Spirit of Change Magazine Fall/Winter 2022

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2 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 Find out who you truly are—in experience. Advaita (Nonduality) is an ancient and timeless philosophical and spiritual tradition of self-realization. Our approach is fundamentally experiential. With guidance, practice and self-examination, you can know deep peace and connect to the love and consciousness that underlie everything. From our students: “ThetoolshasMeditationAdvaitaCentergivenmethetostaycalm in my busy life.” “There has been no greater blessing in this life than finding the path of Advaita and the amazing people who journey together on it!” 28 Worcester Lane Waltham MA AEmail:781-647-002002451info@advaitameditation.orgnonprofiteducationalfoundation.Visit our website for full details: advaitameditation.org • Introductory class in Advaita starts each January, April and September. • Open Meditation every Wednesday evening throughout the year. • Sanskrit classes for all student levels start each January, April and September. • Conversations with God class every Tuesday evening throughout the year. • And more! Advaita Meditation Center ® AFTERLIFE[rn with Bob Olson www.afterlifetv.com Hosted by Afterlife Investigator Evidence of Life After Death Afterlife Stories & Questions from Public Spirit Communications, NDEs and Past Lives BEST PSYCH! RECTORY www.bestpsychicdirectory.com Over 800 Psychics & Mediums Screened & Approved by Private Eye Search by Location or Specialty Public Reviews Since 2007 ANSWERS ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE www.answersabouttheafterlife.com Book Answers 150 Fascinating Questions Conclusions Based on 15-Years of Research Written by Private Investigator Provides Comfort to the Grieving ANSWERS ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE BEST PSYCHIC •MEDIUMS www.bestpsychicmediums.com Genuine, Legitimate & Tested Psychics, Mediums & Energy Healer Read Articles about Real Readings Online Resource Since 2002

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 3www.spiritofchange.org

4 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 DepartmentsFeatures MAIN OFFICE PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: www.spiritofchange.org508-278-9640 ADVERTISING INFORMATION Phone: 508-278-9640 x 5 E-mail: advertise@spiritofchange.org

ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Linda Phone:Smolenski508-278-9640 Email: linda@spiritofchange.org EDITOR Lisa Email:FontanellaLisa@spiritofchange.org

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Carol Phone:Bedrosian508-278-9640 3 E-mail: carol@spiritofchange.org


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NATURAL LIVING EXPO Michella Brudner Phone: 508-278-9640 Email: michella@naturalexpo.org

CONTRIBUTING COLUMNISTS Eric Linter, Astrology DESIGN & PRODUCTION Samantha Angeli Amber Routten-Mitchell PRINTING GDI, Inc, Hanover, MA Copyright ©2022 Spirit of Change. All Rights Reserved. Spirit of Change distributes 30,000 magazines throughout New England semi-annually (Fall and Spring) and accepts paid advertising as an advertising service. Responsibility for the products, services or claims of our advertisers rests solely with them; advertisers are liable for any claims made against Spirit of Change Magazine as a result of their advertisement. The informa tion in Spirit of Change is intended as a sharing of knowledge about holistic health for educational purposes. Health care decisions requiring medical advice should be made with the help of your health care professional. Subscriptions are $20.00/4 issues. Article and artwork submissions are accepted for review and will only be returned if accompanied by a SASE. To receive bulk shipments of Spirit of Change to distribute to your clients & customers, please email carol@ spiritofchange.org. Fall/Winter 2022 • Vol. 36, No. 147 Departments Musings by Carol Bedrosian 6 Starspeak by Eric Linter 10 HolisticDirectoriesSpecialties Directory 65 Calendar 66 Holistic Logo Directory 68 Advertiser Index 74 Cover Art “I AM RadkaTHAT”SoulArthttps://www.etsy.com/people/radhikachi 3320 5462 Features Beloved 1980s Cookbook Returns Entirely Vegan by Nava Atlas 14 Vegan Advocacy Network by Nikki Davis 18 The Gift of Resins by Susan Meeker-Lowry 20 The Sky Is Falling, But There’s A Net by Paul Stamets..............24 Adaptogens! Our Plant Partners for Peace in Changing Times by Marie Frohlich and Marla Mazar-Carr 28 Playing With Fire: Safer Ways To Fire Up Your Cannabis by Mark Mathew Braunstein 30 What Is Acupressure Shiatsu? by Barbara Blanchard and Lauren Paap 32 NATURAL LIVING EXPO PROGRAM GUIDE ................................... 33 Travel Light by Tina Marian 54 Are Your Past Lives Living In your Present? by Donna Hartley ..........................................................................56 Pleiadian Message: Your Star-Seeded History channeled by Eva Marquez 58 Getting Support for Spiritual Emergency by Emma Bragdon 62 PLUG INTO THE NETWORK Get Spirit of Change delivered to your inbox! Sign up for the E-Newsletter at www.spiritofchange.org. CELEBRATINGINPRINTCELEBRATINGINPRINT

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FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 5www.spiritofchange.org AFTER This woman had only a few hours sleep the previous night and felt exhausted at the time this photo was taken. After wearing the Personal Rejuvenizer for only 20 minutes, she reported feeling more awake, energized and refreshed. BEFORE THE REJUVENIZER IS DESIGNED TO HELP : • Protect you from EMFs and other damaging frequencies (from computers, cell phones, microwaves, TVs, satellites, wireless internet, etc.) • Combat fatigue, headaches, and eyestrain • Protect you from other people‘s negative energies • Strengthen the immune system • Uplift you spiritually and more! “Since wearing the Personal Rejuvenizer, I’ve seen a real difference in my health and energy level. When I’m around people who are sick with colds and the flu, I don’t get sick anymore, like I used to. Also, I used to be so tired, I’d practically be dragging myself around, and I don’t feel that anymore.” R.R., Manchester, ConnecticutALIFETIME OF HEALING AND PROTECTIONPhyllis Light, Ph.D & Telepathic Healer THE REJUVENIZER ® Light Unlimited (512) 301-2999 www.lighthealing.com

As if on cue, a six-page, handwritten Letter to the Editor, signed only by Deb, arrived recently in the Spirit of Change post office box to help shore up any confidence I may have lost.

The Time Has Come Ialways knew the day would come when it would be time to release Spirit of Change from its corporeal body. The advertising would wane, and that would be my signal. However, I did not expect neon signs to appear! Suddenly, new requests for advertising information plummeted, while printing and delivery costs skyrocketed thirty percent, making continued printing unsustainable. At least I did not have to agonize about the decision; it was utterly clear, yet bittersweet. It is never easy to let go of something one loves dearly, as I have loved birthing every one of the 147 issues of Spirit of Change. Like any labor of love and delivery, creation can be fiercely overwhelming at times, but once born, is its own reward. I am grateful every day for being able to share a unique network of holistic resources and information grounded in the understanding that our bodies are self-healing. Sharing this research and personal experience is my passion. The magazine and website network of resources grew organically from there, taking on a self-sustaining life its own. Networks do not end — they keep expanding. All the mind/body/energy healing insights hundreds of thousands of people gleaned over the years through Spirit of Change, and then shared with hundreds of thousands more, keep multiplying as they continue to be shared and practiced and developed and used. Like Chinese medicine luo energy channels running throughout the en tire body, a subtle, invisible network is formed through this shared healing intelligence. For 35 years, Spirit of Change readers have tapped this source to expand their own self-healing potential, as well as help shift the paradigm of our collective healthcare future. Yes, miraculous wonder drugs, diagnostics and surgeries are available for us as healthcare choices today, but so are mi raculous self-healing therapies. This does not mean that no one is ever supposed to get sick or die. Illness and death are natural parts of life that provide opportunities for healing and growth on all levels of body, mind, spirit and planet. Natural medicines to heal and empower are available for our use whenever needed. The biggest challenge to their access is mental — the willingness to entertain a completely new idea about healthcare focused on self-care. From there, it’s about learn ing and implementing new daily practices.

Dear Carol, I thought last “Musings” was your best. I’ve known you since the beginning; you’ve always shared what’s going on with you. But finally, this Spring/Summer “Musings” was your best, because it comes home, not to a method, but of believ ing in yourself and your body’s amazing ability to heal beyond our understand ing of how. Because we don’t know what we don’t know, and can’t see nature’s innate understanding of “how to become itself” with its interrelationships to all things. When ego/we/I get out of the way and energetically support the healing flow, then potential is possible. We are caught up in our “training”…


The problem is people don’t believe in themselves, their ability. We take it away by directing them to “over there” — the doc, the healer, the med, etc. As I’ve visited other cultures and observed methods of mind and imagination and belief, I understand how we’ve created this duality on all levels (our society’s belief). People have to read it over and over again from people like you to help pop the bubble of illusion…

As Paul Stamets writes in this issue on page 27, “Networks are the rule of nature, not the exception.” Within you lies the power of your networked cells, thoughts, and actions. If you want your body and the space around you to be healing, contribute as many healing thoughts and words as possible. Choose

I’m motivated by this phrase: Without hindrances (taught language, limited beliefs), the mind has no fear. I’ve observed multiple personalities having differ ent medical conditions, and the body’s ability to flip physiology in a flash! When you see that, then you have to think much more is possible, real, and attainable. I’ve worked with people and expanded mind practices where I have correctly identified conditions, emotions, and scenes that I never believed possible to do and be that exact. And I’m just curious about our potential, not a seasoned practitioner of these techniques, so I know it’s possible for anyone. But not as a mimic of any method — that belongs to the person who thought it up. We are so individualized that our own method/belief/mind movement/ needs to appear to each one of us — aha — like this — connecting to that impulse. That’s it. So, it’s each of our jobs to stimulate this individual potential (no path) in self and others. Belief in yourself. All the methods are there not to cling to, but to point you in directions. I deeply believe we cannot be here without an available way to heal ourselves. — Deb Yes, Deb. I also deeply believe with practice we can heal ourselves 90% of the time. For the other 10% when emergency medical care is called for, bring on the technology in all its life-saving grace. Western medical technology has developed over more than a century to its current levels of wonder and bril liance. Yet, the potentially unlimited network of energy medicine can surpass those levels in a flash. To this end, the network is our greatest tool, both within and without.

“Aligned”©RadkaSoulArtArtwork Continued on page 8

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 7www.spiritofchange.org You’re welcome to join us for ECK Light and Sound Services on Zoom sponsored by the Massachusetts Satsang Society. They are held on the first Sunday of the month starting at 11:00 am. Themes will be announced on the events page at eckinmass.org If you want to join these or other services, contact Mark at resa_in_ma@yahoo.com ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom Sponsored by the Massachusetts Satsang Society, Inc., a Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others are trademarks of ECKANKAR. Copyright 2020 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317 USA.

inbox! Sign up for E-Newslettertheat www.spiritofchange.org. SAFE HARBOR HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER PROTECTION BILL


Several groups are working to ensure health freedom and prevent licensing of holistic modalities including: Health Freedom Action Massachusetts hfama.org National Health Freedom Action nationalhealthfreedomaction.org/ Reiki Unified www.reikiunified.com/ take the initiative to join their efforts and get on their mailing lists so you can be part of the solution in keeping holistic practitioner choice plentiful and affordable in Massachusetts and throughout the country. Spirit of Change delivered to your


8 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 to say or think a positive sentiment, rather than a negative one. Each one of those choices adds up, just like dollars in a bank. You are an inexhaustible supply of good words to say and thoughts to think. You are so wealthy. Use your cells to heal yourself. The more you savor and mentally replay your successes, rewards in life, and things you enjoy, the more the healthy hormones associated with those events circulate throughout your body, cre ating a more vibrant cell network, molecule by molecule. Likewise, replaying negative events, judgments or resentments over and over floods the body with inflammation-causing hormones. Consider all the damage inflammation causes — heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis — and then consciously choose to turn off the spigot when you notice a steady drip of judgment, resentment or hatred. Outside the body, only the power of the network can create the change we wish to see in the world. “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world,” said human rights ac tivist Desmond Tutu. Every thought, word and action really, truly does matter. Your vote especially matters, as we recently saw in the Kansas abortion referendum’s surprise outcome. The National Institutes of Health estimates that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion. This means a body’s natural intelligence has decided to reject a pregnancy in order to preserve its wellbeing and health. Obviously, not every embryo is meant to be born. Who gets to make that choice? People who are pregnant, or people who believe that only your unconscious intelli gence can legally make that choice? Your vote this November is momentous, and will help decide whether a national abortion ban is enacted in the United States as soon as 2025. Your vote matters. And sure, we can walk around with 400 million firearms under our noses and declare we have rights and freedom. But who wants to live like that? It’s ugly, and it’s living in fear. Just because we can do it, doesn’t mean we should. When the tub is overflowing, what’s the first thing you do? It’s that spigot, again. Turn it off. The evidence is clear: more guns means more incidents with guns. Start with banning assault weapon sales and manufacture. Why vote for candidates who refuse to take anything less than this commonsense action? Writing “Musings” is the final creative piece of each issue, and so the end is finally here. I especially want to thank the scores of dedicated advertisers — some over 25 years — who have kept this network humming for everyone,

Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change Magazine.

especially me. Thank you for the little notes of encouragement and cards of inspiration with your payments. I kept them. Those who have sustained this network as advertisers and publishing staff, in addition to their professional rewards, have also benefitted in kind through the many ways healing intelli gence works beyond our knowing. I can personally attest to those extraordi nary benefits. I got to explore self-healing as my day job for three decades be ing Spirit of Change publisher, and feel the daily thrill of riding the network’s pulse. It took almost 30 years for the ride to stop feeling like a terrifying roller coaster, but I finally discovered through lots of meditation and self-care I could plug into the energy source of the network directly. This supported me not only in healing my body, but in making every aspect of living more pleas ant, less stressful, and a natural healing process. This includes the challenging ones — especially the challenging ones.

I am uncertain about the future of www.spiritofchange.org, a rich and unique library of holistic and alternative health information. Since its launch some where around 2000, the Spirit of Change website has never fully supported its operating costs, but is vital to maintain in our digital world. I would be de lighted to continue publishing digitally, but need to earn a living! It is hard to imagine so much transformational content disappearing, so I don’t. I’m waiting to see what happens by the end of this issue in February, 2023. Time will tell. In the meantime, you can stay connected digitally by signing up for the Spirit of Change newsletter online or with the QR code on this page!

Despite the very best efforts of our hardworking committee members over four years and two filings of our bill, An Act Providing for Consumer Access to and the Right to Practice Complementary and Alternative Health Care Services was inexplicably scuttled in June. This safe harbor bill to protect unlicensed holistic practitioners from charges of practicing medicine without a license was “sent to study” by the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing. Since the bill contains no financial components or costs to the State, it’s hard to fathom why it was sent to that committee in the first place, after passing favorably out of the Joint Committee on Public Health. With our bill’s sponsor, Rep. John Lawn, as the House Chair of the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing, we anticipated swift action all the way to the governor’s desk for signing in this session. But a swift kick is what we received. No explanation for why the bill failed was received despite repeated efforts by committee members to reach out to the bill’s sponsors. The complete lack of transparency is disheartening. The bill must be refiled again in the next session, beginning another two-year cycle of gathering testimony and attending hearings, with the possibility of ending with the same brick wall for the third time in a row. Efforts spearheaded by the Massachusetts Attorney General have been filed in numerous sessions of the Massachusetts legislature over the past decade to license all alternative healing practitioners — the same unlicensed professions that have been operating safely and effectively for generations or even centuries, including Reiki masters, herbalists, qigong instructors and practitioners of hundreds of other natural healing modalities. My goodness…must the government intrude with oversight of every private aspect of our lives? This unnecessary, expensive, and burdensome overreach will negatively impact tens of thousands Massachusetts healthcare practitioners and millions of satisfied Massachusetts natural health clients by making fewer holistic practitioners available at higher costs to the public. Can you imagine state officials attempting to define and categorize the varieties of energy healing for the purposes of licensing? How can they possibly license what they do not even know or believe exists?!

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 9www.spiritofchange.org B A L A N C BE A L A N C E T H E W A Y T TO H E W A Y T O Y o g a & M e d i t a t i o n E n e r g y o f L i f e H e a l i n g C l a s s e s & W o r k s h o p s H e a l i n g T o o l s & P r o d u c t s E m p o w e r i n g P e o p l e t o L i v e H a p p i e r , H e a l t h i e r a n d P a i n - F r e e S i n c e 1 9 9 3 KNOWLEDGE • COMPASSION •WISDOM Tina Marian, RN Integrative Wellness Life Coach Fear of Failure & Fear of Success are two sides of the same coin. How are you sabotaging your own efforts? 40 Years in Psychiatric and Addiction Nursing Offering Holistic Approaches Expert in the Application of EFT All sessions and workshops available by Phone, Skype and Zoom Call for a FREE Phone Consultation 508.523.7132 tmarian@aol.com www.MedicineMyWay.us

As we reach the latter stages of the year, momentous changes are under way. The pesky “upset the apple cart” square between Saturn and Uranus, a fixture during chaotic 2021, is realigning and gain ing strength. Saturn represents the powers that be, conservatism and respect for the past. Uranus rules progressive thinking, advances in technology and the notion that we humans are one family, all in this life together. Saturn is regressive and at times repressive while Uranus is evolutionary and loves freedom. Historically, eras when these two planets test each other often bring tumult and leaps in the collective consciousness.

Faced with the uncertainties of climate change, overpopulation and a lack of political leadership due to rampant greed, corruption, ineptitude and denial, millions question authority in countries around the globe. Many more people are simply too busy trying to survive day-to-day to consider the political fray. Under the Saturn/Uranus square, with its one step forward, two steps back pacing, progress comes in halting steps. Our own nation is in the throes of its first Pluto return, when the outermost planet returns to the degree it occupied on July 4,1776. In 2022 there are three exact return dates, a once in two-hundred-and-fifty year event. These returns take several years to play out. They herald the collapse of some empires and the rebirth of others. No doubt we are at a crossroads. Pluto is always about the use of power, who holds it and what purposes are served. The November midterm elections are crucial to the fate of our country. That morning’s powerful full Moon/lunar eclipse underscores the need for participation. At the end of the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin opined, “It’s a republic, if you can keep it.” A republic may no longer be sufficient. Hopefully in this election cycle our coun

“ …deriving their powers from the consent of the governed…” — The Declaration of Independence Fall/Winter 2022-2023


10 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022



FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 11www.spiritofchange.org Continued on page 12

try will finally live up to its ideal of a more perfect union and become a more functional democracy.

We’re off to a jaunty start as the month begins. Optimism is writ large in the stars as Mars is sextile Jupiter the morning of Thursday, the 1st. Under Friday’s Mercury/Jupiter opposition trains, auto mobiles and flights are filled with countless holiday weekend travelers. Pay attention on Saturday, the 3rd when the waxing Moon tangles with Mars and the Sun. Morning stress levels can be intense. Unrest eases by late afternoon. Sunday evening is a holiday bright spot. It’s an excellent time for a party or date with a special someone. Time passes quickly during the back to school and work week. Tuesday, the 6th and Wednesday feel bright and busy. Even as the Moon waxes full, Mercury slows and turns retrograde on Friday, the 9th. Now in Libra, the Messenger of the Gods stays retrograde until October 2nd. Much of the retro grade period sees Mercury at odds with Jupiter. With the midterm elections a mere two months away, a flood of political news and shifting opin ions is likely. Carefully scrutinize the source of your information. Be on the lookout for ulterior motives and hidden agendas. TV content is called “pro gramming” for good reason. Mercury retrograde can actually be good for critical thinking, second looks and drawing knowledge from past events and personal experience. The full Harvest Moon is exact in Pisces at 5:59 in the morning on Saturday, the 10th. Empathy, compassion and humanitarian impulses are stimu lated. From Taurus, Uranus functions as a beacon of possibility. Tune out angry, strident voices. The path forward is kind and inclusionary, as well as open-minded. Dream of a better world. After a quieter few days the Sun is at odds with confusing Neptune on Friday, the 16th. The con junct Moon and Venus square Mars that same day. Dissatisfaction can be great, although the true cause may not be obvious. Some may seek to exploit differences between the sexes. Debates may be lively over the weekend. Many questions are answered by the night of Sunday, the 18th. Monday, the 19th has enormous romantic and social potential. The fall equinox is Thursday, the 22nd. The Sun enters Libra that night. The hours of daylight and darkness are in balance and autumn begins. Stay on top of weather reports on Friday, the 23rd. A fresh activity cycle begins with the Libra new Moon the evening of Sunday, the 25th. Political passions are inflated as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus oppose Neptune and Jupiter. Seekers of truth and fair play feel encouraged. We must give respect if we are going to receive it. Set your intentions for the coming weeks. Monday the 26th is both eye-opening and pleasurable. The last week of the month feels busy and productive.

