This edition of SPE Bulletin will cover some of the events that SPE ITB SC has conducted in the past two months namely Energy Symposium, VT Sharing, IPFEST 2018 and its series of pre-events. Integrated Petroleum Guest Lecture and Petrocare were held as the pre-event of IPFEST (Integrated Petroleum Festival) 2018. The IPFEST 2018 itself had successfully been conducted as a result of the collaboration between the three organization in Petroleum Engineering ITB: SPE ITB SC, HMTM ‘PATRA’ ITB, and IATMI SM ITB. There was also Energy Symposium, the biggest seminar conducted by Education and Training divison of SPE ITB SC that was attended by participants from various major. Moreover, there was also SPE Back to School which was meant to show our love and caring to society in education to elementary school students. Last but not least, SPE ITB SC also conducted a VT Training in collaboration with other student chapters in ITB.