September 23, 2011

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Bison prep for the U


Billy Turner helps out Page 9

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The Spectrum

SEPTEMBER 23, 2011


S E R V I N G N O R T H D A K OTA S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y S I N C E 1 8 9 6


H 65º H 71º H 71º H 73º FRI SAT SUN MON VOL. 115 ISSUE 09

W W W. N D S U S P E C T R U M . C O M

Task force to assess funding model $8,000

$4,119 $5,058

$6,000 $4,000 $2,000

$7,564 $6,249 $4,919 $7,515 $5,331 $7,852 $6,233 $9,313 $6,413


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Information from the North Dakota Legislative Council Matt Severns/The Spectrum

time when the University System is undergoing a transition of power. With Chancellor Bill Goetz stepping down at the end of the year, there will be a new senior member involved in how things operate. His or her involvement throws a wild card into the mix. “In terms of the development of the formula, it should have no impact … but when you get new senior leadership for a college or university system, there’s unknown for that; it could be helpful, it could be hurtful, it could be somewhere in between,” Bresciani said. The changes made to the funding model will likely re-

sult in a varied distribution of a similar amount of funds. Increases in funding to institutions like NDSU will result in decreases for other campuses. “You’re not going to see any schools closing; they’re all going to stay open. I think what’s in jeopardy is how much they are going to get funded and how much they’re going to continue to grow.” Knutson said. “I know at Valley City, nobody wants cuts – nor do they deserve them – but there’s got to be some changes.” The next biennium starts in 2013. The task force has until then to make the changes.


News Features

10 a.m. - 2 p.m. -Contact Table: T-shirts, homecoming schedules, etc.

10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. -“Bleed Green” Blood Drive in the Memorial Union Prairie Rose Room*

10 p.m. -Newfangled Theatre Company's Writer's Bash in the Wallsh Studio Theatre in Askanase Hall

Tuesday, Sept. 27

10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. -“Bleed Green” Blood Drive in the Memorial Union Prairie Rose Room

11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. -Cash Cab around campus

7:30 p.m. -Wayne Hoffman in Festival Concert Hall*

Wednesday, Sept. 28

Location: Europe All Day Medallion Hunt Starting at 8 a.m. -Voting for Homecoming Royalty online 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

-Contact Table: T-shirts, homecoming schedules, etc.

10 a.m. - 2 p.m. -Meet the Candidates at the NDSU Bookstore*

10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. -“Bleed Green” Blood Drive in the Memorial Union Prairie Rose Room

7 p.m. -Dessert Theater featuring “V for Vendetta” (R) in the MU Great Plains Ballroom*

Thursday, Sept. 29

Location: Australia All Day Medallion Hunt 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

-Contact Table: T-shirts, homecoming schedules, etc.

10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. -“Bleed Green” Blood Drive in the Memorial Union Prairie Rose Room

11 a.m. -President's State of the University Address in Festival Concert Hall*

Noon -Grill Out “Down Under”*

Ending at 5 p.m. -Voting for Homecoming Royalty ONLINE -Mini Olympics & Yell-Like-Hell* Yell Like Hell Rules and Guidelines: 1- Create an original cheer to perform (no skits please). 2- No use of profanity. 3- Limit cheer to 5 minutes. 4- Top three teams will be awarded prizes. 5- Teams must check-in with coordinator when they arrive. 6- Show your Bison Pride! The order in which teams will perform will be mailed to the team captains.

Race a wooden boat down the babbling brook: easy enough, right? Emerson Process Management threw down the gauntlet and eight competitors accepted, but only one stood victorious in the rain Tuesday afternoon. Emerson, whose Rosemount division is headquartered in Chanhassen, Minn., hosted the challenge posed to students studying engineering and computer sciences in an effort to boost name recognition. Winners walked away with prizes that

included iPod Shuffles, fourgigabyte flash drives and potentially a full-time job offer. Richard Duke, whose vessel was the only to traverse the falls safely, said he took

-The first clue will be available by 8 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 26. The medallion is not in any buildings. The medallion is not buried under ground. The medallion is not in any construction areas. The medallion is NOT in any area of campus that you normally couldn't get to. Open to NDSU students only.

5 p.m.

Nick Proulx Spectrum Staff


Monday, Sept. 26 Location: South America All Day Medallion Hunt

Location: Africa All Day Medallion Hunt 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Students test boats on babbling brook

“I Just figured freighters work for moving things, so I'll just make a miniature one.” -- Richard Duke, electrical engineering student.

“Feel free to roam, but remember your home!”

-Contact Table: T-shirts, homecoming schedules, etc.



The governor’s office is in the process of creating a task force aimed at reassessing the current funding model applied to the University System in North Dakota. For years, colleges and universities across the state have been given funds from the state based on a funding model which, according to NDSU President Dean Bresciani, is ungrounded. “It’s inexplicable, you know, and I underline this because nobody’s ever tried to explain to me how the state funding of a student at NDSU could be doubled and we’d still be less than several other institutions,” Bresciani said. The committee assigned with reworking the current funding model is being created by the governor after years of outcry from the research universities’ administrations. Though still in development, it will include legislators, staff from the governor’s office and representatives from the higher education institutions in the state. With news of an 8.8 percent increase in tuition hitting students late last year as a result of the funding model, NDSU student body representatives decided to work with people who had

contact with the governor to decide what needed to be changed. “We didn’t just approve a tuition increase and say, ‘OK, let’s just move on with our lives’; we continued to educate ourselves over the summer about our history … and more about how we go about changing our ways in the future,” student body President Cam Knutson said. “How do we not fail again at the state level?” With academic training in higher education finance and economics, President Bresciani has actively participated in some of the funding conversations that have been happening at the state level. He is confident that the funding system will be changed for the better, but his optimism is partially a result of NDSU’s current situation. “I’m absolutely confident that no matter what comes out, it’s going to be a better model and it’s going to better serve NDSU. We just couldn’t get in worse shape than we are right now,” Bresciani said. The funding model has become such a problem that the Legislature, State Board and governor have stipulated that moving into the next biennium, the University System cannot continue to use the current funding model. This is all happening at a

Funding per student

Matt Severns Spectrum Staff

Homecoming 2011 schedule

For more information contact Sara at (701) 231-7221

Friday, Sept. 30 Friday, Sept. 30 Location: Asia All Day Medallion Hunt 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. -Contact Table: Yellow Out Day*

5 - 7 p.m. -Greek Housing Tour

7:30 p.m. -Homecoming Show & Coronation in Festival Concert Hall

7p.m. & 9:30 p.m. -Movie: “Green Lantern” (PG-13) in Century Theater

9:30 p.m. - 1a.m. -MU Live: Crafts from Asia in the MU Great Plains Ballroom*

Saturday, Oct. 1 Location: North America 8:30 a.m. Rylee Nelson/The Spectrum

Engineering and computer science students watch as their handcrafted popsicle stick boats flow down the babbling brook.

part in the contest “just for the fun of it.” Duke, who studies electrical engineering, cited a simple philosophy for designing “Dick's Boat”: “I Just figured freighters work for moving things, so I'll just make a miniature one.” The popsicle-stick barge navigated the waters in two minutes eight seconds. Emerson gave participants two weeks to prepare for the race, providing the rules and construction kits. Those there to watch the spectacle

1,2 3

A&E Opinion



15, 17

were treated to a free bite to eat served by Jimmy John’s. “The last two or three years, we've been doing what we call college sponsorship,” said Loren Engelstad, director of engineering at Rosemount. “It's all about building a better relationship with the university and students,” he continued. The goal of the event is to attract juniors and seniors studying mechanical or electrical engineering as well as computer science majors to fill full-time openings.

The Rosemount division specializes in pressure flow and temperature measurement devices, which are used in oil and gas, chemical, power and pharmaceutical industries. Emerson is based out of St. Louis and has 263 locations worldwide, employing 142,000 and making around $22 billion in sales last year alone. More information about the company can be found at

Have a story idea? The Spectrum welcomes all students and staff to submit story ideas for any section.

-Bison Breakaway 5K Run sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. at the Wallman Wellness Center. $15 for NDSU students, faculty and staff. $20 for all others.

