EMTEC Products Limited Brand Book

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Emtec Products Limited Brand Book


Brand Platform Brand Statement


Our Mission


Brand Values


Brand Elements Logo 18 Typography 22 Colour 26 Brand Collateral Stationery


Email Signature


Clothing 34



Brand Platform

Brand Statement


Our Mission


Brand Values



Brand Statement

We are Emtec, an experienced and skillful team of specialist engineers. We use existing and emerging technologies to create Noise and Vibration Control solutions, Louvre Systems and Plantroom Walls for the construction industry. We are proud to be long-standing partners to visionary architects and forward-thinking mechanical consultants, and proud suppliers to leading contractors who are focussed on sustainability. As a forward-thinking organisation ourselves, we are invested in the long-term health of our industry.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Brand Book.



Our Mission

Our mission is twofold We want to create industry-leading products that help our clients create buildings that function at the highest level of efficiency. We seek to improve the visual landscape, and help reduce the negative social and environmental impacts of construction and the built environment.



Brand Values

Curious Experienced


Collaborative Honest


Brand Values

We are Curious We are instinctive problem solvers, driven by a curiosity to understand and improve the world around us. First and foremost, we are engineers. We are inspired by technology and invest strategically in tools that help us investigate and solve specific challenges within construction. Our curiosity drives us to constantly evolve and improve our services to meet the changing needs of the wider industry.

Traits Inspired Driven Committed Innovative



Brand Values

We are Experienced Our knowledge and expertise is respected and relied upon. We are proud to have long-standing experience working with world-leading construction companies, architects and forward-thinking specialist contractors. We are trusted to turn our intrinsic understanding of how buildings are formed and how they perform into innovative products and practical solutions. We take pride in our reputation as specialists and we are passionate about using our skills to improve construction processes as a whole.

Traits Innovative Expert Trusted Respected




Brand Values

We are Collaborative We are proactive partners helping our clients to identify problems and delivering practical solutions. Working collaboratively and sharing our expertise and enthusiasm at the earliest stage, we succeed in reducing mistakes and maximising efficiencies throughout the lifecycle of a project. Working in close partnership with our colleagues and our clients helps us understand the pressures they are under and how to adjust our support and service accordingly. Collaboration is key to our success.

Traits Proactive Open Perceptive Adaptable


Brand Values

We are Honest We believe there is only one way of doing something: the right way. This doesn’t mean we are single minded or uncompromising in our approach; we are simply honest about how we work and what works. We are relied upon by our clients to be transparent in our decision making processes and trusted to give viable and responsible recommendations based on our experience and expertise. We will never cut corners and we will never take unacceptable risks.

Traits Responsible Transparent Diligent Reliable



Brand Elements

Logo 18 Typography 22 Colour 26


Master logo


Reversed logo 21

Brand Elements

Exclusion zone Our logo is always surrounded by an area of clear space which remains free of all other design elements. The clear space around our logo is equal to the width of the letter ‘E’. 22


*Minimum size The smallest the primary logo should be used is 20mm. 23



Roboto Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@£$%&*():”<>?/ Roboto Medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@£$%&*():”<>?/ Roboto Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@£$%&*():”<>?/


Roboto Bold for headings Roboto Medium for subheadings set at 10pt size with 13pt line spacing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis accumsan justo, ornare pulvinar massa. Morbi non erat sit amet felis finibus consequat sit amet in justo. Vivamus et mauris commodo, varius nunc ac, sodales tellus. Nullam non finibus risus, luctus nunc. Roboto Regular for body copy set at 10pt with 13pt line spacing. Etiam blanditlectus vel auctor viverra. Phasellus imperdiet quis libero id facilisis. Donec feugiat ante a massa pharetra, ac scelerisque ligula porttitor. Suspendisse quis nibh nec nibh facilisis auctor. Sed porta dui et enim lobortis, et pellentesque nunc malesuada. Cras dignissim sodales metus, at molestie purus porta quis. Morbi bibendum lectus nisl, nec auctor risus blandit.Praesent nec maximus nibh, eget laoreet nulla. Nullam

