the same ACL in practice in October. Hummel was back this season, and he played injury free leading the Boilermakers to a 10-seed in the tournament. A third-round exit coming at the hands of Kansas almost put a tear in my eye when I saw my favorite player’s heartbreak. I think Hummel is going to grab a roster spot in the NBA. I know he won’t last long in the association, but I hope he lasts long enough so that I can watch him play a couple more games. Let’s all hope he writes a book some day, he has an awesome story to tell.
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Josie Tafelmeyer | The Spectrum
Steven Monk wrestles an opponent in the BSA earlier this year. Monk, Trent Sprenkle and Mac Stoll went to St. Louis to compete in the NCAA men’s wrestling tournament last weekend.
Trio of Bison wrestlers experience NCAA tournament Winter sports season sees end in St. Louis with two wrestlers advancing in tournament Travis Jones Sports Editor The 2012 NCAA basketball tournament had its opening salvo last weekend, but the only NCAA tournament on the North Dakota State campus that had Bison gear in it was the NCAA men’s wrestling tournament. Trent Sprenkle, Steven Monk and Mac Stoll all competed at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis. Trent Sprenkle, who competed in the tournament last season, was back again after automatically qualifying during the NCAA West Regional prior to the tournament. Teammate Steven Monk did the
same as Sprenkle, but it was his first trip to the NCAAs. “Trent helped me out a lot,” Monk said. “Being that it was my first time there, he told me what to expect and what it’s like to wrestle on the mats. I feel like he helped prepare me too.” Sprenkle was 30-10 going into the tournament, but the experience he gained last year was a benefit going into the tourney. Last season as a sophomore, Sprenkle won three straight matches after falling in his opening round bout. Trent recorded the same exact record during the 2012 championship as he did in the 2011, going 3-2. Sprenkle was defeated in his fifth match against Zach Sanders.
Steven Monk’s first trip to the NCAA championship fell short of the ultimate goal, but he still left St. Louis with a 32 record during the tournament, and he had ended his season with a 35-9 record, tops on the Bison roster. “Against the good guys, you see how you got beat and what you’re weaknesses are,” Monk stated. “That’s what I’ll perfect in the offseason and then next time I’ll be here.” Monk has the chance to get back to the tournament two more times, as he’s just a sophomore. Realizing the weaknesses will prove to be important Monk commented. “Wrestling on my feet,” Monk said of his areas he needs to improve on. “Getting
another takedown so I have two takedowns instead of one.” Another first timer, junior Mac Stoll, set foot on the mats at the Scottrade Center. Stoll was eliminated after twostraight losses to open the tournament, but, like Monk, will take the experience to get better. “It was a lot of fun, two great guys I made the trip with,” Stoll said. “Our coaches have been there done that, they let us know to get out there and wrestle and not worry about the crowd and the people.” Leading up to the tournament was what Stoll was able to describe easily. Unlike Sprenkle and Monk, Stoll did-
n’t receive an automatic-bid. Stoll didn’t have cameras and a packed arena filming his waiting period, but he did have a unique story to tell. “I was in the [media relations] office waiting, and I had to leave early because of an exam,” Stoll said. “I didn’t found out until after the exam. I went to practice and found out on the way. When I got to the locker room all the guys were to congratulate me.” The three wrestlers that advanced to the tournament will all be back to make another run at a championship next year. With experience on their side, there’s a likely chance that there will be a larger group in 2013.
Bison sweep Gophers in Metrodome NDSU puts on strong performance to push their winning streak to eight games Travis Jones Sports Editor
After a spring break trip to Florida saw a perfect 7-0 record for the Bison baseball team, the Herd traveled East
on Interstate-94 for a two game set with Minnesota in the Metrodome Tuesday and Wedensday. The Bison beat their Big Ten rivals 7-0 on Tuesday and 6-5 on Wedensday. Tim Colwell and Nick Colwell teamed up in the first two at-bats of the game to push
across the game’s first run. Tim tripled to lead the game off and Nick brought him home on an RBI groundout. Both teams were scoreless until the top of the sixth when NDSU pushed across two runners. Nick Colwell hit a oneout double, and Zach Wentz singled him home to give the
Herd a two-run lead. Wes Satzinger singled home Wentz after Wentz advanced on the throw. Both teams were scoreless until the four-run ninth inning by the Herd. Nick Anderson had an RBI single that brought home Tyler Steen. Max Casper bunted for a hit and an RBI that sent John Skrbeck across the plate. The Bison scored two other runs in the inning to give them four in the frame and a 7-0 win. John Straka threw a complete game shutout giving up only six hits, striking out eight and walking just two batters. Straka is now 2-2 on the season. Nick Colwell was 3-4 with an RBI, Wes Satzinger was 2-5 with one RBI, Max Casper was 2-4 with an RBI and Tim Colwell was 1-4 with a triple and an RBI. Wednesday’s game wasn’t as lopsided as Tuesday’s, but the end result was the same as an eighth-inning, two-out rally propelled the Bison to a 6-5 win. Blake Turbak doubled to lead off the top of the second inning and ended up on third base after a sacrifice bunt from John Skrbec. Zach Wentz doubled Turbak home to push across the game’s first run and give North Dakota State a 1-0 lead.
