Careers and University Days Programme 2025

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Careers and University Days Programme

5 March 2025

Your name:

Stephen Perse Sixth Form University and Careers Guidance Day: Wednesday 5 March 2025

Current thoughts on degree courses:

Current thoughts on the type of university that you might like to go to and the reasons why:


11.50 Registration and Introduction to the day Sports Hall

12.00-12.25 ‘Student Life’ Sam Worthington, Durham University, Sports Hall

12.30-12.55 'How to choose a university and course' Chantelle Lee, University of East Anglia Sports Hall

13.00-13.55 Lunch (sixth form)

14.00-14.25 ‘Thinking about student finance’ Dan Sutton, Newcastle University Sports Hall

14.30-15.25 Careers Fair Sports Hall, see details below

15.30-15.55 ‘Applying to Competitive Universities’ Eleanor Dove, Lancaster University, Senior School Hall

16.00-16.30 ‘Personal statements’ James Telfer, Nottingham University, Senior School Hall

Evening event for Parents, Year 12 students welcome: 6pm - 7.45pm (refreshments from 5.30pm), Senior School Hall:

● Mike Nicholson, Director of Recruitment, Admissions and Participation, University of Cambridge. Also, previously Director of Admissions at Bath, Essex and Oxford universities. Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

● Professor Alexander Routh, Professor of Colloid Science, University of Cambridge. Fellow and Director of Studies for Engineering and Chemical Engineering at Gonville and Caius College.

● Eleanor Dove - Lancaster University

● James Telfer - Nottingham University

● Marc Rothera Strategic lead for science, engineering, business and law apprenticeships Anglia Ruskin University

● Daniel Sutton - Newcastle University

● Sam Worthingtion - Durham University

● The Q and A session will be preceded by a short presentation from Mr Marc Rothera on degree (and higher) apprenticeships alongside one on Oxbridge applications from Mr Rudd. Marc Rothera is the strategic lead for science, engineering, business and law, higher and degree apprenticeships at Anglia Ruskin University. They partner with over 1000 employees to offer apprenticeship degrees including medicine, chartered business and project managers, data scientists, digital and technology and cyber security, chartered surveyors and civil engineering amongst many others.

Members of the Guidance team will be also be present:

● Dr Allison Curry (Head of Careers and Guidance, UCAS Lead, Head of Medical, Veterinary and Allied Health Professionals admissions)

● Mr Matthew Rudd (Head of Oxbridge), Dr Mark Woodward (Head of Overseas applications), Ms Anna Kotowska (UCAS advisor), Ms Alison Daniels (UCAS advisor)

Careers Fair Participants

● ASK Apprenticeships/Form the Future, Frederica


● AstraZeneca, Soudabeh Imanikia, Katie Gibson, Hana

Baakza, Aaron McMahon, Rebecca Jarvis

● ARHC, Hannah Touhey

● Bidwells, Gemma Pluck

● British Army, Stewart Dempsey

● Buckingham University, Jess Robertson

● Cancer Research UK (CRUK), Jordan Bonner

● Carl Zeiss Microscopes, enterprise agile coaching, Joelle Garden

● College of West Anglia, Deejay Latchuman and Wenqi Cai

● Colorfix, Jim Ajioka

● Costello Medical, Nick Clarke

● Crimson Education, Rebecca Pretorius

● Crawford and Corry, Luke Crawford

● Durham University, Durham representative tbc

● Essex University and the Department of Psychodynamic Studies, Chris Nicholson

● Global Leaders, Ranjit Majumdar

● Grant Thornton, Ella Carey

● Goldsmiths University London, Imogen Adam

● Hacklab, Rongsheng Zhang and Jane Qu

● Hardcastle Burton, Amelia Hammonds, Boris Choi

● Ignota Laboratories, Layla Hosseini-Gerami (CSO)

● Instep Adventures, Sumit Sahai

● Immerse Education, Alison Urben

● Lancaster University, Eleanor Dove

● Long Road Sixth Form College, Rupert Morgan

● Manchester University, Jose Puello

● Metrobank, Ben Doughty, James Zimmer-Smith

● Newcastle University, Daniel Sutton

● Nottingham University, Jamie Telfer

● Oxford Brookes, Stewart Tolley

● Pryor Charlotte, Law, Barr exams and studying abroad.

● SPECSAVERS, Optometry, Audiology (tbc)

● University of East Anglia (UEA), Chantelle Lee

● UNDO, Anezka Radkova

● Wiser Group, Phillippa Howes, Okelani Aworabhi.

● WSP, Callum Anderson

Take advantage of the participants present at the Fair to ask a range of questions, both of universities and companies. Understanding where your degree might take you is important You can ask companies about graduate recruitment, how a degree in your chosen subject might be used in their company, apprenticeship routes, work experience and internships With universities, explore how degrees are taught at different universities enabling an informed choice, tips for applications etc - the list of options is endless

After School breakout room sessions

These form an important part of the Careers and University Day programme and you are expected to sign up to three of the four dates, using the form provided. Alumni and parents are giving up valuable time and you are expected to prepare questions in advance and interact during the sessions. They are question and answer events, not presentations; it is not a passive process and you will need to be proactive to get the most out of sessions.

For alumni and parent speakers, you can ask questions about:

● Their current careers, their career routes, the universities attended, the courses they studied, etc.

● Remember to search for keywords: a person currently in a breakout room for Museum Studies or Marketing may have initially done a degree in your subject or worked in it previously. As such, you may not be interested in Museum Studies or Marketing, but may choose to visit this session to ask them about their degree/university, etc.

With universities you can ask about:

● Courses in the subject area that you are interested in, even if you will not be choosing this university ultimately. Remember, you will need to show understanding of why you have chosen your final university course and why this is more attractive than that at other universities.

● The university itself: its admissions, scholarships, application process etc.

● The city/campus/sports facilities/accommodation/student societies.

Graphic Design and Social Media

Mimmo Manes

● Classroom F5

● Google Meet code

Business/HR/Commercial Enterprise and Corporate Governance

Emma Humphrey

Emma Loftus

● Classroom R10

● Google Meet code


Kirsten Pullan

Charlotte Pryor

Julia Dias

● Classroom G5

● Google Meet code

Wednesday 12 March 3.30-4.15pm

IT and Programming

Motaz Abuthiab

Shusanah Pillinger

● Classroom IT4

● Google Meet code

English and Careers in the Creative Arts

Aurora Cacciapuoti

Imogen Morris University of the Creative Arts

● Classroom G4

● Google Meet code

Museum Studies and Archaeology

Ben Davenport

Francesco Iacono

Jessie Li

● Classroom F1

● Google Meet code

Politics and Civil Service

Hannah F Wallis

Hannah Black

● Classroom F2

● Google Meet code

Physics, Energy, Deep-tech, Entrepreneurship

Paphon Susikakosol

Tiago Alves

● Classroom R7

● Google Meet code

Applied Maths and Chemical Engineering

Alex Routh

● Classroom F11

● Google Meet code


Jessica See Lavenia Abell

● Classroom F7

● Google Meet code

Sustainability and Conservation

Camilla Sampson

● Classroom G5

● Google Meet code

Veterinary Medicine

Francesca Scott Kira D’Arcy

● Classroom F10

● Google Meet code

Pharmaceutical /Biotechnology Medical-related Consultancy /AstraZeneca

Matthew Sefton, Katie Gibson, Hana Baakza, Julie Willecomme

● Classroom R11

● Google Meet code

Choosing the right Bioscience Course

Jose Puello Manchester University

● Classroom R9

● Google Meet code

Gap Years and Working Abroad

Kira D’Arcy

Crawford and Corry

Polly Fish

● Classroom G2

● Google Meet code

Opportunities for Creatives: Portfolio Advice

University of the Creative Arts Meg Isherwood

● Classroom G7

● Google Meet code

International Relations/PPE/HSPS

Alexis Ajioka

Anna Graves

Charlie Hull

● Classroom F5

● Google Meet code

Friday 14 March 3.30-4.15pm

Dentistry, Maxillofacial, 3-year Graduate Medical Degrees

Anna Gosh

Sian Stanley Tamsin Poole

● Classroom G5

● Google Meet code


in Healthcare

Jose Puello Manchester University

● Classroom F6

● Google Meet code

Why Study in Scotland?

Stirling University Emily Abel

● Classroom G6

● Google Meet code

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Alex Routh

● Classroom G8

● Google Meet code

Business, Communications and Marketing, Women in Careers

Louise Rich Katherine Hialat

Camilla Sampson

Bethany Winning

● Classroom F7

● Google Meet code


Jessica See

● Classroom F7

● Google Meet code

Engineering and Materials Science

Rachel Oliver

Catriona Wright

● Classroom F9

● Google Meet code

Pharmaceutical /Biotechnology Medical-related Consultancy /AstraZeneca

Katie Gibson, Julie Willecomme

● Classroom F10

● Google Meet code

Using the EPQ in your application

Oxford Brookes University

Stewart Tolley

● Classroom F11

● Google Meet code


Naomi Simon

● Classroom F6

● Google Meet code


Yvonne Chen

Susie Best

● Classroom F7

● Google Meet code


Kit Kilgour

● Classroom G6

● Google Meet code

Geography, Agricultural Sciences and Management, Estates, Property and Surveying

James Green

Javier Tinoco

Jane Baker

Tuesday 18 March 3.30-4.15pm


Andre Pretorius

Nasreen Wood

● Classroom G5

● Google Meet code

Psychology and Marketing

Ted Peggs

Ellie Whitfield Goldsmiths University London. Imogen Adam

● Classroom G8

● Google Meet code


Isabel Driscoll

Izzy Pearl

● Classroom F8

● Google Meet code

Find out more about Degree and Higher Apprenticeships

ASK Education and Amazing Apprenticeships

● Classroom F9

Economics and Politics

Ginny Rose

Anne -Sophie Faivre

● Classroom F5

● Google Meet code


Florence Walston

Tamsin Poole

Mark Cranston

● Classroom G2

● Google Meet code

Biology and Careers in Health and Biosciences

Ross Stewart

Donna Tan

William Gates

● Classroom G5

● Google Meet code

● Google Meet code

Yorgo Modis

● Classroom R8

● Google Meet code


Victoria Lloyd

Molly Herron

Katharine Missenden

● Classroom F6

● Google Meet code

Philosophy, computer science and investment management

Zoe Clark

● Classroom F7

● Google Meet code

Museum Studies

Paola di Giuseppantonio

Fabrizio Galeazzi

● Classroom F10

● Google Meet code

Thursday 27 March 3.30-4.15pm

Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology

Rebecca Jarvis

Holly Rees

● Classroom F5

● Google Meet code

Engineering (Electrical)

Liam Devlin

Pranay Prahabat

● Classroom F8

● Google Meet code

Biology and Human Sciences (Oxford)

Katy Ward

Tanvi Valenka

Polly Fish

● Classroom F11

● Google Meet code

Allied Health Professionals

Wanausha Campbell

Ashley Hou

Lizi Ingham

SPECSAVERS, Optometrist, Audiology (tbc)

● Classroom F3

● Google Meet code

Ecology, Water Management and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Education

Katie Pollard

Aoife MacCaul

● Classroom R7

● Google Meet code


Nadia Polonsky

● Classroom G4

● Google Meet code

Preparing for Careers you didn't know existed

Immerse Education

● Classroom G5

● Google Meet code



Creatives: Portfolio Advice

University of the Creative Arts Meg Isherwood

● Classroom G6

● Google Meet code

Enterprise agile coaching Optoelectronics, software development, Aerospace Engineering Joelle Garden

● Classroom G7

● Google Meet code

Talks: Reflections

Talk Points to consider and perhaps follow up- think SMART tasks

Brief information on participants

Name / Organization Key Details

Motaz ABUTHIAB Programming, DevOps, AI.

