Newsletter 1st Edition

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Society of Petroleum Engineers Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta Student Chapter

May 2016

“SPE Newsletter is a new program in SPE UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Student Chapter in the eld of journalism. This newsletter aims to provide information about SPE UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Student Chapter event, technology update in the oil and gas industry, hot issues, and campus information.”

Page 2

What Professional Think About SPE Student Chapter? Page 3

Shale Gas Induces the Collapse of Oil Price Page 4

Closer to Masela Block Page 5

Gentur Wikan, One of The 2015 SPE Star Scholarship Recipient Page 6

The Interest of Senior High School Graduates on UPN “VETERAN” Yogyakarta

SKK Migas Introduces AFE Manager System In order to speed up the process of

through printed document. With the AFE

submission, evaluation and approval of

Manager system, all processes will be done

Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), the

online. “With the AFE Manager, we will be

Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas

able to gradually speed up the work flow and

Business Activities (SKK Migas) will launch a

interaction with KKS Contractors,” said SKK

web-based system called AFE Manager. This

Migas Chairman Amien Sunaryadi in a town

system is targeted to commence on 1st

hall meeting event with KKS Contractors that

August 2016.

took place early this week. In addition to

AFE is authorization of work and budget plans of project-based activities issued by SKK Migas to Cooperation Contract


(KKS Contractors)

based on technical and financial evaluation

Page 8

results. This procedure is needed to ensure


that realized works have been accordance with the work plan that has been approved. By






submission, evaluation, and approval is done

speed up the work flow, the AFE Manager system also helps KKS Contractors to monitor the progress of AFE position they have submitted. The acceleration in the AFE process of submission, evaluation and approval is expected to speed up the implementation of upstream oil and gas project and in the end it will contribute to the increase of oil and gas production. (M Arif Fadilah)

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About SPE SC

What Professional Think About SPE Student Chapter? Mr. Ngurah Beni Setiawan Sr. Geomechanics PetroTechinal Expert Schlumberger Kuala Lumpur

As we know, SPE is the largest individual-member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. We are students join SPE to discuss anything about Petroleum Industry. But, what professional think about SPE Student Chapter? Mr. Ngurah Beni Setiawan, Sr. as one of the professional in Petroleum Industry especially in Geomechanic Petrotechnical Expert. Already work in Schlumberger Kuala Lumpur since March 2007. Mr. Beni really care about young professional like students, Mr. Beni often gave his knowledge through seminar in some university like UPN, ITB, ITS, etc. So, what Mr. Beni as a professional assess about SPE Student Chapter? Mr. Beni joined SPE as a professional. In SPE, Mr. Beni meet another professional but slow but sure Mr. Beni knowing SPE Student Chapter, and perceive that it’s really good for students to connect with the professional. “SPE Student Chapter could be a media for students and professional to connect each other. Boards of SPE Student

Chapter also could contact the professional to held a seminar or guest lecture to serve their members to enrich their knowledge. Student Chapter is the only way to connect it, because it’s really hard to wait professional held an event by their self or wait the faculty to contact professional to held an event in their university because they already have their own business. So, this student chapter should take initiative to build and keep the networking of the professional.” Mr. Beni said. How about Mr. Beni appraise about SPE UPN Student Chapter? “SPE UPN Student Chapter is the only student chapter that I know have a unique way to run an event. You’re really good to organize the event. It was so professional. I really appreciate it.” said by Mr. Beni.


Blood Donor Looking at the fact more and more need for blood transfusion in the Yogyakar ta region, while the number of blood donors relatife still small, SPE UPN VY SC then moved to help PMI organizing blood donor. Blood donor that will be held on 23rd May of 2016 is one of the series for social activity in SPE UPN VY SC agenda. This event will be conducted as the contribution of SPE UPN VY SC to people.

Guest Lecture INTEGRATION FUNDAMENTALS OF RESERVOIR ENGINEERING As a reservoir engineer, there are so many aspects to be learned and to be understood. And also capable to merge,integrate, and applied all of the aspect in the real state. Based on that, SPE SC UPNVYK takes the initiative to hold a guest lecture program to preparing the undergraduated student about fundamentals of reservoir engineering and its application in Petroleum Industry. It includes a motivational talk from our speaker’s best experiences.