10 a.m. -Homecoming Parade on University Drive The start of the parade will be 17th Avenue and University Drive. Parade floats will be lining up in the Fargodome parking lot and should enter off of 19th Avenue. The parade will continue south on University Drive and turn right onto 12th Avenue. The parade will end in T-Lot.

11 a.m. -Bison pep rally and lunch in the Bison Sports Arena

1 p.m. -Football Game: NDSU vs. Illinois State in the Fargodome

7 p.m. -Movie: “Green Lantern” (PG-13) in Century Theater

9:30 p.m. -Movie: “Green Lantern” (PG-13) in Century Theater

9:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. -Campus Live: Homecoming Formal in the MU Great Plains Ballroom co-sponsored by the Residence Hall Association and Campus Live *Denotes a Passport event. Must attend 6 out of 9 events and must be present at MU Live to win. All information subject to change. Please check the printed Homecoming Schedule for a finalized schedule of events.

Editorial Staff: Editor-In-Chief: Matt Severns at Co-News Editor: Cate Ekegren at Co-News Editor: Michelle Full at

Features Editor: Linda Vasquez at Arts and Entertainment Editor: Nick Proulx at ae@ndsuspectrum Opinion Editor: Jaime Jarmin at Sports Editor: Travis Jones at

F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 | T h e S p e c t r u m


Cate Ekegren Co-News Editor Phone: 231-5260 | Email:

News 9/11 Survivor Sujo John shares his story Jaime Jarmin Spectrum Staff On Monday night, students and community members attended “Out of the Ashes of 9/11,” a program featuring Sujo John, a survivor of the World Trade Center attacks. John presented in front of a full audience in Festival Concert Hall on how 9/11 played in to his experiences as a newcomer to the United States. At the event, John spoke primarily about how he and his wife overcame the catastrophic terrorist attacks during 9/11 with help from God. He said they each earned jobs working at the World Trade Center, with Sujo in the north tower on the eighty-first floor and his wife in the south tower on the seventy-first. Both he and his wife managed to escape from the buildings without serious injuries.


“What I get to do now do is use my story as a tool to share my faith, which I do all across this country and different parts of the world,” -- Sujo John

Matt Severns/The Spectrum

Sujo John speaks at Festival Concert Hall on Monday night about miraculously surviving the 9/11 attacks while working in the north tower at the World Trade Center.

eldest son during the attacks at the World Trade Center. “You’ve been there?” John asked the audience. “When everything seems to be going well for you and your family, then tragedy hits and makes you question and wonder, ‘Why do tragedies happen?’” John uses his incredible story about surviving the 9/11 disaster at the World Trade Center as a means of inspiring peoples’ faith. “Here I stand before you

tonight sharing of [God’s] goodness and his glory,” John said. He and his wife have been speaking to millions of people since 2001 about their journey of survival when tragedy struck. “What I get to now do is use my story as a tool to share my faith, which I do all across this country and different parts of the world,” John said. Danielle Engel, a freshman majoring in nursing, attended the event and men-

tioned that Sujo John’s story really impacted her knowledge and understanding of 9/11. “I think it’d be really hard for a person that was in that situation to go up and talk about it in front of people because it was such a tragedy,” Engel said. “So I think just sharing the story of the day of 9/11 was really profound … it gives the emotional side of it more than the factual side.” Engel thought the way in which John added humor throughout the presentation helped to provide comic relief for such a heavy topic. “I expected it to be really deep, which it was, but he did a good job of adding in funny bits to help lighten the mood a little bit,” Engel said. David Stockdill, a freshman majoring in zoology, thought it was interesting to hear the perspective of 9/11 from someone who had dealt with it firsthand. “Each piece of the story about how he went through that event was important,” Stockdill said. “To hear it from someone who was there as to someone who had just seen it on the news is different.” Even though John’s message was faith-based, students like Stockdill were more intrigued by the 9/11 aspect of his story. “I mostly went not so much for the faith aspect but for the 9/11 aspect,” Stockdill said. “I feel like it gives a little bit broader perspective of what actually happened there.” The event was sponsored and organized by NDSU’s Campus Crusades for Christ (CRU), which is a Christian fellowship group on campus.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon spikes out suicide Stephanie Stanislao Spectrum Staff The gentlemen of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity will be hosting their 4th annual Spike Out Suicide volleyball tournament on Sunday. The tournament will be taking place at the sand volleyball court located near the high rise residence halls. The tournament will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will last until 6:00 p.m. According to information sent in an email Listserv, the gentlemen of SAE stated that, “Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in the United States today. It affects people of all backgrounds, races, genders, and age groups, leading more and more people to think and even attempt ending their lives to escape the pain they feel every day.” In an interview with SAE’s Philanthropy and Fundraising Chair Muddi Kpohraror, he explained that all pro-

Local non-profit receives recognition Cate Ekegren Co-News Editor

Emergency personnel were lined up outside the Memorial Union Tuesday afternoon. Despite how it looked, there was no actual disaster. Instead, the crews were there for the Emergency Management Expo put on by the Emergency Management Student Association.

FirstLink of Fargo-Moorhead has recently been recognized by the White House as a Champion of Change, part of the Winning the Future Across America initiative. FirstLink is a non-profit agency that has served the Fargo-Moorhead community for the last forty years. It is one of 150 crisis centers that make up the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and is the only crisis center in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network in North Dakota. “I think the Champion of Change recognition is a great way for people to learn who their local crisis center is,” Stacie Loegering, Director of Information and Crisis Services at FirstLink, said. “It is great to be recognized for being part of a national service that supports our community.” The goal of FirstLink is to connect people to resources. The Information and Crisis Services Program branch not only provides 24-hour telephone support to those

The Spectrum is published Tuesdays and Fridays during the academic year, except during holidays, vacations and exam periods. Each enrolled student is entitled to one copy of The Spectrum. Additional copies are available by prior arrangement with the Business Manager for $1 each. The Spectrum is a student-run newspaper published under the First Amendment guarantees of free speech and a free press. Opinions expressed on these pages are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, staff, university admin-

Business Manager ... Katie Heinen business.manager@ndsuspectrum.c om Advertising Manager ... Ryan Johnson Advertising Executive ... Brian Koening Advertising Executive ... Travis Scepaniak Office Assistant .. Morgan Weidrich Graphic Designer ... Philip Gregory Circulation Manager ... Zi Yuan Chen

John now lives in Dallas, Texas along with his wife, 9year-old son, 5-year-old daughter and 2-month-old baby. John’s wife was four months pregnant with their

Matt Severns/The Spectrum

istration or Spectrum management. The Spectrum is printed at The Forum, 101 5th St. N, Fargo, N.D. 58102. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Spectrum accepts both mail (254 Memorial Union, Fargo, N.D., 58105) and e-mail ( or Please limit letters to 500 words. Letters will be edited for clarity. They should include the writer’s name, telephone number, major and year in school.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief ... Matt Severns Co-News Editor ... Cate Ekegren Co-News Editor ... Michelle Full Features Editor ... Linda Vasquez A & E Editor ... Nick Proulx Opinion Editor ... Jaime Jarmin Sports Editor ... Travis Jones

Co-Copy Editor ... Josie Tafelmeyer Co-Copy Editor ... Stephanie Stanislao Photo Editor ... Rylee Nelson Design Editor ... Phil Gregory Web Editor ... Nikitha Kaparthi BUSINESS STAFF Office Manager ... Karla Young

ceeds of the event benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. With the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention being SAE’s main philanthropy, they have chosen to hold the volleyball tournament during Suicide and Depression Awareness week, in hopes of gaining the attention of students, faculty and staff across NDSU’s campus. Attendance in past years for the volleyball tournament has been impressive, but Kpohraror said, “I hope we get even more people to participate than at last year’s tournament. If nothing else, it’s a fun way for people to get involved and show support for suicide and depression prevention.” The cost for registration is $6 per person, and each team must have at least six players. To learn more about registration, visit the Student Activities Office, located in the Memorial Union, or check out SAE’s website,

needing support and information about health and human services, but they also have a monthly suicide survivor’s support group and they offer suicide prevention training in the community. “The Champion of Change recognition is very valuable for all community members to remember how much of our community is affected by suicide. It can help people become motivated to learn about suicide prevention and decide what they can do to support family, friends and others who are suicidal,” Loegering said. “FirstLink, along with all the other crisis centers in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network, wants everyone to know there is help and support available. Each person can become involved in suicide prevention simply by sharing the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number, 1-800-2738255 (TALK),” Loegering said. For more information, visit