Lavinia ABELL Classics, Education.

Jim AJIOKA BioEngineering, Medical/Veterinary, Jesus College, Cambridge, Pathology.

Motaz is originally from Palestine and moved to Italy as a university student. He is passionate about technology and software development, and he has over 20 years of experience in programming, networking, system integration, cloud computing, DevOps, machine learning, and AI

Co-Director at Oxford Scholastica Academy, Lavinia read Classics at Jesus College, Cambridge before moving on to run the Oxford Scholastica Academy - an education venture supporting teenagers to make more informed decisions about their futures. They run academic courses and internships for bright 12-18 year olds from around the world. Lavinia is a former trustee for youth charity Oxfordshire Youth and a current governor at Stephen Perse Cambridge.

James did his PhD at Stony Brook NY in Evolutionary Biology, postdoctoral positions at Washington and LSHTM before a lectureship in Pathology where his research moved into molecular Biology. As Director of Studies at Jesus College Cambridge James can discuss avenues for a career in genetic engineering and synthetic biology, studying medical and veterinary studies at Cambridge. Colorfix is a 50 person award winning company with research and dye houses in Norwich, Cambridge, Portugal and London Colorfix uses genetic engineering to pioneer and promote sustainability in the fashion world and textile industries. It is an example of using biotechnology to promote sustainability and was a finalist for the Earthshot prize 2023

Alex AJIOKA Human Social and political sciences (HSPS), Cambridge, Biological Anthropology, Sociology, Health care Management, NHS, Gap Year.

ASK (Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge)

Frederica Bocchetti https://www.apprentic ers/ask-programme-re sources Degree

Alex took the International Baccalaureate studying Biology, Chemistry and English at HL, and Maths Studies, Italian ab initio and Geography at SL. She decided to take a gap year working in Japan, trying to figure out what to do at university. Unable to commit to a single honours degree course in any one subject, Alex read Human Social and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Queens’ College, Cambridge. Here she specialised in Biological Anthropology and Sociology, but also took modules in International Relations and Social Anthropology Following a second gap year working in the US during Covid, Alex went on to study a masters in Biosocial Medical Anthropology at UCL After graduating with her masters, she subsequently worked as a healthcare management consultant for a couple of years, before her current position in the NHS. Alex is happy to discuss HSPS, gap year decisions and how her IB and degree subjects have supported her in her current role as a project manager working in maternity, neonates and children’s surgery.

ASK (Apprenticeships Support and Knowledge) can discuss apprenticeships as one of the fantastic options available to you when you leave school. They are becoming increasingly popular with students who are looking at their next steps and are eager to jump straight into the world of work and get earning and learning, with roles supporting gaining up to a Bachelors or Masters degree. It’s really important to keep your options open about your future. There are lots of new and exciting programmes, courses, training options and routes to help you into the career that you would like, or to explore future careers you may not know existed, all in a learning style and environment that suits you. It’s important to consider lots of different options so that if your plans change, you still have lots of exciting opportunities open to you




apprenticeships, Non university post 18 options

Volunteering, HR, Apprenticeships, Medical Care, Palliative Care. k/

Tiago ALVES Management, Marketing, Consultancy, Venture Capital, South America, University of Cambridge.

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity supports around 3,600 patients a year. They provide support to people in Cambridgeshire living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition and those who need end-of-life care. They do this through a wide range of services that place emphasis on the individual as a whole, not just their condition. The Voluntary Services Team will be available to tell you more about Hospice care and the ways you can get involved through volunteering or future employment. This care supports people to improve their quality of life and fulfill their end of their life choices Sarah is happy to talk about working and volunteering for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, and undertaking apprenticeships with them

Tiago is active in the energy, deep-tech and entrepreneurship scene through a range of executive, board-level & advisory roles Most recently, he co-founded Solar Americas Capital with a mission to expand solar deployment in Latin America and EMEA, linking local knowledge to global investors and corporate consumers Tiago has held a range of positions in start-ups and in leading multinationals such as IBM and ARM, global leader in semiconductor intellectual property He worked internationally doing business in Europe, Middle East, USA and Asia. As a Management Consultant, he worked with Marakon Associates in London with some of the world's best-known and successful companies in a range of sectors. He is a certified fund manager with experience in the Brazilian VC/PE scene. Tiago completed his MBA (First Honors) at the University of Cambridge as a recipient of the Chevening Scholarship. He holds a Masters degree in Marketing and a BSc degree in Electronics Engineering/Physics. At the Harvard Business School, IMD Switzerland, LSE London and at UC Berkeley, Tiago completed programs on Leadership, Corporate Governance, M&A, Green Finance and Innovations Management






Matthew SEFTON

Oncology & neurology drug discovery, Clinical Trials, Oncology R and D Science, Communications and Engagement, Peptide Therapeutics. uk

Soudabeh Imanikia Diagnostics Science Manager) I have a Masters in Biomedical and Molecular Sciences and a PhD in Genetics from Kings College London. I really wanted to make a difference to patients’ lives; having been at the AZ for just over 2 years I have never felt this much fulfilled in being able to help others. I advise on diagnostic strategy for biomarker testing in Phase 3 clinical trials at AstraZeneca. I am fully trained to be in a lab-coat & hide behind a microscope or run molecular assays but now my work tool is my laptop!. In my free time I teach Cell Biology to undergraduates at Girton College, Cambridge University where I am a Fellow & Tutor.

Hana Baakza is a Translational Pathology Clinical Cancer Research Scientist for AstraZeneca She graduated from the University of Kent in 2017 with a Bachelors in Biology and went on to study Masters in Clinical Neuroscience at University College of London Her research focuses on understanding the efficacy and target engagement of oncology therapy treatments in a multitude of cancers. Her lab work involves a technique called Immunohistochemistry to mark proteins related to cancer of which she views using a microscope. From there, she helps determine which treatment is the most effective at inhibiting tumour growth, eradicating the cancer and keeps the patient in remission. Her job is the perfect balance of conducting experiments in the lab, using statistical software to analyse data, meeting with colleagues to share data and training new scientists.


Urban land Economy, Estates, Economics, Sheffield Hallam.

Katie Gibson. After A-levels in Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Maths, I studied Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry at the University of St. Andrews, and then took on a synthetic chemistry job straight away. After deciding I wanted to move to England, I joined the two-year graduate programme at AstraZeneca, as I knew I was interested in how medicines are made and wanted to be part of that process… I just didn’t know exactly which part. There are so many! Over those two years I did some more synthetic chemistry but focussed on analytical techniques that taught me more about physics and how to use new technology to characterise the medicines that were made. This was much more my thing, so I decided to step sideways into an MRes in Sensor Technology ( engineering, biophysics and sensor design) at the University of Cambridge followed by a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry I am now working at AstraZeneca again, but this time as a postdoctoral researcher …there is always more to learn …

Aaron McMahon is currently a third-year Biological Sciences student at Durham University, where he is engaged in a placement scheme with AstraZeneca's Biopharmaceutical Development team, specifically in Cell Line Development. Originally from Ireland, Aaron's life has been enriched by his global experiences, having lived in Bangkok, Paris, and Singapore, which have equipped him with a strong international perspective. Throughout his academic journey, Aaron has successfully navigated the challenges of studying in an unfamiliar country He applied to Durham University and can offer insights into the application processes for placement schemes, PhD programs, and graduate roles within the pharmaceutical and consulting industries.

Aaron is enthusiastic about sharing his experiences related to studying at a UK university, as well as applying to institutions like Durham and others. His unique background and current academic pursuits provide valuable insights into the pathways of life sciences, making him a knowledgeable resource for those interested in stepping into this field internationally.

Matthew Sefton studied Maths, Physics, Computing, and French at A-Level and went on to earn a degree in Computer Science from Loughborough University He began his career in the pharmaceutical industry developing Sales Representative Call Reporting Systems as a programmer at a software house Matt then progressed to lead a team of 12 developers and analysts, serving major UK pharmaceutical clients. Eventually moving "client side", over the next 20 years he worked for various major pharmaceutical companies across diverse therapy areas, focusing on business analytics, market research, and commercial forecasting. During this time, he also completed an MBA at the Open University while working full-time. Today, Matt holds a global analytics position in the drug-project/portfolio domain at AstraZeneca in Cambridge, concentrating on the simplification and automation of technology and business processes. He lives locally with his family and is also an accomplished musician, a PADI rescue diver, and a qualified Private Pilot based in Duxford

I have been a Chartered Surveyor for around 30 years I have worked in both the UK and France and in a variety of disciplines within this time. Below is a link to an RICS video which explains some of these areas and the pathways to get there. I currently work at the University of Cambridge as a Senior Surveyor in the Property Group. I help to manage the estate in terms of asset management including putting in place all leases and documents that are needed across the estate. The work crosses a broad range. At present for example my jobs include working on an agreement for a proposed busway that is crossing university land, organising the annual valuation of the estate, and at a more day to day level agreeing the renewal of a lease to a pub tenant I studied Urban Land Economics at Sheffield Hallam University which included a year out in industry (HSBC bank) I then went on to work in London as a management surveyor and a retail agent before qualifying as a Chartered Surveyor

Susie BEST French, German, Susie attended the Perse School for Girls between 1992 and 1996, studying French, German and Economics A-Levels


Law. and AS Mathematics. She then studied French and German at Southampton University with a year abroad, spending 9 months working as an English Language assistant in a school in Salzburgerland, Austria, and 6 weeks on a summer placement with Hoechst Marion Roussel (big pharma) in Paris, France. She really wanted to study a masters in political science at the Sorbonne in Paris, but instead followed the vocational route of a Postgraduate Diploma in Law then the (now outlawed) “City” Legal Practice Course at BPP Law School in London, specialising in Corporate Finance. Unable to secure a training contract at a solicitor’s firm she worked for two years at the BBC, initially digitalising archived audio, then moving into Radio Arts live broadcasting (Radio 4 ‘Front Row’ & Radio 2 ‘Nightwaves’) and later Radio Light Entertainment [Please note that Susie would prefer not to respond to any questions about her time at the BBC, especially the comedy department] Life in the public sector was not a good fit, so she pursued the Corporate Finance dream, working as a Trainee Credit Analyst at Dexia (A Franco-Belgian bank), then moving to Morgan Stanley for 2 years, DG Hyp (a German Co-Operative Mortgage Bank) being made redundant from the latter two. There was then a 6 year spell working for a third party commercial mortgage servicer with clients such as Legal & General, BlackRock, and GE. She has been working for her current employer, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank since 2016 specialising in International Cross-Border Multi-lender Commercial Real Estate Financing with institutional clients such as International Investment Banks, High Street Banks, Global Pension Funds, and Sovereign Wealth Funds She also actively participates in the Bank’s projects such as digitalisation, new product design, and internal culture change. As a hobby, she is currently studying a BSc in Nutritional Science with a view to doing an MRes then a PhD as a retirement plan.

