JEKYLL •ISLAND•AMPHITHEA T E R Capitalizing on Jekyll’s Potential Exsisting Conditions
Ticket Booth
Pond Access
Impervious Seating
Exposed Stage
Proposed Conditions
Improved Trails & Ticket Booth
Viewing Platform
Pervious Turf Seating
Covered Stage
The University of Georg i a
The Fanning Institute College of Environment and Design Jekyll Island Authority J. Barge• S. Greunefelder• S. Rattanong• J. Reichert Summer 2012
Redesign Jekyll Island’s amphitheater to serve its users by: • providing a multi-functional site • creating a safe environment • providing a comfortable and asthetically pleasing space • promoting environmental and economic sustainability • offering educational opportunites • preserving the unique sense of place Historic Context The Jekyll Amphitheater was constructed in 1973. Prior to the closing of the amphitheater in 2003, the site thrived with productions put on by colleges such as Valdosta State. Neglect and weather have taken their toll on the amphitheater.
Amphitheater as Built • 1973 Site Context
• Amphiteater
The current amphitheater lies in a dishevled from years of neglect. Lack of supporters and revenue caused the closing of the amphitheater. The amphitheater was constructed in relation to a nearby pond. The pond is adjacent to the Jekyll Island Golf course. The amphitheater’s site offers many natural amenities fit for a variety of multifunctional events. A large portion of this site is covered with slash pine trees and live oak trees providing a large canopy forest cover and shade. The pond across from the existing amphitheater has become a prime location for bird watching.
Site Context on Jekyll Island
Existing Condition • 2012 The University of Georg i a
The Fanning Institute College of Environment and Design Jekyll Island Authority J. Barge• S. Greunefelder• S. Rattanong• J. Reichert Summer 2012
Viewsheds Studying viewsheds on the site helped establish the best locations for the birding platform, docks, and trails. Each location provides optimal views for user enjoyment.
Contour The site has very low elevations, only feet above sea level. Grading was kept to a minimum by utilizing existing contours.
Light Use Trails The existing trails circulating around the amphitheater will continue alongside the pond for future birding and hiking experiences. The trail also incorporates sites for docks and platforms for birders and trail users.
Golf Course
Maritime Live Oak Hammock
Maritime Slash Pine-Longleaf Pine Upland Flatwoods
Birding/Viewing Entertianment/Education Eco-revelatory
Pervious Paving A proposed pervious pavement parking lot will help minimize impact on this site and accomodate parking for future events and shows.
Interpretive Trail/Recreation
Vegetative Communities The vegetative communities surrounding the amphitheater site include both the Maritime Live Oak Hammock and Slash Pine-Longleaf Pine forests.
Muti-Uses The amphitheater is a mult-functioning site where education, entertainment, environmental education, and recreation can take place.
Design Concepts
Decrease Impervious Cover Increase Comfort and Versatility Construct turf amphitheater seating
Provide Cover to Increase Utility Provide weather protetion for stage
Incorporate Area Assets into Site Create trail system
Formalize Defacto Birding Site Create Birding Platforms
The University of Georg i a
The Fanning Institute College of Environment and Design Jekyll Island Authority J. Barge• S. Greunefelder• S. Rattanong• J. Reichert Summer 2012
0 25 50
100 feet
Site Plan
Amphitheater Master Plan
Bird’s Eye View
Ticket Booth
View Back Towards Amphitheater
Amphitheater Section Elevation The University of Georg i a
The Fanning Institute College of Environment and Design Jekyll Island Authority J. Barge• S. Greunefelder• S. Rattanong• J. Reichert Summer 2012