So, what are you waiting for join with us? What are you waiting for to participate with our event? Let’s build, expand and keep the networking with us and professional, so let’s take the benefit with us. SPE TOWARDS EXCELLENT. (Adiasa Dewa Pradipta)


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Petroleum Update

Shale Gas Induces the Collapse of Oil Price Mr. Ngurah Beni Setiawan Sr. Geomechanics PetroTechinal Expert Schlumberger Kuala Lumpur

Recently the decline in oil prices amid

that we have done with Mr. Ngurah Beni

a very drastic. Until exploration should freeze

Setiawan as Sr. Schlumberger Geomechanics

most of the oil companies, given that oil prices

Expert Petrotechnical Kuala Lumpur, “Shale

can not cover the expenses of the exploration

gas is natural gas obtained from shale rock


fragments or where the formation of gas was

Source : http://www.

general, shale gas is obtained by "forcing" the gas out of rocks in the earth through the fracking process.” (4/30/2016)

Shale gas is an abundant amount of energy. For North America is estimated to have a potential of 1000 trillion cubic feet of shale gas that can be used to supply the gas needs of America for 50 years or more. Recent analysis also showed that shale gas could provide up to half of United States of America gas supply by 2020. The shale gas revolution is also expected to create millions of new jobs. Surely, from an economic point of view it would be very beneficial for American who is still struggling to get out of the economic crisis.

Then Mr. Beni added, with the shale The fall in oil prices caused by factors

formed. Shale gas which composed largely of

gas potential that is so great, the Government

that are fundamental, and not for speculation.

methane is a non-conventional natural gas. If

of Indonesia has started conducting a survey in

These factors are, first, the discovery of new

conventional natural gas that is normally found

11 working areas which have the potential

technologies, which is shale oil and shale gas

in the hollow layer of earth at a depth of ±

shale gas. This survey has been conducted

in the United States (US) as the country's

800m or more, then the shale gaswill be found

since 2011 and is targeted to the practicability

largest oil consumer in the world, which led to

in the layers of rock (shale formation) at a

study will be announced in 2016, whether

the US less dependent on imported oil. Second,

depth of more than 1500m. This layer is very

could be proceed or not. This indicates that

the weakening of the Chinese economy due to

rich in organic material so that it can be used

Indonesia also has the potential of shale gas

the collapse of financial markets that was

as source of energy. Since there are in the

outside the Coal Bed Methane (CBM). This

triggered by the decline in the property market

layers of rock (shale formation), it will require a

should also be interesting for the students who

and infrastructure in the country. Third, its oil

special process to pick it up, called process of

will take the research for a thesis. Although the

production at the level of overproduction

hydraulic fracturing (or fracking hydraulic

data are still rare, but it have to be started by

(excess production) as well as the rise in oil

fracture). The fracking process is performed on

students. (Antonietha March)

prices that have tended unnatural. For that

drilling into the earth, both vertically and

reason, the decreasing in oil prices are likely to

horizontally, using water, granular materials

persist in the long term.

such as sand proppant and other chemical

However, the Shale Gas take a lot of

materials so the gas out through the pores of

attention from society. Based on the interviews

the rock and flows into the production wells. In

Page 4

Petroleum Update

Closer to Masela Project In




Source :


plan of



greatly from the FLNG concept. Proponents


of OLNG claim benefits including greater

recommended the Masela’s Plan Of


Development, for a floating LNG

operations will take about 10 years.

multiplier impacts on Aru or Tanimbar Island

(FLNG) project with a design capacity

There have been exhaustive

such as jobs, businesses, services and

of 7.5 million tons a year and 24,000

debates on the strength and weakness

amenities like markets, a hospital, housing

barrels of condensate a day, to the

of FLNG and OLNG's concepts for the

and other public facilities and infrastructure



Masela project. But Integrated energy

as well as petrochemical industry.

Ministry. The two-year feasibility study

major Royal Dutch Shell and Japanese

For the OLNG concept, the big

by Inpex concluded that an onshore

Oil firm Inpex Corporation remain

question is, do we process the capacity and

LNG (OLNG) plant on Aru Island would



resources in engineering, procurement and

cost $22.3 billion and require a

construction of Indonesia’s onshore

construction (EPC) for such a huge and

reasonable length of time to build.

Masela Liquefied Natural Gas (OLNG)


Once the POD for the onshore LNG

plant. However, the companies will be

complex? If the final decision is in favor of


requiring additional time to reformulate

OLNG (rather unthinkable), it will cause

their plan of development.








approval from the Energy and Mineral










Resources Minister, it should receive a

The advantages of FLNG are

concession for the Masela block will expire

final investment decision (FID), which

that its capital cost is $7 billion cheaper

in 2028. And, even if the president finally

will also take two years. Once the FID

than OLNG and faster to construct

decides soon to choose the FLNG concept,

has been made, the investors will work

because it does not need vast land

the Masela project will not be commercially

on the next stage, namely construction.