The Spectrum 254 Memorial Union North Dakota State University Fargo, N.D. 58105 Main Office Number: 231-8929 Editor in Chief: 231-8629 Advertising Manager: 231-8994

F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 | T h e S p e c t r u m


Linda Vasquez Features Editor Phone: 231-5260 | Email:


Bieber and Maintaining longShampoo showdown Boyz II distance relationships 2-in-1 versus shampoo and conditioner Helpful tips for making it Men: work A holiday collaboration Alysia Larson Staff Writer Let’s face it: Relationships in general are hard and require work. But whether or not you are a few hours’ drive or across the continent Linda Vasquez from your significant other, long distance relationships Features Editor (LDR) can seem like torture. Recently, a photo surfaced Here are some helpful tips online of Justin Bieber and from for Boys II Men singer Shawn surviving a LDR. Stockman recording in the You both have to want studio together. Growing up listening to to make it work. This sounds easy or like it Boys II Men, I must admit should be assumed, but that I am more than excited make sure you and your sigto hear that the group’s new nificant other are on the album, “Twenty,” will be resame page. If one of you isn’t leased in October. When I heard that Boys II helping to maintain the relaMen and Bieber are record- tionship, it doesn’t matter if ing a new Christmas track you are in a LDR or not, the together for this upcoming relationship probably won’t season, I couldn’t help but work out. anticipate the holiday comCommunication is key. ing sooner. Talk, Talk, Talk people! According to, OK, so maybe it’s not only “Bieber had his musical hetalking; however, communiroes in mind when he heard cation is your biggest asset the song called ‘Falalalala,’- for his upcom- when you are in a LDR. You don’t have the physical or ing holiday album.” “He thought we'd be per- nonverbal cues to help you fect for it,” Stockman said. communicate either, so you “And we went in and locked probably will have to work a bit harder to communicate in.” Bieber’s forthcoming with your significant other. You have to be clear with Christmas album is promised to include all original your feelings, even if you feel tunes. In a Twitter exchange like you are being silly about between Bieber and his something. Share any and all manager Scooter Braun, the feelings. If you don’t share duo revealed that the insecurities with your signif“Christmas album is amaz- icant other, being in a LDR ing” and “it might be the is just going to exacerbate those feelings. best album yet.” And just think of all the “All originals ... soon 2 b creative ways you can talk in classics. Every1 i play it 4 is a LDR: Skype, snail mail, blown away. #Excited,” texting, phone calls, and onBraun said on the social netline social media sites are all working site. “@scooterbraun yeah we great ways to communicate. are going hard for Christmas!! #mistletoe,” Bieber Patience is a virtue. We’ve all heard this from replied. a young age. Now you get to The album will also include collaborations with artists Sean Kingston and Taylor Swift. As for Boys II Men, they are ecstatic Bieber chose them to do the collaboration on his album and shared recently on an interview with MTV News, “It’s good to Andrew Koch know we’ve influenced such Staff Writer a great artist.” “It's something that makes Every Wednesday afterus feel we've accomplished noon, one room in the [something and] we're doing our job, [that] a guy so NDSU Memorial Union is lit young and so into his craft with a single candle. Who is behind such an in[is] influenced by three guys teresting and captivating from Philadelphia that love to sing,” Boys II Men mem- sight? The Bison Catholic organber, Wanya Morris said. ization reserves this room Bieber has yet to announce every Wednesday from 11 the official date of release for the Christmas album, but he a.m. to 4 p.m. for prayer. did tweet an early gift: The event is called Adora“thinking about starting tion on Campus and is sponChristmas early ... like No- sored by St. Paul's Newman Center. Getting in touch vember. #Newmusic.” Will this collaboration be with God is its sole purpose. Tim Olson, an NDSU the hit of the winter season graduate who works with or will it be an epic fail? I don’t know about you, but I this event, explained the meaning of adoration in this can’t wait to see. context. “Adoration is the Tell me what you think! affirmation of the Catholics’ Like The Spectrum on Face- faith. Through adoration, book to get the conversation one is able to keep a visual of prayer and really feel started! how God dwells within his


putting it into practice. LDRs can get complicated when unanswered phone calls or texts happen, but you have to be patient. Being in a LDR means that your schedules won’t match up and that you might have to wait longer to talk. If you get anxious over this fact, keep yourself busy so you won’t have to be thinking about it or waiting for the phone to ring.

You have nothing without trust. Any relationship requires trust. LDRs just require what seems to be a lot more. You don’t always know what your significant other is doing, and if you can’t trust them this can be agonizing. If your significant other doesn’t trust you, then they could be upset with you when you try to have fun and do something without them. Trust needs to be given and shared with each other. If you don’t think you can do that, then you might need to re-think the relationship.

Look toward the future. There is always going to be a joyous reunion. Look toward that when you feel like ending it all. LDRs are hard, but so worth it if you really want the relationship to last. It strengthens your bond with each other, and you have something that other couples who aren’t in LDRs sometimes don’t. Just remember there will come a day when you see your significant other again, and all the loneliness and sadness that you felt being away from each other will melt away. You just have to remember that the best things in life are usually worth the wait.

OFF -Matt Severns When it comes to my mornings, I’d much rather make it out the door on time than indulge in a four-hour power shower. I acknowledge the need for shampoo and conditioner, but with this being the 21st century, I also acknowledge the advent of 2-in-1s. With a proper wet, lather and rinse, there is no need for a repeat if I am using a 2-in-1. My hair may have a few more split ends as a result, but you'd have to tell me before I'd notice. There are so many shampoo and conditioner commercials out there that the market has become the modern-day equivalent of a troupe of traveling salesmen. Gimmicks abounding, I can’t tell what will give my hair a healthy sheen and what will give it a lustrous shine. I'm also pretty sure split ends can’t be repaired. I am not a particularly frugal person, but the pricing that 2-in-1s offer is an added bonus when I am stocking my vanity. I would gladly pay $15 per bottle if I were willing to accept all the nonFDA-regulated claims the products make. The fact of the matter, however, isn’t so much that I am cheap, as it is that I prefer to spend my money wisely I don’t have time to let the conditioner set and to completely rinse the shampoo before reapplying, and quite frankly, I'm not sure it's worth it. With perfume, I might be able to walk up to someone and guess what they're wearing. With hair product, good luck. This being said, even though hair treatment companies might have you believing that there is a difference between 2-in-1s and the traditionally split shampoos and conditioners, my time (and my money for that matter) is worth something. That is, if I spend $4 on a family size bottle of Pert and I'm able to get out of the shower before I run out of hot water, I've struck gold. Plus, at the end of the day -- Pert or salon brand -- I still get a beyond-comfortable amount of people who still want to run their fingers through my hair.

Adoration on Campus event reaches out

Billboard Top


people,” Olson said. Olson said that Adoration on Campus would give a person the chance to really feel the meaning of prayer. Also, someone could learn a little bit about a different type of culture here at NDSU from attending this event. “Anyone is welcome to attend this event. If you are someone who is simply looking to spend time in the presence of Jesus, then the doors are open for you,” Olson said. The Adoration on Campus is held in the Meadow Room right across from the Memorial Union adminstrative office. The event takes place only when classes are in session. If you would like to know more about Adoration on Campus you can contact Tim Olson at

Providing a variety of services for both men & women

-Cate Ekegren Too many people are using fad products like 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioners and not respecting their hair and scalp! Separate shampoos and conditioners can do wonders for your hair. Shampoo is meant to cleanse your hair and scalp and there are many different kinds of shampoos: some for oily hair, some for dry scalp, some for stripping away styling products, etc. Conditioner on the other hand focuses on maintaining your hair appearance. Just like shampoo, there are many different kinds of conditioners: some for dry hair, some for frizzy hair, some for color-treated hair, etc. When buying a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, you are losing the ability to choose the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair and scalp. You don’t have to buy the same brand shampoo as your conditioner and you don’t have to buy a conditioner for thick hair just because your shampoo is for those with thick hair. I like to compare it to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can make a sandwich with separate peanut butter and jelly. You can choose exactly what kind of peanut butter you want (like crunchy, creamy or organic) and exactly what kind of jelly you want (like strawberry, grape or raspberry), or you can make a sandwich with the brand that swirls only creamy peanut butter and grape jelly together in the same jar. Sure it’s faster, but a 2-in-1 peanut butter and jelly isn’t giving you what you really want! I understand 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioners are cheaper because you only buy one bottle of product rather than two, and it makes sense that showering and rinsing out only one product is faster than the same routine with two products. But, if shampoo and conditioner had the same chemical make-up and uses, they wouldn’t be sold as separate products. Take the few extra minutes in the shower to use separate products on your hair and spend those few extra dollars to buy separate shampoo and conditioner rather than a 2-in-1 product. Your hair and scalp will thank you, and you will notice a healthy difference!

