Reinventing Fargo’s Recovery
Governor and first lady try to eliminate stigma of addiction
Gov. Burgum and first lady Kathryn Burgum talk to the press about Recovery Reinvented.
Ryan Nix
Co-News Editor
First lady Kathryn Helgaas Burgum hosted North Dakota’s second Recovery Reimagined at the Fargo Civic Center on Wednesday, Sept. 4. The event was held to bring together professionals in the areas of addiction counsel and recovery. The first couple of North Dakota spoke at the event along with five guest speakers. The convention center was lined with health providers and experts offering help, guidance and education on addiction. Seating and space was taken up by the hundreds that showed up to hear information on recovery. Theresa Rassel, a volunteer at the conference, told KVRR that she is a recovering alcoholic. According to Rassel, the disease ruined her marriage and career life. “No one chooses to be an alcoholic or any type of addict. It’s not like a young kid sits there and says, ‘I think I’m going to be an alcoholic when I grow up,’” Rassel said.
Joseph Schoning, a 16-year-old Native American, gave his perspective on addiction in the Native American community. “You are much more than the alcoholic and the addict. You are the soul and spirit that makes the Native American blood proud. You are the builders, creators, writers and superheroes of tomorrow’s comic books,” Schoning said during his speech. The governor and first lady released results of a year-round study on North Dakota addiction and stigma. Gov. Doug Burgum said that around 60 percent of people in North Dakota have been or know someone who is a victim of substance abuse. “Good news is we have around 60 percent of the people who do believe it is a disease,” Gov. Burgum said. According to the governor, this means they can start treating addiction through regular and “holistic” means. Gov. Burgum
said the survey also shows that around onethird of North Dakotans think addiction is not a disease. “Those kinds of attitudes create shame, create a stigma that stop people from seeking help” or helping people with addiction, Gov. Burgum said. The governor hopes to move the state toward eliminating
“Nationally, we’re in a real big crisis with opioid addiction.” - North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum stigma around the issue of addiction. To battle addiction “it takes a village,” first lady Burgum said. “It takes people collaborating together to find the solutions that work the best in industries, in corporations, in communities, in schools.”
“Nationally, we’re in a real big crisis with opioid addiction,” Gov. Burgum said. According to the governor, the overprescribing of highly addictive painkillers has led to the resurgence of dangerous street drugs like heroin and fentanyl. With 75,000 overdose deaths and 88,000 alcohol-related deaths, the governor compared the problem to a 747 Airbus crashing every day. Battling addiction will take many facets of the community to overcome, according to the first lady and Gov. Burgum. Gov. Burgum commented on what role drug companies have in this fight against addiction. “Certainly there is a responsibility to companies that have marketed drugs that were highly addictive, and perhaps when marketing them didn’t indicate that they had that addictive quality.” According to first lady Burgum, pharmaceutical companies could help by providing medical based treatments for the vast amounts of addicts.
Fargo Convention Center during event.
Medical Monday: From CBD to THC we talk cannabis
Inner city music: Profiles of downtown street performers
NDSU women’s soccer team looks toward the Summit League Tournament
The Spectrum
Medical Monday: Marijuana From CBD to THC, marijuana might not be as dope as you think Phoebe Ellis
Head News Editor
As the discussion on the legalization of medical and recreational use continues across the state and the nation, marijuana is getting a reputation as a miracle drug, in both contexts, medical and otherwise. The data, however, is sparse, and some professionals question its functionality. Focusing on the medical usage of the drug, only two compounds of the plant are used medically at the federal level, according to Amy Werremeyer, an associate professor in the pharmacy practice department at North Dakota State. The compounds she talked about were dronabinol and nabilone. These are two chemical compounds taken from the marijuana plant and used to relieve symptoms such as vomiting, decreased appetite and chronic pain. These compounds do not get the recipient high and are
taken in pill form. Werremeyer said the use of medical marijuana poses a bit of a challenge because the effects of using it as treatment are not yet fully known and understood, and that because of the federal illegality of the drug, there’s no way to regulate the dosage and exact strain recipients are getting. Because of this, some doctors will report varying results, making it hard to gain reliable and consistent data on the substance as used in the medical world. Additionally, all the states that do research are assumed to have a bias because they are also the states with legal recreational marijuana. When it came to recreational marijuana, Werremeyer talked about the withdrawal symptoms often ignored by those who smoke marijuana. Some of the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include insomnia, lessened appetite, anxiety and irritability. The time it takes to develop the possibility of withdrawal is consistent use of the substance for one or two months, depending on
how frequently it’s used and how much the person chooses to use. Additionally, Werremeyer mentioned research she had read to support that if the substance used before the age of 25, when the brain becomes fully developed, could result in lessened ability to make sound judgment, impair decisionmaking skills, interrupt neuron pathways and even result in psychosis in the form of hallucinations, which can be permanent. Despite the risks associated with marijuana, Werremeyer does see young people who use it as a way to treat their problems from depression to chronic pain, however, without psychological benefits. While Werremeyer sees potential in medical marijuana, she said that “using it right now puts the cart in front of the horse,” continuing to say that the research simply isn’t there right now.
‘The beginning of the end’ of the Syrian War Experts predict coming attacks will be the deadliest of the war Ruby Redekopp Contributing Writer
Air strikes in the rebel-controlled Idlib province of Syria are raising fears that the Syrian government will reclaim the territory at an enormous cost to civilians’ lives. An offensive on Idlib would mark “the beginning of the end of the Syrian civil war,” according to North Dakota State political science professor Thomas Ambrosio. Wedged up against the Turkish border in the northwest corner of Syria, Idlib is one of the last major areas of Syria not under government control. President Bashar alAssad’s ally Russia began shelling Idlib on Tuesday, Sept. 4. Different sources report varying counts on how many civilians were killed. Ambrosio expects the attacks will accelerate significantly in the next week. He also said the impending military advances will be the deadliest since the war began in 2011. “This is going to be a horrible humanitarian disaster,” Ambrosio said. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, more than 217,000 civilians have been killed in Syria since 2011. That number is expected to rise if President Assad and his allies press into Idlib to quell the rebel forces. Until now, Idlib was a relatively safe haven for civilians fleeing from other parts of the country. The Atlantic reports that more than 3 million civilians are living in Idlib. One-third of those 3 million people are refugees. Since Turkey has closed its border with Syria, an offensive launched on Idlib by Assad and his allies would mean that the people living there would have nowhere to go. “I think by all accounts, the regime is going to stop at nothing to take this territory back,” Mona Yacoubian, an expert on
Syria at the U.S. Institute of Peace, told the Atlantic. “And so we expect a particularly brutal onslaught on the part of the Syrian regime backed by the Russians.” U.S. President Donald Trump warned Assad, Russia and Iran not to “recklessly attack Idlib Province” in a tweet Monday,
“This is going to be a horrible humanitarian disaster,” - Thomas Ambrosio, political science professor at NDSU Sept. 3. He wrote that the death toll could be in the hundreds of thousands. Turkey, Iran and Russia met at a summit in Tehran on Friday to discuss the next steps. In an article by the Guardian, the Turkish government described the summit as “the last chance to avoid a massacre.” Ambrosio said he thinks eventually Turkey will have to reopen its border to refugees fleeing the chaos. If Assad’s regime successfully retakes Idlib, Ambrosio said he expects a settlement will be reached quickly. Still, Ambrosio holds little hope that the days after the war will be any less grim. “The Syrian Civil War is a symptom of other changes going on both in the Middle East and internationally,” Ambrosio said. “We should expect to see more Syria’s moving forward, not less.”