Luke Anderson pitched another scoreless inning, and the Bison put another un on the scoreboard via a Zach Wentz double that brought home Tim Colwell after he hit a leadoff triple. Anderson pitched three more scoreless innings for the Herd as the two teams were scoreless in the fourth, fifth and sixth inning. Anderson didn’t make it out of the Minnesota half of the seventh inning, as the Gophers scored five runs in the frame to take a 5-2 lead. Anderson pitched six innings, gave up five runs on five hits. Simon Anderson pitched a scoreless inning in relief to get NDSU out of the inning. With two outs in the eighth, Skrbeck singled home two runs, Nick Anderson hit an RBI triple and Tim Colwell laced an RBI double to put the Bison up 6-5. Kyle Kingsley pitched two scoreless innings to earn the save for the Herd, as they beat the Gophers for the second-straight game. Simon Anderson earned the win, giving him a 2-0 record on the season. Tim Colwell was 3-5 with an RBI, Zach Wentz was 1-2 with an RBI and John Skrbeck and Nick Anderson both had one hit and two RBIs on the day.
F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 | T h e S p e c t r u m
Sports Softball enjoys strong early conference start Team looks forward to home games, hopes to solidify hitting
Kyle Roth
Kalani Bertsch
Staff Writer
Contributing Writer The young talent and the veteran leadership have brought forth much success thus far for the North Dakota State softball team. Coach Darren Mueller has recognized that these aspects of his team will create opportunities for them, as they go forward into their conference schedule. The leadership of the veterans has given the freshmen support and guidance to help transition them to fulfill critical roles for the team. With many freshmen being up for the task and stepping up to the plate, Mueller has noticed the maturity that the freshmen are portraying and is impressed with the talent and work ethic that they have provided this season. With three freshmen on the starting lineup, the upperclassmen have helped prepare them for what to expect at a high level of play. Mueller noted that many of the upperclassmen have stepped up in leading the team but mentioned that one in particular has done an excellent job. He stated, “Brea Konz has been stepping up, playing with passion and emotion and has done an outstanding job for us.” With starting pitcher Whitney Johnson temporarily out with an injury, freshman Krista Menke has had to step up into that role and has proven she can handle being put into that high pressure position at any given moment. Menke credits her preparedness to the team saying, “Whitney and I working together has definitely helped and also the team telling me that they have my back.” Her valuable performance this past week against University of Texas-Arlington and IUPUI has given her and the team notable recognition. College Sports Madness named Menke Madness Softball National Pitcher of the Week and she also received Summit League Player of the Week. In the five consecutive
Gearing up for spring football
Courtesy of gobison.com
Krista Menke winds up for a pitch against Coastal Carolina Feb. 19. Menke was named College Sports Madness Softball National Pitcher of the Week.
wins, she threw three-straight shutouts against UT-Arlington (2-0), IUPUI (6-0) and IUPUI (11-0) in addition to yielding 30 hits while striking out 45 batters, giving up 12 walks and seven earned runs in 48.1 innings of pitching for a 1.01 ERA. Menke reflects on the week, “It feels good to get our name out there, and also to show the Summit League how hard we have been working.”
Mueller is appreciative of the game time the spring season has provided. Mueller notes, “It was nice to go through preseason to see what the players can give and what we can work on with them.” The few close losses the team had, gave the coaching staff the ability to see what the team needed to improve on so that with each game, they will continue to see better results. Mueller also commented
that they will look to improve on getting their hitting to be consistent and was pleased to express that pitching and defense has progressed since the season began. Getting into conference schedule, Mueller is grateful for a lighter traveling schedule and is looking forward to playing games on their home turf. With the exceptional spring weather, the team can utilize their field in practice to pre-
pare for when they host upcoming conference games. Mueller is expecting continued improvement and continued success with the goal to hold the top position in the Summit League. With the guidance of the veterans and the exceptional skill of the freshmen, the North Dakota State softball team has the tools it needs to do just that.
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For those of you starting to jones for football again, here are two tidbits of advice. First, join the club. Second, your thirst for pigskin will soon be satisfied as spring football looms on the horizon. Practices start Saturday, and with the first drills begin the defense of NDSU’s ninth national title earned this past January. For those not in the know, spring football is a period of practices allotted to programs that allow organized drills and scrimmages during a time when the NCAA otherwise limits such activity. For some big-name programs like Nebraska, the main scrimmage held at the end of the spring period is a marquee event that can sell out major stadiums. For NDSU, it’s a growing trend that saw record attendance last season. Also new to this year’s spring game, which will be on April 21st at the Fargodome, is a four-hour tailgating period. The spring practice period means different things to different people. For media members, it’s a chance to get a leg up on who might be a big contributor on what promises to be a competitive 2012 squad. For fans, the spring period offers a chance to watch their favorite team play and to otherwise get a dose of football in when the season is still four months away. For people like me who bridge that gap, it’s also a chance to augment a pasty complexion with the bronze tan of a Greek god. One aspect that makes this particular spring so exciting is that, in addition to the first steps of repeating as national champions, this team has holes to fill. On defense, replacing guys like Chad Willson and Preston Evans is a tall order. Both were leaders both on and off the field, and watching backups like Grant Olson and Don Carter make big plays both in games and in practices is a promising sign for the future. Offensively, Bison fans get another look at what might finally be the year we get to see receivers Trevor Gebhart and Zach Vraa take the field, both of whom were sidelined by injury the past two seasons. For those readers from North Dakota, the added bonus of seeing two Bismarck products compete for backup quarterback snaps will be available. The neat thing about spring football is that backups more or less get equal snaps, so fans will get a look at Carson Wentz and Esley Thorton as both fight and claw for playing time. The imposing task ahead is to try and figure out which of the redshirts will be the next big splash on campus. A year ago, if you tried to guess that Travis Beck would be a household name for the Herd based on how he played in the spring, odds are you’d get some funny looks. An exciting month of football lies ahead, and with it, the first miles on the road to a potential repeat national championship.
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w/ What Kingswood Needs & Crab Legs
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w/ Blind Joe
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- Principles of Broadcast Production (COMM 345)
- Principles of PR/Advertising (COMM 375)
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- Organizational Communication I (COMM 380) - Field Experience (COMM 496)
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