CLEVEDON Twin River Valley Development
Suzann Sasha Verghese 1319335 Studio 6225
CONTENTS Introduction Constraints Oppurtunities Master Plan Cross-Section
INTRODUCTION Project Brief The aim of this Project is to creat an innovative development which provide quality ecological and social outcomes. The proposed development should include appropriate mixture of uses and activities e.g residential (mixed-use), community amenities(recreation),retail and other commercial/ industrial/ business activities or tourism facilities. The proposed areas should not draw the focus away fom the existing landscape patterns but rather compliment them.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF CLEVEDON Clevedon is a rural town located in Manukau City, in Auckland, New Zealand. It is situated on the Wairoa River five kilometres from its estuary and outflow into the Tamaki Strait, an arm of the Hauraki Gulf., within an easy drive to the coast, It is 14 kilometres from the centre of the suburb of Manukau, which lies to the northwest. To the south of Clevedon rise the rugged hills of the Hunua Ranges. Several popular beaches are located on the coast close to Clevedon, including Duder’s Beach and Kawakawa Bay. Between these two beaches lies the Duder Regional Park. Clevedon is a destination, and also a service centre for the surrounding rural area and for trips to coastal settlements such as Maraetai and Kawakawa Bay. Although within Auckland’s commuter belt, Clevedon is a rural village with a strong sense of place. For Clevedon to remain a rural village, it must retain its rural setting. The town and surrounding rural area has a population of 2,508 (2006 census), and takes in much of the largely rural area to the east of the urban heart of the city. ‘Clevedon is a rural landscape with a distinctive character derived from its primary patterns and activities. Nestled into the surrounding ClevedonMaraetai Hills and Hunua Ranges, it is a broad and vivid landscape comprising an interplay of bush clad hills and valleys, and an agrarian landscape of fields and dispersed farming buildings. At the heart of Clevedon is the Village, the centre of community and commerce for the area. This village has an historic character, being largely comprised of the key qualities of a 20th Century New Zealand rural town; single story weatherboard buildings, boundaries defined by hedges, railings and picket fences, wide roads with modest, simple fixtures and furnishings. There are few elements in the village that belie a sense of historic heritage. It is this interplay of bush clad hills, archetypal farming patterns and the historic character of the village that gives Clevedon its rural landscape character and underpins its identity and sense of place.’
Twin River Valley The area that I am looking at is 1.75kms south of the center of existing village and goes till Tourist Road, the size of my area is 110 Hectare but after eliminating the buffered area the available area to develop is 90 Hectares. Using the formulae 75% development and 25% open spaces and impervious surfaces, the area that I have as open and impervious is 22.5% and that leaves me with 67.5% as development area. The name of my development is Twin River Valley mainly due to the fact that my area is situated in between two major rivers and a high floodplain. The type of living that i am creating is suburban living that is medium density.
Minor Catchments - Constraints Twin River Valley Development has two minor catchments which collect the surface water and feeds into theTaitaia stream and Wairoa river. They are central Wairoa river and Taitaia stream. The central Wairoa river catchment and Taitaia stream catchment collects the excess runoff water from Clevedon eco island and the existing village and carries it to Wairoa River and Tatiaia Stream which then drains into the Tamaki Strait via Kauri Bay. The border between the central Wairoa river and Taitaia stream shows the tipping point from this we can see which way and where the water will drain into.
Rivers -Constraints Rivers have been used as a source of water, for obtaining food, for transport, as a source of hydropower to drive machinery and as a means of disposing of waste. Rivers help to determine the urban form of cities and neighbourhoods and their corridors often present opportunities for urban renewal through the development of foreshoreways such as riverwalks. Rivers also provide an easy means of disposing of waste-water and, in much of the less developed world, other wastes. There are two main rivers on either side of Twin River Valley and they are Wairoa river and Taitaia stream and feeding into Twin river valley are minor streams /rivers one that runs through the middle and three other that enter it ever so slightly .The main stream/river that cuts through the middle of the site divides the area for development creating a a hydrological boundary.
