Issue 186 March 2017
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Telephone: 01953 458447 Email: Find us at: Queens House, Queens Square Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2AE
Issue 186
Your community magazine Dispatch Magazine would like to thank all those who have contributed to this issue.
Jonathan Horswell @JonathanHorswel
Administration Luke Keable
for Permanent & Temporary Recruitment
Arron Self
Quality People continue to provide a recruitment service for the towns of Attleborough, Dereham, Diss, Thetford, Watton & Wymondham plus the
Jordan Sacharczuk
surrounding areas throughout Breckland & South Norfolk. Telephone: 0195 3 4 5 3 6 4 4 Email: Find us at: Queens House, Queens Square, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2AE
DispatchMag @Dispatch_Mag Tel 01953 456789 Web Address Queens House, Queens Square, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2AE.
© Dispatch Magazine Disclaimer: No part of this magazine may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Publisher. Every effort is taken to ensure that the contents of this magazine are accurate, but the Publisher can not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. Whilst reasonable care is taken when accepting advertisements the Publisher will not accept any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. They will, however, immediately investigate any written complaints. The Publishers reserve the right to amend such submissions and cannot accept responsibility for any loss.
Diss & Attleborough | 03
‘Buddy Holly Rock & Roll’ Night
uddy Holly and his band were one of the first four-piece rock ‘n’ roll bands; they created and performed some great songs still played in this the 80th anniversary year of Buddy’s birth.
At the invitation of Rotary, The Tribute Band Marc Robinson and the Counterfeit Crickets will be in Diss on 11 March at the Park Hotel. Marc and the Band will be performing a tribute to the fifties icon Buddy Holly and will be playing songs from the classic Buddy Holly song book. Marc from Stars in their Eyes, Buddy the Musical and founder member of Rockin’ on Heaven’s Door, has with his tribute band played throughout the UK and Europe gaining fans and admirers wherever they go. They will be supported on the evening by the well-known local Park Radio disco, with DJ Chris Moyse. There will be a raffle in support of the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices Nook Appeal; all profit raised from the concert will go to local and international charities supported by Rotary International. Come and rock the night away at the Park Hotel, tickets are now available at the Park Hotel Reception. The Rotary Club of Diss & District presents a ‘Buddy Holly Rock & Roll’ Night in Diss on 11 March 2017
04 | Diss & Attleborough
Will You? They Won’t
eople in second marriages or relationships, with children from either side, should consider what will happen on their deaths very carefully indeed.
Some property, all bank accounts or other assets owned with someone else will pass to them directly upon your death, whether or not you have a Will. If you die without a Will, married, your spouse receives the first £250,000. For a lot of people there may be nothing left for anyone else. A cohabitee receives nothing. Clearly, this can result in a lot of unhappiness and can lead to litigation and large legal bills. It is possible to protect your loved ones and balance your responsibilities to your second spouse or partner and minor or dependent children. If you leave everything to your partner/spouse, remember that they can change their Will at any time disinheriting your nearest and dearest. Don’t think it doesn’t happen, because it does. A mutual Will, where each of you has a Will specifying the division of your combined estates, prevents your partner/ spouse from changing their Will after your
death. The survivor can defeat a mutual Will by gifting money or property in their lifetime, which the displaced beneficiaries can challenge. As circumstances can change dramatically, it may be better to leave the surviving spouse/ partner free to change their Will. Trusts, created either during your lifetime or by your Will, offer another option. Will Trusts don’t take effect until death. Two types of will trust are frequently used: 1.Life Interest Trusts give someone the right to money or property for their life, but state where it must go after their death. The Trust Capital, whether £50,000 or a house, is safeguarded: they receive the “income” i.e. interest on a bank account or the right to live in the house. This is a popular choice for property: your partner has a home but your share will be inherited by your children after his/her death. 2.Discretionary Trusts (DT) are more complex. You nominate the beneficiaries, but you cannot state when or how they will benefit: this is left to your Trustees’ discretion. Most people name their spouse/partner and children as potential beneficiaries. You could include many more. The
Our expert is here to h
DT’s advantage is that you provide maximum flexibility after your death to meet changing circumstances. If your spouse/partner needs Capital, or your children need money, your Trustees can give it to them. • Accident Claims There are serious tax consequences to all • Clinical Negligence of the above dependent on an individual’s Commercial circumstances,•including marital status. Do • Debt Recovery take professional advice (from a solicitor) before acting, •telling him/her about any Dispute Resolution possible family•conflicts: their record of such Employment instructions may prevent future litigation.
