NDSU SPECTRUM | February 11 2018

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Defining Taboo

Editorial Editorial Board Spectrum Staff

The contents of this newspaper discuss topics that some readers may find to be disturbing or traumatic. The Spectrum’s Taboo Issue is meant to discuss topics we do not openly talk about in society or those things that are not openly accepted in American culture. A taboo is defined as something that is deemed improper by society to speak



about. A habit of silence around tough subjects is not doing anyone any good. The Taboo Issue is a platform to talk about what we don’t talk about, explore topics that stray from popular opinion. The purpose of this paper is not to reaffirm what you already believe. This issue may challenge your currently held beliefs as it covers subject matter that is generally not given precedence. According to the Society of Professional Journal-

Talking about what we don’t openly talk about

ists Code of Ethics, it is the responsibility of the ethical journalist to “support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.” While the material discussed in the contents of this newspaper is not necessarily endorsed or condoned by The Spectrum staff, we do believe that it is beneficial for the public to know in order to be well-informed members of society. The Spectrum is not defining what is good or bad,

National production of ‘The Vagina Monologues,’ brings awareness to the ‘dirty’ word


but merely presenting the information with no bias so that the reader can make that judgment for themself. It is the citizen’s responsibility to stay informed on the issues affecting their community. The first and foremost function of this issue is as a vessel of education. Education is not always comfortable, but it is fundamental to make a reasoned decision. Take this edition of the newspaper not as an opportunity to be offended, but as a chance to become aware of

Three religions Fargo might not know about explained

present issues and perspectives. As the SPJ Code of Ethics states, The Spectrum will “boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.” People need to be educated and aware of all facets of society if they wish to successfully dwell in it. That is what The Spectrum aims to achieve through the Taboo Issue.


Hiding sports injuries is just one in a long list of coaching subterfuge




The Spectrum

Transgender Talk in FM Area Local gala supports the transgender community

Friends having a good time in a safe space.

Quinn Garrick & Phoebe Ellis

Staff Writer & Head News Editor

Tristate Transgender put on a Transgender Support Gala Feb. 9. The Gala was put on in an effort to not only provide a safe space for members of the transgender and non-binary community, but to also have a great time, according to Vyla Grinberg, a volunteer within the community. All proceeds from the event go to helping transgender members within the community. The event included a raffle, door prizes and lots of dancing.

Being transgender means that the person does not identify with the gender they were assigned with at birth. When asked, Grinberg described what it’s like to be transgender in the FargoMoorhead area. “It depends how well you pass,” Grinberg said. “Passing,” as Grinberg describes it, means to blend into the gender that you identify with as a person. This isn’t an issue for people who do not identify as transgender, which can also be defined as a “cis” person. “It should never have to come down to that,” Grinberg said, encouraging that simply because someone identifies as transgender


does not mean they have to change their physical appearance to pass. A strong trans community came out Friday night, with everyone talking to everyone, with laughter and pride infecting the room, as people of all ages, at least those over 21, came out to support the transgender community of the FargoMoorhead area. Jennifer Lies came out in support of her son, who transitioned at an early age and now lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She said that even though he doesn’t live in the area anymore, she finds it important to support and give back to the growing community that supported

her son. Miles, Finley and Kimmins came all the way up from Sioux Falls, South Dakota just for the event. They said that they never get to go to events like this and couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Heather Wells, a local from Fargo, believes that it’s time for North Dakota to get with the times. “It’s 2018. Trans rights should’ve been recognized decades ago.” She expressed that an event like this, and future events to come, are important because the trans community, especially the one in Fargo and the rest of North Dakota, need our support. Rebel Marie, organizer

of the event, the first of its kind in the area, echoed Wells, stating that being trans in North Dakota is very isolating and lonely, being so underrepresented. Marie believes that events like these will show that places like North Dakota and Minnesota can be affirming and supportive for trans individuals. The ball got rolling after Fargo-Moorhead Pride last year, in which many individuals that identified as trans felt like they were not being included and that the entire event was geared toward the gay community, while only putting trans people on display. Marie said, “If we’re

going to be put on display, we might as well look good while doing it.” Thus began the journey to host a night where trans individuals could come together in an affirming setting and feel like they are no longer isolated. Marie said there will absolutely be more events like this for trans individuals to get together and assured that there will be a second annual gala next year, in which she hopes can be more inclusive of all ages and families. Grinberg’s message to the North Dakota State community is to accept and love others for who they are, regardless of sexual identity, orientation or anything else.

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Voice of the Alt-Right Pete Tefft speaks on his views as a ‘pro-white activist’ Dan Ukkelberg Co-News Editor

Pete Tefft says the censorship of free speech is the biggest problem in our society today. He also said the Alt-Right and himself are often portrayed in a bad light. Therefore, he was given the opportunity to answer the following questions so the students of North Dakota State can make judgments for themselves. Tefft recorded this conversation for his followers online. He introduced himself as a pro-white activist and a member of NSM — National Socialist Movement (a neo-Nazi political party based in the United States). After the introduction, he was asked the following questions. Dan Ukkelberg (DU): Are you a part of any nationalist groups? Or is there any certain group you identify yourself with? Pete Tefft (PT): That is a great question. I guess people would say that the Alt-Right is an all-encompassing, sort of umbrella header for a lot of groups. I personally am a member of the National Socialist Movement, which is the premier civil rights organization in America. We believe that white people, you know, de-

serve equal protection under the law, so we monitor civil rights cases and do activism to bring awareness to those types of situations. But we work closely with other prowhite organizations as well. DU: What do you think is the biggest problem in society today? PT: The biggest problem in society as of today is the censorship of free speech. Just like when the telephone became a necessity for people and the government made it a utility. The fact that Trump has to go on the Twitter and tell people the truth when fake news is lying to us and when pro-white activists and pro-Trump advocates go on there, we are censored and we are shadow banned (blocking a user’s account and their content from the rest of users) and we are throttled and our views on Trump and everything else doesn’t get out there; people aren’t getting the full picture. DU: Do you associate with a political party? If so, which one? PT: That is a great question. One thing I like to mention to young folks, but I also like to remind people that one of the most time-honored traditions in America is the secret ballot so I don’t like to necessarily talk (about) who I (voted

for), you know. Sometimes I might tell someone that I voted for Jill Stein just to see what they might say to someone that is in the Green Party. One could make an argument that the National Socialists in Germany were the original Green Party, but I don’t want to get into a history lesson here. As far

land just like French people’s forefathers carved out a space for them on that land. You know what I mean? So when we are talking about race as a zoological term, there is no objective way to measure any one over the other one. A good way to look at different ethnicities is how well they work to-

“It’s okay to be white.” - Pete Tefft as me lining up, right now, I think that the most important thing is with demographic change and the urgency that we need to address the immigration issue. Whatever party is going to talk about identity and be pro-white is the party that I am going to align with. DU: Do you believe that there is a superior race? If so, why? PT: No, I do not. There is no objective way to measure any one race over the other. There are so many different variables. Many, quote races, that’s a zoological term. I don’t necessarily like to even grant people that when I am even talking about that. I like to talk about people and our different ethnicities. Like I am a white American. Our founding fathers carved out a space for us on this

gether as a group. That will show you how well they tend to do fairing against, you know, when competing against other groups. But again, there is no way to say, oh they do this and they do that, therefore this one is better. You would be splitting hairs for the rest of your life. We should all just be talking about getting along and doing what is best for us. Reading the Bible, Acts 17:26 (and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all PETE TEFFT | PHOTO COURTESY the face of the earth, having determined their appointed Pete Tefft, the pro-white nationalist who isn’t afraid to tell you times and the boundaries of what he thinks. their habitation) is a good share with your viewers or way, you know, that is a ligion? If so, why? PT: A superior religion to be shared with the newsgood starting point for how we should organize our so- well yeah, as a Christian, paper on campus? people need to start acting PT: Just write in there, cieties. more Christ-like. “It’s okay to be white.” DU: Do you believe DU: Is there anything that there is a superior reelse that you would like to

Tattoos: A Form of Art or a Huge Dilemma? An inside look on the most popular form of body modification It is unquestionable that one of the most popular forms of body art is in the form of tattoos. The percentage of the population that have tattoos has risen dramatically. In fact, according to a Statista article 25 percent of the United States population now says that they have more than one displayed somewhere on their body. However, stereotypes regarding tattoos are still prevalent in today’s culture. So, what exactly does the general population think about this form of body modification?

found a career through the art of tattoos. Dead Rockstar is one of numerous tattoo and body modification parlors within Fargo. The shop promises “expert body piercing, fine body jewelry, and professional tattooing.” Kesler has dedicated her life to the art of body art for the past 16 years and has nothing but positive things to say regarding the experience. “I can assure you that people truly love what we do. While tattoos obviously aren’t for everyone, it is very rare that we experience customers who regret their decision to get a tattoo,” Kesler adds.

