LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Emina Boťnjak Vladana Vasić
Sarajevo, July 2020
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Imprint Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina Pilot Project “Inclusion of LGBTQI Issues in Open Government Approaches in BiH” Maršala Tita 22 Phone +387 (0)33 953 300 Fax +387 (0)33 953 311 www.giz.de/en/worldwide/21066.html As at July 2020 Printed by Design Peđa Kazazović, Sarajevo Text Emina Bošnjak, Vladana Vasić
Preparation of this report was supported through the Pilot Project “Inclusion of LGBTQI Issues in Open Government Approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina” which is implemented within the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the German Federal Government. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are the views of the authors of the report and do not necessarily reflect the views and official policies of the German Federal Government, BMZ or GIZ.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contents Foreword
1. Introduction
a. Research questions
b. Methodology
2. Legislative and policy framework
a. Human rights in the public administration reform process
b. State of play: discrimination against LGBTI citizens, public institutions,
and LGBTI human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina c. Do LGBTI people trust institutions/public administration in Bosnia and
3. LGBTI and access to public institutions - research findings
a. Institutions
b. LGBTI community (questionnaire and focus group)
c. Views combined: LGBTI issues in the context of PAR and the OGP, from
two perspectives d. COVID-19 and LGBTI issues: a strong case for generally more open
4. Conclusion and recommendations
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
FOREWORD Since 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has been a member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and in 2019 started implementing the first action plan of the
The report before you is the result of a research
Council of Ministers of BiH. GIZ has been
conducted by Emina Bošnjak and Vladana Vasić
providing technical advice and support to the
from the Sarajevo Open Centre during the
processes of creating a more open, transparent
implementation of the pilot project. At the same
and accountable public administration in
time that the research was being conducted we
the country since 2015 on behalf of German
have been working on organising workshops for
Federal Government and since 2019 also on
government and civil society representatives,
behalf of the UK Government. This technical
publicly discussing the LGBTQI rights at a
support to the institutions has been one part
conference on Open Government in BiH,
of the overall support to Public Administration
working on developing a sensitisation training
Reform provided within the Programme for
for civil servants and on creating feasible and
Strengthening for Public Institutions in BiH
sustainable proposal for future measures in
since 2010.
OGP action plans in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In 2019, the programme has joined the call
I sincerely hope that this research study will
of the Sector Programme “Realising Human
provide you not only an insight in the state of
Rights in Development Cooperation” to prepare
LGBTQI rights in the country when it comes to
and propose additional measures specifically
public administration and processes at the state
addressing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
level of BiH, but also provide you with many
trans*, queer and intersex persons in the
concrete ideas how to improve the processes
country. The proposal envisaged to build on
and create an administration that is open to all
the existing measures in the area of Open
citizens, including LGBTQI citizens of Bosnia
Government, sensitise the involved stakeholders
and Herzegovina.
and – importantly – to create dialogue opportunities between the government bodies that typically according to their mandate do not
Elvis Mujanović
work directly on LGBTQI rights and civil society
Advisor and Implementation Officer
organisations that focus their work on this
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
INTRODUCTION Research questions
For the government and civil society to enter into a meaningful dialogue on LGBTQI1 issues in public
The aim of this analysis was to map the issues faced by
administration, it is first necessary to define the common challenges LGBTQI persons in Bosnia and
the LGBTQI population in accessing public institutions
Herzegovina face when they are dealing with public administration. In addition to enabling dialogue,
and their services in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
this analysis should provide insights for the government on how to include LGBTQI issues in broader
analysis was primarily focused on the administrative
reform processes, such as public administration reforms and particularly the Open Government
level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. the Council of
approaches in the country. Embedding these issues in ongoing reform approaches and initiatives is a
Ministers of BiH and its institutions. This administrative
necessary precondition for the sustainability of the pilot project.
level is the only one that has adopted an Open Government Partnership action plan.
Furthermore, and based on the analysis of LGBTQI issues in public administration, the pilot will facilitate platforms for dialogue between civil society and government to raise the profile of
In order to conduct the research and work towards
LGBTQI issues among the public. The aim of these platforms, however, is not only to indirectly raise
strengthening the capacities of the institutions to
awareness among the general population, but to set the topic of human rights, especially where
respond to the needs of LGBTI persons when it comes
minorities are concerned, on the agenda of existing reform processes. This particularly concerns
to public administration reform, it was necessary to
public administration reforms as part of the European integration process and accession to the
collect data and information from a variety of sources
European Union.
and using a variety of methods. This mixed-method approach facilitated an understanding of the needs
Additionally, measures are envisaged to sensitize civil servants when dealing with LGBTQI persons
and experiences of the target audience: in this case,
and their specific issues within public administration and civil service, with the aim of preventing
LGBTQI people accessing public institutions; civil
discrimination against LGBTQI persons who either are civil servants themselves or represent clients
servants providing services; public servants developing
who deal with public administration.
budgets, policies and legislation; as well as civil servants developing HR practices, in order to propose concrete
The analysis of the issues the LGBTQI population faces when dealing with public administration
measures that would make the OGP and PAR processes
in Bosnia and Herzegovina will serve not only as the basis for the implementation of the measures
more LGBTQI-inclusive.
envisaged by this pilot project, but also for future activities of the government and civil society. With the aim of ensuring the sustainability of the pilot project, the findings of the analysis will be used as a
In this case, aside from desk research, and to gain a
basis for the inclusion of LGBTQI issues in the future measures of the Open Government Partnership
proper insight into the characteristics, experiences
action plan beyond 2020.
and needs of our target groups, a crucial step was to conduct a survey on a representative sample of LGBTI people, as well as focus groups with selected representatives of this social group. Another part of the research involved conducting interviews with the
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer and intersex; LGBTQI and LGBTI will be used in this report interchangeably.
relevant representatives of the identified institutions.
Thus, the methodology has covered the following steps:
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Another important part of the desk research was to look
Distribucija uzorka po godini rođenja (%)
into the existing reports and research on the human
1. Desk research (secondary research)
rights of LGBTI people in BiH, to provide context and
gather information on their access and experiences in relation to state-level institutions.
In conducting the desk research, we paid special
20.00 20
19.40 16.42
15.00 15
attention to the priorities listed within the Public Administration Reform Strategy of BiH, such as Policy-
25.00 25
Primary research using the mixed-method approach (qualitative and quantitative methods)
10.00 10
Services, Transparency, Efficiency and Accountability
There is no substantial amount of data elaborating on
with the greater involvement of citizens. In line with
0.00 0
the needs and common challenges LGBTQI persons
this, we have reviewed existing documents such as the
in Bosnia and Herzegovina face when they are dealing
Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform
with public administration on a state level. Thus,
2018-2022, which was adopted by the Council of
primary research has helped to address the gaps in the
The largest number of respondents (40)
Ministers in September 2018 and provides an analysis of
knowledge, and to explore and find field data on
identify as female, followed by respondents who
the reform efforts from the perspective of the LGBTQI
the specific challenges faced by LGBTQI persons in
identify as male (32) and intersex persons
citizens affected by the reform.
accessing common public administration services from
(2 respondents), as can be seen presented
In addition, the institutions that are taking part in the
institutions at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
in the graph below.
Making and Coordination Capacities, Human Resources Management, Administrative Procedure, Provision of
5.00 5
1970-1981 1970 - 1981 1982-1985 1982 - 1985
1986-1989 1986 - 1989
1990-1994 1990 - 1994 1995-1998 1995 - 1998
1999-2002 1999 - 2002
Partnership for Open Government were observed through the prism of the values they accepted through this initiative.
1. A Questionnaire was developed and disseminated to members of the LGBTQI
Distribucija uzorka OF poSAMPLE spolu (%) (%) SEX DISTRIBUTION
At their core, both of these initiatives are aligned with
community in order to try to map the practices
the idea of advancement of human rights and inclusion
that have occurred in their access to public
of marginalized groups, and can therefore be useful in
institutions, and the problems they have
improving the position and the relationship between
identified in the process. The questionnaire
BiH’s LGBTI population and state-level institutions. We
was disseminated to a minimum of 100
have also reviewed the Open Government Action Plan
individuals, all members of the LGBTQI
of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
community. The questionnaire was completed
Muški Male
2019-2021, which was adopted by the Council of
by 74 individuals.
Ženski Female
Ministers in April 2019, and provides an analysis of the
Intersex Intersex
efforts from the perspective of LGBTQI citizens affected by the Open Government approaches.
The research includes respondents in ranging in age
In order to encompass all of the aims of this initiative
between 18 and 63 years (see Graph 1 for a general
and its significance for NGOs and citizens, we have also
overview of age distribution).
looked into all existing and relevant documents, policies and NGO reports regarding the Open Government Partnership Initiative.
As for gender distribution, 39 respondents identify as women, 29 identify as men, 3 identify as transgender, 1 person identifies as gender-fluid, and 2 chose not to identify.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Distribucija uzorka po rodu (%) GENDER DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE (%)
Ženski Female
In addition to the existing data on the
MuĹĄki Male
requirements of the public administration
Transrodni Transgender
reform process, it was necessary to examine the
Rodno fluidni Gender fluid Ne identificira se Does not identify
specific areas or practices in the work of public institutions, and to assess the capacities of the selected relevant civil servants within the public administration of BiH for sensitized, accountable and responsible conduct when dealing with LGBTQI citizens and groups, and/or when dealing
As for sexual orientation, most respondents identify as gay men (38.36%), lesbians (21.92%), bisexual (16.44%),
with LGBTQI issues.
heterosexual (2.74%) and Other (20.55%). The complete overview of the identities that make up the total sample is presented in Graph 4.
This research has encompassed the institutions on the level of BiH, primarily the nine existing ministries, due to their direct relevance for policy and legislation, their creation, drafting, implementation and monitoring.