As the war continues, NDSU professor thinks it might be ending.
In A Nutshell Quinn Garrick Staff Writer
Trouble within
A “senior administration official” from within the Trump administration authored an anonymous op-ed piece, published by the New York Times, titled: “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.” The piece alleges that there is internal resistance to the president among his own aides and staff. The author claims that individuals within the administration are actively working against the president’s policies because the “president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic.” Washington D.C. has become a focal point, as gossip spreads regarding the identity of the author. So far, more than 25 administration officials have denied being the writer of the op-ed. The piece was published just days after excerpts from the upcoming Bob Woodward book were published, showing an administration in chaos.
The president’s response to the op-ed started with a tweet simply stating, “TREASON?” The president expanded by saying, “Well, number one, the Times never should have done that, because really what they’ve done is virtually, you know, you could call it treason, you could call it a lot of things, but to think you have somebody in all of the Cabinets -so many people, as you know. They came forward, they’re writing editorials, they’re all saying, you know, it’s got to be at a fairly low level.”
Trump in ND
President Trump made a second visit to Fargo to campaign for Kevin Cramer, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by Democrat Sen. Heitkamp, in an effort to raise funds for Cramer’s campaign. The event was scheduled to be held at a Fargo hotel as a private fundraiser, for which the cost was $1,000 per couple to attend. Cramer’s campaign stated the event has already raised more than $1 million. The invitation stated, “President Trump has been a true friend to North Dakota by helping
Leif Jonasson Editor in Chief Phoebe Ellis Head News Editor Ryan Nix Co-News Editor Miranda Stambler Features Editor Laura Ellen Brandjord A&E Editor Jacob Elwell Opinion Editor Taylor Schloemer Sports Editor
Zachary Liu Head Copy Editor Victoria Moss Co-Copy Editor Brittany Hofmann Design Editor Photo Editor Callahan Stewart Web Editor Anh Tao Graphic Designer
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Spectrum accepts letters to the editor by email and by mail. Please limit letters to 500 words and submit them in a word document. Letters will be edited only for clarity. They should include the writer’s name, telephone number, major and year in school or title.
Twitter has permanently suspended the accounts for Alex Jones and his Infowars website, stating the company made the move after numerous tweets by the accounts violated Twitter’s abusive behavior policy. This move lines up with other tech giants YouTube, Facebook and Apple, which have banned the accounts and deleted the contents of Jones last month, claiming the content was hate speech. The radio host is known for spreading unsubstantiated claims regarding tragic events such as 9/11 and the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. Jones is currently being sued for defamation by the parents of two children killed in the 2012 elementary school shooting, Main Office: 231-8929 Editor in Chief: 231-8629
Pauline Dunn Office Manager Jonah Wagenius Business Manager Lana Alemadi Advertising Manager Preston Gilmore Marketing Executive Jason Fye Circulation Manager
254 Memorial Union North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105
to advance our state’s economy and values. According to current filings, Heitkamp holds a strong fundraising lead over Cramer. Heitkamp has raised almost $11.3 million this election cycle and had $5.2 million on hand at the end of June, while Cramer raised almost $3.3 million and had $2.4 million on hand.
The Spectrum is a student-run publication at North Dakota State University in print since 1896. New issues are published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year, except during holidays, vacations and exam periods. Each enrolled student is entitled to one copy. Additional copies are available for $1 by prior arrangement with the Business Manager.
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. Opinions expressed on these pages are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, staff, university administration or Spectrum management. The Spectrum is printed at Forum Communications Printing at 1030 15th Ave. SE, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502.
which, according to his claims, was a “giant hoax.” The shooting resulted in the deaths of 20 children under the age of 7 and six adults. Twitter said the ban was a result of “new reports of tweets and videos posted (Thursday) that violate our abusive behavior policy, in addition to the accounts’ past violations.”
Farm bill
The farm bill conference committee met for the first time last week, working to finalize a compromised bill in spite of significant differences between the House and Senate versions of the bills approved in their respective chambers. The current farm bill, which establishes agriculture and nutrition program policy, is set to expire on Sept. 30. Nine senators and 47 House representatives were selected for the conference committee to work out the substantial differences, including significant changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the House bill. The entire North Dakota Congressional delegation, including both Sens. Hoeven and Heitkamp and Rep. Cramer, were selected for the conference
committee. The farm bill includes provisions on agriculture, nutrition, conservation, rural development, energy, forestry and research.
Work and politics
On Thursday, Sept. 13, the Northern Plains Ethics Institute at North Dakota State will be hosting an event in the Room of Nations called, “Keeping it Clean: How to be Politically Active without Violating the State’s Corruption Statutes,” with guest Chris Wilson, the NDSU President’s chief of staff. Wilson will address the extent to which state employees and others who utilize state property can and cannot do during an election season and the following legislative session, following which he will take questions from the audience. Under North Dakota law, for state employees and public servants, there is a range of penalties including censure, removal from office, permanent disqualification from holding any state position, restitution, decades in prison and fines of up to thousands of dollars.
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Student Interns With Senator Paige Hill interned for Sen. John Hoeven over the summer Miranda Stambler Features Editor
North Dakota State student Paige Hill utilized her resources to gain a threemonth internship over the summer in Washington D.C. for U.S. Sen. John Hoeven from North Dakota. Hill explained that she wanted an internship applicable to her political science major. Although she has always been interested in how and why politicians did things, Hill wanted a confirmation that she chose the correct major. Through the internship, she was able to see that politics is what she wants to do with her future. The political science major does not require an internship, but Hill went out of her way to find one to gain more experience within her field. She decided to look up
and judiciary portfolios. Hill would go to hearings and briefings and write memos if the staff member was unable to attend. Hill explained she would also give memos to the senator to brief him on any information in the meetings he was unable to attend. She worked on providing information to prepare for meetings about Hoeven’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Being in the political industry, Hill was able to see the small things that people do not discuss. Hill shared that people do not realize there are little things that go on like a person having to fill out a bill and take it to the floor in the Senate. Instead, people forget the tediousness of this process.