Many have found a personal passion through the art of self-expression that tattoos offer. Jenny Kesler, president of Dead Rockstar is one such individual and has

reactions often vary depending on the student’s major and career goals. For example, Lindsey Pouliot, an undergraduate student majoring in English and pre-law says that her fu-

Skylar Berthold Staff Writer

A first-hand point of What students think When it comes to tattoos, view

ture career did not stop her from receiving a few tattoos. However, it did influence her decision to be tatted up on parts of her body that can easily be covered, such as her ribcage. “I’ve always been told to have them hidden. I plan on running for office someday, so unless there is a huge societal change I will continue to hide my ink,” Pouliot declares. JuliAnn Lukach, an art major, has received differing advice. For the field of art, she says that it all depends on which route a student is planning to take with their career. “There’s no question that art is one of the most leftist fields there is, however, I am personally planning on becoming a museum curator. I have a tattoo, but it is easily hidden because they can still be seen as unprofessional,” adds Lukach.

All tatted up

Tattoos once held a very

Jack Hastings Editor in Chief editor@ndsuspectrum.com Phoebe Ellis Head News Editor head.news@ndsuspectrum.com Daniel Ukkelberg Co-News Editor co.news@ndsuspectrum.com Miranda Stambler Features Editor features@ndsuspectrum.com Laura Ellen Brandjord A&E Editor ae@ndsuspectrum.com Erik Jonasson Opinion Editor opinion@ndsuspectrum.com Taylor Schloemer Sports Editor sports@ndsuspectrum.com

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254 Memorial Union North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105

The Spectrum is a student-run publication at North Dakota State University in print since 1896. New issues are published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year, except during holidays, vacations and exam periods. Each enrolled student is entitled to one copy. Additional copies are available for $1 by prior arrangement with the Business Manager.

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. Opinions expressed on these pages are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, staff, university administration or Spectrum management. The Spectrum is printed at Forum Communications Printing at 1030 15th Ave. SE, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502.

negative connotation, one that many related back to criminals and gang members rather than everyday members of society. However, in nearly every profession there will be people with body art in modern society. Gretchen Dobervich, Representative of District 11, is one such individual who has nothing but positive things to say regarding tattoos. “I was around back when tattoos were only supposedly for gang members, and I am around when they are becoming more mainstream. Personally, I love the fact that more people are recognizing them as a form of self-expression.” Dobervich adds that she personally has three tattoos, and that she has always seen her ink as a form of permanent symbolism of what is most important to her. In regards to the workplace, she admits that she typically has the tattoos covered, but it has always been a conver-

sational piece among both local Democrats and Republicans alike. Another tattoo enthusiast is Cassie Earles, a Valley City local. Earles currently has 21 tattoos and plans to continue to utilize her body as a canvas. “I love the story you can tell without saying a word. Personally, all of my tattoos have some sort of personal meaning,” she adds. However, there are still numerous individuals who have received negative criticism in regards to sporting their tattoos in the workplace. Alex Slade, an electrician for H&H Oilfield Construction in Williston, North Dakota says that while his workplace doesn’t care too much about tattoos, he has been warned that if he ever goes to a professional facility they would expect him to cover up any body art.

What employers think

ceived positive criticism for their tattoos, this is not to say that all professional facilities approve of the art. Candace of Express Employment Professionals says that while the temp agency is not allowed to discriminate against any client, they have noticed that some of the companies they serve have strict policies and guidelines they expect employees to follow. “Fargo is still a conservative place in that regard. Many of our companies are more professional, such as law firms or banks, so they will hold employees to a higher standard.” Said Candace While tattoos have become a popular form of selfexpression, it is clear that they impact individuals in different ways and can leave a lasting first impression that can stick with someone for their entire life.

While many have re-


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Sex & Romance


The Spectrum

Sexually Active Equals Birth Control Active A Planned Parenthood nurse explains the ins and outs of birth control

There are many options for birth control depending on that person’s preferences.


Miranda Stambler Features Editor

Sex is hidden, but it happens: it is something people do not discuss openly, therefore birth control is hidden, which causes many confusions and unknown forms. People do not think about the advantages of birth control other than preventing pregnancy. By learning about birth control, one is not only learning of the reasons for that product, but they are also able to learn more of how their body operates. Often health classes and parents do not explain it clearly enough for people to understand, therefore causing a gap within peoples’ knowledge. Laura Wilner has been working in reproductive health for around 20 years and has been with Planned Parenthood as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner for 10 years. “I think in general just learning about your body and learning about birth control is important,” Wilner explained. She shared that it’s important to be knowledgeable about your own body and how it works. “I think there’s more misinformation about how their body works versus birth control – not everybody is really aware of how ovulation occurs, how pregnancy actually occurs,” WIlner said. Birth control is not just something you can use to prevent pregnancy or STDs, there are other benefits that many do not discuss. It can help prevent heavy periods, which for some women are the cause of missing class or work because of the pain they endure during that week. It can also help prevent Endometrial and Ovarian Cancer, anemia (from having too much blood loss each month) and mood that are associated with periods. “Sometimes for college students we help college athletes who don’t want to have periods or problems with periods especially athletes that are competing at really high levels,” Wilner shared. There are many myths that people still believe today about birth control, which Wilner debunked. 1. Women who have had children are the only ones who can have IUDs. This is how they originally advertised IUDs, but it is not the case.

Birth control goes beyond the typical ‘this is how to put a condom on a banana’ teaching. 2. Weight gain in birth control pills is not (IUDs) are the most affective for reversible a listed side effect, although many believe it options, otherwise male sterilization (vasectomy) and female sterilization (abdominal, to be true it has not been confirmed. 3. Taking birth control will affect your Laparoscopic, Hysteroscopic “tubes tied”) fertility negatively, although fertility may are the most effective for permeant, for only take longer to return after using some birth 1 in 100 people become pregnant in a year control options, they are not life-long prob- from these options. Breast feeding, shot, pill, patch, ring and lem. Some truth’s Wilner confirmed diaphragm have a statistic of “2-12 pregnancies per 100 people in a year.” Then were: male condom, female condom, withdrawal, 1. Spermicide can cause more infections, sponge, fertility awareness-based methods, such as yeast infections, urinary tract infec- spermicide and cervical cap have the statistic tions, etc. of “18 or more pregnancies per 100 people 2. Condoms can break down from certain in a year” therefore making them the least types of oils, so she advises to use water- effective. based lubricants if needed. Wilner explained how many are wellTo provide patients with the most infor- informed by the internet, so they know their mation and options they give a chart of birth options, but sometimes there are more negacontrol effectiveness and start with the most tive stories online because people do not effective working down to the least to find share the positive stories. what works for them. “The IUDs and arm implants are some“Let them (patients) really think about times there’s information out that that scares which option might be the best for them, people a little bit – because they’ve read and which one might work the best for their stories on the internet,” Wilner said. With schedule, or the best for their body,” Wilner friend’s people are able to hear the positive explained. stories, so it helps ease the negativity of the Implants and Intrauterine Devices internet.


Men should be just as informed about birth control as women. “I think it’s really important that they’re (men) an active participant in birth control and that it isn’t just an issue for women and that they should also be taking part in that decision and being supportive of wearing condoms and not making that more difficult,” Wilner said. Planned Parenthood encourages people to use condoms even if they are on birth control for it prevents from STDs. “The failure rate of condoms, using it as birth control – is verily high, so that’s why using a more effective method of birth control is good and then using a condom as it can be used as a back up to your birth control and preventing STDs,” Wilner explained. Planned Parenthood sees mostly people from ages 18-24 but is open to all ages. They have a sliding fee scale, so services are depended upon insurance and income, the income tells how much people must pay for that service, therefore most college students get their services for free. For more information on birth control you can go to the Planned Parenthood website, NDSU Student Health, or your primary physician.