Seksualna orijentacija uzorka (%) SEXUAL ORIENTATION OF THE SAMPLE (%)
In addition to the mentioned ministries, other state level institutions that are also participating in the OGP initiative and are working on increasing
45.00 45
transparency, furthering citizen involvement, and strengthening the
40.00 40
accountability of institutions, are also included. Given that this initiative
35 35.00
brings together a limited number of institutions, the survey additionally
30 30.00 25 25.00
covered state-level institutions that have so far worked actively to advance 21.92
20 20.00
the human rights of LGBTQI persons, either through implementing existing legislation, interpreting it, or creating new laws and policies.
15 15.00 10 10.00
A series of interviews (8) was conducted with relevant stakeholders,
5 5.00 0 0.00
representatives of the institutions within this research sample - e.g. civil
servants who deal with clients, civil servants who work on policy and Lesbian Lezbijke
Gay Homoseksualci
Bisexual Biseksualci
Heterosexual Heteroseksualci
Other Ostalo
strategy development, civil servants who work as part of the protection/ complaint/anti-discrimination mechanisms, civil servants who work in the recruitment process. The interviews helped to identify and detect
2. Focus groups were conducted with individuals belonging to LGBTQI community in order to validate/
knowledge gaps concerning the current situation in the field, as it pertains
confirm the needs and obstacles to fulfilling them when accessing public institutions, as identified through
to civil servants within the public administration of BiH being sensitized,
the desk research and data collected from the field. For this purpose, a focus group with 6 people was
accountable and responsible when dealing with LGBTQI citizens and groups
conducted and a list of priorities (needs) was established, ranked according to the importance of fulfilling
and/or when dealing with LGBTQI issues.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
These institutions are mentioned below:
3. Agency for Statistics (OGP Member)
4. Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (OGP Member)
5. Civil Service Agen cy
The principle of equality and non-discrimination has been
1. Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2. Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH
instilled within the BiH legal system through the provisions 6. Agency for Gender Equality of BiH
of the Constitution of BiH; the constitutions of both entities (Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH); the constitutions
7. BiH Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA)
of the Federation of BiH’s cantons, and the Statute of Brčko District.
8. Ombudsman Institution for the Protection of Human Rights of BiH The Constitution of BiH obliges the state and both of its entities to “ensure the highest level of internationally recognized human The analysis of the work and practices of these institutions has focused on their employment policies and practices,
rights and fundamental freedoms.” It also stipulates that the
their accessibility to citizens, the existence of human rights protection mechanisms within the institutions in
rights and freedoms set forth in the European Convention for
question, the involvement of civil society during policy development, and the sensitization and education of the
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
staff on the issues of importance for LGBTQI persons. When examining the institutions within the OGP initiative,
as well as its Protocols, will be directly applied in Bosnia and
special focus was placed on the inclusion of LGBTQI rights and issues in the activities designed within the OGP
Herzegovina and take priority over all other law. As regulated by
Action Plan.
the Constitution itself, all of these rights and freedoms are to
Finally, this approach, with triangulation of data, will help us to identify gaps, and to develop and strengthen the evidence-based recommendations on key areas of public administration reform that need to be adjusted to fit the needs of LGBTQI people and to make this process more inclusive to their human rights. Analysis of the data and information gathered will also provide evidence-based recommendations for the inclusion of LGBTQI issues in the Open Government initiative and approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
be enjoyed “without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.”2 The Constitution of Republika Srpska prohibits discrimination on the grounds of “race, gender, language, nationality, religion, social background, birth, education, wealth, political and other belief, or other personal attribute”; the Constitution of the Federation of BiH prohibits discrimination on the grounds of “race, color, gender, language, religion or belief, political or other conviction, nationality or social origin”, and the Statute of Brčko District also prohibits discrimination on the grounds of “gender, race, sexual orientation, color, language, religion, 2
Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (source: http://www.ohr. int/?page_id=68220)
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
national or social origin, political or other opinion, being
identity as sex expression and sexual orientation as
a member of a national minority, wealth, birth or other
sexual determination), the institutions in charge took
the first steps towards advancing the human rights of LGBTI people in BiH through the implementation of
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Human rights in the public administration reform process
Though neither the Constitution of BiH, nor the
this Law. The Law was amended in 2016, to advance
constitutions of entities and the Statute of Brcko
certain procession issues and improve the inadequacies
The Law on Administration of BiH tasks the ministries
The Law also stipulates that the ministries and other
District, explicitly mention sexual orientation, gender
observed and documented in practice. Through these
and administration bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina
administrative bodies have direct contact with clients/
identity and sex characteristics as prohibited grounds
changes, sexual orientation and gender identity were
citizens, and obliges them to organize the performance
of discrimination, the judiciary and lawmakers are
explicitly and correctly named as prohibited grounds
still obliged to interpret them under “other status/
for discrimination, and sex characteristics were also
personal attribute� in line with the standards set out in
included in this list. This made BiH the first country in
shall enable clients to exercise their rights and fulfill
the European Convention for the Protection of Human
the Balkans, and one of the first in Europe, to recognize
their responsibilities as simply, quickly, and efficiently
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the rulings of
the importance of providing legal protection to intersex
the European Court of Human Rights.3
of important tasks for exercising the rights of clients,
enforcing the laws and other regulations;
executing administrative supervision over the implementation of laws and other regulations;
in such a manner and under such conditions that
as possible. It also leaves clients the option to file submissions, proposals and complaints regarding irregular behavior of civil servants, and tasks the heads
The first legal act that explicitly regulated the
The prohibition of discrimination and unequal
of the administrative bodies to consider these without
prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of sexual
treatment set out in this Law extends to all public
delay and, if applicable, take legal measures against a
orientation was the Gender Equality Law of BiH,
bodies, as well as all natural and legal persons. The
adopted in 2003, which prohibited discrimination on the
law itself clearly states that it is applicable to both the
grounds of both gender and sexual orientation.4
private and the public sectors, especially in the field of
In legal terms, and in line with the practice of
employment, membership in professional organizations,
legislative and executive bodies, and working directly
international committees and courts, the term gender
education, training, housing, health, social protection,
with clients who exercise their rights and freedoms,
has been interpreted to encompass not only biological
goods and services designated for the public, and public
sex, but also gender identity, and in some cases even sex
places, together with performing economic activities
characteristics. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, up until the
and public services.
adopting by-laws for the implementation of laws and other regulations;
civil servant whose behavior was deemed inadequate. Since the administrative bodies are responsible for enforcing laws and regulations, providing expertise to
proposing and giving recommendations falling
they provide the foundation for the advancement and
within the domain of legislation;
protection of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, their connection to their clients, namely the
adoption of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination
citizens of BiH, and their transparency and openness
in 2009, this term was interpreted by the institutions
towards the civil society in all aspects of their work, is
strictly as biological sex.
answering questions from legislative
of utmost importance for the society as a whole. For
In 2009, with the adoption of the BiH Law on
and executive bodies referring to their
the exercise and further advancement of human rights,
Prohibition of Discrimination, gender identity
especially the human rights of minorities, it is crucial to
and sexual orientation were finally recognized as
have a citizen-oriented, inclusive and sensitized public
prohibited grounds of discrimination, and LGBTI
people in BiH were given a legal basis to fight for
equal treatment. Despite the somewhat inadequate translation of the terms in local languages (gender
Constitution of Republika Srpska; Constitution of Federation of BiH and the Statute of Brcko District (source: http://www.ohr. int/?page_id=68220)
Law on Gender Equality in BiH (source: https://arsbih.gov.ba/wpcontent/uploads/2014/02/GEL_32_10_E.pdf)
performing other administrative and
In this respect, the need for citizens, especially those
professional tasks as stipulated by law and
belonging to marginalized communities such as the
other regulations.6
LGBTI persons, to have an accessible, transparent, capacitated and proactive public administration, falls in line with the goals of the public administration reform
6 5
Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of BiH (source: https:// www.osce.org/mission-to-bosnia-and-herzegovina/378832)
Law on Administration of BiH (source: https://www.ecoi.net/en/ file/local/1292019/1504_1216738703_law-on-administrationof-bosnia-and-herzegovina.pdf)
and the initiative for the Open Government Partnership.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Administration Reform (PAR), in addition to
document pledged to:
being one of the obligations of the Stabilization and
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
At the core of the OGP initiative are the values of the Declaration on Open Government. By accession to the OGP, Member States express8:
Association Agreement and a key process for the
Make public administration cost-effective and well
European integration of BiH, is also a prerequisite for
organized (Pledge 1: Organization);
a responsible and cost-effective civil service, as well as more efficient, effective, accountable and transparent
Ensure that taxpayers’ money is spent economically
public administration.
and transparently (Pledge 2: Funding);
The Public Administration Reform Strategy and Action Plan 1 for its implementation were adopted in 2006 by
Ensure that the civil service is professional and
the governments of the Federation of BiH, Republika
representative of the citizens it serves (Pledge 3:
Srpska, the Brčko District of BiH, and the Council of
Ministers of BiH. Though the original Action Plan 1 expired at the end of 2010, more specific objectives
Bring public administration in line with EU best
and measures were developed and implemented in its
practice (Pledge 4: Procedure);
Awareness of the need for open government – an awareness that citizens want a more open government, participation in public life, and a government that will be transparent, accountable, efficient, and sensitive to the needs of its citizens.
An individual approach to membership of the Initiative – each country chooses its own access to Partnership, which is in line with state priorities, circumstances and citizens’ wishes.
revision, lasting until the end of 2014 when this Strategy
Responsible fulfilment of obligations – accepting the responsibility to assume the obligations of promoting transparency, combating corruption, empowering citizens, and the use of new technologies for the purpose of more efficient and accountable government.
also expired. The state and its entities are continuing
Ensure quality-driven and citizen-friendly public
this process by implementing unimplemented measures
services (Pledge 5: Public Services).
from the previous Action Plan, and the Council of
Ministers announced that a new strategic approach
Openness in co-operation with citizens and the promotion of transparency – Representing the principles of openness in the joint efforts of the authorities and citizens to ensure progress, innovation and community security, and the acceptance
would be envisioned for the development of the new
In 2014 Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the multilateral
of the principles of transparency and open government, with aim of achieving
Strategy and the Action Plan.
global initiative Open Government Partnership (OGP)
higher levels of prosperity, well-being, and human dignity.