OCTOBER 2022 Personal initiative is strong the morning of the 1st. Running errands or doing household chores goes more smoothly and enjoyably with many hands pitching in. Distractions multiply Saturday afternoon, and the battle to focus continues into Sunday when Mercury resumes forward motion. Partners may demand attention at inconvenient moments. The first quarter Capricorn Moon adds to Sunday evening turbulence. Be understanding and patient. Let certain obligations ride, and spend quality time with family and friends. Goals are within reach as the Moon waxes during the week of the 3rd. The weekend of the 8th and 9th is high energy. Pluto resumes forward motion Sat urday evening. The direction change ratchets up the public will to redirect our nation’s course. Resistance is also likely to rise. In a democracy it’s supposed to be about the numbers. The whole idea is majority rules. The Moon enters Aries on Sunday at midday. The current activity cycle reaches its zenith with the full Hunter’s Moon on Sunday afternoon, the 9th. Venus is close to the Libra Sun, giving peace, love and understanding a fighting chance. An air sign grand trine composed of the Sun, Mars and Saturn encourages reasonable discussions. Mercury returns to Libra the evening of Mon day, the 10th. Holding some people to their word becomes more challenging as mixed trends move in. Stick to the tried and true as the Sun aligns with Saturn on Tuesday, the 11th. Mars’ midweek square to Neptune stirs fears and controversies. Disinfor mation is a serious threat. Weather conditions may also be problematic. The working week ends on a positive note. As Venus aligns with Saturn early Friday morning, alliances are solid. Energized Monday, the 17th features a motiva tional last quarter Moon. The Sun’s evening trine to Mars helps many people power through the day’s challenges. Venus forms another trine to the Red Planet the following day, sustaining friendly vibes, happiness and passionate affections. Relationships require care on Wednesday, the 19th when both the Sun and Venus are at odds with Pluto. Jealousy can be an unpleasant factor. The Sun’s Saturday after noon conjunction with Venus puts many hearts in an excellent place. This is a great day to make peace and share love. Sunday, the 23rd brings a sea change. The Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, and Saturn resumes forward motion. The stakes seem to be grow ing higher. It is impossible to ignore the karmic implications of words and deeds. The stage is now set for autumn eclipse season. As is often the case, there will be two this fall. Tuesday, the 25th brings

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the Scorpio new Moon, a solar eclipse. Revelations are the order of the day. Secrets are outed, leaders may fall. Pay close attention to inner guidance. As with all eclipse weeks, unexpected events are more than likely to impact plans. As the new activity cycle is now under way, be ready to invent, improvise and changeRetrogradecourse.Jupiter slips back into Pisces on Friday, the 28th, stirring hearts and imaginations. The shift also evokes deeper concern for others. The first half of Halloween feels celebratory. The Moon’s late morning entry into Aquarius initiates more stressful energies. Pay attention if you plan to be out tonight.

The Sun enters Sagittarius early on Tuesday, the 22nd. Plans may be in flux but the very next day, Wednesday, the 23rd brings a frisky and enlighten ing new Moon. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury are all conjunct in freedom-loving Sagittarius. The planetary stellium’s trine to retrograde Jupiter and Neptune in late Pisces foretells many wonderful reunions during the coming weeks. After all the celestial fireworks, the final week of November is relatively quiet. Take advantage of muscular trends on Sunday, the 27th and Monday, the 28th. These can be fruitful days. Maintain a steady pace on Tuesday, the 29th and make course adjustments on the 30th.

12 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

A massive, tense fixed sign configuration dominates the early November skies. Five planets plus the fateful lunar nodes are involved. Flexibil ity is one key to managing the dynamic energies. Tenacity is another. The trick is knowing when to bend, when to stand firm, and when to forge ahead. There may be no perfect option available on Tuesday, the 1st. Consider adopting an “if in doubt, wait” approach. Roadblocks begin to clear tomorrow afternoon, and by Thursday, the 3rd substantial progress is made. Teamwork is facili tated. There could be surprising economic news on or around Saturday, the 5th as Venus opposes unpredictable Uranus. Some social ties are strained, others break apart. An unexpected expense could alsoThearise.week of the 7th is filled with grave chal lenges. Election Day, Tuesday, the 8th, features the full Beaver Moon in Taurus, a lunar eclipse. The eclipsed Moon is exactly conjunct the erratic but sometimes ingenious Uranus. The Scorpio Sun, Venus and Mercury are conjunct. All five opposing planets are at odds with Saturn, the karmic score keeper. The cosmic energies are formidable. Use them wisely for transformational growth, breaking free of confining situations and living a more ethi cal, fulfilling Participationlife.in these midterms is likely to be massive, a clear response to last summer’s Supreme Court rulings. Efforts to undermine the will of voters are also probable as the Moon symbolizes public sentiment. Not everyone will be pleased with the results. By Thursday, the 10th Mercury is in a testing square with Saturn. Friday, the 11th sees the Sun also square to the Ringed Planet. Proceed slowly and deliberately. Respect rules and regulations. Protestors will likely face draconian treatment by the powers that be. Silver linings are more apparent over the week end. Some controversies are resolved. Hopes are on the rise as Mercury, Venus and the Sun harmonize with Neptune from Saturday, the 12th through Monday, the 14th. Venus’ trine to Jupiter makes Monday night spectacularly enjoyable. Friday, the 18th brings headaches as well as hard won gains. Mars’ square to Neptune during Saturday morning can be a harbinger of treacherous weather. Dress appropriately and use safeguards if you’re using tools or machinery.

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DECEMBER 2022 Thursday the 1st is a long and winding road. From a post-midnight opposition between Venus and Mars until Venus sextiles Saturn towards day’s end, numerous aspects keep the emotional land scape varied. If you’re busy with work or holiday planning, be on guard against oversights and misplaced items. Clarity and momentum take an uptick just before midnight, and energy levels stay high through the first half of the weekend. Sunday is relatively calm. The waxing Taurus Moon unites with Uranus at midday on Monday, the 2nd. Life takes surprising turns. Hopes compete with fears that night, but building lunar energy pulls us on towards Wednes day night’s full Moon in Gemini. The volatile full Cold Moon, exact an hour before midnight, is exactly conjunct Mars. A war of words could erupt. Think carefully before speaking. A testing angle from Neptune increases the chances of a miscalcu lation. Be kind and quick to forgive. Holiday preparations and parties are in full swing during the middle of the month. Check the weather forecasts on and around Wednesday, the 14th when the Sun is at odds with Neptune. Saturday, the 17th is a fine time for gatherings and meeting peo ple. The diminishing energy of the waning lunar cycle runs counter to building anticipation for the holidays. At the winter solstice, Wednesday, the 21st, the Sun’s entry into Capricorn and shortest day of the year, the Sun forms an

The busiest of the holiday travel weeks actually kicks off early this year. On Sunday, the 20th a solar trine to Jupiter is a cosmic green light signal. Op timism is reinforced on Monday, the 21st as Venus and Mercury link up in philosophical Sagittarius.

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FEBRUARY 2023 While the comforts of home, family, friends and familiar faces are notable the first days of the month, the forces of change are building. The Sun’s square to Uranus the night of Friday, the 3rd underscores the fragility of life. Happy or sad, a waxing Moon adds to the intensity of feelings. Relationship challenges are sparked on Saturday, the 4th. Worries culminate with the full Snow Moon in Leo the afternoon of Sunday, the 5th. Some souls need to be the center of attention but excessive amounts of ego can stand in the way of friendship. Being up front about insecuri ties alleviates anxieties. A mellower week follows. As Valentine’s Day nears, the heart-stirring worlds of the creative arts, spiritual wisdom and love are illuminated. The 14th is a fantastic day for sending as well as receiving cards and gifts that express affection. Venus’ ap proach to Neptune culminates with a conjunction the morning of Wednesday, the 15th. A Sun/Saturn conjunction quickly follows on the 16th. It’s time for a reality check. Either commit fully and dive deeper in or move on. Halfway measures will not do. Forgiveness is a powerful undercurrent on Fri day, the 17th. Send messages of loving concern. Make travel arrangements. Optimistic trends continue into Saturday, the 18th. The Sun enters Pisces Saturday evening. The weekend is the ideal time to mend fences with estranged friends and associates. Concentrate on tying up other loose ends as the Moon reaches the end of her cycle. The Pisces new Moon of Monday, the 20th her alds a new activity phase and the coming of spring. With the Sun and Moon still close to Saturn, winter may seem to linger interminably in many parts of the world. Venus enters Aries the same day, breaking through some of winter’s doldrums. Be on the lookout for schedule disruptions on Tuesday, the 21st. Even the most carefully planned events are subject to unexpected changes. Much like slowly melting winter snowpacks, the last days of the month are quiet. Expectations are increas ing. Venus’ pending conjunction with Jupiter boosts confidence as well as joie de vivre as March nears. Believe in the power of love!

JANUARY 2023 Happy New Year! Harmony between the Taurus Moon and Capricorn Sun bodes well for a very comfortable New Year’s Day. The Moon’s proxim ity to her north node and Uranus are perfect for envisioning the future as you would like it to be. Divine inspiration is also available. Spirits remain high as the Moon waxes during the first week of the year. Count your blessings as Venus aligns with Jupiter on Wednesday, the 4th. The Sun’s trine to Uranus buoys progressives the following day, an excellent time for planning. The Cancer full Wolf Moon on Friday evening of the 6th is an eye-opening experience. Tribes gather and we draw on the past to prepare for what lies ahead. Discuss options and rework plans over the week end of the 7th and 8th. Mars, retrograde in Gemini since late October, resumes forward motion the afternoon of January 12th. A stalled project could suddenly take on new life. Some partners require special care around Tuesday, the 14th. Breezy Venus in Aquarius is testing Uranus, highlighting the reality that rela tionships have their seasons and require periodic renewal. Giving others space makes sense and with the Sun overtaking Pluto on Thursday, the 16th, finding a healthy balance of give and take is necessary.OnFriday, the 20th, the Sun enters visionary Aquarius. The Aquarius new Moon the afternoon of the 21st reinforces commitments to the welfare of friends and extended family groups. Where fair play and loyalty are missing, it could be time to sever ties. Uranus resumes forward motion on Sun day evening, the 22nd. More financial instability and earth changes are to be expected. Thoughts of the future are particularly detailed and expansive due to a solar sextile with con fidence-building Jupiter on the 24th. As Venus arrives in Pisces the night of Thursday, the 26th be aware that feelings grow more tender. Over the weekend of the 28th and 29th a dynamic angle between the Sun and Mars fosters a brisk pace. Saturday night is a good one for socializing.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 13www.spiritofchange.org to Jupiter. A torch of hope is lit. Expectations are enormous. Solstice observances are also graced by Venus’ magical trine to Uranus. On Friday, the 23rd the Capricorn new Moon launches a new activity cycle. Saturday, the 24th sees wonderful auspices for travel and socializing. Hol iday traditions are taken to heart. Sunday, the 25th brings an Aquarius Moon that is well-aligned with Jupiter and Mars. Stories and camaraderie are shared in equal measure. Be careful if you are out late that night. Mercury’s retrograde on the 29th is likely to bring touching reunions and realizations. A family secret could be revealed.

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• Facial Serums Unique, Natural Perfumes • Aromatherapy Blends

Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings and classes. Contact him at stars@ericlinter.com or by telephone at 508-541-4115. Read his Daily Forecasts on the Spirit of Change homepage at spiritofchange.org. Meet Eric at the NATURAL LIVING EXPO in Marlboro, MA, November 12 at 10:30am for his workshop “Our Astrological Crossroads: Where Do We Go From Here?”

Luxurious Face & Body Creams Healing Salves & Pain Balms

GGH’s offerings are all micro-batch, artisanal products made with fresh, organic herbs I grow or harvest locally. Herbs I don’t grow are certified organic and sourced from reliable suppliers, as are oils, waxes, hydrosols, & essential oils. Perfumes are created with pure essential oils, absolutes, resins, attars (sourced from small-scale distillers & fair trade suppliers), as well as my own resin/herb tinctures & infused oils.


Vegetarian Cookbook Returns Entirely Vegan

The emergence of veganism in the mid-20th century was rooted in animal advocacy, and Ruth Harrison’s 1964 book, Animal Machines, opened even more eyes to the shocking exploitation of farm animals. Animal Liberation (1975), by Australian philosopher Peter Singer, further ignited the contemporary animal advocacy movement. The book popularized Richard D. Ryder’s term “speciesism,” and followed in the footsteps of Jeremy Bentham in arguing that animals’ capacity to suffer is the most compelling moral argument for their protection. Singer wrote: “Being a vegetarian or vegan is not an end in itself, but a means towards reducing both human and animal suffering and leaving a habitable planet to future generations.”

Growing up with a drawing pencil in my hand, I learned early to scrutinize the things around me, and that included what was on my dinner plate. As a child I had to be urged not to "finish your vegetables," but to "eat your meat." Somehow that meat or fish on my plate never appealed to any of my senses. It wasn’t until I was sixteen years old that I was adult enough to assert myself in the kitchen and declare myself a vegetarian. At first this decision was not met with cheers from my family, but interestingly, within a few years, my parents and both of my brothers, in their separate situations and life-styles, all became enthusiastic vegetarians. Having given up meat simply because I didn't like it, I became interested only after the fact in exploring the health benefits and philosophies of vegetarianism, which I found fascinating. It was equally fulfilling to discover that the variety of foods I could eat broadened considerably, and I loved to experiment with these exciting new options in cookery. My career as an illustrator and graphic designer began almost simultaneously with my move to New York City and my marriage to a fellow artist. A veteran of artist-bachelorhood, in which eating meat and fish was a matter more of supposed convenience than of desire, my husband promptly became a vegetarian after we met. Although dinners were often quick, improvised concoctions after our long days in the studio, I took pleasure in making them fun and memorable, with interesting flavors, textures, colors, and aromas, as well as fresh, whole ingredients. My husband's enthusiasm for these unusual meals convinced me to write down some of those recipes so that I could repeat them. Later, as I began making dinners that pleased even non-vegetarian guests, I found myself with dozens, if not hundreds, of recipes and a desire to combine them, somehow, with my illustrations. It was Pudd'nhead Wilson by Mark Twain, with its witty homilies opening each chapter, often referring to a food item to make a point, that inspired me to use literature and lore as the basis for those illustrations. The result is Vegetariana, a collection not merely of recipes, but also of the surprisingly literary, legendary, folkloric, poetic, and even erotic contexts in which the marvelous variety of foods in the realm of vegetarian cookery is celebrated. Equally fascinating and full of surprises was my exploration of the world of vegetarianism itself. Many of my generation believe that vegetarianism sprang up in the 1960s and blossomed in the new age of health-consciousness of the 1970s. However, the roots of vegetarianism run as deep as ancient India, classical Greece and Rome, and the Old and New testaments of the Bible. More recent but perhaps ever more obscure is the story of the almost concurrent, widespread vegetarian movements in nineteenth-century America and England, which attracted scores of prominent writers and reformers.

Britain’s Vegan Society, the world’s first, established World Vegan Day, which is still celebrated each year on November first. Veganism became firmly defined by TVS as a way of life, not just as a way to eat: “A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment.”




"What on Earth do you eat?" was a question I was often asked when I first became a vegetarian, in the early 1970s. Back then, meatless diets were not as widespread and accepted as they are today. I rarely hear this question anymore because so many people have cut down on meat or eliminated it from their diets altogether; they have learned that the answer is, of course, a wealth of fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, legumes, tofu, nuts, seeds, dairy products, pastas, soups, salads, good breads, and, yes, the occasional dessert.


When I revisit the introduction to the original edition of Vegetariana, I sigh and think, Ah youth. I was in my twenties when the book was first published in 1984, and the number of well-known vegetarian cookbooks on the market could be counted on the fingers of both hands. The popular vegetarian 1980s


The term vegan is popularly attributed to Donald Watson. It turns out he had some help from his wife, Dorothy Watson, and Elsie B. Shrigley. These cofounders of The Vegan Society (TVS) in Britain coined the term in 1944, before which, people who avoided all animal products were inadequately called “nondairy vegetarians.” The Watsons, Shrigley, and a few other like-minded friends tossed ideas around, including vitan and benevore before settling on vegan — the first three and last two letters of vegetarian. It was, according to Watson, “the beginning and end of vegetarian.” The twenty-five initial subscribers of the Society’s newsletter were informed that the word was to be pronounced “veegan, not veejan.”

14 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

The revised Vegetariana is a hand-illustrated sampler of literary quotations, folk wisdom and culinary lore, along with 170 easy vegan recipes. By Nava Atlas


Makes about 1 cup This is a basic dressing that’s useful for dressing greens salads as well as for marinating steamed vegetables. It’s an Italian-style salad dressing with a little less oil and more tartness than a vinaigrette. ½ cup extra virgin olive oil ½ cup red or white wine vinegar 1 teaspoon yellow or Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning blend 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon agave nectar Freshly ground pepper, as desired Combine all the ingredients in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and shake well. Shake again before each use. This will keep well for at least two weeks, refrigerated. Bring to room temperature before using. Nava


Continued on page 16

cookbooks of the day, some of which were still going strong after a decade in print, included the groundbreaking Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen and The Vegetarian Epicure by Anna Thomas. Producing cookbooks became my primary occupation when my husband and I moved from New York City to the Hudson Valley in 1985. It was a good vocation during the years when my two children were young; we raised them vegetarian from the start. Had the information been as available then as it is today, we would likely have gone vegan sooner. Just before the kids hit adolescence, the internet burst forth, and all the funky facts about factory farming appeared on my radar. My then ten-year-old son was the first to declare himself a vegan. History repeated itself; as the youngest in my family, I was the first to go vegetarian; years later, my youngest child led the charge into veganism. The rest of us followed suit quickly. It has been incredibly rewarding to be part of the vegan movement and witness its growth over the years. In the 1980s and earlier, merely being a vegetarian was enough to get you branded as a weirdo. Now, being vegan is considered cool, and can be worn as a badge of honor. Though I’m sure there are plenty of those who still consider vegans weirdos, we no longer care, because we know we’re on the right side of history. When I started this publishing journey, there were, as I mentioned, a modest number of vegetarian cookbooks. Today, you can’t even begin to count the number of vegan cookbooks, not to mention the countless vegan blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts. This is a cookbook that you need not ever cook from at all — it’s perfect for reading in bed or on a long train journey (does anyone still do that?). It may not have the lush color photos that are now a must in cookbooks, but the lovingly crafted pages, historical journeys, and literary wisdom aim to inspire new readers to make compassionate choices, in and out of the kitchen.



A child’s curiosity about where babies come from was once met with a variety of quaint responses. Were you ever told that the stork brought you, or that you came from the cab bage patch? This comfort classic won’t provide those kinds of answers, but it’s so soothing on chilly days. I highly recommend the optional croutons — they absorb some of the broth, giving this soup an almost stew-like consistency.

ONION & GARLIC SAUCE Makes about 2 cups This versatile sauce is especially good served over smashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green vegetables of all kinds. You can also use it to embellish simply pre pared proteins like roasted tofu, tempeh, and seitan. 2 tablespoons olive oil or vegan butter 3 medium onions, quartered and thinly sliced 4 to 6 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons unbleached white flour 1 ¼ cups low-sodium vegetable broth or water 2 to 3 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari, to taste 2 tablespoons dry red wine, optional Freshly ground pepper to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients except the last two in a large serving bowl and toss together. 2. Use enough dressing to moisten the salad, then toss again. 3. Sprinkle with the seeds and serve. Pass around additional dressing for individual servings.

2. Stir in the parsley and season with salt and pepper. If the soup is crowded, add water as needed, and adjust the seasonings as well as the sweet/sour balance. Serve at once with croutons, if desired.

ORANGE VINAIGRETTE 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice Combine the ingredients in a small bowl and stir together. SWEET & SOUR CABBAGE SOUP Serves 6 to 8

1 tablespoon olive oil 1 large onion, quartered and thinly sliced 1 large or 2 medium carrots, sliced 32-ounce carton vegetable broth 5 cups coarsely shredded green cabbage 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes ¼ cup dry red wine, optional ¼ cup lemon juice ¼ natural granulated sugar or agave syrup 2 teaspoons sweet paprika ½ teaspoon dried thyme ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Croutons for serving, optional

POTATO, SCALLION, & ZUCCHINI CASSEROLE Serves 6 Babe Ruth said of scallions that they’re “the greatest cure for a batting slump ever invented.” This (veg an) cheesy potato casserole is pure comfort, embel lished with lots of scallion in honor of the Babe. 5 to 6 medium red-skinned or golden potatoes 2 tablespoons vegan butter 1 medium zucchini, thinly sliced 5 to 6 scallions, sliced ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley 1 tablespoon minced fresh dill or 1 teaspoon dried 1 cup plain plant-based milk 1 ½ cups mozzarella-style vegan cheese shreds Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Toasted sunflower seeds for topping 1. Bake or microwave the potatoes in their skins until done but still firm. When cool enough to handle, peel and slice about 1/2 inch thick.

2. Preheat the oven to 350º F.

16 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 TENDER GREENS SALAD WITH RADISHES & HERBS Serves 4 to 6 Alice B. Toklas, a renowned cook in her day (and Ger trude Stein’s devoted partner) wrote, “The first gathering of the garden in May of salads, radishes, and herbs made me feel like a mother about her baby — how could any thing so beautiful be mine …” I hope that Alice would have approved of this salad. It’s filled with early-season garden goods and dressed in citrusy flavors.

3. Slowly add the broth, raise the heat, and bring to a simmer. Add the soy sauce, optional wine, and pepper. Lower the heat and simmer until thickened, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and use as desired.

4 to 6 ounces tender greens (lettuce, watercress, baby arugula, spinach, or a combination) 1 small bunch of radishes, trimmed and sliced 1 cup or so green sprouts (such as sweet pea shoots, broccoli sprouts, or your favorite) ½ medium cucumber, halved lengthwise and sliced 1 medium red or orange bell pepper, cut into narrow strips ½ cup chopped fresh herbs of your choice (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, or a combination) Orange Vinaigrette (below) Toasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds for garnish

1. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the onions and sauté over medium-low heat until translucent. Add the garlic and continue to sauté until the onions are golden and just starting to get browned here and there. 2. Sprinkle the flour in slowly and stir until it blends with the onions.