Hannah BLACK Math, Civil Service, Operational research analysis.


Stewart DEMPSEY Overseas and UK, Comb, Engineering, HR, Finance & Support, Intelligence, Communications & IT, Medical,Scholarships, Internships,Bursaries. .uk


ARU, Art, Books for Children, Working from home.

Hannah works in the Civil Service as an operational research analyst ( Since joining government four years ago with a maths degree, she has contributed to analysis on a range of policy areas including construction sector skills (do we have enough builders for 1.5m new homes?) and Universal Credit payments (how can we make debt repayment fairer for claimants?).

The British army protects the United Kingdom’s interests at home and abroad, providing a safe and secure environment in which all British citizens can live and prosper The Army is currently deployed in over 80 countries around the world and has many different careers available for people wanting to join as a soldier or officer There are over 100 different roles available, across the following areas; combat; engineering; HR, finance and support; Intelligence; Communications and IT; medical, logistics and support; and music. There is also a range of financial scholarships and bursaries available, as well as paid Internships, and opportunities to gain qualifications including degrees and postgraduate degrees.

I am Aurora, an Italian author and illustrator. I was born in Carbonia, a small town in Sardinia. I love to travel, in fact I lived in many different cities such as Milan, Bologna and Edinburgh where I studied psychology, art psychotherapy and theatre. I also lived and worked in Cambridge (UK) where I graduated from the MA programme in Children’s book illustration at the Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University I work from my studio, where I use a combination of hand drawn and digital techniques to create my illustrations When I am not drawing I love to cook, study Japanese and ride my bike.

Wanausha CAMPBELL Languages, Speech Pathology and Therapy at Manchester Metropolitan University


Rongsheng ZHANG and Dr Jane QU STEAM, coding, product development, computer programming, integrated educational packages. wwwcambridgehackla



Cancer and scientific research, healthcare, medicine.

Yvonne CHEN University of Cambridge, Modern Languages, Japanese, Chinese, Moving to the UK.

At school I was always told that I'd be best working as a translator because I loved languages. I grew up speaking Kurdish (Sorani) and English. I studied French, German, Spanish and Latin for GCSE and then went on to do A-level French, German and Spanish. That profession was definitely not for me. I now work as a paediatric and adult speech and language therapist and have experience in the NHS, private and medico-legal sector. Examples of my very varied career include working with youth offending, people with acquired brain injury, autistic adults and children. Prior to becoming a speech and language therapist, I taught English to the Spanish Armed Forces and also got a job as a Christmas elf.

Dr. Rongsheng Zhang is a co-founder of RepRapPro-China, Cambridge Hacklab Academy Ltd, and NPZ Technology Ltd. With over 13 years of experience in 3D printing, Dr. Zhang has organized the Maker Festival in Xi'an and numerous 3D printing and STEM workshops in Cambridge, consistently receiving positive feedback Cambridge STEM Academy Ltd: Our company specializes in providing STEM workshops to summer camps and local schools We focus on 3D printing, robotic coding, and AI tools Additionally, we manufacture Binarybot products and distribute 3D printers and portable laser engravers designed for beginners.

We are a world-leading cancer research institute dedicated to improving patient lives through discovery science. Our research will transform the understanding of every stage of the tumour lifecycle. We believe that only through understanding all aspects of the disease can we prevent, detect and treat cancer so that everybody can lead longer, better lives We have built a truly collaborative culture, fostering connections between scientists, healthcare organisations and industry to take our cancer research from bench to bedside. Our state-of-the-art facilities and flexible core funding ensure all 450 staff and students can deliver bold research programmes to accelerate progress for everyone. We are a department of the University of Cambridge, core-funded by Cancer Research UK.

Yvonne studied A Level History, Fine Arts and English Literature, originally with the intent to go for art school, tentatively, before settling for ab-initio Japanese Studies through a spontaneous result on Unifrog. With this decision, alongside taking private lessons on GCSE Japanese alongside her A Levels, she deferred her entry to Cambridge University and SOAS in order to pursue Japanese in an immersive manner in a gap year through an exchange Currently, she is finishing her second year at Cambridge University of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies specialising in Japanese, and is happy to talk about gap year, Cambridge University Interviews, nature of ab-initio courses, or anything else. The Cambridge Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies courses offer you the opportunity to learn this language to an advanced level, alongside in-depth understanding of Japan: its history, its culture and its society.

Zoë CLARK Edinburgh University, Philosophy, Computer Science, Software Engineer, I attended SPF 2011-2018 where my A-Levels were Maths, Ancient Greek, and R.S. After leaving I went to Edinburgh University to study Philosophy. I graduated from this in 2022 and then went on to do an MSc in Computer Science at Bristol. I’m now in my second year working as a graduate software engineer at Baillie Gifford - an investment management firm I couldn’t have predicted this path for myself but I’m really happy with how things turned out and I put this down to following my interests at every stage


Deejay LATCHUMAN and Wenqi CAI

Courses include Access to Higher Education, Apprenticeships, Animal Management, Equine, Dog Grooming and Bioveterinary Science.

The College of West Anglia is one of the largest providers of education and training in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire Their courses are all focused on getting you prepared for work or university The CWA Cambridge campus focuses on land based programmes including Animal Care, Equine, Dog Grooming and Bioveterinary Science. Their courses include apprenticeships and access to higher education programmes, that can be used to fulfil university entry requirements, especially when required A level criteria have not been met. Their apprenticeship programme is matched with a large number of prestigious local enterprises, whilst their Campuses are equipped with industry standard settings and staff with industry experience. Their two representatives, Deejay Latchuman and Wenqi Cai are course directors for Bioveterinary Science and land based studies department




Medical consultancy services, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, volunteering

Mark CRANSTON Medicine, Kings College London, acute illness, French A level



Monty LOWRY CORRY Gap Year, Work Experience, Vietnam

Costello Medical is a client-facing business that provides consultancy services to the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, public sector and charities We specialise in providing scientific support in the analysis, interpretation and communication of clinical and health economic data Our office headquarters is in Cambridge, with offices also in London, Manchester, Bristol, Boston (US), Singapore and Shanghai Our company has a B Corp certification, which means that we meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance. We are passionate about improving healthcare outcomes and aim to be a force for good, particularly through our pro bono and volunteering work

CRIMSON EDUCATION Educational and training services,

I studied Medicine at Kings College London and graduated in 2000 after having done Biology, Chemistry and French A-levels. I have done post-graduate training in London and the Southwest in Internal Medicine. I now work as a consultant in Acute Internal Medicine at Addenbrooke's Hospital in the assessment of acutely unwell medical patients. I have been involved in the mentoring of Sixth Form students over the last 15 years at the Social Mobility Foundation.

At Crawford and Corry, we specialise in crafting bespoke, secure, and transformative experiences for young adults in Vietnam. We leverage deep expertise, unique access, and comprehensive resources to offer tailored programmes, including summer placements and gap years We exist to redefine the often unstructured gap year or vacation experience into something truly meaningful and life-changing By seamlessly combining professional work placements, cultural immersion, and personal development, we empower young adults to unlock their potential and chart an auspicious course. Crawford & Corry was founded by Luke Crawford and Monty Lowry-Corry. Luke Crawford: A University of Oxford graduate who worked at Goldman Sachs before relocating to Vietnam to launch a private equity fund, where he lives with his Vietnamese wife. Monty Lowry-Corry: An Eton alumnus with a successful business career, several years living and working in Vietnam

Crimson Education is a multinational university admissions consultancy headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. It is designated as an Educational and Training Services and can improve students' chances of getting into top universities in

Rebecca PRETORIUS Programmes for university preparation

https://www.crim /uk/

Kira D’ARCY Vet med, University of Liverpool, Gap Year, Work experience.

the US and UK by up to 700%. The business specializes in providing services focused toward students gaining admission at elite universities including Ivy League institutions.

Ben DAVENPORT University of York, Archaeology, Return to study.

Kira studied Biology, Chemistry and Geography A-levels at SPF, and planned to go straight to university straight after sixth form to study veterinary medicine However, she changed her mind last minute, instead applying for deferred entry in order to take a gap year. In said gap year she worked all year before traveling just before going to university. She is now a 1st year Veterinary Medicine student at the University of Liverpool. She is happy to talk about the pros and cons of gap years, student work contracts, the Vet Medicine application process, the University of Liverpool, and the vet course itself (albeit with more information about the Liverpool Vet School specifically).

Ben is a Heritage Researcher and Archaeologist based in the Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre. Before joining the Department of Archaeology at the University of York, Ben worked as the Centre Coordinator for the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre at the University of Cambridge since its establishment in 2018 Ben held posts at the University of Cambridge in the Department of Archaeology and University Library and previously worked for the Cambridge Archaeological Unit and Oxford Archaeology East. Ben has a BA in Archaeology and an MA in the European Neolithic from Cardiff University.


Electrical and Electronic, Engineering, Semiconductors and Integrated circuits (ICs), Physics, Electronics Design, University of Leeds, Selling Technical Consultancy Services.

Paola DI GIUSEPPANTONIO Museum Studies, Heritage, Archaeology.

Director of Design Services with CML Micro BEng Hons in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Leeds Liam is Director of Design Services with CML Micro and leads the Compound Semiconductor Design team. He completed A levels in Maths, Physics and Computer Studies before obtaining a sponsorship from Ferranti to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Leeds. After completing his degree, he worked as a Research Scientist at Philips Research Labs, focusing on high frequency Integrated Circuit (IC) design. After two and a half years, he moved to GEC Marconi where he spent 5 years designing ICs for their commercial product line and for customer specific applications His next move was to Cambridge, working for a Communications Technology design consultancy called Plextek. He led a group designing high frequency ICs and modules, which in 2015 was demerged as a separate company, which became PRFI and is now part of CML Micro. He is actively involved in both technology development projects and the commercial operation of the company. He has published over 50 papers in conferences and technical journals and regularly makes technical presentations at conferences and seminars.

Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco is a Senior Lecturer and Former Director of Studies for the MA in Heritage and Museums at the University of Essex. She is a UKRI Future Leader Fellow and the PI for REPLACE, a multimillion research program focused on the socio-cultural impact of 3D technologies in increasing community resilience after natural disasters Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco is an expert member of ICORP-ICOMOS, member of ICOMOS UK Digital Technology National Committee, and an Associate Editor of the Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. She also co-directed the documentary "Italia Terremotata," earning her a BAFTSS Impact Award for highlighting community resilience in post-earthquake Italy. By blending her expertise in heritage, digital humanities, and cognitive science, she aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in understanding the dynamic relationship between technology,

culture, and the preservation of our shared heritage.

Julia DIAS Law, High Court. Julia Dias is a High Court Judge dealing with civil matters, primarily in the Commercial Court. She was a pupil at the Perse School for Girls from 1966 to 1977 where she was fortunate to have encountered some inspirational teachers. She read law at Trinity Hall Cambridge before spending a year in Paris as assistante de langue anglaise at the Institute of Comparative Law and subsequently embarking on a career at the Bar. At the Bar, she specialised in shipping and insurance law and also sat as an commercial arbitrator. She has two children, both of whom are musicians.

Isabel DRISCOLL History, University of Cambridge, Theatre and performing.

Anne-Sophie FAIVRE Economics, Warwick, Science Innovation Technologies, Parliament, International Development

Polly FISH Biology, Marine Science, Griffith University, Queensland, Gold Coast Australia, Gap year, Volunteering in animal sanctuaries.

Fabrizio GALEAZZI ARU, Digital Heritage.

Isabel was born in Oxfordshire and she took her A levels (History, English Literature and Physics) at Didcot Sixth Form. She is now a second year History student at Cambridge University In her free time she does theatre and performing

Anne-Sophie left the Stephen Perse Foundation in 2014 and went on to read Economics with a year abroad at the University of Warwick, graduating in 2020. She started working for a backbench Member of Parliament as a Parliamentary Assistant in March 2020 before moving to support Dame Harriett Baldwin MP as Chair of the Treasury Select Committee. Whilst working in Parliament, she completed a Masters in International Development at the University of Edinburgh. Since November 2024, she has worked for Alan Mak MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) advising him on policy, stakeholder and parliamentary engagement, and supporting the wider shadow science, innovation and technology team

Polly studied Psychology, Biology and History A-levels at the Stephen Perse while being part of the student president team as head of wellbeing After starting her gap year she rejected her deferred place at Nottingham and moved to Gold Coast Australia, where she now studies for a Bachelor of Marine Science at Griffith University Queensland. Polly is very happy to talk about deciding on universities, gap years, studying abroad and all things Marine Science/Marine Biology.

Joelle GARDEN Agile and Enterprise Coaching Software, Research

Fabrizio completed a PhD in Digital Heritage at University of California and held academic posts at the University of York and University of East Anglia, looking at the impact of 3D technologies and online participatory infrastructures on heritage research. He is Associate Professor in Heritage and Creative Technologies / Deputy Director of Story Lab at the Anglia Ruskin University. His research explores the combination of 3D interactive visualisation, immersive technologies (VR, AR, MR) and multimodal storytelling to develop cutting-edge solutions for heritage preservation and revitalisation, community engagement and sustainable development.

Joelle is an enterprise agile coach at ZEISS Microscopy, which has an office in Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, UK, and is headquartered in Germany Agile coaching instills a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation Coaches encourage teams to reflect on their interactions and processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes iteratively Joelle currently works with software research and development, responsible for the world-class microscopy software suite

and Development Optoelectronics, University of Bath Sandwich courses, Internships, Aerospace, Engineering,

William GATES Healthcare, Life Sciences, Clinical Research.

Anna GHOSH Dentistry Dental, Surgery, University of Leeds, Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, General Dentistry, Compressed Medical Degree.


Ranjit MAJUMDAR Non profit consulting, International consulting, Philanthropic funders, Global initiatives, Sustainable development goals, Oxford University.


used from Nobel prize-winners to school classroom applications. Joelle has an MEng (hons) in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bath. This was a sandwich placement degree that included an internship at Airbus UK, in Bristol. She has held roles in project and programme management in aircraft design, modification, manufacture and maintenance. With a keen interest in knowledge management, systems thinking and organisational change, she has more recently moved to enterprise agile coaching as a natural fit for these interests, finding ways to create the best possible environments for people to thrive at work. She is happy to discuss any aspect of her current organisation, career, and university experience

Senior Director at IQVIA

Anna studied Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Spanish at the Stephen Perse. She then completed a 5-year integrated Masters and Bachelors in Dental Surgery at the University of Leeds, before completing her dental foundation year in general practice. Following this she worked for two years in secondary care in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, whilst also working for the NHS111 emergency dental service and completing a Post-Graduate Certificate in Medical Education. Identifying that general dentistry was not where her interest was, she chose to pursue a career in Maxillofacial Surgery, which requires dual qualification in both medicine and dentistry She returned to the University of Leeds to complete an accelerated 3-year Medical Degree, whilst continuing to work alongside her studies as a MaxilloFacial Specialty Doctor. Anna is actively involved in both research and medical education alongside her work and studies, and is due to start a specialised research medical foundation program in August. She can discuss applications and her experiences of both medical and dental school, and non-linear medical/dental career pathways into specialisations outside of general practice.

Global Leaders is an international consultancy that works with governments, international organizations, academic institutions, global philanthropic funders, and the private sector to develop high-impact, large-scale initiatives in the majority world that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals These include projects focused on the global refugee crisis, poverty reduction, education and skills, global health, child rights, and technology for social impact.

Ranjit's Background is unconventional. He went straight from school to work in London for the Daily Telegraph, then a sharp pivot back to studying at Oxford University and a career in the non-profit sector in his late 20s.

Imogen ADAM London University, Marketing, Creative arts, Study abroad, Work placements. Here at Goldsmiths, 'different is what we do' We offer a space for self-discovery, delivering world-leading research and progressive teaching from our single-site campus in the heart of South East London We currently offer over 50 undergraduate courses, with many including work placement and study abroad opportunities

GRANT THORNTON Accountancy, Grant Thornton is a global accountancy and professional services firm, with offices all over the UK (and the world!). We

Business, Finance. https://www.grantthorn

have different service lines covering audit, tax and advisory work – and we take on c.500 new associates each year, all over the UK. You can join straight from school after your A levels, or as a graduate after going to University (any degree discipline, it doesn’t have to be Maths or Accountancy!). Our associate programme gives you the opportunity to study, learn and gain a professional qualification in accountancy. With the scale and variety of clients that we work with, no two days are the same – so you will get all of the skills you need to become a trusted business advisor, which opens all sorts of doors into the world of business and finance.

University of Amsterdam, Political Science, International Relations, Gap Year, Teaching Assistant, Korea, Languages.

Anna studied History, Politics and Economics at the Stephen Perse She was also a member of the CamMUN Secretariat and Student President team while at Sixth Form She decided to take a gap year to travel and study language in Korea after which she chose to study abroad for her Bachelor degree. Anna is currently in her Second year studying Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, Majoring in International Relations. Anna is currently serving a term on the board of the political science study association Machiavelli as the Political Activities Coordinator. Anna has organised a wide range of political events including workshops discussing protesting rights, election nights, discussions on AI and career talks with ambassadors. Anna has also began writing for the political science newspaper at UvA ‘Discoursi’. Anna is happy to discuss studying abroad, particularly in the Netherlands and the application process as well as choosing a degree in Political science over other degrees in this field

James GREEN Agricultural Science, Nottingham University, Erasmus, Göttingen University, Working Abroad, Deloittes, G’s Fresh, Data Science, AI, Carbon footprint, GHG reduction.



James studied Maths, Chemistry and Geography A Levels at King Edward VII Kings Lynn Having always had a passion for the outdoors and agriculture he secured a place to study Agricultural Science at Nottingham University but first undertook a year’s practical experience on a large arable farm south of Cambridge. Whilst at Nottingham he joined the Erasmus exchange programme focussing on German alongside his agricultural course and spending 6 months at Göttingen University. After graduating he spent two years working on a farming project in Tanzania as well as a study tour / work experience in Australia. James then took up a graduate training place with Deloitte’s qualifying as a chartered accountant 3 years later. After returning to general management with the farming business for 10yrs James then joined G’s Fresh (serving Tesco, Sainsbury, Waitrose, M&S, Lidl, Aldi) as Finance Director and Group Finance Director G’s grows products in the UK, Spain, Czech Republic, Czech Republic, Poland, Senegal and the USA James is currently Group Director of Agriculture with responsibility for data science and AI, carbon footprinting and GHG reduction (Science Based Targets initiative SBTi) as well as a number of governance roles and internal advisor.


Boris CHOI Accountancy, Law, Business, Apprenticeships, Graduate recruitment.


Molly HERRON Law, Antitrust, Cambridge, Pharmaceuticals,

Hardcastle Burton LLP is a Chartered Accountancy firm based in Royston, Hertfordshire. They have a wide range of clients from engineering, construction, agricultural, medical professionals, and scientific research. Their portfolio includes clients across the spectrum from small medium enterprises (SME’s) to multi-million pound turnover businesses, charities, pension schemes and LLPs. They are founding members of the UK200 Group – the UK’s leading quality assurance association of independent accountants and lawyers They offer a wide range of apprenticeships and graduate opportunities and take on new trainees every year – many of whom stay with the firm after gaining their qualification, continuing to develop their careers at Hardcastle Burton

After A-levels in English Literature, German, and History Molly studied law at Selwyn College, Cambridge (although at that time had no plan to become a lawyer) After graduation Molly stayed in Cambridge to do an LLM, and then briefly taught law at Durham Having decided to try working as a lawyer, she took the Legal Practice course in Nottingham Molly

General Council, Competition law, Durham then completed a ‘training contract’ at law firm Herbert Smith Freehills, qualifying as a solicitor in their Competition, Regulation and Trade team in London advising clients in various sectors on competition law (including cartels, abuse of dominance, and merger control). Molly then moved to Basel, Switzerland with her family and worked for five years as an ‘in-house’ competition lawyer in the global pharmaceutical company, Novartis, working with business teams worldwide. Molly returned to the UK in 2023 and now works still as an in-house lawyer, as Head of Antitrust and Associate General Counsel Global Investigations at insurance broker and professional services company WTW (Willis Towers Watson), conducting internal investigations and advising on compliance with competition law for its business units globally

Ashley HOU Dietetics, University of Surrey.

Ashley studied A levels at the Stephen Perse where she joined as a boarding student in Year 12 She is a first-year student at UCL studying nutrition and medical sciences She did Chemistry, Biology, Maths and an EPQ on the impact of a vegan diet on the risk of colorectal cancer for my A-levels. Studying nutrition is one of her main goals because of her own journey with food and nutrition which inspired her to pursue a career as a dietician. She hopes to be able to support anyone who has gone through the same experiences as her in the future.’

Katherine HLALAT Local Government, Business, Consulting, Starting a business, Restaurants and hospitality, IT, AI.

Katherine Hlalat is a prominent figure in the public sector, serving as the Head of IT Projects and Programmes at Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council . With a strong focus on strategic planning and execution, she has been instrumental in driving key IT initiatives that enhance public services and operations. Katherine has also worked in the Private Sector as a Management Consultant focusing on transformation and programme delivery Katherine collaborates with stakeholders to ensure that IT strategies align with the council’s goals and deliver tangible benefits to the community. Katherine’s professional journey is marked by her dedication to public service and her ability to lead teams towards achieving excellence in IT and digital services. Katherine has made significant contributions to the field of education and charity as a trustee and Chair of The Stephen Perse Foundation Parents and Friends Association (PFA) since November, 2021. Katherine has a background in business. In April 2019 she opened a small Jordanian restaurant Little Petra. Despite many challenges, including COVID, they have grown the business 4 fold and won over 20 national and international awards Her business acumen and leadership skills have undoubtedly contributed to the businesses success and growth within the restaurant sector in Cambridge


Layla is Co-Founder and Chief Data Science Officer at the BioTech startup Ignota laboratories which is a multi-award winning start up based in Cambridge UK Here they use explainable AI to develop cutting-edge algorithms to predict, understand and turn around failed drugs. Layla completed a BSc/MChem in Chemistry at the University of Leeds in 2018, which included a year in industry at Optibrium Ltd as a computational chemistry intern She was subsequently a PhD student in Andreas Bender's group at the University of Cambridge using machine learning and network biology methods for mechanism of action analysis. Layla is happy to talk about Biotech companies, the use of AI in industry, MChem degrees and both Caambridge and Leeds universities.