The vision of the public administration reform is to
which emphasizes transparency and openness in public
create a public administration that is more effective,
authorities, and encourages its participating states to
efficient, and accountable; that will serve the citizens
commit to developing and implementing concrete
At its core, the Open Government Partnership is entirely complementary with the values of
better for less money; and that will operate with
measures and actions in the areas of transparency,
the Public Administration Reform process, and is focused on creating an efficient, transparent,
transparent and open procedures, while meeting all
strengthening citizen participation in authorities,
responsible, modern public administration that will base its work on the best practices and
conditions set by European Integration, and thereby
fighting corruption, and introducing new technologies
principles of the European administrative space, and work effectively in favor of citizens by
truly become a facilitator for continuous and sustainable
to make public administration as efficient as possible.
providing fast and reliable services.
social and economic development.
Both of these initiatives are fundamentally aligned with the ideas of advancement of human
To realize this vision, the PAR Strategy focuses on
rights and inclusion of marginalized groups, and can therefore be useful in improving the
improving general administrative capacity; creating more
position and the relationship between BiH’s LGBTI population and state-level institutions.
coherent administrative structures within and between
These initiatives also have a great significance for civil society and the inclusion of marginalized
various levels of administration, and improving central
groups in general, and their adequate implementation leads to a greater degree of cooperation
administrations at the level of BiH, the Entities, and
between CSOs and state-level institutions, ensuring more inclusive and evidence-based policy
Brčko District.
and legislative development. It is not uncommon for the members of the Open Government Partnership to directly envision
In this regard, the Public Administration Reform
measures aimed at improving human rights, as well the human rights of LGBTI persons, within
Strategic Framework for PAR (source: http://rju.parco.gov.ba/en/o-rju/strateski-okviri-za-rju/)
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Open Government Partnership initiative (source: https://parco.gov.ba/ en/2017/04/24/bosna-i-hercegovina-u-inicijativi-partnerstvo-za-otvorenu-vlast/)
their OGP Action Plans in order to emphasize the human rights approach within the public administration. For example, in its first National Action Plan 2017-2019, focused on improving open data and transparency across fields such as transportation and extractives,
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
State of play: discrimination against LGBTI citizens, public institutions, and LGBTI human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina
as well as expanding civic engagement opportunities, Germany has addressed specific social themes centered on integration, family policies, and LGBTI issues. Specifically, their Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth was tasked to develop and maintain an online information portal to provide interested citizens, experts, stakeholders and their families with information about gender diversity and same-sex ways of life.9 The online portal was designed with the aim of contributing to further awareness-raising in society in order to promote acceptance of LGBTI persons, as well as of providing LGBTI persons and their families with information about existing legal provisions and existing support
Discrimination can be experienced on an individual,
Only about a third of LGBTI people in Bosnia and
institutional or structural level. Discrimination against
Herzegovina are aware that sexual orientation, gender
LGBTI persons in BiH is mostly institutional, as the
identity, and sex characteristics are forbidden grounds
existing legislation does not confer a number of
for discrimination.11 When compared to other countries
rights (counted in dozens/and or hundreds) to LGBTI
in the Western Balkans region, lesbian, gay and bisexual
people, especially to those who are in stable emotional
people in Bosnia and Herzegovina are least familiar
relationships, for example the socio-economic rights
with the rights protected by the state in relation to their
extended to married or same-sex unions, therefore
sexual orientation: again, about a third of LGB people
denying LGBTI people numerous rights regarding
are knowledgeable about which rights and freedoms are
social and health protection, as well as rights regarding
safeguarded by the state and its institutions.
inheritance, etc. Interestingly enough, LGBTI people in BiH are much Bosnia and Herzegovina has legal protection from
better informed about the (non-existing) legal status of
discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation,
same-sex partnership/marriage/union (96% informed).
In Germany’s Second National Action Plan 2019-
gender identity, and – so far as the only progressive
Although not all LGBTI people will face violence/
2021, it is stated that the Federal Ministry of Family
example – legal protections from discrimination on the
discrimination during their lives, most will probably look
Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth engages
grounds of sex characteristics, since 2016 when it was
for a partner, and are acutely aware that, besides non-
in dialogue with NGOs regarding the status of equal
enshrined in the Law on prohibition of discrimination
binary or otherwise non-conforming gender expression,
treatment of LGBTI persons all around Europe, at the
of BiH. A comprehensive anti-discrimination law
openly having same-sex partners i.e. sexual orientation
IDAHOT Forum and the round table for the European
prohibits discrimination in numerous areas of public life,
highly factors in the discriminatory or violent behavior
Governmental LGBTI Focal Points Network.10
including labor, employment, education, and housing,
rooted in homophobia. Young LGBTI persons, aged
among others.
between 18 and 25 years, who do not live in the capital
or any other large city, as well as those with the lowest
Germany Design Report 2017-2019; https://www. opengovpartnership.org/documents/germany-designreport-2017-2019/
However, due to generally inefficient institutions
monthly household income, were the least informed
and their lack of a strong institutional human rights
about laws regarding discrimination based on sexual
policy, as well as of sufficient vision/willingness/
orientation and gender identity in their countries.
knowledge to overcome high levels of homophobia and
On the other hand, LGBTI people who are involved in
transphobia within the general population and within
LGBTI movements or who are open about their sexual
the institutions themselves through awareness-raising and prevention of discrimination, LGBTI people are still not aware of the scope of this protection.
11 Life on the Margins: Survey Results of the Experiences of LGBTI People in Southeastern Europe (English), http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/ en/123651538514203449/Life-on-the-Margins-Survey-Results-of-theExperiences-of-LGBTI-People-in-Southeastern-Europe
10 Second National Action Plan (NAP) 2019-2021; https://www. opengovpartnership.org/documents/germany-action-plan-2019-2021/
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
orientation were more informed. This is in line with the
and no court proceedings were initiated. In all three
no recommendation has been issued in this case to date.
reality where LGBTI organizations/groups, and not the
cases, victims were afraid to report perpetrators, one
Apart from these two complaints, the Ombudsman
institutions responsible for safeguarding the human
victim left the country, and one case was eventually
Institution received one more complaint submitted by
rights of minorities, including LGBTI people, are the
solved through an agreement with the service provider.
the FBiH MIA related to same-sex partnerships, and it
only source of relevant information and knowledge about LGBTI human rights.
referred the Ministry to the Special Report on the Rights Until April 2018, the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of
of LGBT Persons in BiH. The FBiH Ministry used the
BiH recorded 2 asylum seekers on SOGI grounds. The
Special Report as the basis for launching the initiative
Almost half of LGBTI people reported that they had
Sarajevo Open Centre did not receive information for
for the regulation of same-sex partnerships in BiH.
been discriminated against or harassed because of
the whole year of 2018, despite several inquiries sent to
their identity. Still, within a minority group as complex
the BiH Ministry of Security.
as that of LGBTI people, which consists of people of different sexual orientations, gender identities,
The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of
gender expressions and sex characteristics, there
Bosnia and Herzegovina as the umbrella institution
are certain subgroups that are exposed to more risk.
for the protection from discrimination still mostly
The percentage was considerably higher (80%) for
bases its activities in this field on a reactive approach,
transgender people as a separate group. Younger
through the receipt of complaints and the issuance of
people, students, and people with lower incomes
recommendations for the elimination of discrimination.
reported higher rates of discrimination because of their
Preventive and promotional activities still come second,
sexual orientation. Unemployed LGBTI people, and
due to insufficient capacities of the Institution. In
those with low incomes, as well as those affiliated with
2018, the Ombudsman’s office received 389 complaints
at least one additional minority group, were also more
against the public administration, and issued 52
exposed to discrimination.
recommendations. Numerous national and international human rights and freedoms regulations also contain
The locality of the incidences of discrimination
provisions related to good governance concepts and
varies from public places (different service and goods
standards of public service courtesy in the work of
providers), education and employment (including
public administrations. In their recommendations, the
employment in the public sector) to discrimination
Ombudspersons insist that public administration act
which can directly be linked to public administration
lawfully, responsibly, impartially, efficiently, and in a
– albeit less common – in cases where transgender or
timely manner. In 2018, the Ombudsman Institution
gender-non-conforming persons were asked to present
for Human Rights received 3 complaints related to
official documents that identify a person’s sex.
sexual orientation and gender identity. Two complaints were submitted by SOC due to violation of the right to
The Sarajevo Open Centre documented 5 discrimination
freedom of assembly on International Trans* Visibility
cases in 2018. Of 5 recorded cases, 3 involved
Day, and of the right to freedom of assembly on the
discrimination in the workplace, one was related to
10th anniversary of LGBTI activism. Based on the 2
discrimination in the administration (by public servants),
complaints by SOC, the Ombudsman Institution sent
and one to service provision and access to public goods.
a recommendation to the BBI Centre, and an inquiry
None of these cases were reported to the Ombudsman,
to the Academy of Performing Arts, requesting their
reaction to the specified events in the second case, but 12 Pink Report 2019, https://soc.ba/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/PinkReport-2019-za-web.pdf
Sexual orientation and gender identity.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Do LGBTI people trust institutions/public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Although every other LGBTI person in Bosnia and Herzegovina reports of lived discriminatory experience, the majority of those experiences find their epilogue far from institutions. Less than 10% report the discriminatory incident to the authorities, and this percentage remains consistent across all LGBTI subgroups, and people of different identities in relation to their sexual orientation/gender identity/ sex characteristics. LGBTI people do not report incidents of discrimination because of a strong belief that nothing would happen or change pursuant to the report (60%), because they are reluctant to reveal their sexual orientation/gender identity/sex characteristics (39%), and fear that they would be subjected to further discrimination or ridicule (38%).14 Curiously, according to this research the most common place to report discrimination was the wrong place: the police (36%). Namely, discrimination – unless understood in its broadest sense which then includes violence or other criminal offences on the grounds protected from discrimination – can only be litigated in civil court. The second most common place to report incidences of discrimination on SOGIESC15 grounds was an LGBTI organization (28%).