“I mean it was a huge honor to be serving in a senator’s office and to be contributing to things. It was actually meaningful, kind of being where all the action is.” - Paige Hill, NDSU student North Dakota senators when she stumbled across Sen. Hoeven’s internships. Along with this, many internships want people to have been to Washington D.C. before applying because it is a different world than just hearing about what happened on the news. Although Hill is a member of Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Sigma Alpha honor societies and has a 4.0 GPA, she was able to boost her resume by further building her experience in the political industry through this internship as well as her contacts in the field. Through the three months in Washington D.C. she was able to work with five other interns. “We would work on different projects together: errands all over Capitol Hill, we answered phone calls from constituents in North Dakota when they would call and that helped work the front office, and we gave a lot of Capitol tours,” Hill said. Each of the interns was assigned a staff member, who covers specific portfolios, to follow. Hill was assigned to the staff member Kaitlyn, who covers homeland security, government affairs
Before the internship with the senator’s office, Hill did not have any political experience in the job industry, so this gave her some relevant experience to put on her resume and prepared her to enter the political world. “You read all about it, but then actually going and experiencing it is something totally different, but a lot of it kind of followed along the things I had learned so far,” Hill said. Hill explained how she feels well rounded now. Since completing the internship, she was able to apply book knowledge to the real world before leaving college, now prepared to graduate. “You learn so much — you can only learn so much reading about things and then when you go and actually experience things it’s totally different. It’s the same in the fact that it’s the same you read about, but experiencing it brings it to a whole new level,” Hill shared. By living in Washington D.C. for three months, she realized Fargo, North Dakota, is actually very small. It also allowed her to
Paige Hill was able to write memos for Sen. John Hoeven’s Supreme Court nominee. be surrounded by the action play out in real life, and then utilizing this internship, rather than hearing it on the I’ll see it on the news later Hill explained, “It helped me solidify my political news every day. “Instead of that day,” Hill shared.
“It’s (the internship) definitely given me real life examples of things I read about in class or heard about in class.” - Paige Hill, NDSU Student just reading it on the news I was actually watching it
In regard to living in Washington D.C. and
views — being out there and interacting with people
from all different political philosophies and just kind of having conversations in the office with other staffers.” Hill looks forward to getting more involved in politics at either a state or federal level, by either working for a senator, House members or potentially running for office in the future.
Don’t Fall Behind in Class Tips on how to not fall behind early in the semester Miranda Stambler Features Editor
Whether you are just starting college or you have been here for years, learning new tips and tricks are essential for success. Falling behind early in the semester is a common problem college students face. Keeping up at the beginning of the semester is important to having a good school year. It is hard to get back up again once you fall behind, but Pinterest has tips on how to not fall behind in your classes. Some of the tips are cliché and told often, like not skipping classes and putting your phone away, but some are things people don’t often think about when aiming for early semester success.
Study after class
When you have spent the
whole class taking notes and listening to your professor lecture for what seems like forever, the important information can be lost. By studying right after class, it can help soak in that information that may have gone right over your head before. “Well, what if I have classes back to back?” Study as soon as possible to absorb that information. Do not treat it as though you’re cramming for a test by simply reviewing information, like reading a paragraph over again in a textbook.
Rewrite your notes in your own words
This may seem pointless and like a hassle, but it can work. When you are in class, your handwriting becomes illegible when trying to keep up with a quick lecture.
By rewriting your notes you are not only reviewing the information, but you are also making it more understandable by putting it in “your own language.” Try rewriting your notes in your own words when you study after class.
Create an assignment sheet
This tip is for those who never use planners. Sometimes planners do not fit a person’s schedule or lifestyle, so they must use other means to make sure they do not miss an assignment. This is where an assignment sheet comes in. Go through all your syllabuses and create a chart, one column for due dates, another for the class and the last for the assignment due. You can even designate a colored highlighter for each class. By doing this, you
can leave it on your desk or somewhere where you will see it every day instead of keeping a planner with you at all times. This prevents you from missing any major assignments. It also gives you the satisfaction of crossing things off a listen when you complete them, giving you a sense of accomplishment.
Notice the harder courses
Normally within the first week you can tell which class you will struggle with the most. If you recognize you might struggle with a class, try and get ahead of the game on assignments or reading in the textbook. This will help prevent you from falling behind and prepare you to ask more questions in class. Just like that, your hardest course will be the
Time management
This is the worst of all and is the hardest adjustment for most college students. To make this easier, calculate how much time you have, whether in between, before or after classes, and utilize any second you can to not fall behind in any class. Being honest with yourself of how long assignments will take you will make this process easier. If you know a certain assignment will take longer than any others, set aside enough time for that project. By assigning specific times for certain subjects, it will keep you from breaking that schedule.
Stop to breathe
Many students get caught up in the stress of keeping up and lose sight of the fact that they are only human. If
you start to fall behind in your classes, it is okay. It is not the end of the world, and there is still hope. By taking a second to think and breathe, it can relieve that stress that you are focusing on and open your mind to how to fix the problem you are struggling with.
Be honest with your professor
If these tips end up not working out for you and you fall behind in a class, just be honest. Common mistakes students make are saying they are okay in a course and not asking a professor for help when they need it. If you tell your professor, then they can’t just say you are a lazy student who doesn’t want to succeed. Every professor wants you to succeed, so be honest and they will try their best to help.
Fashion Faux Pas Stop Doing That
Fashion don’ts that need to end Phoebe Ellis Spectrum Staff
Today I’m taking the frills off your looks, ladies, and ripping apart men. Let’s begin.
Clip-in extensions
Oh yes, I’m coming for your hair. Ladies, I get it. I too long for that long, remarkably shiny and natural look, but you seem to have trouble getting the natural look when I can see the clip-in part of your extensions. I’m not trying to tell you that you shouldn’t be wearing them. You do you, but if you’re taking the time to match your hair color to the one sold at your local beauty
shop, try to at least hide them. The other day I was sitting in my class, minding my own business, when a girl comes in late and lo and behold her clip-in extension is on the top of her head. No, not even under a layer of hair. It was right next to her part. Talk about a distraction.
Baggy pleated pants
Those flowy pants that cinch at the waist, but are still loose enough for you to wear them all day and feel like you are in sweatpants? Super cute. The same thing only pleated in front? This is grandma style 101
and not even good grandma style. This is the grandma that doesn’t give you cookies when you visit. If your pants were beige, you could be twins.
Big freaking bows
Are y’all seven? Because I specifically remember that one girl I went to high school with who had to have a bow in her hair, and I also remember she had the maturity of a 5-year-old. I have also seen literal 5-yearolds with big bows in their hair. When a grown woman puts a big bow in her hair, you’re not cute; instead you’re effectively regressing back to your childhood.