acquisition and long gas pipelines,

viable if the Masela 30-year concession is

For Masela, the construction work is

causing less environmental impact and

not extended at least by 10 or 20 years

estimated to take 6 to 7 years. Only

generating $57 billion in revenue for the

because Inpex-Shell needs two years after



government, in comparison to $48

the President’s final investment decision and


billion in the case of OLNG. The

another six years for the building of the FLNG

commercially. As a consequence, the

domestic shipbuilding and offshore

and its supporting infrastructure. (M Arif

process from the revision of the

structure industries will also benefit




whole Masela

construction can

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Gentur Wikan, One of The 2015 SPE Star Scholarship Recipient

This article tell about the lucky one who got SPE Star Scholarship. He is Gentur Wikan Wijayanto, a Petroleum Engineering student of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, batch 2013. Not only got SPE Star Scholarship, He also got SPE Java and Djarum Foundation Scholarship. Now, he currently starts his sixth year in this university. As a sixth year student, He tried to start and executes some of his plans not only in academic but also in non-academic side or even his future career path. It is not enough for him to be an ordinary student. He said "It is like you are pushed to be someone different and have something to be offered when you’re graduated someday. You can’t deny when you’re talking about career, your future career is what actually the company need. That's all about skills and ability. Your high GPA isn’t the only factor that really matter, though it might help you too. It’s only covering you on the first step, but not the next step." Tells about the Gentur journey for improving his skills, on his second year of study, Gentur decided to join SPE Student Chapter to support his organizational experience. It is really important to empower his future career.

He believable and pointed to be a staff of HRD Department as a Competition and Activities Officer. As Competition and Activities Officer, He had responsibilities to manage the entire competition event calendar for internal and external competitions, internal selection, delegates meeting, and competition guidance.There’re a lot of benefits that He got for becoming the officer of SPE Student Chapter. Not only organizational skills, leadership, relations, but also He could join several competitions that it was held by SPE Student Chapter and got chance to earn scholarship. Besides that, He was also mandated to become the Project Manager of SPE Student Paper Contest which hold on last June 2015. Talking about scholarship, He wants to share his experience in applying SPE Scholarship to you. On last April 2015, He applied registration of SPE Star Scholarship Program from SPE International. At that time, He didn’t think that He would get such prestigious scholarship. He only thought that this chance would never come twice. Thus, He tried to motivate himself and started to fulfill all the requirements. Basically, this scholarship was open for all undergraduate students worldwide who

active member of SPE. The students had to be a student enrolled, or soon to be enrolled, in curriculum related to the petroleum industry. He needed to fill an online application form to receive this scholarship which provided by SPE. Then, He submitted the recommendation letter. There were several questions that He had to answer like others scholarship applicants did, such as personal data, current GPA, activities, organizational experience, honor and awards, and several questions about personality.Later on, He felt like He didn’t expect that much, when the announcement day was coming. He felt like the possibility to become a Star Scholarship grantee was so small and seemed impossible due to thousands qualified applicants worldwide were applying this scholarship. And then, the committees said that they would delay the announcement due to a lot of qualified applicants, and it was taking longer than expected for the committees to reach final decisions. On July, 1st 2015, while He finished his pray, He got an email from SPE International and gave states that He was one of 2015 SPE Star Scholarship winner. He was surprised and still couldn’t believe that He was among the 25 Luckiest Students in the worldwide. Out of thousands applicants in Southern Asia Pacific Region and He was among the 2 chosen students who receive this scholarship. As a Star Scholarship Recipient, He received USD 2,500 annually for up 4 years and also invited to attend General Student Awards Luncheon at ATCE 2015 in Houston, Texas, USA as honored guest. He was feeling so blessed and He would be thanking God for the overflow mercy and graces. He dedicated this scholarship to his parents who always supported him on every single way He took, his family SPE UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Student Chapter and Petroleum Engineering JACK UP 2013 who always gave him the spirit abundance through the phase. Last but not least, He thought that he isn’t the one who easily satisfied on something. He pushes himself to be better and better till He reaches all his dreams. He suggests for you. Indeed, it is not easy to push ourselves out of the comfort zone. But, when you turn your mind and remember all your dreams, it will not be that hard. He suggest that if there are willingness, do it whole-heartedly, search everything about scholarships and never forget to pray, since praying determine 90% of your success. If you can do it sincerely, perhaps it will be work. So, don't be afraid to do what you want. Believe it and do it sincerely. (Erma Nur Prastya Ningrum)

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The Interest of Senior High School Graduates on UPN “VETERAN” Yogyakarta Drs. Mursito MM Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta or usually people know UPN “V” Yogyakarta is one of the state university located in Yogyakarta. UPN “V” Yogyakarta officialy back as a state university since October 6th 2014. In 2015, UPN “V” Yogyakarta opened the selection registration in 2 ways, there are SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) and UM (Ujian Mandiri). But now, in 2016, UPN “V” Yogyakarta start to open the selection registration in 3 ways, there are SNMPTN 1 (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri), SBMPTN, and UM. 1.