When these findings are compared to the findings
strategies. LGBTI persons who
of the Sarajevo Open Centre from 2017 , we see a
are not out and are afraid of
slightly different picture. When asked if they have
revealing their LGBTI identity
ever been discriminated against for being an LGBTI
find themselves in a vicious circle:
person, almost 2/3 of respondents replied negatively,
they suffer discrimination on
saying they have not been discriminated against so
the grounds of their identity but
far. When cross-referenced with data that shows that
are not able to use institutional
only a small number of LGBTI people are out beyond
protection for fear of being outed.
their inner circle of family and friends, and that LGBTI people mostly conceal their identities, it offers a better
Initial findings suggest the
explanation why only about 38% of respondents say
presence of discrimination against
they have experienced some form of discrimination. It
LGBTI people in different areas
also points to a possible explanation that data compiled
of public life, including public
by the World Bank may point not to occurrences of
administration, which will be
discrimination, but to occurrences of violence.
further examined through field research.
Otherwise, both reports consistently show high levels of discrimination towards transgender people whose
These findings also indicate that
gender expression is visible to others, as well as
the public administration has
worryingly high level of cases that remain unreported
failed in fulfilling one of the OGP
(and without any legal proceedings) due to low trust in
principles, among others the
the relevant institutions.
transparent work and openness to different societal categories,
These numbers translate into discrimination
and LGBTI citizens in general.
on SOGIESC grounds being mostly invisible,
This is visible through the lack
undocumented and unsanctioned, thereby hindering
of information LGBTI citizens in
efforts to understand the different occurrences of
BiH have on the relevant human
discrimination and develop efficient combating
rights protection to which they are entitled, and failure to recognize
14 Life on the Margins: Survey Results of the Experiences of LGBTI People in
the role of public institutions/
Southeastern Europe (English), http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/ en/123651538514203449/Life-on-the-Margins-Survey-Results-of-the-
16 Numbers of Equality 2 Research on Problems and Needs of LGBTI
Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017 - Analysis of Findings,
15 Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex
public administration in this regard.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
due to education and contact they have recently
There are internal acts in place, and codes of
established with the institutions working in this
conduct for civil servants, which regulate their
field. They believe that the civil servants are
mutual relationships as well as their conduct
educated on the human rights of LGBTI people
towards their beneficiaries, and which strictly
through the general human rights education the
prohibit discrimination. The legal personnel service
civil servants are required to attend.
responsible for human resources is also in charge
The institution respects the principle of open
of discrimination cases, and all requests to assess
government, which has been reestablished in the
the disciplinary responsibility of civil servants.
current mandate, and the personnel emphasizes
The Agency is not directly contacted to contribute
that the openness of the institutions depends on
to the development of legislation and policies,
the management.
and only delivers information regarding gender
Though the institution has its ethical code, and
equality/social groups/minorities as requested by
is currently developing a code on zero tolerance
the institutions in charge of their developments.
towards sexual and workplace harassment
Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
However, through their coordinators on the online
according to the guidelines of the Council of
platform e-consultations, the Agency is able to
Ministers of BiH, they do not target discrimination
deliver their comments and suggestions pertaining
either generally nor specifically. There is a
The Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and
to all documents developed by other institutions.
procedure in place which allows the employees
Since they have not collected information on
or beneficiaries to report discrimination to
LGBTI persons, the Agency has not cooperated
the manager or to the committee for appeals
with civil society in this regard, nor were they
against civil servants, which deal generally with
contacted in this regard; however, they have been
disciplinary actions against civil servants and do
informed of the relevant civil society in this respect
not concentrate specifically on discrimination.
through sensitization training.
PARCO has an internal ethical code, and has
In terms of the protection of human rights of
received the guidelines regarding zero tolerance to
LGBTI people, the Agency sees its role as collecting
sexual and workplace harassment that have been
relevant information, whether it is regulated
developed on the state level.
through the relevant legislation, or whether it is
PARCO is not directly engaged in the development
established in the practices of the institutions that
of the policies and legislation: It believes that
collect such data and submit it to the Agency.
its employees need to be additionally educated
Herzegovina has had no previous experience in working directly with LGBTI persons, has not collected any information regarding LGBTI citizens in BiH through any research or data collection activities done so far, and have seen no such trends or examples in the European statistical standards they follow. Though some staff have participated in basic LGBTI sensitization trainings, as they are a part of the coordination mechanism for the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the institution as
to include LGBTI rights within the documents
a whole cannot be regarded as sensitized to work with LGBTI persons, and if any projects/activities regarding this topic should be implemented, it would be necessary to conduct additional education. The Agency follows open government principles in its work, which is additionally supported by the regulations of the Law on Civil Service in the
developed in their institution.
Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO)
They were not previously contacted by LGBTI persons, nor have they conducted any previous work with LGBTI organizations, until recently. They
PARCO has had no previous experience, nor
see their role in protecting the rights of LGBTI
contact, with LGBTI persons, nor with the issues
people as an integral part of their work on the
related to their human rights. The institution is
protection of human rights in general, as well as
partially sensitized to work with LGBTI persons,
their mainstreaming in open government issues.
Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
provide an opinion on all policies, legislation and documents developed by the ministries in
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH
the Council of Ministers. While preparing their
and are currently discussing the development of general guidelines for this type of act. The Institution incorporates the non-discrimination principle into all of their internal acts.
The Agency for Gender Equality of BiH has
submissions, recommendations, and opinions, the
previously cooperated with the organizations
The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of
Agency cooperates with civil society organizations,
working on the human rights of LGBTI people,
BiH has had direct contact with LGBTI people,
including those working on LGBTI human rights,
either through receiving their complaints or
and has developed submissions or issued
and this cooperation will continue to be as close in
through organizations working with LGBTI
recommendations regarding complaints the
the future.
civil society organizations have submitted to the
In the last three years, the Agency has received at
The Institutions has developed its capacities
Agency. The civil society organizations mostly filed
least two complaints regarding violations of the
in this field through attending education and
the complaints against institutions/legal persons
human rights of LGBTI people, submitted by the
self-development, because it had to strengthen
that violated the Law on Gender Equality of BiH.
civil society. These complaints usually concern
its position as pioneer in the field of protecting
The Agency itself does not work directly with
freedom of assembly, discrimination, and gender
human rights. There is a clear understanding
citizens, therefore they did not have direct contact
sensitive language in the media. Occasionally,
among employees of the mandate of the
with LGBTI people.
the Agency acts on the initiatives of civil society,
Institution, and a readiness to protect and promote
The Agency itself is sensitized to work with LGBTI
and addresses the advancement or adoption of
the LGBTI rights.
persons, its personnel have received education,
necessary legislation and policies.
The Institution of Ombudsman is dedicated to
and they are inclusive and incorporate all minority
Currently, the Agency, alongside both entity gender
maintaining the transparency of the institution,
rights in their rights. They did emphasize that
centres, is a part of the working group for the
and the standards of the open government, to the
there could be a different degree of sensitization
development of the LGBTI equality action plan,
extent of its capacities – particularly in the context
between different employees; however, this does
supported by the Council of Europe. The working
of openness to, and presence in, the community;
not affect the work of the agency as a whole.
group consists of the representatives of the gender
and among the institutions as well.
The agency upholds the principles of the open
institutional mechanisms and the representatives
There are general disciplinary procedures within
government, to the extent of its capacities. They
of the relevant ministries from Republika Srpska,
the institution that incorporate a high degree of
fulfill their legal obligations and procedures in
Federation of BiH, Brčko District and BiH level.
the principle of non-discrimination, but there are
The members of the group are nominated by their
no procedures designed specifically for particular
The Agency has no explicit policies regarding
institutions, and a formal nomination by their
forms of discrimination – such as mobbing. A high
discrimination; however, they have developed
governments is awaited. After the development
degree of dialogue within the institution allows for
guidelines regarding zero tolerance to sexual
of the action plan, it will be sent to all the
a simple resolution of such issues. The Institution
and workplace harassment, on the level of the
governments of all the entities, Brčko District and
in itself exists as a mechanism for protection
BiH level, for adoption.
against discrimination, with procedures designed
There were no cases related to sexual orientation
Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, of
Within the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and
for this purpose.
in the work of the Agency; there were no
which the Agency is a part. There is a mechanism
Refugees, the mandate over the promotion and
Despite their competence in the field of human
disciplinary proceedings. The only issue pertaining
in place to process discrimination cases, through
protection of the human rights of LGBTQI people
rights, the Institution of Ombudsman is not
to LGBTI rights that did arise was a question
a disciplinary committee or a report filed to the
is clearly given to the Agency for Gender Equality.
consulted by the institutions in the development
related to gender marker in the application
supervisor, which has to initiate the disciplinary
of policies and legislation on a regular basis, and
and personal file forms for transgender people.
they believe this type of cooperation needs to be
However, this is not a matter of their decision, but
intensified. They are most often consulted during
a matter of relevant legislation regarding legal
the development of anti-discrimination by-laws,
gender recognition. When it comes to employment
process. The Agency’s mandate in terms of gender equality and the human rights of LGBTI people is to
In this respect, the Agency is cooperating with the gender centers of the entities to fulfil this mandate fully, in cooperation with civil society, in line with its competence and limited capacities.
The Institution of Ombudsman cooperates closely with human rights organizations in civil society, including those that work with LGBTI persons, and this cooperation is deemed adequate. They believe this cooperation can be intensified, which needs to be taken into account in the development of longterm institutional strategies. Most of the cases concerning LGBTI rights processed by the Ombudsman on a yearly basis, are started ex officio, and the information on all these cases is available in their yearly reports. Most of the complaints and ex officio cases concern discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation/gender identity, gender marker change, treatment of trans people in health institutions, and freedom of assembly. The mandate of the Institution in terms of human rights protection and upholding the constitutional principles in this field, is clear, and the institution is accredited in this regard.
Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and professional development, expression of
any special minority, including LGBTI rights.
There has been no explicit LGBTI-related training,
The interviewee is generally familiar with the
sexual orientation is a matter of free will on the
To date, they have not consulted with the civil
but training and workshops have been conducted
ECHR, which protects the rights of all human
side of the applicants – they are not obliged to give
society organizations working on LGBTI issues,
on the implementation of the ECHR, which also
beings, regardless of their race, gender, etc.
this kind of data, but can do so if they wish. On
although they do cooperate with civil society, but
addresses the rights of minorities, including LGBTI
the other hand, the collection of such information
not in the area of adoption of normative acts.
about civil service candidates is prohibited.
All normative acts created and adopted by the
They believe that the Ministry is following the
The Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and
Council of Ministers are subject to e-consultations,
OGP principles, as much as permitted by the
Herzegovina, due to its size as well as its mandate
open for everyone to comment and suggest certain
limited capacities of the institutions on state level.
in the area of education and training of civil
legal and policy solutions. They’re not aware of
Through e-consultations, all citizens, including civil
The Sector for the Protection of Classified
servants, is sufficiently sensitized, and is believed
any concrete LGBTI organizations, although they
society organizations and LGBTI organizations, can
Information of the BiH Ministry of Security, due to
to have above-average familiarity with issues
are aware of their existence. The organizations did
contribute to the adoption of laws and policies,
its mandate, could have direct contact with LGBTI
related to the human rights of LGBTI people.
not reach out to them, which necessarily doesn’t
and give their input. In the case of some of the
people. The representatives of the Ministry took
Internally, there was no education solely focused
reflect badly on the work of the Agency in terms of
more complex legislation or policy, they have
part in a training session organized by the Gender
on the human rights of LGBTI people, but some of
its openness and transparency, but might point to
the obligation to conduct public policies in the
Equality Agency and the Sarajevo Open Centre
the LGBTI topics are incorporated into the general
the fact that there were no issues related to SORI.
formats of seminars, round tables, etc. There is in
on the human rights of LGBTI people in April of
anti-discrimination training.
The interviewee has personal knowledge of LGBTI
internal anti-discrimination regulation or policy,
2018, as well as in different projects of the Gender
They have been a part of several OGP trainings,
human rights, more than an average citizen, in
and the Anti-discrimination Law is considered
Equality Agency and Ministry of Security related to
and they have scored high, second in the process
their own estimate. This knowledge stems from
to be sufficient and clear for the protection of
Women, Peace and Security.
of OGP self-evaluation. Generally, institutional
personal academic specialization, and the situation
marginalized groups. Still, following the Council of
They believe their work is led by OGP principles,
knowledge on OGP is very limited, and even those
in their private lives.
Ministers’ conclusion, they have adopted a policy
but not fully.
who are directly dealing with the topic are not
to tackle sexual harassment and gender-based
The rulebook on the disciplinary responsibility
quite clear on current policy framework related to
harassment. They have also appointed a special
of civil servants in BiH institutions regulates the
contact/focal point for cases of sexual harassment
internal handling of discrimination cases on the
and gender-based harassment.
basis of sex and sexual orientation, as well as cases
They generally consider themselves to diligently
of sexual harassment or gender-based harassment.
Ministry of Civil Affairs There is a mechanism in place to report
Ministry of Security
discrimination internally. Reporting discrimination
They do not have direct contact with citizens, and
include the human rights perspective in their
Similar regulations can be found in The Labor
is covered by the Codex: the civil servant reports
there is no knowledge of any claims or requests
work, because of the legal power of the ECHR,
Law within BiH Institutions, the rulebook on
the incident to their superior and this person then
towards the Ministry related to LGBTI rights or
which has its place and precedence in the BiH legal
the disciplinary responsibility of employees in
reports to their senior, and this line ends at the top
sexual orientation. There were also no complaints
system. This is further strengthened by the work
BiH institutions, and the Code of Conduct for
of the Agency.
of anyone being treated unfairly, or of deviance
of the Constitutional-legal Committee. In case of
Civil Servants in the Institutions of Bosnia and
The Agency takes care to include the perspective
from the professional principles and standards of
omission, the process allows for corrective action
Herzegovina. There is also a mechanism for
of human rights in the creation and adoption of
conduct in public service.
during e-consultations.
reporting suspected violations in place.
normative documents, for example when it comes
They implement rules and regulations in their work
The Ministry has a registry of civil society
In the process of laws, by-laws and policy creation,
to the law on civil service, but they also consider
in a gender-neutral way, and do not recognize
organizations, grouped by the sectors/areas
they follow the mandatory route by sending the
that perspective in the creation of the by-laws as
any specific minority group – the same rules and
they are active in, and that registry also includes
documents to the Gender Equality Agency for
much as possible. The rights of constituent peoples
regulations apply to all citizens equally.
organizations working on the protection of LGBTI
their opinion. Other than that, they publish these
are mostly taken into account, and of the other
Questioning someone’s belonging to any (minority)
people, which are invited to take part in public
documents to the e-consultation online platform,
ethnic and national minorities through the work of
community, especially their sexual orientation, is
where they become accessible to all individuals
the disciplinary and selection committees. In these
not permitted, unless that person is open about
There were no concrete complaints on the basis of
and civil society organizations, including LGBTI
cases, they do not engage with the perspective of
that part of their identity.
SOGI to the Ministry.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
There have been no complaints to date against
is a mechanism for reporting instances of
the Ministry’s Inspectorate for incidents of
discrimination on SOGI grounds. They are familiar
In their work, they are guided by the international
with hate crimes and hate speech on the grounds
human rights standards, and recently they have
of SOGI, anti-discrimination legislation and
been focusing their work on raising the awareness
reports, as well as the Ombudsman’s Special report
of accessibility of audio-visual content. The
on the state of LGBTI rights.
Agency doesn’t directly consult the civil society
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTI community Survey When asked if they have ever addressed public institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, most of the respondents, 60.8%, said they have not, while 39.2% said they have contacted the institutions.
organizations working on LGBTI rights (they are
JesteADDRESSED li se ikad obraćali javnim institucijama u Bosni i Hercegovini? HAVE YOU EVER PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA?
aware there are those working on the issues, and are in contact with SOC), but just as others do, they use the e-consultation platform.
Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA)
There were no cases in the area of employment,
Yes Da
but they had direct contact with LGBTI people
through the hate speech complaint mechanism
No Ne
related to their mandate. They believe they are familiar with the LGBTI issues in BiH, due to history of the Agency’s establishment, but with a more proactive approach
Of those who did address the institutions, the majority (62.07%) did so multiple times in a year, while 27.59% have
of LGBTI civil society organizations in the past
done so once in a year or only in exceptional cases (10.34%).
several years, there has been an evident progress in the visibility of these issues and the urgency for the institutions to start tackling them.
HOW OFTEN? Kako često?
Representatives of CRA are very active, and are
100 100.00
taking part in the working group for the LGBTI
90 90.00
Equality Action Plan. In line with their mandate,
80 80.00
they are focused on the representation of LGBTI
70 70.00
people in the media. During 2020, they plan
60 60.00
to include the SOC initiative to harmonize the
50 50.00
regulations governing their work with the EU
40 40.00
Audiovisual Media Services Directive.
30 30.00
Essentially, they are following the OGP principles
20 20.00
in their work. They have taken part in training
10 10.00
organized by the GIZ, and are proud of the achieved level of openness and transparency, but they are aware of their shortcomings in this sense, and are currently working to address them. Although there isn’t a specific internal antidiscrimination policy or rulebook, there
27.59 10.34
0 0.00
Jednom Once godišnje a year
Više puta godišnje Multiple times in a year
Samo u izuzetnim Only in exceptional cases slučajevima
The institutions that were most contacted were the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH, and other institutions as presented in the graph below.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Naziv institucije (f) NAME OF THE INSTITUTION (f)
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH
Ministarstvo odbrane BiH Ministry of Defence of BiH
When asked if they think that their LGBTI identity has influenced the conduct of the institution or person
employed in the institution, the majority (62.5%) said no, while 20.8% said it had an influence on the conduct.
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and iHerzegovina Ministarstvo sigurnosti Bosne Hercegovine
Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH
Ministry ofcivilnih Civil Affairs of BiH Ministastvo poslova BiH
DO YOU THINK THAT YOUR LGBTI IDENTITY HAS INFLUENCED THE CONDUCT OF THE INSTITUTION / CIVIL IN ustanove YOUR CASE? Smatrate li da je vaš LGBTI identitet utjecao naSERVANT ponašanje / državnog službenika u vašem slučaju?
BiH Ministry of Justice (OGP Member) Ministarstvo pravde BiH (učestvuje u OGP)
for Statistics (OGP Member) AgencijaAgency za statistiku BiH (učestvuje u OGP)
Civil Agencija za Service državnuAgency službu
Agency Gender Equality of BiH Agencija za for ravnopravnost polova BiH
BiH Regulatorna Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) agencija za komunikacije BiH
Ombudsman InstitutionInstitucija for the Protection of Human Rightsljudskih… of BiH ombudsmena za zaštitu
Da Yes
10 10
Ne No
12 12
Ne, No,nisam I’m notautovan*a out Ne znam I don’t know
Described in the percentages, 16.13% of members of the LGBTI community were contacting the institutions 62.5%
requesting the access to information, while other requests were related to issuing of documents (13.98%), filing an appeal against the decision of the institution (11.83%), submitting forms and reports to competent institutions (10.57%), followed by other requests presented in the graph below.
A stated, considering that their sexual orientation is not visible unless told, they did not feel like they were treated any differently, but they do fear they would be mistreated if their sexual orientation had been known.
Priroda zahtjeva (%)
Applying forza the job Aplikacija posao
This was partially confirmed through a question regarding whether they had experienced any mistreatment
Addressing embassies andObraćanje diplomaticambasadama and consular missions of BiH i… i diplomatskim
due to their LGBTI identity, in which 45.45% of them confirmed this statement and 9.09% said that they
Appeal against the Žalba decision the institution na of odluku institucije
believed there had been some inappropriate comments.