4. Pour into an oiled 1 1/2 quart shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with the toasted sunflower seeds. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the top is lightly browned. Let stand for 5 minutes, then scoop out of the baking dish to serve.

3. Combine the potatoes with the remaining ingredients (except the sunflower seeds) in a large bowl and stir together. Don’t worry if the potatoes break apart.

1. Heat the oil in a soup pot. Sauté the onion and carrots until golden. Add the remaining ingredients except for the parsley, salt, pepper, and optional croutons. Bring to a slow boil, then lower the heat, cover, and simmer gently for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender but not overcooked.

Excerpted from Vegetariana: A Rich Harvest of Wit, Lore, & Recipes by Nava Atlas Amberwood Press, Inc., ©2021. Reprinted by permission. Nava Atlas has written and illustrated many vegetar ian and vegan cookbooks, with Vegetariana being the first in 1984. She has also created trade and limited edition visual books on women’s issues, notably, The Literary Ladies Guide to the Writing Life and Secret Recipes for the Modern Wife. Visit www.theveganatlas.com. “It is hard to imagine a civilization without onions,” declared Julia Child. Onions and garlic (along with chives and scallions, aka green onions) are related members of the lily family. Often considered herbs, they’re classified as vegetables botanically. Onions and garlic are among the most ancient of cultivated plants, and one of the most widely used across many cultures. Both have been valued as much for their culinary magic as for their use in herbal medicine. For colds or flu, folk wisdom recommends eating lots of onion and garlic. Both onion and garlic are often mentioned as aphrodisiacs in ancient and modern literature. The onion was regarded as a symbol of the universe by ancient Egyptians. Garlic has been considered a powerful charm against evil by many cultures. Nava Atlas

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 17www.spiritofchange.org IT’S NOT WHAT YOU TAKE, IT’S WHAT YOU ABSORB! Find details at www.voiceofclay.com Body Treatments Clay CreativityCowrieApothecaryShellDivinationwithClay SomaticHypnosisFacialsBreathwork Through Pottery Classes, Holistic Therapies, and Spa Services, we help all individuals remember and reconnect to their power through creativity and personal growth.

. Become a member of her highly effective Rancher Advocacy Program (RAP) to keep this fire burning.

Farm sanctuaries are part of a rocking revolution to end animal agriculture. Learn about the organization that spearheaded this movement in 1986, FARM SANCTUARY, at FarmSanctuary.org. See the global dimension of this movement at SanctuaryFederation.org. Spend time with rescued farm animals to experi ence their sweet, funny, affectionate personalities. Feel the redemptive love of a chicken relaxing in your arms, renewing your reverence for life. There are farm sanctuaries all over New England that need your love and support. Donate funds and supplies, and spread the word to others. A simple online search for “farm sanctuaries New England” will bring up the names of several near you.

Going vegan means committing to a lifetime of challenging exchang es with those around you. Meet MELANIE JOY, a world renown psy chologist who teaches the art of communication between vegans and carnists. Watch her talks and take her classes in Effective Vegan Advoca cy. Subscribe to her online newsletter at BeyondCarnism.com.

PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS (PETA) is the larg est animal rights organization in the world with over nine million members and supporters globally that reach in to all areas of animal liberation. PETA addresses everything from suffering wildlife to abandoned and abused dogs to animal cruelty across all industries. Become a donating member of PETA and be on the front lines of their inspiring rescue stories and other triumphs. Find out more at PETA.org.

Finally, to connect with your local vegan community, subscribe to VEGNEWS.COM for weekly news on cooking classes, lectures, local events, gatherings and con ferences. Stay engaged and inspired. Eat healthy. Love animals. Save Earth.

Many livestock and dairy farms are awakening to a touching transformation. They are transitioning to sanctuaries and plant-based farming. Meet the woman who sparked this revolution, RENEE KING-SONNEN at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary in Waelder, Texas. See her inspiring story on YouTube and her site RowdyGirlSanctuary. com

When you watch the plight of farmed animals, seeing is changing. The film DOMINION is a critical exposure of the daily holocaust that is animal agricul ture. When you allow yourself to look, which is no small feat, you soberly awak en to the need to end these horrific practices and rebirth a humane world.


EARTHLINGS EXPERIENCE is an outreach group using similar methods to AV. On EarthlingsExperience.com, you will find all the tools you need for organizing outreach in your area. This site has a library of vegan education, from important lectures and documentaries on the vegan imperative, to the why’s and how’s of plant-based health. Learn the truth about animal protein and chronic disease. The film, FORKS OVER KNIVES (2011) exposes medical industry’s dependence on the myth that humans need animal flesh, along with solid evidence to the contrary. The film features T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, the largest medical nutritional study in history that supports the whole food plant-based diet as the healthiest choice for preventing and often reversing disease. On this journey, you encounter many role models of effective communication. ED WINTERS (“EARTHLING ED”) is a gentle man with a fierce spirit. See his Ted Talk and documentaries on YouTube, and subscribe to his channel at EarthlingEd.org. He never loses his polite composure in his conversations even in the face of the most irrational justifications of animal abuse.

Attend the semi-annual RAP Summit to connect with this extraordinary movement.

If you’re seeking employment on behalf of animals and vegan living, check out VeganJobs.com. PETA lists jobs there often in communications, research, investigation and rescue. See the range of employment opportunities from animal activism to vegan product development to restaurant management.

In major cities across the world dedicated volunteers wearing black hooded clothing and white masks stand in square formations holding TV monitors showing scenes from Dominion. ANONYMOUS FOR THE VOICELESS (AV) is a well-organized group dedicated to raising consciousness and ending animal suffering. Consult AnonymousForTheVoiceless.org for a group near you, or to organize one.

Support your LOCAL VEGAN RESTAURANTS. Express appreciation for plantbased options in non-vegan establishments. Encourage them to expand their vegan offerings. Managers and cooks may not know the scope of pleasing plant-based flavors until you educate them, which is often a worthy outreach conversation. Create connection and change wherever you can.


If you are vegan, you eat plant-based. But if you eat plant-based, you’re not necessarily vegan. Veganism is not a diet. It’s a moral stance against harming animals for any human desire or need. The humane awakening to compassion and proactivity, distinguishes veganism as a social justice movement, not just a form of consumption. The following are resources that support this journey from consciousness raising to animal activism to the healthiest food choices.

Nikki Davis is a holistic therapist and vegan transition consultant. Visit www.HolisticOasis.com.

You can find local vegan groups on FACEBOOK for pot luck gatherings and ac tivism — sometimes on the same day! Search “Vegan Groups,” “Animal Activism,” or any related subjects. Meet each other at demonstrations and disruptions. A disruption is when activists invade business with signs, megaphones and imagery to drive the home the point that violence against animals is unacceptable.

18 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 19www.spiritofchange.org

Of course, I wanted some gum! As I reached for it, he warned, “It’s not sweet. It’s not like the gum you’re used to.” Boy, was he right! But it intrigued me, and I’ve sought it out ever since. But not to chew. I loved how it oozed out of tree wounds, or dripped down the bark, sometimes clear, sometimes yellowish brown, sometimes full of what looked like puss. It could be soft and sticky, or hard. And I loved how it smelled; the softer it was, the more fragrant.


Resins are useful medicine for our wounds, just as they are for the tree’s wounds.

Treatments and services by appointment For full class schedule and descriptions please check our websit e www.alternatives-4health.com

BY SUSAN MEEKER-LOWRY OF RESINS 426 Main Sturbridge,StreetMA508-347-2111 10-4; 12-4. Closed Tues.

Shop Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5; Sat

LOCAL RESINS We are blessed with numerous native species of pine, spruce, and fir in the Northeast, each of which produces a resin that has been used traditionally for hundreds of years in a diversity of ways. Though the words sap and resin are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. All trees have sap. In New England we tap maple, and sometimes birch, for their sap, concentrated by boiling into sweetDeciduousdeliciousness.treesdo not produce resin. Resin is stored in the outer cells of coniferous trees. When a tree is wounded, it seeps out to protect and heal the wound preventing damage from insects and disease. Over time the resin hardens


20 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 M

The Gift

y first memory of Tree is walking in the woods with my father — probably the Moat trail, which was his favorite — when he veered off the trail, took out his pocket knife and pried something from a tree trunk. I ran over and he held it out to me. “Do you want to try spruce gum?”

Exploitation of local farmers/harvesters is rampant and contributes to the loss of traditional practices that have sustained cultures and ecosystems for hundreds, if not thousands of years. For these reasons it is essential to purchase resins and essential oils distilled from trusted suppliers who conform to fair trade standards. They often travel to the places where the resins are harvested, and over the years have developed strong relationships with the people, the places, and the trees themselves. If you’re purchasing resins in a retail store, ask about their sources and fair trade status. If they don’t know, ask if they could find out and explain why.

and darkens, sealing the wound. Tar and pitch are resin, just in different stages of drying: resin is the hardest, tar is sap-like but thicker and very sticky, and pitch is in the middle.

Frankincense is native in many regions of North Africa, India, Oman, Yemen, and western Africa. Trees start producing resin when they’re about 10 years old, but aren’t tapped for another 10-20 years. There are over 40 species, and the resin from each has a different chemical profile, and therefore different healing qualities and fragrance. Some frankincense trees even produce more than one type of resin! In her excellent book, Frankincense Resins: The Journey and Beyond, Robin B Kessler, CCA explains that frankincense resin is “extracted by making a small shallow incision on the trunk . . . the resin is drained as a milky substance. As it hits the air it starts to get hard. Then the resin is collected and the bark is removed.” It takes a long time to remove the bark from the resin, which is traditionally done by the women, as “the men do not have the patience.” This is the traditional method, done in small quantities by villagers. In commercial operations, the work is done by machine. People are generally unaware of the fact that most of the healing qualities of frankincense are not available in the essential oil; they are not volatile enough to be carried by the steam of the distillation process (the molecules are too large and heavy), and are left behind in what is called the “extract.”

Wildcrafter Dan Riegler of The Apothecary’s Garden, explains, “The majority of the healing compounds are discarded as waste after distillation of the resin! Out of 1 kilogram (2 pounds), of frankincense resin we can expect to receive about 5% by weight, about 1.5 ounces of frankincense essential oil. The rest is lost. Is this really a judicious use of our natural resources?

Continued on page 22 MARCH 24-26, 2023 registration opens december 2022 - www.JAHC.info HOMEOPATHY FOR ALL Join us for one day or three! Learn how to help your family by using homeopathy, a natural solution for common concerns such as: ATTEND VIRTUALLY! Or Attend in Person at HOLIDAY INN SAN ANTONIO RIVERWALK See website for in-person rates. 1-DAY(FRIDAY)VIRTUAL REGULAR $110 HOMEOPATHY FOR ALL 3-DAY VIRTUAL REGULAR $350 INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED Joint American Homeopathic Conference ConferenceHomeopathyAforEveryone! Anxiety Acid Reflux ConstipationHeadachesHeartburn&Gut Health Coughs & Allergies Sore SprainsThroats&StrainsDentalSomuchmore! Not sure what homeopathy is? Scan QR code to learn more.


“Our enormous, (and growing), demand for essential oils is stressing the trees beyond their ability to regenerate, and contributing to the decline and imminent

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 21www.spiritofchange.org

The local tree resin I’ve used the most is white pine, the largest tree in our New England forests, our guardian trees. Large white pines are intelligent and wise. As a child I took my joys and sorrows to an especially huge white pine that grew at the end of our driveway, and I found comfort in its strength. As an adult I often visited the many large white pines on our land in Fryeburg, Maine. We’d talk, I’d see how they were doing, gather bits of resin if appropriate, and also note any new wounds that may have some harvestable resin in the future. White pine resin is deeply fragrant, similar in ways to some species of frankin cense and, like all resins, is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial. It’s been used over the centuries to treat burns, infections that won’t heal, minor skin wounds and scrapes, abscesses, and more. In short, resins are useful medicine for our wounds, just as they are for the tree’s wounds. In addition, resins, when infused in oil, are excellent muscle rubs easing aches and pains, relieving sore arthritic joints, and when rubbed on the chest are even helpful as a decongestant, like Vicks®! Spruce and fir resins have similar healing qualities and can be used in the same ways. I often blend them together in creams, salves, and body/massage oils.

It’s important to know our environments, and the medicines that grow and thrive close to home. I sense that in the future we may well be reliant on what lives where we live. In addition, illegal and destructive harvesting practices are driving many species of the more exotic resins, especially frankincense, and woods, like sandalwood, to become endangered; some even face extinction. Droughts and wildfires exacerbated by climate chaos are contributing factors.

TIPS FOR USING RESINS INCENSE — Most of us will use whole resins as incense, either on their own or mixed in blends. For many years I burned incense on charcoal, but it’s now my least favorite method. Charcoal can be difficult to light, or can take off so quickly sparks fly everywhere, creating a fire hazard. In addition, I don’t like the smell of the charcoal or the massive amounts of smoke. Adjustable manual burners that use a tea light candle under a tray that can be raised or lowered is an excellent option. But don’t put resin directly on the tray; use foil or a small metal cup. If you love burning resins, I recommend investing in an electric incense burner. Mine has an adjustable thermostat that’s perfect for all types of incense from resins to cakes to powders. Freezing is the easiest way to break large chunks of resin into smaller pieces or into powder for infusing in oil or tincturing. Place the frozen resin in a bag, seal it, and pound it with a hammer or similar tool until the pieces are your desired size. If you use a mortar and pestle, freeze it too, and work with small amounts at a time, since it doesn’t take long for the resin to warm up and become sticky.

Resin and pitch are very, very sticky, but cooking oil can get it off your hands easily. I pour a small amount in my palm and massage my hands with it for a few minutes, then wash with soap and hot water, and it’s generally gone. Rubbing alcohol does not work as well, but 190 proof is helpful in removing resin from utensils. I usually have to use both cooking oil and 190 if something is really sticky. If you like using a mortar and pestle, keep one just for resins, and do not use wood or ceramic. You will never get it completely clean. Metal works best.

THE GIFT OF RESINS continued from page 21

I sense that the way resins (or herbs or mushrooms) are harvested matters — the respect for the gift of the resin, the trees which provide it, and the cultural traditions around the process. I encourage you to become friends with your local conifers and explore the many gifts they offer us so willingly, even if you never harvest any resin. Their gifts go far beyond just medicine for our bodies. They are our local elders, and offer wisdom, perspective, and comfort when we approach them with love, respect, and gratitude.

My go-to carrier oil for infusing herbs and resins is organic extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). I’ve also used fractionated coconut oil and jojoba oil. Use an excellent quality product and check the expiration date. The general ratio by weight of resin to oil is one part resin by weight to eight parts carrier oil by volume, ie., one ounce of resin to eight ounces of oil. Put the measured resin and oil in a mason jar with plastic wrap under the regular lid; resin is sticky and you want to be able to open the jar!

Having access to high quality, sustainable and fairly-traded sacred resins and their essential oils is an enormous privilege that I never take for granted. I am aware that there will likely come a day when this privilege will no longer exist, which is why I stress the importance of knowing the land around us and the healing trees, herbs, fungi, and so on that grow where we do. Even so, many of our local medicines are threatened and endangered, and as the climate shifts and we continue to lose open spaces and forests to development, there will be more losses. Invasives, already an issue, will become more prevalent.

22 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 extinction of frankincense species. Frankincense resin offers us so much more than just an essential oil. All the resin acids, including the boswellic acids — the active therapeutic compounds that are anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer — are discarded since the big money nowadays is in essential oils. It is no wonder that our frankincense trees are quickly reaching the brink of extinction!” According to Kessler, boswellic acids are the terpenes found in seven species of frankincense. We know their anti-inflammatory properties are effective at relieving muscle aches and pains, as well as arthritis and sciatica. And the fragrance is all there; no need to add essential oils! All resins, including our local resins, are whole and complete, fragrant, and healing. Frankincense has been used in rituals and religious ceremonies for thousands of years, on its own or combined with other resins and herbs. Frankincense calms the mind, and is both grounding and transporting, and is thus conducive to prayer and meditation. A traditional Greek Orthodox incense I remember from my childhood combined frankincense and rose. Burning frankincense and other resins in winter clears the energy and adds light to the darkness. Not only does the fragrance soothe my mind, but I can feel the energy lift my spirits as its essence permeates myAhome.lesswell-known use of frankincense resin is its use internally for a variety of issues: memory support (including dementia and Alzheimer’s), to alleviate chronic pain, improve immune function, and boost fertility. It’s also strongly antiviral and antiinflammatory. Frankincense can be purchased in capsules, but you can also make tea using the whole resin. The species B. Sacra is most recommended as it has a higher amount of water-soluble gum, and according to Kessler, it has the best taste as well. Her book includes a full section of recipes for teas, cookies, cakes, cough drops, and more. Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is used as incense, as well as perfume and medicine. Sources from Ethiopia are less problematic with regard to sustainability, as resin prices are regulated by the government, and there are programs that educate harvesters in tapping methods. Myrrh is extremely bitter and is anti-fungal and analgesic. It stimulates digestion, is useful for coughs, colds, and congestion, and is a must in herbal mouthwash. Opoponax (C. Guiddoti), often called “sweet myrrh,” is myrrh’s cousin. It’s sweet to myrrh’s bitter. Elemi is soft and comes formed into balls. It’s a huge favorite of mine for skin care, which is one of its traditional uses. Elemi has no water-soluble gum like frankincense, so it dissolves easily in oil, lending its healing qualities and light, resinous, lemon/citrus fragrance to the oil.

Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant. — Rumi

Susan Meeker-Lowry is an herb, fragrance and resin lover, and owner of Gaia’s Garden Herbals, a home-based business offering handcrafted, small-batch herbal skin care products, creams, salves, serums, and natural perfumes. She can be reached at smeekerlowry@gmail.com or visit her shop at www.etsy.com/shop/GaiasGardenHerbals.

INFUSING IN OIL — Resin oil is a must-have in my personal medicine cabinet. I use it on abrasions, sunburns, rashes, bruises, and especially on aches and pains. For hard resins, like frankincense, the first step is pounding into small pieces with a decent amount of powder. Soft resins, like elemi and spruce, and extracts don’t need to be frozen or pounded; they melt beautifully.

In summer, I infuse herbs in the sun (bringing them in at night or on rainy days) for 3-4 weeks, and resins can be treated the same. If you want your infused oil sooner, a crock pot works really well. Simply put the covered resin oil jar in the crock pot, add water to no more than half way up the jar, cover, and turn on low for a couple of hours, off for a couple of hours, then on again, off again, for a day or two. Do not leave it on overnight. Shake the jar occasionally during the infusion process. When the oil is ready, strain it through layers of cheesecloth into a clean jar.

The other part of the MBRT success is the addition of medical ozone to reduce the biofilm, which allows the new microbes to join the gut flora in a healthier balance. Ozone also stimulates the mitochondria of all cells including stem cells. Medical ozone is another key to reducing inflammation and pain, then activating the immune system through its oxidation. Medical ozone is even killing viruses, bacterial overgrowth, Lyme and other blood and tissue invaders. Cancer does not thrive in high levels of oxygen and medical ozone floods the body with oxygen. Cancer grows in a high CO2 environment, and adding ozone therapy to cancer therapies is very valuable in keeping the healthy tissues more vital. At Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH), Massachusetts, www.mashvet.com, our doctors and staff are ready to help your animals with these cutting edge therapies. We also use acupuncture, homeopathy, laser, hyperbaric oxygen, Ultraviolet Blood Therapy (UVBI), PEMF, and herbal medicine, as well as lab diagnostics, preventative care with titers and vaccines if needed, dental and support for fresh organic raw diets, even plant-based diets. 2509 Shaftsbury Hollow Rd. | Shaftsbury, VT

Margo Roman, DVM on MICROBIOME RESTORATIVE THERAPY Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH) provides Microbiome Restorative Therapy (MBRT) to restore the microbiome of our patients. MASH (www.mashvet.com) opened its doors in 1983, and in 2012, Dr. Margo Roman developed and added MBRT to the treatment options we offer. We have carefully screened, organically cared for, nurtured and loved our donors for 27 years — 5 generations. We love our dogs and cats!

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 23www.spiritofchange.org



There is a real need for members of the veterinary profession to provide microbiome support to their patients. Pet parents need to have access to this therapy. You can read more about MBRT in a recent peer reviewed paper published in the IVC Journal Innovative Veterinary Care, Jan 2020 at https://ivcjournal.com/behavioral-changes-microbiome-restoration/?utm_AtMASH,weareusingMBRT for an array of medical conditions, which results in our patients getting back on the road to health. Owners understand why this internal garden that supports 80% of their pet’s immune system is so important. For acute and chronic GI issues, IBD, chronic giardia, allergies, liver and kidney failure, autoimmune issues, overuse of antibiotics, viral/bacterial infections, Lyme, cancer and even behavioral issues, introducing a new diverse well balanced microbiome from proven super donors is the key to making MBRT successful. Incorporating the gut building support of digestive enzymes, pre- and probiotics, nutraceuticals and a diet free from chemicals, preservatives, glyphosate and other toxic products is also really important.

