Finecity - August 2014

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Tel: 01953 456789 Editor: Jonathan Horswell

DAVID CLAYTON Exclusive interview with BBC Radio Norfolk’s David Clayton. Find out more on Page 45




Address: Queens House, Queens Square, Attleborough, Norfolk. NR17 2AE.

Main image: Katie Hall, Star of West Side Story

FineCity Magazine would like to thank all those who have contributed to the re-launch issue. this includes but is not limited to; Pete Goodrum, Stephen Browning, Daniel Tink, Tim Barnes-Clay, Sue Dougall, Chrissi Rix.

© FineCity Magazine Disclaimer: No part of this magazine may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, either wholly or in part, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Publisher. Every effort is taken to ensure that the contents of this magazine are accurate, but the

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Publisher can not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. Whilst reasonable care is taken when accepting advertisements the Publisher will not accept any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. They will, however, immediately investigate any written complaints. The Publishers reserve the right to amend such submissions and cannot accept responsibility for any loss.

Issue 33 2014

Editor’s Comment We are so grateful for the overwhelming response we have received regarding the relaunch issue of FineCity Magazine last month.

designed, printed and distributed has been a massive amount of hard work, but ultimately it was my choice. . .

what might have happened if we had made a different choice today regarding whatever it is we are thinking about.

Everything starts with a choice. . . 12,000 copies of FineCity have been distributed throughout the city, many door to door whilst the majority have been picked up via our collection points in; Castle Mall, Chapelfield Shopping Centre, CinemaCity, The Forum, John Lewis, Madder Market, Norwich Airport, Theatre Royal and Waitrose. This issue we have added a further 12 pages and increased the print run to cope with demand and to fit in the massive amount of features, news and promotional articles which we have received. Putting FineCity Magazine together and getting the first couple of issues

Everyday we are constantly making choices, shall I get up or shall I’ll lay here for just 5 more minutes.... Shall I have a bath or a shower or not bother today? Shall I wear these clothes, or these, shall I put these shoes on or would these be better ? You get the idea. Some choices we make are fairly insignificant and they don’t really have a big impact on our daily lives. These are the choices we routinely make without really thinking about them, and it won’t really make much difference if we choose this or that, life will just carry on regardless, and we won’t really think about

However, some choices we make can have a lasting effect on our lives, they are dramatic choices, choices we need to stop and think about, choices which can have a lasting effect on our destiny, and it’s these choice we need to think about and make very carefully. We choose how we live our lives, what job we do, our careers, who we work for and what we earn. Ultimately it is our choice. Most people would choose to be rich (you choose the definition of Rich) rather than poor, most people would choose to earn more money than they currently do, and most people would choose to have more family time rather than being at work all the time. So it’s our choice, we choose, but how many of us actually do choose, rather than just accept that’s the way it is. If we all have the choice, why do so many not choose to be better or learn more or earn more or spend more time with family and friends or whatever it would take to make us better than we currently are? If you had to choose right now to be rich or poor, what would you choose? If you choose to be poor that’s great, it’s your choice, you’ve made that decision, so go and get on with it. If you choose to be rich, fantastic that’s great too, again it’s your choice, now go and get on with that. If you choose to do nothing or choose to change nothing, guess what will happen, correct….nothing, you will stay exactly as you are and nothing will change! If you choose to want to earn more, have more time with your family, relieve some of the stresses and strains of life and you choose to want to have more enjoyment in your life, this is the best choice possible as you have chosen to do something to make a change, and given that you have made

Issue 33 2014

the choice I can now help you. I’d like to introduce you to a fantastic business opportunity that you can work around your other commitments, like your current job or childcare. I’m looking to work closely with just a handful of energetic, ambitious and positive people who have made a choice to create a better life for themselves. People who I can work with, people who are willing to learn, who will attend local training events with me, people who will not find excuses for not earning whatever amount of money they want. In addition to running FineCity and Dispatch Magazine I have also chosen to do something else, and it is one of the best choices I have ever made. I run a total of 4 businesses and I have 2 young children to look after, run to school, after school clubs and weekend activities, yet I still chose to find time to improve my situation. Therefore “I haven’t got time for this” is just an excuse, it’s your choice, but it is just an excuse. If you haven’t got time, choose to get up earlier. Richard Branson only has 24 hours in each of his days, he just chose to be successful. He made that choice! If you want to earn extra money, only YOU can do that. No one else can make it happen, only you. So if you would like to share in my success, earn extra money, build your own business with my help and guidance and actually achieve what you’re really worth, make a choice right now to ring me and I’ll show you how. What have you got to loose? There is no commitment in your looking to see what it’s all about. If you choose to get in touch I can help you and together we will make it happen. If you choose do nothing guess what… nothing will change for you. But it’s your choice, so choose wisely!! For more information call me now: Jonathan Horswell 07802 690589 or

Britons Arms Take a trip back into Norwich’s history whilst relaxing in this beautifully restored coffee house and restaurant There is some speculation about the possible age and use of this iconic Grade II* listed building. For many years it was dated at 1420, however, ongoing research, sponsored by English Heritage, puts the date back to 1347. Whichever date is correct it is probable that the Britons Arms, or ‘Ye Goddes House’ as it then was, fulfilled a semi religious role in relation to the church of St. Peter Hungate which sits directly to the south. The plan and layout of the building are untypical of the age; the style relates more closely to the buildings of the Netherlands or Low Countries and reflects the strong links which Norwich had with the continent. It is one of the few remaining timber framed thatched buildings to survive in the city, and the only building to survive the great fire of 1507. From this time the inhabitants of the building were many and various; in the late 15th century ‘barbour surgeons’ occupied the property, later

it was associated with the wool trade. It is first recorded as an Ale House in1760…known then as ‘The Kings Arms.’ Not until 1845 does it become ‘The Britons Arms’…possibly reflecting the anti-royalist sympathies of the age…. From the mid eighteenth century until 1941 the Britons Arms traded as an Ale House. It was closed during WW2 and used by fire watchers. In 1951 the brewers Stewart and Patteson sold the property to Norwich City Council for the nominal sum of £10 and the lease was taken by Molly Kent (nee Drury) who founded the business which successfully trades to this day as The Britons Arms Coffee House and Restaurant.

the cost of repair, in 2011 Norwich City Council put the property up for auction.

comprehensive programme of repairs starting with re-thatching.

Under the banner ‘UP IN ARMS’ the sisters mounted a vigorous campaign aimed at keeping the well- loved building in public ownership and accessible to all. At the very last moment the City Council agreed to withdraw the property from auction and offered a 21yr lease to The Norwich Preservation Trust.

Our excellent reputation rests on serving consistently delicious, interesting and affordable food. By using only the best possible produce, from small local suppliers, we are able to offer truly fresh and seasonal dishes… absolutely everything we serve (from mayo to bread) is prepared daily in our tiny kitchen.........

The Trust has been successful in raising substantial funds, largely from English Heritage, to initiate a

In the early 1970s Norfolk born and educated sisters Sue Skipper and Gilly Mixer went into partnership with Molly Kent who eventually retired. The business flourished, but the ancient fabric of the building became increasingly unsound. Unable to meet

We are only five minutes walk, but a world away from the busy city centre. The Britons Arms is situated in the heart of the Medieval city, close to the Cathedral, the river, and St. Andrews Halls. We are conveniently close to the shopping and commercial centre of the city. Parking at the MONASTERY CAR PARK 25 yards away. Tel: O1603 623367 Britons Arms, 9 Elm Hill, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 1HN E-mail We do not make or change bookings via e-mail please call us on 01603 623367

Issue 33 2014

70th Anniversay of Norwich Writer’s Circle Part of the city’s social and cultural scene since 1943 So, who are we? Simply we are a group of people enjoying the art and craft to a good yarn, be it a short story, novel or play. Writing is notoriously a solitary pursuit so it’s good to get out and meet others who love it equally as much. Getting published is a matter of luck as much as skill. A few members are published; most of us, myself included, have been lucky enough to have the odd article make it into print. It’s the escapism and the expression – the freedom and the therapy that do it for me.

or come along to give workshops in something new and untried. It doesn’t matter what one is particularly into. A romantic poem or having a stab at making your hero big enough to overshaddow Judge Dredd, we value each other’s support and company. I’ve made some good friends at the Assembly House, our regular meeting place over the years. Right now we’re at the end of another successful programme of gettogethers. Meetings begin again in September. Watch this space. www.

As much as other members are a soundboard for me, I am for them. We help hone one another’s skills. Guest speakers, including this year Alison Bruce, author of the DC Gary Goodhew novels and columnist and panto’ scribe, Lynn Mortimer set us guidelines for in-house competitions

Issue 33 2014

Lift Share is one of Norwich’s greatest success stories and is a major contributor to our city’s tech-hub credentials. In its most important year yet we dig a little deeper to find out more about life at Liftshare. From the very beginning of 2014 the team at Liftshare knew it was going to be their most exciting year since its launch in 1998. In the first two week of the year Forbes Magazine had tipped the Sharing Economy to be the biggest trend of 2014, Radio 4 had themed a halfhour programme around Liftshare and some of the UK’s most recognised and prestigious brands, such as McLaren, Jaguar Landrover and Waitrose were introducing Liftshare schemes for their employees. It is little wonder that the company that founded the UK’s entire peer-topeer sharing community has amassed so many awards and has its sights set on an even bigger and better future. Liftshare’s founder Ali Clabburn is from a long line of Norfolk’s brightest business people. Historically the family was instrumental in building Norwich’s highly regarded and historically important textiles industry and set up Bonds of Norwich (now John Lewis) industry so it is

perhaps no surprise that he has an entrepreneurial streak: “When I was growing up I was constantly fixing things and inventing gadgets.” he explains. “I didn’t tend to take no for an answer if I felt here might be a better way of doing things. ” It was while he was away at university that Liftshare was born when Ali discovered the cost of a train ticket from Bristol to Norfolk. After getting an encouraging response from a couple of Post-Its on a notice board asking for a lift home he and a friend built his first website and 16years-on over 600,000 people have benefited from the free service and 1 in 100 cars in the UK are registered on the site. Right now there are 1 million empty car seats available to share through Last year Liftshare moved into Silicon Valley-style offices in the heart of Norwich equipped with their own slide, swings, fake-grass carpets and wallpaper that gives the impression that they are working from an island in the middle of a glorious swimming pool. It’s the kind of place that anyone would enjoy working in and they do: “Productivity has increased significantly since we moved to

Norwich,” says Ali. “Everyone loves the feel of the new space with its high ceilings, big windows and funky décor. But it’s also incredibly flexible; the desks are arranged so people integrate with everyone in the office not just the people in their teams and there are plenty of areas for informal meetings. The team are really proud to bring people here and show off where they work and it’s a great recruitment tool as whenever anyone visits they fall in love with the place. That’s quite rare but the business is really feeling the benefit.” Ali works hard to find like-minded people to join Liftshare and has built up a brilliant team of local talent: “Marcus is our longest-serving member of staff and has been with us for 12 years. We didn’t have any money at the time so for a while he worked for us for free which tells you a lot about the kind of person he is.” Every few months the whole Liftshare team takes a day away from the office and goes for a long walk and a pub lunch. Just a few weeks ago they headed off through the city along Wherrymans Way ending up at the Water’s Edge pub.

“It sounds like a jolly and I can’t deny there are lots of laughs – we all love having a good time – but we’re a team of 30+ now so it’s good for everyone to get to know each other out of the office and some of the best ideas come out of these days - they are much more what Liftshare is about than sitting in a board room with a flip chart.” Liftshare supports the Norwich for Jobs initiative which helps young people aged 18-24 find good economic employment opportunities in the city. Ali is a vehement supporter of schemes that encourage people to reach their potential: “I think everyone needs to concern themselves with the future and help guide young people into new and interesting careers. It’s then up to the individual to take every opportunity they can and work hard to find a job that makes Monday morning a pleasure. That sounds idealistic but I’ll tell you this: the real success stories I meet are from all walks of life and are passionate about what they do. They are rarely millionaires with flash lifestyles but they are the happiest people I know.”

Butterfly Walk Raises £2,500 For Norfolk Charity Largest fundraising event for 2014 Norfolk charity, The Benjamin Foundation, held its first ever ‘Butterfly Walk’ on 21 June 2014 at Whitlingham Country Park, Norwich. Former Norwich City striker Iwan Roberts, a supporter of the Butterfly Walk, cut the ribbon to officially open the event. The Butterfly Walk, sponsored by business telecoms supplier, Comms Supply, brought people together by inviting them to walk one lap of the Great Broad which is 2.3 miles around. To raise money for The Benjamin Foundation’s services, which supports

children, young people and families across Norfolk, walkers could either pay an entrance fee or find sponsors. The event attracted over 100 people of all ages who were able to start the walk at any point during the day. Chris Elliott, marketing and fundraising manager from The Benjamin Foundation said, “We were delighted with how our first ever Butterfly Walk went. The weather was gorgeous which meant all the people who pledged to walk turned up, plus lots more. We included a quiz trail around the Great

Broad which provided an element of healthy competition and lots of walkers were returning to the check-in point wondering if they’d got the butterflyrelated questions right. Whilst we’re still tallying up the monies raised we believe it is in excess of £2,500 which is fantastic”. Karl Alderton is the managing director of business telecoms company Comms Supply, the main sponsor of the Butterfly Walk. Karl and a group of his colleagues were some of the first walkers of the day.

“The Benjamin Foundation is our company charity of the year; the first time we’ve decided to channel our charity and community support towards one organisation,” said Karl. “As a team, we chose The Benjamin Foundation because the amazing work it does to

support vulnerable children, young people and their families; something that struck a chord with many of our team. “To be part of the first everbutterfly walk made me very proud. We couldn’t have been luckier with the weather and everyone I spoke to enjoyed the quiz trail around the broad. I’m hoping

we’ve helped to raise more money for this important charity and that lots more people will take the time to find out about its work.” Norfolk charity The Benjamin Foundation was founded by Richard and Vanessa Draper in memory of their son Ben who died, aged just 17 years old. For

almost 20 years the charity has been helping people across Norfolk to deal with some of the challenges that life throws at them; from ‘everyday’ problems such as finding affordable childcare or training, to heart-breaking issues like homelessness, bullying or abuse.

Every service The Benjamin Foundation delivers is focused on providing hope, opportunity, stability and independence. For more information about The Benjamin Foundation, visit:

The Fine City In The Great War It is now exactly 100 years since the outbreak of the Great War. Here, we take a look at how this momentous conflict affected life in the Fine City. Stephen Browning is your guide... There will be no war! The weekend of 31st July to 4 August 1914 was very hot and most of Norfolk had decamped to the coast. Despite the murder of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo and the fact that the British demand for Germany to respect the integrity of Belgium’s borders had gone unanswered, most people did not think a war was on the way. Today, we inevitably see the Great War through the prism of the Second. If we could travel back to this hot holiday weekend in 1914 it would be apparent that such a conflict seemed unthinkable: surely no-one would challenge the might of the British Empire? Even when it became apparent that they would, the popular opinion was that it ‘will all be over by Christmas’. When that didn’t happen, it became the ‘War to end all Wars’. Wrong on all counts, as it turned out. As the deadline for Germany’s agreement to Great Britain’s ultimatum

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about Belgium came ever closer, nervousness gripped our County. People started to meet outside the offices of the Eastern Daily Press in Norwich for regular updates on the crisis. At 11.10 pm on August 4th, the following was posted: ‘ Owing to the summary rejection by the German Government of the request made by His Majesty’s Government for assurances that the neutrality of Belgium will be respected, His Majesty’s Ambassador in Berlin has received his passports, and His Majesty’s Government have declared to the German Government that a state of war exists between Great Britain and Germany as from eleven p.m. on August 4th.’ Invasion? The country was quite unprepared for war.The first people in Norfolk to become actually affected by the dramatic turn of events during the week-end were the men of the Naval Reserve, most of whom lived in the coast towns and hamlets.

An Admiralty order calling up all classes of naval reserves reached some of these places at four o’clock on the Sunday morning. Motor cars sped into the neighbouring villages, and a cutter went down into The Wash carrying instructions to those who were with the fishing fleet. At the beginning of hostilities the civil authorities had no information as to their course of conduct in the event of a hostile landing. Subsequently, the Government decided that Local Emergency Committees should be formed. The first order dealt with motor vehicles. Schedules of all cars and motor-cycles in Norwich were prepared, and an appeal was issued by Dr J.G. Gordon-Munn, who had then become Lord Mayor, for cars for the use of the military in case of emergency. Some two hundred motor-cars and two hundred motor-cycles were offered, whilst three hundred drivers and riders volunteered for this service.

A team of 100 mechanics was also recruited to disable all private cars in the event of invasion which rapidly came to be seen as extremely likely. The Civilians’ Emergency Corps, originally of 1200 people, was simultaneously set up for dealing with removal or destruction of horses and vehicles. In the event of invasion people were to retreat inland and teams of Scouts were organised to explore routes out of Norwich away from main roads. Volunteer Corps In November 1914 the EDP ran adverts for older men to form the Volunteer Training Corps, open to men over 38 years of age. By January 1915 there were 28 squads drilling in various public buildings three times a week with afternoon drills on Thursdays and Saturdays on the Earlham Road Recreation Ground. There were bricklayers, doctors, clergymen, solicitors and architects.