Submittingobrazaca forms and reports Podnošenje i izvještaja
Requesting access to information Traženje pristupa informacijama
Issuing dokumentacije of documents Izdavanje
Registration of the Association Registracija Udruženja
HAS THERE BEEN ANY INAPPROPRIATE TREATMENT BY A CIVIL SERVANT OR INSTITUTION BECAUSE OF YOUR LGBTI IDENTITY? Da li ste zbog svog LGBTI identiteta bili izloženi bio kakvom neprimjerenom tretmanu od strane državnog službenika?
Appeal for violation of Žalba laws and other legalzakona acts (rules, codes, etc.) zbog kršenja i drugih pravnih…
Participation in the creation of laws, policies and budgets (eg. through Učešće u izradi zakona, politika i budžeta… participation in public hearings, meetings or use of the e-consulting platforms)
60.00 60
Tužbafor zbog kršenja ljudskihrights prava The complaint violation of human
Criminal Krivična complaints, appeals tužba, žalbe
Rights inquiries, complaints Upiti o pravima, pritužbe
Inquiry regarding the problems caused by u the failure of the institutions of BiH Upiti vezi sa problemima uzrokovanim…
50.00 50 40.00 40
Some of the requests related to the LGBTI identity, as stated by the participants, were related to changing their official name (as a trans person), reporting homophobic content on local radio shows, reporting harassment due to sexual orientation, filing a complaint about losing a job for having a same-sex partner, and other complaints to the competent authorities on the violation of the human rights of LGBTI people.
30 30.00
1.08 2
18 18
20 20.00
10 10.00 0 0.00 Yes Da
No Ne
NotNe directly but Iali believe there have direktno, mislim da je been comments bilo inapropriate nekih neprimjerenih komentara
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
When asked if they had filed a complaint, only three of them had. As for the outcome of the complaints, they stated
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
that they had received the feedback that there was not enough evidence, or they did not receive any response at all. One of them received a response from the legal department within the institution offering an apology, issuing a
Razlozi zbog kojih niste kontaktirali javne institucije Bosne i Hercegovine (%) Nisam morao*la I did not have to
warning notice to the employee, and responding in part to other questions raised in the complaint.
Nisam znao*la kome da seto obratim I did not know to whom talk to Nemam povjerenjainuinstitutions institucije I have no confidence
Jeste THERE li se žalili unutar/ odnosne institucije, i da COMPLAIN li je postojala / A PERSON DEPARTMENT YOU COULD TO?osoba (f) odjel kojemu ste se mogli žaliti? (f) 66
44 33
Neće ništa poduzeti (neće riješiti predmet i They will not act on it (they do not solve the cases and are irresponsible) nedogovorni su)
They are reliable Nisunot pouzdani
Yes Da
Because the anxiety Zbogof anskioznosti
Imam osjećaj doživjeti diskriminaciju I have the feeling that Ida willću experience discrimination
Because I’m a minor // young Zato što sam maloljetan*na mladaperson osoba
Zato Because što su homofobični i nisu educirani ljudskim they are homophobic and notoeducated on the human pravima LGBTI rights osobaof LGBTI people
No Ne
Zatowin štoin liberalizam ne conservative može pobijediti u Because liberalism cannot an extremely society ekstremno konzervativnom društvu gdje su… where many topics are tabooed by the influence of religions 0
2.33 10
Of those who did not address any institution, the majority (62.79%) said this was because they did not have a reason to do so. Other answers were related to a general lack of trust in the institution and the quality of their
Respondents have identified as a problem a lack of professional approach in the work of institutions (20.90%),
work, as presented in the graph below.
followed by lack of inclusivity (17.91%), lack of accountability (16.42%) lack of transparency (14.93%), presence of discriminatory practice and unequal treatment (13.43%), and other problems presented in the graph below. Smatrate da se javne ustanove rukovodeotvorene principima otvorene vlade Smatrate li da se javneliustanove rukovode principima vlade (transparentnost, efikasnost, odgovornost, u radu sa svim (transparentnost, efikasnost, odgovornost, inkluzivnost)inkluzivnost) u radu sa svim građanima? (f) građanima? (f)
Jeste li se žalili na loš tretman? 55 44
Yes Da
Ne No
00 Yes Da
No Ne
When asked if they think that public institutions are guided by the principles of open government in their work
Out of the total sample, 93.2% of respondents think that the institutions are not sensitized to work with LGBTI
with all citizens, the vast majority (91.9%) said no, and only 8.1% agreed that they are.
people, and only 6.8% think the opposite.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
OPINIONS ON WHY PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ARE NOT GUIDED BY Mišljenje o tome zašto se javne ustanove ne rukovodeTHE principima otvorene vlade(%) PRINCIPLES OF OPEN GOVERNMENT (%)
Lacktransparentnosti of transparency Nedovoljno
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
DO YOU FIND THAT PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTIONS GUIDED BY THE PRINCIPLES OF OPEN Smatrate li da su institucije javne uprave koje se u svom radu rukovode principima otvorene GOVERNMENT IN THEIR WORK (TRANSPARENCY, EFFICIENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, INCLUSIVITY) vlade (transparentnost, efikasnost, odgovornost, inkluzivnost) senzibilizirane za rad sa LGBTI ARE SENSITIZED TO WORK WITH LGBTI PEOPLE? osobama?
Lack inkluzivnosti of inclusivity Nedovoljno
Lack ofefikasnosti efficiency Nedovoljno
Lack of accountability Nedovoljno odgovornosti
Lack of proffesional approachpristupa in work Nedostatak profesionalnog
Da Yes
Presence of discriminatory practicediskriminatornih and unequal treatment Postojanje praksi
Ne No
Inadequate communication with the citizens Neadekvatna komunikacija sa… Approach variesvarira from institution to institution Pristup od jedne institucije do…
Nedovoljna senzibiliziranost Lack of sensitization for work and marginalized groups
2.99 1.49
0 0.00
5 5.00
10 10.00
15 15.00
20 20.00
25 25.00
Lack of employee education on the human rights situation of LGBTI persons and their position in BiH society is
information on their sexual orientation with them due to the nature of the request. Even in a case of a trans*
perceived as the biggest labor issue with the LGBTI community. They feel that their subjective attitudes – prejudice
person, they had never had a negative experience with the institutions, even though they had to present documents
and homophobia – are present in their work, preventing them from doing their job professionally when providing
at almost every interaction. Two individuals stated that they did not experience any mistreatment personally
services to the LGBTI community. Additionally, they are not familiar with the rights envisaged by the laws, and the
but had been present when employees of the institutions were voicing their negative opinions on the LGBTI
Law on Prohibition of Discrimination in particular. On the other hand, they did state that there were several cases
community (e.g. ‘“I hate faggots. Lesbians I can understand, but not gays”).
when the employees were extremely professional and helpful; still, those were isolated cases, whereas this should be the norm in the work of institutions.
As a follow-up question on this, they were asked if they were familiar with their right to lodge a complaint in cases of inadequate treatment by civil servants, and that there are bodies and institutions to which they could appeal. Most of them stated that they did know that they could file a complaint, but not to whom, nor whether there is a special department within the institution that deals with complaints. As for the right to access information, three participants stated they were familiar with their right to access
information, and that institutions are required to respond within 15 days upon receiving the request; three were not informed of this right. Of those who did exercise this right, requests were related to LGBTI matters – for example,
Members of the focus group had all addressed public institutions on a national level within BiH, for multiple
if the question was related to a number of cases on any ground, their response was mainly that they did not have
reasons, part of them being their personal matters and part being due to their work as activists. The institutions
such cases, which is an indicator, as stated by the participant, of the institution’s incompetence or that LGBTI
involved were the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, the Regulatory Agency for Communications, the
persons fear to approach the institution.
Ministry of Justice, the Indirect Taxation Authority, and the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some of the members stated that they have mentioned their LGBTI identity, be that because of their professional engagement and nature of the request, or having changed their documents (trans* person). When asked if they were ever mistreated by the employees because of their identity, the majority stated that they did not have any negative experience when approaching the institutions, primarily because they did not have to share the
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Perceptions combined: LGBTI issues in the context of the PAR and the OG from two perspectives With our data collection with institutions, we have set out to examine three main areas on the one hand: the institutions’ practices and level of sensitization towards LGBTI people/issues; the OGP principles of transparency, efficiency, responsibility and inclusion; and how well-informed they are about their LGBTI users and their human rights. Since the openness of governments and the reform of public administration are processes that must have the needs and perceptions of the end user in mind, in this case LGBTI citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, these findings needed to be cross referenced with the voices coming from the LGBTI community. Most of the institutions interviewed do not come into direct contact with LGBTI people, but do come into contact with the issues through LGBTI organizations. This is easily explained in part by the mandate of the institutions at the state level: Their role is mostly one of coordination of the lower levels of administration and governance, and they rarely offer direct services and contact to citizens as they are concerned with state-level strategies, policies, laws and budgets. LGBTI organizations are more likely than LGBTI individuals to develop the expertise and knowledge needed to affect these political processes and legal acts. Only those institutions whose mandate includes protection, promotion and safeguarding human rights have reported that they have had direct contact with LGBTI people. LGBTI respondents confirm that they do indeed reach out to these institutions. However, the top 5 institutions they reach out to also include the Ministry
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry
and public institutions remain hidden.
