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16 El Cenote The exploration of a high altitude pothole in the Ampezzane Dolomites Luca Dal Molin, Matteo Burato, Francesco Sauro The Abisso “El Cenote” is located at 2940 metres a.s.l., between Piz Conturines and Cima Lavarella peaks. Its exploration was carried out by Proteo caving club of Vicenza during several decades of field researches on the Altopiani Ampezzani plateau. The cave entrance, which opened as a result of the natural emptying of a small alpine lake, was known since 1994, but the difficulties of progression linked to the presence of a large internal glacier had prevented even now its fully exploration. During September 2010, a new intergroup expedition descended a huge 165 metres deep pit, leading to -285 metres depth and reaching an enormous hall, the largest ever discovered inside the Dolomites, with a volume of over half million cubic metres. The new big shaft is dedicated to the memory of Paolo Verico, president of the Club Speleologico Proteo caving club and leader of the Italian Cave Rescue, that has given so much for the exploration of this cave.

38 Deeply heroic The editorial staff of Speleologia meets Gianluca Macchi the manager of CERVIM by members of editorial staff During the international speleological meeting “Casola 2010 – Geography of the void” a semi serious tasting competition of wine coming from caving-karst areas has been held. In this occasion Gianluca Macchi enologist and manager of the “International Center of Research of the Heroic Viticulture” (CERVIM) has explained us the influence of the geological environment on the wine.

41 Opened to the public the Verna chamber in the Pierre Saint Martin Mina & Renato Banti, Fabio Tonali The Authors remember old pilgrimage notes when in the 1980s they went in the famous Verna chamber passing from the EDF tunnel. In 2010, invited by some French caver friends known at that time, they came back in the Pierre Saint Martin, in occasion of the the first touristic tour of the Verna chamber.

26 After the long winter The rediscovery of the Pozzo della Neve Natalino Russo, Manuela Merlo, Luigi Russo, Valerio Olivetti, Federica Antonucci The Matese is an important karst area located between Campania and Molise regions (Central-South Italy). Here, from the years 2008 and 2010, cavers coming from different parts of Italy carried out three summers camps. In these occasions new branches in the Pozzo della Neve (7 km, -1050 m), the biggest local cave, have been explored. Other explorations have been carried out in Cul di Bove (5 km, -906 m) where the connection with Pozzo della Neve might be possible. Also two new interesting caves have been discovered.

Foto A. Bizukina

44 Research trip in the light of the plateaux San Fernando, Cañón del Sumidero Francesco Sauro, Mauricio Náfate López, Kaleb Zárate Gálvez, Giorgio Annichini, Natalino Russo The Cueva del Puercospin and the Sumidero de Higo are caves located in the San Fernando plateau, close to the Cañón del Sumidero (Chiapas, Mexico). In these caves, partially known before by the Grupo Espeleológico Jaguar of Tuxtla, new passages have recently been explored by members of La Venta Team, Grupo Jaguar and other mexican cavers. The new explorations show the presence of holes and big passages, nearby the walls of the Cañón del Sumidero and cast a whole new light on the San Fernando karst area. Various unexplored entrances give new interesting perspectives for future explorations.

50 The Ordinskaya Cave Not only the biggest submerged gypsum cave of the world Ulyana Zhakova, Paolo Forti Not far from Kungur the Ondinskaya cave is presently the largest partially submerged gypsum cave of the world. Its exploration was carried out by divers in extreme environmental conditions (below -10°C), and led to the discovery of enormous flooded galleries. Anyway, the importance of this cave exceeds its exploration, because it hosts also extremely rare cave minerals.



MEMORIE DELL’ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI SPELEOLOGIA Rivista aperiodica Redazione: Paolo Forti, Università di Bologna, %JQEJ4DJFO[F(FPMPHJDP"NCJFOUBMJ WJB;BNCPOJ#PMPHOB 5FM paolo.forti@unibo.it

Quaderni Didattici S.S.I. 1) Geomorfologia e speleogenesi carsica 2) Tecnica speleologica 3) Il rilievo delle grotte  4QFMFPMPHJBJODBWJUµBSUJmDJBMJ  -JNQBUUPEFMMVPNPTVMMBNCJFOUF di grotta 6) Geologia per speleologi  *EFQPTJUJDIJNJDJEFMMFHSPUUF 8) Il clima delle grotte  -VUJMJ[[PEFM(14JOTQFMFPMPHJB 10) Vita nelle grotte  4UPSJBEFMMBTQFMFPMPHJB  (MJBDRVJGFSJDBSTJDJ 13) Fotografare il buio  404JOHSPUUB



/VPWJ"VUPSJ 1) La vetta e il fondo  "MUSFQJDDPMFQSPGPOEJUµ 3) Ipoesie  4VMMFDPSEF

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