Located in the basement of the Memorial Union 701-231-7425

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All Day Bison Pride Fridays! Five Dollar Bison Buzz Cuts

BISON OUT! with the PhD Tailgating at the dome

F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 | T h e S p e c t r u m




Tone Syndicate. Guitar lessons, setups and repairs. New and used guitars, amps, accessories, strings, picks, stands, cables, gigbags, and more. PA rentals. Ask about our consignment. Call 701.200.2563 or contact Exp Date: 9/23/2011

Help Wanted. Rhombus Guys Pizza is accepting applications for all positions. Cooks, servers, and bartenders. Apply online at or at our location, 606 Main Avenue, Fargo. Exp Date: 9/30/2011

Private Pilot Ground School. Pass the FAA Knowledge (computer) test in just two days. SAT: 8am-6pm. SUN:8am-6pm. October 8 and 9, 2011. Live Instruction. Using Power Point presentations, photos, animations and FAA test images specifically created for the accelerated training environment. No materials or prep required. FAA Wings credits available. Hilton Garden Inn 4351 17th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58125. $99 to register for this course. Aviation instructor and Management Seminars, Inc. 810 Elmwood Place, West Fargo, ND 58078. Call 701.238.6304. or Exp Date: 9/23/2011.

CONCESSION WORKERS. The FARGODOME is accepting applications for part-time stand managers, cashiers, servers, and cooks in the Concession Department. Hours vary according to events, but we will work around your school schedule. Must be able to work NDSU Football Events. Applicants are encouraged to fill out application at the FARGODOME. 1800 North University Drive, Fargo, ND. No phone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer. Exp Date: 11/1/2011

FOR RENT: Apartment for Rent. Heat and water FREE. 2 bedrooms starting at $520. Convenient location & great value. Going fast! Rent today! Call 701.552.9672. Exp Date: 9/30/2011

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Looking for some extra

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Blonde girl liked at the Library

Short blonde wearing a pink NDSU hoodie, you were on Facebook chatting, I wish you would ask to be my friend.

Blonde guy liked at NDSU Memorial Union

Good lookin' green eyed blonde boy in the room next to me, I want to you! You’re hot!!

Black hair girl liked at NDSU Memorial Union

You were sitting on a chair near the east entrance of the U. you looked at me and i smiled at you and you smiled back and looked away. You are gorgeous.

Blonde guy liked at Other

Tall blonde who's sexy and smart gotta love engineering majors! ;) I’d date you

Blonde girl liked at Steven's Auditorium

Super blonde. You love ice cream and i need to meet you... today!

Choosing between a dream job or your partner Dear Bison Pack, I am currently a senior and looking forward to graduating in the fall. I recently started dating someone, and things are starting to get a bit serious. Unfortunately, my job offer is in Colorado and I have to move in December. But I have a problem: I haven’t told him yet. This job is an opportunity of a lifetime with a public relations firm that usually does not hire recent graduates, and I can’t refuse the offer. I don’t want to risk losing this chance, but I have fallen in love with my boyfriend and I don’t want to leave him behind. What should I do? Sincerely, Driven and In Love

Dear Driven and In Love, First, I must ask you: Which is more important to you, having your dream job or playing cupid and hearts with your beau? Once you have made this decision, then your answer should be quite obvious. Let me clarify. It’s hard enough to find a job after college; do you really want to risk not only the job you have been waiting for, but also maybe even finding a job at all? Your boyfriend is not dumb. He will understand that this is a career move that you must take in order for you to be successful. If he doesn’t support you, then guess what? He needs to get the boot. And who knows, he might even be willing to move with you, that is if you’re ready for that next step. - Tough Bison You seem like a pretty smart person. If you've earned a job right out of college, it's because you've already demonstrated potential. This being said, do you really think that some firm out in Colorado is the only one in the nation that wants you? If you're smart, you'll be able to find another job. If you're in love, that doesn't necessarily qualify you for a newfound romance. Emotions are based on compatibility, whereas a résumé is based on concrete experiences that exist independently of some firm in Colorado. Home is where the heart is. - Brilliant Bison Even though it may seem like this job is an “opportunity of a lifetime,” you cannot pass up love. Who knows? Perhaps if you leave, you’ll face the heartbreaking reality that you chose a job over your potential soul mate. If there is one thing that I’ve learned about life and love, you’ll always be able to find a career. If you pick this job over him now, what else will you choose your job over in the future? When you choose your profession over your relationships, you miss out on what really matters. - Balanced Bison

T h e S p e c t r u m | F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1


Nick Proulx Arts and Entertainment Editor Phone: 231-5261 | Email:

Arts and Entertainment

The Force is strong on Blu-ray But is this package right for you?

Nick Proulx A&E Editor Does it live up to all the hype, and is it worth $90? In a word: Yes The release of “Star Wars: The Complete Saga� last week finally did for the timeless space opera what fans have been dreaming of for too many nights. The films can now be enjoyed in glorious high definition thanks to Blu-ray with over 40 hours of special features.


“The films still look impressive -- most impressive, considering they’ve aged for three decades.�

The series as a whole is looking its best in the HD format, which is a lot to say considering it has never looked bad. In regards to the visual quality of the original trilogy, not every scene looks like it was shot yesterday; there is still an overall graininess to the visuals that can be a bit too noticeable at times. The films still look im-

pressive -- most impressive, considering they’ve aged for three decades. You can almost see your own reflection in our favorite Sith lord’s helmet, and individual blemishes are distinguishable on C-3PO’s golden plating. The audio is nothing short of phenomenal. Bits of dialogue and background noise once unnoticed make rewatching the films a fresh experience. John William’s score has never sounded better, driving home feelings of triumph and tragedy in 6.1 surround sound. Now, as most are aware, many things have happened to those cinematic masterpieces since mankind first set eyes on them. Further, as most are aware, it is the “enhanced� versions of the movies consumers are stuck with. We are still led to believe that Greedo shot first, and watching the dance scene at Jabba’s Palace is still torture. Some of the new alterations actually help out, believe it or not, but only ones that are minimalistic. Touched-up lightsaber blades and blaster shots are generally good things, in much the same manner as re-mastered audio. However, a new more “alien� noise Ben Kenobi uses to scare off the sand people in “A New Hope� will make the unsuspecting cringe. A slew of other changes include a CGI Yoda in “The Phantom Menace� and the ability to blink now bestowed upon Ewoks. Tragically, in his continual

Under the Hood

Audiences and the Legacy of ‘Drive’ Charlie Crane Contributing Writer “93 percent fresh on Rotten Tomatoes? More like 92 percent of crap!� That’s a direct quote from a young woman who sat behind me at the screening of Nicholas Winding Refn’s “Drive� over the weekend.