Abstinence: The New Taboo Pressure to ‘do it’ has become the norm Mark Simonson Staff Writer

There are a number of taboos that appear in the realm of sex, dating and relationships. A taboo that people don’t talk about are the issues of abstinence and the age one begins dating. The assumption is that when you get into your late teens and early twenties, there’s going to be parties and one night stands. And so the talk of using protection and birth control pills rises. But being the 40-YearOld Virgin makes one a to-

tal laughingstock in this day and age. For some people, this may cause them to feel self-conscious and lower their sense of self-worth. So more and more people may do away with abstinence as a result. I have a confession to make. I am 27 years old, and I have never had a date with a woman before. It is not for lack of trying, I might add. It’s simply one of those things that has always been an area I’ve struggled with. A lot of times, I feel embarrassed about it because I see that almost everybody has a significant other. It

has been one of those things that make me wonder what’s wrong with me. There’s always talk about one’s significant other and what they did together on Valentine’s Day or the last weekend. Perhaps a lot of people feel that way because, in this day and age, one is often considered a loser if they don’t get laid. There’s become a cut-off point to where once you pass a certain age without “doing it” before people start becoming concerned. Just look at the movie “The 40-Year-Old Virgin,” starring Steve Carrell. In the

movie, when word that his character isia virgin gets out, his work buddies all laugh at him, and he feels embarrassed around everybody for quite some time. He admits to a co-worker that he lost hope after a number of failed relationships. Why is this? Is it the assumption that only priests and sex criminals end up old and alone? I don’t mean to spoil the movie for anybody, but at the end of the movie, Steve Carell’s character finally admits to his girlfriend that he’s a virgin. Before this, she was running away from him because she saw some red

flags about him. But Carrell admitting his virginity and that it scared him because he wasn’t sure how she’d react, they reconciled and got married and “did it”. This reminds me of an episode of the sixth season of “The Big Bang Theory.” Raj Koothrapalli and Stuart Bloom put together an event at Stuart’s comic book store for people alone on Valentine’s Day. After Raj and Stuart notice that everybody looks sad about being alone, Raj tells everybody that all the singles in the area are not mutants like those in the comic books. Raj says that

the singles are a community, and as long as they have each other, they’re never truly alone. So perhaps abstinence, intentional or otherwise, is not that bad. For one thing, you don’t have to worry about unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases. If you don’t want to have kids, perhaps you may not want to take the risk and get all risque. I’ve heard a pastor say that being single and being married each has their own gifts and blessings. So let’s give ourselves a break.



Play Features Women’s Stories of Sex and Love National production of ‘The Vagina Monologues’ has students performing to bring awareness to the ‘dirty’ word

The North Dakota State organization, Violence Prevention Educators (VPE), is hosting the national play, “The Vagina Monologues.” Written by Eve Ensler, “The Vagina Monolgues” help bring awareness to relationships, sex, rape and life with a vagina. The play started in the early ‘90s and as stories that Ensler and her friends had exchanged, which then led her to conduct interviews with other women. These women spoke of their experiences with their vaginas, so the play touches on related subjects, such as sex, love, rape, female genital mutilation and bodily functions a vagina produces. This year for “The Vagina Monologues,” the money made gets donated to YWCA in Fargo, which is a women’s shelter that strives to empower women and eliminate racism through multiple programs. This is also the 20year anniversary for Ensler’s V-Day campaign, which


Madison Schill will perform in the play and organize the event. like and its importance in so- “It’s not their stories; it’s ciety today. based on these interviews. Within the play there The thing is, a lot of them are both serious and funny speak to women’s experimoments, which Schill de- ences in general, so I think scribes as a nice mix and that’s a big draw for one, the blending of content. There is activism portion towards fea monologue from the point male empowerment, and the of view from a vagina, one other big draw would just be about accepting your vagina, interest in performing.” a transwoman sharing her Since it was made in the early ‘90s, there have been many revisions over years to keep it relevant “It’s empowering women and taking some of the the and interesting. This year the script is the same as last taboo away from saying the word vagina.” year’s, but Schill explained Madison Schill, Violence Prevention Educators it is still as though it is a new play. “What’s really interesting is that when you bring in a whole new set of cast works to prevent violence members — so every year against women, so they will experience and much more. With the play, Schill de- it feels like a new show bebe honoring that as well. Madison Schill, senior at scribed it as, “Coming to cause everyone has such a NDSU, has taken on leader- terms with the fact you have different take on it,” Schill ship of VPE, and has there- a vagina, and how to take said. Now, why talk about fore helped organize the care of it and things like something that people never event. Schill will also be that.” This year all performers talk about? performing. When talking to are NDSU students. How“One of the really big her, she spoke up about what the play experience is truly ever, Schill explained that, reasons it’s important is be-


NDSU students present The Vagina Monologues to stop the bad connotation against the word. cause we’re so afraid to talk bad word it will open doors we don’t talk about the bare about female bodies and to talk about other topics, minimum — just biology, female health in general,” such as rape, being trans- we can’t talk about anything Schill expressed. gender, sex, etc. “They like more serious than that,” While advertising the to be shoved aside in a lot of Schill believes. event, Schill has seen multi- different ways, and now that Schill describes the event ple people cringe away from we’re hearing all of these as empowering, thoughtthe word vagina and make it sexual assault allegations, provoking and emotional. seem as though it is a dirty it’s more and more important “It’s kind of everything that word. to talk about it,” Schill said. comes along with having a “We’re so afraid to say Many people are taught vagina,” Schill said. that word or to talk about pe- to shy away from talking “The Vagina Monoriods in a public space when about anything having to do logues” will be performed 6 it’s something that so many with vaginas, especially pe- p.m. Friday, Feb. 16, in the people deal with that then riods. Memorial Union Century leads to us not being able to “If you grow up and Theater. Tickets are $5 for talk about a lot of things,” you’re talking about periods, students and $7 for everyone Schill shared. and periods are so shame- else. All proceeds go to the She thinks once people ful and hid, and I think that YWCA in Fargo. stop believing vagina to be a all translates just to when

Inside Your Local Sex Shop Three Spectrum editors walk into Romantix Erik Jonasson II Opinion Editor

The night was cold and our bellies were hungry for an experience too many college students don’t enjoy. That experience? Walking beneath a plethora of dildos and staring in awe at what constitutes as injectable these days. If you’ve ever happened to take a wrong turn down NP Avenue and head toward Moorhead, you will find your own little slice of erotic heaven, Romantix. A couple of other editors and I went there to just experience what it is like to be inside (pun intended?) Fargo’s premier smut shop. The first thing that will surprise any new guests is that they card everyone who comes (again pun?) in. Although this is obviously a law, and young 17-year-old eyes look away, it still doesn’t give people the maturity to look at a fleshlight and not feel uncomfortable with fellow coworkers two feet away. After retrieving our cards from the lovely blue-haired man, we went about, immersing ourselves in sexual paradise. Butt plugs to strap-ons, come one come all, a dildo for you and a fleshlight for you — yes sir, we do have anal beads. As the guy I was with and myself tried to relate, unsuccessfully I might add, to any dildo on the wall, our other editor was running about looking at whips and rope. For any BDSM (bondage, discipline/dominance, submission/sadism, masochism) enthusiast, I think you would find what you need here. This led of course to the backroom, which has plenty of porn revolving around the back door, if you know what I mean. As we looked, the male editor with me

started pointing out all of the porn stars he knew, almost giddy with excitement. It wasn’t until I got to, “F---ing Grannie” that I really started feeling a bit queasy. It was at that point that we realized that there is another backroom to this place. A backroom with individual booths, and doors, and curtains and, according to a couple of my coworkers, dried semen on the ground. Oh mama, where is my Bible? After exploring, it became obvious that there was an unseen part of Romantix, which, spoiler, we did not go and see. That was because these areas cost money to go into, and some of us were concerned to have that on our credit cards be charged there and others of us, just didn’t want to pay the charge. Hundreds of hours of video awaited, though, for only $6. It was also noted that there may or may not be toys down there to play with. Which, if true, kind of throws me for a loop. Likewise, the backrooms, which we went in to explore, were also paid areas, which we were told after the fact. The importance of talking about the smut of our lives became apparent though. Sex is fun, although the fact that it has been deemed a taboo and few take the time to discuss it, but placing yourself in the epicenter of smut really brings out the best in us. Before we knew it, conversations around everything under the smut sun began happening. Talks about sex, talks about the coloring book for the “Kama Sutra.” This led to a more matured outlook on the smut before us. This stuff isn’t just for perverts. Although I don’t see myself anytime soon partaking in the backroom, I will gladly grab some lube my good blue-haired man and I will be paying in cash.