Floodplain - Constraints Floodplains in their natural form are beneficial for a number of reasons: a) reducing the number and severity of floods, b) minimizing non-point source water pollution, c) filtering storm water, d) providing habitat for plants and animals, and e) aesthetic beauty and outdoor recreation benefits. During high water events, some of the water is absorbed by the floodplain, helping to keep the river from overflowing. The absorbed water can then be returned to the stream during times of low water. If a high water event is large enough, water will overflow the channel of the river and flow onto and spread over the floodplain, which slows the flow of the water. Reduced water flow can help prevent severe erosion and flooding downstream. Looking at the map over the page we see that the main high floodplain runs on the boundaries of Twin river valley stating that development inside the boundary is allowed. It is recommended to avoid building on a flood plain .
Buffer 25m Buffers have been added to the existing floodplains and rivers the objectives are to retain the current land ,stop it from eroding rapidly it, protect natural or semi-natural environments,Improve air quality within urban areas,Ensure that urban dwellers have access to countryside, with consequent educational and recreational opportunities and protect the unique character of rural communities that might otherwise be absorbed by expanding suburbs. The buffer has many benefits for people they are walking, camping, and biking areas close to the cities and towns,Contiguous habitat network for wild plants, animals and wildlife, cleaner air, water and better land use of areas within the bordering cities.
Pylons- Constraints There are new pylons that will be placed on the boundary of twin river valley and to accommodate this new development a 50m vegetation buffer has been put around the new pylons to block out the harsh radition as well and to soften the view of the metal structure. Since the pylon is running just on the border of Twin river valley development the plots near this area will have more space .
Slopes- Constraints By using terrain modelling to show slope we see that the areas in red aren’t suitable to build on because they are 15 degrees or greater and they are prone to erosion. This is mainly around the minor streams/rivers and these slopes are potected by the vegetation. Suitable buildable land is from 0-5 degrees. This site is mainly flat and has a gardgual gradient.
Constraints The main constraints for the development of Twin river valley are Major rivers and high flooplain surrounding Twin river valley Minor streams entering the site creates a natural boundary for builidng Major rivers, minor river/streams and floodplains buffered minor catchment running throught the area creating a tipping point. Looking at this map we can see that there are very few main constraints in the twin river valley development area
Aspects - Opportunities Aspect generally refers to the horizontal direction to which a mountain slope faces. Aspect can have a strong influence on temperature. This is because aspect affects the angle of the sun rays when they come in contact with the ground, and therefore affects the concentration of the sun’s rays hitting the earth.The aspect of a slope can make very significant influences on its local climate. For example, because the sun’s rays are in the west at the hottest time of day in the afternoon, in most cases a west-facing slope will be warmer than a sheltered east-facing slope. This can have major effects on altitudinal and polar limits of tree growth and also on the distribution of vegetation that requires large quantities of moisture. Looking at the map we see that the majority of the area in twin river valley have north, northeast, northwest and west facing slopes hence making it a suitable development.
Cadastral Boundaries- Opportunities Shows the boundaries, ownership of land parcels and also specifies the details of each plot, roads, railway lines, water bodies, vegetation, etc. Cadastral mapping leads to effective management of public land records. Looking at the map of how many cadastral boundaries are visible in the twin river valley area we see that the areas are large. This is an oppurtunity to intensify this area with suburban living and get more people to live in Clevedon.
Master Plan Twin River Valley - The area has been filled with 600m2 plots and these plots have been placed in a grid format around the vegetation that is running through the site, as you mover towards the outer boundary of he site the plots become bigger with an area of 1000m2.The plots have been place in rown of two plots back to back traveling down the site, between these plots are minor and major road for vehicle connection. On each of these plots there will be a house 2 storys high. The steams/ rivers that run throught the site have been buffered with vegetation. One of the main roads cut through a little bit of vegetation so that the access can be easy .
1. Vegetation
4. Plots
2. Roads-Vehicle connection
3. Power Pylons buffer
5. Buildings
Cross -Section view of the road connecting through the green buffer
Cross-Section of a 1000m2 plot near the vegetation nuffer of the pylons