“I believe “Drive� to be in the same company as “Pulp Fiction� and “Goodfellas,� even though it couldn’t be more different than those two films.�

I first saw this movie in San Diego in an audience made up of film critics and film buffs. Needless to say, the entire theater reveled in the glory of “Drive’s� neon blood-spattered madness. One aspect of the film-going experience is the audience

you view it with, so I was curious how the packed theater made up of college bros and middle-aged Midwestern couples would react to this unconventional action thriller. The general reaction was one of either revulsion over the films content or indifference over the lack of shaky camera action. One guy I knew told me he thought it was both “terrible and boring.� This may have happened for several reasons, including the impression left by an ill-conceived ad campaign that played up the action aspects of the film and left out the more complicated art house realities and sensibilities that make up the core of the film. This particular group went into “Drive� expecting “The Fast and the Furious� or “The Transporter,� an expectation that doomed any chance that they could’ve had to enjoy it. This caused me some sadness deep inside for the fact that even though there are basic similarities between “Drive� and its blockbuster cousins, “Drive� is a rebuke to those kinds of films – a more intelligent and riveting

Matt Paulsen Contributing Writer

Rylee Nelson/The Spectrum

“Star Wars: The Complete Saga� takes a classic series and reworks it to fit newer digital formats.

tinkering with the films, George Lucas destroyed Darth Vader’s silent sacrifice toward the end of “Return of the Jedi.� Hearing Vader cry out, “Noooooooooo!!!!� in “Revenge of the Sith� was admittedly hilarious; here it is no laughing matter, and is in many ways disturbing. Tarnishing this memory may be unforgivable for diehards. Don’t fret just yet though: The additional material is a great added bonus, and in some ways redemptive for this collection. Viewers now have access to infamous deleted scenes (Wampas in Echo Base, anyone?) in various stages of production and editing. Also included

are over an hour and a half of spoofs that will surely elicit nerdy chuckles, be they from “Family Guy,� “Robot Chicken� or “Saturday Night Live.� All in all, “Star Wars: The Complete Saga� carries all the baggage from past re-releases. What it also brings to the table is the beauty of HD and a boatload of extras, making it about as close to a definitive collection as we may ever see. This is a must buy for avid fans, who can undoubtedly trooper through the altered scenes. For all others, lose yourself in a galaxy far, far away for at least a few hours because the whole package doesn’t disappoint.

take on familiar stories, characters and archetypes. In fact, “Drive� began its life as a novel by author James Sallis, which initially was slated to be the basis for an action vehicle for Hugh Jackman that would’ve had much more in common with “Fast� and “Transporter.� Luckily, that film languished in Hollywood limbo and was never produced, instead getting passed on to producer Marc Platt. When Platt offered the role to Ryan Gosling, Gosling said he would only make the film if he could choose his director. He chose Nicolas Winding Refn. When Refn and screenwriter Hossein Amini looked at Sallis’ novel, they saw something more than just a straight up action movie. They saw an existential love letter to a fairy tale Los Angeles: A film inhabited by modern day knights and evil Japanese Daimyos – if the knight was instead a stoic getaway driver and the Daimyo a Jewish gangster. Another aspect that turned people off was the streamlined plot and sparse dialogue, which to me says they missed the point. Movies just aren’t about what happens and what is said. There is a more subversive and integral aspect that more often than not goes unnoticed: the overall mood of the film and how the film affects you on a psychological level.

It is here that “Drive� succeeds in spades. “Drive� has an undeniable cool factor, a general feeling of confidence and grandeur that entraps the mind and fills the senses. It does this through its outof-this-world soundtrack and score by composer Cliff Martinez, to a general mastery of aesthetics and tone. I believe “Drive� to be in the same company as “Pulp Fiction� and “Goodfellas,� even though it couldn’t be more different than those two films. They are some of the finest ever made, and I believe “Drive� to be right up there with them. Having already won the Best Director prize at the Cannes Film Festival, and having received a showering of praise from not only film critics but also audiences (that 93 percent on Rotten Tomatoes didn’t come from nowhere), “Drive� has a great chance of receiving nominations come award season. It’s directing, writing and performances are some of the best I’ve seen this year. It would be a crime if Gosling doesn’t get nominated or win for his role as Driver, or if Albert Brook’s shocking turn as mob boss Bernie Rose goes unrecognized. This is a once in a generation kind of movie, but I guess only time will tell where “Drive� will end up.

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Monday night, Comedy Central roasted none other than the self-proclaimed rock star from Mars, Charlie Sheen. It just so happened they decided to roast Sheen on the very night Ashton Kutcher replaced him on “Two and a Half Men.� Seth MacFarlane started the night off by reminding everyone of Sheen’s funeral taking place on CBS, and then stated that no one needs to flip over because they can watch the real thing in a few months. He then went on to “read� Amy Winehouse’s eulogy and say they are identical, but that Winehouse actually had talent and will be missed. This opening really set the tone for what was ahead. The show then went to a montage of Sheen’s best film roles including Rick “Wild Thing� Vaughn from “Major League� and his roles in “Platoon� and “Wall Street.� The montage was played over Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger,� which is fitting considering Sheen’s blood. It was an interesting reminder that Sheen was actually a respected actor before all this went down. Roasting Sheen were a collection of comics and some wild cards including Jon Lovitz, Jeffrey Ross, Amy Schumer, William Shatner, Steve-O, Kate Walsh, Anthony Jeselnik, Patrice O’Neal, and Mike

Tyson. Seth MacFarlane, who got a few burns in himself, hosted the whole show. None of the roasters held back, leaving no part of Sheen’s life unscathed, from his drug problems to his family and even his kids. Not all the jokes were funny, and some of them weren’t politically correct, but there were some highlights. Jeff Ross: “This lineup is so pathetic, I was hoping I’d get replaced by Ashton Kutcher ... The only time your kids get to see you is in re-runs. Don’t you want to live to see their first 12 steps?� Kate Walsh: “It’s amazing, after abusing your lungs, liver and kidneys, the only thing you’ve had removed is your kids.� William Shatner: “Charlie, I’m 80 years old. You’re, what, 46? How come we look like we went to high school together?� Mike Tyson: “As the Bard once said, ‘All the world’s a stage.’ And Charlie’s been booed off them all.� To his credit though, Sheen took it all in stride, and when he finally got a chance to speak, he put the night in perspective. “You can’t hurt me. I can’t kill me. Did you really think your little jokes were going to hurt me?� Sheen then added, “What I’m trying to say is that I’m done with the ‘winning’ because I’ve already won ... I’ll see you all in the next adventure.� What an adventure that will be.

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T h e S p e c t r u m | F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1


Arts and Entertainment 72 percent of iPhone revenue from in-app A contemporary feminist purchases The F-word perspective

Carissa Suter Contributing Writer As a feminist in today’s world, there are days when I struggle to make the right “feminist� decision. I hold the belief that people should spend each day working on becoming a better version of themselves. While this is a beautiful thought, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Personally, it means that I need to make decisions every day that promote gender equality and do not objectify women.


“What does it say about me that the only things I read are magazines about how to make your waist look smaller�

While it’s easy for me to stand up against a misogynistic comment in class, educate others about sexual assault truths or choose not to go to a strip club, other choices do not come as easily. This is especially true with regard to entertainment. For example, I believe that reality TV does terrible things for humanity as a whole. To be more specific, it usually objectifies women and makes us look unintelligent. There are exceptions to this opinion. Sometimes I enjoy shows like “Pawn Stars� or “Intervention� because they’re just fine. The shows I refer to are those

that I’ve heard older adults call “trashy reality TV.� Shows like “Jersey Shore,� “Teen Mom,� “The Bachelor� and “The Bad Girls Club� (just to name a few) are part of this list. These shows at their very core do not promote gender equality. Sometimes these shows are just painful to watch, but other times I just want to be entertained by the ridiculousness of it all, which is the opinion many watchers hold. However, I refuse to let myself watch these shows because in the end, it makes me a hypocrite. Hearing that the next episode is about Snooki’s beachside arrest or Maci’s baby-daddy drama can make this rule of mine tempting, but somehow I’ve managed to resist. Another guilty pleasure that I’ve started to cut back on is reading women’s magazines. I used to read Cosmopolitan and Glamour frequently. A few months ago I realized that school is only allowing me a little bit of time to read for pleasure. What does it say about me that the only things I read are magazines about how to make your waist look smaller or how to “please your man?� It certainly doesn’t say a lot. I’ve tried to broaden my horizon and have since then read “Infidel� by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and “Bossypants� by Tina Fey. These books were empowering, touching and the very opposite of those magazines. I’m proud to say that I’ve grown since I implemented these small feminist changes, but I have a long way to go until I can say all decisions I make are ones that reflect the type of person I hope to be.