Peter Tong Xiao, Wall Cries




The Spectrum

What’s So Bad About Drugs Anyway?

NDSU students get real about drugs and drug policies Ryan Nix & Phoebe Ellis

Staf Writer & Head News Editor

The anonymous senior student interviewed attends North Dakota State and has done several drugs, both as prescribed to the student and for the purposes of having a good time, including marijuana, ecstasy, amphetamines (Adderall, Vyvanse), psychedelic mushrooms, LSA (not as powerful as LSD), kratom, opiates. “I think having altered states of consciousness is a good way to learn about yourself,” the anonymous student said. “I also think it’s partially just the experience aspect, like traveling to a new place. I like exploring my own consciousness.” The student said they had life altering experiences while using marijuana to see things from an altered perspective, and psychedelic mushrooms, which “really had a profound and positive impact on my life.” They elaborated by saying the psychedelic mushrooms left them with a deep feeling of empathy for the people

around them, even after the high was gone. Though the student has never struggled with addiction, they did talk about noticing when a drug they had been using could lead to an addiction. They described this as feeling a craving and understanding that was one of the first steps of addiction; they then adjusted their behavior to stop the use of that drug until they no longer craved it. This person acknowledges that some people don’t possess the ability to stop when the behavior becomes risky or addictive. However, “I definitely avoid anything like hard opiates like heroin, other things like meth, just because of how addictive those drugs can be,” Anonymous stated. When it came to trying a drug, the anonymous student advocated for knowledge. “I think a lot of time you hear horror stories of bad experiences of drugs, when really I think that if you do your research ahead of time and you do it in a responsible place with responsible people you increase the possibility of you having a good time, or at the very least decrease

the possibility of something going wrong,” Anonymous said. They obtained their drugs both though people and the internet, saying, “I don’t think people realize how easy it is to get drugs online.” They typically accessed distributors and dealers online through the darknet.

ganization on campus that recognizes that some students do use drugs, and they aren’t asking them to stop. The Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) officially started Jan. 24 at NDSU. The group is part of a national organization that is now celebrating its 20th anniversary. So far, the SSDP at

“What someone does with their own body behind closed doors is absolutely nobody else’s business,” Bradley Foster, president of Students for Sensible Drug Policy When it came to communicating a message, Anonymous said, “I would say keep your mind open; don’t just think drugs are bad because that’s what you’ve been told, but also if you’ve made the personal decision for yourself to do a drug make sure you are educated about it and know it’s effects before you do it. Make sure to do it in a safe place.” There is one student or-

NDSU has focused on fully legalizing recreational marijuana. Bradley Foster, president of the group, says they have done fundraising and collected signatures in cooperation with Legalize ND. The Legalize ND project is an organization dedicated to legalizing marijuana in North Dakota. “A common misconception is that we’re pro-drugs.” Foster said that this is a false

narrative and that the organization is “pro common sense.” The organization, according to Foster, also believes in individual liberties. “What someone does with their own body behind closed doors is absolutely nobody else’s business,” Foster explained. Foster said on Thursday that so far the group is “still growing its roots” when it comes to campus issues and that the group is “really focused on being as big of a supporter as we can for the legalize ND project.” Legalizing medical marijuana was initially a step forward for the state, according to Foster, but “the legislature set us back whatever progress we made.” He explained that the bill was stifled by “rules and regulations and restrictions and all the hoops they made people jump through.” “There hasn’t been a single medical card issued,” Foster said. “There hasn’t been a single prescription written for marijuana. No dispensaries are up and running.” Foster also said the state

“gutted” a program called “home grow” that allowed people in rural North Dakota with a medical license to grow marijuana. North Dakota’s conservative streak does not make Foster believe North Dakota will end up last in the race to legalize. Foster said he sees hope in the support from the public for medical marijuana. The economic benefits of legalizing marijuana are enough to make North Dakota go green, according to Foster. The financial benefits of legalization would come from the government spending less on the enforcement of drug laws and from the added tax revenue from sales of the drug Foster said. “In the future, taxes on marijuana might prevent us from increasing the property tax or the state income tax.” According to Foster, North Dakota would also see economic benefits from their farming community where “an acre of marijuana conservatively could get a farmer about $300,000 at current prices. An acre of corn can get the $710.”

A Survivor’s Story of Emotional Abuse Sometimes abuse is not about physically harming someone but the mental harm of a loved one Amanda Wagar Contributing Writer

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare — to think that a relationship that started out of love between two individuals can turn abusive, where the victim feels shackled to their abuser. In the U.S. alone, statistics show that one in three adolescents will become victims of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse in a relationship, and over half of college students claim that abuse is hard to identify. The result is a lack of awareness of abuse in young people and college students, and several victims who are afraid to speak about their experiences or unsure of what is “normal” in a relationship. Abby Reitan, a sophomore at Minnesota State University Moorhead, opened up about a previous relationship that turned into emotional abuse. She discussed how her abuser came off as “clingy” and “pushy,” but she did not realize what was going on at the time. “At first, I was totally

clueless on the emotional abuse that went on in our relationship and even friendship for many years,” Reitan explained. Reitan discussed that going through emotional abuse was hard. “If you have self doubts like I do. and the emotional abuse goes on for awhile, it almost becomes ingrained in your mind,” Reitan said. “You want to please them before worrying about yourself until you can’t do so anymore.” In the case with her abuser, Reitan explained that over time she felt as if she were doing more and more things for him and getting nothing in return. The unfortunate reality for most victims of emotional abuse, is that it can be difficult to identify. “I started to realize the emotional abuse slowly. Within a year, it had completely dawned on me and I had reached my limit at the same time,” Reitan stated. She went on to explain that she had realized at that moment that she had to break the relationship off. However, the longer lasting symptom of emotional

abuse often comes in the form of severe anxiety and depression for the victims. “I tried breaking it off and they became more clingy, pushy and even got very angry,” Reitan continued. “I couldn’t break up with them face to face because of the major anxious meltdown I was having when I finally got the resolve break up with them.” In the aftermath of her abusive situation, she is still recovering. “I find it hard to talk to (my abuser) even if we still are ‘friends’ in a weird, messed up way,” Reitan said. “At the same time, after the initial emotions and getting over it, I found that PIXABAY | PHOTO COURTESY I had a sense of freedom I Victims in emotionally abusive relationships often feel belittled by their abusers. didn’t before.” However, she explained not feel that is a subject that tional abuse is “just some- know, is a victim or survithing they should deal with vor of abuse, The National that it is the same feeling of is talked about enough. “Some people still have because they ‘love’ their Domestic Violence Hotline freedom and the experience the older mindset that argusignificant other even if the is free, confidential and can of her past abusive relationship, that makes her leery to ment and other acts of emo- significant other doesn’t love provide immediate support. If you are afraid your intertry a relationship again in tional abuse is stuff that can them back.” Emotional abuse is often net usage might be monithe future. In spite of this, be worked out,” Reitan said. she hopes that she can find a She continued to explain that about control for the abuser, tored, you can also call their it rarely works out in favor and for survivor’s like Re- 24/7/365 toll free hotline at healthier relationship. itan, escaping that nightmar- 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), When asked about her of the victims of abuse. In other cases, she beish cycle of destructive dat- 1-855-812-1011 (VP) and thoughts about awareness about emotional abuse, Re- lieves that emotional abuse ing behavior is the first step 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). itan explained that she does is not discussed openly be- toward the road of recovery. cause of the belief that emoIf you, or someone you

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Products Unknown For Women’s Bloody Week Alternative period products as opposed to the typical disposable tampons and pads Miranda Stambler Features Editor

When a woman first has her period, it is very rare that they are told about every product that is available to help them carry on life during the week-long menstrual pain and blood. It appears it is the typical, “Here’s a huge and bulky pad. Use this,” method followed by the years later of trying to figure out how to use a tampon. These are the two most typical types of period products. Convenience stores have shelves upon shelves carrying these items in different sizes. Women then must figure out which brand, size and, overall, which blood stopper they want to use. Every woman is different; every vagina is different and every flow is different, but women are only told about the two basic types of period products. Therefore, leaving out many other alternatives that cost less (in the long run), require less time management and can be more eco-friendly and more vagina friendly. Here is a list of some alternative period products that aren’t as well known compared to the usual disposable tampons and pads.

1. Menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are number one because they are becoming more well known to the public as well as more accessible. They are inserted into the vaginal canal to collect the blood, instead of the normal absorption method, and can stay there for up to

12 hours. Most brands offer silicone versions, such as DivaCup, Lunette Cup, The Keeper Mooncup and The Lily Cup. There are also latex versions, which The Keeper offers. For cleaning purposes, it needs to be washed at least two times a day. Much like a tampon, this can be used for any activity, but does not cause a worry for toxic shock syndrome or a constant need to change. It is also eco-friendly and reusable, so after the initial cost you only need to worry about yearly replacements. Many tend to think this would help during intercourse on a period, but it is advised to remove before sex because it sits low within the vaginal canal. If you are wondering, you can also leave the cup in while going to the bathroom and not have to change it.

2. Reusable sponges


These are sponges that range in size (according to comfort not flow). First, you wet them and then squeeze any excess water out of the sponge before inserting into the vaginal canal. Therefore, it maintains wetness and does not have the horrible experience of pulling out a dry tampon. Many even have strings attached, like a tampon, to make them easier to remove. This is a 100 percent natural choice of period product, meaning there is no risk for toxic shock syndrome because there are no chemicals or fibers that can cause bacteria or scratches within the vagina.

Stores have shelves of the disposable tampons and pads, but little sections for other products.

3. Disposable menstrual cups

Like the reusable version, it is inserted and left to collect the blood for up to 12 hours. These are made of a hypoallergenic polymeric material, like the tip of a baby bottle nipple. After use, these should be emptied and thrown away.

4. Period panties

These are more commonly talked about. They


are panties that are made to catch and absorb the blood, kind of like a more comfortable pad. Brands such as Thinx use a top layer to fight off bacteria, while another layer absorbs any menstrual blood making it leak-resistant. They even have a chart that compares different styles to how many tampons or menstrual cups one would go through. Many women are unaware that there are mul-


tiple styles when it comes to period panties, but most brands have different styles to accompany everyone’s comfortability.

up to at least three years, meaning the monthly costs of pads will diminish. They also offer panty liners.

The name is self-explanatory. They are more ecofriendly than regular pads because they can be reused by washing them by hand or machine. One of the brands, Lunapads, stays in place by snaps underneath the underwear. These cloth pads can last

These are sewn tampons that, instead of being disposed, can be washed and reused. However, they still act as a normal tampon, so the same eight-hour limit applies and toxic shock syndrome is still a risk. Many say these are also harder to clean, although they are more eco-friendly.

5. Cloth pads

6. Reusable tampons

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Review: ‘American Satan’ Brings Dark Side of Rock Stardom to Light Sumerian Films produced film shows hell lurking in the perceived heaven of stardom Laura Ellen Branjord A&E Editor

Produced by Sumerian Films (of Sumerian Records), “American Satan” tells the dramatic story of a rock band on the rise and proves that, sometimes, you can get by with a little more than just “help from your friends.” The idea of rock ‘n’ roll as “the devil’s music” is nothing new. Since the very beginning, staunch religious groups have vehemently denounced the loud, assertive music. Instead of fighting the idea, many bands embraced the association. Albums with titles such as, “Their Satanic Majesty’s Request,” “The Number of the Beast” and “The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser,” are only a very small sample. Songs such as, “Sympathy for the Devil,” “Hell Ain’t a Bad Place to Be” and Van Halen’s hit “Running With the Devil,” are further examples of rockers adopting the role of hellion. When my mom was attending high school during the late ’80s, the school went so far as to ban AC/ DC music and apparel. Why, you might ask? Apparently a rumor that the band’s name stood for “Anti Christ Demon Child” gained traction among concerned parents. For those who are unaware, the story behind the band’s name is much more mundane. The name AC/DC was

decided on after Angus and Malcolm Young’s sister Margaret discovered the label on her sewing machine. All AC/ DC is meant to connote is “alternating current/direct current.” As in electricity. Nothing else. In contrast, “American Satan” takes viewers into an alternate reality where the devil really does play a hand in the fame of the largest rock bands in history. The Relentless is the fictional band of the movie and is comprised of members from the U.K. and U.S. who drop out of college to make it big in Los Angeles, California. Andy Biersack of the Black Veil Brides plays frontman Johnny Faust. For the songs’ vocals however, Remington Leith of Palaye Royale lends his voice to the cause. Other bandmates include Booboo Stewart (“The Twilight Saga”) as rhythm guitarist Vic Lakota, Ben Bruce (Asking Alexandria) as the band’s lead guitarist Leo Donovan, Sebastian Gregory as drummer Dylan James and Jesse Sullivan as female bass player Lily Mayflower. The band begins hopeful and naive with Leo’s friend and inexperienced band manager Ricky Rollins (John Bradley). After their hard work ends with their Whisky a Go-Go gig being sabotaged by a rival band, Damien’s Inferno (led by Drake Bell’s character Damien), the band is dangerously desperate. Enter Mr. Capricorn (Malcolm McDowell) and

an enticing deal. The intense and ominous old man promises fame and fortune in return for some “publicity” through their songs … and a human sacrifice, of course. How does Mr. Capricorn, aka Lucifer, convince the band of his abilities? By citing actual facts. For example, Capricorn claims he helped Apple take over the tech world, citing the price of the Apple I as $666.66 (which is true). He adds that the iconography of Apple is symbolic of the forbidden fruit with a bite taken out of it. Intriguing, no? He also calls to attention Topeka, Kansas and its zip code of 666 later in the film. Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, even Jay Z and Kanye West are listed as part of his elite clientele. What you see through the course of the movie is the emergence of more of rock ‘n’ roll fame’s dark realities. After all, there is a reason for the phrase “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.” And oh boy is there a lot of all three in ‘”American Satan.” Acid, cocaine, heroin and an endless revolving door of women is all part of The Relentless’ rock ‘n’ roll journey through Hell. I really can’t say too much more without giving away the ending. Let’s just say this is a must watch as much for its psychological elements as it is for its soundtrack. Just maybe not at your grandma’s house or in front of children under 18. IMDB | PHOTO COURTESY

American Satan uses dark forces to explain reality of rock stardom.

The Controversial Art of Backmasking This technique wasn’t always used for promoting Satanism For most, backmasking is associated with Satanism and rock music. It is the “devil’s music” after all. Backmasking is a recording technique in which sound or a message is unintentionally recorded backward onto a record that is meant to be played forward, like normal. This technique has been unintentionally (or perhaps, intentionally) used by well-known artists from the past and present.

“I’m So Tired” and “Blackbird” sounded like, “Paul is a dead man. Miss him.” The band’s press office refuted this, calling it “a load of (rubbish).” To poke fun at the rumors, the band created a backmasked message in the 1995 recording of a 1977 demo of Lennon’s “Free as a Bird,” which was released 15 years after his death. Included at the end of the track is Lennon’s voice saying, “Turned out nice again,” which allegedly sounds like the late Beatle saying his own name.

We can thank the Beatles for moving the technique of backmasking into the mainstream. When they were making their album “Rubber Soul” in 1965, they decided to release a single that featured a backmasked line. The idea came to John Lennon when he was “stoned out of his head.” Toward the end of their single “Rain,” which was released in 1966, you can hear the first line of the song in reverse. This only entangled them further into the urban legend. Rumors began spreading in 1969 that Paul McCartney had died and was replaced by a lookalike with claims of clues of his death in lyrics and album artwork. It was argued that Lennon’s mumblings in between the songs

There are many theories out there as to how this phenomenon occurs, ranging from the Devil’s doing to pure coincidence. Audio engineer Evan Olcott’s theory of coincidence states that these messages just somehow happen, but it doesn’t explain why this is happening so frequently. Another argument of his is that it’s nearly impossible for artists to record lyrics that are comprehensive when played both forward and backward. Many agree with this. And of course, there is the theory favored by many Christians in the ‘80s that the Devil is responsible for this strange occurrence. Preachers everywhere claimed that Satan was possessing the minds of singers

Brittany Hofmann Staff Writer

The Beatles

The Devil or just coincidence?

to promote acts of evil such as Satanism, drugs and sex. Strangely enough, this theory mirrors the lives of these rock stars, but many deny any purposeful acts of backmasking. Bands can’t be intentionally slipping these subliminal messages about the devil and sex to corrupt our minds, can they? Maybe they are because this is still happening today with popular artists such as Imagine Dragons, Eminem and The White Stripes.