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Youwww.spirithollow.orgCoReSHamaniSmSHamaniCHealingTHCampSandadulTReTReaTSSeaSonalRiTual/CeRemonY “For most of my life I was searching for purpose, not understanding the challenges and losses I have experienced. After reading A Human’s Purpose I have gained more clarity than I can state. I have a whole new outlook on life and death. It was life-altering!” ~ Kim W. A Human’s Purpose On behalf of the Oneness of all existence, Millie brings you www.AHumansPurpose.comMillieisanoldsoulthatwillstealyourheart • Searching for the deeper meanings in life and death • On a spiritual path who wants to understand themselves • Who wants to understand others more profoundly • Who wants to create a love and joy filled life • Is open to new ideas and concepts that infuse love into all aspects of your being This book is for anyone:

24 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

Photo caption: Top Left to Bottom Right: Auriscalpium vulgare; Dictyohpora mulitcolor; Mushroom species unknown; Thaxterogaster porphyreum; Podoserpula pusio; Cordyceps militaris; Calostoma insignis; Austroboletus betula; Mycena spinosissima. Lockwood


How does one do that? By keeping the mycelium intact and planting seeds that are dusted with mycorrrhizal fungi. Ten years ago, you couldn’t find a single bag of such seeds; now you can’t find any without it. Ninety percent of the soil now sold in garden centers is fortified with mycorrhizal fungi. The qualities of these fungi have largely gone unnoticed in the past, but we are noticing them now. We’ve identified several hundred species and cultures that have different talents for solving a lot of environmental challenges, and that’s just the beginning. It’s a matter of matching those talents specifically with a targeted concern. And as we keep doing that, we are building what I call an arma-mentarium of solutions, which is unprecedented in our time. We can dial in solutions using fungi with specific skillsets to address many of the environmental challenges we face. This has been my mission all along, and it turns out that a lot of my early ideas have proven to be factually correct and scientifically supported. When I do research experiments, I look for my biggest critics, often those working in universities, and invite them to prove me wrong. “Do this research on your own,” I suggest. “Design the experiment and the protocol, test the hypothesis, and get back to me.” Many of my most vocal skeptics have become big supporters. And so, we shouldn’t underestimate the intelligence of nature and the many organisms that have evolved to this day. We are here today because of very smart choices made along the evolutionary path, and because of our ability to communicate with other species and enlist them to our benefit. And this doesn’t just work for humans. The communities of nonhuman species working together across the planet are the true architects of the ecosystems that maintain the circle of life.

Continued on page 26 BY PAUL STAMETS THE SKY IS FALLING, But There’s a Net Networks are the rule of

not the exception. NeTM w Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Transform Your Energy Transform Your Life Manifest Positive Abundance ~ Love ~ Light ~ Joy Multidimensional Mind/Body/Spirit Electro-Magnetics 10am to 6pm in Holland, MA 413-245-0129, linhourihan@yahoo.com UPCOMING WORKSHOPS ~ Teacher Lin Hourihan September 10-11 AND 17-18: $482 due by August 27. Capacity: 4 participants. TMOctober 22 & 23: 2-Day Basic Master $267 due by October 8. Capacity: 4 participants TMNovember 18-20: 3-Day Basic Master Teacher $377 due by November 4. Capacity: 4 participants TM4-Day 13D MDT For more information or to register www.new-paradigm-mdt.org/teachers/lin-hourihanvisitwww.lindahourihan.wordpress.com ITM nternational School of Esoteric Sciences

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 25www.spiritofchange.org

STRENGTH IN NUMBERS What’s been missing in the scientific conversation is the impact of the third kingdom, the mycelial and fungal networks. They are the foundation of the food web. Seventy percent of the biological carbon in soil is fungi, both living and dead. I’ve been attending conferences for years trying to engage the scientific community in acknowledging this vital piece of the puzzle, and it took a long time to register. Everyone’s looking above ground for solutions to our nature;

T he story of fungi is the story of our essential unity. The more we understand and respect this third kingdom, the more solutions we’ll uncover for the many challenges that face us. It’s not surprising that we are latecomers to the discovery of the usefulness of mushrooms, because our encounters with them are very short; they pop up suddenly and then they’re gone. With plants and animals, by comparison, which are visible for weeks, months, years, the embodied knowledge we have of them is naturally much greater. Mushrooms can feed you and heal you, they can kill you, and they can send you on a spiritual journey. Then they disappear. It’s very hard to understand them, but understand them we must. It doesn’t really help to tell people that the sky is falling or the soil is collapsing without some options for solving the situation. This is what fungi and mycelium bring to the table: They represent ecological remedies that literally lie beneath our every footstep. To take just one example, consider agriculture. The new standard for sustainability is “no-till” farming, a process that features minimal disturbance of the soil in order to maintain its ability to absorb water and sequester carbon.

THE SKY IS FALLING, BUT THERE’S A NET continued from page 25

Fry the mushroom strips for 2 to 3 minutes, until they are golden and release easily from the pan, then flip them over and cook the other side. Remove the mushrooms when they are golden all over and drain on paper towels or a rack. Repeat until all the mushroom pieces are fried to crispy perfection. Sprinkle with salt.


Mycology (the study of fungi) is capable of offering so many solutions. Yet the field is underfunded, underappreciated, and underutilized. I think this shows the chasm of knowledge we have to overcome. But it’s also a perfect opportunity to create an “integrative science,” building bridges of knowledge between researchers of fungal networks and other scientists to develop an applied mycology grounded in practical solutions. We need to be engaging fungi purposefully, because they are the agents of sustainability, they will give us resilience.

The problem we face today is that we live in artificial realities wherein we invent our own facts. The more artificial the reality (for example, “Climate change is a hoax”), the more divorced from the truth one gets. These bubbles of false realities are often constructed to serve the interests of certain groups and people who are trying to hijack your consciousness. It’s like getting stuck in a video game. You end up believing in and playing by the rules of that game, but the problem is that those rules don’t apply outside the video game. Once you embed yourself in nature and start working in the real world, you’ll encounter a new set of well-established rules and a knowledge base that’s been tested for millennia. We won’t solve our most pressing problems unless enough people leave the video games they’re immersed in and fully reengage in the consciousness of nature. We all have a deeply embedded yearning to experience nature. Can you imagine what someone would be like if they had never been exposed to the natural world? If their reality had been limited to bricks and buildings, to straight lines and asphalt? If that is your only view of reality, how many truly creative ideas can come from that? Unfortunately, most people are, to some degree, ecologically impoverished, aptly coined the “nature-deficit disorder” by Richard Louv. But it’s not too late. We can still use our best technology and the tools of science to respectfully and humbly unlock nature’s secrets and reveal the depths of her knowledge. With fungi and mushrooms, we’ve only scratched

By Venori Keshy Liyanage, North Dakota Yield: 4 servings

Heat the butter in a large nonstick saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring frequently, until the mixture becomes golden and aromatic. Add the bell peppers and sauté for a few minutes to soften. Reduce the heat to low, add the sugar and chili flakes, and mix. Add a pinch of salt and red chili powder to the mixture. (If you don’t like it spicy, add 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika instead of chili powder.) Add the deep-fried mushrooms and scallions and sauté for about 2 minutes, until everything is well Servecombined.immediately as is, or with a side of rice and a lime wedge, if you like.

26 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 environmental problems. They’re looking at oil, at concrete, using mechanistic and conventional ways of thinking, without understanding that the biology of nature has already solved many of these problems. Unless we come to terms with our fungal underlords, our biological myopia may be the downfall of us all. Humans indulge the idea that we are the highest species, the top of the food chain, and that the main purpose of the biosphere is to support us. But is this “highest species” worth protecting? This illusion of biological grandeur is the cause of our suffering because of the egocentricity it covers up. We’re still very much in kindergarten when it comes to understanding how to cocreate a sustainable future for all beings — and all beings are necessary to make that future possible. A core concept of evolution is that, through natural selection, the strongest and fittest survive. In truth (and scientifically proven), communities survive better than individuals, especially communities that rely on cooperation. Acting on such a principle, people want to give in order to receive, which I think reflects the power of an essential goodness. I see this as a major force of nature — that evolution is based on the concept of mutual benefit and generosity. It’s certainly true in the world of fungi and plants and trees. Yes, there are negative influences in the human domain. We do have some bad actors. But I think their appearance reminds the majority that it’s far better to base our actions on the values we strive to attain, on the principles we want to carry forward into future generations. Who wants to teach their children to be greedy, mean, and violent? Benevolence, kindness, trust, forgiveness — the fact that these concepts exist is, to me, de facto proof that the evolution of life has been based on the concept of goodness. Fungi builds soil, which expands the carrying capacity of the ecosystem, and thus the capacity for adding biodiversity. The more complex your biodiversity, the larger your cast of characters, the more opportunities for plants and other creatures to collaborate on providing maximum benefit to all. It’s like anything else: the larger your selection pool, the more likely your successes. True wealth is not measured in material possessions but by the abundance of options and choices.

Photo ©Evan Sung During the COVID-19 pandemic, my husband and I became vegans. We replaced meat with vegetables and found that mushrooms were a great meat substitute. This recipe is adapted from hot buttered calamari, a dish from Sri Lanka, where my family is from. We love to serve this as a hot appetizer, but it is also great as a main dish served over white or fried rice. I typically use chickpea flour (also known as gram or garbanzo flour) for the batter, because I like its sandy texture, but the recipe can also be made with all-purpose flour. You also can increase the chili pepper if you like it hotter. Ingredients 1 cup finely ground chickpea flour, or all-purpose flour 1 cup full-fat coconut milk Canola or other vegetable oil for deep-frying 8 ounces oyster mushrooms, washed, dried, and torn into long, thin strips Pinch of salt 4 tablespoons vegan or unsalted butter 1 teaspoon minced ginger 1 teaspoon minced garlic 2 medium red bell peppers, thinly sliced (about 12 ounces) 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon chili flakes 1 teaspoon red chili powder, or smoked paprika 4 scallions, sliced on the diagonal into ½-inch pieces 4 lime wedges, for garnish (optional)

In a small bowl, mix the flour and coconut milk until combined in a smooth batter. The mixture will be thick. Add 1 inch of oil to a medium or large nonstick skillet. Bring oil to 375°F over medium heat. Then reduce heat to medium-low to stabilize the oil temperature. Dip each mushroom strip into the batter, shake off any excess batter, and add the battered mushrooms to the heated oil. Depending on the size of your pan, add about 3 to 4 pieces of battered mushrooms at a time; do not overcrowd the pan, or the temperature of the oil will drop and the mushrooms will become soggy.

Excerpted with permission from Fantastic Fungi Community Cookbook edited by Eugenia Bone. ©2021, Earth Aware Editions.


A TIME FOR THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION Like it or not, we’re actively involved in our evolution. The challenge is that we have to evolve faster because the problems we’re creating are eclipsing our ability to adapt. And if we don’t adapt and get ahead of this curve, we will lose the race and our species will instead simply race toward extinction. It’s happened to countless species before ours. I do think it’s a challenge we’re well-equipped to meet, but it will require a different mindset, a paradigm shift in consciousness that looks at everything holistically. When you consider the webs of dark matter showing up in hi-tech scans of the universe, the webs of mycelium branching out through the planetary biosphere, the webs of capillaries in our bodies, and the neural structure in our brains — these, to me, are central to this new paradigm. It’s all connected, it’s all co-evolving. Networks are the rule of nature; not the exception. Excerpted with permission from Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness, and Save the Planet, the companion book to the acclaimed “Fantastic Fungi” documentary. ©2019, Earth Aware Editions. Paul Stamets is the preeminent mycologist in the United States. He has discovered several new species of mushrooms, pioneered countless new techniques, published several best-selling books, and won numerous awards. Visit www.fungi.com.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 27www.spiritofchange.org

the surface of how they work and what they know. There are literally thousands of unknown species, each with unique properties that may hold answers to the massive challenges we face. Five or ten years ago, the idea that “everything is connected” sounded like New Age nonsense. Now it is less controversial, but we still need to develop more ways to show that this interconnectedness is real and that anyone can participate in a solution and have a meaningful impact.

Called the “Herb of Good Fortune.” Reishi is known to bring on a sense of peace. In Chinese medicine it is known to support the liver, heart, lungs, and kidneys and is used for building the foundation of longevity, as well as protecting mind, body, and spirit. Reishi has an immune modulating effect, meaning it can regulate the immune system. It is found on dead Hemlock trees in the Northeast.

Using fresh slices or raw powder, simmer for at least 1 to 3 hours (with Chaga or other mushrooms in a crockpot). Add a ¼ cup to your morning tea or coffee with a bit of raw honey or maple syrup and enjoy before noon. Super immune boost in deep winter to chase away cabin fever.

on the herb and your need, they work bi-directionally, ie., going where they are most needed, helping you adapt to the stressor you are experiencing. Most of the plants known as adaptogens have had to adapt to very challenging harsh environmental conditions to survive, exemplified by Rhodiola growing in some of our coldest regions in the world. Adaptogens bring a restorative and normalizing effect to us through their plant medicine. These particular plants have been a godsend and a bridge to build our resilience to the challenges we face in modern life. A few examples of the way to use these herbs: Rhodiola, Schisandra, and Holy Basil for better brain focus, Eleuthero, Ashwaganda, and Chaga for balancing energy, Reishi and Astragalus for immune building, and Maca and Ashwagandha for their moistening effect and help during menopause. Please note, do not use all of them all the time; there are seasonal ones and remedial ones — some help a particular system and others are more general in effect. To find the right apoptogenic strategy for your needs can take you on an adventure of self-exploration; trying various plants as tonics and teas is an ideal way to start. In general, whether it be a tonic taken over the long term, a tincture for the short term, or a simple night-time tea that does the trick when stressors spike, take note of the effect and understand what a wonderful supplement adaptogens are to healthy food and lifestyle choices in supporting sustainable changes for your health.

28 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 REISHI Book excerpt from Adaptogens! Our Plant Partners for Peace in Changing Times

Artist Marla Mazar-Carr asks us to “listen closely” in studying her graphite plant drawings, which are pictures of her conversations and deep attention paid to the plant. "Look closely to see micro worlds of beings, places and activities within the drawing, recording the messages of light and energy from the planthuman interaction. What more can we see and understand when we look closer and take the time to feel deeply?"

Adaptogens are herbs to help us adapt to stress when used as supplements in various extracts of tea, tinctures, tonics, and food. These particular barks, berries, leaf, fungi, and roots are unique in their ability to restore balance within our endocrine and nervous systems and meet certain criteria to be called adaptogens. Used widely in China and India for thousands of years, the western world is now becoming more aware of the benefits and understanding the value of using them in our herbal traditions, truly just in time for the demands of the 21stDependingcentury.

By Marie Frohlich and Marla Mazar-Carr

“Simply said…go home. Home is where we all are.” — Reishi mushroom Mazar-CarrIllustration©Marla In Collaboration With The Plants

REISHI Ganoderma tusuga Mushroom Medicine

Herbalist Marie Frohlich writes, "Study the pages in this book and notice which plants jump out to you. Try the recipe provided and/or use that plant for a month and take notes of any changes. It is your time to 'infuse,' feel the transformation, and integrate the experience and connection to the magic and message of the plants."

MorningRECIPE Brew Boost

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 29www.spiritofchange.org TULSI “Beautiful sacred plant for women; holds us all.” — Tulsi plant TULSI Ocimum sanctum Leaf Medicine Commonly known as Holy Basil, Tulsi is a revered plant in India that has found its way west. Like other basils, Tulsi reduces inflammation, improves digestion, and enhances respiratory health, but moves into a holistic realm by its power to revitalize and nourish the body, mind, and soul. A true goddess herb for all ages to enjoy as a tea, tonic blend, tincture, or powder. TulsiRECIPETea Blends For one cup bring 8 oz water almost to a boil. Pour over 1 tsp of dry Tulsi leaves or 2 of fresh. Steep for 3-5 minutes and strain. Add a dash of honey and lemon, breathe in the aroma and enjoy the calm and splendor. Find other benefits by blending with lemon balm for calm, or green tea for energy. Reprinted with permission of the authors from Adaptogens! Our Plant Partners for Peace in Changing Times © 2021 Marie Frohlich and Marla Mazar-Carr. Visit MarieFrohlich.com. Mazar-CarrIllustration©Marla Enchanted Fox Honoring all spiritual paths 174A Main St., Medway, MA 02053 • 508-533 4440 www.enchantedfox.com Large selection of Gifts, Crystals, Books, Candles, Tarot Decks, Jewelry, Yoga Supplies and more Large Incense and Sage Selection Psychic Readings Healing Sessions and Workshops Authentic Native American Handcrafts, burden baskets, drums, rattles and flutes

Fanning the Flames of Butane

The Unmatched Hazards of Matches

Most matches are “safety matches,” the word “safety” distinguishing them from less common “strike-anywhere matches.”



Typically, you light up a tobacco cigarette just once. Chemical additives that control the burn rate account for that one-match wonder. Thankfully, even corporate cannabis lacks such additives. Our joints sometime require firing up a second time, and pipefuls several times. As the cumulative ignition fumes for every joint or pipeful of cannabis pose more risks than the single flick per tobacco cigarette, it is high time to explore safer ways to tune up your ignition system.


ountless medical studies have shed light upon the health risks of smoking herbs, be they tobacco or cannabis, and smokers acknowledge those risks. Yet most smokers tend to hide behind a smokescreen of denial in recognizing the risky business of inhaling the ignition fumes from lighters or matches. Their foul odors alone should alert us that they are unsafe to breathe. Because if you’re smelling them, then you’re breathing them.

Making Sparks with Spark Lighters

30 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

Photo©CynthiaShirk/123rf.com WAYS TO FIRE UP YOUR CANNABIS

Strike-anywhere matches contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and perchlorates combined into one matchhead. Perchlorates also ignite explosives, flares, and fireworks. Stand anywhere within their striking distance and you will be made painfully aware of the foul smell of the plume from strike-anywhere matches. Simply sitting in the box, they smell toxic. Safety matches are those you must strike on the matchbook or matchbox. The sulfur and highly flammable phosphorus are removed from the matchhead. Instead, they are placed into the striking strip glued to the matchbox or matchbook. Thus the phosphorous and sulfur do not fill the air with their toxic fumes. Safety matches, indeed, are safer for your lungs.

As the most common fuel for cigarette lighters, butane is stored in the lighter under pressure as a liquid. Once released from the lighter, the liquid turns into a colorless gas with a very faint but unpleasant odor. If you've always ignored the frightening fine print on the warning labels on lighters, once you do read one, you’ll probably never again want to hold a lighter in your hands.

Flicking a lighter fills the air with less noxious fumes than striking a match, so lighters are potentially safer than matches. Cheap, disposable lighters designed to fit inside a pack of cigarettes are sparked by ferrocerium flint, while non-disposable models are sparked by piezo quartz. Flint lighters require you to flick the flywheel with your thumb. Flicking the flywheel creates a spark by scraping against ferrocerium, a hazardous metal. By flicking, you create a toxic cloud of microscopic ferrocerium dust. Allow that ferrocerium dust to settle before you hold the flame to your joint. Forget about these for pipes. The flames from flint lighters rise only vertically, same as from candles. For pipes, if you hold lighters sideways, their flames easily extinguish while you inhale, thus inhaling incompletely combusted butane fumes, which are worse than combusted fumes. More about that in a moment. Piezo lighters are sparked by quartz crystals that create an electrical charge. They eliminate the toxicity of ferrocerium flint. Their flames can be aimed sideways and even upside-down. Also known as torch lighters or cigar lighters, they are ideal for firing up pipes. Both flint lighters and piezo lighters are usually fueled by butane. Beware butane.

by Mark Mathew Braunstein

Matchsticks of both types of matches present another peril. Hold them for too long and, ouch! You’ll burn your fingers. Numerous studies have proven that burns are not conducive to good health. Hot air rises, so when striking a match hold it at arm’s length or over your head. You might feel funny, but because you’re not inhaling the matchhead’s fumes, you’ll breathe easier.

Hemp wicks are spools of hemp twine coated with beeswax that burn slowly just like the wick of a candle. Igniting cannabis with hemp is a romantic notion that has inspired many a toker to give it a try. But in between tokes, you must keep a watchful eye on the flimsy and cumbersome burning wick, else it can ignite the entire spool. For hemp enthusiasts only. Wooden toothpicks are safer than glass wands and hemp wicks. Flat toothpicks easily ignite from candles, and then stay lit long enough to fire up your pipe. They also are handy for stirring the contents of your bowl.

HEALTH TIP FOR LIGHTING UP PIPES: Light an unscented candle made of beeswax or vegetable oil, and then place it at arm’s length, so you are out of range of its fumes. Light a flat toothpick in the flame of the candle. With the lit toothpick, light up the bowl of bud. A natural fiber same as are hemp and cannabis, it’s wood to the rescue. To misquote Jim Morrison, “Come on, baby, light my toothpick!”

Mark Mathew Braunstein contributes to many holistic health magazines, including seven times previously to Spirit of Change. He is the author of six books, including Mindful Marijuana Smoking: Health Tips for Cannabis Smokers (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022), from which this article was excerpted. You can read his many editorials and articles about medical marijuana and recreational cannabis at www.MarkBraunstein.org.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 31www.spiritofchange.org

Butane fumes are both toxic and intoxicating. Some foolish little kiddies, desperate to get high, intentionally sniff non-combusted fumes from butane cannisters. Doing so can prove fatal. Small-dose effects include headache, dizziness, and coughing, so never press on the lever of the lighter without sparking it. Yet even when they do light the butane, way too many smokers also inhale the butane fumes. As a sober-minded adult, keep your lighter out of reach of children. And as an adult, go light on your use of lighters. The Fire Power of Candles

You can still more safely use matches or cheap flint lighters. Strike just one match or hit just one flick, not to light your pipe, but to light a candle. Candles are made from a variety of ingredients, including paraffin from petroleum, beeswax from bee hives, tallow from animal fats, and vegetable oils often from palm, soy, or coconut. Hold a white sheet of paper or board high above a burning candle, and you will capture a coating of soot, which is mostly carbon ash. Soot is only what you happen to see. Hidden to the naked eye, the candle’s fumes also contain, for example, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOC), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). All are toxic.