Steven Strom Staff Writer It would appear that the new “freemium� style of online transaction, in which an application is downloaded for free and customers can pick various extra features and upgrades to purchase within that program, has actually been paying off. Anyone that follows online gaming is probably aware that this free-to-play, pay-to-upgrade model has worked wonders for massively multiplayer online games (MMOs). With titles like “Lord of the Rings Online� and “Dungeons and Dragons Online� almost

tripling their annual revenue after switching from a subscription based model, and games like “DC Universe Online� and “Star Trek Online� set to make the jump later this year, it's easy to see where the world of online distribution is going. As it turns out, personal computers aren't the only field reaping the benefits of this new cost renaissance. According to Hendrik Koekkoek of Distimo, a firm that specializes in monitoring exactly this sort of thing, most of the revenue from apps on Apple's ubiquitous iPhone actually comes from indirect, in-app purchases rather than direct software sales.

This is big news for anyone planning on programming (not to mention marketing) software for one of the most popular smartphones in the world. According to Koekkoek and Distimo, 48 percent of revenue on the device is garnered from free applications with in-app purchases, while 24 percent comes in from the in-app purchases within software that has an up-front cost. This is very significant for the programming community, as it means that not only does more revenue come from in-app purchases, but specifically from the aforementioned freemium model. With this sort of model

becoming more and more successful and popular, it can only be a matter of time before it spreads to more conventional, ubiquitous software. Who doesn't already use word processing software? What if programs like Apple's Pages and Microsoft's Word were to follow this model? I have to imagine that the rest of the world might appreciate software with no upfront cost, possibly enough to not worry about buying new fonts, design styles, etc. This is all hypothetical, of course, but it seems to be a more and more likely outcome in an ever-changing software market.

A poetic embrace A few lines per week could make for better days Keith Bistodeau Contributing Writer Throughout my years at NDSU, I have come to notice a few things around campus:


“Free writing or journaling has been shown in multiple health studies to relieve stress.�

You will always find people up late in the library. There will always be a large need for coffee. Someone will always sleep in for at least one of your classes. Also, most men do



not write or even read poetry. According to a New Yorker article, from 1941, 1968 and 2006, poetry is enjoyed by almost a 4-1 ratio by women compared to men. Most famous poets are women as well, outnumbering men by a ratio of 3-to-1. Although this may be a hard-known fact of life, our culture tends to portray men as emotionally aware and compassionate, especially in movies. Most of us can name one time or another when we were watching a show or movie and saw a guy try to win a girl by writing her love poems, playing her a song, or holding a radio over his head outside her window. Even with this large social pressure from our cul-

ture, college men write poetry the least out of any demographic in the United States; less than 5 percent write poetry, and less than 3 percent have written poetry in the last year. Although it may be hard for men to let their guard down and show their emotional side, poetry has many more benefits than showing your artistic side, or simply impressing a girl. Free writing or journaling has been shown in multiple health studies to relieve stress, lower your heart rate and even lower both cholesterol and blood pressure. This could come in handy with the amount of caffeine the normal college student has in a day. If that does not persuade you to pick up your pen and let out your inner Robert Frost, here is one





more bit of information: Poetry is also a great way to draw links from different areas of your life, which may allow you to balance your schedule. This may seem weird, but Poetry Magazine published an article in 1999 that showed creative expression through activities like poetry allow people to clear their minds and organize thoughts and tasks more easily then those who did not write at least once a week. No matter who you are, there really is no excuse not to write or express yourself through poetry. You may write to someone, or just for yourself. Either way, the short escape from your daily grind into you own artistic world will pay dividends for years to come.



F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 | T h e S p e c t r u m


Jaime Jarmin Opinion Editor Phone: 231-6287 | Email:

I’ll foot the bill with a smile on my face

Jaime Jarmin Opinion Editor On Monday, President Obama introduced his debt reduction and economic growth plan. While this may not sound very exciting to most of you, I found myself punching jubilantly into the air upon learning about it. The reason I was extremely happy was because one of the key points Obama addressed was his idea to stop Saturday mail delivery with the United States Postal Service. Once I was done celebrating, I had to remind myself that mail really does come on Saturdays. It’s not that Saturday mail isn’t memorable, but it just seems like a waste of time having to deliver a few bills or some junk

mail on a day that isn’t very convenient or practical. Although I do get some really great coupons in the mail, I wouldn’t be too disgruntled if I didn’t receive them until Monday. Halting mail delivery on Saturdays would help keep hundreds of thousands of employees from becoming laid off in the United States as well as cut down the USPS’s substantial debts. According to CNN Money online, this plan to put the kibosh on Saturday mail service “would first allow the U.S. Postal Service to use $7 billion from an overfunded pension account to avoid financial collapse.” Ironically, earlier this year, the U.S. Postal Service proposed to stop Saturday mail delivery as well. They figured that this change would help cut costs of up to $90 billion over the next 10 years, CNN Money indicated. The reason this issue is even occurring can be blamed on technology. Email

and online bill payments have decreased the need to use the U.S. Postal Service’s age-old form of business and communication. Simply put, this new digital era we now live in has shrunk the need for old-fashioned mail delivery. If snail mail is no longer being delivered on Saturdays, it will take even longer to receive the $15 your grandma sends in your birthday card each year. In all fairness, a card received in the mail is much more exciting than an email popping up in your inbox. In addition to ending Saturday mail delivery, the USPS will be able to raise the price of stamps another two cents. And again, after learning this, I had to remind myself what the price of stamps really are nowadays. If this plan takes off, you and I will have to pay 46 cents for a first-class, oneounce letter instead of 44 cents. Normally I would have been a little upset that I’ll be

paying $9.20 instead of $8.80 for 20 of my favorite Simpsons stamps, but in order to keep Americans employed, I’ll foot the bill. Sam Lamwers, a sophomore majoring in mathematics, works at the NDSU Post Office in the Memorial Union and thinks that the rise in price for stamps won’t affect many of their customers. “I feel like it would be OK because most people don’t really know the price of stamps right now anyway,” Lamwers said. In order to keep the USPS above ground and avoid bankruptcy, it makes sense to stop delivering mail on Saturdays and to raise the price of stamps. I think the rest of us can live with a five-day postal week in order for people around the country to stay employed and be able to put food on their tables. Jaime is a sophomore majoring in English education.

NYC protests: The easy way out

Matt Severns Spectrum Staff Nowhere else in America can you find such a beautiful juxtaposition of American ideals as on Wall Street in New York City. The Occupy Wall Street demonstration has brought thousands of protesters to serve as an unusually colorful backdrop for the men in suits on their way to work. These people have gathered themselves near the epicenter of American greed to make the point that they are sick of the political system being influenced by corporations.

They are sticking it to the man by sitting near police barricades, setting up tents, leaving parks by dusk and flaunting homemade signs. This is all fine and well, but they’re going to have to leave eventually. As time passes, their numbers will become less and less while their remaining members become less and less -- hygienic. Sooner or later, the jobless protesters will look, well, jobless. In life, we are almost always given more than one road. I can either determine that finding a job and working hard to succeed is great, or I can decide that there’s a better chance I’ll succeed at overthrowing the system sometime during a month of peaceful demonstration. I’m all for protest, but I’m also all for the potential of the American dream. The idea of having compa-

nies influence politicians is terrifying -- if I view heading such a corporation as systematically impossible. It might be improbable for me to succeed to the point where I become one of those men in suits who carries a briefcase to and from his lunch date with a congressman, but the point is that it is still possible. If I can make it to that point, shouldn't I be able to use my money as I please? And if not, is a society that regulates how I spend earned money the type of society I would want to live in? Corporations get treated like people because they’re manifestations of people’s progress, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Nothing bothers me more than when somebody’s doing better than I, but being beat doesn’t mean I take myself out of the game. Instead, I