Volutpat ligula, vitae interdum tellus. Aliquam a sem eget lectus porttitor cursus malesuada id ligula. Etiam ultricies ligula finibus sem blandit finibus. Phasellus lectus tellus, ornare ut ornare sit amet, bibendum vitae lacus. Ut finibus sagittis ex luctus dictum. Quisque malesuada sed magna id faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam ultricies urna a erat vehicula tincidunt. Pellentesque laoreet nibh lacinia augue elementum, non congue lectus venenatis. Integer consectetur venenatis ante vitae varius. Quisque a nisi ac erat mattis facilisis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam suscipit metus diam, at ullamcorper magna convallis varius.


Colour palette

Bold & Simple We use a limited colour palette to create strong brand recognition. Dark grey provides a warmer alternative to black. Yellow is used as an accent colour to add contrast and vibrancy. Light grey provides an extra mid tone for balance when needed. Additional colour is only added to the brand through photography.


Emtec dark grey

CMYK 0 0 0 95 RGB 45 42 43 Hex #2d2a2b


CMYK 0 0 0 0 RGB 255 255 255 Hex #ffffff

Emtec yellow

CMYK 0 10 90 0 RGB 240 229 81 Hex #f0e551

Emtec grey

CMYK 0 0 0 50 RGB 157 157 156 Hex #9d9d9c 27

Brand Collateral



Email Signature


Clothing 34



Name Surname Position

T: +44 (0)00 0000 0000 M: +44 (0)0000 000000 initialsurname@emtecproducts.co.uk



Emtec Products Ltd Unit L, Turnpike Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3TF emtecproducts.co.uk

Name Surname Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 City Postcode


Subject Dear Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus interdum nunc mi, eget finibus mauris iaculis ac. In dignissim accumsan ex, sit amet ultrices nisl rhoncus eget. Phasellus pellentesque tortor eu elementum condimentum. Donec ultrices, massa eu molestie maximus, purus lorem blandit mauris, nec blandit lacus nibh ac arcu. Phasellus sit amet imperdiet erat. Phasellus in purus magna. Vestibulum suscipit, elit in ultrices sodales, erat libero interdum enim, id porttitor metus quam at ante. Phasellus elementum risus in tellus fermentum dapibus. Pellentesque volutpat magna et sapien finibus, vel eleifend urna bibendum. Integer quis libero id lectus pellentesque rhoncus. Vivamus vestibulum ac purus ut condimentum. Nullam nec est sodales, euismod est vel, mollis lorem. Phasellus dignissim vehicula neque. Praesent in feugiat sapien, ut vestibulum ipsum. Ut vulputate aliquam nunc a facilisis. Etiam vel metus urna. Proin varius egestas commodo. Nam pretium dui non neque porta, eu dapibus lacus accumsan. Nullam eget suscipit magna, at euismod nunc. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum id feugiat enim. Sed ut tellus arcu. Ut fringilla ante mollis, rhoncus turpis nec, mollis turpis. Sed ullamcorper euismod lorem quis blandit. Mauris cursus fermentum tempus. Vestibulum eget commodo augue. Morbi vehicula cursus odio,pretium libero aliquam ac. Yours sincerely,

Name Surname Position

Emtec Products Ltd T: +44(0)20 8848 3031 sales@emtecproducts.co.uk emtecproducts.co.uk

Unit L, Turnpike Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3TF

Registered in England No. 3164658 VAT Reg. No. GB675017042

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001

Certificate Nr 3250


Email Signature


-Name Surname Sans Serif Bold, font size regular, black Title Sans Serif Normal, font size regular, black

Telephone: | Mobile: Sans Serif Normal, font size regular, black Website: Sans Serif Normal, font size regular, blue, underline Emtec Products Ltd: Sans Serif Bold, font size regular, black Address: Sans Serif Normal, font size regular, black




Uniform branding On uniforms we print our brand mark in black on reflective substrate and this replaces the need to use emtec grey in the logo. 35

Emtec Products Ltd Unit L, Turnpike Way High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3TF T: +44 (0)20 8848 3031 sales@emtecproducts.co.uk emtecproducts.co.uk

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