As a petroleum distillate, paraffin is plentiful, cheap, and potentially the most harmful, as its fumes contain phthalates, a class of chemical plasticizers known to be harmful to human health. Health food, new age, and occult stores sell vegetable oil candles that are labeled as free of phthalates. Soy candle manufacturers make unsubstantiated claims that their candles not only emit no phthalates, but also the least amount of soot. Despite the ubiquitous use of candles since the dawn of human history, only a few studies have evaluated the emissions from burning candles. We do know that added scents of any kind add to the candles’ pollutants. And we know that compared to the pollutants from the fumes of commonplace paraffin, beeswax is far less polluting. Rather than repeatedly flicking butane lighters or striking many matches, lighting a candle only once has much to commend. You can place your burning candle at arm’s length, so you are out of range from its fumes. In the candle’s flame, you can stoke up a glass wand, a hemp wick, or a toothpick. Then to toke your pipeful, apply that glowing wand, that smoldering wick, or that burning toothpick. No toxic plume in your face, so none in your lungs. Glass wands are also called weed wands. You heat the tip of thin borosilicate glass rods and then insert them into your herb. But danger lurks after using those scorching wands. Good luck on placing the cylindrical wands somewhere safe so they won’t roll away, ignite a conflagration, and burn down your house.



32 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT), acupuncture, and Chinese herbs are the three major healing arts of Chinese medicine recognized by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®). In the United States, Asian Bodywork Therapy is less well known and is often confused with massage therapy. While the academic structure and hours (500-1,000) are comparable, the training content is more similar to that of acupuncture. Additionally, the US Department of Education recognizes the distinct ABT professional entry-level curriculum. Historically, there are many lineages of ABT, including acupressure, shiatsu, tuina, and medical/clinical qigong. To create cohesiveness in a foreign land, the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia® (AOBTA®) was formed more than 30 years ago to establish national, professional standards, and to represent the many forms of Asian Bodywork Therapy. ABT is a unifying term, serving as the umbrella for the profession of various East Asian bodywork lineages that share a common foundation in Chinese medicine. Acupressure is one style of Asian Bodywork Therapy certified by AOBTA®. Each client is an instrument, where the trained hands of the practitioner become sensors, assessing the condition of the body's many layers, including the muscular-skeletal and the meridians, which are the pathways within the body’s energetic anatomy. Connecting to this energetic feedback guides the treatment session and forms the basis of informed touch, designed to work with the person’s electromagnetic field. The result is a tenderness and magic of healing through hands, hearts and wisdom centers.



Acupressure is based on the concept of Qi — the body's vital life force flowing through defined channels or meridians throughout the body. When the body's vital energy flow or Qi is normal and harmonious, the body is balanced and healthy. Pressure pain at an acupoint can reflect an imbalance. Acupressure points are specific locations along the meridians where the flow of Qi gathers in vortices spiraling in both inward and outward directions. Therefore, stimulation of these acupoints will encourage deep muscular relaxation, circulation of blood, and Qi balancing.

The late Barbara Blanchard, Lic. Ac., Dipl. Ac., Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM®), was the founding director of the Acupressure Therapy Institute. After several years of apprenticeship with Barbara, Lauren Paap, MAOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. & ABT (NCCAOM®) is the new director and president of the newly reopened Acupressure Therapy Institute in Natick, MA. To learn more, visit www.AcupressureTherapyInstitute.com.

Through acupressure the individual's own healing energies are encouraged to bring wholeness of being in body-mind-spirit. Adjunct Chinese medicine therapies such as auriculotherapy, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, magnets, press balls, lineaments and herbal plasters can be included to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.

What is Acupressure Shiatsu?

When someone presents with a specific problem (for example, a headache) it is important to know where the headache is located, what the nature of the pain is, what accompanying symptoms are involved and how frequently it occurs. Acupressure can assess and treat a number of ailments including but not limited to lower back pain, PMS, menstrual problems, asthma, allergies, head colds, sinus problems, digestive disorders, stress, headaches, and more. Based on the assessment, a treatment plan can be created. Specific energetic pathways and acupressure points can then be used for effective treatment, and remarkable results can be achieved almost immediately.

The recipient will often respond when the therapist gets right "on the point." There is usually a pleasure/pain sensation; the point may feel sore but it will feel good to have the pressure applied. The sensitivity at the point changes as the muscles relax, the body's circulation opens, and the Qi is balanced. Oftentimes, the rhythm of shiatsu technique and the acupressure point sequences form a dance-like movement that lulls the recipient into a deep state of relaxation.


FINGER PRESSURE Acupressure is a healing art that emphasizes balancing the energy body or energy system with the physical body, mind, emotions and spirit. An integral part of Chinese medicine, acupressure is similar to acupuncture, except that it uses the hands rather than needles to adjust energy flow. Students of acupressure learn the same meridians and acupoints that are used in acupuncture, as well as the Asian Bodywork Therapy known as shiatsu (from the Japanese "shi" finger, and "atsu" pressure). Acupressure puts more emphasis on using specific acupressure points in treatment, whereas shiatsu often relies more on balancing the channels.

Meet Lauren at the NATURAL LIVING EXPO booth #1402, November 12-13 in Marlboro, MA to learn more about this ancient healing craft.

34 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org Aels007 Aelsi008 Aelsi009 Aelsi0001 106117 907608 020451 OMEWN OWMEN NEMOWMEN 004503020607 4746454443 4842 01 902451 841517 300445080457 004655900145315414614515222451 007766 064 Aels050 Aelsi006 Aelsi0011 Aelsi0021 17 15 13 11 093938363433313032353740 49 50 27 25 32 21 19 202176 819761 177616 614715 20210214EXITEXIT 2928 EXIT EXIT ENTRANCE 13011300 16 14 12 10 0826 24 22 20 18 011121 HEALTHYFOODVENDORSANDDINING 071 031 025 617 364151615815 615225619 805 067 302056054056 065015609 141014091408140714061405140414031402140114001411 811 809 807 706 712 710 708722821 720819 817718 911 909 907 806 812 810 808822921 820919 917818 1011 1009 1007 906 912 910 9089221021 9201019 1017918 1111 1109 1107 10061012 1010 100810221121 10201119 11171018 2051061122324111 22111221 2071081112121111 2091011131214111128111171912201122526111 41 316113141312 EXIT 103183011306130413029148147148139131013 10161115 ENTRANCEMAIN EXITAND REGISTRATION 31930111130713051303 317113151313 111131151171 Princess Room Seminar Room Duchess Room CSALON InformationExpo LOBBYHOTEL ENTRANCESALONE SALOND WesternBest HotelPlazaRoyal inplacetakeeventsworkshopAll quickorwalk4-minuteahotel,the tradethefromrideshuttlefree continuouslyrunShuttlescenter. hotelandcentertradethebetween event.thethroughout Guided Meditation BSALON ASALON PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING

Spirit of Change 35PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org BOOTHS#1016&1115

36 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org2 Spirit of Change SATURDAY HOURS 9AM- 6PM Access to all workshops is included with your weekend pass. Workshop seating is limited capacity and is available on a first come basis. Please respect the expo staff's room capacity instructions. Thank you! SALON A & B SALON C SALON D SALON E PRINCESS DUCHESS SEMINAR PreventBoundariesCreate10:30-11:30StableandBurnout Judith A. Swack Past10:00-11:00Lives,DreamsandSoulTravel Ellie Malick and Mark Lopatosky 10:30-11:30WelcometoRuneReiki Jeff Nelson IsInHow10:00-11:00YouShowUpOneRelationshipHowYouShowUpEverywhere Carolyn McGee Crossroads:Our10:30-11:30AstrologicalWhereDoWeGoFromHere? Eric Linter CardiacBest10:00-11:00NutrientsforImprovedHealth Cara Joseph Wireless10:30-11:30TechnologyRisksandSaferWaystoConnect Cece Doucette HealingPowerAwaken12:30-1:30YourInnerToHealwithaCrystalBowlsExperience Rhys Thomas 12:00-1:00 The Microbiome’s Role In Our Mental Health Tamara Luck 12:30-1:30 The Magdalene Speaks Christine Alexandria 12:00-1:00 Are Your Past Lives Living in Your Present Life? Donna Hartley VascularEliminate12:30-1:30Cancer,DiseaseandInflammationScientifically Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren 12:00-1:00 A Masterclass Trauma-BasedTransformativeinHealingforImprints Michael Lydon The12:30-1:30Mysteries of Water — and You! Halsey Snow 2:30-3:30 Past Life Regression Katie Malloy Ramaci AbundanceCreateTransformation:2:00-3:00PowerfulOutrageousInYourLife Dianne Bischoff James Crystals:2:30-3:30DecodingTheirLanguagetoImpactYourLife Kyle Russell MissingWho2:00-3:00AreYouInHeaven? Bonnie Page EliminationInstant2:30-3:30Pain Ming Wu IdentifyHelping2:00-3:00ChildrentheirInnerCriticsandInnerChampions Eva Goulette Roots,Adaptogenic2:30-3:30Herbs,Leaves,BerriesandBark:WhichOneIsRightForYou? Marie Frohlich 5:00-6:00 Sound Bath Experience: Chi AcousticMeditationReactivationwithCarpetRide Holly Eden Morrow Elevating4:00-5:00intoMasteryofYour5DSelf Maureen St. Germain New/Old4:30-5:30Tool — The Labyrinth Sandra Isgro 4:00-5:00 YourSelfMultidimensionalandAbundanceSoulCodeswithTheGoldenLight Bhavna Srivastava Gratitude:From4:30-5:30GriefToTheSignsAreAllAroundUs Kelly Wahl theScalar4:00-5:00Light,TechnologyoftheFuture Tom Paladino HealthDiscover4:30-5:30HowYourandEmotionsAreRevealedinYourEyes Sunshine Beeson SUNDAY HOURS 9:30AM- 4:30PM SALON A SALON B SALON C SALON D SALON E PRINCESS DUCHESS SEMINAR Change10:00-11:00HabitReset:YourHabits,ChangeYourLife Pam Marshall Messages10:30-11:30ThroughSpiritArt Nancy Smith 10:00-11:00TheTwelveInstructions Romiglio-AshleyRosanne Astro-Insights10:30-11:30for2023:ALookattheYearAhead Tam Veilleux Wu10:00-11:00WayQigong Ming Wu Self-GuidedHealthReach10:30-11:30OptimalThroughHealing Julia Sun toAllow10:00-11:00YourKidsGrowupLovingTheirBodies Lisa Dahl How10:30-11:30toMake100%NaturalSugarandFlowerPetalBodyScrubatHome Sam Morris CrystalDiscover12:00-1:00theNextStepinHealing Isabelle Morton MessagesSoul12:30-1:30&Spirit:FromHeaven Lori Sheridan and Laura Wooster Death12:00-1:00&Beyond:TheMysticMeditationExperience Alan Post Design12:30-1:30YourDestiny Dev Lingadevaru TransformativeExperience12:00-1:00 Art and Song Edward Anthony Nutrition12:30-1:30ResponseTesting Charlene McCullough 12:00-1:00 Your Cell Phone May Be Harming You: Protect Yourself in the 5G World Ilene Cohn Reichman Mushroom12:30-1:30MedicinalAllies Karen Wiseman HealingQuantum2:00-3:00HypnosisTechniqueGroupDemonstration Elizabeth Peters andCommunity3:00-4:00SingClosingCircleCelebration Heather Pierson & Bernice Martin Wild2:00-3:00FoodandMedicineAreAllAround Bear Crevier HealingPathway2:30-3:30totheHeartThroughDivineTouchHealing Joanna Spano Movement2:00-3:00&Meditation Janine Agoglia Stress,2:30-3:30Love,HealingandRemission Gail Lachs Energy2:00-3:00Secrets for Staying Healthy and Youthful John Thompson 2:30-3:30 A Spirit’s Journey Cheryl Bradley 4:00 Drum Circle: Spirit of the Drum TRADE CENTER EXHIBIT HALL Hosted by Dave Curry SATURDAY WORKSHOP SCHEDULE SUNDAY WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Inner Space 30-Minute Guided Meditations in the EXECUTIVE ROOM. Hosted by the Brahma Kumaris every hour on the hour. Saturday: 11am-4pm. Sunday: 11am-2pm

Spirit of Change 37PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org

products. 24 Human Tuning www.instagram.com/soundbringerearth Human Tuning and Biofield tuning with tuning forks and sound bowls.  25 Lisha Nutrition Coaching www.vanessalabranche.com Nutritional coaching services and virtual cooking classes. 26 Dianne Bischoff James www.dianne.net SEE AD PAGE 45 Bestselling author, speaker, life coach, tapping healer, Akashic record reader. 27 Garden of One www.gardenofone.com Essential and vibrational products towards an overall wellbeing lifestyle. 28 Ecopolitan Community, Dr. Tel-Oren (Dr. T) www.ecopolitan.com Free testing! Stop skin & body degeneration, eliminate cancer risk! 29 Journey with Janet/Floating Lotus Jewelry www.journeywithjanet.com Past lives, intuitive tarot readings. 50% off all Swarovski jewelry. 30 Rebalance Your Routine www.jessicaliggerocoaching.com Rebalance your routine for digestive wellness and mental wealth. 31 American Society of Dowsers, Inc www.dowsers.org Learn about dowsing in your daily life. 32 Trees of Light www.treesoflight.info Obelisk shaped paper object lit by LEDS (4"H to 24"H). 33 ECKANKAR www.eckinmass.org SEE ADS PAGES 7, 55 A creative spiritual practice focusing on Soul and Divine Love. 34 LaMens www.LaMens.co Stylish handmade crystal jewelry, beautiful crystals, handmade aroma therapy candles. 35 Taproot Herbals www.taprootherbals.com Chaga tinctures and face cream. Garden and forest botanicals. 36 Nancy's Nutrition Inc www.healthandweightlosscoach.com Health coach, detox, digestion, weight loss, speaker, radio guest. 37 Lisa Dahl Wellness www.lisadahlwellness.com Lisa Dahl Wellness, intuitive eating and body image coaching. 38 The Multifaceted Shaman www.darlenedoughtydesigns.com Andara crystals, drums, healing wands, smudge fans and much more. 39 Angelscapes www.angelscapes.net SEE ADS PAGES 56, 73 Visit Angelscapes booth for readings, spirit art, books and programs. 40 Science of Spirituality www.sos.org SEE AD PAGE 57 Science of Spirituality is dedicated to personal transformation through meditation. 41 Medicine My Way www.medicinemyway.us SEE AD PAGE 9 Stress relief with EFT; acupuncture without needles. 42 OCI Healing Research Foundation Tong Ren www.ocihrf.org Tong Ren healing demonstrations, information and free educational booklets available. 43 K Wahl Healing Arts www.KWahlhealingarts.org Kelly Wahl, medium, offering intuitive readings and Vessel for Spirit! 44 Marshall Mindset Coaching www.marshallmindset.com Brain-based tools for simple powerful change. 45 HPs Psychic Ellen & Kelly Lavish www.psychicellen.com HPs Ellen: past, present, future, mediumship. Kelly: rune readings and more. 46 Realization Consulting www.realizationconsulting.com SEE AD PAGE 39 Body-focused meditation and subtle energy exercises for rapid trauma repair. 47 Amare, The Mental Wellness Company www.yourmentalwellbeing.com Scientifically proven products and lifestyle programs that support holistic wellness. Organized by booth number. See booth location map on page 34. 2022 EXHIBITOR LIST

22 Adidam New England www.adidam.org The "Radical" Reality-Way of Adi Da Samraj. 23 Made Simple Skin Care www.madesimpleskincare.com SEE AD PAGE 51 USDA certified organic, raw, vegan, non-GMO, cruelty-free personal care

20 Boston School of Herbal Studies www.bostonherbalstudies.com SEE AD PAGE 68 Hands on classes in herbal education and medicine making. 21 Vardankar www.vardankar.com Vardankar - The ancient science of out of body travel.

38 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org 1 WORRY Deck Collection www.worrydeck.com Tools to move you toward a greater sense of calm. 2 Bonnie Lee's Creations www.BonnieLeesJewelry.com Hand-made metaphysical items using semi-precious stones, copper, wood, and leather. 3 Blu-Eden www.Blu-Eden.com SEE AD PAGE 47 Soul guide: psychic, medium, channel, energetic artist. Free timeline drawing. 4 Sri Chinmoy Centre www.srichinmoy.org Deepen your meditation with free information about heartcenter meditation techniques. 5 Hartley International www.donnahartley.com Inspirational speaker and intuitive mentor Donna Hartley. 6 National Health Freedom Action www.nationalhealthfreedomaction.orgLearnhowNHFAcanhelpyouprotectyour health rights. 7 Heart Songs & Circle Songs www.heartsongsandcirclesongs.com SEE AD PAGE 52 Cultivating harmony, joy, and peace through community singing! 8 Cheryl Bradley ~ Spiritual Medium www.cherylbradley.co SEE AD PAGE 39 Readings delivered with love, dream interpretations, unique Spirit Card offering. 9 Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute www.annwigmore.org SEE AD PAGE 49 Living foods lifestyle. 10 NEEECO www.neeeco.com Home energy assessments to keep you efficient and saving. 11 Julianna Kallas www.juliannakallas.com TV celebrity psychic, medium, tarot, aura, animal reader. 12 lluminating Light Healing Center www.Illuminating-Light.com SEE AD PAGE 68 Transformational readings with soul level healing and profound insight. 13 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique www.elizabethpetersqhht.com Discover your potential with Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. 14 Vital Bioenergetics www.vitalbioenergetics.com Akashic dowsing, clearing and training. 15 Nature’s Mysteries Apothecary www.naturesmysteries.com Formulating organic CBD products specially formulated for pain, insomnia, anxiety. 16 Greater Hartford Herbalists Without Borders Borders-101114915598123facebook.com/Greater-Hartford-Herbalist-withoutFree educational programming for all ages about the power of plants. 17 Eucellus "Tailored Nutrient Therapy" www.etsy.com/shop/EUCELLUS Tailored nutritional toothpowder. 18 Angel Healing with Melissa Connectwww.angelhealingwithmelissa.comtoyourangelsandyourhigher self. 19 Inspired Being, LLC www.inspiredbeingllc.com A collaborative of holistic health practitioners to help you heal.

Stop using cleaning sprays! Switch to cleaning with Norwex + water! 514 Natural Health Pathways www.natrualhealthpathways.net Find the root cause of dis-ease and heal naturally. 515 Two Owls Limited

Specializing in high-quality crystals, minerals and natural décor. 516 Peaceful Harvest Mushrooms www.peacefulharvestmushrooms.com Organic small-batch medicinal mushroom products. Free mini clinical herbal consultations. 517 American Conspiracies and Cover-ups www.americanconspiraciesandcover-ups.com

404 Synergy Wellness Center




Eight essential oil blend in soaps, lotions, sprays, concentrates, diffusers. 410 Heavenly Light Crystal Creations www.etsy.com/shop/heavenlylightcrystal

408 Immune 8 Essential Oil Blend www.immune8.com

416 Mother Earth Orgone www. Mother-Earth-Orgone.com




49 Energy Almanac www.TheEnergyAlmanac.com

402 Body Logic VT www.vtbodylogic.com All natural, organic bath and body products.


We offer organic, sustainable, herb-based lotions, serums and balms.


Medical intuitive readings. Know your body health now.

The world's most powerful EMF protection jewelry and other devices.



Sustainably wild-harvested functional fungi teas and tinctures. 509


406 Tego Tea www.tegotea.com

418 Jahmu Turmeric Ginger Chai Mixes www.jahmu.com Golden Milk in seconds with our certified organic mixes. Tasteful Skin www.TastefulSkin.com

50 October's Angel www.octobersspirit.com

Makers of all-natural therapeutic skincare — pure and refined. Smart Ash Holders www.smartashholder.com incense holders, divination herbs, crystal grid plates. Hug Patrol www.hugpatrol.net wraps and blankets which offer comfort, like a hug. Dayempur Herbals www.dayempurherbals.com natural herbal supplements and personal care products. www.birchboys.com Pleiadean www.cosmichealingdiscs.com www.reginasconnection.com www.LoveMyCloths.com www.etsy.com/shop/TwoOwlsLimited


Dive into your multidimensional consciousness. Discs assist attuning the BioField. 510 Regina's Connection

Organic Skin Care www.ombotanical.com 100% Natural skin care. Free demos and show specials! 604 The Sanctuary Healing Therapies Gifts www.thesanctuarycapecod.com Aura photography, smudge, incense, candles, wellness center on Cape Cod. 605 Metamorphysis Crystal Art www.metamorphysis.us Uniquely creative, vibrant crystal art supports meditation, selfdiscovery, life! 607 Crystal Concentrics — Portal Gallery www.CrystalConcentrics.com Outstanding crystals and jewelry from an innovator in the field. 610 The Healing Rose www.thehealingroseco.com Organic and locally made premium CBD topical products. 613 The Deep End www.findyourdeepend.com Astrology readings, botanicals, witchy things, classes and more. 614 Neiman Spirit Art www.neimanart.com Inspiring, whimsical, and joyful original art. Paintings, cards and Oracle cards. 521 609 Spiritual Medium & Reader R e c e v e y o u r p e r s o n a r e a d i n g t o d a y CHERYL BRADLEY Speaker Sunday, Nov 13 TDATE: IME: 2:30 3:30 PM I N T H E S E M I N A R R O O M A Spirit s Journey P R E S E N T S BOOTH #8 w w w c h e r y l b r a d e y c o m with

Everything you need for healing and intention rituals, divination. 513 Norwex — Clean with Water!