Led Zeppelin

Arguably the most popular backmasked track is Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven.” Anti-rock zealot, minister Michael Mills, was the first to call out the band for incorporating phrases such as, “Here’s to my sweet Satan,” in 1981. Mills contended that our subconscious could hear these words and coerce us into committing hedonistic acts. My only question to Mills’ argument is why was BRITTANY HOFMANN | THE SPECTRUM he playing Led Zeppelin in reverse in the first place? Jimmy Page denies any bad intentions in which ‘Here’s to my sweet Satan’ can be heard in the In response to the accu- backward playing of ‘Stairway to Heaven.’ sations, Led Zeppelin’s lawhen played backward. relates to Satanism. With all of these hits that bel, Swan Song, responded The opening verse to The Toward the end of we know so well, it makes with, “Our turntables only Eagles’s “Hotel California” Queen’s hit, “Another One you question whether our play in one direction.” when played in reverse is Bites the Dust,” where Fred- brains are playing tricks on Notable mentions said to eerily sound like, die Mercury scats the fade- us or if our favorite rock Among “Stairway to “Yes, Satan organized his out, you can hear, “It’s fun legends are really trying to Heaven” are some other own religion,” among other to smoke marijuana,” when speak to our subconscious. classic hits that some say messages from Satan. played backward. For Mercontain secret messages But not all backmasking cury, this was probably true.



Review: ‘Lie: The Love and Terror Cult’ Proves Even a Murderer Can Make Music Famed cult leader Charles Manson’s studio album has some surprising high points but fails to hide an unstable mind


Manson’s death has been mourned by those sympathetic to his charisma and influenced by his music.

Caleb Laude

Contributing Writer

After Charles Manson died in prison many, many Twitter users celebrated his demise. Other folks, including System of a Down guitarist Daron Malakian, mourned the departed cult leader. Malakian cited Manson as one of his artistic influences and added that he was “very sad” to hear the news. Nearly 50 years have passed since Charles Manson’s acid-fueled followers terrorized Los Angeles and committed nine gruesome murders. Yet, people still warm up to the guy. The internet is littered with people who defend Manson

and downplay his role in the murders. I imagine these people either watch heaps of Manson television interviews, or they listen to his music. In interviews, Manson is senseless and rambling, two unattractive personality traits in anybody —regardless of their criminal convictions. Manson’s music, however, is surprising. Manson’s tunes have been covered by Guns N’ Roses, Rob Zombie and The Beach Boys. “Lie: The Love and Terror Cult” is Charles Manson’s only real studio album. It was released March 6, 1970, which was seven months after the Manson Family murders, but a year before Manson was convicted for ordering the crimes.

“Lie” includes 14 songs, all written by Manson, and runs just under 32 minutes long. The cover is a near identical reproduction of the famous Dec. 19, 1969 cover of Life magazine, minus an “F.” The music of “Lie” is raw-to-the-bone hippie folk rock. Generally, Manson sings loud and high like Davey Jones against a backdrop of loose and messy guitar chords. Manson moderately dabbles in styles throughout. He injects some pop into “Look at Your Game, Girl” and “Home is Where You’re Happy” and a little fringe rockabilly in “Arkansas.” Manson’s lyrics are straightforward and blunt. In “Garbage Dump,” which is Manson’s middle finger to our collective partiality

for pollution, he sings, “You could feed the world with a garbage dump.” Little bits of truth like that are peppered in throughout. I imagine moments like that soften Manson’s image for some people. It becomes obvious when listening to “Lie” how Manson was able to assemble such a large collection of followers and exert the control over them that he did. One cannot help but be swept up in Manson’s charisma and his often defiant lyrics. Freedom and love, not mind control or hate, seem to be the biggest themes. Yet, there is inescapable anxiety on this record. Perhaps it is the knowledge of the brutal murders that amplifies the few unusual

instances on “Lie.” It may help that the Manson Family does not play a huge role in “Lie.” Most of the time they mill around in the background. Their big moment on “Lie” is “Never Say Never to Always.” This is a short, shudder-inducing song where the ladies of the Manson Family perform a cappella. Moments like this are reminders that the man who orchestrated this album was not entirely well in the head. “Never Say Never to Always” belongs in a horror movie. I imagine Manson could have amounted to something in music. Songs such as “Look at Your Game Girl” and “Sick City” show Manson could sing. Manson spends most of “Lie”

playing his guitar as fast as possible, but when he slows down you realize that he could play too. Also, Manson — a man who convinced hippies to murder people — had heaps of charisma. Manson’s raw energy and talent could have been molded into something good by a competent producer. Yet, after listening to this album, I still do not understand Daron Malakain’s affection for Charles Manson. There is decent music on “Lie,” but nothing is genius. There is nothing here that compels me to mourn publicly for a murder conspirator.

10 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018



The Spectrum

The Spectrum Listens:

Confessions Erik Jonasson II Opinion Editor

North Dakota State students have come to confess. Through a yellow box, I asked students one of the hardest questions you could ask someone, “Want to confess?” The Spectrum sought to listen to the students and hear what they wanted to get off their chests. These confessions aren’t religiously backed and ulti-

mately, we can’t offer any forgiveness. Rather, we offer an open forum free from judgment and damnation. Because in this life, aren’t we defined more by what we don’t tell people than what we present to the world? I believe the latter. I believe that each and every one of you has a skeleton buried deep within the recesses of your closets, and at the end of the day when you are hiding everything away, guess what? It’s fine.

It is okay to have things you regret — we all do. Your mistakes do not define you. What you choose to confess is not you. Rather, it is something you have been carrying around that you can finally drop and let go. These confessions aren’t something to keep inside and torture yourself over. You are you, not what you wrote on a tiny piece of paper. So what, you failed a class and didn’t tell your

parents? Who cares if you have a dildo? The only person who probably cares is you, and if anyone else cares, screw ’em. While the confession booth got confessions like, “I smoke weed,” and, “I am a Packers fan,” that isn’t all we got. We also had a girl we asked for a confession from, only to have her stop in the middle of the hall and through obvious emotions say, “I just did really poorly

on an exam.” This is a confession. We for some reason believe that success is a smooth road — it isn’t. Failure and mistakes are a part of everyone’s journey. To confess over these and to address that we aren’t perfect is one of the most important parts of life. So, I see your, “I think I’ll never find true love,” and I will listen to your confession that you, “Continuously skipped class,” because at the end of the day we all feel

things like that from time to time. We all feel at times that, “I’m not very good at managing my time,” and that is fine. We will listen to our fellow classmates and peers because they deserve it — because you deserve it. Keep healthy, and remember to fight through your fear of rejection and shame when it comes to confessing.


Religion Various Religions Explained The Spectrum

Three religions that Fargo might not know about

Thai buhddism welcomes all, and the Monk is happy to answer your questions. using positive re-enforce- title of Judaism you practice ment. does not make you more or Dan Ukkelberg & Another example of less of a Jew, it’s exactly Phoebe Ellis channeling energy is for that, a title. News Editors cancer patients. She said one Some of the beliefs that way to help children with Jews hold are a belief in The Church of Scien- cancer is to train them to God, and that the messiah channel their energy to at- will come and bring happitology ness and joy to the world. The Church of Scientol- tack the cancer. The programs that they They believe that the ogy was founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1954 making it offer range from human Torah was given from God one of the only major reli- rights, to schooling and and they understand some gions of the 20th century. “Criminon” programs, a reasons behind the practices Much of society believes program that is taught in they follow, but they do not prison in which they claim have a complete understandScientology to be a cult. On entrance of The that after the program only ing but they keep all their Church of Scientology of two percent of inmates re- practices. To them, the ToTwin Cities they do not al- turn to prisons in compari- rah is the source of life and low you to record or take son to 90 percent that do not the focus of what they do. There is a practice within pictures and you are di- go through the program. When asked why she Judaism where people can rected to a video monitor explaining the life of L. Ron believed why some people not touch members of the Hubbard and why they be- perceive the Church of Sci- opposite sex outside of their entology as a cult Doescher immediate family, including lieve he is credible. Lisa Doescher, one of said that people misunder- their spouse. This is a special standard to retain full the volunteers at the church, stand them. respect of relationships. Adinformed us that Scientolo- Orthodox Judaism gy has many different pamThe Jewish faith is con- ditionally, once a woman is phlets, books and programs tains several sects of the re- married she must cover her for people. “We consider ligion; Orthodox, Conserva- hair as that is a private area ourselves a toolbox. You tive and Reform are all sub saved for her and her hushave a problem, we have a sects of Judaism that range band. Rabbi Zeilingold also tool,” Doescher said. in observance of traditions The Church of Scientol- and laws within the religion. highlighted some laws that ogy does not use medication Orthodox Judaism is typi- are no longer applicable in to treat illnesses as they be- cally recognized as the most this day like laws that would lieve that it adds toxicity to observant sect of Judaism. have applied in the holy land the body. Instead, they prac- They follow as many laws predating the destruction of tice healing through alterna- from the Torah (old testa- the first holy temple. The tive means such as channel- ment) as they can includ- western wall that we know ing energy into the sick part ing refraining shaving close today is what’s left from the of the body. to the corners of their face, second holy temple that was Doescher said that one dressing modestly, follow- built in Jerusalem. The third of these books is for helping ing dietary laws,also known temple that will be built will people in that are in a coma. as keeping kosher and any be built when the Messiah This practice involves talk- other laws they feel they comes. Other things that are no ing to the person while also have the ability to follow. engaging with them physiDespite the different longer practices are ritual cally. Doescher gave the levels of observance, Rabbi animal sacrifices and kings. The message Rabbi Zeilexample of touching the bar Asher Zeilingold, from the of a hospital bed, explain- Orthodox Synagogue Adath ingold would like to leave ing what you are doing to Israel in St. Paul Minnesota, with the North Dakota State the patient and then putting says that no sect is more community is this; “The their hand on the bar while Jewish than another. The world is a scale in perfect