The authorities were not very supportive and the public named them ‘The Cripples Brigade’ and ‘England’s Last Hope’. Manoeuvres had a comical aspect sometimes with arthritic gentlemen unable to differ left from right. War from the skies This was the first conflict in history where terror threatened from the skies in the form of Zeppelins. The Norfolk coast suffered greatly but not a single bomb fell on Norwich during the war. This was because the city took drastic action to black out all lights after dark. Businessess were obliged to mask their skylights, ordinary houses their windows, and even Norwich’s much-heralded trams were allowed just one interior candle. Penalties for non-compliance were severe. In total, 4,042 people were prosecuted and fines inflicted to the tune of £1,357 10s 7d.

This was not without its comic, even dangerous, aspect. People walking at night would bump into lampposts or do others harm by swishing unbrellas in front of them as they struggled along the blackened streets. Sometimes they would find themselves boldy entering someone else’s house, quite convinced it was theirs. Hospitals One of the greatest roles played by the Fine City in the war was tending the sick. For example, 44,651 men passed through the Norfolk War (General) Hospital at Thorpe. This was the central hospital to fifty Auxilliary hospitals scattered throughout Norfolk containing over 1000 beds. Food As the war progressed, food became increasingly difficult to obtain. By 1916 the German u-boats were having a devastating effect upon

supplies. Norfolk had to look towards its own food and the following are a couple of recipes published at this time: Fish custard Take any cold fish, remove all bones and skin, lay it in small pieces in the bottom of a pie dish, mix with a little salt and pepper. Mix a dessertspoon of flour smooth in a teacupful of milk; add one beaten egg and a piece of fat about as big as a walnut, creamed but not oiled. Pour it over the fish, and bake half an hour or so in a moderate oven. Potato and Apple Pudding Boil and mash one and a half pounds of sour apples; boil three potatoes, and add them through the masher to the apples; mix well, add four ounces of sugar, a cupful of water, and the grated rind of one lemon; one or two eggs can be added but these are not necessary. Beat well, place in a greased basin or mould, and steam

for an hour and a half. It was also recommended that households mixed cooked, sieved potatoes with butter to make it go farther and to construct a haybox: this was basically a tightly sealed tin, wrapped around which was hay and cloth, and its function was to allow long-term cooking, much like a present-day slow cooker. For breakfast porridge, for example, you cooked it ten minutes on the stove before going to bed and then left it all night in the haybox. Result? Perfect breakfast. Norwich industries Our industries contributed to the war effort in amazing ways. Norwich was famous for boot production and one firm, Howlett and White, produced 453,00 pairs of boots for the British Army, 21, 000 pairs of Aviation boots for the fledgling Royal Air Corps and 32,000 pairs of boots for the Allies. The Norwich boot was regarded as supreme and the Germans were seen as desperate to get hold of them,

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cont’d There are many firm still operating, such a Jarrold and Sons, who had a fine record in promoting the war effort. One of the most important was Boulton and Paul, operating from Rose Lane and Riverside, who produced more of the Sopwith Camel aircraft than anyone else. These were tested out on Mousehold Heath. Many firms, such as the above and Norwich Union ( now Aviva ) encouraged their male employees to enlist and guaranteed them their present salary whilst in the forces and also their job back when hostilities ended. Jobs at home were increasingly taken by women. . Heroes a-plenty Norwich men served, and died, in many regiments all around the world. The loss of life at Ypres and the Somme was unprecedented

and heartbreaking. One of the most celebrated sons of Norwich is Corporal Harry Cator. He was awarded the Victoria Cross in June 1918. The London Gazette recorded: ‘ he advanced single handed to the enemy trench and with his revolver forced seven of the enemy to surrender and carry the machine guns with their tripods to our lines.’ The captured guns were then used against the enemy to devastating effect. Another very brave man was Lance Corporal Ernest Seaman, 2nd Battalion, Royal Inniskillen Fusiliers, born in Derby Street, Norwich. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for rescuing wounded under heavy fire. He was killed at Ypres on 29th September, 1918.

Many men who flew were killed even before seeing battle, such was the fragility of aircraft. One who did not, and lived until 1967, was Major Egbert Cadbury. He shot down a German Zeppelin off the coast at Wells-nextthe-sea on August 5th 1918. He was awarded both the D.S.C. and the D.F.C. The most celebrated citizen of the Fine City is, however, probably a nurse – Edith Cavell. She found herself in occupied Belgium when the war broke out and helped many a wounded soldier escape to the UK and other countries. In 1915 she was arrested, tried entirely in German, a language she did not understand, and shot by firing squad. On the night before her death, she famously remarked that ‘Patriotism is not enough’, as she would willingly have helped any soldier. After the war she was reburied alongside Norwich Cathedral. Relief when the war ended was palpable, although the people were very tired and the victory celebrations

14 Issue 33 2014

centred around St Peter Mancroft were muted. There was a feeling of gratitude that Norwich had completely escaped destruction. The following proud statement appeared in The Peace Souvenir, issued by Jarrold and Sons in 1919: Never yet did a stranger visit Norwich and wander with an intelligent eye through its sinuous streets without experiencing that indescribable charm and delight consequent upon the succession of picturesque prospects which burst upon the view in the numerous combinations of medieval ecclesiastical architecture with the bustle and stir of mercantile establishments’

Stephen Browning is preparing a book, ‘Norwich in the Great War’, which will be published by Pen and Sword Books in Autumn 2015

East Anglian Air Ambulance Service Fundraising events for the East Anglian Air Ambulance throughout September it was brilliant so I would recommend the Runway Run to anyone.’

East Anglian Air Ambulance operates every single day of the year providing a lifesaving service across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.

‘If you have never run a race like this before there are simple programmes to get you up to 5k in weeks, and with a great cause like the EAAA what more motivation could you need?’

We hold many fundraising events throughout the year to raise the money we need to continue our work. With costs averaging £2,448 per mission, these events are vital.

If you are feeling lucky there will also be a casino and a crystal raffle with brilliant prizes. Tickets are available for just £35 each from: For more information on the East Anglian Air Ambulance and other

future events please visit or find us on Twitter @EastAngliAirAmb. T: 08450 669 999 Registered Charity No: 1083876

Registration opens at 9am ready for the race to begin at 10:30am with fantastic entertainment throughout the day including a funfair, local stalls and refreshments. You can enter now online via the website at just £10 for adults and £5 for children.

One such event is coming to you shortly, the 6th annual Runway Run at Sculthorpe Airfield. On Sunday 14 September 2014 hundreds of people will get together to run, jog or walk the 5km and 10km track to raise money for EAAA.

If you would prefer an event out of running shoes then the 15th anniversary Crystal Ball may be for you.

Are you looking for your next challenge? There is still plenty of time to start training for the event, just ask EAAA critical care paramedic Rod Wells, from Norfolk, who ran the London Marathon this year.

On Saturday 15 November the Crystal Ball, sponsored by Tilletts, will be held at Sprowston Manor in Norwich. The event will include a sparkling drinks reception, three course meal and entertainment from The Yow Yows.

Rod said: ‘The East Anglian Air Ambulance is a fantastic cause, I recently completed the London Marathon in aid of EAAA and

EAAA RunwAy Run 2014

15th Anniversary

m Fakenha e Airfield, culthorp S • 0 .3 4 • 10

ber 201 4 Septem Sunday 1

Bigger and better for 2014

Take part in the EAAA Runway Run! You have the option of a 5km or 10km run. Food, drink, funfair and live music for your friends and family whilst they support you. The Runway Run is moving to Sculthorpe Airfield near Fakenham this year. Pushchairs, wheelchair users and well-behaved dogs are all welcome. Take on this new challenge for EAAA and help us fund our vital work throughout East Anglia.

Crystal Ball Sparkling drinks reception, three-course meal, music from The Yow Yows, casino and crystal raffle

Saturday 15 November Sprowston Manor, Norwich 19.00 arrivals • Tickets £35


Please enter via or return an entry form to: Runway Run, EAAA, Hangar E, Gambling Close, Norwich Airport, Norwich NR6 6EG

Kindly sponsored by

T: 08450 669 999

sored by on


Registered Charity No: 1083876

16 Issue 33 2014

To book tickets call 01603 489409 or email






Heritage Wills Are Proud To Support The East Anglian Air Ambulance Service

Planning Permission Approved For New Norfolk Children’s Hospice The possibility of a purpose-built children’s hospice in Norfolk to revolutionise the way children’s palliative care is delivered is a step closer after a planning application by East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) was granted Subject to a successful fundraising campaign, the new hospice will be built on a 5-acre woodland plot in Framingham Earl and will replace the charity’s current facility in Quidenham in the south of the county.

distances to access care – often when time is vital. Benefits of the new hospice will include:

“We’d like to thank everyone involved in the project so far. We’re over the first hurdle in gaining planning permission, but we’ve now got the challenge of encouraging the good people of East Anglia to help us raise the funds needed to build and equip the new hospice.”

• • • • • • • •

Accessibility and flexibility is restricted at Quidenham and there isn’t room for expansion. Quidenham is in south Norfolk with many families travelling large

With the purchase of land, building costs and professional fees, the appeal will need to raise in the region of £10 million, in addition to the voluntary funds still

Graham Butland, EACH Chief Executive, said: “The current Norfolk hospice in Quidenham has provided care and support for more than two decades and has been a home from home for families, but it’s very restricted in its facilities and development and a new hospice will bring the county in line with services we offer in Cambridgeshire, Essex and Suffolk.

More choice and flexibility for families. Improved accessibility and specialist equipment across the whole building. A hydrotherapy pool. Far better dedicated facilities for play and music therapy, and more appropriate areas for older children and young people. Better and more appropriate family accommodation. Dedicated bathrooms for all bedrooms. Improved facilities for on-site family support groups and activities. Nearer to the centre of the county making it easier for many families to visit and with closer/easier access to the county’s hospitals.

required to run EACH services during this time. EACH will continue to run Quidenham hospice to its current high standards until a new hospice is built. If you’d like to help the appeal to build a new children’s hospice for Norfolk, please contact the EACH Norfolk Fundraising team: EACH Fundraising, Suite 5, The Old Dairy, Elm Farm Business Park, Wymondham, NR18 0SW. Tel: 01953 666767 Email: Twitter: @EACH_Norfolk To find out more visit:

Images: Drawings of the newly approved hospice building.

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Grand Charity On-line Auction Raises Over £14,471 For East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices In Norfolk The Grand Charity Auction delivered a feast of surprises not just for the local Norfolk community, by also attracting bids from around the UK and overseas in Denmark, Bosnia and the USA. As the World Cup gripped the Nation a selection of World Cup memorabilia; including a 1966 England World Cup Shirt signed by 10 of the Final starting England team, a signed Pele shirt, and a feast of fantastic Original and Signed Limited Edition artwork by Los Angeles based Argentinian Fabian Perez, a Stephen Fry signed tie and props from the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban film, singer & song writer Sting and Elvis Costello, along with many more great donations, went under the hammer raising over £14,471 for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) Quidenham hospice in Norfolk. The Grand Charity Auction in aid of EACH was organised by Russell Baker, Lord Baker of Little Moulton, who lives in Bracon Ash, near Wymondham, with marketing support through Jonty Young who owns Norwich based marketing company Creative Hub Norwich. Barclays

Bank and Norwich City Football Club also provided tremendous support for this year’s fundraising event. One lucky winner Ms Nichola Westlake from Brighton said: “I’m completely overjoyed with winning the Fabian Perez Signed Limited Edition art-piece named ‘The Embrace II’ which was part of Fabian’s latest collection, and even more surprised to get Limited Edition No: 2.” Lord Baker said: “The online charity auction has proved to be an even bigger success this year and the quality of the donations were outstanding, but of course the bar has now been set quite high for next year’s event which I hope will be even more successful.” Lord Baker added “Apart from the obvious financial rewards which will help EACH continue their fantastic work, and help aid the impending costs associated with the new Norfolk based hospice construction

in the village of Framingham Earl, there is the increased awareness and vision about EACH to the wider National and International communities. I think this year’s auction has gone some way to ensure both a successful funding and awareness campaign.” Laura Carver, EACH Norfolk Fundraiser, said: “We’re absolutely delighted with the events Lord Baker puts on for EACH and the funds raised are fantastic. His continued support and that of the wider community is appreciated by us all as it enables us to continue caring for the children and families in the area who require our support. EACH is a charity that supports families and cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex. The EACH care teams help children and families with the emotional and physical challenges they face, helping

them to make the most of life wherever they wish – in families’ own homes, in the community or at one of the hospices in Quidenham, Ipswich and Milton. EACH relies on public support for the majority of the income needed to deliver care services, and a 100 per cent reliance on voluntary income for the new hospice. With the purchase of land, building costs and professional fees, the cost of the new hospice is likely to be in the region of £10 million. EACH will continue to run Quidenham hospice to its current high standards until a new hospice is built. For further information about East Anglia Children’s Hospices, including forthcoming events and how you can help raise funds, please visit the EACH website. Registered charity number 1069284.

Lord & Lady Baker with Fabian Perez

Issue 33 2014 19

Lady Julian Of Norwich Julian of Norwich and the Art of Meditation Julian meditated on God’s love for twenty years. Most of us have a more prosaic need for some peace and quiet, and this can be especially rewarding if your mind comes along with you. Stephen Browning takes a look at Julian’s life and the process of meditation. ‘All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well’ Julian was born about 1342, possibly to a rich Norwich family, and died in 1416. Following a severe illness in the early 1370s, she received a series of visitations from Jesus Christ and meditated upon them for 20 years before producing a book, ‘The Revelations of Divine Love’, the first book in English by a woman, and one which has been in print continuously for almost 650 years. You can visit the site of her meditations in St Julian’s Church on the south slope of the city, half way between John Lewis and the River Wensum. Julian’s meditations are remarkable and uplifting in the sense that she saw no

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anger in God’s love, as the quote above, probably the most famous from the book, makes clear. God told her that it was not his plan that we should be sad but that all should live in joy and love. You can join the ‘Friends of Julian’ in the shop adjoining the church to explore her teachings further. Of course, Julian ‘meditated’ in the sense of concentrating her mind on the power and goodness of God. Most of us, when thinking of meditation, will have a less elevated and practical goal – probably to take a break from the stress of our job and the bank manager; and the frustrations of just existing in the twenty-first century. Meditation is a most marvellous thing – in its basic form it is very simple, is fine for people of all religions or none, and can have an immediate transformative effect. So how do you ‘do’ it? It is very easy. Firstly, posture is most important. We have probably all seen pictures, on

adverts for healthy cereals or whatever, of the impossibly lithe and beautiful young lady who is sitting on the floor with her legs crossed in front of her and with her open palms placed, upward facing, on her knees. She looks as if she has been visited by a heavenly peace. Well, if you have ever tried that, you could well, unless you are very fit, find a pain rapidly developing in the small of your back and, while it may look ‘cool’, chances are it may not do you much good. One comfortable way of sitting is to put a few cushions on the floor – you need to experiment to find the most comfortable height for you – and then to kneel down with your legs each side and with the cushions supporting your posterior. Place your hands where they feel comfortable – either one on each leg or lightly joined in front of you. Another way, absolutely fine and very good for those of us who are not as agile as we used to be, is to sit on a dining room chair. Place your hands on your lap. If your feet do

not reach the floor, place a cushion or two under them. Lying down on the floor is also very relaxing, but the chances are you will fall asleep. Sit up naturally – there should be as little effort as possible. If your head is just resting easily and effortlessly, not leaning forward or back, then your neck muscles will also be relaxed. Now we are all set. In Tibetan meditation, eyes are kept open but in other forms they are closed. It is up to you but probably easier to begin with if you shut them. Try a small amount to start with – five or ten minutes. You can increase the session to, maybe, twenty minutes when you feel like it. If you keep it up for a long period, time can become irrelevant and the practice may embed itself in everything you do. There are many different types of meditation and the following is the simplest and quite possibly the best. It

is called ‘just sitting’. A Tibetan master once said that, if you have simply reached this point – ie you are seated in a good posture and have the intention to meditate – why, you ARE meditating already and everything else will follow. I like the following analogy which I was given when I began the process many years ago. Imagine a film projector. There is a light at the back and a film which whirs away in front of it. Most folk’s mind is like the film – it continually whirls, loops and flashes, taking you with it until you are exhausted, throwing you this way and that. Well, the object of this meditation practice is to imagine you are the light, NOT the film. Sure, the film represents your thoughts and you do nothing to deny them, but you have taken a step back and now, while you clearly see them, they cease to take you on their mad way as they flit about. Many find this process incredibly liberating. When they first start meditating, some people think that their thoughts, jumping around like

a flea, have become louder and more of a problem than before. But what is really happening is that you are actually ‘seeing’ your thoughts for the first time. Just let them come and go - the good, the bad and the indifferent - without any judgement. In time a miracle may occur and they actually begin to slow down.

smile to yourself and start at number one again. There is no reason, if you prefer, why you cannot recite a mantra, or your children’s names, or the Lord’s Prayer – the object is to quieten and tame your mind’s wandering. Very often, meditation teachers will, after a while, introduce another meditation technique where the mind is more active. Buddhists call it

the Metta Bhavana and it is designed to increase the power of mindfulness, love and positive thinking. This is probably more akin to the thought processes of Julian of Norwich herself but it is, in all events, to her and mystics throughout the centuries of all religions and creeds that we must give our thanks for the priceless gift of meditation in all its forms.

A slight variation of this process is to give your mind some simple thing to do. We are not used to our minds NOT doing something and this can help. One way is to focus on the breath. Breath in, slight pause, breath out. Do not change your breathing in any way at all, but just ‘watch’ it. Or again, you can quietly, in your mind, count slowly from one to ten: then start again up to ten and back to one once more; and continue. If you are like me, you will probably realise that you have not been mindful enough and have reached number 27 or, as one of my friends confessed to me one time - 132! No problem – just

Far Left: Statue of Lady Julian Right: (Above) Daniel Tink outside Norwich Castle (L) Daniel Tink, (R) Stephen Browning

Issue 33 2014


Norwich Sunblinds Support MS-UK Fundraising Julian of Norwich and the Art of Meditation Norwich Sunblinds are very grateful for the support of our customers over the last few years.

to support anyone effected by Multiple Sclerosis, in May we raised £1012.00

As everyone knows the economy has been difficult, and without our loyal customers we would not have survived during the last few challenging years.

We wish them every success, and commend them on the brilliant work that they do Abi Crawford, Head of Fundraising and Development for Ms-UK said.“MS-UK would like to thank Norwich Sunblind’s for their generous support of Robby Copsey and his 2014 London Marathon efforts.

With this in mind we have decided that we would like to give back to the local community, so over the next few months we will contribute £1.00 for every blind and pair of curtains we sell this year to local charities. Each month we will be supporting a different local charity. Our staff are all excited to find out each day how many blinds/curtains have been sold to contribute towards the Charity. We wanted to support MS-UK who endeavours

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Each week, 57 people will be diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the UK. MS can be a life changing condition and currently there is no cure. MS-UK provides free support, advice and information for anyone affected by MS so that no one should have to face MS alone. We could not do our work without the kind support of fundraisers like

Robby and companies like Norwich Sunblind’s – thank you so much, your support is truly appreciated. For more information about MS-UK, please visit our website or call MS-UK on 0800 783 0518”

Fab curtains!



Put Your Best Foot Forward for Marie Curie! Brush off your walking boots, grab your glow sticks and load up your picnic baskets in support of Marie Curie Cancer Care’s Norfolk Nursing service on, Saturday 30th August 2014. 2014 marks the first time that Walk Ten, a twilight 10k walk in the stunning grounds of Sandringham, has come to Norfolk, so we are urging as many people as possible from across the county to sign up and support Marie Curie, so that we can care for more terminally ill patients and their families in their own homes. Walk Ten is a sponsored twilight 10k walk which will wind its way through the stunning Norfolk retreat of HM the Queen, beginning at 5.30pm, followed by an after dark picnic, as walkers listen to live music whilst enjoying other live entertainment. The evening culminates with a spectacular fireworks display, as we mark 10pm, the time when the majority of Marie Curie nurses begin their evening shifts, entering homes of terminally ill patients to provide care for them and their families

throughout the night. Norfolk Nursing Ambassador, Alexandra Evans, wants as many to encourage as many people as possible to join this year’s event, as she sees first-hand how far every penny raised at Walk Ten goes said; “Most people, if asked, would say they want to be at home when they die, safe in the arms of their loved ones. As well as caring for the patient, a big part of my job involves offering emotional support to their family to try and help them through this difficult time. Everyone should be able to choose where they die when the time comes.” “My job can be sad, funny, frustrating, exhausting, traumatic and sometimes a bit frightening but, it’s always rewarding fulfilling and never depressing. To get such positive feedback from patient’s families

confirming that I’ve made a difference to their lives, whilst knowing that I’ve helped their loved one to fulfil their wish to die at home with dignity, makes what I do so rewarding.” “Walk Ten is a wonderful way for families and friends to spend time together, at the same time enjoying some fresh air and beautiful countryside, whilst also knowing that they will be helping Marie Curie nurses like me, care for more terminally ill patients and their families in Norfolk. So please sign up for Walk Ten as you’ll be helping to make it possible for Marie Curie to provide more free hands on care and emotional support, in their own homes, right until the end.” Paul Fleet, Norfolk Community Fundraiser; “Walk 10 is a fantastic day out for family, friends and work

colleagues. It is an easy and fun way of raising vital money for the nurses treating terminally ill patients all over Norfolk. This year alone, Marie Curie Nurses aim to offer over 36,000 hours of care and support in excess of 600 patients in the county, so with this year’s walk aiming to generate over £55,000, which equates to nearly 3,000 hours of care, you can see how important this event is to us and the families we care for.” Walk Ten is for all abilities and ages; registration costs £10, with on the night entry costing £20. Under 16’s walk for free and everyone who takes part in Walk Ten receives a Walk Ten t-shirt to wear on the night. It’s also a dog friendly event, so our four legged friends are more than welcome. Registration for the event is now open and people can sign up at www.mariecurie. or by calling 0845 0524184.

‘‘ Everyone should be able to choose where they die when the time comes” (Alexandra Evans, Marie Curie Nurse)

About Marie Curie Cancer Care Marie Curie is the leading charity providing care to people with any terminal illness in their own homes or in one of its nine hospices. The charity is also a leader in research into the best ways of caring for people with a terminal illness. In addition to this the charity designs and advises on end of life services and works to ensure that the best possible care and patient choice is at the heart of commissioning end of life care across the UK. All Marie Curie services are completely free of charge. Around 70% of the charity’s income comes from donations with the balance of funds coming from the NHS. For more information visit www. Like us at MarieCurieEastOfEngland Follow on Twitter @MarieCurie_CWP

Issue 33 2014


Voewood Festival North Norfolk’s unique literature & music festival The festival features music from Peter Hook, MidgUre, Nadine Shah and more plus multi award winning debut novelist Eimear McBride, inspirational letter writer Jodi Ann Bickley and one of the world’s greatest actors, John Hurt Voewood is an intimately maverick arts festival that brings together the best of literature, music, debate, conversation and partying in the beautiful surroundings of a unique butterfly shaped Arts and Crafts house and Grade 1 listed gardens. With a line up that includes literary stars and music legends, both established and the emerging, this is a festival like no other. Voewood takes its own idiosyncratic path and throws a country house garden party, genuine English eccentricity and good old rock and roll into the mix. And with just 1,250 tickets available it offers a very intimate experience. Following a break in 2013 this will be the third Voewood Festival and over three midsummer days and nights, from 15 to 17 August, Voewood (voted England’s

favourite house in the Eastern region by Country Living) will overflow with writers, journalists, singers and musicians. Curated by owner and rare book dealer Simon Finch the Festival line-up embraces a broad spectrum of talent and reflects his eclectic and playful spirit. Bringing together novelists and journalists, poets and politicians, explorers, inventors, actors and letter-writers, Voewood is a place where spontaneous conversations and collaborations might and do occur. Voewood is special because here everyone is of substance, there is no them and us. Artists and audiences rub shoulders and mingle to create the best garden party imaginable. Voewood’s pleasures are timeless: a bittersweet cocktail of late night conversation, vigorous debate and sudden laughter in another part of the garden. At this urbane festival, on the edge of an English country town, mischief can be created in the most delightful way. A highlight of this year’s festival will be the launch of documentary photographer

Martin Parr’s new book of photographs of Voewood. Instigated by Simon Finch and with an introductory text by DBC Pierre, these images, taken at previous festivals, capture the essence of the Voewood experience. A chaired discussion between local MP Norman Lamb and prospective UK Independence Party’s parliamentary candidate for North Norfolk Michael Baker may enrage as much as entertain but will at the very least provide food for thought. New additions to the bill include the author of one of the year’s most praised novels. ‘A Girl Is A Half Formed Thing’ the first novel by Eimear McBride, has won The Goldsmiths Prize, the Irish Novel of the Year award and the Bailey’s Book Prize and is shortlisted for the Folio Prize and the Desmond Elliott Prize. The inspirational Jodi Ann Bickley’s 2014 book ‘One Million Lovely Letters’ tells the story of her battle to recover from the serious brain infection she contracted at just 22. This meant that meant she had to relearn to walk and write and changed

her way of life forever. It’s a witty and uplifting testament to the power of words to heal heart and mind. There will also be a very special treat from one of the country’s leading actors, John Hurt. Other names in the literary element of the year festival include children’s author Philip Ardagh, Sarah Churchwell, Sarah Bower whose latest novel features Voewood House, Lizzie Enfield and broadcaster and author Katie Puckrik. Environmental activist Paul Kingsnorth will be reading from his first novel ‘The Wake’ and also in attendance will be Peter Jukes, prolific tweeter of updates from the phone hacking trial, psychogeographer Iain Sinclair, international award-winning author Pietro Grossi, and Welsh author and poet Owen Sheers. A further strand of the programme includes pioneers or individuals at the forefront of their field and includes inventor Jeff Woolf, impresario, collector and curator Viktor Wynd, physician and graphic novelist Ian Williams, explorer Rosie Stancer who intends to be the first

Main image: MidgeUre, Inset left:Jenny Boyd, Inset right: Tim Lott, Right: Voewood Hall

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woman to walk solo to the north Pole in 2015 and Russell Marsh who spent 15 years casting models for Prada’s catwalk shows and now is a freelance Casting Director with clients including Victoria Beckham and Christopher Kane. There is also a notable rock and roll strand to the literary programme including renowned rock journalist Mick Wall. Chris Salewicz will be talking about his latest book The 27 Club, an analysis of seven influential musicians who died at the age of 27, and psychologist and former model Jenny Boyd (the inspiration for Donovan’s Jennifer, Juniper) will read from her book ‘It’s not only Rock n’ Roll’. Grammy Award winning bass guitarist Guy Pratt, who has served time with artists as diverse as Pink Floyd, Womack & Womack, Michael Jackson and Madonna, will present his witty one-man show telling stories, anecdotes and gossip from behind the scenes. There’s also a rumour that several of the musicians playing at the festival will be making daytime appearances too, to talk and discuss their work.

The Incredible String Band are still cited as a massive influence on much of the music that has followed them and on the afternoon of 16 August 1969 they took to the stage at the Woodstock Festival. Mike Heron, the singer and guitarist from the band will perform a solo set at Voewood almost 45 years to the hour since he played at the legendary American festival and tell of his arrival, sharing a helicopter with Ravi Shankar.

will be making their concert debut at Voewood. For a final night rock-out Sex Pistol Glen Matlock brings his Philistines.

The music programme includes a solo acoustic set from Ultravox frontman and Band Aid composer Midge Ure that reveals the artistry in his songwriting and Los Pacaminos (featuring Paul Young) bring their own tex-mex party to north Norfolk. As bass player in two of the most influential bands of the last 50 years, Joy Division and New Order, Peter Hook has defined the musical tastes of a generation.

In addition to all this there will be food and drink from local suppliers, a programme of dedicated children’s events, book and record stalls, impromptu discussions, special guests, and much, much more. Voewood truly is a magically special event like no other.

With his band Peter Hook and the Light he will be revisiting the back catalogue of both bands in a glorious show that will rock Voewood to its very foundations. Atlantic Machine is the solo project of award-winning producer (Stereophonics), songwriter and multiinstrumentalist Jim Lowe. The band

There’s new talent too with much feted singer songwriter Nadine Shah, hotly tipped by The Guardian for her album Love Your Dum and Mad, up and coming She Makes War (Laura Kidd) and the precocious talent of 15 year old Sacha Luffman.

Voewood will once again be raising money for the nearby Kelling Hospital. In previous years over £7,000 has been raised.Voewood, Cromer Road, High Kelling (nr Holt), Norfolk NR25 6QS

• Adult weekend ticket £165 • Under 30s weekend ticket £110 (limited numbers) • Child (5-15 yrs) weekend ticket £60 • Under 5s FREE • Single Day tickets (until 5.30pm) • Adult £40 • Child (5-15 yrs) £20 • Single Evening only tickets (from 7.00pm) • Friday 15th and Sunday 17th • Adult £30 • Child (5-15 yrs) £15 • Saturday 16th (Peter Hook & The Light + Nadine Shah) • Adult £35 • Child (5-15 yrs) £15 Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult and child tickets can only be purchased with an adult ticket www.voewoodfestival. com

Tickets are on sale now. They can be bought online at www. by phone on 01603 598636

Issue 33 2014 27


Mixed Voice Present Godspell Norwich Playhouse presents a multi-talented cast Norfolk based entertainment company Mixed Voice, are bringing the 2012 revival of Godspell to the Norwich Playhouse in the first week of September, the East Anglian premiere of this incredibly popular musical. Having played to huge acclaim OffBroadway in 2012, the show has been updated with references to everything from Borat to Alan Sugar as well as some amazing new arrangements.

at the Musicals’ series. In 2013, the company embarked on their first full scale musical with Jonathan Larson’s RENT (voted for by the public) at the Norwich Playhouse, which played to widespread acclaim across the region. This year, they are one of the first theatre companies in the UK to be given a chance

to perform this new adaptation of Godspell, and it’s one they are incredibly excited about. Eaton resident Will Arundell, will be following in the footsteps of incredible performers such as David Essex, Hunter Parish and even High School Musical’s Corbin Bleu and playing the role of Jesus.

Will is currently studying at one of the most prestigious drama schools in Europe, The Guildford School of Acting, whose alumni include Michael Ball and Bill Nighy and he is incredibly excited to come and perform in Norwich again.

Although the company is listed as amateur, there is nothing amateur about its performers with many of them with a host of professional credits under their belt and many others in full time professional theatre training.

“It’s an honour to be offered one of the most well-known roles – not only in theatre – but in history, and I hope that audiences enjoy themselves as much as we all do onstage.” With its messages of community and inclusion combined with an incredible score and a phenomenally talented cast, this musical is perfect for all ages and is the perfect treat for the end of the summer holidays!

The company has built up a tremendous reputation for high quality entertainment over the last five years, with annual shows in the Assembly House and the Norwich Playhouse including the sell-out ‘A Night

The show is running at the Norwich Playhouse from the 3rd to the 6th of September. For more details go to or www.

Cast Pictures Credit: Denise Bradley


Miniature War Sculpture Set To Make A Big Impact In Norwich To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the First World War, a Norwich gallery is unveiling a miniature war sculpture that will also raise funds for The Royal British Legion. Castle Fine Art, Norwich, will unveil ‘Never Forgotten’ by Nic Joly, a poignant commemorative piece to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The gallery is hoping to raise thousands of pounds for The Royal British Legion through the sale of miniature limited edition sculptures. The collection will be available at Castle Fine Art, Norwich from Monday 4th August. The Royal British Legion is the UK’s leading Armed Forces charity, providing practical, emotional and financial support to all members of the British Armed Forces past and present, and their families. Nic Joly, who is known for his miniature pieces of sculptural theatre, has created 1,566 bronze pieces, reflecting the number of days that the First World War was fought. Joly has also included information on the back of every one to explain what happened on that particular day, making each one unique. Each piece costs £695

and £100 from each sale will be donated to The Royal British Legion. The artwork depicts two soldiers raising a red poppy – a direct reference to one of the most iconic images of war: the Joe Rosenthal photograph of US soldiers raising the flag on the island of Iwo Jima during the Second World War. A spokesperson from The Royal British Legion, said: “We are delighted that Nic has chosen The Royal British Legion to receive a share of the income from his fantastic project. “It is particularly poignant in this, the centenary year of the beginning of World War I, that he has chosen the poppy, the national symbol of remembrance, as the centrepiece of his work. The Royal British Legion was founded in the aftermath of The Great War and has, since 1921, provided support for the Armed Forces Community. Nic’s amazing gesture will help us to continue our work with serving personnel, veterans and Armed Forces families who are in need of help.” Nic said he was inspired to create the original piece, the idea for which was conceived in 2012, after meeting a 96-year-old war veteran who had flown a glider into Arnhem in the Second World War, just weeks after the D-Day landings. Nic said, “In my own small way, I want this piece to remind us that all those who have given their lives in conflicts from The First World War until the present day will be ‘Never Forgotten’. “I was struck by the fact that what we all think of the first war is as distant

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history, a black and white image based view. The meeting made it all so real, and so relevant. All those that fought and died were just like you and me – they were normal people in a terrible situation but doing incredible things.” Johnathon Thompson, Castle Fine Art, Norwich’s gallery manager said, “‘Never Forgotten’ is an emotive piece and reminds us to remember all those past and present, who have served and given their lives for the country. “We feel very privileged to have the sculpture on display for the people of Norwich to come and remember the lost soldiers of the First World War.” For more information visit Castle Fine Art, Norwich, telephone 01603 665 978 or visit For more information about the British Legion visit


‘Legends’ Exhibition At Castle Fine Art Gallery Featuring artwork from John Lennon, Ronnie Wood and John Pasche. Saturday 9th August – Sunday 24th August 2014 Castle Fine Art invites you to view an exclusive collection of contemporary art from some of the most influential figures in the world of art, music and popular culture. ‘Legends’ brings together art that has a place in history. From 9th August Castle Fine Art will have on display unique hand drawn and coloured original cels taken from The Beatles music video ‘I Feel Fine’, created in 1964.

The iconic music video was created as part of an artistic collaboration between John Lennon and Stephen Verona. Castle Fine Art, Norwich is privileged to have the original art on public display in their city centre fine art gallery. The exhibition, beginning Saturday 9th August, includes work from John Lennon to hand written song lyrics and hand painted guitars by Ronnie Wood himself. Many artworks from Ronnie

Wood and John Lennon are available to purchase from the exhibition. The highly anticipated exhibition ‘Legends’ also features work by John Pasche, who famously designed The Rolling Stones Tongue and Lip logo which was produced for The Sticky Fingers album (1971) and has subsequently been voted the most recognisable music/band logo worldwide.

Michael Donald’s photography, which having previously been exhibited at The National Portrait Gallery, is a worthy qualifier to join this starstudded line up. His portraits of Mick Jagger, Ronnie Wood, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts are both strikingly executed and endearingly demystifying; they penetrate the band’s otherwise impenetrable demi-god veneer. Therefore, if you are a rock n’ roll, music fan or simply enjoy art, photography and illustration then come and see this once in a lifetime exhibition. For more information please do not hesitate to contact the gallery and visit their event’s website:



REALITY – Modern And Contemporary British Painting Exhibition to be held at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts (SCVA), University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, Norfolk, from 27th September 2014 to 1st March 2015. REALITY – Modern And Contemporary British Painting, presents a survey of the strength of painting practice in the UK and comprises a selection of mainly large-scale works from the 1950s (except Walter Sickert’s Ennui from 1917-18) to the present day, featuring 32 major artists such as David Hockey (Painting in background - My Parents), Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud, alongside contemporary painters

including David Hepher, Chantal Joffe, George Shaw and Caroline Walker. The work of each artist represented retains a strong reference to the real world, ‘the stuff of life’. Uncompromising and direct, the works reference the body, relationships, history, politics, war, the urban environment and social issues. The selected paintings are diverse in their subject matter, but united by two

things; the base, guttural reality – the harshness – that has concerned key British artists over the decades; and the simple act of painting.

donated their collection of world art to the University of East Anglia in 1973 and the Sainsbury Centre first opened its doors to visitors in 1978.

The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts is one of the most prominent university art galleries in Britain, and one of the nation’s principal centres for the study and presentation of art. Sir Robert (1906 – 2000) and Lady Sainsbury (1912 - 2014)

The building’s stark ‘box’ architecture retains its impact over 30 years later and is a perfect space for art, sculpture, creative installations and study.


The Willows Tue 21st Oct – The Bicycle Shop, Norwich - 7:30pm - £8/£10 Outstanding young Cambridge folk band The Willows will tour the UK throughout September and October 2014 to coincide with the release of their 2nd album Amidst Fiery Skies. The record will succeed first album Beneath Our Humble Soil, nominated for Best Debut in the Spiral Earth Awards 2014, and championed by the likes of Bob Harris and Mike Harding. Fronted by the breathtaking vocals of Jade Rhiannon, supported by rich vocal harmonies and dynamic acoustic musicianship the band take influence from folk traditions on both sides of

the Atlantic. The band were formed in 2010 by husband and wife, Cliff Ward (banjo, guitar, vocals) and Jade Rhiannon (vocals, shruti box), sister, Prue Ward (violin, vocals), and chance meeting via Gumtree, Ben Savage (dobro, guitar, vocals); more recently augmenting their sound with percussion extraordinaire Evan Carson (bodhran, drums). Having plied their trade supporting the likes of Richard Thompson, Lau, Seth Lakeman and Peatbog Faeries, the band released debut album Beneath Our Humble Soil in 2013. Produced with Stu Hanna (Megson, Faustus, Show of

Hands), the album caught the attention of BBC Radio 2’s Bob Harris who invited the band in for a live session midway through their UK tour. Maverick Magazine gave the record 4½ stars, and it was subsequently nominated for Best Debut in the Spiral Earth Awards. Standout festival performances followed at the likes of Cambridge Folk Festival, Glastonbury, Towersey Festival, Secret Garden Party, FolkEast, Folk By The Oak and SommerSound (Germany), helping to build their reputation as a compelling live act.

Second album Amidst Fiery Skies due out on October 6 on Elk Records, sees the band work with co-producer Sean Lakeman (Levellers, Seth Lakeman) and double-bassist Ben Nicholls (Seth Lakeman, The Full English) to deliver an enthralling mix of original material, traditional and cover songs. The band will warm up to the tour with a hectic summer festival schedule that includes Glastonbury, Shrewsbury, Sidmouth, Broadstairs, Wilderness, Warwick, and Village Pump Trowbridge.


Norwich Blues, Rhythm and Rock Festival 3 The Waterfront, Saturday 13th September 2014 - 2 pm to 10 pm Roger Chapman, known as ‘Chappo’ by his legion of fans, was born and brought up in Leicester. The early days of Roger’s musical career started when he joined The Farinas in 1966, a band started at Leicester Art College in 1962. The original line up of the band consisted of John ‘Charlie’ Whitney, Tim Kirchin, Harry Ovenall and Jim King. Ric Grech replaced Kirchin on bass in 1965 and Roger Chapman joined the following year on vocals. They briefly changed their name to The Roaring Sixties and when seeing the band live American record producer Kim Fowley suggested that because of their love of wearing double-breasted suits when on stage had given them a Mafia style appearance, they ought to be called The Family. After this comment the band soon decided to abandon this look in favour of a more casual appearance and to shorten the band name to Family and so the legend was born. With Roger`s characteristic vibrato and dynamic on-stage presence Family could do no wrong. The bands heady mix of soul and funk mixed with a healthy dose of rock soon won them fans worldwide including legendary BBC radio presenter the late John Peel who had championed their cause from the very start. The band recorded their last album IT`S ONLY A MOVIE in 1973, but as various band members wanted to take different musical paths they decided to call it a day after their autumn farewell tour. Not being one to sit on his laurels Roger Chapman decided to carry on song writing with ex Family band mate Charlie Whitney and their productive partnership grew into the rock driven collective known as Streetwalkers. Despite a hugely successful tour of the United States Streetwalkers never received the transatlantic acclaim that they deserved, management difficulties ensued and Chapman and Whitney decided that the end of their creative partnership was in sight and made the decision to go their separate ways. In 2007 Roger returned to the studio with old pals and associates such as Steve Simpson, Micky Moody, Bobby

Tench and Max Middleton to record ONE MORE TIME FOR PEACE. This was a truly outstanding release, an album that would introduce the name of Roger Chapman to a whole new generation of fans yet the same time keeping the old guard happy. Earlier this year Roger decided that after a 40 year break the legendary FAMILY would play live once more. Two amazing sold out shows were performed in February at London’s 02 Empire Shepherds Bush as Roger was joined on stage by Poli Palmer, Rob Townsend and Jim Cregan augmented by members of Roger’s solo band “The Short List”. Expect great rock and soul music drawn from Roger’s extensive catalogue with maybe one or two Family favourites for good measure! Eddie and The Hot Rods are one of the most recognisable names from the highly influential English Pub Rock scene and they have enjoyed a career that has now spanned 37 years.

10 years, serving up a high energy mix of those classic Eddie & The Hot Rods songs including “Teenage Depression”, “Quit This Town”, “Life On The Line”, “Gloria” and the Top Ten UK “Do Anything You Wanna Do”, alongside newer songs taken from their last two studio albums, including “Better Without You”, “Bad Time Again” and “Why Should I Care”. Recently, Eddie & The Hot Rods have been seen out and about with Status Quo on their 2012 arena tour and often with old friends like Nine Below Zero, Dr Feelgood and From The Jam and as well as regular trips to Europe, will embark on their 5th headline USA tour in Oct 2013. Whether it’s in an Arena, Theatre, Club or Festival, Eddie & The Hot Rods always deliver a blisteringly energetic blast of good old Rock ‘n’ Roll.

Although often categorised as one of the founding fathers of the punk era, they were simply interested in playing loud, fast, in your face Rock ‘n’ Roll rather than bad mouthing the Queen or fermenting anarchy.

Babajack is fast becoming one of the most sought after bands on the festival circuits in the UK and Europe. Their brand of roots is contemporary, powerful: ‘an intoxicating brew of blues, folk and roots music’ (Classic Rock Magazine). They combine great musicianship, passion, energy and charismatic performance to create a unique sound and a great stage show.

The energy and attitude certainly endeared them to the punks, but the hard and fast style that made Eddie & The Hot Rods one of the most exciting bands of the era has never really dated or gone out of style.

Becky Tate and Trevor Steger are the song writing core of BabaJack. They have already released 4 albums since 2009, each one getting greater attention from the media and the music loving public.

Eddie & The Hot Rods were included in the Mojo Top 100 of most influential bands and they are often cited as an inspiration for some of the high profile new bands – young Irish rockers, The Strypes being one example.

Their latest Album RUNNING MAN is set to put them at the top of their field. Released on 7th October 2013, this album has been completely funded by their fans, and pre-sales and is listed in TOP ALBUMS OF 2013 in Classic Rock, Classic Rock Blues and Guitar and Bass magazines

Thanks to this enduring appeal, the band still tour all over the world as well as find time to write and record new material that now joins their classic back catalogue. Lead as ever by Barrie Masters, the line up of Simon Bowley (drums) Dipster (bass) Richard Holgarth (guitar) and Chris Taylor (guitar) has been on the road almost continuously for the last

What sets BABAJACK apart is their approach to their music: it is recognisably infused in part by early blues, but by no means bound by it. Becky brings roots/ funk/African rhythms and her beautiful lyrical voice, and Trevor brings his own flavour of punk meets Ry Cooder! to his slide style and harmonica. Tosh Murase, comes

from a powerful rock background and Adam Bertenshaw infjects his love of jazz and folk. The whole creates a powerful and unique sound. In the tradition of the early blues, they make their own instruments: Trevor’s homemade growling ‘WineBox’ guitars and Becky’s cajon (box drum) and stomp give a signature to the BabaJack sound. And for the Running Man album they were joined by Julia Palmer Price (cellist for Nigel Kennedy) on cello. Award winners! BABAJACK have scooped numbers of awards in the blues and acoustic fields, including ‘Instrumentalist of the Year’ for Becky Tate at the British Blues Awards for two years running. And she was one of the 3 finalists at the FATEA Folk Roots Awards. Del Bromham was and still is the singer/ songwriter and mainstay behind the band STRAY. Making his first public performance at the age of thirteen, he has seen and been through many musical changes. Hear Del recounting stories from his long career and playing a selection of songs, not only his own compositions, but also others by artistes he feels have been an influence on him. Del has been very busy with STRAY recently, so this is a rare opportunity to catch him in a solo acoustic performance. Doug MacLeod is a singer-songwriter in the American tradition. He is a travelling artist that writes and sings original songs that are based on his own life and experiences. He learned from the old masters, lived the music, survived the life and carries forward a valuable tradition. MacLeod is known for his superb song writing, guitar wizardry, warm soulful vocals, wit and unforgettable live performances. At the heart of this is his knack for storytelling, bringing characters-from the faceless to the legendary-to strikingly real life. As a youth he overcame abuse and a crippling stutter by turning to music. After he picked up a guitar, and tried to sing - he found his voice.

Images: Above - Eddie and th e Hotrods. Main - Matt Woosie, Below - Chappo

While he developed his rich, soulful singing style MacLeod also worked out a unique, unorthodox and powerfully rhythmic acoustic guitar style. The rage of his turbulent youth was eventually channeled through his guitar, using his relentless right hand to pound out an insistent, churning beat to complement his intricate bottleneck and finger-style technique. MacLeod’s playing landed him sideman gigs with George ‘Harmonica’ Smith, Big Joe Turner, Pee Wee Crayton, Eddie ‘Cleanhead’ Vinson, Lowell Fulson and Big Mama Thornton. Under their tutelage, he learned how to thrill and enrapture a crowd. Over 29 years, 19 studio albums, several live records, compilations, a blues guitar instructional DVD and a live performance DVD, MacLeod has consistently earned raves. His songs have been covered by many artists including Albert King, Albert Collins, Joe Louis Walker and Eva Cassidy. He has co-written songs with Dave Alvin and Coco Montoya. MacLeod’s songs have been featured in many TV movies and the hit show In the Heat of the Night. Two of his songs are on Grammy nominated albums by Albert King and Albert Collins. Winner of the 2014 Blues Music Awards for Acoustic Artist Of The Year and Acoustic Album Of The Year (There’s A Time), the 2013 Blues Blast Music Award for Male Artist Of The Year, and perennial Blues Music Award nominee. Like the old masters who taught him, MacLeod’s music expresses life and times via an intangible, elusive quality that may simply be a keen sense of what matters most. There is a philosophic and healing side to MacLeod’s music and his stories that has helped others overcome the hardships of their lives. As Pee Wee Crayton’s widow Esther once told Doug, “You have a message and you’ll send that message mainly to the people who don’t go to church.” Amen. Matt Woosey’s refreshing musical song writing and playing style combines acoustic blues, folk and rock conveyed with an accomplished vocal delivery which has been defined as The WooseyBlues. His ability to combine originality with a broad musical knowledge has gained him praise from sources as varied as Paul Jones (BBC2), Tom Robinson (BBC 6 Music) and blues who quote Matt as being “The Best British bluesman since Rory Gallagher”.

Matt’s song writing focuses strongly on combining the meaning and message of the lyrics with the composition and atmosphere of the music. He wants people to absorb the words, the music and enjoy his song writing. His catalogue covers a wide spectrum delivering a powerful blend of tracks spanning 7 albums such as beautifully melodic songs like Noah*, moving to the folk styled Elsie May* and through to the raunchy rock of Black Smoke Rising*. Gigs have featured strongly in Matt’s career and in 2012 & 2013 he was averaging almost a-gig-a-day! With tours in Europe, South Africa and Australia he has expanded his fan base and so far, in

2014, has appeared on the Paul Jones Blues show on BBC 2 with his EP ‘Hook, Line and Sinker’. His on-stage presence has to be seen, with such a strong singing voice that he barely needs any amplification making every gig a unique and entertaining experience. For more information on Norwich Blues, Rhythm and Rock Festival, the artists and how to book tickets, please visit www. or call 01472 349 222


Images: Inset - Del Bromham. Main - Doug McCloud Below - Baba Jack


The Bicycle Shop Upcoming events at the Bicycle Shop... The Beautiful Word “We make vivid, danceable folk-pop with super-tight vocal harmony and are known for infectious, childlike energy at live shows. We released our debut studio album at the end

of November and it has been quite popular, the last two singles from that album were played by Simon Raymonde (co-founder of Bella Union) and have had some lovely reviews! In the past we have been featured on BBC Introducing and

BBC6, supported Ellie Goulding, played at IndieTracks festival, T in the Park (T Break Stage) and Secret Garden party. We have a strong DIY ethic, organising our own tours and making our own videos”

‘The Beautiful Word hand weave some gorgeous tunes’ - Q Magazine Big-hearted, glistening folk pop... with a joie de vivre that only the hardest hard could resist’ - Source Magazine I loved it and smiled circles’ - Emiliana Torrini Website: Wednesday 6th August The Bicycle Shop, St Benedicts Street, Norwich - Tickets £5 – Doors 7:30pm 01603 625777

The Tin Pigeons Young indie folk band combining traditional instruments with pop rhythms and soulful harmonies. In 2012 they won the Cambridge Folk Festival Young Musician Competition and now are featuring on their ‘Run to the Coast’ tour in aid of Disability Rocks charity. Playing their own material and some well placed covers The Tin Pigeons were conceived in France in 2011 and have since developed their own style of Indie Folk Music. They produce an exciting brand of acoustic merriment both on stage and in their various studio recordings.

Doors 7:30pm 01603 625777

The band consists of George on vocals and banjo, Fraser on vocals, guitar and the occasional harmonica, Douglas on baritone vocals and mandolin and the glue that ties the whole ceremony together Thomas on bass and percussion. Still active despite their various educational commitments, the Pigeons continue to write, record and perform music up and down the country.

38 Issue 33 2014

Website: The-Tin-Pigeons/116584151776310 Tuesday 19th August

The Bicycle Shop, St Benedicts Street, Norwich - Tickets £5 –

Images this side: Tope Left - The Beautiful Word. Above - The Tine Pigeons

FINE MUSIC Images this side: Tope Left - The Bicycle Shop. Centre - Kreg Viesselman. Below Left - Fiona Bevan. Below Right - Kal Levine. that skirts discomfort, weaving in and out of finger-picked guitar and disorienting vocal loops. The relocated-Brit began the project following a move to Canada’s windy but welcoming East Coast and soon caught the attention of his adoptive home. Norwich Green Party presents, in association with the local... Kreg Viesselman and Paper Beat Scissors (joint headliners) at The Bicycle Shop

narrative voice, at once both brutal and touching, which deserves its place in the canon of great American songwriters.”

The highly-acclaimed self-titled debut was produced by MICHAEL FEUERSTACK (Bell Orchestre, the Luyas) and mixed by Arcade Fire drummer JEREMY GARA. The album

He deals with humanity in its basic and most instinctive forms, in a style that belies a deep human intelligence and wry wit. His is a

Song Sisters with Fiona Bevan and Kal Lavelle Wednesday 27th August at The Bicycle Shop “Only 13% of the songwriters registered on PRS for Music are women”

Tim is presently working with engineer DEAN NELSON (Beck, Bat for Lashes) on a new album, set for release in 2014. “Absolutely stunning, startling and beautiful.” BOB HARRIS, BBC RADIO 2

Kreg Viesselman: “To experience his live show is to take in not only a master of delivery at work, but to be invited into an intimate and brightly lit space where you are constantly surprised by the subtle detail in his work, painted in earthen tones, but revealing great contrasts. It has been called “soul” and “folk”, for want of better terms, but “spirit music indeed”, as the aforementioned journalist described it, perhaps hits nearer the mark. But whatever one calls it, hearing Kreg Viesselman sing is an intense experience.

festivals, and support slots for the likes of MARK KOZELEK (Sun Kil Moon/Red House Painters) and DAN MANGAN. Tendrils, recorded live onstage with CLOGS (regular collaborators and members of the National and My Brightest Diamond) will be available on 7” in the UK this November.

This is part of a series of 2014 benefit gigs for Norwich Green Party. Monday 11th August 2014 The Bicycle Shop, 17 St Benedicts Street, Norwich (01603 625777) Tickets £8 adv / £10 door - Doors 7.30pm Paper Beat Scissors: “Absolutely stunning, startling and beautiful.” BOB HARRIS, BBC RADIO 2 The PAPER BEAT SCISSORS live show is an intense and intimate experience - Tim Crabtree’s haunting voice burns at the centre of the sound with an honesty and rawness

garnered rave reviews and national airplay on both sides of the Atlantic and was a staple on Canadian best-of the year lists.

Available from:

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation tagged Paper Beat Scissors as ‘must-see’ act of the summer in 2012. The last year was packed with tours of Canada and Europe,

Shocked to hear this startling statistic at the Women in Music conference at the South Bank earlier this year, successful soulful-folk-pop singersongwriters Fiona Bevan and Kal Lavelle decided to do something about it.

The tour will also incorporate an innovative songwriting Masterclass element - both Kal and Fiona have written songs with and for other successful artists, including Fiona’s co-write Little Things which became a huge hit for One Direction.

Teaming up with Helen Meissner (Folkstock Arts Foundation), who champions up and coming artists, Kal and Fiona, who have played with Ed Sheeran, Nick Mulvey, Ingrid Michaelson and Nerina Pallot, among others, are setting off on a national double headline tour this summer.

The ‘Song Sisters’ songwriting clinics are being offered as free entry events for women only. The songwriting masterclass will take place during the afternoon followed by the evening showcase with a local musician and a Folkstock Arts Foundation act in the first half.

Fiona’s newly released debut album, Talk to Strangers and Kal Lavelle’s single from her forthcoming solo debut album will be promoted in their sets. The combined desired effect of the high profile tour will be to encourage more females to enter the music industry and balance the statistics. We will be supporting the tour with local promotion via press and radio.

Issue 33 2014 39


Pop Legends Celebrated In Feelgood Show A show which has sold out venues worldwide showcasing the music of one of the globe’s biggest bands is heading to Norwich Abba Mania promises two hours of classic songs, memorable musical moments and some stunning stage and lighting effects. Arriving at the Theatre Royal on September 14 at 7.30pm, the production features many of the Swedish supergroup’s biggest hits including Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Mamma Mia, Fernando and Take A Chance On Me. The show began touring back in 1999 and has been a hot ticket in theatres and concert halls internationally ever since. As well as touring the UK extensively, it also enjoyed a West End run at the Strand Theatre and also headed Down

Under generating over a million dollars at the box office for shows in Sydney, Australia. And that is not the only country the show has conquered. It sold out the famous Schiller Theatre in Berlin for 24 consecutive performances, sold 10,000 tickets for one night at the Cologne Arena, and has also enjoyed success in France, Belgium, Spain, America, South Africa and Singapore. Top guitarist Toby Boyle will take on the role of Bjorn. As well as performing and composing, he also manages and runs his own music company. Also appearing in the show is Duncan Walsh Atkins, who becomes Benny, and has worked on a

host of productions including Edinburgh Fringe hit Showstopper: The Improvised Musical, the UK tour of Round The Horne, and BBC Radio Two’s hugely popular Friday Night Is Music Night programme. Meanwhile Liverpool-born Alison Ward will bring Agnetha to life. Performing since she was 15, Carly has worked in a host of shows and alongside a number of performers, producers and choreographers including Karen Bruce. Completing the cast is Katrina Wallis who set up her own production company and worked as a vocal coach as well as performing worldwide, song-writing, and even composing a TV theme.

John Bultitude, of Norwich Theatre Royal, said: “It is 40 years since Abba ascended the pop charts. What better excuse to revisit four decades of musical memories than this show? Whether you want to party, remember the music or just enjoy an entertaining evening, this is the show for you.” Abba Mania, Sunday 14 September at 7.30pm. Tickets £5.50-£19.50. Discounts for Friends. To book, call the box office on 01603 63 00 00 or log onto www.

Quasar Elite Fun for EVERYONE!



What is Quasar? Quasar is a great fun activity for all ages 7 upwards anytime. You will be battling other players and its best to book as all games are run by similar age groups, so children wont play adults groups. Parents you can join in with your children. Haven’t played before don’t worry you get a full briefing before you kit up and there’s always a marshall in the game to help you. Each game is a 20 minute session which includes your briefing and kit up and at the end of the game all players get a score sheet so you can see how well or not so well you have done. We have packages to suit everyone so Email or call us now. 1 Game £4.95 2 Games £8.95 3 games £10.95. Monday and Tuesday All day long 2 games £5.95pp. Exclusive use packages are available. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ,CLICK OFFERS FOR DISCOUNT VOUCHERS. NEW QUASAR LOCKDOWN PRIVATE HIRE THE WHOLE VENUE. TWO HOURS OF FUN FROM £15.95pp (Min 16 Players!) UNDER SIXTEENS Come and play Saturday and Sunday mornings 09:00 to 11:00 2 hours of fun for only £7.95 including free small slush. Booking highly recommended as places go quickly. *Minimum of 3 games. STAG PARTIES Quasar Norwich is a great place to get the party started! Before you get settled into some serious drinking why not have

some serious fun that you will be talking about all night? Break the ice & work up a healthy thirst, See who can shoot the Stag the most! With a pub either side of us there’s no shortage of refreshments between games. We are in the city centre, so bars, restaurants and night clubs are all within easy walking distance. *Exclusive use packages available from £6 per person for 2 games. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Pizza party 3 games, pizza, Ice creams, unlimited squash, party bags and invites. All this for £12.95 per person 9 players or less £13.95. Bring your own food party 3 games, unlimited squash and party bags. All this for £11.95 per person 9 or less £12.95*parties run for 2 hours*. Exclusive use available Monday

to Friday for 10 players or more, subject to availability during school holidays before 16:00. Adults, we have a Birthday package for you as well. Call or email us anytime. HEN PARTIES Quasar Norwich is a great place to get the party started! Before you get settled into some serious drinking why not have some serious fun that you will be talking about all night? Break the ice & work up a healthy thirst, See who can shoot the Hen the most! With a pub either side of us there’s no shortage of refreshments between games. We are in the city centre, so bars, restaurants and night clubs are all within easy walking distance. *Exclusive use packages available from £6 per person for 2 games.

TEAM WORK Schools, cubs, brownies, youth groups. Do you work with a great bunch of people but want some ‘out of work time’. Do you want to run a corporate event, team building exercises, well there isn’t a better way than pitting teams across the battle arena, working in squads, attacking the enemy stronghold, taking the prize! Quasar is a great place to build team work. Plan, initiate, attack and beat the other team! Who’s the secret General?, who’s the cannon fodder! Exclusive use packages from £5 per person Monday to Thursday £6 per person Friday to Sunday for 2 games. For More Info Visit The Website 01603 763403


Images: Left, Maureen Lipman, Right inset, Harry Shearer

Issue 33 2014


Daytona Gripping West End Success Comes To Norwich An elderly couple’s comfy life and love of ballroom dancing is catapulted into uncertainty and regret in a stunning new drama on its way to Norwich Theatre Royal. Acclaimed actress Maureen Lipman and top American performer Harry Shearer, best known as the voice of Mr Burns in The Simpsons, take the lead roles in Daytona which comes to Norwich Theatre Royal fresh from a run in the West End.

Completing the cast is Oliver Cotton, who has written Daytona and whose previous stage roles include The Enoch Show at the Royal Court Theatre, Scrabble at the National Theatre, and Man Falling Down at Shakespeare’s Globe. John Bultitude, of Norwich Theatre Royal, said: “Daytona mixes comedy, emotion and drama in equal

amounts exploring what happens when the past suddenly returns to people’s lives with a vengeance. Three fine theatrical performers are going to bring the story to life in a production which has both moved and enchanted audiences in the West End.” Daytona, Monday 15-Saturday 20 September at 7.30pm, and

Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm. Tickets £6.50-£27. Discounts for Friends, Corporate Club, Under-18s, and Groups. Signed performance on Thursday 18 September at 7.30pm.

To book, call the box office on 01603 63 00 00 or log onto

They play Joe and Elli who are practicing hard for their latest competition and, despite the odd argument, still as much in love now as they were when they first met 50 years ago. But a knock on the door is poised to change that as Joe’s brother Billy, played by Daytona’s writer and top actor Oliver Cotton, arrives. This sets the stage for an intriguing production from September 1520 which explores how we see ourselves and our relationships in a production mixing poignancy and passion. The three leads combine strong reputations for the quality of their performance and their longevity in the acting world. Maureen Lipman’s long career speaks for itself with work including Oklahoma for the National Theatre, A Little Night Music for Menier Chocolate Factory, and countless West End productions including When We Are Married. She is also no stranger to TV work with numerous varied small-screen productions including the ITV comedy Agony, Smiley’s People, Ladies of Letters and a short run in the iconic soap Coronation Street. Her co-star Harry Shearer may be best known for voicing a number of characters in The Simpsons including Mr Burns but is also a former writer and performer in America’s hugely popular satirical comedy show Saturday Night Live. Harry also co-wrote and co-created the cult 1984 movie This Is Spinal Tap playing bassist Harry Smalls, and has hosted the topical radio comedy programme Le Show which is broadcast across America.

Issue 33 2014



West Side Story Tuesday 2nd - Saturday 13th September 2014 Leading the cast will be Katie Hall as ‘Maria’, Louis Maskell as ‘Tony’, Djalenga Scott as ‘Anita’ and Jack Wilcox as ‘Riff’. Katie Hall was most recently seen as ‘Christine’ in the national tour of “The Phantom of the Opera”. She was a boot camp contestant for the BBC1’s search for ‘Nancy’ in “I’d Do Anything” and was a final round contender for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s search for the Eurovision entry, “Your Country Needs You”, also for BBC1. She has also played ‘Christine’ in “The Phantom of the Opera” at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London and ‘Cosette’ in “Les Misérables” at the Queen’s Theatre in the West End, on the 25th Anniversary tour and also at the O2. Louis Maskell has previously appeared in the national tour of “Scrooge -The Musical” and “Iolanthe” at Wilton’s Music Hall. Djalenga Scott has appeared in “Chicago” in the West End as well as the national tour of “Flashdance - The Musical” and the European tour of “The Rocky Horror Show”. Jack Wilcox was most recently seen in

“Singin’ in the Rain” at the West End’s Palace Theatre. His other West End credits include “Wicked” and “Shoes”. The rest of the company includes Bruce Aguilar-Rohan, Charlotte Baptie, Challyce Brogdon, Charlie Cameron, Danielle Cato, Javier Cid, Nicola Coates, Rachel Crocker, Matthew Croke, David Delve, Lisa Dent, Rachel Ensor, Fraser Fraser, Sergio Giacomelli, Matthew Hawksley, Dom Hodson, Liam Paul Jennings, Devon McKenzie Smith, Alex Pinder, Scott Rayner, Sam Salter, Katie

Singh, Sergi Terns, Fenia Tsikitikou, Sion Tudor Owen and Niko Wirachman. This production of “WEST SIDE STORY” features the entire original Jerome Robbins choreography. Over Christmas 2012, this production played a completely sold out season at the Chatelet Theatre in Paris, having previously sold out in cities around the world, including Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo, Berlin, Madrid, and Beijing. This production was last seen in the UK in 2008/9 when it also sold out for a season at Sadler’s Wells and played to capacity houses throughout a year long UK tour. “WEST SIDE STORY” changed the course of musical theatre when it opened on Broadway in 1957 and it still remains one of the most successful stage shows of all time. The 1961 film version won ten Academy Awards. Based on Romeo and Juliet, “WEST SIDE STORY” is set on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and explores the rivalry between two teenage gangs; one white, the other Puerto Rican.

When Tony falls in love with Maria, the sister of the rival gang’s leader, the feud takes on a new dimension, and as their love blossoms so begins a fatal journey overshadowed by violence and hatred. The score includes the unforgettable songs ‘Maria’, ‘Tonight’, ‘Somewhere’, ‘America’ and ‘I Feel Pretty’. “WEST SIDE STORY” originally directed and choreographed by Jerome Robbins, has a book by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein with Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. This production is directed and choreographed by Joey McKneely using the full original Jerome Robbins choreography. Joey is the former assistant to Jerome Robbins. He has worked extensively on Broadway where his choreography credits include “Smokey Joe’s Café” (Tony Award nomination) and “The Boy From Oz” starring Hugh Jackman. His other credits include Hal Prince’s production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Whistle Down the Wind” and Nicholas Hytner’s production of “Twelfth Night”.


Toyah Willcox – Up Close & Personal TUESDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 7.30pm • ALL SEATS £20 Fresh from her positively received diving on ITV1’s Splash, household name, pop icon, TV presenter and stage and screen actress (Calamity Jane, Cabaret Peter Pan, Jubilee, Quadrophenia) Toyah comes to Maddermarket Theatre to perform her Acoustic, Up Close & Personal concert. This is a unique chance to experience Toyah up close and personal. A lively, unplugged/storytellers style gig, it will include Toyah performing an acoustic set of her loved hit singles and classic songs, alongside recalling stories from her colourful, thirty-five year career. Toyah will be accompanied by fellow musicians Chris Wong and Colin Hinds. In a career spanning thirty years Toyah has had thirteen top 40 singles, recorded twenty albums, written two books, appeared in over forty stage plays, made ten feature films and presented such diverse television programmes as The Good Sex Guide Late, Watchdog and Songs Of Praise. It all began in her hometown Birmingham in 1977 when film director Derek Jarman offered her the role of ‘Mad’ in seminal punk epic Jubilee. She continued to gain strong roles, appearing alongside Katherine Hepburn in the film, The Corn is Green, as well as playing ‘Monkey’

Issue 33 2014

in the legendary Quadrophenia. She teamed up with Jarman again to play Miranda in his innovative version of The Tempest, which won her a nomination as Best Newcomer at the 1980 Evening Standard Awards. By this time Toyah’s band was gaining critical success with the debut single Victims of the Riddle (no.1 in the independent charts) and six track EP Sheep Farming in Barnet. Her first album, The Blue Meaning, became a Top 40 hit. A TV Documentary “Toyah”, an accompanying live album Toyah! Toyah! Toyah! – as well as hit singles It’s A Mystery, I Want to Be Free, Brave New World and Be Proud, Be Loud, Be Heard plus the platinum albums Anthem and The Changeling – confirmed her status as one of the most significant talents of the Eighties. In 1982 she won the Best Female Singer at the Rock & Pop Awards. Over the next two decades, as well as consolidating her reputation as a singer songwriter (with albums Minx, Desire, and her least commercial album Prostitute) Toyah also forged ahead with a career as a stage performer. Notable credits include Trafford Tanzi (lead); Cabaret (Sally Bowles); Three Men and a Horse (winner of Olivier Award for best New Comedy); the UK tour of Arthur

Smith’s Live Bed Show; the title role in Calamity Jane (nominated for an Evening Standard Award for Best Musical) and most recently starring as the Devil Queen in the hugely successful rock show, Vampires Rock. Over the intervening 37 years, Toyah’s career has continued, and she has evolved with the times. Musically, Toyah has remained fresh, uncompromising and ground-breaking. Since 2007, she has been involved with a band called ‘The Humans’. Their debut album, We Are The Humans, was recorded in Seattle in 2008 and released in Estonia in May 2009 to coincide with the band’s return to play before the country’s president at Tartufest. It received a UK digital release in September 2009, along with a Humans’ single, These Boots Are Made For Walkin’. The Humans marked their first ever like UK appearances with a series of warm-up concerts in the very intimate and beautiful surroundings of churches including St. Michael’s & All Angels’ Church and St. Anne’s Church, Worcester. These were followed up by dates across the UK, featuring special

guest Robert Fripp playing live with the band. They appeared on the bill of acts invited to perform at The Roundhouse for the Helping Haiti fundraiser concert. Their UK tour culminated in a headline date at London’s Scala, yielding a 4-star, review from the Financial Times who concluded it was an “intriguing, often terrific, show” with “programmed beats, sinewy, rumbling rhythms, a kind of twisted funk”. The Humans’ forthcoming, second album Sugar Rush, which sees a further development of the band’s songs and sound will be released worldwide in winter 2010. The album features guest guitar on all tracks from Robert Fripp. With new book projects and music releases in the pipeline and live concert dates scheduled for the year ahead, Toyah maintains her multi-faceted and vibrant career. To see Toyah UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL, book your tickets via the Madder Market Theatre’s website. Doors open on Tuesday Setpember 2nd, at 6.30pm, and the performance begins at 7.30pm. BOX OFFICE - 01603 620917


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Chauffeur Service If you are jetting off on holiday this summer, and looking to find out more about easy and convenient transfers, Allan Miles at Adhoc Travel is you guy! Be sure to avoid those dreaded taxi queues and the age-old debacle of trying to remember where you left the car, by getting picked up from your holiday in style! Based in Norwich, the company provides chauffeured long distance door-to-door travel to any destination within the UK, including all airports and seaports. Take away the stress and hassle of the gruelling drive home, especially after a long-haul fight,

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Issue 33 2014



Norwich Airport Welcomes OSKA Travel’s Newly Launched Flights To Turkey After last year’s successful launch of its charter flight programme to Antalya, Turkey, specialised tour operator OSKA Travel has confirmed 4 new departure dates for Turkey trips in 2014 and 2015 from Norwich International Airport. Andreas F. Forsthuber, director of OSKA Travel, said: “We have been delighted by the amount of positive feedback we received after the 2013 programme and we had many requests by travellers to bring new dates and offers to the Norwich area, as they wanted to see more of Turkey and

repeat the great experience they had travelling with us.” OSKA Travel has therefore scheduled four new flights from Norwich International Airport to Antalya with wellknown Turkish-Dutch airline CORENDON - flight dates and times as listed below:

Departure Date Flight Code Departure Time Return Time 6th Nov 2014




13th Nov 2014




16th Apr 2015




23rd Apr 2015




All flights are offered inclusding all taxes, except the local airport development fee, as well as 20kg free hold baggage allowance and 5kg cabin baggage.

Issue 33 2014

All flights are offered including all taxes except the local airport development fee as well as 20 kg free hold baggage allowance and 5 kg cabin baggage.

customers now have over twenty direct sun and city destinations to choose from with some of the leading tour operators and airlines”

“Our package tour offers will again mostly be aimed at travellers wanting to experience more,” Forsthuber says. “We are again offering wellorganised escorted tours, covering the Turkish Riviera as well as wonderful Cappadocia”.

Both OSKA Travel tours include extensive 7 day itineraries with lots of famous sights and professional guiding be especially trained English speaking local guides. Prices start from incredibly low £249 per person on a bed and breakfast basis.

Andrew Bell, CEO at Norwich International commented “Turkey is an exceptionally popular destination from our region, and we are delighted that OSKA-TRAVEL has selected to operate their low cost luxury charter breaks from Norwich once more.

More details are to be found online at

This service compliments the summer flights offered by Thomson and Thomas Cook to Dalaman during 2014. This development further demonstrates the strength of the growth in charter flights from Norwich International this year - our

Also all inclusive beach holidays with a choice of different 5 star hotels are available at low rates, starting as low as £449 per week and person. All offers are ATOL protected and can be booked online at http://oska-travel. or by calling Travel Norwich Airport on 01603 428700.


Lapland Full of activity from beginning to end your family will remember this thrilling, magical day forever!

Fly from Norwich to the still, white wilderness of


where, as every child knows, a very special person and his elves live among snowy forests, husky dogs and reindeer.

Sunday 14th December Adult* £499 Children (2-15) £449 A high quality Day Break to an exclusive resort, which includes thermal clothing, reindeer sleigh ride, husky dog sledge safari, snowmobile adventure, search for Santa, private Santa meeting and lunch. For full details and bookings contact:

01603 428700 The Airport & Castle Mall, Norwich

*Price excludes £10/adult Norwich Airport Development Fee payable at Airport. Newmarket T’s & C’s apply

Issue 33 2014


‘I’ve always said yes to any new opportunity even if it puts me way out of my comfort zone. The sense of achievement is always worth the trepidation’. It’s one sentence that speaks volumes about Caroline Williams.


David Clayton Pete Goodrum meets David Clayton, BBC Norfolk’s Editor

Interviewing David Clayton is an exercise in role reversal. He’s more used to asking the questions. For me, the experience will prove that he’s more than capable of giving the answers. He’s a consummate presenter with a vast experience of broadcasting, and the heady mix of facts and anecdotes that he delivers in talking about his life and times in radio comes reeling out in a witty and often self-deprecating stream. We meet over sandwiches and my opening questions are about his origins. He was born in what was then North Yorkshire, but is now Teesside. He still loves the area and returns frequently, but David is more than rooted in Norfolk. In fact he’s an integral part of its media and entertainment history. He’d arrived in Norfolk, as a ten year old, when the family moved to Gorleston because of his father’s job. Passing the Eleven Plus there in 1963, David went on to Great Yarmouth Grammar School. He remembers the daily journey as it involved two buses in each direction. This was important. We will return to buses. Leaving aside the means of getting there, he left school with 8 ‘O Levels’ and an incongruous love of History, English Literature – and Physics. A brief flirtation with Geography in the sixth form had lasted just a year.

was particularly numerate, but rather by the cousin’s sports car and minskirted girlfriend. ‘This was London, in the late 1960s and he appeared to be living the life. I thought, if this is what accountancy means, I’ll try it!’ There is what appears to be an uncharacteristic pause. David Clayton is not faltering at all of course. He’s getting the timing right. He pitches it perfectly. Did his dream of fast cars and glamorous girls materialise? No.

‘Spanish Eyes’ was a particularly successful sales tool, and good for his own reputation. His fingers were a blur as he coaxed out the melody. Not all the customers realised that his limited ability was greatly enhanced by the keyboard’s special effects. The keyboard proved to be a springboard however as Suttons took Mr Clayton on full time, which he says was great. ‘This was 1972. The money was better, and in truth the job was more fun. And I was still doing discos’.

He found himself commuting daily from Gorleston to a Norwich office where his initial tasks involved honing his mental arithmetic by adding up telephone numbers. ‘Really?’ ‘I assure you it’s true’ he says. ‘I had to add up the numbers in the ‘phone book. I wasn’t too many pages in before I had career doubts’. There is no ingratitude to his first employers. He has fond memories of those days and he did put in the effort, including studying by correspondence course. He made friends too. And one of them shared his growing, extracurricular, interest in music. ‘I had a guitar by then, and a guy I worked with had a tape recorder. One lunchtime we went in to Cookes, the music shop, because he was interested in a guitar. We got side tracked! There was a mobile disco set up in the window and somehow we, (well my colleague really) had bought it and we’d formed the notion of becoming a ‘Mobile Disco’ with me as the DJ’.

Accountancy seems an unlikely step, but that’s where we find him next. And it’s at this point that the distinctive blend of factual history and entertaining anecdote kicks in. The facts are that he’d been sent to London to seek career advice from a cousin in accountancy, and that he did subsequently take a job in that profession.

This new venture made its debut at a 21st birthday party, with a motley selection of records and a pay-check of £8. This was the big career step then? There’s a smile. ‘Not exactly. I was still working in accountancy, but I’d also taken a Saturday job at another music shop, Suttons, selling hi-fi equipment’.

The anecdotal back story is that the appeal of accountancy was heightened not by a sudden realisation that he

I learn later that whilst not allowed to sell pianos he did demonstrate electric organs. Apparently his rendition of

is growing and now, when Clayton fires up the turntables the floor is heaving. He’d been talking too with impresario John Fisher which led to getting more bookings for himself, and others. It also brought him a 3 night a week slot at The Talk. David Clayton had become a full time professional. By now though, he’s also a broadcaster. Amongst everything else he’s presenting a Sunday morning show on hospital radio, and instinctively knows that he understands it. David Clayton is not given to immodesty, but the change in his voice when he gets to radio is palpable. It’s not self-aggrandisement, it’s sheer enthusiasm when he says, ‘I thought, I can do this’. Meantime he was working with the BBC in Norwich. ‘Really what I did was book presenters from the BBC to open events and suchlike’ he says. ‘I was an agent, but it meant going in to the BBC and I just loved being there’.

David in 1972

He was indeed. The gigs now took in stints at RAF camps which were boisterous, but reasonably lucrative. He was talking too with an agency, Norwich Artistes Ltd, who secured more bookings for him. And one night he worked the King Edward VII on Aylsham Road. It turned out to be an important moment. His future wife, Jennie, was in the audience. David Clayton is now in full swing. Not just historically in terms of his burgeoning career, but conversationally, in relating his story. Remember dear reader that this conversation is taking place over lunch, and keeping up with him, and taking notes, is a challenge. The basic plot however is this. He soon has a £14 a night (with Go-Go Dancers!) residency at the Canary pub, holiday camp appearances and, thanks largely to the legendary Chic Applin, a regular slot at The Ocean Rooms. His popularity

It was with the same enthusiasm that he heard local radio for the first time in Middlesbrough. Determined to find out more he, literally, knocked on the door of the station. Asked over the intercom who he was, and what he wanted, he put on his best ‘BBC voice’ and explained that he ‘did some work with the BBC in Norwich and wondered if he might come in to see how things worked here’. ‘Well it was true, I did work with the BBC in Norwich. It didn’t seem important to go into the details of my role being outside it! They let me in and I was knocked out. I thought, ‘we have to have this in Norfolk’’. He came back and wrote to the EDP to say so. Life isn’t always straightforward of course, and when by 1980 Radio Norfolk was in place, David was not a part of it. Married and a father by now he’d applied to Radio Norfolk but was unsuccessful. Later, he was pointed in their direction by an agent, largely because of his knowledge of the local entertainment scene. ‘It wasn’t a job as such, but I was allowed to talk about local artists and venues.

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FINE PEOPLE contin’d Then, in one programme, I helped out in a bit of an on air blip and I think they thought – ‘hello, he seems to know what he’s doing’’. Fairly soon, and by his own admission because someone else let them down, David Clayton was presenting a Juke Box Jury show. It grew. And it grew into a regular 45 minute job.

and from 1987 to 1991 he regularly presented on the nation’s flagship spoken word channel. Professional and personal reasons, including by now two children, drew him back to Norfolk where in 1991 he became Assistant Editor at Radio Norfolk. By 1998 he was Editor, the senior role he holds today.

loves buses. (I told you we’d return to buses). He’s not a ‘petrol head’ but he loves old cars and writing about them. The Yorkshire Dales always draw him back. Music is plainly still a passion.

could listen to him all day. Because he’s great at what he does. And that’s why he does it, and why he loves it. THE QUICK FIRE QUESTIONS!

He’s of the generation, like his interviewer, for whom a life-long bond with pop was forged in the crucible of creativity and youthful obsession of the 1960s. (‘Did I tell you’, he asks out of nowhere, ‘that I joined the Sandie Shaw fan club in 1966?’). But, he says, and it comes as no surprise, that his interest is radio really. ‘I actually get paid to do what I love’, which seems a good point on which to end.

By 1981 he had a 3 hour Sunday morning show on Radio Norfolk. It’s interesting to note that he admits to being sick with nerves before transmission. He overcame the problem, because by October 1983 he was a full time BBC radio broadcaster.

We chat for a moment or two longer. A shared fascination with the minutiae of life leads us into a trip back through the steak houses of the 1970s, Wimpy Bars and, a personal favourite, The Golden Egg. It’s funny, but it’s more than nostalgia. David Clayton is in touch with day to day life, and what makes people tick.

Soon, television beckoned. Still working in radio he presented Look East for the BBC from 1983 to 1988. He worked for Anglia TV too. (‘Remember the BC puppet?’ he asks. ‘It was my hand in there! If you weren’t presenting there were all sorts of other duties!’)

He can coach presenters to talk and engage audiences to listen by simply being natural. He has a talent to hold up an ‘audio mirror’ to listeners, and when they hear all the tiny day to day details reflected back they recognise them, and they’re amused and entertained.

As I put down my pen and close my notebook I realise something. This entire interview has been like a radio show. What’s more it’s been like the best sort of radio show; the kind where you feel you’re part of a conversation, listening in to an engaging, funny, informative chat that comes at you naturally and without being forced.

Beating Radio 4 to a Sony Award led to the station seeking him out,

What are his interests outside his job? His family he says. And he still

‘Sorry Pete’, he says, ‘that was a bit long wasn’t it?’ I hadn’t noticed. I

Soccer or Rugby? Soccer Seaside or Countryside? Both Fish and Chips or Pizza? Fish and Chips…don’t start me on Pizza(!) Given what you do there must be someone you’d most like to meet and interview? High on the list would be Murray Walker. And I’ve done it! At his house!

The Royal Yacht Britannia Named No. 1 attraction in the UK Staff at The Royal Yacht Britannia are thrilled by the news that Britannia has been named the Best Attraction in the UK in the TripAdvisor’s Travellers’ Choice Award 2014. This prestigious award reflects the quantity and consistency of 5 Star “Excellent” reviews posted on this influential website by visitors to the former Royal Yacht during the last 12 months (to date, 72% of the 5,000 TripAdvisor reviews are Excellent, and 23.5% are Very Good). Britannia has officially been Scotland’s best visitor attraction for the last nine years, with a current quality score of 96%, the highest mark ever awarded to a visitor attraction by national tourist board VisitScotland. With a complimentary audio tour now available in 27 languages, the latest being: Turkish, Thai, BrazilianPortuguese, Cantonese, and Punjabi, Britannia is believed to be the most translated audio tour in the world. Last month the former Royal Yacht also received TripAdvisor’s Certificate of


Issue 33 2014

Excellence, an award that is given to the top 10% tourism businesses in the world. Britannia’s Chief Executive, Bob Downie, said “We are absolutely delighted that our passion for delivering outstanding customer experiences has been so highly valued on TripAdvisor, and to be Number 1 in the UK is a tremendous achievement that our staff can be very proud of”.

The Trust’s responsibility is to maintain and preserve Britannia in keeping with her former role and to display her to the public as a key part of British maritime history. The Trust is a wholly self-funding,

The Royal Yacht Britannia was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family for over 40 years, sailing over a million nautical miles around the world, calling at more than 600 ports in 135 countries. Situated in Edinburgh’s historic port of Leith, Britannia is now a five-star visitor attraction, as well as an exclusive evening events venue. Visitors enjoy a fascinating insight into The Queen’s former floating palace, and the lives of those who lived and worked on board. Britannia is owned by The Royal Yacht Britannia Trust (Registered Charity No. SC028070).

not-for-profit, charitable organisation. Britannia is the official headquarters of the Association of Royal Yachtsmen.

The Royal Yacht Britannia Ocean Drive Leith Edinburgh EH6 6JJ Scotland’s Best Visitor Attraction, VisitScotland


The Style Show Nominate an unsung hero for a well deserved pampering and makeover day What woman do you know who is an unsung hero? Take this opportunity to give her the recognition she deserves and to pamper and treat her with a free makeover. It can be somebody who provides a service and always goes the extra mile; she may have been particularly brave or looked after others. She may volunteer or go beyond the call of duty at work. She may be a great Mum, friend or daughter. Sue Dougal of The Style Show says, “We’re confident there are lots of local unsung heroes and we would love to hear about them and the difference they make. All you have to do is send us an email with their story and they could soon be enjoying a special makeover day with photographs to remember the occasion.”

Lisa has a busy life working for Aviva as a copy-writer. She enjoys cooking and before joining Aviva in 1990 had her own outside catering business for six years. The love of Lisa’s life (besides her husband of course in case he’s reading this) is her dog, a Lhasa-Poo.

Images: Far left, Lisa ‘before’. Centre, Lisa undergoing her colour assessment. Below and far right, Linda ‘after’. Inset, Nail art.

The makeover was at Spruce House, where the atmosphere is relaxed, caring and luxurious. After coffee, The Style Show started with a colour consultation to find the colours which make Lisa look radiant. Chrissi Rix of The Style Show said, “Some people say that colour doesn’t make a difference but after 15 years I know the right colours can make you look younger, healthier and more vibrant.”

Send your nominations to enquiries@ See how The Style Show’s most recent makeover day went at Spruce House Hair and Beauty, a new salon in Norwich.

Lisa discovered that the colours she loves are the colours which suit her best which is often the way; when it makes us look good we love it! Next stop was Kate Mackley, Spruce House’s hair stylist.

Lisa was treated to a makeover by The Style Show and Spruce House Hair and Beauty. She entered a competition on The Style Show’s Facebook page and much to her amazement she won. Lisa said, “I’ve never won anything in my life, not even the last prize in a raffle! The thought of being pampered and all those treats is just a dream. We lead such busy lives it’s a real treat to make time for ourselves.”

54 Issue 33 2014

With Lisa knowing what colours suit her best, Kate was able to add a touch of the right tones to Lisa’s hair at the front, top and sides. After a trim and blow-dry Lisa was delighted, “I love it, it looks really natural.” Lisa was then ready to exchange her black gown for a cream fluffy robe. Claire Williams, Spruce House’s owner, and Olivia Fleck, Beauty Therapist, took over. They massaged Lisa’s feet and hands before manicuring, treating and painting her nails. With a set of


Jessica gel nails, Lisa chose polish in a deep mauve colour called Foxy Roxy for her fingers and toes! After a cleanse, tone and moisturise, and when she could be prized out of the electric massage chair, Lisa went into makeup. Looking for a subtle look, she was lightly made up by The Style Show. Selecting only the colours which suited her best, The Style Show used Arbonne makeup which includes gentle shades and is made of all natural ingredients. Lisa loved her new look and was almost ready for lunch in the pub with her friend Mandi Bowhill. She just needed to exchange Spruce House’s fluffy robe for the final part of her prize, a specially selected outfit from The Style Show. The Style Show did what they do best and selected outfits for Lisa to try which took into consideration her colouring, body shape, proportions, scale, line and style personality. With several outfits to try, Lisa soon got into her stride with a few catwalk-model poses for the camera. She’s now got some great shots to remember her day and how she looked which she shares with you here.

Issue 33 2014

FINE FASHION contin’d When she was ready to go Lisa said, “I’ve really enjoyed having an independent opinion on how to look my best. It’s something you don’t get every day. I feel a million dollars.” SPRUCE HOUSE Spruce House Hair and Beauty is a new salon which opened at Palace Plain in Norwich in June.

difference so that clients walk out of the salon looking and feeling great. We don’t want them to have to wait to see a difference.” Lisa was spoiled throughout her visit to Spruce House with tea and coffee in bone china, bowls of white chocolate and fresh strawberries. Claire explained, “These are little touches but we hope they show our clients that we want to spoil them.”

As well as a full range of styling services, The Style Show will soon launch its Style Studio in Norwich where you can go for one-to-one styling in complete privacy, with the benefit of a range of clothing, accessories and makeup to choose from. This private shopping experience is free to anybody who has been to a show or used The Style Show’s services.

The owner, Claire Williams, has been a therapist for 14 years but she has always wanted her own salon. “I want my clients to have something different and now I can show them exactly how I want to treat them.

Spruce House wants to lead the way in Norfolk with new treatments for its clients and next month’s unsung hero will enjoy a new treatment which isn’t available anywhere else in Norfolk!

A stylist will re-visit your colouring, body shape, scale, proportions and line, as well as your style personality. You will be able to discuss what you want to achieve and any concerns you may have.

I want every single treatment to feel like a treat, even waxing! We only do treatments that make an immediate

Contact Spruce House at: or on 01603 627527.

The Style Show will give you the very best personal service and select outfits which are perfect for you.

You will be able to book the Studio by the hour for you or you and a friend or you can call in for a quick visit to find a great new outfit. If you would like to know more, or book, email or give us a call on 07768 584452 or 07535 717271. A special thanks to Li Dawson of Li’s Photo Lab for taking great photographs of Lisa’s makeover day. See more of Li’s work at:

Come And Celebrate The John Lewis 150th Anniversary John Lewis Norwich have teamed up with the Costume and Textile association and local hat designer Betsy Hatter to put on a Fashion through the era’s fashion show We’ve come a long way since 1864. Times change, fashions come and go, but with our heritage ever present, we move forward with inspiration. Always innovating, and never standing still. To mark our 150th anniversary, we’re collaborating with some of our long-standing suppliers to create some unique and exclusive commemorative products. We’re also bringing back special edition prints from our archive, and adding them to beautiful contemporary products; exclusive, evocative, and re-imagined for today.

After the show the models will line up to show how fashions have changed over the last 100 years. On the day members of the Costume and Textile association will be in-store to chat about some of the amazing outfits that they own. The show is happening on Saturday 16th August, 11am & 1pm, John Lewis Norwich, womenswear, First floor Thanks to Jackie Hamilton School of Beauty for helping with the hair styling and also the Costume & Textile Association for their contributions too.

Special Fashion Show... The show will include outfits from each decade from 1900 to the present day, the outfits include an Edwardian wedding dress, a bold Susan Small dress from the 1950’s and a power suit from the 1980’s.

56 Issue 33 2014


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The pendant works within 50 metres of the unit we have plugged into the telephone line and, therefore, may be used within the property or garden.

We aim to install a Lifeline alarm within 3-5 working days, sooner if it’s an emergency, and we ensure the whole process is easy and straightforward. We’ll make sure you understand how your Lifeline works and what’s involved. The Contact Care Lifeline is there for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you’re hurt, concerned or in need of advice, press your red button and we can help. Installing your Lifeline alarm is an easy and straightforward process. Here’s what you need: A standard electric plug socket An existing telephone socket – on the same wall, close to the electric socket

The pendant can be worn on a cord around the neck, or as a wrist strap. An appointment can be arranged for us to visit you and demonstrate the equipment before installation. If you prefer, you can self-install your Lifeline alarm with clear instructions included in the pack sent to you. We’re good at what we do. We listen, we give you time and we look at the whole person. We care. For further information, please visit our website: or call Freephone 0800 917 4680.


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Issue 33 2014 57


Norfolk-Born Entrepreneur Brings Mobile App To The Norwich Lanes To Encourage Business Growth The Norwich Lanes have teamed up with the mobile payments solution provider, Droplet, whose app allows customers to pay for goods direct from their smartphones The Droplet app carries great benefits for customers and small, independent businesses alike, making The Norwich Lanes the ideal place to extend the scheme following successful launches in both London and Birmingham. Consumers can not only download the Droplet app for free, but it is quicker than paying by card and there are no minimum transaction fees. Advantages to businesses include the promise of 0% transaction fees forever, no contract and mobile loyalty features that have never been available to small businesses before. Droplet was co-founded and set up in 2011 by Norfolk born entrepreneur, Steffan Aquarone. Steffan recently moved back to Norwich after 10 ½ years to be closer to his family. Upon his return, Steffan realized just how much Norwich’s retail offering had grown, especially within the Norwich Lanes. Several key businesses have already adopted Droplet, including the Birdcage pub, The Grosvenor Fish Bar and Strangers Coffee Bar, all of which reside next to St Gregory’s Green in the Norwich Lanes. Using Droplet couldn’t be much easier. You simply download the app for free and load it with cash from your bank account. When you click on the ‘places to spend’ link, you’ll find a full list of places where you can pay by Droplet. Each outlet has its own map to make them easy to find and you can also check the ‘with offers’ section to find any deals to be had in the area. To encourage consumers to use the app, Droplet is offering customers a free £5 top up to get them started. To claim the free £5 to spend in the Norwich Lanes, simply download the Droplet app from the App Store or Google Play and email to receive a voucher code.

58 Issue 33 2014

Steffan Aquarone CEO of Droplet said, “The Norwich Lanes was less of a thing when I was growing up in Norwich but now it’s got a powerful identity and people travel from miles around to visit. The strong sense of community is what attracted Droplet to the area.” Steffan, 30, added, “I’d forgotten how fast word travels in Norwich when there’s a new thing in town and I’m really excited that Droplet is that new thing. The take-up of the Droplet app in the Norwich Lanes has surpassed all our expectations and we will be looking to expand our offering across the whole of the city in the very near future.” Lauren Gregory, landlady of The Birdcage, said “Droplet has been absolutely amazing for us. It seems the one thing that everyone carries around with them at all times is their mobile phone and we are witnessing new customers using this app on a weekly basis.”

Nick Bond, Head of Tourism at VisitNorwich said, “Norwich Lanes is full of great places to shop, eat and drink and the Droplet app makes it even easier for people to enjoy themselves here.” Stefan Gurney, Executive Director of the Norwich Business Improvement District (BID) said, “Norwich Lanes is a hot house for innovation and the perfect place to launch Droplet. The development of mobile wallets is huge at a national level and it’s great to see Norwich forging ahead with its own solution. So head out with the “Discover Norwich App” and pay with “Droplet”. Jon Card, The Guardian – “How Birmingham is emerging as a hotspot for new technology businesses.” “ Entrepreneurs are not in short supply either… and some have very big ideas indeed. Take new startup Droplet for instance. While Londonbased policymakers quibble over how

to avoid creating financial institutions that are too big to fail, this business has a strategy to cut the clearing banks out of the loop entirely. Its platform enables free payments between individuals and businesses via their mobiles. No longer will the coffee shop have to pay its bank 50p each time a customer pays with their card - Droplet will host the transaction in return for the major commodity of the internet age - data. Its services are found throughout the city and are spreading northwards and southwards - some believe 2014 will be its year. Simon Jenner, chief executive of Oxygen Accelerator says there is a lot of activity in the “Silicon Canal”, as Birmingham’s tech scene is affectionately known. It is home to budding businesses, such as payments provider Droplet, which is tipped to shake up the UK finance sector.”

How it came about time: technology has been changing At Droplet we had been watching payment for some ent was still locked in the legacy the way the world interacted in every space but paym mobile was set to interrupt this state systems of 30 years of retail banking. We knew that solved the payment challenge, linked of play and our simple, user-inspired technology soon & moved on to provide a full suite of it neatly to an unique social messaging capability next-generation mobile commerce tools. e truly cashless businesses.

First we decided to help enterprise merchants to becom

with technology that sent and received Droplet replaced cash and card-processing at POS ng a text: No pricey upgrades, no payment from a phone as quickly & simply as sendi clumsy plug-ins. phones as they could see at a glance We discovered that people prefer paying with their started sharing their delight by exactly where they’ve spent their money. Soon they hants could talk directly to their Tweeting their payments. This meant that our merc . So it was a small but crucial step to customers about their experiences using social media ience that featured their most recent introduce a social timeline into the Droplet user exper favourite conversations. Just Like That. purchases and reminded them at a glance of some

Steffan Aquarone. CEO of Droplet


Issue 33 2014


Richard Beales Design & Consultancy Son of legendary rose grower, Peter Beales, can make your garden dreams come true... Richard Beales, son of world renowned Norfolk rosarian Peter Beales, a past managing director of Peter Beales Roses Ltd; a business that was started in Norfolk in 1968 that has been instrumental in popularising many varieties of old fashioned, classic, shrub and climbing roses which, without the company’s intervention, would undoubtedly have become extinct. The company has gained a worldwide reputation as “a living museum of all things roses”. Richard, along with his father – who founded the company and passed away in 2013 – and his sister Amanda (who sadly passed away in the same year) also contributed to the ever-increasing number of garden roses by introducing many new varieties that combine all the attributes required by the discerning gardener, the majority of these achieving worldwide acclaim and becoming exceptional additions to their genus. While working in the family business Richard has gained special expertise within the design sector, and this, combined with his knowledge of roses and other plants, becomes a winning formula.

projects as well as gardens, and he enjoys advising people on all aspects of design, from the humblest of planters and window boxes to the grandest of stately homes. It is easy to understand why Richard is so enthusiastic about his latest business venture; Richard Beales Design and Consultancy.

Richard Beales Design create and implement bespoke garden designs for large manor house gardens through to the smallest town gardens and flower show exhibitions across the world. With over 20 years of experience in this sector I can help take your dreams and ideas and turn them into a beautiful reality.

While working on various projects I am proud to have been awarded 3 of the highest medals of honor in horticulture:

Through my experience of design I am able to understand how the visuality and ambiance of a garden should both look and feel, enabling me to work hand in hand with clients in creating them their perfect outdoor living environment in which they can relax and enjoy all that nature has to offer for many years to come.

The Lawrence Medal for the best Royal Horticultural Society Stand of the year, the Williams Medal for the best exhibit of a single genus at Chelsea Flower Show and the Presidents Trophy for the best exhibit in the floral pavillion so you can be sure your Richard Beales’ designed garden comes with top pedigree.

Richard Beales Design and Consultancy 4 Sunart Close Attleborough Norfolk NR17 2SD e: m: 07957 311300 t: 01953 453210

Most of Richard’s early work was specific to rose gardens, through his experience and flair, and while working as closely as he has with roses in the landscape, he came to the conclusion that it was time to break from the norm and, instead of seeing/using all other plants as companions to roses, use roses themselves as companion plants too. As a result of this radical change in tack, Richard discovered that he had not only opened up the many ways in which roses could be used within the landscape, but also revealed that there was indeed a rose for all seasons and situations. With this new-found freedom and derestriction of rose usage, Richard has on numerous occasions became involved in many exciting garden projects the world over, advising clients and businesses alike as to the best way to not only grow but display their roses within beautiful, classical and contemporary designs. This flair for design and use of colour has allowed Richard to broaden his repertoire by becoming involved in many other design

An example of a design plan created by Richard

Issue 33 2014


Audi R8 V10 By Tim Barnes-Clay, Motoring Journalist Twitter @carwriteups



Not only does the dazzling supercar look good enough to eat, it almost flirts with you, tempting you to throw away your worries and immerse yourself in its company.

inside out in the direction in which you want to go.

Flushed cheeks, a racing heart and clammy hands are all the sensations you’ll experience when you first start up the Audi. And inside your body there’ll be changes that signal Cupid has fired his arrow.

The 10 cylinder engine produces 518bhp and churns out 390.91 lb‐ft of turning force (torque) to the crankshaft at 6,500 rpm.

In all honestly the R8, especially in V10 guise as tested here with a Lamborghini-derived 5.2-litre engine, will get your dopamine and serotonin chemicals bubbling. Yes, what I’m saying is that you’ll fall in love, or certainly lust, with the two door coupe. It’s a true beauty; a work of automotive art and the model has recently become even more stunning to look at, let alone drive. Aesthetically, the R8 now comes with all‐light-emitting diode (LED) headlights, and a single-frame grille. A redesigned diffuser and huge, round tailpipes are the most eye‐catching new features. The rear lights include dynamic indicators, a global first from Audi. Produced by LEDs, the turn signal runs from the

64 Issue 33 2014

On the road, the R8 V10 completes the zero to 62mph sprint in 3.6 seconds and has an autobahn focused top speed of 195mph.

The seven‐speed S tronic gearbox, which replaces the R tronic used previously, is standard in all V10 models. The fast shifting dual‐clutch transmission features an ingenious launch control function that provides the best possible traction when the car flexes its muscles and takes off. The might of the engine’s output momentarily thumps you back into your seat when the Audi’s clout is unleashed via the Quattro permanent all‐wheel drive system. And the sound of the car is almost as seductive as its looks. Even at moderate speed there’s a deep, multi-layered, glorious rumble. But hit the R8’s ‘Sport’ button and you get a gratifying crackling and popping on the downshifts. The snarl is animalistic, and deeply nourishing for any petrol head’s ear

Inside, the high‐performance sports car is now even more sophisticated. You and your passenger sit in bucket seats with folding backrests, and the seat covers and inserts in the door liners are quilted.

make your liver quiver on B roads. But what it does best is go around corners quickly with the utmost stability and that, of course, is what every car enthusiast wants. PROS ‘N’ CONS

Getting comfortable behind the wheel is easy and it’s surprisingly straightforward to drive. That said; the grunting, visceral tone emitting from the powertrain assembled behind the two front seats keeps you respectful of the Audi’s capabilities at all times. A car’s ability to accelerate quickly and reach a blistering top speed is, naturally, desirable. However it’s the handling dynamics, and talent to drive rapidly through the bends, that make for a spine-tingling driving experience. And that’s where the R8 V10 delivers. The Audi will turn your grey matter to jelly on the straights and it’ll

• • • • •

Power √ Looks √ Sound √ Handling √ License loser X

FAST FACTS • • • • • • • •

Max speed: 195 mph 0-62 mph: 3.6 secs Combined mpg: 21.6 Engine: 5204cc 10 cylinder 40 valve petrol Max. power (bhp): 518 Max. torque (lb/ft): 390 CO2: 305 g/km Price: £117,710 on the road

By Tim Barnes-Clay, Motoring Journalist Twitter @carwriteups

Mii by MANGO at Castlegate Available from August



Official fuel consumption for the SEAT Mii by MANGO 1.0 75PS in mpg (litres per 100km); urban 47.9 (5.9); extra-urban 70.6 (4.0); combined 60.1 (4.7). CO2 emissions 108g/km. Standard EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.


Jupiter Road, Mile Cross Lane, Norwich. Tel: 01603 480200


Have A Wild Thyme Out In Norwich Wild Thyme is a unique cafe set in the heart of Norwich City centre, offering the best of homemade vegetarian, vegan, gluten free and raw dishes.

Our food is locally sourced and where possible we use fairtrade and organic ingredients. We change our menu seasonally and have daily specials. Many of our dishes are available as a starter and a main course, so if you’re just in for a light bite or something more substantial there’s something on the menu for every occasion. Come and enjoy our organic, fairtrade Feminino coffee and selection of organic teas with a slice of our


delicious homemade gluten free, vegan and traditional cakes in our beautiful surrounding situated above Rainbow Wholefoods formally the Old Fire Station Stables. Open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea from 10am daily. Supper served Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings until 8pm. Wild Thyme is the perfect vegetarian venue for private parties and functions. To enquire give one of the team a call.

Issue 33 2014



Ivy House Wine Nights Popular With Diners Two Italian gourmet wine dinners at Ivy House Country Hotel, Lowestoft, last month have proved so popular the hotel is running a series of similar theme nights throughout the year to educate diners about wines from around the world. The next evening on 18th September will help diners identify seven great wines to accompany key signature dishes from Spain in an entertaining, fun-filled, way with a light-hearted presentation from celebrity Graham Donaldson and a delicious four-course meal. Dr Adrian Parton MBE, Proprietor & Chairman, Ivy House Country Hotel, said: “Our gourmet evenings aim to take diners on an exciting culinary trip around different countries of the world in a very relaxed way and the Italian nights last month were a complete sell-out. “The wines are presented in an entertaining and humorous way. Graham Donaldson spent 20 years as a television presenter before becoming a co-founder of Norfolk’s largest independent wine company Peter Graham Wines so has plenty of experience as well as stories to tell!” The Spanish wine evening will be held in the hotel’s restaurant, which is set in a

Issue 33 2014

16th Century characterful barn, and has developed an excellent reputation for quality and service, being awarded Two AA Rosettes for 11 consecutive years. Graham Donaldson explained what will be in store for the evening: “When people think about Spanish wines the word which comes to mind is ‘Rioja’, but there’s much more to Spain than its most famous region. “The entire country is covered with a patchwork of great-value, little-known production areas that represent some of the best-kept secrets in the wine world. The hot, dry summers and iron-hard winters are ideal for the production of organic wines – as well as big, chunky reds and crisp, refreshing whites.”

Adrian Parton continued: “Anyone coming along to the Spanish Wine Dinner is promised a very relaxed, funfilled, evening of great food and fine wine.

Set in 20 acres of gardens, ponds and marshes, it consists of 20 en suite bedrooms in three discrete areas, conference facilities, function rooms and a large marquee in the grounds.

Spain may be the next country on our tour around the world but a British game night is also planned for 6th November and we will be hosting dinners with wines from many other regions throughout the whole of next year.”

The Crooked Barn restaurant, Eve’s Bar & Lounge and The Hayloft also offer diners a choice of environments and menus to enjoy high quality food, which has been awarded two AA Rosettes for 11 consecutive years.

The Spanish wine dinner costs £45 per person and includes a four-course meal with seven wines and diners are advised to book early to avoid disappointment. Places can be reserved by calling Ivy House Country Hotel on 01502 501353.

With its 16th century oak beamed interiors, cosy nooks and chic décor, the hotel brings together a sense of history and the very best in contemporary styling.

About Ivy House Situated on the edge of the popular Oulton Broad, Ivy House Country Hotel underwent an £850,000 refurbishment when its new owners took over in July last year including the recent erection of a new marquee in the hotel’s 21 acres of gardens, ponds and marshes.

Ivy House Country Hotel is a recently refurbished luxury establishment offering high quality, affordable, accommodation and fine dining in beautiful surroundings on the edge of the popular Oulton Board.

For more information visit For more information on Graham Donaldson visit

(L to R): Proprietor Adrian Parton MBE with celebrated wine gourmet Graham Donaldson



It’s Mustard! Mustard coffee bar is situated in the heart of the Norwich lanes district and occupies the home of the original colmans mustard shop retaining many of the original features. It has been owned and run by the Reilly family since 2013, Elaine , the manager has worked in hospitality for 20 years running catering for a variety of organisations from universities to major retail stores. They bring with them a passion for coffee, food and service. They believe they are now the only coffee shop in Norwich still roasting their own coffee. Coffee is roasted once a week and is always ground to order. - Doesn’t come any fresher than that! They also offer a wide selection of award winning teas and cold drinks. Breakfast and lunches are all home cooked and they were fortunate to retain the chef who had worked for the previous owners. Her sausage rolls and scotch eggs are legendary with the scotch eggs now featuring in the lonely planet guide. The team believe in using seasonal produce and always source locally where possible. All their sandwiches are on artisan bread from a local bakery. They provide a weekly changing specials menu which features an array of different cuisines. Home made cakes are also a big feature of the cafe and afternoon and cream teas are always available. As well as traditional cakes they have introduced some wonderful new flavours such as the Norfolk stout cake. Cakes are available to order for any occasion. With the ever increasing need to provide for different dietary requirements there are always gluten-free options with gluten free bread and cakes available.

buffets. The cafe is an art cafe and exhibits and sells the work of local artists. There are always sketch pads on the tables and customers are encouraged to draw, write, doodle etc. The best examples are placed on display on the ‘washing line’. The cafe organises regular art fairs and evenings and many other events. The book shelf is available for those who want to sit and browse a book or magazine quietly. Those feeling more outgoing can join in a lively conversation on the communal table. Plans for the future include a pop up restaurant one evening a month. Find us at: 3, Bridewell Alley, Norwich, NR2 1AQ. Call: 01603 630077

Since arriving at the cafe they have launched their catering service which provides everything from business breakfasts to wedding

Issue 33 2014 69


The Beehive Freehouse Keeps Raising Funds For ‘Stepping Stones’ Charity Stepping Stones NI Ltd was established in 1996 to provide adults with learning difficulties / disabilities with the opportunity to access accredited training towards gaining employment. By holding barbeques on the first Saturday of the month between May and October, all run by volunteers, the Beehive has helped to raise in excess of £1000 already this year. It is the RAOB Edith Cavell Lodge who man the operations to keep the funds coming in and the Lodge meet at the Beehive every Sunday night and have used the site as their venue of choice for many years. Every year, the Beehive support a different local charity in this way, and over the years, tens of thousands of pounds have been raised for different worthy causes. A bit about Stepping Stones... The company is comprised of local business people, parents and carers of people with learning difficulties / disabilities, and representation from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. The organisation opened its doors in January 1998 as community business, providing a realistic working environment for adults with learning difficulties / disabilities to avail of vocational training leading to employment. The core values of the Charity’s work are the People, Respect, Choice and Excellence. This means they

70 Issue 33 2014

wish to create an organisational culture that inspires clients, staff, members, board and other supporters. Stepping Stones believes that all of its people should have opportunity to work in a way that realises their full potential and ambition. Stepping Stones believes in equality and respect for all and celebrates diversity, actively promoting inclusion so that everyone’s voice is heard and their opinions respected. At the heart of Stepping Stones’ ethos is the principle that each individual is entitled to make choices about their pathway to learning and employment and about the pace and timing of that journey. Stepping Stones embraces a culture of quality and continuous improvement so that clients and customers can expect great service that represents value for money. Find out more at: or make a donation at: Visit the Beehive on 30, Leopold Road, Norwich, NR4 7PJ . Call on 01603 451628 or visit the Facebook page to keep up to date with events: pages/The-Beehive-PubNorwich

Sourced Locally flour

n ru Not mill of the

Get baking with help from your Co-op

r you up pick in store ts en di re ing

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One of our local suppliers Marriage’s, Chelmer Mills, Chelmsford




Yare Valley Oils Sublime oil made from Rape Seed at The Grange in Surlingham The Grange in Surlingham is a 100 year old family run farm nestled beside the Norfolk Broads just south of Norwich. Here you will find the Mack family and the home of Yare Valley Oils. As well as producing cereals, sugar beat and potatoes the Mack family also grow, harvest, press and bottle their own extra virgin cold pressed rapeseed oil.

A mechanical screw presses the seed below 40 degrees in order to maintain its nutritional benefits such and being high in Omega 3, Vitamin E and having half the saturated fat of extra virgin olive oil. The rapeseed oil is then twice filtered and bottled for use in every day cooking. With a burn point of around 240 degrees it is an oil that can be used from eating

raw drizzled on salads and for dipping, for baking sweet and savoury dishes (as it is not a bitter or greasy oil) all the way up every day frying due to the burn point. Being healthy, versatile and local, rapeseed oil is fast becoming very popular in kitchens across the UK and is a number one choice for many chefs. Here at the farm we are always keen to

hear new and exciting recipes and ideas for how you like to use the oil. To contact us and for more information, online ordering with free delivery, recipes and list of stockists visit www. You can also follow us on twitter: @yarevalleyoils


Dust-free Floor Sanding, French Polishing & Restoration Specialists Robert Stamper started his career training as a French Polisher / Antique Restorer with Arthur Brett & Sons of Norwich in the late 90s.

His natural talent and determination to be the best within his industry spurred him on to set up his own business, which was founded in 2001 - back then, his workshop was so small, you could hardly swing a cat - little did Rob know it was the start of great things!

unrivalled within the industry. “I have always prided myself on offering a polite, informal yet professional service to all of my customers and the same goes for my team - the service we offer at The Floor Sanding Company is nothing but the best...” Rob Stamper

Rob’s ambition pushed the business to not only succeed, but to grow also. As the years passed Rob saw changes in what customers were asking for; with that in mind, he continued to develop his knowledge to be able to offer a wider range of skills - as the call for traditional French Polishers decreased, the call for wooden floor restoration and refinishing increased - so much so, Rob and his team have restored many wooden floors, for both domestic and commercial customers.

Our aim at THE FLOOR SANDING COMPANY is to provide our customers (old and new), a professional service which goes unrivalled at an affordable price.

The business continues to develop and grow and now boasts a large range of services with a quality of finish which goes

We work with all wooden flooring types; from parquet, herringbone to pine floorboards, bar counter tops, kitchen worktops and the smallest piece of furniture right up to staircases - and wooden panelling, no job is too big or too small! We use the latest dust-free floor sanding technology and dust extraction

equipment available. Athe FLOOR SANDING COMPANY we produce an array of different finishes to suit all tastes. We are able to offer a floor sanding hire package which includes dust extraction equipment. We also offer a full French Polishing service; from scratch removal to furniture stripping and re-polishing. As well as all this, we can also offer you a house decorating service too! Whether it is a sinlge room or a whole house, we have it covered! TESTIMONIALS “Thank you for doing such a fantastic job of sanding the wooden floor at The Barn. What a remarkable difference you made to the floor, despite the numerous heel marks made by the previous occupants, you managed to get the floor looking as good as new and we were amazed by

the transformation. The finishing was first class and what was once a fairly dull looking wooden floor, is now glossy. We have had many, many compliments on this from our visitors.” Emma - JSM Property “We would like to thank you formally for the high degree of service you have provided in transforming our flooring, and the French Polishing of staircases, doors and window sills of our Norwich home.” Mr & Mrs Styles - Eaton, Norwich For more information visit the website: or give the team a call on 01603 621354 or 07766 466078

Issue 33 2014 73


Q&A With House Revolutions Founder, Chris Sargisson Revolutionary Estate Agent, Chris Sargisson under the spotlight Its eight years since Chris launched his lower priced disruptive estate agency, House Revolution. Despite a difficult recession the company has grown, selling in excess of 70 million pounds worth of local property and reportedly saving the average customer thousands of pounds in fees. Judging by the online feedback people love it. The business is undergoing a significant brand ‘refresh’ and gearing up to grow and expand but have they got the model right? You describe your business as disruptive. What does that actually mean? Disruptive is the term used when a business sets out to improve a service in a way that the market doesn’t really expect. Typically by working within an industry to find ways to significantly lift and improve the customer experience. Think ‘Branson’ and Virgin airlines. He didn’t improve and reduce the cost of transatlantic flight by buying old planes with an engine missing and using cheaper airports; he broke the British Airways cartel, took unnecessary cost of out the

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business and used his vast experience of air travel to create an experience which was more comfy, tastier, slicker and a bit ‘funky.’ Consumers have been saying for a very long time that estate agency offers poor value for money. House Revolution is ‘doing a Branson.’ Evolving estate agency to make it lower cost and consumer focused. Lots of talk about online estate agency, is this the same thing as you? Hmmm not really although our first incarnation back in 2006 was an online business but we soon evolved. The internet has significantly improved estate agents ability to market their properties. It’s faster, provides ‘worldwide’ reach, is available 24/7 and is significantly cheaper compared to the old days of multiple branches and newspapers. All estate agents, every single one of them fully embrace the ‘online‘ as their chosen way to market and sell properties either

via portals such as Rightmove or Zoopla or their own websites. It’s why buyers don’t walk through estate agents doors anymore and why we can service the whole of Norfolk from one branch.

no else in the market as low cost and as professional as we are.

Why did we evolve? Well, the internet provides many things but personal service is not one of them. Without people who know what they are doing then the wheels start to come off a house sale quite quickly. Finding a buyer is about 20% of the agents’ job and online agents only talk about finding buyers online (and being cheap) which means 80% of the work you require isn’t going to be done.

1. 2. 3. 4.

What have you learnt in the last 8 years? A couple of things. Firstly, considering that we have now sold hundreds of homes saving customers money and making lots of people happy along the way I know the business works. From relatively humble beginnings we have grown into an extremely effective and accurately priced modern estate agency and I can say with real pride that there is

Secondly, I now know the formula that improves estate agency: Accurate fees – You should know (and therefore only charge) what it actually cost to sell a property which like most retailers should include a fair profit margin. Also don’t hide costs such as ‘set up’ or ‘cancellation fees.’ No tie-ins - No contractual minimum term means you’re always focussed on keeping all our customers happy otherwise they will leave and go elsewhere. Make your customers agenda your agenda - Deliver excellent service all the time and always be open, honest and transparent. Use technology to improve the experience - All our customers are provided with a unique online ‘my House Revolution account’ allowing total access 24/7 to all house selling activity as it happens.


Issue 33 2014

76 Issue 32 2014

Bear And Woods Kitchen Fitters


Your dream kitchen, your way Putting the customer first, their aim is to meet the requirements set out by the customer, giving the highest possible standard of fitting. As fine tradesmen, they pride themselves on excellent qualitty work in all the kitchens they produce and install. Working with a large number of standard systems provided by well known and loved supppliers, they can truly offer a variety of designs and create the perfect kitchen in any size or with any specification. If it isn’t something off the shelf you require, then Bear and Woods have their own planning and design service, which will create something bespoke for you in a range of materials and finishes. Bear and Woods offer a start to finish fitting service, right from removing your old kitchen through to installing and adding the finishing decorative touches to your new one. As they manage the entire project, including works and trades throughout the fitting, they can ensure you are completely satisfied and confident in their work. All of the tradesman they employ to carry out their services are

highly skilled and work is certified where necessary. Trades are overseen and all work is checked by a project manager at regular intervals to ensure quality and standards are maintained at all times. Should you prefer to use your own tradesmen for different parts of the job, we are more than happy to work alongside them. Why not give Bear and Woods a call to discuss your next kitchen project? If you are looking for a local company with lots of experience to offer, then Bear and Woods could be just what you are looking for. Their new website is currently being designed and will soon be full of exciting information and images for you to look at and help you choose the next dream kitchen for your home! Don’t delay! Visit Bear and Woods today... CALL: 01603 905 145 to get a quote or more information.

Issue 33 2014 77


Masterman Park Homes If you had the choice to earn more money or less money which would you choose? Our family business has over 30 years experience in supplying off site park homes, hire/sale static caravans and mobile homes to both the trade and public and are Omar Homes main distributor. Our prices offer the very best discount and our ex-display models are an exceptional deal. We are suppliers of the high quality, affordable British built Masterhome range, designed by ourselves using our unique knowledge of our customer requirements and preferences. Farmers, builders and other own land or plot owners are amongst our main customers our homes are also supplied as the perfect low cost granny annexe and in many cases planning permission is not always required.

to all the latest safety and insulation requirements all included within the BS 3632 full residential specification. At our Wymondham Norfolk premises we stock Masterhome park homes. We also have on display a large selection of static caravans for both sale and hire. Masterman Park Homes Limited Valley Side Industrial Estate Station Road Wymondham Norfolk NR18 0NN Telephone: 01953 606 202 Fax: 01953 601 377 Email: Opening Hours 9am - 4pm Six Days a week (Sunday Excluded)

The Masterhome range offers unrivalled value for money and is built to very exacting standards, conforming

78 Issue 32 2014

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