Book on alternative cures for cancer and dangers of vaccines. Psychic Solar Sisters www.PsychicOfManhattan.com Psychic readings, palm readings, tarot card readings. Center for Iridology www.centerforiridology.com Iridology readings plus Information about our intern iridology course. Personal Reflections by Purffect Pastimes www.yourpersonalreflections.com Handmade cotton journal covers and more for your personal reflections. Pure Haven | Jody Chase www.PureJody.com Everything you need, 100% free of toxins, guaranteed. OM Botanical

48 The Health Medium www.thehealthmedium.com

Handmade beautiful crystal suncatchers infused with Reiki energy. 414 Vedic Botanicals: Organic, Herbal Body Care www.YourVedicBotanicals.com


Synergy offers acupuncture, massage, energy healing, yoga and counseling services.


Gentle, healing readings. Hand-painted silk items: scarves, pillows, ceremonials cloths.


Cosmic Healing Discs

Native American Tego Tea, New England's best kept secret.


504 TotumVos Multi-Collagen Chews www.getchews.com TotumVos multi-collagen chews in flavors mocha, chai-beet, and lemon turmeric. 505 Hedge & Heather www.hedgeandheather.com Hedge & Heather makes hand-crafted soy manifestation candles. 506 Medium Bonnie Page www.bonniepagemedium.com SEE AD PAGE 55 Medium Bonnie Page: readings, signed books, Oracle cards. 507 Theorem Non-Toxic Hair Care www.joanie.theoremmethod.com Non-toxic, vegan, gluten free hair care products. 508 Birch Boys

Book of 2023 astrology predictions and expectations.



The most unique handcrafted jewelry, leathercraft, instruments, herbal products, crystals. 718 Tibet Arts & Healing www.tibetarts.com

Offering various glassware items that restructure water. InSpiral Iridology www.whatisiridology.com




720 Heaven & Earth www.heavenandearthstudio.com

40 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org 615 Peace & Laughter www.PeaceAndLaughter.com Cheryl Giannelli, intuitive advisor. Creator/maker of energy intention crystal wands. 616 New England Spas www.nespas.com SEE AD PAGE 43 Making people's lives warmer and more relaxed since 1978! 619 New Earth Healing www.JoannaSpano.com Healing through the power of love. 620 It's Magickal! & Moonchild! www.itsmagickal.com SEE AD PAGE 53 High vibrational crystals, products and services to change your life! 706 Women of Wisdom www.WomenofWisdomInc.com SEE ADS PAGES 9, 68 Jewelry, natural gift items, psychic/medium readings, group healings and more! 707 Conscious Technologies LLC www.ConsciousTechnologiesLLC.com Quantum Flo™ and Cohere mat sessions, crystals, EMF harmonizing technologies. 708 roXiva Innovations www.roxiva.com Consciousness raising light therapy. Drug-free psychedelic trips. 710 Dinno Health www.dinnohealth.com SEE AD PAGE 53 Offering prescriptions, compounded medications, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and supplements. 714 Smart A-Z Minerals www.smartazminerals.com Daily, all natural ionic liquid mineral supplements for cellular health. 715 Tigerlily Boutique & Botanica www.tigerlilyboutiquebotanica.com

SEE AD PAGE 49 Increase blood flow with low frequency PEMF non-invasive technology. Stardust Blessings Metaphysical www.stardustblessingsmetaphysical.com Orgone energy technology. Spiritual T-shirts. Sam's Soulutions Plant-Based Beauty www.samssoulutions.com 100% natural plant-based beauty and skincare products. Smiley Wellness Center www.SoulHealingServices.com


SEE AD PAGE 45 Crystal wheels, aka wearable grids and accessories. 1006 Circles of Wisdom www.circlesofwisdom.com SEE AD PAGE 15 Books, decks, inspirational gifts and more. Learn about our classes. 1008 Beecher's Botanicals www.BeechersBotanicals.com Fresh, organic, handmade soaps, skincare, body-products. Best of RI winner! 1009 Healing from Body Level Up www.hblu.org SEE AD BACK COVER HBLU helps people get unstuck by clearing unconscious selfsabotage. 1012 Hawaiian Moon www.aloecream.biz Say goodbye to dry skin with Hawaiian Moon Aloe! 1013 Wire Wrapping Creations www.facebook.com/wirecreations2012 Wire wrapped jewelry. 1016 Wu Healing Center www.wuhealing.com SEE AD PAGE 35 Qi Gong and Tai Chi Instructor certification online. 1017 Mystech www.mystech.net Shuman resonance technology for EMF protection. 1018 Maureen St Germain Ascension School www.MaureenStGermain.com SEE AD PAGE 61 Learn more about your spiritual opportunities with Maureen St Germain. 1021 Scalar Light Quantum Healing www.scalarlight.com Scalar Light Quantum Healing by way of a photograph. 1022 Cosmic Artillery Crystals www.CosmicArtillery.com Highest quality crystals and gems handmade pendants and bracelets 1106 Diamonds And Dinosaurs www.facebook.com/DiamondsAndDinosaurs1 Crystals, fossils, tumbled stones, sterling gemstone jewelry and unique gifts. 1107 CBDPlease Tested Pure and Potent www.CBDplease.com Hemp oil products: oils, tinctures, salves, tested pure and potent. 1108 Whole Harmony Plant Base Wellness www.wholeharmony.com Plant base wellness botanical teas + tonics. 1109 Release Well Being Center www.ReleaseWellBeingCenter.com Holistic approach to practice self-care for sustainable and optimal well-being! 1111 Metrowest Thermal Imaging — Mishnoah Retreat www.mythermography.com Medical thermal imaging of breast and body, 15 locations. 1112 Love Energy Wellness LLC www.loveenergywellness.com Finally discover the root causes and rebalance your energy naturally! 1114 Volcanic Origins Face/Body Slimming Products www.volcanicorigins.com Volcanic ash clay face, body slimming and detox products. 1117 Sacred Haven Living & AngelDawning www.CarolynMcGee.com SEE ADS PAGES 19, 69 Tap into divine guidance for clarity, confidence and connection. 1118 5G in Harmony www.centropix.us/holistictherapy Living in harmony with 5G and EMFS. 1120 Green Compass Global thereseanne.greencompassglobal.com Certified organic hemp products for health and wellness. 1122 Firefly Forest Designs www.fireflyforestdesigns.com Hand knotted mala beads, meditation pieces, beaded jewelry, crystals/minerals. 1124 Lifewave Stem Cell Activation Technology www.Theflowofhealth.com Photobiomodulation and stem cell activation patches; education and demonstration. 617717 1115722712711709721618 913911921822814 11101205


Soul healing blessings to help remove blockages. 922 Prism Wheel www.prismwheeldesigns.com

Mini eye analysis showing the root cause of health struggles. Vision of Tibet www.facebook.com/visionoftibet Handmade, fairly-traded crafts and clothing from the Himalayas. A Wellthy You www.awellthyyou.com SEE ADS PAGES 3, 37 Exhale, finally, the profound emotional healing you've been looking for!

813 Warner's Best CBD www.warnersbest.com Best prices for CBD that really works. 817 Christine Alexandria/Angel Chatter www.angelchatter.com Offering channeled private sessions. Selling the exclusive Angel Chatter line. 818 Millennium Products www.millennium-products.com 5G EMF protection. 819 L'Bri Pure 'n Natural www.lbri.com/jtalford Experience our affordable natural, aloe-based products right in our booth! 820 Windsoul Wellness Center Reiki,www.windsoulwellnesscenter.commassage,crystals,soundhealing instruments, intuitive readings and more! 821 Relax Sauna www.relaxsaunas.com Relax Sauna: the most therapeutic far infrared sauna. 906 Johnson Compounding and Wellness www.NaturalCompounder.com Your go-to pharmacy for natural health and wellness. 907 Fresh Mouth www.freshmouthclub.com Always fresh, always clean. 908 Earthy Krunchy Snacks www.earthykrunchy.com


812 Alternative Health, Inc. www.repairmyhealth.com SEE AD PAGE 47 All natural solutions to rebuild your immune system.

Nothing but water can enter your gutters, guaranteed!

SEE AD PAGE 51 Books for the body, mind and soul. 910 doTERRA Essential Oils www.mydoterra.com/Aliciacottam Tools to become your most powerful self! BEMER — Frequencies For Health www.amy-robb.bemergroup.com

SEE AD PAGE 47 Readings, crystals, & tools supporting your mental and spiritual growth.

806 Rhys Thomas Energy Healing Institute www.4DHealing.com Free healings, soul readings and crystal bowls.

Meditation materials, high end special items from Tibet & beyond. 719 LeafFilter www.LeafFilter.com

807 Four Winds One Breath www.4winds1breath.com Hand-painted leather and clothing, sculptures, original artwork, cards and jewelry. Golden Ratio Products www.goldenratioproducts.com



Next level kale chips and veggie toppers. vegan, gluten-free! Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. www.Innertraditions.com

Seating is available inside

Inspirational eco-friendly bee cards and gifts that give back!

1217 Beeline, LLC www.beelineskincare.com

1302 AquidneckHoney www.aquidneckhoney.com

SEE AD PAGE 41, 73 Learn meditation to live a contented and happy life. Experience Inner Space guided meditation at the hotel in the Executive Room.



1311 Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center www.bknewengland.org


1400 Touch N Heal www.touchnheal.com A holistic approach to better health.

Spirituality products that nurture the spirit of a child.


1306 Dancing Jaguar Inspirations, LLC www.dancingjaguarinspirations.com

Golden Light healings, readings at soul, physical, mental, emotional, abundance clearings.

1402 Acupressure Therapy Institute www.easternmedicinaltherapies.com

1204 Mountain Hollow Crystals www.mountainhollowcrystals.com

1403 LivHealthy Gourmet Granola www.livhealthygranola.com Nutrient dense, naturally sweetened, no inflammatory oils. Truly addictive.


Pure raw local honey products. Custom cutting and sushi boards. Vanilla extracts.

Coaching, spiritual practice and raffles for Zen gardens and freebies.

1310 Spirit of Change Magazine www.spiritofchange.org

Asian bodywork therapy training program. Eastern medicinal therapies postgraduate education. SEE AD PAGE 27, 68, 71



however we recommend planning your lunch before or after the traditional

do anywhere. The


1300 Dentistry By Dr. David www.boltondental.com SEE AD PAGE 53 Holistic dentistry, TMJ and sleep, airway, safe amalgam removal. 1301 Bhavna's Wellness Group www.bhwellnessgroup.com


1308 Maya Midwifery International www.MayaMidwifery.org


Books, tools, techniques, trainings for self-guided healing and optimal health.

1213 Art-Wine-Wellness www.artwinewellness.com

1316 Peaceful Creations Wellness Center www.peacefulcreations333.com Holistic energy and wellness group providing integrative therapies and activities.

1221 Total Life Energy Plan www.totallifeenergyplan.com


Learn to replace

Quality crystals, zodiac/chakra sets, books, tarot, amber jewelry and more!

Psychic-medium and tarot readings, books, inspirational and hand-crafted gifts.

Alimtox ion generator is a full body cellular detox system. FOOD (partial listing) to dine, midday lunch-rush. Chocolate covered strawberries, bananas, & of Lebanon Delicious Lebanese food made with quality, fresh ingredients. LalaJava Hot and iced beverages, breakfast pastry, soups and salads. Shabby Gourmet Freshly squeezed juices, coconut water in the shell, ginger shots, fruit bowls and skewers. TC’s Scoops Ice Cream Fired Up! Crispy wood fired pizza. Grub Guru Asian fusion and Mediterranean street food. Experience a 30-minute GUIDED MEDITATION beginning at SAT: 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 SUN: 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 ROOM AT THE HOTEL The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual basic techniques and take-home help harness the benefits of meditation — a calm and clear mind, improved concentration and focus, and increased sense of peace and well-being.RajaYoga meditation gives back control over your mind. unhealthy thought positive lead into the limitless this unique, fun and creative meditation practice that can Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (US) operates the Meditation Center in Watertown, MA. All events free of charge and open to the public. bknewengland.org or Booth



1406 Prophecy Chocolate www.prophecychocolate.com Bean to bar superfood and herbal chocolates.

The newest and most welcoming spiritual center in Metrowest!

Natural skin care with honey and beeswax from local beekeepers.

1401 Mud & Honor www.mudandhonor.com Nature forward soap and skincare products.

Pick up free current and past copies of New England’s largest holistic publication.

1202 Club Seacret www.seacretdirect.com/kassipitassi High end Dead Sea skincare, organic plant alkaline nutrition and well care.

1407 Quantum Healing Universe www.quantumhealinguniverse.com Quantum healing technology. 1408 Aquarian Expressions www.facebook.com/AquarianExpressions Energy healings, psychic readings, and free plasmsa/orgone product demos. Alimtox Wellness www.alimtox.com


1404 Merrimack Metaphysical Arts www.merrimackmetaphysicalarts.com Tarot in the Akashic Records, intuitive tarot, crystal healings.

101 Shiskaberry

Cleanse, inspire and manifest with our intention candles and potions.

1211 Lions Gate Spiritual and Wellness www.lionsgatespiritual.com

1225 Metamorphosis Creating the Change www.yvonneandrewscoaching.com

1314 Young Living Essential Oils msha.ke/veronica_barone_nj Health and wellness company offering an entire line of plantbased products.

Sponsored by

1405 Boston CandleLux www.bostoncandlelux.com All-natural soy wax candles and body products with pure essential oils.

patterns with

1207 Rebels and Outlaws www.rebelsandoutlawsnyc.com

reflections that

1209 Just Bee & Me www.justbeeandme.com

cheesecake! 103 Village



Learn about Guatemalan midwives providing health services and shop handmade arts from Guatemala.



Organization Learn

Paintings, clean-crafted wine, intuitive coaching to enhance creativity and joy.

1312 Magnetude Healthy EMF Protection Jewelry www.tudegirl.com Interchangeable mood-elevating, immunity boosting EMF protection jewelry.

tools that will


1126 The Purple Door Psychic-Medium Services www.PurpleDoorSoulSource.com

130412231219 FOOD OUTSIDE!TRUCKS PLUS! 14111410 INNER SPACE Meditation


SALON E Carolyn McGee Are you stuck in a loop that doesn’t serve you, including your relationship with yourself? Are you noticing similar outcomes in many areas of your life that don't bring you joy? Discover the three blocks to creating healthy and supportive relationships. Experience a tool for clearing the block to achieving clarity in your life and enter the flow of success in all of your relationships, including the one with yourself.

Saturday Expo Hours: 9am-6pm


Cara Joseph is a registered nurse, exercise physiologist, Advanced Nutrition Response Testing practitioner, and certified in whole food nutrition through the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health. She believes in the wisdom of Mother Nature and the innate power of our bodies to heal themselves. See ad page 73

Best Nutrients for Improved Cardiac Health

Cara Joseph Your heart is dependent on nutrients to repair and maintain itself. Learn which are the key nutrients for your heart, the best diet for cardiac health, and the most important steps to take Monday morning to get your diet on track. Witness how muscle testing can identify weak areas of the body contributing to reduced cardiac function, and how the sound of your heart can assist in selecting key nutrients for optimal cardiac health. Stop depending on pharmaceuticals that only manage symptoms and learn how to start supporting your body to work at its best.

Again: How You Show Up In One Relationship Is How You Show Up Everywhere

Best-selling author and award-winning mind/body therapist Judith A. Swack, PhD, originator of Healing From the Body Level Up™ (HBLU) methodology, is a biochemist/immunologist, Master NLP practitioner, certified hypnotherapist, visionary and leader in the field of energy psychology. Dr. Swack has presented her dramatic results live on television and at interna tional conferences. She has a private practice in Needham, MA. Visit Healing From the Body Level Up booth #1000. See Back Cover ad.

Eric Linter authors Spirit of Change’s daily astrology and seasonal forecasts. He has an active consulting practice near Boston, working with clients worldwide. Eric began his studies under the tutelage of Isabel M. Hickey, and has read charts professionally since 1982. See ad page 68

All workshops are held in the hotel and are 60 minutes.

Workshop seating is available on a first come basis. Please respect the room capacity instructions of the staff.


SALON C Ellie Malick and Mark Lopatosky Is there more to life than what you see? Have you ever wondered if you have lived before, how dreams help you or what soul travel is? We invite you to explore how past lives, dreams and soul travel influence who you are now. This workshop will share spiritual techniques and exercises that can help you experience an inner peace and understand more about yourself as a spiritual being.

Our Astrological Crossroads: Where Do We Go From Here?

PRINCESS Eric Linter Astrologically we are at a crossroads now. The past few years have chal lenged the sensibilities and safety of millions of people worldwide. No surprise. The stars overhead mirror the chaotic but transformational forces in play here on our home planet Earth. This talk will review the influences of the past two years and explain how to make the best of current and upcoming trends.

Ellie Malick and Mark Lopatosky have extensive experience giving workshops on techniques to help people become more aware of spirituality in daily life. Both are long time members of the Eckankar clergy. Visit Eckankar booth #33. See ads pages 7, 55

u Create10:30amStable Boundaries and Prevent Burnout SALON A Judith A. Swack, Ph.D Have you ever had an unpleasant interaction with someone and walked away feeling upset even though you know it’s not personal? What hap pened is that they overstepped your boundaries. To really be effective, boundaries need to be 100% intact at the conscious, unconscious, body, and soul levels of your being. Learn what a boundary is, the most com mon contexts where people need boundaries, and the Boundary Tap technique for sealing energetic boundaries and clearing out unwanted negative energy.

Carolyn McGee is an intuition guide, teacher, speaker, and author, whose core values are community, connection and collaboration. Her purpose is to help women break lifelong patterns of how they show up in relationships and understand the connection to themselves, others, money, and spirit. She specializes in combining angel wisdom and animal wisdom to help you to amplify your intuitive superpower. Visit Sacred Haven Living & AngelDawning booth #1117. See ads pages 19, 69 Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel

42 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org u Ticket8:00amSales Begin REGISTRATION BOOTH IN THE EXHIBIT HALL Pick up tickets ordered in advance with Natural Living Expo tote or purchase $25 weekend pass tickets at the door. Live Music TRADE CENTER ENTRANCE u Exhibit9:00amHall Opens u Oops!10:00amHereIGo

All energy and matter is vibrational in nature and can be harnessed for healing through desire and emotion. Rune Reiki is the use of the Elder Futhark Runes in practices such as Galdr (singing/intoning/speaking of the Rune) and drawing of the language to heal, help and support those in need. During this presentation, attendees can volunteer to receive this Reiki modality, and a demonstration of group Reiki through Gladr will be provided at the end to those wishing to receive it.


SEMINAR Cece Doucette

Spirit of Change 43PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org

u The12:00pmMicrobiome’s

A few minutes a day is all it takes to look and feel better. The body’s response to gentle, persistent heat is well-documented and proven day in and out by people all over the world. Which is why more and more doctors are recommending its purifying benefits. Finnleo® is the market leader and has the most complete line of traditional and infrared saunas. From entry level portable saunas, to deluxe custom saunas with custom lighting, custom benching and multiple wood choices and styles, Finnleo® has a sauna for every taste and budget. nespas.com 258 5300 nespas.com


u 11:00pm Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience.

The U.S. Toxicology Program has found cell phone radiation causes cancer and DNA damage. Additional studies link wireless radiation to insomnia, headaches, anxiety and more. This radiation pulses from our wi-fi devices, routers, “smart” meters, cell towers and 4G/5G small cells — unless we learn the risks and develop safe technology strategies. Come discover simple strategies to greatly reduce your exposure, and insights for opening this critical conversation with your town.

Welcome to Rune Reiki

Jeff Nelson is an ordained psychic and Rune Reiki Grand Master. He reads the Elder Futhark Runes and uses them with Reiki and Galdr to provide amazing distance healing of physical, emotional and spiritual natures. Visit “It’s Magickal!” booths #620 & 721. See ad page 53

Donna Hartley Details from your previous lives can bleed into your present one. These often reveal the agreements you made before you were born, and lessons to learn about how to heal unhealthy patterns, live your purpose, raise your energetic vibration, and get unstuck and move forward on your path. Hear Donna’s story of crossing over six times and returning enlightened by the ascended masters with an understanding of past lives and the imprints they leave on your spirit.


Wireless Technology Risks and Safer Ways to Connect

Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, works with schools, communities, municipalities, and legislatures to address wireless radiation and public health. She helped her schools become the first in the nation to take precautions, and has worked on legislation in MA and NH.

Role In Our Mental Health

A few minutes a day is all it takes to look and feel better. The body’s response to gentle, persistent heat is well-documented and proven day in and out by people all over the world. Which is why more and more doctors are recommending its purifying benefits.