SNMPTN is one of the way of selection that using score of the rapor from 1st term until 5th term, score of national examination and also the participant can submit the achievement that their got. The first year since officialy back to state university, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta only use two kind of selection which is SBMPTN and SM. But for this year, 2016, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta start to held SNMPTN for selection of new students. The quota of SNMPTN for UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta for this year is 1032 students. The detail of the quota is on the picture beside. Drs. Mursito MM as Kasubbag Humas of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta told that SNMPTN provide 40% from the total quota for all kind of selection. The announcement of SNMPTN will be announce on May 10th 2016 by online, the website of SNMPTN is .

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3. SM


The quota of SBMPTN UPN

SM is one of the selection that for this

of the selection

“Veteran” Yogyakarta for this year is 774

year still not ensure. The quota for this test

which do by

students, which are 414 students for

from total quota it’s 30%. The selection it’s



Science Major and 360 students for

almost same with SBMPTN. Mr. Mursito told

“There are two

Social Major. Mr. Mursito told that

“Seleksi Mandiri, the question, the way of the



SBMPTN provide 30% quota from total

test is almost same as SBMPTN. There’s no




many different with SBMPTN, but it will be held by UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta.”

this year, there are PBT (Paper Based

SBMPTN will be held on May

Testing) and CBT (Computer Based

31st 2016 – June 2nd 2016. For May 31st

Testing). It’s almost same, the different

2016, the test are PBT or CBT depends

just the media that candidates use while

on the candidates test’s choose. And

UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta is the

the test. For PBT, the candidates do the

June 1st – 2nd 2016, the test is

university that teach the student about

test by writing using pencil. But CBT, the

Keterampilan Dasar. The announcement

nationality. The unique of UPN “Veteran”

candidates do the test by using

will be announce on June 28th 2016.

Yogyakarta is Widya Mwat Yasa. Widya Mwat

4. Plus Point of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta

computer.” Said Drs. Mursito MM. He

Yasa or ussualy called Wimaya is one of the

also told that UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta

subject which learned by student in campus

in SBMPTN belongs to “Wilayah 2”.

about nationality. It can bring up the students to be more aware and can think the importance about nationality. (Adiasa Dewa Pradipta)


Date 03/05/2016 04/05/2016 05/05/2016 06/05/2016 09/05/2016 10/05/2016

WTI Crude Oil $ 44.78 $ 43.65 $ 43.78 $ 44.66 $ 43.44 $ 43.25

Brent Crude Oil $ 48.10 $ 46.75 $ 44.62 $ 45.37 $ 43.63 $ 43.46

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SPEEDFEST 2016 ENERGY ADVANCEMENT : BREAK THE BOUNDARIES SPE Educational Festival or SPEED-FEST 2016 is annually event which held by SPE UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Student Chapter that will be conducted on September 2016. With theme Energy Advancement : Break the Boundaries, we want to break through all limitation that we are facing right now and advancing our energy. Consists of 8 sub-events, SPEED-FEST 2016 will held an array of events such as National Seminar, Conference, Go Green Activity, SPE Cares for Cancer, English Debate Competition, Smart Competition, Paper Competition, and at last Awarding Night.

National Seminar as the opening of this big event is being held to provide an educational resource to young engineer where we provide technical presentations regarding Petroleum Industries by those who are involved in these area actively.

English Debate Competition which will unite all senior high school students all over Java Island, from west to east, as the participants.

SPE Cares for Cancer is a social activity basis, we held for kids who diagnosed by cancer

Smart Competition, Paper Competition, and Conference as academic competition. We invited all universities across Indonesia to be the participants of these events.

Awarding Night, basicaly this is the closing






participants will be treated by ethnic SPE Green Activity to preserve the environment after we exploit natural resources by re-growing and nurturing the trees.

dinner and not to forget we will announce the champion in which competition as well.

As a student, this is tremendously opportunities to establish evidence of your skill, comprehension, also understanding, not only regarding to oil and gas but improve your creativity, communication, and teamwork too. This is extremely recommended event to be followed, for further information you can open or through an email to

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OUR TEAM! Fajar Gunadi as Creative Director Antonietha March as Contributor

Erma Nur Prastya Ningrum as Contributor

Adrian Ardhyanto as Designer

Adiasa Dewa Pradipta as Contributor

M Arif Fadilah as Contributor

Laily Qidriana as Editor

FOLLOW US : SPE UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta




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