Reading between the paws Sarah Champa Contributing Writer This is not a surprise to some of you, but “The Lion King,” the original, is back on the big screen. I know the vast majority of women reading this are jumping around and hyperventilating at such fantastic news while whimpering the words, “I love that movie! I love that movie!” Men are probably doing the same thing, but in secret. “The Lion King” was loved and still is loved by all. I have not seen the movie since I was super young, but I treated myself and went to the movie on Friday night with friends. The friend I was sitting by during the movie started to whisper philosophies about certain scenes in the movie, hidden philosophies I haven’t even thought of or that I passed by when I watched this movie as a little tyke. It turns out that one of the most beloved Disney movies

of all time played out like this: Simba obeyed a higher authority as a child. His dad died and the emotional trauma caused him to turn to relativism and leave authority while chilling with Timon and Pumba. Relativism is the “do whatever you want and don’t worry about anything - make up your own truth” kind of attitude. Simba, though seemingly satisfied with this new life, was not happy. Eventually, he ran back to the transcendent power of authority to become king and was happy again. When my friend whispered those philosophies to me as I watched the movie, I was in shock. I fell in love with the Disney classic even more because I don’t like relativism. It never works. During this dark time in the U.S., when relativism is a standard, it seems backwards that so many people love a movie that is against relativism and cheers for obedience to a higher, transcendent authority. “The


Lion King” actually screams at the audience to suck it up, stop being selfish and believe in something absolute, none of this wishywashy garbage that relativism has to offer. I don’t think we should arrange our lives based on the philosophies of Disney movies. In fact, that seems pretty silly, but in this movie’s case, it wouldn’t hurt. Actually, you can learn a bunch from Disney movies, especially the old ones. They make evil look really evil and make good look really good. In any case, I thought it wise to share the great philosophies of “The Lion King.” It is a fantastic movie to model your life after. I want to apologize to all the relativists out there who used to love “The Lion King” and are now upset that their favorite Disney movie has become stale. Absolute truth hurts. Sarah Champa is a senior in university studies.

look at what they’re doing and try to do it better. This is the American dream, a dream that’s still very much alive. My ability to succeed is entirely dependent on myself. Granted there are rough patches here and there and granted my life might be more difficult than someone else’s, but nonetheless, I still have the basic pieces necessary to play the game. The demonstrators in New York City have decided that they’re better off giving up than becoming part of the system and making changes from within. I can understand the frustration of the demonstrators, but the day you see me out there is the day the American dream is truly lost.

Opinion Family dinners disappear Cate Ekegren Spectrum Staff On a recent trip to Chili’s Grill and Bar Restaurant in Fargo, I was quite surprised to find a tabletop media unit waiting for me at the booth. Initially, I was impressed. The host seating my party explained the media unit to us as a lot of fun. The “Ziosk,” which works just like an iPad, features applications such as USA Today, the Weather Channel, plenty of games and a way to pay your bill at the table. Sure, these new tabletop media units are bringing restaurants into the digital age, but at what cost? My family doesn’t get to see each other very often since we are all living so far apart. When we do have a chance to gather around a table (our own or at a restaurant) for a meal, it’s nice to be able to catch up on things going on in our lives. Families with younger children might appreciate the Ziosk and it’s ability to keep kids occupied, but if kids can’t control themselves in public, their parents need to stop looking for a quick fix and giving in to tantrums by spoiling their kids with fun and games and teach them how to be patient through a meal. Going out to eat in a restaurant used to be a treat but now it has become such a regular occurrence for busy families, and it’s just not special anymore.

If you’re at Chili’s for a date or a business meeting, the Ziosk tabletop media unit is definitely a distraction. The Ziosk takes away any possibility for a meaningful conversation, especially when you are trying to get to know a new love interest or a new coworker or boss. Considering the relationship between the guests and the server, how much longer will it be before guests place their order with the Ziosk as well? As it is, we only saw our server about three or four times and it was only to drop off drinks or food. There was no connection there and I wasn’t comfortable leaving a decent tip because the server made no effort to make sure our experience was enjoyable. Remember the basics and be respectful! Your parents wouldn’t read the paper and check their emails during dinnertime, and I hope you wouldn’t watch YouTube videos and play Angry Birds on your smartphone during either. Dinner lasts around an hour. Can our society really not hold a conversation for that long anymore without requiring some sort of technology? Gone are the days of the family dinner and pleasant conversation over a plate of delicious food. Welcome to the digital age. Cate is a senior majoring in hospitality and tourism management.

Good humor

Matt is a senior majoring in English education.


The Spectrum has answers! “The Honest Truth” will take your questions at opinion@

Steven Strom/The Spectrum

F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 | T h e S p e c t r u m


Travis Jones Sports Editor Phone: 231-5262 | Email:

Sports Something Bison vs. Gophers preview: doesn’t add up

Part two

seven, both linemen and linebackers, the Bison defense will need to bring its best game to force the lineHeaded into the final days backer-esque Gray off balbefore the Bison travel to ance. Minneapolis for their date with the Minnesota Golden Gophers, first-year Head Coach Jerry Kill was com“This game’s plimentary of the Bison progoing to be gram. won on execu"You don't have to contion, not emovince me and tell me how hard those son-of-a-bucks tion.” are going to play," Kill said. -- Craig Bohl "That's a subject that doesn't need to be discussed. I Offensively, the challenge know they are going to play their best game, and I know for the Bison is one that the they are going to play hard." team has not faced in some It is that lunch pail atti- time. The Gopher defense tude that the Bison program has struggled at times this is famous for that will ulti- season, but despite those mately give NDSU their best struggles against fairly vanilla competition, the Gochance to win Saturday. The key to the game will phers still rank in the top start and end with the defen- half of the Big Ten in rush sive line, particularly that defense, forcing teams to group's ability to keep pres- throw the ball rather than sure in the offensive back- grind it out on the ground. NDSU's offense is predifield to force Gopher quarterback Marqueis Gray cated on a powerful rushing to throw the ball rather than attack led by senior DJ Mcdefer to his dangerous run- Norton, which makes trying ning game. With an unprece- to game-plan difficult. Even dented amount of depth with the depth the Bison along the defensive front enjoy at the rusher position,

Kyle Roth Position

Travis Jones Sports Editor Going into the bye week, the football team was ranked sixth in the FCS Coaches Poll. Most of the time, coaches could care less what they are ranked and don’t even know what they are unless they’re receiving first place votes. Our commander-in-chief, Craig Bohl, is usually the same way, but even Bohl was surprised when the Bison dropped six – yes six – spots in the polls this week. We were sixth in the poll heading into our bye week, and magically after a bye week we dropped six spots. Here’s something to think about other teams who were idle this week: Georgia Southern remained at the top spot; Conference foe Northern Iowa remained at the njumber two spot with a 1-1 record; New Hampshire was ranked 12th last week and they moved up one spot; and Southern Illinois was at the 15 spot and is now ranked 13th. After reading that paragraph, the appropriate reaction is, “what the hell?” That’s what mine was after seeing the press release. Oh, I forgot to mention the best part, the school to our north, who has one win over a nonscholarship school in Drake (Iowa), cracked the top 25 coming off a loss. What’s the reason for the mix-up? One explanation could be that the coaches aren’t giving us any votes this week for scheduling two cupcake games to open up the season. A reason UND surprisingly broke into the top 25 could be that their loss was a narrow one-point defeat against FBS school Fresno State. The popular rumor, and the only logical explanation I can come to terms with, is that the coaches gave UND our votes and we got their votes, which is why we dropped six spots because their football program is soft and non-deserving of a top 25 spot. Any coach will say that the polls don’t matter and that they’re focused on the task ahead, which for us is a giant battle against Minnesota at TCF Bank Stadium, but consider this: In Bohl’s press conference Monday, his thoughts were on the move. “We went down?” Coach Bohl stated. “Wow. I don’t vote. I used to vote so I kept more track of that.” With arguably the biggest game on the schedule this season, this surprises even the head coach. Whatever the reason is for the shift, it won’t be revealed. The only way to right it is to earn another victory in the cities. With a win against the Gophers, I wouldn’t be shocked to see us in the top five. Even with a loss, I don’t feel we’ll drop below 12, because I think there has definitely been a mistake made. Hopefully this will all be muted with a win Saturday, but you have to wonder for the time being what was going on when the voting points were being tallied.


