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On the cOver: The launch of the all-new, renovated General Aviation terminal facility, exclusively for private jets, at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport indicates a positive outlook towards GA/BA in India. cover Photograph: CSMIA
INTeRVIeW prEsIdEnt, BAOA ajay Shah Page 7 EXCLU si VE INTeRVIeW Industry VEtErAn Laila Bin Hareb almheiri, uAe’S foRmeR ASSISTANT DIRecToR GeNeRAl of The GeNeRAl cIVIl AVIATIoN AuThoRITy (GcAA) AND ceo of The AuThoRITy’S commeRcIAl WING (IAcT) Page 10
GulfSTReAm MIlEstOnE gulfstream g700 World Tour By RohIT Goel Page 14 EXCLU si VE OEM IntErVIEW Scott Neal, SeNIoR VIce PReSIDeNT, WoRlDWIDe SAleS, GulfSTReAm Page 16 PHOTO FEATuRE nEW gA tErMInAl
Mumbai airport unveils the Newly Renovated general aviation Terminal Facility for Private Jets Page 18 oWNeRShIP FrACtIOnAl How to Choose the Right aircraft Fractional Ownership Programme By SuDhIR S. RAjeShIRke, ChIEF OpErAtIng OFFICEr, JEtCluB EurOpE
Gulfstream G700 world tour reflects the stronG demand seen from established markets, such as europe and the middle east, and in GrowinG markets includinG southeast asia, india and africa.
Publisher And editor-in-Chief
Jayant Baranwal
dePuty MAnAging editor Neetu Dhulia
PrinCiPAl CorresPondent Ayushee Chaudhary bAoA MAnAgeMent
Ajay Shah President, BAOA
Group Captain R.K. Bali (Retd), Managing Director, BAOA
ChAirMAn & MAnAging direCtor Jayant Baranwal
PlAnning & business develoPMent Executive Vice President: Rohit Goel design teAM
Senior Designer: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav, Designer: Sonu S. Bisht grouP direCtor – sAles & MArketing Neetu Dhulia dePuty direCtor – sAles Rajeev Chugh
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Dear Reader,
SP Guide Publications extend a very warm welcome to Ajay Shah, the new President of BAOA. Ajay is a veteran and has more than 30 years of management experience in the defence and civil aviation industry. He is very well known in the BA/GA fraternity and we wish him great success in all his endeavours!
The lead story in this issue is a First and Exclusive interview with the Ajay Shah, the new President of BAOA. On behalf of the entire Governing Body of BAOA, he also assures all BAOA members and the industry stakeholders that BAOA is continuously pursuing the issues of rationalisation of the ground handling charges at various airports for small aircrafts of NSOP/GA with the Ministry of Civil Aviation, asking for IGST for import under non-commercial category to be rationalised to 12 per cent from the existing 28 per cent slab, and that there will be no letup in the ongoing efforts to ensure sustainable and optimal growth of GA/BA industry in our country. He talks about other BAOA goals, the industry requirements, expected trajectory of the industry and some BizAv trends.
“A regulator should act as a parent to the industry. They should provide wisdom and foster a flourishing environment while advising on harmful risks that may arise”, says Laila Bin Hareb Almheiri, UAE’s former Assistant Director General of the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), speaking to BizAvIndia on the sidelines of MEBAA 2022. Throwing light upon aviation regulations and regulatory bodies, she talks about the role of regulators, General Aviation & Business Aviation as well as about future aviation i.e. hybrid and electric. The 9th edition of the MEBAA Show welcomed close to 10,000 attendees, 118 exhibitors and 16 aircraft on static. Held at Dubai Airshow site (DWC), with attendees and exhibitors from 95 countries, this edition featured discussions on topics like future aviation, digitalisation, emerging markets, regulations, block chain, AI and crypto-based payments, etc. A detailed report on the same is included in the issue.
In another exclusive interaction with BizAvIndia, Scott Neal, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales, Gulfstream shares the details of the G700 including the signature Gulfstream cabin experience and other unique and innovative features of the aircraft. Two fully outfitted G700 test aircraft are also being showcased to customers across 20 cities and six continents. The strategic route of the G700 world tour reflects the strong demand being seen in established and in growing markets. A report on the G700 world tour is also included in the issue.
There is great hype surrounding the pending implementation of aircraft fractional ownership model in India. Sudhir S. Rajeshirke, writes about choosing the right fractional ownership programme and the need to carry out a thorough due diligence of the fractional operator. In another positive step forward for GA/BA in India, Mumbai airport unveiled the newly renovated General Aviation terminal facility for private jets, spread over 753.26 sq.mt. that can handle over 50 passengers every hour. Glimpses from the terminal are also included in this edition.
All this and more in this issue of BizAvIndia
Welcome aboard and we wish you many happy landings!
J. Baranwal Editor-in-Chief
Dear BAOA Members,
It is a privilege to be given the responsibility of being the President of the foremost association of the GA/BA industry in India. I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to all the past Presidents of BAOA for their selfless and dedicated service for the cause of GA/BA industry of the country. The Governing board of the BAOA remains committed to work towards ensuring inclusive participation of all stakeholders for creation of a sustainable ecosystem for the growth of the GA/BA industry.
BAOA continues to engage with all the stakeholders of the industry for the sustainable long-term growth of the GA/BA industry. The recently issued guidelines by MoCA for allowing ‘fractional ownership’ of aircrafts in NSOP category will help to democratise aircraft ownership leading to increase in number of aircrafts in the country.
BAOA is continuously pursuing the issue of rationalisation of the ground handling charges at various airports for small aircrafts of NSOP/GA with the Ministry of Civil Aviation. The directive in this regard, issued by MoCA and AAI, for itemised GH charges for small aircraft is a small step forward in this direction. There have been some recent news articles wherein it has been stated that the MoCA has classified certain categories of aircrafts/helicopters as ‘nonessential imports’ – this is a serious issue and is being taken up on an urgent basis by BAOA with MoCA.
On behalf of the entire Governing Body of BAOA, I wish to assure all our members and the industry stakeholders that there will be no letup in our ongoing efforts to ensure sustainable and optimal growth of GA/BA industry in our country. We shall continue to look forward to constructive suggestions from our members for more enriching and engaging discussions with the Ministry and the Regulators.
Happy Landings! Jai Hind!
Thanks & Regards
Ajay Shah President, BAOA.