• Family
• Landlord a • Powers of • Property
• Wills, Trus
By Lorna Denton-Cardew
For further information, please contact Lorna Ipswich 255591 Denton-Cardew on01473 01379 643555Diss or 01379 email 643555 Felixstowe 01394 279636 Harleston 01379 8544
This article provides only a general summary and is not intended to be comprehensive. Special legal advice should be taken in any individual situation.
Powers of Attorney, Wills, Trusts & Probate personal attention guaranteed
Ipswich 01473 255591 Diss 01379 643555
Felixstowe 01394 279636 Harleston 01379 854455
Diss & Attleborough | 05
Buying a new bed this month, look for the big tick logo t’s March again and that means one thing, it’s National Bed Month. This National Bed Month, for the first time ever, consumers can now buy a new bed with the reassurance that it is ‘officially’ safe, clean and honest.
The National Bed Federation’s ‘NBF Approved’ large tick logo means the manufacturer who made that bed has been independently audited to make sure they follow all the required procedures to produce safe, clean and hygienic mattresses. In short, that they are what they say they are. The move follows increasing mistrust among consumers about the products they are buying – particularly those where the contents are unseen and taken on trust, like beds and mattresses. The NBF is the UK trade association for British bed manufacturers. And to meet its new Code of Practice, member companies have had to go through rigorous and independent audits. “We wanted to ensure that our mark of approval really meant something,” said Jessica Alexander, executive director of the NBF. Particularly important to anyone buying a new bed is its safety and the reassurance that the mattress meets strict British flammability regulations. If it doesn’t then it could prove fatal if ignited. Silentnight Beds have released 06 | Diss & Attleborough
a video of flammability tests on mattresses undertaken in their laboratory, the results are shocking. A non-compliant mattress, which was purchased online, therefore on sale to the public, was on fire within two minutes and releasing significant amounts of toxic fumes within three minutes, by this time the fully compliant mattress had fully extinguished itself. Within six minutes, the room is fully consumed with smoke and fire, the average response time for fire fighters in the UK is nine minutes. Less dramatic but still concerning are health and hygiene issues. We all want to think the nice new bed we are getting in to is clean and hygienic – and the NBF Approved logo means consumers can be sure that the bed they are buying comes from a manufacturer with all the right procedures in place to be sure it is just that. And lastly, we want to know that the mattress we are buying contains exactly what it says it does. Not to do so contravenes the Trades Descriptions Act – and again, the big tick logo means you can be assured the product you are buying is as described. It’s an initiative that The Sleep Council both supports and endorses. Said spokesperson Lisa Artis: “This is great news for consumers and we would urge anyone buying a bed to look out for the NBF’s new mark of approval – it’s designed to keep people sleeping safe as well as sound.”
Said Jessica Alexander : “For reputable manufacturers, the NBF Approved logo is merely confirmation that they are – and always have been - following all the right procedures. Unfor tunately there are less scrupulous traders out there who are now selling products that can’t be trusted – and with a mattress it’s hard to know what you are buying. The new NBF Approved logo means people can buy a mattress in the cer tain knowledge that it is safe, clean and honest.” Sound Sleep, award winners in the Bed Retailer of the Year category at the 2016 National Bed Federation awards, backs the National Bed Federation’s new code of practice and are committed to supplying clean and safe products, so you can have a sound sleep knowing that your bed is fully compliant to UK laws and regulations. Feel free to visit us in store for more information. When you buy your next bed, make sure you look for the big tick! Sleep Safe. Sleep Sound. Sound Sleep.
March is National Bed Month and we’re celebrating with great offers on new beds and mattresses....