Baggy cargo shorts
Hello, men (yes, all men). Can
you not find something that, you know, fits? Or at least let the world around you know you have legs somewhere in there? And why are they always khaki colored? Who ever told you khaki was okay? I get it: they’re functional, fine. Can you at least strive for a size that fits you properly? Also, and I know this isn’t the case for everybody, but if you are out here thinking you look like a snack in your cargo shorts, you couldn’t be more wrong. Those cargo shorts are making you look like a piece of greasy, old pizza that just got dropped on the floor.
Who ever told you khaki was
okay? Khaki is never okay. You not only look like a daddy’s boy, but it also blends in too much with a lot of you guys’ skin tone. And again, why are they so baggy? Have y’all heard of slimfit anything? Or even straight-leg anything? Put your chicken legs in something that makes them look like you didn’t skip leg day.
The color gray
You men and your baggy gray NDSU sweatshirts look like storm clouds. You do know you are allowed to wear color, right? It probably even looks good on you. I might know if you ever wore any. I get that gray goes with everything, but do all of you have to wear it every day? You’re basic.
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Arts & Entertainment T S
he pectrum
A Heavy Metal Wedding and Metallica’s Return to Grand Forks Heavy metal legends did not disappoint at Alerus Center Sept. 8 Laura Ellen Brandjord A&E Editor
Metallica brought their WorldWired Tour in support of their latest album “Hardwired to Self Destruct” to eager fans at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks Saturday, Sept. 8. Have you ever heard of a comedian opening up for a heavy metal band before, let alone one of the “Big Four”? That is exactly what fans encounter on Metallica’s WorldWired Tour. Music comedian, podcaster and heavy metal super fan Jim Breüer warmed up the crowd. First with an expected stand-up routine, followed by a live backstage conversation with drummer Lars Ulrich and a floor pass ticket giveaway to a lucky family in the nosebleeds. However, the most entertaining part of the preshow entertainment was the first dance of newlyweds. The lucky couple was tying the knot in one of Alerus’ ballrooms at the same time as the concert. Breüer crashed the wedding and kidnapped the happy couple, bringing them on stage for congratulations from a stadium full of metalheads. Their first dance as a couple was on the stage Metallic would later occupy. Metallica made it clear they were doing things
their way from the stage setup alone. Instead of the standard large stage set to one side of the arena, Metallica had a circular central stage with spaced microphones around. In the very center sat Ulrich’s drum kit on a separate rotating platform. The central location was reminiscent of the iconic Wembley Stadium shows in England. It was standing room only on the floor, a throwback to general admission concerts, although the price reflected how close you were to the band. Another interesting element was the live recording of the show. Everyone at the concert will be able to access free MP3 downloads from the concert by going online and entering their ticket info. When Metallica hit the stage they hit it hard, pulling out all the stops for eager fans. They ripped through a set spanning the range of their entire career with an energy that could rival musicians half their age. While engaging, the light show with its quick changes and frequent flashes were sometimes hard on the eyes. Pyrotechnics were also at play toward the end of the concert with flames and fireworks, evidence
The innovative circular stage allowed the band to connect with the audience on all sides. lead vocalist James Hetfield wasn’t letting his 1992 pyrotechnic accident deter him. Perhaps most interesting was the use of micro drones during the performance. These synchronized lighted bots were famously used in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea earlier this
year. Hetfield made it clear to fans that he and his bandmates appreciated the support throughout the years. He also voiced how the fan base is a family and how it has grown. Hetfield even brought 8-year-old fan Rollie on stage for a chat and some memorabilia. Hetfield
couldn’t believe how young some of the fans were, stating that it blows him away that anyone that young would like Metallica. Of course, the band came out for an encore. The fans of North Dakota were yet to be completely satisfied. After all, hits “Enter Sandman” and “Nothing Else Matters”
had yet to be played. Fans were delighted by the foursong encore, which included the iconic songs. No doubt metalheads of the region are impatient for the band’s return ... hopefully in less than 37 years this time.
Red Raven Hosts Emotional Creative Outlet ‘Outlet: Spoken Word Poetry’ gathers at local coffee shop to share, heal, support Laura Ellen Brandjord A&E Editor
The Red Raven Espresso Parlor becomes the home of poets and admirers the first Thursday of every month. If you were to peak into the Red Raven last Thursday, Sept. 6, you may have been surprised. A large gathering of people with either coffee or tea in hand and armed with words took to the small stage amid enthusiastic applause. The event in question is the monthly gathering of “Outlet: Spoken Word Poetry,” carrying on their traditions as they have for the past two years. It is a scene very at home in a coffee shop, where warm drinks and comforting smiles help to put the performers’ minds at ease. Organized and emceed by the passionate, bubbly Lauren Starling, the event’s participants range in age from high school-aged to retiree, all whose voices are heard. Every time may be different, but each is equally important. On this particular evening, the event opened with slam poetry from a North Dakota State student airing his frustrations about
the creationist who occupied the campus for two days last week. He stated that as the creationist was not open for debate with him to his satisfaction, the poem was his way of finishing his argument. The gathering continued with poems about loss, mental illness and finding one’s power among a slew of other topics. Starling stressed the importance of the monthly event as an outlet for performers. “If you are mad at you ex, or your parents, or the world, you are allowed to talk about that here,” Starling said. For those interested in participating or experiencing the event for themselves, “Outlet: Spoken Word Poetry” meets at the Red Raven Espresso Parlor the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. There is no need to contact Starling beforehand. To register, you simply write your name in a notebook upon arrival. For some, reciting poetry (their own or others’) is therapeutic. You might find the same applies to yourself.
‘Outlet: Spoken Word Poetry’ serves as a much needed outlet of emotions for many performers.
Become the Villain, Steal the Princess in ‘Nefarious’ New 2D game from StarBlade a l l o w s p l a y e r s u n i q u e ex p e r i e n c e Nathan Wetrosky Staff Writer
How many games can you recall or name that have you in the position of the bad guy? I know I have a hard time of doing so. Has anyone wanted to feel the rush of kidnapping the princess instead of saving her? Well, now you have that opportunity. Introducing “Nefarious” developed by StarBlade. It is one of the few games that lets you take the form of the bad guy who always steals the princess. Only this time, he (you) may get away with it. Set in a 2D action side-scrolling adventure, take on the role of Crow, an evil genius who needs royalty to fuel his death ray appropriately named the “Doom Howitzer.” There are a variety of unique features that sets the game apart from other, more heroic versions. The biggest feature about this game is the obvious “playing as the villain”
aspect. That is a cool perspective to have. From the trailers I have seen, it seems that after you capture the princess you must run a gauntlet of security forces trying to prevent you from getting her. This always fails, and the evidence is however many times Bowser has kidnapped Princess Peach. A lot of kidnappings, I tell you. By now you have been thinking, “What will boss battles look like?” Well, they are the opposite of anything you have played. Instead of dancing about, trying to do small amounts of damage to an evil villain in a mech suit or any variety of evil villain gear, you get to be behind the wheel and do large amounts of damage to the pesky hero. In the trailer, there is a large mech suit and what looks to be a hovercraft with a large ball and chain to swing around. The hero does not stand a chance. Like all villains, you have a significant something about you that lets others know who they are messing with. This significant something for our evil villain Crow is his trusty grenade launcher. Of course, what’s so special about a
grenade launcher you may ask? Well, in addition to lobbing explosive balls all over the place, there are different types of ammo you can arm the grenade launcher with. I have no idea what these may be, but I know they will be useful for some reason or other. So many games out there have interesting backdrops, settings and artwork that set them apart from others of a similar genre. “Nefarious” seems to have captured that aspect. There is not much to say except the graphics of 2D games, on average, vary from game to game, and each has its own style, so you can pick it out from a crowd. “Nefarious” is set in a colorful dystopian world full of enemies to defeat and heroes to crush. “Nefarious,” is scheduled to release on the PlayStation 4 Tuesday, Sept. 11. The Nintendo Switch release will follow on Sept. 13, before finally coming to the Xbox One on Sept. 14. It looks to be a fun time and incorporates a mostly unexplored portion of gaming history. Happy hero hurting, everyone.
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Set up for a Fall Warm weather freshmen are getting their first taste of North Dakota
The leaves are gonna look very beautiful, then very dead.
Grant Gloe Staff Writer
Once again, Fargo plans our demise. Fargo rubs its nonexistent hands together and goes,”Oooh this is the year. This time I’m gonna get ‘em.” Fall is upon us and with it heralds of winter, precursors to all the ways the city will try to kill us in the coming months. The birds know what they’re doing. Flocks of geese fly down south to bite and honk at those poor people for a change. The people I pity, however, are the freshmen from warm states. You Californians don’t even
know what’s coming. Let’s take a moment to know our enemy. First and foremost in
time to invest in tissue paper and hand sanitizer. Next comes the cold. There hasn’t been too
Fargo taking away the sun because “it’s a privilege not a right.” my life are allergies. At the moment, I’m a proud member of the sniffle choir performing in every classroom. I get the added bonus of dog allergies and coffee withdrawal, but I do those to myself. Now is the
much yet, but Fargo is just too excited for winter and letting a little out at a time. A breeze that reminds you it can cut through your clothes. Fargo taking away the sun because “it’s a privilege not a right.” Being forced back
into flannels. OK, I kind of like the flannels. All very tolerable, but signs of what’s to come. I cannot overstate that sun though. If you’ve never had sunlight ripped away for weeks, you probably think cabin fever isn’t a big deal, a joke that we Minnesotans made up to entertain ourselves while we clean the spoils of the morning’s moose hunt. Well, I hate to tell you this, but you’re thinking of Canadians. They aren’t wrong about the cabin fever though. It can really take its toll on your mental health. So if you’re not from around these parts and
September gets “just a little too chilly for me, thanks,” you better get prepared.
too isolated, you’re gonna have a bad time. As long as you’ve got people and
A joke that we Minnesotans made up to entertain ourselves while we clean the spoils of the morning’s moose hunt.. Stock up on stockings, pick your favorite four-layered outfits and make some friends in your building. If you let yourself feel
a sturdy attitude, you’re gonna be fine. Plus, global warming is going to get rid of all this winter business by 2030.
Facebook from top to bottom A once widely used social media site almost forgotten Jacob Elwell Opinion Editor
Facebook, a once popular social media site, is currently on its way downhill as time moves on. I think we all can agree that we either have a Facebook account or have used the social networking website in the past. I know I did and, for a while, it was the only thing I was interested in. However, you don’t hear one say “friend me on Facebook” anymore. Instead, it’s more like, “I’ll add you on Snapchat,” or, “I’ll follow you on Instagram.” My mom finally let me get a Facebook account when I was 12 after countless times of begging. I was so excited. I would spend hours at a time on Facebook. I would get so excited when I logged in and saw a red number in the top right corner on the globe icon. Facebook defined my middle school years, as it allowed me to keep in contact with my friends. I also played a lot of games on Facebook, such as “Empires and Allies” and “Dragon City.” All of my friends played them too, so there was no reason for me to stop using Facebook. I’m not going to
lie: there was probably a point in the summer of 2012 where I was on Facebook an average of four hours a day. You can imagine how that made my mom feel. (Yes, I got
From there, Instagram grew from 80 million users to 800 million in September 2017. Talk about a growth spurt. Another huge social media application is Snapchat,
You don’t hear one say “friend me on Facebook” anymore. grounded for a while and thought my life was over.) When Facebook took the world by storm in February 2004, not a lot of people knew about it. However, in 2005, it took off with a 2,150 percent growth rate. From there until 2011, Facebook appreciated steady and high growth rates, generating tons of revenue. Their downfall officially began around 2012, when they experienced their lowest growth rate ever. It has gone slightly up since then, but not by much. I think the main contributor to the decline of Facebook is the creation of other social media sites. Instagram came out in late 2010, but didn’t really experience many users until about 2012.
which came out in 2011. The app experienced 166 million daily active users as of May 2017. Notice how these upstart social media sites released right around the time Facebook started to decline. Coincidence? I think not. Twitter is an exception to the Facebook decline. Although Twitter may have slightly contributed to the decline of Facebook, it’s hard for me to completely believe that given it came out only two years after Facebook. Like Facebook, Twitter experienced rapid growth, but took a little longer to get recognized. Twitter was released in 2006 and started to appear on the mainstream radar a few years later. The company saw an average of 50 million tweets a day in 2010
grow to 400 million daily tweets as of September 2013. (Which is the exact month and year when I created my account.) However, Twitter experienced little growth in 2015, and has stayed pretty neutral up to this day. Because Twitter was around during Facebook’s heyday, you can’t really blame Twitter for the decline of Facebook. Facebook has attempted to keep up with these new, attractive social media sites. Shortly after Instagram introduced “stories,”
completely since it first came out. When it first came out, lots of young college-aged people were using it. You rarely saw an elderly person with a Facebook account, as it wasn’t part of their “generation.” Now, you can often find older people on Facebook. It looks like they are attempting to keep up with the trends. Now they just need to discover Instagram and Snapchat. By the time that happens, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a new social media site that
Instead, it’s more like, “I’ll add you on Snapchat,” or, “I’ll follow you on Facebook did the same thing. Both of them got the idea from Snapchat. Stories offer an additional way for people to see what their friends are doing rather than just stalking their Facebook page. I feel like the addition of stories added some potential for Facebook, but because they got them after Snapchat and Instagram, it may be all for naught. It seems the intended audience for Facebook has changed
all the young kids flocked to. It’s kind of disappointing to see a once widely talked about social media site experience a downfall. I guess that’s just the evolution of social media: some decline, others soar. Oh well. They say all dynasties must come to an end. It seems as if we are all witnessing one die down as we speak.
Why Culture Matters The lie of multiculturalism and the danger it poses Ezra Gray Staff Writer
It seems that in today’s political climate there are more and more politicians and protesters demanding that America, and the rest of the Western world, loosen their borders and accept more migrants into their country. Prominent politicians such as Germany’s Angela Merkel and Canada’s Justin Trudeau have consistently defended open border policies and multiculturalism, claiming that “diversity is our greatest strength” ad nauseam. Even American politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi have supported multicultural policies such as sanctuary cities, affirmative action and looser border security. I’m sure many of you have heard the term “multiculturalism” thrown around on news sites and TV lately, but in order to be perfectly transparent with definitions, multiculturalism is defined as “the belief that different cultures, races, ethnicities and groups deserve special acknowledgment of their differences when said cultures exist in a culturally pluralistic society.” A culturally pluralistic society, it should be said, is the preferred end goal of multiculturalism advocates. But it is my view that culturally pluralistic societies, and multiculturalism in general, are not only a cultural Marxist idea, but also incredibly damaging to the host culture. In the case of the modern world, that host culture is the Western world. I know that this topic is uncomfortable or even downright offensive for many people to read
or listen to. Some of you may have even written me off as some sort of bigot already for suggesting that there are certain cultures that we in the West should not accept and merge with. To this, I say sorry, but the idea that cultural diversity or mass immigration somehow strengthens a nation is not only historically inaccurate, it is dangerous for the modern Western world. Far too many people have accepted the idea that what we Westerners need is more “cultural enrichment,” more immigrants from other continents so that we can experience all their “cool” and “fascinating” cultures. The simple truth of the matter is there are many cultures in the world that do not mesh with one another. We’ve seen examples of this throughout history, most recently with the aptly named “European Migrant Crisis.” For those who don’t follow the politics from across the pond, several EU countries accepted hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants in 2015. The most prominent of these countries are Germany, U.K. and Sweden, with Germany accepting roughly 9 million asylum seekers from 2015-2016. Think of cultures in terms of how we treat a chemistry lab. Chemistry labs contain many different and unique chemicals and compounds, each with its own set of particular traits and properties. But what happens when you begin mixing these chemicals and compounds randomly without studying the properties of each of them and how they might react when combined with other chemicals? Well, you don’t have to have a doctorate in chemistry to
know the reaction will most likely be quite volatile. We’ve seen one of these reactions in the form of North African and Middle Eastern migrants in Europe. These cultures contain ideas and practices that do not mix, such as the backward way in which these cultures treat women and sexual minorities. In the West, homosexuality and gender equality
It is my viewpoint
that culturally pluralistic societies, and multiculturalism in general, are not only a cultural Marxist idea, but also incredibly damaging to the host culture.
have both been accepted by the vast majority of society, to the point where sexual pride parades are a regular occurrence in large cities, and many companies have made a point of hiring women and men at equal rates. Now compare this to the cultures of places such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where women aren’t treated as equals to men in the legal system or even allowed to go out in public without a male relative escorting them. In most of Africa, child marriages and female genital mutilation are still a regular
occurrence. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, more than 200 million African and Middle Eastern girls are forced into female genital mutilation. Try having a pride parade in Iran or Syria, where homosexuals are regularly killed in brutal fashion, such as by stoning or public hanging. So I ask you how can the cultures of places such as Syria, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Somalia and many other countries integrate and coexist with the cultures of Great Britain, France, Spain, Canada or the United States of America? How can cultures that have such antithetical views and beliefs to our own merge with our own? And if we do accept many immigrants from these cultures, how far should we accept and promote these cultures? Should we set up Sharia courts alongside our own common law system? Should we make female genital mutilation legal in order to respect their cultural differences? Just how far does “cultural enrichment” go before we say enough? And I haven’t even addressed the increased risk of racial and ethnic tensions and crimes that multiculturalism brings to the table, nor have I mentioned the corrosive ethical relativism that underlines so much of multicultural thinking (a hallmark of cultural marxism dogma). But sadly, I don’t have nearly enough space in this paper to address the full gamut of dangers multiculturalism creates, so instead I encourage you to research the topic yourself and learn about the problems this relativistic and decadent philosophy generates. As someone who is American and a Westerner, and proud of it, I
want to preserve and celebrate our culture. I love the culture of the place I was born and raised, and importing many people from many opposing cultures not only puts us at risk for any antithetical practices these cultures have, but also dilutes our own culture. What’s wrong with appreciating your own culture and going to visit other countries in order to experience other cultures? Why does the West need to accept so many different cultures into it? We were able to exchange ideas and technologies for hundreds of years without needing millions of migrants from across the world to enter into the host nation. If one thing can be certain about the consequences of multiculturalism, it’s that not only does it weaken and alter the culture of the Western world, it promotes the idea that every culture throughout humanity, whether it be that of an advanced and moralistic nation or a backward tribe of isolated people, is somehow equally valuable and in need of mixing. Well, I for one do not want the “cultural enrichment” of states such as Somalia, Syria, Iran, and the UAE. I do not want cultures that practice female genital mutilation, homosexual murder and female oppression to exist within my society. I hope the leaders of the Western world come to their senses soon and recognize the danger their moralistic grandstanding has created for their people because if this trend of cultural Marxism and multiculturalism continues, the Western world will lose so much of what makes it such a unique and incredible piece of humanity’s history.
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Bison Volleyball Struggles at Ball State NDSU fails to win at Active Ankle Challenge Taylor Schloemer Sports Editor
Coming off their second win of the season, the North Dakota State volleyball team traveled to Muncie, Indiana for three games in the Active Ankle Challenge. Up against stern competition for the second weekend in a row, the Bison dropped all three games. Friday opened up against Indiana University of the Big Ten Conference. The Bison started slowly, but made it interesting down the stretch before ultimately losing to the Hoosiers 3-1 (25-9, 22-25, 25-19, 25-15). After the sides swapped the first 10 points, NDSU offered little resistance. Indiana outscored the Bison 20-4 down the stretch of the opening set. The Bison struggled to hit, tallying a measly four kills on 36 attacks. Sophomore Alexis Bachmeier was the only Bison to have more than one kill in the set. In the second set, fortunes turned quickly for NDSU. The set was backand-forth, with neither team securing a four-point run until late. Out of the blocks, the Bison offense started firing. Sophomore Allie Mauch, senior McKenzie Burke and sophomore Emily Halverson each had two kills before the Bison took an 8-5 advantage. The lead for either team was never more than three until NDSU strung a fourpoint run following a 15-15 tie. Mauch registered her fourth kill of the game, and Indiana followed with three consecutive attack errors. The Hoosiers fought back with a three-point run later to close the gap to 2422, but freshman Kirstin Tidd killed the set on her
second kill of the game. Indiana took control from there, taking a pair of three-point runs in the first 10 points of the third to create breathing room. Kills continued to rack up for the Hoosiers in a five-point run to really open up the game. NDSU chipped away at the lead. Bachmeier tallied a pair of kills, and freshman Kalli Hegerle added a kill and an ace as part of a 5-1 run. Freshman Kaylee Hanger brought the Bison to within two at 17-19, but NDSU failed to get a kill the rest of the set as the Hoosiers went on to claim the third. The fourth set started off close, but Indiana’s hot attack got rolling with five kills in seven points on a 6-1 run in the middle of the set. Once again, the Bison chipped back with another kill from Mauch and a kill plus an ace from Hegerle, separated by an Indiana attack error. That four-point run brought the set to 13-16, but momentum stalled for the Bison after a Hoosier timeout. A 9-2 run followed for the Big Ten team to take the match. Mauch finished with 13 kills in the match, followed by 11 from Bachmeier, who recorded her third “doubledouble” of the season, adding 10 digs as well. NDSU followed the morning action up in the nightcap Friday against hosts Ball State. NDSU started slowly again, but this time never recovered in losing 3-0 (25-10, 25-21, 25-16). The hosts jumped out to an early 6-2 lead in the first set and never looked back. Meanwhile, the Bison attack
NDSU’s offense struggled hitting this weekend in three games. was sputtering with Mauch allow the Bison a lead the only Bison to gain a kill again. The hosts jumped in the first 30 points. Tidd out to a 8-2 lead in the third struck her solo kill in the set that the Bison couldn’t with the Bison trailing 22-8. overcome. NDSU got within Mauch’s third kill of the three, following kills from set was the first time NDSU Halverson on either side of scored consecutive points, an ace from freshman Ally but Ball State ended the set Murphy. on the next point. The Cardinals went on The Bison took a lead a 5-1 run to restore the gap in the second set thanks to and maintained their lead a 6-2 run. But as was the until closing the match with course of night, it was not a five-point run. due to the offense. Other Mauch with 11 kills was than a Mauch kill, the rest the only Bison with more of the points came off errors than five kills in a bad game from the Cardinals. for the Bison offense. NDSU A string of three straight committed more attack attack errors for the Bison errors in the match than they kicked off a seven-point did kills. run for Ball State. Trailing Some of the woes went 15-20, freshman Maggie away, and the offense was Steffen’s kill started a four- more balanced on Saturday, point run for the Bison. but it was not enough for NDSU could never retake the Bison against Northern the lead, and the hosts went Iowa. The Panthers’ attack up 2-0 on the night. was firing as NDSU left Ball State would never Muncie without a win,
losing 3-0 (25-16, 25-16, 25-15). The two teams traded points early, but UNI got the better part of the exchanges, opening a slim 9-7 lead. It was the Panthers who had the first run of the game, securing four straight points. NDSU responded with three points of their own with kills from Mauch and Bachmeier. UNI went on the longest run of the set with five in a row to take the opening set. The pattern was similar to start the second set, but this time in the Bison’s favor. A three-point run gave the Bison a 10-6 lead. That lead held until UNI went on a six-point run to take the lead. Bachmeier, Halverson and Hegerle made it interesting with kills in a four-point Bison run, but it was all for naught as UNI took the set. The third set stayed close
early, with the Panthers clinging to a two-point lead in the early going. The No. 7 ranked team in the mid-major poll went on a five-point run that put the game out of reach for the Bison. Another four-point run set up match point for the Panthers, which they claimed after being delayed by a Halverson kill. Mauch led the Bison again with seven kills on the afternoon, followed by six from Bachmeier. NDSU finished the weekend with a record of 2-8, as the schedule fails to get easier. A trip out to North Carolina to face the Tar Heels before heading to Duke is set for next weekend. The Bison return home the following weekend for homecoming week with matches against South Dakota on Friday and Omaha on Sunday.
Bell Carries Summer of Holdouts into Week 1 Steelers’ back fails to sign franchise tag Philip Atneosen Contributing Writer
Week 1 of the NFL regular season is in the books, but Le’Veon Bell has yet to step foot on a field. The three-time Pro Bowler for the Pittsburgh Steelers has had contract disputes before, but not like this. This is the second year in a row that Bell has held out. The reason Bell has held out has been due to his contract negotiations. Last season after his rookie deal expired, Bell played under the franchise tag. That tag is essentially a one-year contract that pays no less than the average of the top five contracts at a given position. In Bell’s case, that equates to $14.5 million for this year. Instead of playing a second year under the tag, Bell wants some long-term guarantee from the Steelers. If Pittsburgh continues to sign him to the franchise tag, then a long-term deal isn’t needed. Bell has no job security in the event of an injury since the Steelers
have no intention of resigning him this offseason. Bell has been a true workhorse for the Steelers, and nothing is stopping them from giving him 400-plus touches this year. He feels he should be compensated at his rate with the numbers that he has produced. The Steelers won’t include Bell in their future plans for one likely reason. Bell is already the highest paid running back in the NFL, with a $14.5 million dollar salary. Bell wants to be the highest paid back in the league, but over a period of time. Todd Gurley signed a four-year, $60 million deal to stay with the Los Angeles Rams in July to become the second highest paid back. But the sticking point for Bell — Gurley has $45 million guaranteed in his contract. The reason why he rejected Pittsburgh’s offer this summer was he felt that the guaranteed figure was too low. The Steelers franchise might think that paying him that much extra money is unnecessary. Yes, Bell is
easily a top-five player at his position, but teams don’t break the bank for running backs. Even the best running backs seem to run out of gas at around age 30; Bell is 26 currently. Running backs have come out of college on fire over the past few seasons. In each of the last two years, rookies have led the league in rushing. Bell failed to report to the team before the opening game against the Cleveland Browns. As a result, he forfeits a game check worth $853,000, per ESPN. As reported by RotoWire, the Steelers are already prepared to start James Conner in his place. The question still remains of when Bell will report. He will need to be signed by Week 10 in order to have it count as a season on his contract. The Steelers also have a bye week in Week 7, which would allow Bell an extra week of practice upon returning. But how his teammates will take to him coming back is still up in the air. Last week, some players went out
Le’Veon Bell’s contract situation held him out of the first game, and it doesn’t seem ready to end. in the media and expressed According to SBNation, million contract extension their disappointment in Bell. defensive end Khalil Mack with the St. Louis Rams. A fractured locker room is was traded from the Raiders In a similar situation, the last thing a football team to the Chicago Bears and running back David Johnson needs, especially this early signed to a record-setting couldn’t agree to terms with in the season. six-year, $141 million the Arizona Cardinals on At this point though, it contract extension earlier a contract extension in the seems like Bell will play, but this week. summer. Johnson waited when remains the question. Defensive tackle Aaron to the last second before Bell’s holdout is the Donald’s holdout ended agreeing to a three-year, $39 most controversial holdout last week, where he signed million contract on Saturday. left unresolved this season. a similar six-year, $135
Scintillating action rules the first two weeks Thomas Evanella Staff Writer
While the North Dakota State Bison football team enjoyed an unseasonably early bye week, action across the FCS continued to get underway. Even in just two weeks of play, the subdivision has seen major upsets, upheaval in the rankings and sensational individual performances. We round up the top headlines from the early-season action.
Six FCS teams pull off FBS upsets; three come close
UC Davis is seeking their first winning season since the 2010 campaign. The Aggies kicked off that quest in triumphant fashion, traveling two hours south and downing San Jose State 44-38. Tied at 14 at the end of the first quarter, UCD never looked back, scoring three touchdowns in the second quarter. Gunslinging junior Jake Maier threw for 446 yards and tossed three touchdowns while running back Ulonzo Gilliam rushed for 132 yards and two scores. Villanova ranked ninth in the nation a year ago in scoring defense. Against Temple, they told the FCS to expect more of the same, defeating the Owls 19-17. The play of the game came when signal caller Zach Bednarczyk connected for a 30-yard score on fourth-and-9 in the fourth quarter. Two missed extra points nearly cost the Wildcats, but ‘Nova earned Philadelphia bragging rights for the third time since 2003. Perhaps the best win for the FCS came when Nicholls State triumphed over Kansas 26-23 in overtime. The Colonels forced overtime when Lorran Fonseca drilled a 43yard field goal to tie the score at 20 with 47 seconds remaining in the contest. Kansas received the first possession of the extra frame, settling for a field goal. Quarterback Chase Fourcade scored from four yards out to give the Colonels their first ever win against a Power Five opponent. After upsetting Jacksonville State in their first game, North Carolina A&T set their sights on a second upset win. The Aggies, undefeated in 2017, downed East Carolina 28-23 thanks to two fourth quarter touchdowns. NC A&T trailed at halftime, but limited the Pirates in the second half to take the lead. Northern Arizona bossed listless UT El Paso en route to a 30-10 victory. The Lumberjacks sacked UTEP five times and played stingy defense throughout to seal the victory. A blocked field goal sealed Maine’s 3128 victory over Western Kentucky to give the FCS its sixth win over FBS competition. Samford, South Dakota, Southeastern Louisiana and Southern Illinois all took leads into the locker room against FBS foes, but failed to complete the upset. Kennesaw State, USD and SLU both came within one score of victories.
Big-time wins shake up rankings
Neither Maine nor Rhode Island found themselves in the preseason top 25 in the Coaches Poll. Both squads, however, threw the Colonial Athletic Association into early chaos, pulling off huge upsets. Rhode Island narrowly edged previously No. 16 Delaware by a score of 21-19. The Blue Hens put up 351 yards of offense, but lost three fumbles and threw an interception, allowing URI to steal a road victory. A 22-point outburst in the second quarter set Maine off to the races against preseason No. 9 New Hampshire. UNH managed one touchdown in the final frame, unable to catch the Black Bears in a 35-7 road loss.
Delaware fell out of the top 25, while New Hampshire dropped 13 spots in the rankings. Delaware comes to Fargo on Sept. 22. NC A&T’s triumph over Jacksonville State lifted them to a well-deserved top-10 ranking, while the Gamecocks fell to No. 12. Non-scholarship Butler shook the Missouri Valley by knocking off Youngstown State in week one. The Bulldogs scored a touchdown to draw within one, but failed to take the lead on a two-point conversion. With only 80 seconds remaining, Butler lined up for a desperate onside kick, which they recovered. YSU allowed Butler into field goal range, and the Bulldogs nailed a 44-yarder for the win. The loss dropped the Penguins out of the top 25.
Trevor Knight suffers shoulder injury
Not only did New Hampshire lose their season opener, they also lost their starting quarterback to a shoulder injury. Senior Trevor Knight missed the Wildcats’ tilt with Colgate this past Saturday, and head coach Sean McDonnell intimated his starter might miss more than that with an AC sprain. Knight had completed 3 of 8 passes before exiting because of injury. In 2017, the New Hampshirite threw for 3,433 yards and 26 scores. In Knight’s absence, UNH looked feckless against Colgate. The Wildcats managed only three points against the Patriot League’s second place finishers from a year ago, falling 10-3.
Lopez, North Alabama come out with a bang
Making the move from Division II to the FCS, North Alabama faced challenging road contests right off the bat. The Lions traveled roughly 2,000 miles to Cedar City, Utah to square off with Southern Utah, the reigning Big Sky champions. UNA opened their FCS-era with a thrilling 34-30 triumph over the Thunderbirds. A nine-play, 75-yard drive in the fourth quarter was capped by a touchdown pass to erase a three-point deficit and give the Lions the lead. A transfer from junior college, quarterback Christian Lopez broke out in UNA’s opener. Lopez threw for 350 yards, rushed for 105 more and accounted for four touchdowns in the massive win. Week two provided more of the same for the Lions. UNA picked up another victory, this time against in-state rival Alabama A&M, edging the Bulldogs 25-20. The Lions will face the Bison in Fargo this Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
Simmons sparks ‘Yotes in early going
South Dakota entered 2018 unranked, largely due to the departure of star Chris Streveler. That will change this Monday thanks to up-and-coming star Austin Simmons. The Council Bluffs, Iowa man nearly steered the Coyotes to a Big 12 win against Kansas State, falling 27-24. Though his performance against K-State was less-than-stellar, Simmons rebounded at home against Northern Colorado. The junior exploded for 542 all-purpose yards against the Bears, spearheading a 43-28 win. He threw for four scores and ran one in himself, a performance which ought to launch USD into the thick of the Coaches Poll.
MISSOURI STATE.................................................52 LIBERTY..............................................................24 MONTANA STATE................................................14 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE........................................45 YOUNGSTOWN STATE..........................................17 WEST VIRGINIA...................................................52
NORTHERN COLORADO........................................28 SOUTH DAKOTA...................................................43 YOUNGSTOWN STATE..........................................17 WEST VIRGINIA...................................................52 NORTHERN COLORADO........................................28 SOUTH DAKOTA...................................................43 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS.............................................41 OLE MISS.............................................................76 WESTERN ILLINOIS..............................................14 ILLINOIS...............................................................34 EASTERN ILLINOIS................................................10 ILLINOIS STATE.....................................................48 INDIANA STATE........................................................7 LOUISVILLE............................................................31
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