Charlie HULL HSPS (Human Social and Political Sciences), Cambridge GSK pharmaceuticals, Corporate affairs management, London Stock Exchange, Global Public Policy, Masters LSE

Emma HUMPREY TIME OUT Law, Commercial, Social Media.

Charlie completed his undergraduate studies in Human, Social and Political Sciences at the University of Cambridge, focussed on Politics and International Relations. He then began his career at the multinational pharmaceutical company, GSK, joining their communications and government affairs graduate programme, completing three different rotations across the business. Following the programme, he joined GSK’s consumer health division as the Sustainability Corporate Affairs Manager, in which he devised the business’ approach to engagement at UN climate summits and advised the company on emerging sustainability topics. He was also part of a corporate affairs team that helped spin off the division as an independent company called Haleon in the largest listing on the London Stock Exchange in the last decade Charlie now sits in Haleon’s Global Public Policy team as Senior Trade Policy Manager, working on trade and geopolitical matters, and is also finishing part-time masters studies in Environmental Policy at the London School of Economics.

Emma Humphrey joined Time Out Group in 2022 in the role of General Counsel and Company Secretary In this role she leads the legal teams globally for both Time Out Media and Time Out Market as well as supporting the Directors of Time Out Group and ensuring proper governance. Emma has also taken on responsibility for Time Out Group’s ESG strategy. Emma has over 15 years of legal experience and has worked across a range of industries and both listed and private companies. She has particular experience advising on corporate, commercial and finance matters (both UK and international).

Francesco IACONO Archaeology, Prehistory, Bronze Age, UCL, University of Bologna.


Alison URBAN Supporting university applications, Essay competition.

Francesco joined the Department of History, Culture and Civilization of the University of Bologna as a tenure–track senior assistant professor after winning the prestigious "Montalcini" program against the so-called "brain-drain". His research interests range from prehistory and archaeology of the Mediterranean (with particular attention to the Bronze Age), landscape archaeology, to social theory (in particular Marxist archeology) to the use of applications based on graph-theory, to cultural heritage studies (with specific attention to the so-called "difficult heritage"), and, finally, the history of the archaeological thought

Immerse Education was founded in 2012 with the aim of providing students aged 13-18 with unparalleled educational experiences, supporting applications to Oxford, Cambridge UCL, Sydney, Berkeley, Columbia, Singapore and Toronto The Immerse Essay competition has been widely advertised at Stephen Perse Foundation offering excellent credibility in university applications and substantial reductions in the wide range of in person and online educational packages they supply.

Lizzy INGHAM Physiotherapy An old Perse Girls pupil who studied Physiotherapy at Keele University. Now the Team Lead in Trauma and Orthopaedics at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.


Sumit SAHAI Travel, Web Development,History, Culture, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Social Media.

Instep Adventures is a Cambridge based travel company specialising in the Indian Subcontinent. It is an entrepreneurial venture borne out of the founder’s (Sumit Sahai) love of travel, wildlife and photography, along with business and technical skills gleaned over decades in the semiconductor and software technology companies in Cambridge and beyond Sumit has mentored interns in his corporate roles, helping them achieve specific goals and learn useful skills Instep Adventures offers a variety of opportunities to interested students, both technical and creative. These include Web development (using Wordpress and other tools), SEO, History, Wildlife & Culture (Research and writing), Digital

www.instepadventure s com

Rebecca JARVIS Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Science, Cambridge, Chemistry, PhD, Neuroscience.

Marketing, Graphic Design and Social Media. All contributions can be made working from home, while mentoring and guidance will be provided on regular conference calls and face to face meetings.

Rebecca Jarvis studied Chemistry, Physics and double Maths at Oxford High School and went on to study Natural Science at Cambridge She was always interested in pharmacology and the idea of designing new medicines She stayed in Cambridge to do a PhD, learning a lot of synthetic chemistry and then spent two years doing post doctoral studies at Stanford University in California, which was a great opportunity. She returned to the UK to begin a career in the pharmaceutical industry, applying her academic learning to drug discovery. She has worked at Merck, Charles River Laboratories and is currently Head of Medicinal Chemistry for the AstraZeneca Neuroscience Group. Her work and interests have evolved from chemistry to neuroscience and project leadership and she is excited by the power of science to improve human health She also balanced work with family and has two teenage children

Kit KILGOUR Mathematics, Cambridge, Telecoms Research, Engineering, Consultancy, Software modelling /development, Maths Computing related Apprenticeships.

Jessie LI Archaeology, UCL.

Kit did both his undergraduate degree and PhD in Mathematics at Cambridge University, before being recruited by Cambridge Consultants to carry out engineering consultancy work Whilst there, he worked on a range of projects in the defence, medical equipment and wireless communications areas. He subsequently worked for Cambridge area companies in the areas of telecoms research, standardisation and Intellectual Property, and he currently works for Sepura helping design and standardise mission critical communications systems over 4G & 5G networks for use by emergency services. Sepura is one of the world's leading manufacturers of digital radios for police and ambulance use. Kit can advise on careers involving mathematics as well as on degree-level apprenticeships.

Victoria LLOYD Law, Graduate and undergraduate law courses, Law conversion, Solicitor and Judiciary.

Emma LOFTUS Working in HR, Graduate Training

Jessie Li took History, Government & Politics, and Chemistry as her A-Levels at the Stephen Perse Foundation. While at the Foundation, she was co-president of the Sixth Form History Society in Year 13; and she was also a member of the girls’ choir. She decided to study archaeology at university due to her love for the past, and was offered a place at UCL’s Institute of Archaeology for their BA Archaeology with a year abroad (4 years) degree. She started last September and is now in the middle of her first year at UCL She found the course was very different from what she initially expected, but she enjoys it nevertheless She plans to investigate further into Mesopotamian archaeology, especially the political sphere, when she’s at university

Victoria studied mathematics, economics and French at A-level and then read law at university She then took the Legal Practice Course at The College of Law in York before becoming a solicitor. After practising for a number of years, she then went on to teach on the GDL (the law conversion course) and the LPC (the post graduate diploma in legal practice). She also trained other lawyers and wrote undergraduate law materials. She became one of the youngest female Judges when she was first appointed to the Judiciary in 2013.

Emma studied English, French, Latin and Classical Civilisation in the Sixth Form of the then Perse Girls and went on to read French and Spanish at Exeter University. She gained a place on a Graduate Training Scheme at a financial services

Scheme, Exeter University, Study abroad

Mimmo MANES Graphic design, Art, Branding, Events management, Campaigns. www.canefantasma.c om

Natural Sciences, International Development, Keny, Water supply, Cambridge, UCL.

company where she was able to spend time in various departments across the organisation. Enjoying her time in HR, she decided that this was where she wanted to pursue her career. She was sponsored through her professional HR qualifications (CIPD) and once qualified went on to work as an HR Generalist at a chartered accountancy firm in London followed by a professional association and publishing group. She then took a career break where she went with her husband’s career and 3 young children to live in Moscow for 2 years (grateful to have her GCSE Russian from school) and 3 years to live in Paris. Once back in the UK, Emma returned to her career in HR, initially in Education, becoming People Manager for a Multi-Academy Trust, managing people matters for 14 schools across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire and she has more recently become HR Manager at a local firm of solicitors Emma is happy to talk about the pathway into HR and the variety of work that people in the profession are involved in as well as the variety of sectors and sizes of organisation it is possible to experience. She is also happy to talk about the advantages of a Graduate Training Scheme and benefits of living / studying abroad.

Mimmo Manes is a graphic designer and art director with twenty years of multidisciplinary design experience (brand, ui/product, art direction, typography). His work has been internationally recognised and awarded. In 2000 he created his own design studio, Canefantasma. He practices contemporary visual communication through a bold and conceptual approach, a continuous research method and the ambition to promote the social role of graphic design From 2022 he is Designer (Conceptual - UI/UX) at Samsung Electronics In the past years he worked online and offline campaigns, branding and event projects for clients like Boots, Vodafone, Voxi, Formula1, Amex and Coca-Cola, BP, BBC Radio1, Uefa Champions League, Beats, Kleenex, Condè Nast, Thomas Cook, The Guardian and many others.


Ben DOUGHTY, James ZIMME-SMITH Work experience, Business, Finance, Economics, Banking, Risk assessment, Customer facing roles

Katharine MISSENDEN Law.

Aoife studied Chemistry, Physics, Maths, and Further Maths A Levels at the Stephen Perse while also being involved in a youth mentoring programme. She went on to study Natural Sciences at Downing College, Cambridge, where she developed an interest in international development through volunteering with an education NGO in Uganda Seeking to combine her technical background with her passion for tackling real-world challenges, she pursued a master’s in Engineering for International Development at UCL After graduating, Aoife worked as an operations consultant in local and central government before transitioning into an operations manager role at eWATERservices, a technology start-up focused on delivering clean water access in rural sub-Saharan Africa, with over 1 billion litres provided to date. Aoife is based in Nairobi, where she leads water quality, village scoping and carbon finance activities. She is happy to talk about careers in international development, the intersection of science and social impact, the ins and outs of a Natural Sciences degree, and working in the start-up space.

Metro Bank is the newest high street bank in the UK, with 77 locations and growing. All store colleagues have the opportunity to become multi-skilled across personal account openings, overseeing business and trust accounts, cashiering and gain a wealth of financial knowledge Metro Bank has over 60 internal operations from the Risk team, Fraud team and Investigations to the private banking and Business and Commercial team. Starting as a Customer Service Representative in-store is a great option to start your journey in the financial and banking sector.

Katharine took History, Economics and German as A levels She studied History at the University of York (BA,) and then she went to the Law School (GDL) and University of Law (LPC) She specialises in EU competition law across a wide

Aoife McCAUL

Yorgo MODIS Biochemistry, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Virology, Immunology.

range of industry sectors, including heavy industries, technology, aviation, finance, pharmaceuticals, and consumer goods and retail. Katharine has particular expertise in EU and multi-jurisdictional merger control, EU antitrust investigations, and the implementation of antitrust best practices.

Yorgo Modis received an International Baccalaureate from the International School of Geneva. He went on to study Natural Sciences (Biochemistry) at the University of Cambridge. He played the flute in his college orchestra (Trinity Hall orchestra). Yorgo spent the next four years studying for a PhD at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany. As a PhD student her learned how to determine the molecular structures of proteins a near-atomic resolution After postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School (USA), Yorgo became an Assistant Professor at Yale University (USA), where he started his own research group working to understand how viruses enter cells and how cells recognize viruses through innate immune responses. In 2014, Yorgo moved back to Cambridge where he is a Professor in Virology and Immunology. He lectures and runs a research group. The goal of his research is to understanding how RNA viruses interact with host cells and how cells control viruses and also borrow exchange useful genetic material with them.