FREE DRAWERS On any bed from the Horatio Myer Natural Collection by Myers
for the price of a DOUBLE
When buying any Slumberland mattress or divan bed
Kingsize Comfort 1000 with 2 Drawers WAS £629
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we hold the secret to a better night’s sleep
Visit our huge showroom with over 100 beds on display at Aloe Farm - Mile Road - Winfarthing - Near Diss - IP22 2EZ For mattress advice or information call us on 01953 861177 Find us on the main B1077 between Diss & Attleborough - Look for our bright yellow signs
Showroom Opening Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:00 Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 Sunday 10:00 - 1:00
0% Interest Free Credit Available Credit & Debit Cards Accepted Free Local Delivery Old Bed Disposal Service Available
AWARD WINNING Diss & Attleborough | 07 Sound Sleep Dream Team
HRH The Duchess of Cambridge visits EACH hospice in Quidenham as t A n glia’s C h i l d re n ’s Ho s pic es ( E AC H ) w a s de ligh ted to we l co m e H RH T h e D u c h e s s o f Cam b r i d g e t o i t s Q u ide n h am h o s pic e i n Ja nu a r y, w i t h th e ch ar ity ’s R oyal Pa t ron s e e i n g fo r h er se lf w hy th e n o o k a p p e a l – w h i ch is clos e to th e £5 m i l l i o n m a r k – i s so vital.
T h e D u c h e s s w as gr e e t e d by s om e 40 f lag-w avin g c h ildre n f rom l oca l sch oo ls befo r e bein g g i ve n a p o s y by fou r-ye ar-o ld N ell C or k , w h os e broth er Fin n bar r e c e i ve d ca re a t Q u ide n h am befo r e s a d ly d yi n g i n Au gu s t las t year. 08 | Diss & Attleborough
The Duchess was greeted by some 40 flag-waving children from local schools
He r R oyal Highne s s was then t a ken o n a to ur o f the ho s p ic e by EAC H Se r vic e Manage r Jane Campbell, o b s e r ving Is ab e lla Be nto n a nd A my He we tt, b o th s ix , and Br a dley Jac ks o n, 11, taking p ar t in a n a r t the r apy s e s s io n, as we ll as Pa ig e Sc o tt, fo ur, us ing s e ns o r y equipm ent . She als o to o k time to me et ea ch c hild ’s family, inc lud ing Finnba r ’s. T he Duc he s s s p e nt the s e cond half o f he r vis it talking to st a ff a nd vo lunte e r s who wo r k at Quidenha m as the y up d ate d he r o n the nook ap p e al and EACH’s ur ge nt need t o r ais e fund s .
The appeal aims to raise £10 million for a new purpose-built hospice – which will be known as the nook - at a five-acre site in Framingham Ear l. EACH’s current Norfolk hospice was opened in 1991 and, due to the increasing number s of children with life-threatening conditions and complex healthcare needs visiting Quidenham, the hospice has now outgrown its current site . The new hospice, closer to the centre of the county, will help to provide more families with the same facilities as those offered by the charity’s hospices for Cambridgeshire , Essex and Suffolk.
once again, on what was her fir st visit to our site in Quidenham.
It was a pleasure for everyone at EACH to greet Her Royal Highness once again, on what was her first visit to our site in Quidenham
“The Duchess was given a really good insight into the difficulties our staff and volunteer s face as a result of Quidenham having outgrown its home , and the huge difference a pur pose-built moder n hospice will make to the care they can provide to so many families.’ To s up p o r t the no o k ap p e a l v isit www.e ac h.o r -no o k or c o ntac t the EACH No rfo lk Fund r ais ing Te am o n 01953 666768 o r at no rfo lk@ e ac h.o r
EACH Chief Executive Graham Butland said: “It was a pleasure for ever yone at EACH to greet Her Royal Highness
Diss & Attleborough | 09
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10 | Diss & Attleborough
By Basil Abbott
yster y objects, children’s wor k on Wor ld War One, old documents, br ush factor y items, coins - just some of the treats when we re-open on Saturday 11 March.
1937 coronation and so on. Chinaware from the museum collection, including jelly moulds, commemor ative ware and miniature pieces, will be on display.
Recent acquisitions include: a hand axe, a christening gown, WAAF items, 1937 royal memorabilia and cage bird society ephemera.
Wor k by Diss Junior School children will complement wall displays about the Great War.
Photos and objects from the br ush factor y will please the many people who still have memories of when Aldrich & Br yant were a major employer.
Notable people from the town’s past are commemor ated in a cabinet devoted to the Heywood Road cemeter y.
The community cabinet has proved popular with local groups and individuals who provide the contents.
The Manning rector s, Mere drownings, war time deaths, photogr apher Cleer Alger and business families like Gostling, Aldr ich and Anness are among those featured.
It is fully booked for the season and will feature cranberr y glassware, the Cupiss printing wor ks, the Rotar y Club, the
A wall display featur ing the char acter s in the film A United Kingdom drew over 70 people when the museum
opened for Chr istmas Lights Day. Seretse Khama and Ruth Williams were frequent visitor s to Diss in the 1950s. The display was created to coincide with the release of the film; and can still be seen when we re-open. The museum has often been likened to the Tardis, with much more to see than you can imagine if you have never been in. Admission is still free . See for opening times. Tel: (01379) 650618 Diss Museum 11 Mar ket Hill Diss Norfolk IP22 4JZ Diss & Attleborough | 11
r no
on part ies o ten f or m ore avai labl e
Function Room Available For Birthday Celebrations, Christenings, conferences, Wedding Receptions, Funeral Teas & Much More. For more information visit
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An Independent and Local Mor tgage Adviser with excellent Personal Ser vice! oger Thompson and Partner Laura Myers have operated their Mor tgage Advice Business in Attleborough for nearly 20 years and during that time, they have helped hundreds of local people achieve satisfaction and peace of mind in the housing market.
We have the advantage over many Advisers with our Independent Status. Whether you are a First Time Buyer, a Home Mover, looking to Remor tgage or want to buy a Proper ty for Investment purposes, we will advise, source & facilitate the most appropriate product from the Whole of the Mortgage Market. We will also provide that “extra” service to see you through the process including liaising with third parties such as Solicitors, Accountants and Estate Agents, to ensure that your transaction runs as smoothly as possible.
Authority in the way that we operate. We have adopted many principles to abide by the principles of Treating Customers Fairly at all times. Our services have been referred and recommended by reputation. Roger is prepared to see people in the leisure of your own home where you can discuss your intentions in a relaxed manner. His previous experience with Aviva & Pearl has proved invaluable in helping clients
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There may be a fee for arranging a mortgage, however the precise amount will depend upon your circumstances, but will not exceed £295. There may be an early repayment charge payable if you remortgage.
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Diss & Attleborough | 13
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Diss & Attleborough | 15
Talking Tax
t’s been a while but here we are, back in our favourite magazine. It’s been a busy few months for us at KBAS as we have been completing our clients self assessment tax returns which, just in case you were living on the moon – were due to be filed with HMRC by 31 January 2017. Not only did the return need filing but you also needed to ensure that you paid all taxes due – if you didn’t then you will by now be the proud owner of a nice sparkly HMRC fine and/or penalty.
We worked really hard and 99.9% of our client’s returns were submitted before the deadline – an impressive star t to the year. Thank you very much to all of you who allowed us to work on your behalf this year – we are very grateful and would love it if allowed us to look after your affairs again this year. Now the 15/16 tax year is just a distant memory and already we are hurtling towards
16 | Diss & Attleborough
another year end. So what has the 16/17 year end got in store for us? If you are the director and/or shareholder of a close company (that is a company with 5 or fewer directors/shareholders) then you could well be affected by the dividend allowance. Of course we have been talking about this for a while now but from 5 April 2017 it’s going to start rearing its ugly head good and proper and affecting tax due. Don’t forget that you can receive £5,000 of dividends tax free and this applies to each shareholder. If you are in the 20% tax bracket and earn less than £33,500 including your dividend – then you will have to pay tax at 7.5%. Of course this is very different to the old dividend rules as previously there was no tax due on income in this bracket. So don’t get caught out – make sure that you know what you will have to pay nice and early and plan ahead. Why not come and have a chat with us – we are a friendly bunch and would love the chance to help you out.
Of course if you are a 40% tax payer well, then nothing much has changed with the dividend rules for you, your dividends are still taxable at 32.5% just like they always were! Other changes affect rental income with the withdrawal of some tax relief on mortgage interest. This is not great news for the landlords in the rental market so make sure that you know how you will be affected early on and plan for these changes. Make sure that you are claiming for all of your allowable expenses and consider whether there are any other worthwhile changes you could make which might help to reduce your tax liability. If you own a property jointly with your husband or wife, you may want to consider gifting your share of your property to your spouse. Be careful though as this must be done legally and you must consider any borrowings on the property, the tax rules and don’t forget capital gains either, having a jointly owned property can offer you an additional £11,000 of tax relief when you dispose of an asset.
All in all, tax affairs can be quite tricky so make sure that you take time to look at all options before you make any changes. You know what they say – act in haste, repent at leisure! One of the most common questions that crops up in a free initial consultation (did I mention that we still offer these, FREE initial consultations of up to 45 minutes) – is whether to become a limited company. Again there are many advantages and disadvantages to being a limited company but there are also advantages and disadvantages to remaining a sole trader. Make sure that you take the time to discuss all the options before you make any decisions. Becoming a limited company can be very useful if you are making good profits but prefer to time when you take these profits personally. With careful timings, planning and the right shareholders, tax on dividends may not only be quite low but you may also have
a reasonable period before this becomes due for payment.
Becoming a limited company can be very useful if you are making good profits but prefer to time when you take these profits personally.
Be sure that you understand the best way to run a company, remember that company funds are not your funds even if you are a director, a company is a separate legal entity and a bank account is a legal requirement. Most of all talk to your advisors, us! Or your own accountant and be sure to make sure that the advantages are a real benefit to you. It could be an expensive mistake if you don’t use a company to its best advantage. I always feel as if March is the time for new beginnings – new seasons (SPRING yayyyyy!) new bulbs and flowers (daffodils and tulips), new rates of pay with the new minimum wage (£7.50 if you are over 25) and finally a new tax year and personal allowance. Whatever you are doing this spring make it count and let’s hope it’s the best year ever.
Cloudy2Clear Announce Trusted Trader Partnership Which? have now added themselves to the thousands of customers who recognise that, in Cloudy2Clear you are dealing with a business that you can really trust. Cloudy2Clear who recently celebrated their 10th Birthday, replace misty glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window.
Norwich manager Lee Rixon believes that Which? have endorsed Cloudy2Clear’s long standing company policy of delivering a trustworthy and credible service at all times. ‘Our service is simple. If your double glazing has steamed up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type
of frame, and with a new 25 year guarantee. Stephen continues ‘We also GUARANTEE that an average quotation will take no longer than 20 mins, with little or no disruption to your home’. ‘These things seem simple but not enough companies do it and it’s great that someone like
Which? has endorsed our philosophy. Locally Cloudy2Clear service Diss & Attleborough and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Lee a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!
Cloudy2Clear GUARANTEE All Customers That An Average Quote Will Take No Longer Than 20 MINS!!!
Diss & Attleborough | 17
Pensions are still changing he Chancellor announced yet another change to pension legislation in his Autumn Statement. Phil Beck explains.
Pension flexibility has been with us for some time now: since April 2015 pension savers over the minimum pension age have been able to access their savings as and when they wish, although all but the first 25 per cent is taxed as income. There had been early concerns that people might blow their pension pots on expensive toys like yachts and fast cars, but the reality seems to be that, in the main, people have been sensible in their approach. A significant factor that is sometimes overlooked is that once you start accessing your pension savings the tax relief you can get on any future contributions can be reduced. The standard Annual Allowance for contributions stands at £40,000 – ie you will get tax relief on any contributions up to this amount. However, once you access your pension benefits, your Annual Allowance can be cut. Until April 2017, the reduced Annual
18 | Diss & Attleborough
Allowance – known as the Money Purchase Annual Allowance or MPAA – is £10,000 but the Chancellor has announced that the MPAA will drop to just £4,000 from April 2017 onwards. This measure does have sensible thinking behind it: the Chancellor is trying to prevent people simply taking cash from their pension savings and then putting it back in again in order to get a second tranche of tax relief. This recycling of pension cash is perhaps rare but is clearly not desirable from the Government’s perspective. However, the new threshold does have implications for those who want to access their pension but will continue working and therefore want to continue making regular contributions. What this shows is that it is really important to plan carefully before you start taking withdrawals from your pension savings. The first thing to bear in mind is that pension savings are investments and can stay invested within the tax-efficient pension framework until you need to spend the money. There is generally no need to extract the money
simply to invest elsewhere. You should also remember that your withdrawals (other than the initial 25 per cent tax-free portion) will be taxed as income at your normal rate. Taking withdrawals while you are still earning could see you paying tax on your pension at a higher level than you might pay in retirement. Pension savings are, of course, designed to provide you with an income in retirement and it is important not to lose sight of this function. A financial adviser will help you work out what your current pension savings can deliver in terms of income and whether making larger withdrawals at given points will compromise your standard of living later. Pension flexibility has brought a raft of new opportunities, but it is important to fully understand the implications of any steps you take, so please do get advice before doing anything that is irrevocable. In all discussions about pensions and retirement income, we shouldn’t ignore the option to take out an annuity. Annuities provide a guaranteed income either for life or for a fixed term but have somewhat fallen
out of favour since the new flexible rules came into force in April 2015. However, there are still good reasons why they might be suitable for some people and are an option to be explored alongside more flexible solutions. Further changes to pensions are likely to be announced in the Chancellor’s next Budget on 8 March. The value of an investment and the income from it could go down as well as up. The return at the end of the investment period is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you originally invested. The tax treatment of investments depends on individual circumstances and is subject to change.
By Phil Beck
For independent financial advice, contact Phil on 01603 706740 or email zPlease remember that the advice here is generic and we recommend that you get individual personalised advice.
Award Winning Landscaping and Design
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Diss & Attleborough | 19
SUCCESS – WHY NOT YOU? Are You Bored Broke Or Just Fed Up? o you ever feel like you are worth more than you’re currently earning? Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day? Do you ever feel like you have a greater purpose than the path you’re currently on? Do you want to make changes, make more money, have more free time, be with positive people and build a great future for yourself and your family?
If you want things to be different, YOU have to make the change. Life doesn’t have a remote control, so you have to get up and change it yourself. And of course if you do nothing, guess what... Nothing changes, you will be in the same place this time next year. If you’d like More Money, More Free Time, build a better future for you and your family and you’re open mind enough to just look at how you can change your life and earn an unlimited monthly income which grows and grows every month, take a look at our website and get instant access to see how simple it is to be in control of your own destiny.
20 | Diss & Attleborough
This is NOT a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ but it is a ‘Get Rich Quicker System’ where you can earn a full time ‘residual’ income working just a few spare hours each week, and change your life in a very short space of time. Why should you work 40 plus hours a week for 40 plus years of your life?
“This is NOT a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ but it is a ‘Get Rich Quicker System ’” So what is ‘Residual Income’? Residual income (also called passive income) is income that continues to be generated after the initial effort has been made. Compare this to what most people focus on
earning: linear income, which is “one-shot” compensation or payment in the form of a fee, wage, commission or salary which is directly proportional to the number of hours invested in it - 40 hours of pay for 40 hours of work. Here’s an example of Residual Income; In 1998 my college spent 35 minutes showing a friend of his how this business works. Last month he got paid for that conversation for the 216th time for that 35 minute chat, 18 years ago. So… how soon can you spare 10 minutes so I can answer all the questions I know you’ll have, and explain how you can get started immediately? Remember this: “If you think it’s too good to be true, I still get paid. If you take a look and join me, we BOTH get paid. If you don’t join me, well I still get paid!” Take a look at our website and get instant access to find out more about this great opportunity.
Diss & Attleborough | 21
FAST FACTS • Max speed: 103 mph • 0-62 mph: 11.5 secs • Combined mpg: 60.1
2017 Suzuki Ignis (1.2 SZ5 SHVS 4x4)
By Tim Barnes-Clay – Motoring Journalist - @carwriteups
• Engine layout: 1,242cc 4-cylinder petrol/electric • Max. power (PS): 90 • CO2: 106 g/km • Price: £13,999
PROS ‘N’ CONS • Looks √ • Character √ • Efficiency √ • Grip √ • Vague Steering X
22 | Diss & Attleborough
f you’re a retro lover and small cars are your thing, then you’ll like the new Suzuki Ignis.
The car’s design pays homage to the tiny Suzuki Whizzkid. It has slats just behind its rear doors - and, if you’re over 40, you’ll just about remember the same look on the Whizzkid when it graced our roads in the latter part of the 70s. Even as a seven-yearold, I thought the car was small. The all-new Ignis is petite, too, but not in a sweet, girly way. It’s more evil Hillman Imp than cutesy Fiat 500. The Ignis has got the same power units under its bonnet as the recently launched Suzuki Baleno. It is propelled via a 1.2-litre petrol unit or via hybrid power. It is also available in front or
all-wheel-drive, and comes with either a manual or automatic gearbox. A BoosterJet turbo engine is also going to be ushered in during 2017. In spite of its all-wheel-drive styling, the Ignis is only 3693mm long, yet it does seem roomy enough inside. It’s truly comfortable in the rear for two adults, but the front has the best leg and headroom. Actually, Suzuki has been clever with the way it has packaged the back seats. They can be adjusted so that you can increase either load space or legroom. Back in the front, the dashboard is cleanly laid out, so all the switchgear falls easily to hand, and there’s a large ‘in-yourface’ speedo. Additionally, as with most modern cars now, there’s a touchscreen with connectivity for smartphones.
I tested the Ignis in 1.2 SZ5 SHVS 4x4 guise. This hybrid version makes use of a belt-driven starter and generator, as well as a second lithium ion battery. This boosts the car’s petrol engine during acceleration. Producing only 90PS, this variant of the Suzuki is no sports car, but, because it’s so minuscule, everything feels faster than it really is. Zero to 62mph arrives in 11.5 seconds, and the top speed is only 103mph. But there’s a lot of fun to be had if you work the Ignis’ five speed ‘box hard. The new Suzuki Ignis’ steering is a tad vague and the car does roll in corners, but that just adds to the enter tainment factor. Hit a pothole, and things become even crazier as the rear bounces up and down like a 1970s’ space hopper. Bizarrely enough, none of this makes you dislike the car at all. And that’s because the 2017 Suzuki Ignis has bags of character – something many motors lack today. The Ignis is agile, and with four-wheeldrive added, the Japanese car turns very mountain-goat-like, clambering up inclines
“ The all-new Ignis is petite, too, but not in a sweet, girly way. It’s more evil Hillman Imp than cutesy Fiat 500.”
and muddy trails like said beast in season. There’s even hill descent control, to keep you from overeagerly scrambling back to ear th. The Ignis’ talent for traction transfers to the tarmac, too, with oodles of grip in corners. With an average fuel consumption of 60.1mpg, and CO2 emissions of only 106g/ km the 4x4 hybrid version of the Ignis will be cheap to run. The basic Ignis goes on sale this coming spring priced from just £9,999, while the 1.2 SZ5 SHVS 4x4, reviewed here, will set you back £13,999. Diss & Attleborough | 23
s we head into Spring and lighter evenings, let’s hope that the weather will star t to warm up! It’s always nice at this time of year to think more about going out. Maybe there’s a special place you like to visit or just like to wander the countr y lanes and enjoy the trees and flowers coming into bud.
For many of us, that may sound a ver y nice idea but not actually be achievable, due to mobility problems. We would love the chance to show you how a mobility scooter could help you to keep independently mobile. We stock new and second hand scooter s, models for pavements and road/pavement scooter s. If you have never been a car driver that doesn’t matter. We will show you exactly how to drive a mobility scooter and you will be able to test drive them for your self. We stock several makes and models and are also able to offer you insurance and breakdown cover should you wish. So please come and see us and challenge us to make a difference to you mobility!
24 | Diss & Attleborough
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