Human Beings And Their Creational Responsibilities Human beings' creation is not only unique and original but also very special and specific. They are provided with tools, which will help them to attain perfection and excel until he reaches the dizzy heights of success. The task of fulfilling the creation's realities was offered to man and other creations as well. However, the man accepted it, and other creations declined. The reason being the choice of making a decision was with the man alone. It is within the creation's reality that they are given the ability and choice to meet perfection or go down the hill. Human beings' greatest gift from the Creator is knowledge and wisdom. Hence his ability and decision play a dominant role in deciding his fate and fate. At the start, the road to success is not as simple as it seems. The materialistic attractions and underlying desires towards worldly ownership has its own impact. Man possesses the capacity to weigh and differentiate between the good and poor and chalk out a balance approach. He needs to dive deep to the guide-book and comprehend its meaning and context. He then assesses the circumstance of creation's realities to explore and experience. It's also a fact that righteous path isn't a bed of roses, nevertheless it is possible and within the range of a man. If we read the novel and think always, then it will open one's heart, and he'll come across the path of success in his reach. Here, it is crucial to mention that attaining success alone isn't the aim of a guy. He must try to attain remarkable feat and excel in an admirable manner. The simple fact is that the man is ignorant and untrustworthy. Then, why's the guy has accepted the responsibility to satisfy the creation's task assigned to him? Equally important is to consider and assess why the Creator has got the task to man? Reading the guide-book and comprehending its significance and theory within the context of production's realities will open new vistas of knowledge. Since man is capable of striving towards achievement, thus, his skills compel him to research and experience. The Holy Quran says, "Man is ignorant and untrustworthy." Imam Ali Ibne Abutalib states, "His ignorance is
towards his advantage." Assessing the above two views explains the motives of delegating the creational undertaking to individual beings. It means man is fully capable of satisfying the job. He also gets the brain to reject the guidance, thus failing to perform as anticipated. Both of these divergent acts of man would be the manifestation of wisdom and wisdom as well as his arrogance and impertinence. Here the choice plays a dominant role according to his submission to understanding. On the other hand, going down the mountain is the reflection of his arrogance and impertinence. At this juncture, a question arises as to why other creations didn't accept this responsibility. Though other inventions are powerful and dependable, yet they lack the ability of choice. Thus, human beings' choice within the limits of knowledge and wisdom establishes the superiority of human beings. The most important aspect of fulfilling the responsibility is following the path of infallible role models provided by the Creator. It means guidebook alone will not suffice the purpose. Thus, following the role models' path unconditionally will direct towards the righteous path. It, today, conclusively establishes the fact that guidebook and infallible function models are collectively responsible to direct us in the right directions. The most important thing is that the adherence to guidebook and following function models' life and guidance in our daily life. Leaving any one of them will not only ruin our lives but also linger around with miseries. The silver line in the dark cloud is the repentance and seeking forgiveness from the Creator. Since the Creator is merciful and beneficent, hence, seeking forgiveness with a vow not repeat the same will benefit human beings. A famous saying goes like this, "Committing a error is not a crime, but replicating a mistake is unpardonable."
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