The church of Scientology calls itself all denominational. Moollee started his pracsync, try to tip that scale in the direction of good,” he tices as a monk at the age of wishes that people would 13 as a probationary period work hard to turn the world to see if he would like to around to bring happiness continue. At the age of 18 he decided that he wanted to be and joy. a monk forever. Thai Buddhism Making this decision The Wat Promwachirayan temple was seemingly means that Moollee will excited to have to oppor- never be allowed to see or tunity to share their culture speak of his family again. It with others. They had a also means that he is never monk present with a trans- allowed to touch a woman lator, along with three other again. Another sacrifice that people showing up. Phar Nathapong Mooll- monks make is that they are ee is the monk of the Wat not to eat after noon. Their Promwachirayan temple in meals generally consist of St. Louis Park, MN. Mooll- one meal at 9 a.m. and anee has been in the United other at 11 a.m. These are States for three years and traditions that pre-date 2,000 has resided in three different years. Moollee’s translator said cities over that time. This is unusual for Buddhist monks that there are over 40 ways because the majority of them to reach Nirvana. When talking about move here from Thailand on meditation, Mollee’s transa six-month to a year visa.

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lator said that “there is no this way better than that way, someone like the quiet, some like the music, some sit during meditation, some like to walk or some like forrest it depends on people.” There are many different types of buddhist’s including Lao, Cambodia, Vietnamese, Burma, India and Tibetan, with many of the buddhist people in the U.S. being Thai. In the Temple that Moollee lives, there is one large Buddha weighing several hundred pounds that is the focal point of the room. There are many other smaller Buddha statues surrounding the inside of the temple and donations of food, money and supplies off to the side of the temple because the monks live solely off those donations.

12 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018



The Spectrum

The Wellness Center’s Unwritten Rules The things that we expect but don’t say while working out Taylor Schloemer Sports Editor

The Wallman Wellness Center is one of the busiest places at North Dakota State. Hundreds of students walk through the doors each day to workout. While NDSU produces a 29-page Policies and Procedures Manual, it gets as many reads as the Apple Terms and Service agreement. The culture inside the Wellness Center is dominated by a bevy of unwritten rules. While some of these rules fall fairly in line with their written counterparts, they are often taken to a greater degree. None, the less, the unwritten rules are perhaps the most important part of the Wellness Center.

People phones



As parents enjoy to say, While at the Wellness Center, there are some basic unwritten rules everyone follows. kid these days are always on their phones. At the Wellness to if the volume of the noise Center, most people have brings a comparative intheir phone on them, mainly crease in power but is reato crank up the tunes to help sonable to assume that you get through the workout. don’t need to scream when However, some still get lifting. distracted by their phone The loud grunts “aren’t while working out. necessary. It gets a little “It is totally fine to send awkward for everyone else,” a quick text,” said Chris said Millette. Veith, a senior in Criminal Group lifting Justice. “But if you are sitOne of the best way to ting on your phone looking workout is with a group on Instagram, Facebook or of friends. However, large Twitter, don’t do it forever groups can cause issues between sets.” when it comes to lifting. Katherine Millette, a ju“It is totally fine if you nior in biological science are in a group of two or agreed. three, that’s fine,” said Veith. “If you are resting be“But, it shouldn’t take you tween sets, you can take a 30-35 minutes for a group to selfie, text your friend,” said do a lift.” Millette. “But if it goes for Different types of work10 minutes when you are outs are more conducive just sitting on your phone, than others, as Millette you should just leave.” points out. While the social media “If you are doing a circraze pops up at the Wellcuit, when one person goes ness Center, it is phone calls and the other rests, its cool,” that can become very dissaid Millette. “I say three is ruptive. a good number to stop lifting “If you need to take a as a group.” call, go somewhere else to Large groups can take a take a call,” said Veith. “You lot of time on a lift, which can do it in the hallway can cause inconvenience for away from everyone else, one person who just wants to especially if it is a personal make a quick lift. call with a significant other Curling in the squat or a friend.”


One of the reasons that it is a bad idea to take a phone call in the Wellness Center is because it is quite loud. The hustle and bustle of people getting their workouts in is not a quiet event, and there is one noise that is extremely common in the weight room. Grunting. The science tends to agree that grunting can increase power, sometimes it can go over the top. “When you are doing a lot of weight, grunting can actually help what you are doing. But it gets to a point when is gets excessive,” said Millette. “Just breath. If you are screaming, you need to lower the weight,” added Veith. “Your body doesn’t need to make noise. The loudest noise that should be made if you are dead lifting, power clean or snatch, is the dropping the weights.” The scientific community is still out when it comes



Large groups aren’t the only inconvenience to people who want to lift. In a busy weight room, not using the correct rack for the proper lift can cause more waits. One of the worse is using the squat racks to do curls. “It is ridiculous, there are other places in the gym where you can do that,” noted Veith. Indeed, there are. Curls can be done using dumbbells and can be done anywhere there is room. Doing them in the rack is nothing but a waste of space.

Weight hoarders

While the Wellness Center provides a wide variety of weights, at busy time, the finding the exact weight that is needed. It gets worse when it is just one person who has enough weights for a group of people. “You don’t like it when someone else is using the stuff you want to use. Ob-


The weight room is the most common place for an unwritten rule to exist. viously, people don’t like it of speed, it becomes very rule is when a person begins when you are using some- difficult for the runners to to stare. Almost everyone thing they want to use,” said avoid walkers, especially on has broken this rule at one Millette. “It is about respect. a busy day. point. Don’t have six dumbbells “And don’t just stop “I do that a lot, but it is when you are just using two in front of someone,” said often that I’m spacing out,” of them.” Veith “If there are two peo- said Millette. Moral of the story, take ple running side by side and But not every stare is what you need, and but it both stop, there are times from spacing out. Someback when you are done. where I have had to jump off times, it is one person checkWalking on the run- the track because they have ing out another. Most often, just stopped.” this is a guy checking out a ning track Walking two wide is the girl. The unwritten rules don’t dumbest thing you could Crazy enough, there is a just apply to the lower level do on the running track, way to stop staring at that of the Wellness Center. On and maybe a collision is point. the running track, they are just what is needed to wake “If you are a dude that just as important. There, some people up. likes a girl, maybe just go the most important is not to “People need to under- talk to her,” said Millette. walk much on the track. stand there is a difference This can be taken as a “If you are doing one or between the two,” comment- bold strategy from a male two laps walking just to rest, ed Millette. “There is only a perspective, but it might just your fine. But more than flight of stairs between them. work. that, there is a walking track Judging people on the second floor all you Watch your stare One of the most obviFor people who don’t frewant,” said Veith. ous breaking of an unwritten quent the Wellness Center, it With a high difference

can be a bit daunting place. Possible insecurities can be enough for one person not to go workout in public. But one rule that should be strictly followed is not to judge anyone else. Millette was quite blunt with this fact. “When people judge other people on their form or just because people are not that fit, it is like just stop. They are actually here kicking their ass while you are just talking shit. If you are going to talk shit, you can just leave,” she claimed. Keeping an open mind to everyone is a great idea, because those are the people that are really putting in the effort to be there.