of Security. Some of our respondents have applied to work in the mapped institutions. This invisibility
In the course of the additional internal education,
can be interpreted in light of the fact that sexual
specialization and training programs conducted within
orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics,
institutions, public servants and representatives of the
unless specifically and explicitly disclosed, might not
institutions interviewed did not have the chance to learn
be visible unless they fit into the heteronormative
more about LGBTI human rights, nor the condition,
matrix i.e. are in line with binary male-female gender
position, or the problems that LGBTI people face in
expression, mannerism, behavior and roles. LGBTI
Bosnia and Herzegovina. LGBTI issues and the human
people only come out in work settings where and when
rights of LGBTI people were brought to the attention of
they feel welcome and protected, and without any fear
BiH institutions and were included in the institutional
of retributions that might affect their livelihood and
agenda only in 2015. This is compounded by the
their mental wellbeing. Therefore, most direct contact
uniqueness of the LGBTI population as a very invisible
with LGBTI people remained under the radar for many
minority: LGBTI people only become visible and feel
comfortable being ‘out’ in welcoming, accepting and social settings that prove beyond doubt they will not
It also points to the fact that the LGBTI citizens are
be a place of secondary victimization, and those where
still seen by public servants as one dimensional,
it’s explicitly clear that organizational culture does not
where their LGBTI identity is a key factor in their
approve of homo/bi/transphobic behavior.
dealings with public administration. Whereas some of the most numerous instances where LGBTI people
Hence it is no surprise that most of the public servants
have contacted institutions took place because they
interviewed have a very strict understanding that
needed access to certain information, LGBTI people
the gender-blind (and sexual-orientation-, gender-
are viewed as citizens who only need public service
identity-, and sexcharacteristic-blind) legal regulations
and protection from violence and discrimination on
and policies serve to protect and cover all the needs
the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity
of LGBTI people, and that existing laws such as the
and sex characteristics by interviewed institution
Anti-Discrimination Law, general ethical codes, and
representatives. Even in these cases, and not in all
disciplinary mechanisms offer ample protection from
instances, the extent and grounds of discrimination
discrimination in the workplace and in access to
might be recognized. A small number of institutions,
services to LGBTI people. There is no awareness of
again those whose mandate directly involves the
the need for the special acts tackling the historically
protection and safeguarding of LGBTI human rights,
unfair position of LGBTI people and other minorities
such as the Ombudsman for Human Rights, the Gender
– e.g. affirmative measures or clear, specialized anti-
Equality Agency, and the Communications Regulatory
discrimination policies and mechanisms – although
Agency, recognize freedom of assembly, hate speech,
there is acknowledgement and recognition of the
legal gender recognition and same-sex partnership as
affirmative measures related to constituent peoples.
important issues. However, numerous issues that arise
Some even deny the need for specialized, affirmative
from underlying homo/bi/transphobia in the everyday
measures for any minority, which demonstrates a lack
lives of LGBTI people in Bosnia and Herzegovina that
of understanding of why and how affirmative measures
might affect their access to adequate public services
are introduced, but curiously do not see anything unfair
about the introduced measures related to zero tolerance to sexual harassment or gender-based violence (a very gendered measure), since it came as a conclusion from the Council of Ministers.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
COVID-19 and LGBTI issues: a strong case for generally more open (digital) administration
meetings and dealings are either unsafe, as in times of health or other crises such as natural disasters (as long as the Internet infrastructure is intact), or when the citizens belong to groups that might benefit from digitally blind contact with minorities, such as is the
It is interesting that an overwhelming majority the
Data collection that also encompassed the interviews
case with LGBTI people where discrimination or
LGBTI people interviewed consider that the institutions
with the institutions on the level of BiH that was
possible victimization might occur due to visibly non-
are not guided by the OGP principles in their general
aimed at helping us detect and identify gaps in the
conforming gender expression.
work with citizens (92%), and that they believe that
knowledge and/or skills of civil servants within
the same applies to their work with LGBTI citizens
the public administration when dealing with
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic which coincided
(93%). The institution representatives interviewed are,
LGBTQI citizens and groups, and/or when dealing
with the conduction of this research and the report
on the other hand, proud of their accomplishments
with LGBTQI issues, has been hampered by the
drafting, another important issue that had arisen
and improvements in the OGP and PAR areas. This
measures prescribed by the local institutions due
is the treatment of the LGBTI migrants in BiH. In
might comment on the level of open and transparent
to the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of
that respect, the activists and the LGBTI community
communication and trust between the LGBTI
March 2020. Some of the mapped institutions had
members recommended that the institutions in
community and the institutions interviewed. Generally,
to redirect their work to tackle health, security and
charge ensure that LGBTI migrants receive adequate
the LGBTI community’s distrust in any institution
other repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic,
protection from discrimination and violence
(judiciary, for example) automatically transfers to
and understandably could not be available for the
motivated by their sexual orientation, gender identity
all institutions, unless there is an explicit and open
interviews, in-person or otherwise. Few, however,
or sex characteristics, and that they should be
support for LGBTI human rights. Otherwise, the LGBTI
showed a lack of willingness to accept our invitation
provided with a safe space and informed about the
community assumes the position of distrust, even when
for the interview, explained by their failure to
work of relevant CSOs they could reach out to. In
there is certain progress in relation to inclusiveness
recognize that their work and their mandate might
terms of equal treatment of LGBTI persons during
and openness that doesn’t unequivocally address
have an impact on the lives of LGBTI people.
the pandemic, it was stressed that the relaxation of the pandemic-induced safety measures that are
LGBTI people. In this light, existing platforms such as e-consultation, as well as the work of the institutions
Although the imposed social distancing measures
being applied to the citizens need to be applied
that protect, safeguard, promote, and value the rights
made it hard and/or impossible to organize and
equally to the migrants, including LGBTI migrants,
and needs of LGBTI people need to be presented
conduct in-person interviews, a few interviews
and that the measures imposed cannot be used as a
directly to the LGBTI community to have a more
did take place in the online sphere, using freely
means to restrict their freedom of movement or any
significant effect, and LGBTI organizations can play a
and widely accessible digital meeting/conference
of their other human rights.
crucial role in this process, particularly those that they
platforms. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic
have been recognized by both parties as an expert
and recommendations coming from the respondents
As much as the spaces for physical and in-person
advocate for LGBTI human rights.
in the LGBTI community, it might be reasonable
interaction have closed off in the time of pandemic,
to put more emphasis on the digitalization of the
obstructing and choking not only private but
public administration and transfer as much of the
more so public dealings, including the contact of
communication between citizens, civil society and
(LGBTI) citizens with the public administration,
public administration to IT and online platforms
(post) COVID-19 conditions have opened the
and databases. The benefits of such actions might
possibility for new approaches to open governments,
be at least twofold. A higher level of service and
and exacerbated the needs of some of the most
communication digitalization would enable (quick)
marginalized citizens, the responses to which need to
administrative response times when in-person
be rethought in the near future.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
To organize public hearings of the organizations that refuse or fail to act according to the recommendations of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH, to publicly inform the citizens which legislation
and rights they violated and which malpractices they continue to apply despite the given recommendations. -
To ensure more direct contact between LGBTI organizations and public administration on all levels in order to exchange information, existing good practices, and knowledge related to OGP.
During the interviews with the public administration bodies on the BiH level,
To help state level administration to strengthen their coordination role in setting minimal standards for the protection of LGBTI human rights
and through the questionnaire and the focus group for the LGBTI community,
on the lower administrative levels.
several issues came into light that could enhance the relationship of trust between LGBTI citizens and public administration, as well as make the public administration more open, transparent, citizen friendly, and sensitized to the rights and needs of the social minorities. Due to distinction in their sources, the recommendations for further advancement of the public administration’s approach to LGBTI persons in the context of the open government, will be
The recommendations of the LGBTI community were the following: -
the principles of open governments in their internal acts and policies,
presented separately. The recommendations of the public administration bodies were: -
To ensure adequate legal and policy grounds for the collection of data
and mirror this dedication in their practices and communication towards the public; -
To ensure that the institutions on all levels are collecting relevant institutional information on LGBTI citizens without endangering their
of its representatives; -
To mainstreaming the human rights of LGBTI people in the general human rights component of the public administration reform process;
- -
engage them in this process; -
To introduce mandatory human rights education to civil servants;
To ensure that each of the educational programs for civil servants on the human rights of LGBTI people includes an open library concept
To open the lines of discussion with the Open Government Partnership to include LGBTI-specific measures in the new BiH OGP plan; To ensure adequate capacities of the public administration bodies that
with LGBTI persons; -
To introduce mandatory education for all civil servants, which must
information change; -
implementation of the existing legislation in this regard;
maltreatment and possible discrimination by civil servants; -
c) education on freedom of access to information and personal data protection.
To digitalize the public administration and transfer as much of the communication between the citizens, civil society and public
b) education on human rights, especially human rights of minorities, including LGBTI persons; and
To ensure that the process of document and personal information changes for trans people is conducted online, to avoid unnecessary
include: a) education on anti-discrimination of all social categories and
To ensure additional education for public servants on the human rights of trans persons, especially in the context of document and personal
engage in human rights protection and promotion to ensure the proper implementation of their activities;
To campaign publicly on the topic of public administration reform to make it more visible and understandable to citizens, as well as to
identity and safety, and submitting them to the relevant statistical institutions in BiH;
To enhance public dedication of the public administration bodies to the human rights of LGBTI people - through the direct and clear statements
related to LGBTI citizens – if this is necessary; -
To explicitly state the dedication of all public administration bodies to
administration to IT and online platforms and databases; -
To enhance and strengthen the capacities of the institutions and internal mechanisms in charge of human rights protection for
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
employees and beneficiaries of the public administration bodies; - - - -
To enhance the cooperation of public administration bodies with the
In the context of public administration reform and the open government
civil society organizations working with LGBTI persons;
partnership, the representatives of the institutions suggested the possible
To initiate the change and the adoption of the legislation and policies
inclusion of LGBTI-specific measures in the existing policies; however, the LGBTI
necessary to enhance the human rights of LGBTI persons;
community identified communication as the first necessary step in this process.
