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Staff Farewells
Corinne Day
Deputy Head of Junior School (Curriculum)

It is with sadness that, after 16 years at St Paul’s, Corinne Day is leaving at the end of 2022 to take up a senior position at Knox Grammar Preparatory School.
During her time at St Paul’s, Corinne’s roles have been varied, demonstrating her expertise and versatility. She began as a classroom teacher but soon spread her wings into leadership positions, including PYP Coordinator, Pre-Kindergarten Coordinator, and most recently, Deputy Head of Junior School (Curriculum). She cultivated a positive and Christ-like culture which permeates our school, and this is certainly an amazing legacy that she leaves.
Our students always looked forward to working with Mrs Day, particularly when she was teaching a class – there was always so much learning and fun to be enjoyed. She exuded passion in all she did, from directing Junior School musicals to one-to-one chats with students. Corinne’s pedagogical leadership ignited the creative learning of all students, and it was not uncommon for staff from other schools to visit and be inspired. Corinne would always take this in her stride because that’s how she led – collegially and collaboratively.
Corinne will be missed, but we are grateful that we got to share a chapter in this amazing educator’s journey.
Catherine Corry
Director of Enrolments and Public Relations

Catherine Corry joined St Paul’s in 2001 as an English as a Second Language teacher to support students mostly in the international program, and it was a natural progression to see her appointed International Student Coordinator in 2008. This program grew substantially, as Catherine developed and refined excellent processes to support international students. In 2014 she was appointed Registrar, where she used her skills for enrolments to promote the school locally, as well as internationally. This role grew to become Director of Enrolments and Public Relations in 2017, as it encompassed marketing and promotion of St Paul’s more broadly.
Catherine displayed a heart for the school and its students in her various roles. In her roles with the international program, she encouraged and assisted international students, helping them to feel supported at school and in a new country. Furthermore, she tirelessly promoted St Paul’s overseas by visiting schools and agencies and conducting parent visits on behalf of the school. As the Director of Enrolments and Public Relations, Catherine built a strong and supportive team to promote the many achievements of students and members of the school community in the various activities they undertook in the life of St Paul’s. She was also instrumental in raising the profile of the school in the wider community.
Catherine’s retirement will afford her greater time to spend with her close-knit family. We wish her all the very best in this new chapter in her life.
Adam Jarman
Secondary School Music Teacher
Adam Jarman was employed at St Paul’s as a composition and music technology specialist in 2002. In this capacity, Adam used his expertise to create a music technology laboratory in an old storeroom, with a handful of computers and early versions of music production software.
Senior Music students initially benefited from Adam’s tutelage, working directly with him on their compositions. With the opening of the Arts Quarter in 2006, The Music Tech Lab was given a purposebuilt room under Adam’s oversight, and his workload increased to teach music technology and composition to all elective Music students, and later to all Music students in the Senior School. Adam enjoyed an outstanding rapport with students, who respected his technical knowledge, outstanding musicianship and warm character.

Adam’s involvement in the school has included accompanying hundreds of students during recitals, performances and practical examinations. Adam was involved in co-curricular projects including music tours, musicals and ensembles. His sound engineering expertise was also frequently called upon for major school events.
Adam announced his retirement late in 2021. He has and will continue to be deeply missed by the school community. We continue to pray for God’s blessing for Adam into the future.
Rob McDonald
Communications and Marketing Officer
Sam Freeland
Audio Visual Technician
Annie Post
Visual and Performing Arts Assistant
Jessica Robins
Assistant Coordinator - Out of School Hours Care
Mandy Turner
Executive Assistant to the Director of Enrolments and Public Relations
Tracey Williams
Communications and Marketing Officer
Susan Tandy
Pre-Kindergarten Learning Enrichment Assistant
Darryl Kelshaw
Secondary School PDHPE Teacher
Louise Goderie
Secondary School Maths Teacher
St. Paul’s was sad to farewell a valued and much loved staff member and former school parent, Louise Goderie. Louise began her working life as a professional engineer before being called to become a teacher. Her abundant love for Jesus is clear to all and for seventeen years was always at the core of her classroom teaching and interactions.
As an enthusiastic teacher and talented mathematician who believes in inquiry-based learning, Louise creatively adjusted learning activities to make lessons engaging and to meet the needs of individual students. She has vast experience as an IB marker, examiner and moderator and always generously shared her time and expertise with her colleagues. At St Paul’s, Louise’s name became synonymous with chess, missionary work, photography and all things Melville. She coordinated the chess competition, both between Houses and inter-school. Since 2014, she has tirelessly conducted fundraising to support orphans in Uganda. She helped to chronicle the life of the school by photographing key school events and was the Senior Tutor for Melville for five years. Whilst she will be missed, she is wished every success for the future.