Rylee Nelson/The Spectrum

Brock Jensen lines up under center against Saint Francis on Sept. 10 in the Fargodome. Jensen will need to move the ball in the air to come away with a win in Minnesota.

bolstered by backup Sam Ojuri and Derrick Lang, the offensive key for an NDSU victory will be for sophomore quarterback Brock Jensen to deliver a sterling performance. Jensen's improvements have been notable so far this season, but this Saturday will mark the sophomore’s first game against a Football Bowl Subdivision opponent. "While there wasn't any

Volleyball cruises past South Dakota

guy on this squad who played in the [2007] game [against Minnesota], we have guys who played against other FBS opponents," Bison Head Coach Craig Bohl said of this year's team. "There's going to be a great deal of emotion, we realize that. This game's going to be won on execution, not emotion." With one of the most exciting matchups of the season

kicking off Saturday, all that remains is for the team to remain collected and to realize that NDSU is a school that belongs on the national stage. With a bulk of the roster already having experience taking down an FBS school in Kansas last season, the national stage should be nothing new to this team.

The Spectrum

Bison travel east for weekend

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Rylee Nelson/The Spectrum

Jennifer Lopez and Chrissy Knuth get ready for a serve against IUPUI last Saturday. The Bison will be on a weekend road trip playing against the Oakland Golden Grizzlies and IPFW Mastodons.

Travis Jones Sports Editor The women’s volleyball squad headed to Vermillion, S.D. on Monday to take on the Coyotes in their third Summit League match of the season. The University of South Dakota and NDSU were tied at the top of the Summit League standings coming into the match. After opening the conference slate 2-0 last weekend, the Bison continued their solid opening performance with a 3-0 sweep of USD. The attack duo of Brynn Joki and Lauren Cammack was back again as they were one-two in kills and points for the Herd. Joki led the

Going to the game?

team with 10 kills, 12 points and 34 attacks on the match, and she contributed nine digs as well. Cammack had another good night at the net with eight kills and 12 points. Jennifer Lopez had 26 assists. South Dakota, a new addition to the Summit League in 2011, was saddled with their first conference loss of the season. They opened up their conference grind with wins against Oral Roberts and Southern Utah. The Bison will be in Rochester, Mich., on Friday night for a match against the Oakland Golden Grizzlies. Oakland is 6-5 (1-1 Summit) on the year, and the match against the Bison will be their conference home

opener. On Saturday, the ladies will travel to Fort Wayne, Ind., to take on the Mastodons of Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne. IPFW, who always plays NDSU tough, is 6-5 (0-1 Summit) in conference play so far with a loss to Oakland in their Summit League Opener. Sunday will be a day off for the Bison, but they will be in Indianapolis on Monday for a non-conference battle with the Butler Bulldogs, members of the Horizon League. Butler is 5-8 (0-2 Horizon) on the year. The Herd has two more weekend road trips before returning home on Oct. 7.

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T h e S p e c t r u m | F r i d a y, S e p e t m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1


Sports Bison gives back Turner joins Big Brother program Travis Jones Sports Editor People say that volunteering is one of the most rewarding things a person can do in their life. People also say that playing football for a Division-I school is amazing and shows that the person is resilient and hard-working. Billy Turner, sophomore offensive tackle for the Bison, does both of these things. Obviously being a student-athlete is time consuming, but Turner found time to volunteer with a little extra incentive to do it. “I had to do a community service project for a class,” Turner stated. “Big Brother, you see commercials and advertisements for them everywhere, so I looked up to see if they had one in Fargo and they did.”


“Just for that child to know that his future could still be bright, minus what’s going on in his family life.” -- Billy Turner

After finding that Fargo had a program, Turner had to find out what it is and how to get involved. “I called one of the people up there and I was talking to them a little bit to see if I could get an interview set up,” Turner said. “I got the interview set up and I got the position for the volunteering, and right now they’re in the process of finding a child for me to hang out with and mentor.”

Friday football pick ‘em Each Friday during the football season we will be picking games and totaling up points based on picks. The writer with the highest amount of points at the end of the season is the winner. One point will be awarded for picking the correct winner and three points will be awarded for picking the correct score. If the writer picks all the winners correctly, they will be awarded five extra points.

Points from week three: Kyle--2 Ryan--4 Justin--4 Travis--2

Standings after week three: Ryan--12 Justin--10 Kyle--9 Travis--9

Week 4 Games Oklahoma State vs. Texas A&M Alabama vs. Arkansas North Dakota State vs. Minnesota Youngstown State vs. Indiana State Patriots vs. Bills Lions vs. Vikings

Courtesy of

NDSU offensive tackle Billy Turner, volunteers mentoring a child through Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

Once lined up with a child, Turner will act as a positive role model in that child’s life. “[I will be] going up to the school once or twice a week and spending an hour or two with one of the kids that they select for me,” Turner said. “It’s obviously a kid that either has problems in school or in the family life. It’s just up at the school an hour or two a day, depending on my schedule.” Turner only needs a few hours of service for his class, but has decided that more is better. “It’s a yearlong contract, which is nice because I only need about five or ten hours for the class,” Turner added. “I might as well just do a year contract to give back to the community.” It’s Turner’s first time

volunteering for this program, but not his first time volunteering. “I’ve done some volunteer work at the Salvation Army up here,” Turner mentioned. “I’ve never volunteered with an actual child like this, so I’m interested to see how it goes.” The child that Turner gets paired with will receive a role model and mentoring, but Turner hopes to receive something as well. “Just to better the child’s life,” Turner said. “Just to show him just because you have family problems at home, doesn’t mean you have to have family problems outside of home. Just for that child to know that his future could still be bright, minus what’s going on in his family life.”

Travis Oklahoma State 27 vs. Texas A&M 30 Alabama 38 vs. Arkansas 14 North Dakota State 27 vs. Minnesota 20 Youngstown State 20 vs. Indiana State 38 Patriots 34 vs. Bills 17 Lions 31 vs. Vikings 17 Justin Oklahoma State 31 vs. Texas A&M 24 Alabama 42 vs. Arkansas 21 North Dakota State 21 vs. Minnesota 28 Youngstown State 28 vs. Indiana State 10 Patriots 38 vs. Bills 10 Lions 35 vs. Vikings 17 Ryan Oklahoma State 27 vs. Texas A&M 20 Alabama 34 vs. Arkansas 17 North Dakota State 17 vs. Minnesota 14 Youngstown State 23 vs. Indiana State 13 Patriots 38 vs. Bills 20 Lions 24 vs. Vikings 27 Kyle Oklahoma State 34 vs. Texas A&M 28 Alabama 31 vs. Arkansas 18 North Dakota State 27 vs. Minnesota 17 Youngstown State 27 vs. Indiana State 45 Patriots 38 vs. Bills 31 Lions 28 vs. Vikings 21

Bison herd round-up Travis Jones Sports Editor Men’s Golf NDSU freshman Trent Olson won the Erv Kaiser Invitational, a two-day event on Monday and Tuesday at Oxbow Country Club in Oxbow, ND. Olson shot a three-over 219 winning by three shots over Manitoba’s Bobby Wiebe. Olson had a last round surge as he was in third place with a 147 after the first day of play. Fellow Bison Nathan Anderson, a junior originally from Oxbow, finished third with a 223. Manitoba had four top10 finishers and captured the team title by five shots over South Dakota, who placed second. The twotime defending champions, Green Bay finished third while NDSU’s second team finished sixth and NDSU’s first team

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placed seventh.

Soccer The women’s soccer team will be in action Thursday against Drake and Sunday against the University of North Dakota. The match against Drake was completed after this issue of The Spectrum went to press. UND will come into the match Sunday against the Bison with a 3-5-1 record. Rachael Loomis, who has three goals and four assists, and Kristi Hestdalen will lead the Fighting Sioux. Hestdalen has started eight games at the goalie position for the Fighting Sioux and has notched two shutouts in her eight starts. The Bison will have a clear advantage playing at the Ellig Sports Complex.

Since 2009 the Bison are 17-2 at home, having outscored opponents 5015. The Bison have lost only one match at home in the 2009 and 2010 seasons. They will be putting an eight-game home winning streak on the line in the coming days. In other women’s soccer news, NDSU junior Holly Christian was named Summit League Player of the Week. Christian received this award after scoring two goals in the Bison’s 3-1 victory over Nebraska Omaha. This is the first weekly award of Christian’s career and NDSU’s first offensive award since 2008 when Lorraine Thompson received the award. Rylee Nelson/The Spectrum

Abby Moenkedick tosses the ball in from the sideline against Nebraska-Omaha Sunday.

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F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 | T h e S p e c t r u m



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