Prof Rachel Oliver did her Masters degree and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at Oxford University before moving to Cambridge as a Junior Research Fellow. She held various research fellowships before being appointed to a lectureship in Materials Science in 2009 She has since been promoted to Professor Her research focuses on engineering the small-scale structure of semiconductor materials to create new and improved light emitting devices In 2018, she co-founded Poro Technologies Ltd, a spinout company which is exploiting materials fabrication processes invented in her research group in the development of microdisplays. In recent years she has also acted as an advocate for increased diversity in engineering and the physical sciences, including addressing parliamentary committees on this issue. Her involvement in policy-making also encompasses advising on the development of the UK government's semiconductor strategy. She was awarded an OBE in the 2025 New Years Honours for Services to Materials Engineering She is happy to discuss career pathways in physical sciences and engineering in both academia and industry, and the breadth of opportunities that can arise in an engineering career

Isabella PEARL History, Cambridge, EPQ, Essay competitions, LSE, International relations, HGO, Humanitarian Diplomacy.

Ted PEGGS Psychology, Lancaster University, Marketing.

Izzy studied History, Politics, and Spanish at sixth form, and is now in her final year of a History degree at the University of Cambridge At University she has taken a variety of papers, including: Political Thought, the Qing Empire, the Mughal Empire, East African abolition and British history. She is currently finishing off a dissertation about the admission of women to her university, and would be happy to speak to students about the value of extended essays/essay competitions before university. Izzy has been offered a place to study Human Rights and Humanitarian Action at Sciences Po in Paris after graduation, but is also in the process of applying for a course in International Relations at the LSE. She is interested in pursuing a career in Humanitarian Diplomacy within an NGO, and recently participated in an internship in Geneva at the United Nations

Tedd studied A Levels in Chemistry, English, and Psychology, whilst doing an EPQ in the first year He is currently studying Psychology at Lancaster University, whilst also minoring in Marketing in the first year He has no direct aspirations but going into clinical Psychology is a strong possibility that he has explored. However, he is keeping his options open by minoring in marketing which he hopes keeps opportunities to go into other areas like business possible.

Shusanah Engineering, IT, Data I attended The Perse Girls School in 1994, where I studied Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Design &

Rachel OLIVER Materials Science, Engineering, Physical sciences.

PILLINGER Analytics, PwC, IBM. Technology. From there, I went on to study Engineering at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, graduating in 1998. My career began in software engineering and IT consulting at PwC Consulting, later IBM Business Consulting, focusing primarily on telecoms companies across Europe. For approximately 13 years, I freelanced as an IT consultant and Agile coach, working with diverse companies in various sectors, including media, retail, oil & gas, and defense. Currently, I'm at AstraZeneca, working in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, where I'm involved with cutting-edge technology and data products related to drug development and clinical trials within the pharmaceutical industry.

Tamsin POOLE Medicine, Obstetric and Gynecological Anaesthesia.

Katie POLLARD Ecology, University of Sheffield, University of Birmingham, University of Southampton, Planning, Conservation, Australia, Running own business.

Dr. Tamsin Poole studied Chemistry, Physics, Biology and General Studies at Colchester County High School for Girls before gaining a place at Newnham College, Cambridge to pursue a degree in Medicine After completing her medical training in the Eastern Region, she became a Consultant in Anaesthesia at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Dr Poole specialises in Obstetric Anaesthesia and Anaesthesia for Gynaecological Oncology Surgery. She has a keen interest in Transfusion and Haemorrhage and works closely with the Transfusion Team at Addenbrooke’s to enhance safety in this area. Dr. Poole is happy to talk about working as a Doctor, particularly in Anaesthesia and balancing medicine with having a family.

Nadia POLONSKY Gap Year, Study

Katie attended the Perse from 1979 to 1985 before studying French, Economics, and Biology at Hills Road. After taking a gap year, she studied Speech Therapy at the University of Sheffield for a year and a half but realised it wasn’t the right fit for her. She changed her degree to Pure & Applied Ecology and spent the summer term volunteering with the Sheffield Countryside Ranger Unit before beginning her new degree course. She had discovered her passion. Katie then pursued a master's in Toxicology at the University of Birmingham. Then a job at the University of Southampton for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries, investigating the effectiveness of beetle banks in agricultural practices This opportunity led to an offer for a PhD in Applied Insect Ecology, focusing on the relationship between invertebrates, hedgerows, and insecticides She worked at the Queensland Museum in the Entomology Department in Brisbane then relocated to Dorset, volunteered at the Dorset Wildlife Trust, and then at the local Environmental Records Centre. From there, she obtained a position as a local government ecologist at Dorset Council, specialising in protected species. Ten years later, she founded her ecological consultancy, KP Ecology, concentrating on bats and barn owls. However, she also enjoys working on other interesting projects when the opportunity arises, such as the River Allen Landscape Recovery Project (Defra-funded), for which she wrote the bid and now sits on the advisory board. She conducts bat courses for the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), is a member of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) national hedgerow habitat group - Hedgelink Additionally, she serves as the Training Officer for the Dorset Bat Group and mentors young ecologists.

Nadia studied A Level Chemistry, Physics and Ancient Greek and took an EPQ while at SPF. She postponed university applications to take a gap year which she used to work in Cambridge and study abroad. Nadia gained places to study Liberal Arts in the US and Physics in Dublin but ultimately decided to read Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics at Oxford where she is currently in her first year of study. Nadia is happy to talk about university and choral-scholarship applications to the UK, US and Ireland, gap years and post-qualification applications, undergraduate life, and Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics at Oxford

universities in the UK, US and Ireland.

Andre PRETORIUS Law, Competition Law, Travels, South Africa.

Charlotte PRYOR Law, Cardiff university, studying abroad, Barr training

André Pretorius went to school and university in South Africa, studying Law at Pretoria. He came to the UK in 1996, mainly to travel, and studied Law at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge 1997-1999. In 2000 he joined the City law firm of Herbert Smith as a paralegal in its Brussels office, before becoming a trainee solicitor in the firm's London head office. He qualified in the Competition Law team, where he is now a partner, having spent his entire career at the firm. Over the course of his career he has lived and worked in Brussels and Hong Kong and worked on cases and for clients on all continents (bar Antarctica) His advises on both court cases and commercial transactions and he has worked for clients in many sectors from pharmaceuticals (he knows more than he ever wanted to about the treatment of upper-gastrointestinal diseases), to consumer tech (having advised Uber in Europe and the Middle East for a decade), fast-moving consumer goods (think Häagen-Dazs ice cream and Old El Paso meal kits) and some slightly less-immediately appealing sectors like insurance. Outside legal practice, he has written several books of travel writing in his mother tongue – Afrikaans – and has taught the subject of Competition Law at Cambridge. He is happy to discuss the fun of competition law practice, different legal career paths and travel writing!

Charlotte studied at Stephen Perse from 2012-2019. She took English Literature, History, and Spanish at A-Level and decided to take a gap year Mid-way through my ski season, the pandemic hit and she went home and worked in a bakery until I went to University in September 2020 She studied Law at Cardiff University where she also completed a Year of Study Abroad in Madrid in her third year. It was a memorable experience and deepened her cultural and legal understanding. She is now studying the Bar Training Course, to become a barrister and hope to complete that by January 2026. She knew since A-Levels that she wanted to be a barrister but Law is a great degree to do if you’re not quite sure about what you want to study but still want to go to University.

Pranay PRABHAT Microchip,Industry, Electronics, Engineering, Research.

Kirsten PULLAN Law, Solicitors.

Pranay Prabhat studied at Modern School, Vasant Vihar in his hometown of New Delhi, India - the same school as his dad. Like most Indian A level science students, the last 2 years of school overlapped with weekend and evening lessons to prepare for entrance examinations to undergraduate engineering courses After completing his undergraduate degree in electronics (the same degree as his dad) and a year of work experience in India, he moved to the UK for a Masters degree in electronics (the same degree as his mum!). He subsequently started as a graduate at Arm in Cambridge and has been in the semiconductor industry ever since. During this time he has worked on semiconductor memories and microcontroller chips and held engineering, research, project leadership and management positions at Arm and subsequently at Microchip. A flavour of his work can be seen from his patents and publications ( sdt=2007&q=pranay+prabhat&hl=en&as vis=1).

After reading Law at Cardiff University, Kirsten attended the Inns of Court School of Law in London where she passed the Bar Vocational Course and was subsequently called to the Bar A paralegal job at a City law firm, designed to fill the gap between the BVC and pupillage, soon lured Kirsten to the life of the City lawyer, and she decided to shift her aspirations and become a qualified solicitor as well After qualification, Kirsten secured employment at the investment bank, Goldman Sachs, where she spent 8 years as an in-house lawyer in their Technology, IP & Commercial Contracts team in London, focusing on the negotiation of supplier contracts. Following 5 1/2 years living in Hong Kong & Singapore, during which time Kirsten took a career break to focus on raising her 2 young boys, Kirsten returned to the life of the in-house Commercial solicitor in 2014 and has since then enjoyed positions with a number of premium global corporates including

Beam Therapeutics Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Cambridge, Harvard.

https://beamtx com/

Louise RICH Accountancy, Investment Banking.

HSBC, Willis Towers Watson and the Cambridge-based technology company, Arm Ltd. 2023 saw Kirsten switch from the negotiation of supplier contracts to the negotiation of client contracts, when she joined the Office of General Counsel of the professional services firm, KPMG LLP. Currently, Kirsten is enjoying a position of employment within the Office of General Counsel of PwC LLP, another of the “Big Four”, where she continues to focus on the negotiation of high-value client contracts. Kirsten is delighted to share her journey with the group and can speak knowledgeably to both the barrister & solicitor side of the legal profession, to working in-house, and to always keeping your options open.

Holly studied Natural Sciences (Chemistry) at Cambridge and then went to Harvard to complete her PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Biology Her current role is Director of Lead Discovery at a biotech company called Beam Therapeutics (based in Cambridge, MA)

Ginny ROSE University of Warwick, Economics & Politics, Fundraising and volunteering, Civil Service,Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Internships.

Alex ROUTH Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, Princeton, University of Bristol, University of Sheffield.

Following a biochemistry degree, Louise trained as an accountant with what is now PwC in London. After 8 years there, including a six month secondment to Paris, she moved into investment banking, working in the City for 12 years, advising UK public biotech, pharmaceutical and chemical companies for a big chunk of that time Since leaving the City shortly after becoming a mother, she’s worked as head of investor relations for a property company, an venture capital fund investing in high tech businesses and, most recently De La Rue, who print money. All of her last 3 roles have involved some degree of flexible working.

Ginny studied Economics, Maths and Psychology at A-level, before securing at place at the University of Warwick to study Economics and Politics. During her time at Warwick, she was heavily involved in the ‘Raising and Giving’ society - a charity-based society to help fundraise for different causes and facilitate volunteering in the local area for students. This inspired her to pursue a career in social issues. She completed a summer internship with the Civil Service after her second year of university, which then motivated her to join the Fast Stream as an Economist. After two years working on energy and climate change, she took a year out to complete a Masters programme in Environment and Development at LSE Since then, she has worked on gender equality and international development, and now works as an Economist for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. She is happy to talk about making the most out of your time at university and picking careers in interesting but challenging areas.

Alex Routh did his BA and MEng degrees at Cambridge University and his PhD at Princeton University in America, all in Chemical Engineering. He had a postdoctoral research post in the School of Chemistry at Bristol University and after 4 years as a lecturer at the University of Sheffield he returned to Cambridge in 2006 to a lectureship in Chemical Engineering. Alex lectures on applied Maths, fluid mechanics and process engineering, whilst for colleges he supervises Engineering and Chemical Engineering students

Holly REES





Volunteering, NHS, Practical and emotional help

Camilla SAMPSON Film, Editorial, Conservation, Ecology, Yoga, English, Marketing.

Join us at Royal Voluntary Service to help to prepare and sell food and drinks to patients, visitors and staff in your local hospital. Being in hospital, or visiting someone there, can be a difficult time, so volunteers will need a friendly, compassionate approach when dealing with customers. You'll also need a friendly personality and listening skills. This role is great for you if you want to make new friends, and grow your skills and experience in a hospital and retail environment. We also have opportunities available for people with specific skills. Deliver amazing customer service to patients and staff alike in our busy but inviting cafe. Serving hot drinks and food as well as sandwiches and snacks.You will love this if you are looking to: BE PART OF SOMETHING, MAKE FRIENDS, HELP OTHERS, LEARN NEW SKILLS

Camilla is a Freelance Writer and Magazine Editor passionate about immersive storytelling that sparks curiosity and educates Her work predominately focuses on community-based and Indigenous tourism as a force for good, culinary traditions and food security, and nature-based activities. After a degree in American and English Literature, she worked at a PR agency and several apparel brands before entering freelancing full-time. Her sustainability and conservation background has primarily been cultivated in situ rather than through formal education. She also produces events that build community and fundraise for environmental organizations.

Francescsa SCOTT Vet med, Cambridge University, Endurance Sports.

Francesca is all about pets and their people. After studying at the Perse for 5 years, she graduated from Cambridge in 2012 and since then has worked exclusively in Small Animal practice,and is now a partner at Pet People Vets, a veterinary multi-site start-up with a focus on exceptional service and a return to what matters Before this she was a Lead Clinical Director for a large corporate veterinary business doing a range of clinical and leadership work Francesca is energised by creating happy teams and interested in how culture drives productivity. She is a chronically injured but keen endurance athlete, parent of two young children and lifelong learner and is always keen to talk to anyone who wants to enter the veterinary world.'

Jessica SEE Classics, Oxford, Mental Health, Psychotherapist.

Naomi SIMON Classics, Ancient Greek, Laitin French Archeology, linguistics

Jessica studied Classics at Oxford and now enjoys a career in mental health and safeguarding. Jessie has worked in a number of mental health crisis services in both the NHS and the third sector, and in a safeguarding role for the charity Rape Crisis. She currently works in Adult Social Care and is a trainee psychodynamic counsellor and psychotherapist. Jessie is happy to talk about her experience of the Classics course at Oxford, its joys and its challenges Jessie regards her classical education as something highly relevant and useful to her work Jessie has always been interested in myth and storytelling, both in the context of the ancient world and in her professional life Jessie is open to curiosity and questions from students about what it’s like to work in the helping professions; what she would do differently if she had her time again; and the importance of self-care and work-life balance both as a classicist and a helping professional.

Naomi studied Ancient Greek, Latin and French to A Level, as well as 4 terms of History. She is now in her second year at Christ’s College, Cambridge reading Classics. She is currently taking papers in Greek and Latin language and literature, ancient history, archaeology, and linguistics, as well as composing Greek and Latin verse and prose. Next year she plans to specialise in literature and textual criticism, with the intention of continuing into postgraduate study.

SPECSAVERS tbc Optometrist Audiology

Sian STANLEY Medicine, Medical journalism, GP,

Sian studied Chemistry, Maths and Biology A levels Deciding to apply for Medicine Sian was offered a place at Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine London (now UCL) on a 5-year MBBS course After the completion of her degree, her

Mental Health, Primary Care, Network, Autism, ADHD.

Ross STEWART Biology, Immunology, Oncology.

Paphon SUSIKAKOSOL Physics with Theoretical Physic, Imperial College, London, Living and studying in London, UK university as an international student.

Donna TAN Biological Science, Marketing, Medical.

house jobs and 3 years working at St Marys Hospital and Barnet Hospital training as a surgeon, Sian was then enticed Into General practice. She subsequently completed a further two years of training to Qualify as a GP in 2006.Sian works with a Social Prescriber, a Mental Health Coach and an Occupational Therapist to help improve health outcomes for this group. The PCN (Primary Care Network) funds and runs various groups and Sian has won a Health service Journal Award for a Neurodiversity project which supports people waiting for diagnosis who may have Autism or ADHD. Sian is also a medical journalist and writes a regular opinion piece for PULSE magazine as well as lecturing across the country on her work with children and young people

Ross Stewart studied Biological Sciences at the University of Warwick before completing a PhD in Immunology at Birmingham University Medical School Following his PhD he joined what was Cambridge Antibody Technology and has spent the subsequent 18 years in Oncology R&D, working at all stages of the drug discovery and development process, from bench science through to late stage clinical development and market launch. Between 2017 and 2020, he and his family lived and worked in California, returning to the UK in 2020. He currently leads a team within Astrazeneca focused on biomarker discovery and personalised health care in Oncology. He is happy to talk about careers in science generally, different roles within the pharmaceutical industry and the experience of living and working in the USA.

Paphon studied Maths, Further Maths, Physics, and Chemistry A Levels at Stephen Perse Foundation from 2020-22. Paphon is currently in his third year studying Physics with Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London, on a 4-year integrated Master's course after initially being on the College's standard Physics course Paphon is also working as an outreach ambassador with the college to promote STEM career options to schoolchildren through various fairs and workshops. Paphon is happy to talk about studying physics at universities, applying to and studying at Imperial, and living in London in general. Originally from Thailand, Paphon can also talk about university experiences as an international student.

I am currently the Global Launch Director responsible for launch excellence across key markets: US, UK, EU, Japan, China. Specialised in launch and marketing projects across various product life-cycle (pre-launch, launch, post-reimbursement, post-LOE). My experience spans marketing, medical affairs and research.

Passionate about translating science/research, bridging R&D, medical and commercial, with a patient-centric approach. I have a PhD in Biological Science (Neuroscience) from NTU, Singapore. My research was on decision making (time/effort aversion & risk-taking behaviours) and neural circuits

Javier TINOCO Agriculture, Olive plantation, Career shift.


Anezka RADKOVA Geology,rock weathering, geochemistry,

Javier Tinoco was born in Badajoz, Spain He moved to London at 23 years old to work in the food industry As a chef, he traveled the world, living and working in the UK, France, Australia, Afghanistan, and Thailand. Three years ago, he made a significant change to his life: he returned to Extremadura (Spain) and founded a company with his sister to produce olive oil. They planted 15,000 olive trees. He is now taking courses in agriculture and management to be able to handle a completely new job, which also requires intense physical training.

UNDO is a world-leading carbon dioxide removal project developer specialising in enhanced rock weathering. Enhanced weathering is a nature-based technology that permanently locks away CO₂ from the atmosphere. The geological process of weathering has happened naturally for millions of years, removing billions of tonnes of CO₂ over Earth's history UNDO

Canada, innovative carbon removal solutions

University of BUCKINGHAM

Jess ROBERTSON Course information, Admissions processes, Support. Applications outside UCAS, two year degrees, four year medical degree

University of the CREATIVE ARTS



University of DURHAM

Fashion, Architecture, Art, Portfolio preparation.

Durham representative TBC Course information, Admissions processes, Support.

University of EAST ANGLIA (UEA)

Chantelle Lee Course information, Admissions processes, Support. wwwuea ac uk

University of ESSEX

Chris NICHOLSON Course information, Admissions processes, Support.

accelerates this natural process by spreading crushed silicate rock with a high reactive surface area onto agricultural land, where plants and microbes in the soil speed up the weathering process. Anežka Radková is a geochemist with a PhD from Queen’s University in Canada, where she studied mineralogy and geochemistry. Her research involved analyzing contaminated tailings across the country to better understand their environmental impact and develop strategies for mitigation. After completing her PhD, she transitioned into the startup world, where now works on innovative carbon removal solutions. Specifically, focus on enhancing CO₂ sequestration through basalt weathering.

Shape your future at The University of Buckingham. Complete your undergraduate degree in two years, saving you time and money, or stay on and graduate with a masters in just three years The University offers September and January start dates, and their award-winning tutorial teaching style means you’ll learn from the best in a supportive environment with small class sizes of between 6 – 8 students. Buckingham is a non-profit university set in a riverside campus 20 mins from Milton Keynes with close links to London. Shortlisted for University of the Year, Sunday Times 2024, Winner Outstanding Collaboration – Independent Higher Education Awards 2024.

University for the Creative Arts (UCA) is a university that provides a variety of pre-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Creative Arts, Fashion, Architecture and more They want to inspire individuals to use their creativity to drive change, overcome challenges, unlock creative potential and improve the lives of others. They will support and guide you through your course to make sure you have all the necessary skills needed to continue your journey after university. UCA can give expert advice on the role of Creative degrees in a range of potential jobs/industries. They can advise on tips and guidelines for portfolio preparation useful for all creative subjects.

Durham University is a collegiate university and member of the Russell Group of universities. It consistently ranks as one of the top 100 universities in the world by the QS World University Rankings: A world top 100 university – 89th in QS World University Rankings 2025, Ranked 5th in the UK – The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025, Ranked 6th in the, UK - Guardian The Best UK Universities, 2025, Ranked 7th in the UK - Complete University Guide 2025

UEAis a highly ranked, Top 25 university (Complete University Guide, 2025), providing quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 17,000 students We lead the way in fields such as climate change, health sciences, creative writing and more We offer over 200 degree programmes, including Medicine, Physiotherapy, Environmental science, Law, Film & Television Studies, Business, and more. Many of our courses offer study abroad, industry placement opportunities, and a contextual admissions programme.

Chris is Courses director for the BA in Psychodynamic Practice and can advise particularly on Psychology degrees The University of Essex is one of the original plate glass universities, based in Colchester, known for its strong emphasis on social sciences, humanities, and data analytics. It ranks highly in subjects like politics, sociology, and economics, with a strong research focus and global impact. The university has a vibrant international student body, with over 140

University of LANCASTER

Eleanor DOVE uk/

University of MANCHESTER

Course information, Admissions processes, Support.

Course information, Admissions processes, Support. k

University of NEWCASTLE


University of NOTTINGHAM


Course information, Admissions processes, Support.

Course information, Admissions processes, Support.


University of OXFORD BROOKES

nationalities represented on campus. The main Colchester campus offers state-of-the-art research facilities, a modern library, and a lively student life with clubs and societies. Essex has strong industry links, offering placement opportunities and a focus on career development for students.

Course information,

Lancaster is a collegiate, campus university set in the north west of England. Our nine colleges provide students with small, close-knit communities and a home from home. We offer courses across four faculties: Arts and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Health and Medicine and the Lancaster University Management School Lancaster University has consistently shown commitment to inspiring teaching and research, ranking in the Top 15 across three major UK league tables (Guardian, Times & Sunday Times and Complete University Guide).

The University of Manchester has a rich heritage stretching back to 1824 with many major advances beginning here, including the birth of the computer, the work that led to the splitting of the atom and founding principles of modern economics. Today, research remains fundamental, with strong collaborative links with industry across the globe. Manchester is a comprehensive university with strength in all areas of Humanities, Science, Engineering, Biology, Medicine and Health with a range of programmes Consistently the most targeted university by the UK’s top graduate employers (High Fliers Report), Manchester has an outstanding Careers Service and excellent employability record

Newcastle University is a top 150 global university and offers over 200 undergraduate courses The campus is in the heart of Newcastle city centre, welcoming over 29,000 students from 140 countries With over 180 societies and 60 sports clubs, students can discover new passions and make friendships lasting a lifetime

The University of Nottingham is where the world comes to change it. A pioneering place providing exceptional research-led education and an outstanding student experience for our 52,000 students. Consistently targeted by leading graduate employers for our talented and well-rounded graduates

We deliver world-leading research that brings real-world change, transforming lives and societies, and shaping our future Ranked 7th in the UK for research power (according to analysis by Times Higher Education), with 100% of our research recognised internationally (REF 2021), and with a research portfolio, including research and research-related activity, worth £743m.

We are 108 in the world (18 in the UK) out of more than 1,000 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2025, a pioneer in global education, with award-winning campuses and unrivalled facilities in both the UK and Asia.

The only UK university ranked in the QS world rankings of top 50 institutions under 50 years old (QS, 2021), and among the world elite in 13 subjects (QS, 2020), Oxford Brookes enjoys an international reputation for teaching excellence and


Stewart TOLLY Admissions processes, Support Finance for overseas students, advice overseas students

University of STIRLING

Emily ABEL Happy to discuss the application system at Scottish Universities in general, courses at Scottish Universities and in particular Stirling university.

Tanvi VELANKAR Oxford Brookes, UCL, Imperial College, London, Masters in Infection and Immunity, PhD, Life Sciences, Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology.

Hannah WALLIS Politics, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Civil Service.

innovation. It currently ranks 2nd in teaching in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2020, and has climbed 8 places within the UK’s top 50 institutions in the Guardian League Tables 2020. It has an international reputation for teaching excellence, exciting student life and strong links with local, national and international business and industry.

Katherine WARD Human Sciences, University of Oxford, Biology, Geography, Sustainability

Stirling is a globally connected University with world-leading and internationally excellent research opportunities alongside a multicultural environment. It has been awarded 5 Stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020 for teaching, employability and internationalisation.It is one of the top 150 most international universities in the world (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016).Their campus is a training ground for some of the UK’s top Olympic athletes and renowned for its sports facilities. It has a beautiful 330-acre campus and is also renowned for working abroad opportunities

Tanvi completed her A levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths at the Stephen Perse sixth form college. Having always been interested in biology, she gained a place at Oxford Brookes to study Biomedical sciences. Throughout her degree she became increasingly interested in bacteriology, virology, and immunity and specialised into these fields through her undergraduate thesis After her undergraduate degree, Tanvi applied for and was accepted to a Masters in Infection and Immunity at UCL. This degree allowed her to gain a broader understanding of academic research within these fields and prompted her to look for PhDs. Tanvi completed a PhD at Imperial in the Life sciences department focusing on her interests in microbiology. She is currently working as a Research Assistant at Imperial College London.

Hannah Franklin-Wallis (nee Wallis) studied Politics at the University of Edinburgh before starting a career in communications, and is now the Chief Press Officer dealing with Middle East policies at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office She has been privileged to have some incredible access, from arranging press conferences for President Obama to briefing the Defence Secretary during a COBR meeting. Hannah began her career in PR agencies, promoting brands including Nuffield Hospitals and American Express. From there, Hannah moved into the civil service, joining the press team at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills working closely with the Secretary of State. Hannah has since worked in the press team at No. 10 Downing Street, before starting her current role at the FCO.

Katy studied IB at the Stephen Perse, taking Biology, Chemistry and Maths at HL, and Geography, Spanish and English literature at SL. Knowing she had a passion for global/public health and development yet not wanting to go down the clinical medicine route, she wanted to find a degree that combined her passions for the sciences and geography. She decided to apply for Human Sciences and was offered a place at Oxford where she currently studies Human Sciences is an interdisciplinary degree with first year modules on Ecology and Evolution, Genetics and Physiology, Anthropology and

Florence WALSTON Medicine, University of Newcastle Nepal, Teaching, Paediatrics, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Guys & St Thomas’, Imperial College, Neonatal Medicine, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, University of East Anglia

Julie WILLECOMME Astrazeneca,Science Communications and Engagement, École européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux, Analytical Scientist, Change Management.

Geography, Sociology and Demography and also Quantitative Statistics. The course has a broad base in the first year before offering opportunities to specialise in later years. Katy is happy to discuss the intricacies of Human Sciences more, the perks and challenges of studying such a broad course, what to consider when choosing a degree if you have interests in both the arts and sciences, and the opportunities available to maintain academic-based passions outside of your degree.

Florence studied Maths, Biology and Chemistry A level at the Perse School for Girls. She decided to apply for Medicine despite many thinking that she couldn't make the grades and was, to the surprise of herself (and teachers), offered a place to read Medicine at Newcastle following a gap year where she worked as a teacher in remote Nepal Having spent 6 years training in Newcastle, she came down south to Guildford, before undertaking the start of her paediatric training in Liverpool where she spent two years including time at Alder Hey Children's Hospital. She then moved to London where she spent the next 4 years working at Guys and St Thomas' and Imperial. Following this training she moved to Cambridge to complete her specialist training in Neonatal Medicine and accepted a job as a Consultant Neonatologist at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital where she continues to look after some of the smallest and sickest babies in the country. She is currently an Honorary Lecturer at UEA, having formally been the Head of Paediatric Training on the MBBS (Medicine) course at UEA She continues to head Neonatal Training for undergraduate medical students in Norwich Florence is one of the few people (she suspects) that see her job as an honour and a privilege to do She followed her mother's advice rigidly - find someone to pay you to do what you love to do - and advises her students to do the same.

Bethany WINNING English Literature, Marketing and Communications.

WISER GROUP Environmental responsibility,

At a really high level, I help scientists communicate their science in a way that non-experts can understand and make our work visible across R&D and AstraZeneca. There is more to the job than meets the eye but I’ll let you ask me what you want to know. I have a Masters in Analytical Chemistry from École européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM), Strasbourg – France. I came to the UK in 2002 for my first job and 21 years later, I am still here ☺! I started my career as an analytical scientist and worked my way around various analytical jobs before I decided it was time for a change and got a job in engagement, communication and even change management. When I started working, I had no idea that I would end up doing a job that is not directly related to my degree... And the journey is not over!

The first one is really hard but these things will help you be successful: Believe in yourself – you can do it!

Build your network – connecting people & knowledge is key Look for opportunities – don’t wait for them to be handed to you on a plate

Ask for support if/when you need it – it is part of the learning process

Bethany attended The Perse School for Girls from 1995 to 2004, leaving with A Levels in English Literature, Maths, History and French. She went on to study English Literature at University College London. Since graduating she has worked in a range of marketing and communications roles, including at the Royal College of Nursing. Bethany now heads up the Editorial, Production and Internal Communications team at economics consultancy Oxera

Wiser Environment is an environmental consultancy in Cambridgeshire with particular expertise in QHSE management systems, environmental impact assessments, environmental auditing, permitting and compliance, waste and resource


Phillippa HOWES, Okelani AWORABHI environmental consultancy, recycling, environmental auditing

Nasreen WOOD University of Oxford, University of Edinburgh, Classics, Law, History, Solicitor, Crown Prosecution, Service, In-house counsel, Gap Year.

management, CIWM assessment and health and safety. We help our clients prosper through compliance by providing clear, practical support and guidance. We employ an experienced team of IEMA registered environmental consultants who support a range of organisations looking to meet their environmental obligations or just improve their environmental performance.

Wiser Environment is certified to international standards for environmental management ISO14001, quality management ISO9001 and health & safety management ISO45001.

Nasreen Wood studied Ancient Greek, Latin and English Literature at A-level and, after a Gap Year volunteering in South Africa, went on to study Literae Humaniores (Classics) at the University of Oxford. During her final year at university, she became interested in the diverse range of work offered by a career in law and secured a training contract with Magic Circle commercial law firm, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.

After completing her two year law conversion studies (Postgraduate Diploma in Law and Legal Practice Course), she joined Freshfields as a trainee solicitor and worked there on and off for over ten years as a finance lawyer She has also practised criminal law, working as a criminal defence solicitor in London and as a Crown Prosecutor in Gloucestershire, definitely the most interesting period in her career! She has also worked as an in-house lawyer at the University of Cambridge. Nasreen now works as a senior specialist legal editor at Thomson Reuters where she provides legal advice to finance lawyers.

During a recent career break when she was living in America, she completed an online Masters in Modern History at the University of Edinburgh which was an amazing experience Nasreen is very happy to take questions on her choice of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, university life in general, law conversion courses and training contracts, and the benefits and challenges of working in the legal profession.

Catriona WRIGHT Mathematics, Physics, Design Engineering

WSP Engineering.

Callum ANDERSON, Azu HATCH and Reshma SAMUEL Engineering and design services, Transportation, Infrastructure, Environment, building, Power, Energy, Water, Mining.

ZEISS Software, Research

Catriona Wright studied Maths and Physics A-levels at Morrison’s Academy in Crieff, Scotland. She took a year out to travel in Europe and America then completed a Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) degree at Edinburgh University. She worked for Nortel Networks as part of her degree and continued to work there afterwards as a Digital Design Engineer until her department was made redundant. She then worked for TTPCom and Cambridge Semiconductors as an ASIC Design Engineer before realising she enjoyed working with people as much as technology, so she shifted to being a Program Manager. She’s managed a wide range of projects including FPGA and ASIC designs for power supplies, laptop docking stations, waterproof technologies, and quantum decoders She is now a co-founder and COO for a semi-conductor start-up called Chipletti

WSP is a globally recognized professional services firm providing strategic advisory, engineering and design services to clients in the transportation, infrastructure, environment, building, power, energy, water, and mining sectors. Originating in Canada their trusted professionals are united by a shared goal: to create positive, long-lasting impacts on the communities we serve. Their understanding of local, regional and national needs enables us to deliver solutions that better connect people with places, now and in the future. WSP have a number of hubs in the UK including Cambride.

ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the optics and optoelectronics industries. Its optics


Joelle GARDEN and Development

Optics, Optoelectronics, Aerospace, Engineering, University of Bath

Sandwich courses, Internships, Aircraft Design, Manufacturing and Maintenance, Agile Coaching.

are needed to manufacture microchips, research infectious diseases, manage the quality of electric cars and windmills, provide the best possible treatment for brain and eye surgery or create award-winning films. As a company wholly owned by a foundation, ZEISS is rooted in and committed to responsibility in all its activities.

Joelle is an enterprise agile coach at ZEISS Microscopy, which has an office in Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, UK, and is headquartered in Germany. She currently works with software research and development, responsible for the world-class microscopy software suite used from Nobel prize-winners to school classroom applications. Joelle has an MEng (hons) in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bath This was a sandwich placement degree that included an internship at Airbus UK, in Bristol She has held roles in project and programme management in aircraft design, modification, manufacture and maintenance. With a keen interest in knowledge management, systems thinking and organisational change, she has more recently moved to enterprise agile coaching as a natural fit for these interests, finding ways to create the best possible environments for people to thrive at work. She is happy to discuss any aspect of her current organisation, career, and university experience.

Key points I will take away from the day are:

Action points I will take away from the day are:

How has today influenced my university and course ideas?

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