To incorporate the mainstreaming of LGBTI human rights in all yearly
LGBTI persons identified the lack of constant, strategic, and comprehensive
activity/work plans of public administration bodies;
communication on the public reform process as something that needs to change
To introduce the principle of non-discrimination, including against
in order to improve their access to and relationship with public administration
LGBTI persons, in all the internal acts of the public administration
bodies. In the opinion of the LGBTI community, the public administration bodies
also need to be more vocal and consistent in their public support for LGBTI
To ensure the inclusion of LGBTI human rights in all legislation, policies
human rights.
and acts developed by the public administration bodies; - - -
To introduce protocols on the approach towards marginalized groups,
The LGBTI community also identified digitalization and the possibility of online
including LGBTI persons, in all public administration bodies;
communication with the public administration bodies as something that could
To introduce an online reporting system for malpractice of civil servants
improve its transparency, openness and efficiency, as well as minimize possible
that citizens can use;
mistreatment and discriminatory practices. Such communication would also
To introduce some sort of publicly visible sanction (monetary) for civil
make for easier and less administratively complex access to information for all
servants for not fulfilling their duties, their discriminatory behavior, and
citizens, and minimize cases where the right to freedom of access to information
hate speech against LGBTI persons and other marginalized groups;
is violated.
To ensure that all public administration bodies publish their yearly activity reports, budgets, and any information regarding spending their
In terms of communication and dedication to the human rights of LGBTI people,
both the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman and the LGBTI community
To increase the visibility of LGBTI civil servants and public officials.
see the lack of any sanctions of publicizing the malpractices of the institutions and their representatives as an obstacle to a relationship of trust between public
What came out as the most necessary and the primary step, on which both
administration and LGBTI citizens. In this regard, some sort of public hearing
the LGBTI persons and the representatives of the institutions agree, was the
or public condemnation of hate speech/crimes and discriminatory behavior/
education of civil servants on the issues of human rights, especially issues of
practices needs to become a practice within the management of the public
discrimination, minority and human rights of LGBTI people. Another step is
administration bodies. The LGBTI community also recommended for monetary
definitely a strategic and supportive approach to the human rights of LGBTI
fines to be introduced in these cases in order to adequately sanction the bodies
people, which needs to be represented through the inclusion of LGBTI rights
or their employees that are violating human rights.
in all policies, strategies and acts developed by the public administration bodies. This approach should also be strengthened through the adoption of
It is clear that the practice of ignoring the human rights of LGBTI people, and of
internal anti-discrimination acts, and the establishment of specific and efficient
not addressing instances of discrimination and malpractice, led to the disruption
internal mechanisms for protection against discrimination of both employees
of trust between the LGBTI community and public administration bodies in BiH.
and citizens. The representatives of institutions also recognized the need
What became evident through this research is that the LGBTI citizens in BiH
for their capacities to be strengthened both through education and through
expect its public administration to be open and transparent in both its successes
the engagement of additional staff. This would ensure: the constant and
and its failures, to address them clearly, and to work closely with civil society to
comprehensive implementation of existing legislation and practices; a proactive
install new and inclusive practices from which all citizens will benefit.
approach to human rights in general, and to the human rights of LGBTI people; and the introduction of concrete measures and activities in this regard.
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Access to public administration at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1. Have you ever contacted any (public administration) institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Annex 1. Questionnaire for the LGBTI community The aim of this questionnaire is to identify the concrete problems that LGBTI people face when accessing institutions of public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the responses provided, some concrete measures will be recommended for the institutions to implement in order to become more open and sensitized in their work with LGBTI citizens. Please spend 15 minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire. Completing the questionnaire is anonymous and voluntary, and your participation is very important to us. The information gathered in this questionnaire will not be disclosed or shared with third parties. Please complete the personal information as asked below:. Year of birth: _______________________ Sex (select one of the responses provided or add your own): o Female o Male o Intersex o Other: _______________________ Gender (select one of the responses provided or add your own): o Female o Male o Transgender o I do not identify o Other: _______________________ In terms of my sexual orientation I identify as: o Lesbian o Gay man o Bisexual o Heterosexual o Other: _______________________
YES NO 2. If YES, how often: - once a year - multiple times in a year - only in exceptional cases (once in past 4 years) 2. If not, please state the reason for not contacting any national public institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 3. If yes, which institution(s) have you contacted? Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH (diplomatic and consular offices, embassies of BiH) Ministry of Defence of BiH (Armed Forces of BiH) Ministry of Security of BiH (Border Police of BiH) Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH Ministry of Communications and Transport of BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH Ministry of Finances and Treasury of BiH Ministry of Justice of BIH Public Procurement Agency of BiH Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption Agency for Statistics of BiH Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office Civil Service Agency Agency for Gender Equality of BiH Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH Other: _______________ 4. If YES, what was the nature of your request? EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR / SERVICE IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS - applying for a job/service - promotion at work/service
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Recommendations EXERCISING / PROTECTING A RIGHT - Request for access to information
10. Do you think that the public administration institutions are guided by the principles of open government
- Issuing of documents
(transparency, efficiency, accountability, inclusivity) when dealing with all citizens?
- Registration of an Association - Addressing embassies and diplomatic-consular offices of BiH
YES NO Please explain your response.
PROTECTION OF RIGHTS - Appealing a decision made by the institution
11. Do you think that public administration institutions that are guided by the principles of open government
- Complaints against violation of laws or other regulations (rulebooks, codes, etc.)
(transparency, efficiency, accountability, inclusivity) are sensitized to work with LGBTI people?
- Complaints against violations of human rights
YES NO Please explain your response.
CITIZENS’ PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF INSTITUTIONS - Participation in the creation of laws, policies and budgets (e.g. by participating in public discussions, meetings, or
12. Do you have any recommendations as to how the public administration institutions could improve their
using the e-consultations platform)
approach in the context of open government when working with LGBTI people? Please elaborate. 
ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES - Submitting forms or reports Other: _______________ 5. Please provide details regarding your response (nature of the request, appeal, address, etc.)? 6. Do you think that your LGBTI identity has influenced the conduct of the institution / civil servant in your case? YES NO Please explain your response in detail. 7. If there has been any inappropriate treatment by a civil servant or institution because of your LGBTI identity, have you complained about that? If not, why? 8. If YES, did you complain to the institution concerned, and was there a person / department you could complain to? 9. What was the outcome of your complaint?
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Annex 2. Guidelines for the focus group with the LGBTI community members
Annex 3. Guidelines for the interviews with the representatives from the public institutions
Access to public administration at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Practice and sensibility of institutions to work with LGBTQI people
1. Have you ever contacted (public administration) institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina? 2. If yes, how often?
1. Have you been in contact with LGBTI people in your professional work so far? If yes, what was the reason and
What was the institution you contacted?
outcome of such contacts?
2. If not, please state the reasons why have you never contacted (public administration) institutions of Bosnia and
2. Do you think that your institution is sensitized to deal with LGBTI people?
Herzegovina. 3. Have you received, as a part of your professional development programmes, any human rights education that 3. If yes, what was the nature of your request/application, and was it in any way related to your LGBTI identity?
includes minority rights, including the right of LGBTQI people?
4. Has there been any inappropriate conduct by civil servant in your case? Do you think that your LGBTI identity has influenced the conduct of the institution/civil servant in your case?
Transparency, efficiency, accountability, inclusivity of institutions when working with all citizens, with special focus on minorities (LGBTQI people)
5. If there had been any inappropriate conduct because of your LGBTI identity, did you complain against such conduct? If not, why?
4. Do you think that your institution is guided by principles of open government (transparency, efficiency, accountability, inclusivity) in its work with all citizens?
6. If yes, did you complain within the respective institution, and was there a person/department you could complain to? What was the outcome of your complaint?
5. Does your institution have a formally adopted policy / rulebook prohibiting discrimination in your institution, but also when working with your clients?
7. Are you aware that you have the right to complain in cases of inappropriate conduct on the part of civil servants, and that there are bodies and institutions you can complain to? Would you be able to identify such bodies and
6. Is there a mechanism in place in your institution for employees and clients to report cases of discrimination or
institutions if necessary?
inappropriate conduct?
8. Are you aware that you can submit to institutions of BiH the request to access information from their scope of
7. When creating drafts and proposals of policies/laws/budgets/other legal acts, do you take into consideration
responsibility, and that the institutions are obliged to respond within 15 days?
human rights, including minority human rights?
9. Have you ever filed a request to access information to institutions of BiH? If yes, did you receive their response
8. While creating drafts and proposals of policies/laws/budgets/other legal acts, have you consulted civil society
within the time specified by law? Was the request related to LGBTI issues? If yes, did that influence the response in
organisations, specifically organizations dealing with human rights of LGBTQI people?
any way (delays, refusal to respond, shifting responsibility onto someone else, etc.)? 9. Are you familiar with the existence and work of organizations working on the human rights of LGBTQI people in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Recommendations 10. Do you think that the public administration institutions are guided by the principles of open government
Level of information about the clients and human rights – how much do they know about whether and for what
(transparency, efficiency, accountability, inclusivity) in their work with all citizens?
reasons LGBTQI people contact them?
12. Do you have any recommendations on how the public administration institutions could improve their approach
10. Do you know how many LGBTQI people/organizations working on the human rights of LGBTQI people contact
to their work with LGBTI people in the context of open government?
you on an annual basis?
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Annex 4. List of institutions that have agreed to participate in the research 11. Are you familiar with the reasons why they contact your institution? 12. How much do you know about the topic of the human rights of LGBTQI people in BiH? Do you know what is
1. Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
the role of your institution in ensuring compliance and the protection of such rights? 2. Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH Recommendations as to how to improve the public administration institutions’ approach in the context of open
3. Agency for Statistics
government 4. Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office 13. Do you have any recommendations on how your institution could improve their approach to LGBTI people in the context of open government?
5. Civil Service Agency 6. Agency for Gender Equality of BiH 7. BiH Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) 8. Ombudsman Institution for the Protection of Human Rights of BiH
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina Pilot Project “Inclusion of LGBTQI Issues in Open Government Approaches in BiH” Maršala Tita 22 Phone +387 (0)33 953 300 Fax +387 (0)33 953 311 www.giz.de/en/worldwide/21066.html
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
LGBTQI issues, Public Administration Reform, and Open Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina