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What is Employment and Support Allowance? Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is money for people who have limited capability for work because of their sickness or disability but do not get Statutory Sick Pay. There are two types; income-related Employment and Support Allowance and contributory Employment and Support Allowance. • Income-related ESA is means tested so Jobcentre Plus will want to know about any income or savings you and/or your partner have to decide your entitlement. Capital of more than £16,000 will exclude you from receiving the benefit. • Income-related ESA is not taxable • Contributory ESA is non means tested (except for occupational or personal pensions) and you will need to have paid enough National Insurance contributions. • Contributory ESA is taxable. It is possible to get one or both types of Employment and Support Allowance depending on your circumstances.
JobCentre Plus will usually ask you to attend a work capability assessment to prove you have limited capability for work. It should take 13 weeks to arrange this but often it takes longer. You will be paid a basic rate of benefit until you are assessed. After your assessment, if it is decided that you do have limited capability for work, Jobcentre Plus will place you in either the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) or the Support Group (SG) and you will be awarded an extra amount of benefit. If placed in the WRAG you will need to attend work-focused interviews with a personal adviser at your local Jobcentre. You will not have to attend these interviews if you are in the SG. Please note if you are entitled to Contributory ESA and are placed in the WRAG then you will only receive your benefit for a maximum of 365 days. If you think you have been placed in the wrong group, you should seek advice from a welfare rights adviser. You will find advisers at Citizens Advice Bureaux and your local council. To claim ESA, phone Jobcentre Plus on 0800 055 6688 or go to www.gov.uk To make an enquiry, phone 0345 608 8545
Usually you can’t work and claim Employment and Support Allowance but there are some people who may be able to do some work while still qualifying for this benefit. This is called permitted work. It is best to check with an adviser if you are considering permitted work.