Hiding Injuries, Just Another Part of the Game Injury cover-ups are just one in a long list of coaching subterfuge

Ty Brooks’ status ahead of the FCS Championship was a closely guarded state secret, as was that of Jalen Allison and Jaylaan Wimbush.

Thomas Evanella Staff Writer

For as long as sports have been played, players and teams have sought a leg up on their opposition. Some tactics have been purely gamesmanship, others less than legal. Disguising the status of injured players is only one of a litany of developments in the never-ending game of smoke and mirrors that opposing teams play. The National Football League, and football as a whole, has been no stranger to this chess match. The NFL began its injury reports in 1947, but only to prevent gamblers from approaching players, not to prevent teams from jockeying with one another. Seemingly every season, the Super Bowl features at least one major player who

is injured in the run-up to the game and whose status is up in the air. Recent examples include Colts’ defensive end Dwight Freeney’s ankle injury prior to Super Bowl XLIV, Rob Gronkowski’s ankle before Super Bowl XLVI and Tom Brady’s hand this year. Freeney had Indy’s only sack of Drew Brees in Super Bowl XLIV; Gronkowski was limited to only two catches against the New York Giants and Brady broke the record for passing yards in a Super Bowl with a purported hand injury that was more suspense than substance. The Patriots final injury report in advance of their loss to the Eagles was barren. In spite of this, the media machine made sure to talk up Brady’s hand injury, and NBC made sure to snap a picture of the injured hand

as soon as humanly possible. The common denominator among all of these injuries is the mind tricks opposing coaches attempt to play with one another. Everyone knew Brady would play in the Super Bowl, but Freeney and Gronkowski were more uncertain. It all boils down to forcing the team on the other side to devote assets to game planning for these playmakers. Downplaying, clouding or downright fabricating a player’s status is another part of the game in the NFL. Listing a player as “doubtful” or “questionable” rather than “out” forces opponents to study and scrutinize the game-changers across the line. Freeney rolled up 13.5 sacks in the 2009 season, and Gronkowski had 17 touchdowns in his sopho-

more season. Both were matchup nightmares. The NFL heralds its injury reporting guidelines as essential to upholding the public’s trust in the sport. “The Personnel (Injury) Report Policy has been a cornerstone of public confidence in the NFL for many decades,” the NFL’s policy states. “The information must be credible, accurate, timely, and specific within the guidelines of the policy, which is of paramount importance in maintaining the integrity of the game.” While that all may be true, the injury report has become another tool in coaches’ arsenals for winning games. The concussion protocol, established in 2009, adds a further wrinkle to the injury status game. Anything that can be done to make a player’s status hazier, the better.

North Dakota State head coach Chris Klieman utilized this tactic in the FCS Championship game against James Madison. Sophomore running back Ty Brooks injured his shoulder in the Bison’s semifinal game against Sam Houston State. Brooks later required surgery and was in no position to play in NDSU’s championship win. In spite of this knowledge, Klieman never indicated whether or not Brooks — or injured cornerbacks Jalen Allison or Jaylaan Wimbush for that matter — would suit up. Afterward, when asked what the status of the players was, Klieman tipped his hand. “Ty had surgery a couple weeks ago. I can’t believe you didn’t call Sanford Hospital and figure that out, but that’s on you. Ty had surgery two weeks ago; I think


before Christmas,” he said slyly. “You have to hold your cards. I didn’t want to say anything about Ty because Ty is one of the most electric players in FCS,” Klieman continued. “If you have to prepare for Ty Brooks, holy mackerel. If you knew Ty Brooks was out … Mike (Houston, JMU head coach) knows that. Mike gets it.” Brooks, who Klieman called one of the most electrifying backs in all of FCS, would dizzy JMU’s coaches attempting to halt him. Unsure of his status, Dukes coaches and players had to be prepared. The gridiron has always been a battlefield measured in yards but determined in inches. Any extra inch coaches can gain from sideline and media artifice, they will take.

Steroid Users Should Not Be Allowed in the Hall It ruins the game for the fans and clean players Cody Tusler Staff Writer

The use of performance-enhancing drugs is banned from sports, for that they have a negative effect on the sport and players that use them, and they should stay banned. On one hand, people believe that there is a problem with using performance-enhancing drugs in sports. The fans will start to think negatively about the athletes that use them and the sports that they play in. A big issue whether the use of PEDs us if they should be allowed to be inducted into the Hall of Fame for their respective sport. Baseball is always in discussion for this topic, with names of Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire, and Sammy Sosa. Some say that they should be inducted, and others say that they should not be allowed in the Hall. With the 2017 Hall of Famers, Jeff Bagwell and Ivan Rodriguez being suspected of using steroids during their careers, it was never being confirmed. In 2016, Mike Piazza was named into the Hall of Fame. Piazza has come out multiple times and admitted to using Androstenedione, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland, ovaries and testes. It is a hormone that’s normally converted to testosterone and estradiol in both men and women. The side of effects are for men, they can develop prominent breasts, baldness, shrunken testicles, infertility, impotence, and prostate gland enlargement. For women, they may develop a deeper voice, an enlarged clitoris, increased body hair, baldness, and infrequent or absent periods. Other features for both include severe acne, high blood pressure, liver abnormalities and tumors, and heart and circulatory problems just name a few. This rounds back to the bigger conversation, should PED users make it into the Hall of Fame? To me, if there is any proof that they used they should not be inducted. If there is any speculation that they did use, do your

research and prove, to the best of your ability that the player did or did not use before deciding. Many people go to see their favorite player play and they want to see them perform at their normal human God-given talent and being a great athlete. If a player is using PEDs, it doesn’t just impact them in the game, but everyone else on the field. This is not what the fans want. Take Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals and Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs. Both McGwire and Sosa are two former professional baseball players who in 1998 were in a race to see who could break Roger Maris’ single-season home run record of 61 that was set back in 1961. On September 8, 1998, McGwire hit his 62nd home run of the season breaking Maris’ record. Ironically, the game was against Sosa’s Chicago Cubs. With just a little left of the season, the battle for the record was still going strong. After McGwire broke the record, he went on a six-game streak without a home run. Sosa took advantage to tie him at 62. The two went back and forth until the final series for both teams. On September 25th, both teams entered their final series with Sosa and McGwire tied at 65 home runs. At the end of the season, McGwire would finish with 70 home runs and Sosa with 66. With just looking at the race and recordsetting year, one would think that this is great and remarkable. Unfortunately, this is not the great history as it should be. Both Sosa and McGwire used steroids in during their incredible making history run. Using steroids are not it is still a remarkable feat. In an interview with Bob Costas on MLB Network, McGwire came clean saying that he did use steroids during the home run record-setting year back in 1998. McGwire says that he took steroids for health purposes and believes that he could have still could have hit the home runs without taking the steroids. There is also a controversy following Sosa. In 2003 he was tested positive for the use of performance-enhancing drugs. With the fact that Sosa was tested positive in


Barry Bonds hit 73 home runs in 2003, but the record is in question due to his PED use. Now, fans who were so taken by the 2003, there is no evidence that he was using performance-enhancing drugs in 1998 achievement now wonder if it happened for such as McGwire did. There is a strong sup- real, or if it was because of steroids. A cloud portive argument that he did for that in 1997, of mystery surrounds this period of history Sosa only hit 36 home runs, 30 less than in in baseball, and that is no fun for anyone. Some people want to see the steroid era 1998. The record would of most home runs hit back and see players hit 60 plus home runs in a single season would not stand long. Bar- in a season, or see Clemens dominate on the ry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants would pitching mound like he did. But at the end of the day, it ruins the story go to hit 73 home runs in a single season in 2001. In 2000, only one year prior, Bonds hit for the clean athlete, and the fans that watch 49 home runs. The jump to 73 is an indicator the game. Steroids should be banned from sports to some towards steroid use. It turned out that Bonds did in fact use and the users should be not allowed in the steroids. In 2003, Bonds was tested posi- Hall. It brings a negative effect on the sport tive for three different types of steroids. So and the players that use them. People will again, the argument of should those home start to think less of them. Performance enruns count and should he hold the record. hancing drugs also have negative effects on This wouldn’t be the only time that these the body. For these reasons that they should statements would circle around the sports stay banned. world about Bonds.



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