1 800


1 800

SALON D Jeff Nelson

SALON C Tamara Luck Learn how gut health directly and indirectly affects our neurotransmit ters, mood, mental health and nervous system. We will discuss how food, probiotics and lifestyle factors influence the bidirectional conversation between the gut and brain from a functional nutrition perspective. Learn about how different testing options can actually help to identify these gut imbalances and what to do about it.

Donna Hartley, a world-renowned past life reader, has been an inspirational speaker and in tuitive mentor for three decades. Her compelling story has been on NBC, ABC, PBS, and in The New York Times. She is the author of several books and six stories in “Chocolate for a Women’s Soul” and two stories in the “Chicken Soup” series. Visit Hartley International booth #5.


Tamara Luck is an integrative and functional dietician who works to uncover imbalances that are driving unwanted symptoms by diving into how nutrition, lifestyle and all the body’s sys tems are interconnected. A natural approach utilizing food, natural supplements as remedies and customized support for lifestyle changes allows her to educate and facilitate long-lasting health changes with her clients. Visit Johnson Compounding & Wellness booth #906. Are Your Past Lives Living in Your Present Life?

Finnleo® is the market leader and has the most complete line of traditional and infrared saunas. From entry level portable saunas, to deluxe custom saunas with custom lighting, custom benching and multiple wood choices and styles, Finnleo® has a sauna for every taste and budget. NATICK HOT TUBS SWIM SPAS 258-5300 nespas.com 258 5300 nespas.com

u Powerful2:00pmTransformation: Create Outrageous Abundance In Your Life

SALON A Rhys Thomas Learn a 4-dimensional approach to chakras and energy healing that will unlock your hidden potential and awaken your deepest inner knowing of who you were born to be and what you are here to do. Experience how to hear your soul's calling through the playing of crystal bowls, and find “the missing piece” that is the gateway to the pure healing soul energy that not only heals you but others as well.


Dianne Bischoff James, MS, is a transformational life coach, tapping heal er, Akashic reader and author of The Real Brass Ring. She helps men and women reconstruct their future by utilizing the world’s best coaching techniques blended with EFT, intuitive guidance and results-driven exercises. Having found herself completely off track at 40, she lost 60 pounds, left an exhausting executive career, conquered depression, navigat ed a healthy divorce and is now a leading authority on empowered life transformation. Visit Dianne Bischoff James booth #26. See ad page 45

Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience.to plan your time at the expo. It is the only printed guide for the 2022 event.

Michael Lydon, MSW, helps spiritually-oriented people heal and transform ongoing fears, isolation, hypervigilance, grief and other trauma-related symptoms so they can deepen their relationship to themselves, others and the divine. Drawing on over 15 years of work in the alternative healing arts space, he uses body-focused meditation, somatic-emotional release, and therapy-informed coaching to quickly help clients resolve major life problems. Visit Reali zation Consulting booth #46. See ad page 39

Halsey Snow is a self-development educator and student of water. Together with his wife, Patricia Marston-Snow, he founded Golden Ratio Products for the purpose of bringing innova tive new technologies that are in harmony with nature into everyday life, including glassware created by Berg and Kraft of Switzerland. Visit Golden Ratio Products booth #808.

u Awaken12:30pmYourInner

SALON D Christine Alexandria What does Mary Magdalene want you to know? Come lean into the energy of The Magdalene, a force to be reckoned with. She is loving, thought-provoking, humorous, and perseverance is her middle name. She is known to challenge you not only to raise your vibration, but to be ever fearless as you walk your talk of love. If time permits, there will be a Q&A portion. Christine Alexandria, the founder of Angel Chatter, is internationally known for her loving sense of humor, while weaving in great wisdom to inspire and empower her audience. She channels the angelic realm, affectionately known as The Gang, The Magdalene, and a grow ing list of other energies. Christine is the author of three books and the creator of the exclusive sacred product line that includes two oracle decks, aromatherapy, and jewelry. Visit Angel Chatter booth #817.

PRINCESS Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren What do hemorrhoids, varicose and spider veins, tumors, heart disease, stroke, aging skin, and dementia have in common? What are the risks of biopsy for cancer diagnosis and what are some alternatives? What is oncolytic virotherapy, and why is it a game changer in the fight against cancer? Discover the unique science and nature-based concepts of Regenerative Antiaging Med and Biochemical Optimization (R.A.M.B.O.) for anti-aging, health and beauty care without surgery, and experience freedom from fear, finally! Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD, DC, (aka "Dr. T") is a board-certified licensed nutritionist, who lectures internationally to doctors about medical innovations, cancer, digestive disorders and skin health. His non-invasive, esthetic method to eliminate skin/mucous lesions is highly effective, with the proceeds supporting orphanages to prevent child trafficking in Nepal. Visit R.A.M.B.O.

The Magdalene Speaks

— Ecopolitan Physicians booth #28. The Mysteries of Water — and You!

SALON C Dianne Bischoff James Learn how to ignite your power, spirit and success! Discover the five secrets to bliss along with important practices that will upgrade your per sonal operating system and fuel your intentions so you can manifest what you truly love. Identify critical tools that already exist all around you, and daily rituals that will allow you to fulfill your deepest needs and desires.

u 1:00pm Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma 30-minuteKumarisguided meditation experience.

44 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org

Rhys Thomas is a speaker, trainer and coach in the personal growth and energy medicine field, and the visionary author of the international best-selling book "Discover Your Purpose: How to Use the 5 Life Purpose Profiles to Unlock Your Hidden Potential and Live the Life You Were Meant to Live." He is the founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine. Visit Rhys Thomas Institute booth #806.

SEMINAR Halsey Snow You are a water being; the quality of your water affects the quality of your health. Raise your water consciousness by learning how structured water (water in nature) is essential to health, how this is different from the wa ters you drink, and how processing results in the loss of water's essential natural structure. Explore how sacred geometry and the golden ratio — found throughout nature — affect the vitality of food and water. View the amazing, pioneering work of Masaru Emoto on the crystalline structure of water, and water's unfailing response to human intention.

u 12:00pm (continued) A Masterclass in Transformative Healing for Trauma-Based Imprints

Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience.

Power To Heal with a Crystal Bowls Healing Experience

Michael Lydon Learn how psychological trauma is formed and organized in the mind-body-energy system, and the keys to permanently resolve it. Gain access to a fundamental level of your own being that has never been wounded and cannot be wounded, and provides access to resolving present pain-points and lifelong trauma-based holding patterns in your life. Discover how you can deepen your self-love and inner power, culti vate boundaries and intimacy with others, and deepen your relationship with the divine.

Eliminate Cancer, Vascular Disease, Inflammation and Degeneration Scientifically — Without Guessing!

Our inner voices are very powerful and have a profound effect on our self-esteem and the decisions we make. Experience a guided meditation to help you identify your inner critics and inner champions, giving you insight on how to lead your children through the same meditation. Learn how to help children develop positive self-talk so they thrive and blossom into confident teens with self-awareness and high self-esteem. A medita tion script will be provided. Eva Goulette is the founder of Dancing Jaguar’s Spirit Camp, a program filled with self-help and metaphysical tools designed to teach children how to balance mind, body and spirit. Eva shares her Spirit Camp curriculum with adults through her Teacher Training Program. Her mis sion is to empower and inspire the children of today so they can create the world of tomorrow.

SALON A Katie Malloy Ramaci

Kyle Russell has been working with crystals for over three decades as an educator via social media and his recently published book "Crystal Energy: Understanding and Working with Crystals for Clarity and Flow." Kyle has been a vendor at metaphysical expos and gem shows (including the legendary Tucson Gem Show), at his Portal Gallery storefront in Arlington, MA, and online where he showcases his international CrystalConcentrics.com brand. Kyle leads monthly crystal meditations in person and online. Visit Portal Crystal Gallery booths #607 & 609. See ad page 69

DUCHESS Eva Goulette

Helping Children Identify Their Inner Critics and Inner Champions

SALON E Bonnie Page Come with an open heart and watch the miracle of life and love as mes sages from heaven are delivered to audience members with compassion and sensitivity. These readings offer evidential proof that life goes on, and your loved ones are never far away, always safe and happy on the other side. The session will end with a brief meditation, where each person has a chance to meet their loved one. See ad page Bonnie Page, known as the Demonstrating Medium, is an internationally trained psychic medium and healer. She is a fourth generation natural born medium on her mother’s side of the family. Bonnie is the author of "Ask the Psychic," a bestseller on Amazon, as well as her new book, "The Medium Next Door." She is the owner of Mystical Magical Marketplace and Messages From Heaven in Winchendon, MA. Visit Medium Bonnie Page booth #506. See ad page 55

u Past2:30pmLifeRegression

Discover the benefits from knowing where you’ve been, how you lived and what you are here to learn by experiencing a past life regression. Utilizing hypnosis, we will take a guided journey to reconnect to latent talents, uncover patterns, heal issues, gain perspective about relation ships, and find insights into your present life’s path. Explore your past to better understand your present. See ads pages Katie Malloy Ramaci, CHT, is an advanced hypnotherapist and certified master instructor with the IACT. She is a powerful healing professional with 25+ years of expe rience in many healing modalities including Usui, Holy Fire and Karuna Reikis, IET, Magnified Healing, shamanism and more. Katie is the owner of Women of Wisdom store and holistic Center in Easton, MA. Visit Women of Wisdom booth #706. See ads pages 9, 68

Crystals: Decoding Their Language to Impact Your Life

Visit Dancing Jaguar Inspirations booth #1306.

Spirit of Change 45PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org

Who Are You Missing In Heaven?

SALON D Kyle Russell There are many languages for decoding crystals, depending upon who is doing the speaking. Explore a logical and unique paradigm for under standing and grouping all crystals and stones based upon over three decades of study, experience, and direct supernatural inspiration. Allow this extensive knowledge of crystals help you apply their energies more effectively in your life.

Your Multidimensional Self and Abundance Soul Codes with The Golden Light SALON E Bhavna Srivastava We all have a multidimensional self. Connect to that core level of yourself and align with the abundance soul codes of The Golden Light through an energetic channeling of this vibration of unconditional love light. Take the journey to let go of beliefs which do not serve you, and allow a new concept to come into your life to heal and align with. See ads pages Bhavna Srivastava awakened on December 21, 2012 at 11:30pm into The Golden Light, her unique energetic signature of unconditional love that flows through her and shifts people to love in their hearts and lives. The Golden Light spreads love, peace and protec tion in the hearts of all beings. Her mission is to create a Golden Age ripple effect of peace and love around the world. Visit Bhavna’s Wellness Group booth #1301.

Scalar Light, the Technology of the Future DUCHESS Tom Paladino Participants will gain an understanding of the emerging technology of scalar light and how it will change the world. The presentation will demonstrate how scalar light instruments can improve the quantum health of people and animals. Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher who studied physics at San Diego State. He was inspired by the work of various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla, to learn more about the existence of an energy that was not of the electromag netic spectrum. Pursuing an independent course of study for over 30 years, he has developed a technique to harness scalar energy for healing purposes. See Scalar Light booth #1012.

From Grief To Gratitude: The Signs Are All Around Us

Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience.

Sandra Isgro is an artist, teacher and dowser. As the current Vice President, and a member of the American Society of Dowsers for over 25 years, she has become very familiar with many energy modalities over that time. She is the co-author of Runic Labyrinths with Joe Ann Van Gelder and Nancy Bradley, and co-creator of the Runic Labyrinth. Visit American Society of Dowsers booth #31.

PRINCESS Kelly Wahl Discover how energy and love never die; they are simply transformed. Our loved ones, as well as the universe, are always in constant communi cation with us. Learn breathing techniques to “edge ego out” and easily connect to your intuition. Explore the more common signs of communi cation between the two planes such as feathers, coins, music, colors and more.

u New/Old4:30pmTool — The Labyrinth SALON D Sandra Isgro A labyrinth is a very simple pattern, yet this ancient symbol of unknown origins can put you back in control of yourself in minutes, and out of fear-based emotions and actions. During this interactive presentation, participants will work with finger labyrinths and dowsing to experience these unique qualities. Discussion will focus on how you can use them in your daily life and practice to make life go more smoothly for you. Join us on the path…no experience necessary!

u 2:30pm (continued) Instant Pain Elimination PRINCESS Ming Wu Experience how tui na and qigong healing are effective for headaches, neck pain, bursitis, fibromyalgia, back pain, herniated disc, knee problems, bone spurs and more. Demonstrations on individual volunteers included.

Mastery of Your 5D Self SALON C Maureen St. Germain Learn an ancient secret understanding of your chakras through the Spiral Chakra Meditation, a divine feminine activation. For centuries, many spir itual traditions have encouraged the activation of these power centers in a masculine way, robbing us of the true heritage of our chakra power. Explore amazing discoveries around the use of sacred geometry, the spiral, and manifestation. Maureen J. St. Germain is an internationally acclaimed ascension teacher. She has been granted access to a dimension that has been closed to most of humanity for eons, and is a direct channel to Source. Maureen’s latest book, "Mastering Your 5D Self," follows on the heels of the award-winning, best-selling books "Waking Up in 5D" and "Beyond the Flower of Life." Her She has appeared on TV and hundreds of radio shows, and her books have been translated into 12 languages. Visit the Maureen St Germain Ascension School booth #1018. See ad page 61

u 3:00pm Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience.

Marie Frohlich is an author, herbalist and principal of Taproot Herbals, LLC, where she formulates botanical products to help reduce stress and support resilience for her clients and customers. She is also a holistic health coach and vitality champion for the Coaching Center of Vermont. Visit Taproot Herbals booth #35.

46 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org

SEMINAR Marie Frohlich Come learn about adaptogens — plant partners for peace in changing times. Learn what adaptogens are, where they come from, how you can grow them, and the wide-ranging and specific benefits they offer for building resilience and lowering stress. Samples will be available to try, and handouts provided.

Dr. Ming Wu, Ph.D., is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and a 20th genera tion practitioner of Fengyeng Taoist Chinese Medicine — the only one teaching in the United States. He is also a Master practitioner of tai chi and qigong, having studied in China and the US for over 40 years. Dr. Wu has studied Fengyang Chinese Medicine his whole life, beginning training with his father Mu Qing Wu (19th generation Fengyang Medicine practitioner) when he was 7 years old. He is the director of Wu Healing Centers in W. Hartford, CT and Maynard, MA. Visit Wu Healing Center booth #1016 & 1115. See ad page 35

Kelly Wahl is a practicing psychic medium, healer, speaker, and host of “Connected with K Wahl.” Kelly discovered her gifts at a young age through her own experiences with loss and grief, the biggest loss being of her father, and grew up in a family that encouraged the explo ration of her intuitive abilities. She went on to become a member of the Lily Dale community where she developed those gifts even further. Visit K Wahl Healing Arts booth #43.

Adaptogenic Herbs, Roots, Leaves, Berries and Bark: Which One Is Right For You?

u Elevating4:00pminto

Sunshine Beeson is an iridologist and holistic health coach in Carlisle, MA, who has studied many healing modalities including nutrition, herbs, aro matherapy, alchemical hypnotherapy, emotional release work and counseling, just to name a few. She also leads spiritual retreats for women. Visit InSpiral Iridology booth #809. u Sound5:00pmBath

Experience: Chi Reactivation Meditation with Acoustic Carpet Ride SALON A Holly Eden Morrow Experience a Chi Reactivation Meditation with an acoustic carpet ride to realign your body from cell to soul through the power of sound. This full body immersion allows you to access a trance meditative state as each note strikes a chord that resonates, resounds and releases resistance. Clear your chakras with a healing sound bath of gongs, frame and ocean drums, djembes, tingsas, koshi, chimes, singing bowls, rain and thunder sticks, didgeradoos and more.

Holly Eden Morrow has been sharing her gifts by facilitating workshops on intuition and med itation worldwide for many years. In 2000, she became a Reiki master in Paris, which catapult ed her natural psychic and medium abilities, and continued her metaphysical studies under some of the greatest tutors in Europe. In 2021, Holly published her book, "The Bridge," with 24 original meditations. Visit Blu-Eden booth #3. See ad below.

STOP FEELING SICK & TIRED! LOOK & FEEL BETTER TODAY DO YOU KNOW THIS PERSON€) > Gains weight easily > Has difficulty losing weight and keeping-it off > Feels bloated & uncomfortable > Lacks energy & feels lethargic > Has aches and pains in muscles during normal daily activity ALTERNAT�VE - HEALTH www.a Itern ativehea Ithspas.info Southwick, MA; Easthampton, MA and West Hartford, CT 800-322-6855 ' :. . .., . Visit us at booth #806 Free Body Composition and $25 ZYTO Wellness Scan. Meet Dr. Linda Nelson ND, founder of M'lis Company

472022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org Discover How Your Health and Emotions Are Revealed in Your Eyes SEMINAR Sunshine Beeson Viewing live iris slides, attendees will gain an understanding of the vast amount of pertinent information that the iris of the eye holds. Every phys iological system as well as emotional patterns are linked from the limbic system onto the iris. Iridology can detect inflammation, stress, allergies, low self-esteem, and more. Uncover your own personal story in your eyes.

Wu Way Qigong SALON E Ming Wu Enjoy a morning pick-up with a healthy dose of qigong energy to carry you through the day. The simple movement and breath exercises of qigong are easy to learn and fun to do. No experience necessary.


Sunday Expo Hours: 9:30am-4:30pm

u Exhibit9:30amHall Opens u Habit10:00amReset:Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Dr. Ming Wu, Ph.D., is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and a 20th generation practitioner of Fengyeng Taoist Chinese Medicine. He is also a Master practitioner of tai chi and qigong. Dr. Wu has been carefully instructing students in qigong and tai chi in the US for over 26 years and is the director of Wu Healing Centers in W. Hartford, CT and Maynard, MA. Visit Wu Healing Center booth #1016 & 1115.

Rosanne Romiglio-Ashley’s ancestral heritage melds Mik’maq, Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet), and Blackfoot descent, as well as French Canadian and Italian. She bridges cultures and artistic mediums, as well as the tangible and intangible. A versatile artist, Rosanne creates paintings, sculptures, jewelry and clothing designs. The messages from her ancestors speak through her and her work. She is the owner and artist of Four Winds One Breath. Visit Four Winds One Breath booth #807.

Rosanne Romiglio-Ashley 25 years ago, my Native soul-sister Kathy Leone Eagle Mother asked of Creator, “What message could I bring to women, each a different healer, to help support us in our journey?" She was given “The Twelve Instruc tions,” and asked me to share them with anyone, man or woman, who was drawn to listen. This talk presents the Twelve Instructions, guiding tools for all who wish to follow a path of healing for themselves and those they assist.

u Messages10:30amThrough Spirit Art SALON B Nancy Smith Join this mediumship and spirit art demonstration to witness messages from loved ones in spirit delivered to attendees in verbal description, as well as through drawing the faces of spirit. Reverend Nancy Smith of Angelscapes is a Spiritualist minister, Akashic practitioner and certified spiritual medium in the New England area. As a spirit artist and medium, Nancy delivers the message of love from spirit through her artwork by drawing the likeness of the communicating spirit. She was awarded an honorary doctorate in humanitarianism for her spiritual work and community service from the Global International Alliance of Atlanta, Georgia. Nancy is the author and illustrator of the Nautilus award winner, "Divine Love Affair: An Akashic Journey," and teaches the course The Akashic Journey to Soul Mastery. Visit Angelscapes booth #39. See ads pages 56, 73


Your Children Are Listening — Allow Your Kids to Grow Up Loving Their Bodies DUCHESS Lisa Dahl Do you remember the first time you felt uncomfortable with your body and who gave you the message that your body wasn’t accepted? Fast forward to today. Shh…your children are listening. Your battle with food and body now directly impacts your children and their developing relationship with food and their body. Explore how your actions/words directly impact your children’s trust within their bodies, and tools to help you heal.  Lisa Dahl is an Intuitive Eating and Body Image Health Coach. Her signature program, “Body Peace & Food Freedom,” supports women on their journey to break free from dieting and diet culture. Lisa’s hallmark emphasis on intuitive eating and self-compassion helps women find a successful pathway to whole-body wellness. Lisa has certifications in Intuitive Eating, Mindful Eating, health, and wellness coaching. Visit Lisa Dahl Wellness booth #37.

The Twelve Instructions

All workshops are held in the hotel and are 60 minutes. Workshop seating is available on a first come basis. Please respect the room capacity instructions of the staff.

SALON A Pam Marshall

See ad page 35

48 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org u Ticket9:00amSales Begin REGISTRATION BOOTH IN THE EXHIBIT HALL Pick up tickets ordered in advance with Natural Living Expo tote or purchase $25 weekend pass tickets at the door. Live Music TRADE CENTER ENTRANCE

It is normal to get stuck, but you don't have to stay stuck. Build aware ness around how your brain works and discover actionable tools to get unstuck and moving. Learn how to actually do what you keep saying you want to do and create habits that last, so you can be the best version of yourself. Explore a habit change system based on how human psycholo gy really works, and create a simple, realistic plan for positive change that you can implement immediately.

Pam Marshall received her training and certification as a Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner through The Institute for Professional Education in Coaching, and earned her Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner Certification through Transform Destiny. She is also a Certified Coach for the Fogg Behavior Model. Pam holds a bachelor's degree in Coun seling Psychology. Visit Marshall Mindset Coaching booth #44.

