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Almost every serious lottery player pops the question at some point in time which is "How to win lotto"? Well, the answer to this question is never a simple answer. There are plenty of tools out there on the internet to help you. Some of these tools include free lottery systems, lottery strategies, lotto system, and programs known as winning lottery system. Do these programs really increase your odds of winning the lottery? I believe that is the burning question. How do most people play the lottery? Think about it. Most people use their 6 lucky numbers to win lotto games. This is all fine and dandy but do you realize the odds of winning? 1 in some god awful number. Put it this way, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning two times in one day than win your states lottery. That is WHY I take my chances with the pick 3 game. The pick 3 lottery is the only lottery that has earned me a great income. Not only that, you have mathematically the best chances of winning by far out of any game out there. What exactly are your chances of winning lottery pick 3 drawings? 1:1000 to be EXACT only if you know NOTHING about the pick 3 and the pick 3 strategies that go along with it. 1:1000 is the odds of winning picking any combination in STRAIGHT BOX form. The most difficult BOX form to pick and win. Highest payout, but most difficult. I like to play UNMATCHED numbers in BET BOX form to give me the highest probability of winning. By playing ONLY UNMATCHED numbers and in BET BOX form I have a 1:120 chance of winning as opposed to a 1:1000. Not only that, if I study my states most frequent occurring number my chances will increase from 1:120 to around 1:50! Not bad at all. Betting even 50 bucks to win 600 is amazing. I do this almost on a nightly basis. Every night I come home at 6:59 pm to watch my states pick 3 drawing. What a thrill at least 3 times a week to see my pick 3 numbers won! I always win with UNMATCHED numbers. If you do not know what UNMATCHED numbers are, let me explain quickly. UNMATCHED numbers are any numbers in which no numbers repeat themselves in the pick 3 winning combination. For example, 431, 539, 581, 093, 794, etc... are all UNMATCHED number combinations. UNMATCHED numbers occur AT LEAST 23/30 times a month for most states. Just take a look at your states numbers for last month. You should see at least 23 out of 30 drawings resulting in UNMATCHED winning combinations. The percentage of an UNMATCHED number hitting is phenomenal. I take my chances with UNMATCHED numbers everyday. I am an odds man and I am all about giving me the best odds of winning. I sincerely wish you the best of luck and I hope you enjoy this article and start winning pick 3 on a consistent basis!
Chris Malcolm created a proven system that explains how to win the lotto. He has been successfully been winning the lottery consistently for over 10 years. Learn about his proven system at www.pick3winning.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Malcolm
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