Astro-Insights for 2023: A Look at the Year Ahead SALON D Tam Veilleux Learn what the planets have in mind for 2023. Full of spirituality and societal change, this workshop will share the decoded mysteries of what Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus will do to us spiritually, mentally, and socially as well as emotionally. Saturn and Jupiter have words with sharing, too. This dynamic presentation will leave you hopeful about 2023. Tam Veilleux is an experienced creator and coach leading clients of all ages through personal and professional change. Tam combines tradition al coaching with applied astrology and energy psychology for results that return a person to their power quickly. Tam’s life work is "The Energy Almanac," a publication of weekly astrology predictions. Visit The Energy Almanac booth #49.

Reach Optimal Health Through Self-Guided Healing PRINCESS

Julia Sun Discover why fatigue, pain, anxiety attack, autoimmune disorders and many more health problems are on the rise, and how to overcome these naturally in your daily activities without relying on others and commercial products. Learn how common solutions for illnesses may have damaged your body, as well as how to eliminate that risk of damage. Julia Sun, an energy master, researcher, author and health coach special izes in detecting energy deficiencies and coaching in self-healing methods. She is the founder of the Total Life Energy Plan, a five-star selfcare healing system that helps people energize their bodies and reach optimal health through everyday actions and activities. Visit Total Life Energy Plan booths #1221 & 1223. How to Make Natural Sugar and Flower Petal Body Scrub at Home SEMINAR Sam Morris Discover the importance of using plant-based products in skincare and beauty regimes, and how you can make DIY plant-based skin and beauty care products in your home! All ingredients and supplies necessary will be provided for attendees to make and take home an organic, plantbased, vegan/gluten-free sugar and flower petal body scrub, including an all-natural loofah.

Spirit of Change 49PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org

Sam Morris moved to the United States from England in 2016. After 10 years of making his own products, Sam jumped full-fledge into launching his unique, plantbased skin and beauty care company, Sam's Soulutions, which has grown to a line of over 50 products in just three years. Sam's Soulutions products were chosen to be the Official Sponsor for Team USA Bobsled/Skeleton Team. Sam’s Soulution’s booth #917.


u 11:00am Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience. Feeling Better Begins Here Natural Healing Center Book your stay today. Online program available (787) 868 6307 www annwigmore org Puerto Rico, US Visit booth #9 Visit Booth #912 for a FREE SESSION! Michael Doten BetterBetterCirculation.Health.BetterLife. (802) 738 2511 Mike@frequenc esforhea th com ndependent BEMER D stributor

Experience Transformative Art and Song

Charlene McCullough Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body, using the body’s reflexes to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. The body can heal itself if we remove the toxins and give the right amount of nutrients the body needs to bring about healing and health changes naturally, exactly as nature intended. Learn about how the food you eat and the products you put on your body can affect your health, and what you can do to be healthy and stay healthy.

Karen is a third year Clinical Herbalism student at Vermont Center for Integrated Herbalism. Visit Peaceful Harvest Mushrooms booth #516.


u Discover12:00pmtheNext

u Soul12:30pm&Spirit: Messages From Heaven

Isabelle Morton began studying therapeutic diamonds and gemstones in the 1980s and has since become a leader in the world of crystal healing. As the founder of the Gemstone Therapy Institute, she’s taken the field to new heights, developing effective diamond and gemstone remedies and sophisticated techniques for applying them, as well as educational programs for students of all levels. Visit Gemstone Therapy Institute booth #501. See ad page 69

Death & Beyond: The Mystic Meditation Experience

SEMINAR Karen Wiseman Medicinal mushrooms can be a powerful ally in your arsenal of natural and balanced healing. Fungi are some of our closest relatives outside of the animal kingdom, and offer us an amazing host of medicines to help us boost our immunity, fight cancers, regenerate neural networks, protect our liver and aid our respiratory system, among countless other benefits. This workshop will explore various mushroom species, how they support our health, common mushroom preparations, identification, plus answer your questions.

SALON A Isabelle Morton Healing gemstones are an ideal way to address the energetic aspects of health and wellness. Find out what’s new in crystal healing, why gemstone spheres have superior therapeutic value, and how they can enhance the health, harmony, and wholeness of your body and being. Experience the energies of three different healing gemstones, our gift to you. Learn how to open awareness, improve your Earth connection, open channels to receive and release, and overcome specific challenges in your life right now.

SALON C Alan Post We seek to understand our life experience. Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Mystics, saints, and masters have told us that the an swers to these questions are within ourselves, and that all efforts to seek them in the outer world are useless. This engaging program will help you understand the mystic journey and your divine purpose, and includes an introductory meditation practice that anyone can use on a daily basis.  Alan R. Post, DC, holds a doctoral degree in chiropractic medicine, and post-graduate certifi cation in acupuncture. He is actively involved in health care reform, both serving and present ing to numerous departments affiliated with governmental health agencies. Meditating for over 40 years, he is a contributing author to the book "Meditation as Medication for the Soul" by Rajinder Singh. Visit Science of Spirituality booth #40. See ad page 57

SALON E Edward Anthony Experience the full body tracing of Tao Calligraphy, and bask in the source light frequency and vibration. Learn how to clear negative information energy and matter with simple sacred phrases and tai ji movement. Learn about the effects of emotions and mindsets that affect the five yin yang organs related to the five elements in traditional Chinese medicine.

SALON D Dev Lingadevaru

Enjoy one hour of evidential messages of love, hope and com fort from friends and family in spirit delivered through a dedi cated duo of New England spiritual mediums. Their message is simple: love and life are eternal.

Design Your Destiny

Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience.

SALON B Lori Sheridan and Laura Wooster

Lori Sheridan is a professional medium and angel intuitive, who delivers evidential messages of love and comfort from the other side. She also teaches several classes and certifications throughout the year. Laura Wooster is a professional intuitive medium and teacher, who facilitates intuitive, psychic and mediumship development classes in New England. She also hosts The Intuitive Life program on Unity Radio.

Dev Lingadevaru is a Rajayogi for the past 30 years. He started his spiritual path with the Brahma Kumaris during his young student life back in India. He has not only learned the art of meditation, but also makes it easy for others to learn and experience. He teaches and facilitates workshops in positive thinking, managing stress and many other self-development classes. Visit Brahma Kumaris booth #1311. See ad page 73 Nutrition Response Testing

Ilene Cohn Reichman is an attorney, nutritionist, author, teacher, certified coach, speaker and trainer, an advanced energy medicine practitioner, and a doctoral candidate in natural medicine. Ilene teaches personal and business development to individuals and organizations, as well as lecturing on wellness issues such as stress reduction and surviving technological stress. Visit Magnetude booth #1312.

Karen Wiseman and her family homestead and grow mushrooms on their small farm in Worcester, VT, where they strive to contribute to a strong and vibrant community of beautiful ly skilled human beings working together in balance with each other and the environment.

50 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org

The saying “as you sow, so shall you reap” usually refers to actions we per form. Taken a step further, thoughts are the seeds of actions, and the fruit of actions is destiny. Within the realm of personal control, what should be the quality of my thinking, doing and being that it would lead one to a beautiful destiny? In this talk we explore possible ways of doing this.

Step in Crystal Healing

Your Cell Phone May Be Harming You: Protect Yourself in the 5G World DUCHESS Ilene Cohn Reichman Worldwide scientific studies show that 5G causes mental health issues, cancer, vision loss, hearing degeneration, ADHD, fertility issues, the destruction of plant life, and interference with airplane navigation. Even if you abstain from cell phones and computers, and live in a rain forest, you are impacted by 5G! This workshop will provide you with at least 10 ways to protect yourself, your family (human and fur), and your planet from the harmful effects of 5G.

Charlene brings the most advanced training in natural healing. Visit Natural Health Pathways booth #514. Medicinal Mushroom Allies

Charlene McCullough is the owner and practitioner of Natural Health Pathways located in Sudbury, MA. She is Certified and Advanced Clinically Trained, and teaches Nutrition Response Testing. She has a Masters in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport.

Edward is a certified Master Teacher at the Tao Academy in Canada. He is a Master Practitioner of Tao Song Tao Dance, an advanced Tao Healing Hands practitioner, and a Master practitioner of Tao Calligraphy. For 25 years, Edward has studied Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Vipassana, Raja meditation, and Transcendental Medita tion. He practices Tai Ji, Qigong, yoga, and meditation daily as a means to cultivate an open heart and soul for service. Visit Smiley Wellness Center booth #919.

SALON A Elizabeth Peters

John Thompson began his exploration of energy and healthy in 1976 with the first of 17 trips to the magical, mystical land of India, the same year he began practicing reflexology, Touch for Health and a powerful breathing practice known as Breath of Fire. Now, an amazingly healthy 78 years of age, he enjoys teaching others how to stay healthy and maximize their enjoyment of life. Visit Mother Earth Orgone booth #416.

Visit Our Booth 909 at the 15th Annual NATURAL LIVING EXPO at the Royal Plaza Trade Center November 12 & 13, 2022 New Books for the Mind, Body & Spirit Available at InnerTraditions.com and Wherever Books Are Sold Rochester, Vermont • 800-246-8648 • HUNDREDS OF BOOKS All 50% off!!

Spirit of Change 51PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVINGwww.naturalexpo.org

John Thompson In this entertaining and experiential presentation, you will learn import ant keys for maintaining your youth and vitality including foot and hand reflexology to energetically release bodily ailments and afflictions, how to utilize powerful breathing practices, and the amazing energy healing system Touch For Health. Learn how to use orgone energy for EMF pro tection, and how to practice the five rites from The Fountain of Youth.

u 1:00pm Guided Meditation EXECUTIVE ROOM Brahma Kumaris 30-minute guided meditation experience. u Quantum2:00pmHealing Hypnosis Technique Group Demonstration

Enjoy this fun and lighthearted way to experience the value of self-hyp nosis and the wonder of your own expansive and limitless self with a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique group demonstration. Experience a centering intention meditation, a brief visualization exercise, and then a three-part guided meditation, which includes a past life regression, meeting your guide or guardian angel, and your future life. Enjoy your own unique journey to your quantum self. Driven by a deep desire to help others, Elizabeth Peters became an RN, where she found she was able to connect with patients in a deeply intuitive way. After discovering Delores Cannon and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique to address her own health issues, Elizabeth began studying this remarkable technique to help others strengthen their natural ability to connect with their expanded self. Visit Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique booth #13. Wild Food and Medicine Are All Around SALON C Bear Crevier Learn about the wild edible and medicinal plants and mushrooms that grow all around us here in New England. You will leave with a deeper sense of wonder and curiosity about the plant and mushroom worlds that we live in. Bear Crevier is an educator, a plant and mushroom person, a nonprofit worker, a US military veteran, husband and father. Bear’s life was saved by plants on more than one occasion, and he is committed to teaching others about how im portant the wild world is around us. Bear is a practicing herbalist, and only uses medicine he makes from the wild to treat himself and his family. Visit Greater Hartford Herbalists without Borders booth # Movement and Meditation SALON E Janine Agoglia Enjoy a 30-minute all levels Vinyasa Yoga practice, followed by a 20-min ute guided meditation. A 10-minute Q & A session will complete the experience. Janine Agoglia has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1998. Her intention is to help her students stay strong, age gracefully, and be fully themselves in their practice. She owns Purple Room Yoga, an online yoga studio. Janine is also a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, and has been practicing at Integrative Therapeutics in Natick since 2003. She helps her clients achieve their health goals to be pain free and feel vibrant in their daily lives. Energy Secrets for Staying Healthy and Youthful DUCHESS

(continued)GuidedMeditation EXECUTIVE ROOM

u Drum4:00pmCircle: Spirit of the Drum TRADE CENTER EXHIBIT HALL Dave Curry Join us for this drum circle welcoming all ages and all skill levels. If you have your own drum, you're welcome to bring it along, but there will be a pile of drums and shakers to share with participants. Learn the basics of how to get a good sound from several different kinds of drums, and some basic rhythms and chants that are common to spiritually-based drumming events. Feel the deep resonance of the powerful Mother Drum. Dave Curry is the creator of Drums For One & All, which includes facilitating public events, giving workshops, teaching private lessons, giving live performances, and doing drum repairs. Dave is co-creator and organizer for the Eastern Mass Rhythm Festival, which is en tering its 18th season, and the author of two books on hand drumming. For the past 22 years, Dave has led well over a thousand drumming events at schools, churches, colleges, retreat centers, libraries and other institutions across New England.

16 thAnnual u 2:00pm Brahma 30-minuteKumarisguided meditation experience. u Pathway2:30pmtoHealing the Heart Through Divine Touch Healing

Joanna Spano, founder of Divine Touch Healing, is a spiritual teacher, counselor and healer. She has certifications and experience in Advanced DNA Theta Healing, Third Level Arcturian Healing Light, Galactic Ancestry Readings, Reiki II, Shamanism, Akashic records, and Awaken ing the Christ Consciousness intensive training in Sedona, AZ. For years she has held monthly group healings and teachings in Auburn, NH. Visit New Earth Healing booth #619. Stress, Love, Healing and Remission

52 Spirit of Change PROGRAM GUIDE2022 NATURAL LIVING www.spiritofchange.org

u Community3:30pm

PRINCESS Gail Lachs At age 49, Gail Lachs was diagnosed with a highly malignant and aggres sive brain cancer. In an instant, her life transformed from healthy, active and promising to having the remainder of her existence defined in terms of months. Learn how stress reduction practices strengthen your im mune system and gain simple daily techniques you can embrace to pre vent and reverse serious illness, as Gail shares her amazing and moving journey from diagnosis to remission, and the power of love, friendship, community and self-care that helped her to heal from a deadly, incurable condition. Gail is a certified medical laboratory scientist who has worked in diagnostic microbiology, hematology and clinical chemistry. Her passion is teaching others to better understand the human body and to improve health and well-being through good nutrition, yoga meditation and energy healing. Gail is a master level Reiki healer, intuitive medium, a Kripalu-trained 500-hour Ayurvedic Yoga instructor and the founder of Windsoul Wellness Center. Visit Wind soul Wellness Center booths #820, 822 & 921.

Cheryl Bradley was born a medium and feels most blessed when spirit channels messages of love, guidance, and above all, acknowledgment, that we do not walk alone in this lifetime. Her teachings are rooted deeply in spirit; she is simply the vessel that sees, hears, and feels their message. In addition to "A Spirit's Journey," she has also created a new curriculum with spirit titled, "Awaken to Your Dreams" which explores how and why we dream. Visit Cheryl Bradley Spiritual Medium booth #8. See ad page 39

SALON B Heather Pierson & Bernice Martin Singing in community with others is an embodiment of the universal need to connect and share with one another, and a direct path to wellness and joy. Join this gently and joyfully guided expo closing celebration circle of singing for all ages and abilities — original songs, chants, and rounds of peace, empowerment, wonder, joy, and community.

u Exhibit4:30pmHall Closes


Joanna Spano Through love, miracles take place. Out of all of the emotions, love has the greatest power to heal our hearts. Our entire body heals at an accelerat ed rate, and as we shift within, more loving experiences manifest in our lives. By working with ancient beliefs and experiences that span lifetimes, Joanna will demonstrate that sustainable relief can be gained by healing the origins of pain, often with instant results through emotional release.

A Spirit’s Journey SEMINAR Cheryl Bradley "A Spirit’s Journey" is a distinctive presentation that details a lifetime beginning with our spirit's choice to incarnate and the many decisions we make prior to our birth. The presentation continues through an entire lifetime and concludes with the dying process and our return back home. During the presentation, mini readings will take place with channeled questions from the audience.

Sing and Closing Circle Celebration

Heather Pierson is a New Hampshire-based, nationally touring performer and singer/song writer. Bernice Martin is a Maine-based singer/songwriter, licensed massage therapist and ordained community minister. Together they launched Heart Songs & Circle Songs in 2018 with the release of their first songbook and CD. Currently they lead bi-weekly community sings, song workshops, drumming circles and weekly meditations on Zoom. Their original songs have found their way into community and hospice choirs, churches, schools and hearts around the world. Visit Heart Songs & Circle Songs booth #7. See ad this page.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 53www.spiritofchange.org

Tina Marian has been a nurse since 1974, and has studied numerous techniques of energy medicine beginning in 2006. She is an expert in the art and application of EFT, provides workshops teaching EFT, and has helped hundreds of people along the way. Visit www.medicinemyway.us.

By Tina Marian

In real time, we can look for and learn from all the lessons life has to offer, and decide each day to throw out some bit of the emotional trash we have lugged around for far too long. Just like all the physical stuff you can’t take with you, in the end even those old emotions will get left behind. Why drag all that heavy trash of old, unresolved feelings all the way to your final stop, when you could have just let it go, and toted a light carry-on instead? You will not receive a medal for carrying the heaviest bag. I have a boarding ticket — my faith in letting go of those unresolved emotions. Faith is something we are born with. Babies have an innate faith they will be cared for, but that faith may be eroded along the way. We need to have faith, trust, and believe in our power source. We say, “Keep the faith,” for a reason. Travel light and let faith be your ticket to the next level.

My mother-in-law died recently. She was 92. Martha was a strong-minded and hard-working woman, who was well known and loved in her community for many years. After her own mother died, she and Don, her husband, ran Mama Taccone’s Pizzeria in Rochester, NY. A popular, family-run and family-friendly place, the restaurant was known for its homemade Italian food, fish tanks full of colorful fish, and the pictures on the wall that told a story of family and city, alike. I would watch her at work — social, friendly, making sure that all of her customers were satisfied and made to feel welcome. Her magnetic personality was as much of a draw as the pizza, which she frequently gifted people with. When someone we know or love dies, it causes us to at least stop and remember that death is the one-way bridge we all traverse, linking the time we spent wearing our body suit to wherever we go next. And that would be… Well, where exactly do we go next? This is where we can get caught up with a myriad of suppositions. Is there a judgement? A Heaven? A Hell? Did Purgatory go by way of Limbo? Edgar Cayce says that all souls will be “saved.” Some say that we return again for another round, with your choice of parents included in the deal. Some believe there is no afterlife at all; this is it. Many will disagree. The old visual of us as winged beings after we die, dressed in white, sitting on clouds and playing harps always seemed so boring to me. Perhaps this unknown is what bothers us the most. We are a species that really likes predictability. We have designed maps and compasses, and used the stars to seek direction for eons. We like certainty. And the only thing that is certain is that rich or poor, good or bad, all of us are going to cross over that bridge one day. Like it or not, our death is inevitable. Nor can you argue with, “You can’t take it with you.” Despite her best intentions, when she left, Martha could not take with her the beloved array of beautiful things she had collected over time. This begs the question: is there anything we canOnetake?thing I know is that when I arrive at the final station, I do not want to be saddled with suitcases full of old and unresolved angers, resentments, guilts, and all of that emotional trash we lug around. I would much prefer to leave here with just my lifetime of memories, starting back as far as I can remember, right up to the moment of departure, good and bad alike.

And, why the bad? Because for the most part, what we consider bad probably played an important role in a lesson that needed to be learned. So, if you follow that logic, there are only good things. We are not random creatures that just happen to arrive here for whatever reason. We are amazing, individual creations of a power we have yet to fully grasp! Once we arrive here in our body suit, it is game on from then on.

If you go to school and want to graduate, you have to take a series of prescribed classes. You would never expect to learn it all in a day. It’s an accumulation of lessons, one after the other. If you pay attention and keep your eyes open, you will graduate with high honors in life, itself — the best school of all. And, a great student understands that your life lessons are never complete. Until such day…. You may have heard at some point in your life, “Don’t die with your song unsung.” Although on an intellectual level we get that, there is something awfully haunting and compelling about it. That “song” is the very thing your soul yearns for, yet may be hindered from realizing by your own limiting beliefs. The thought that you may well die with your song unsung is kind of terrifying, isn’t it? So, I like this better: “Don’t die with your lessons unlearned,” and P.S., “Leave your trash behind.” To me that is far easier to embrace. My “song,” yet unsung, is the book to write in this lifetime. I think about it all the time. What holds me back are excuses. For now, the book can stay in my future. When the timing is right, it will happen.

54 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022


Travel Light Meet Tina Marian in person at the NATURAL LIVING EXPO in Marlborough, MA on November 12-13, 2002, at booth #41.

If I compare the way I thought in my young adult life to the way I think now, I can honestly say I like the way I think now better. Although I might be tempted to say, “I wish I knew then what I know now,” we can’t go back; we are made to evolve. We awaken to the understanding that all along the way, there are lessons, instructions, pieces to a puzzle, patches in a quilt. There are crumbs to be picked up that are meant to lead us down a path.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 55www.spiritofchange.org Yoga & Wellness Center Sattva (Susan) Daniel , CEYT seaglassyoga.com | 603.324.2394 | coachsue@seaglassyoga.com To register for classes or schedule a private session visit app.ubindi.com/Susan.Daniel Open To Your Self... with poses steeped in the teachings of masters worldwide through Svaroopa® Yoga. “Om Svaroopa Svasvabhavah Namo Namah”

56 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

Each of us have gifts to heighten, lessons to learn, and patterns to break when we are born into this life. Reincarnation is the belief that you have been born into other lifetimes before this current one, and that your past lives are active within your present one. Many believe that prior to your birth for each lifetime you meet with your spiritual guides, ascended masters and angels, and study your past lives so you can choose the gifts and weaknesses with which you will incarnate in this life. That's where you come to understand that you did not finish certain lessons in a previous incarnation. Perhaps you were jealous or angry, or simply chose not to work on an issue you had selected for that lifetime in the development of your highest energetic vibration. Sometimes it might be easier to revert to old patterns rather than learning the lessons you chose. You can decide that you don’t want to tackle those challenges or obstacles even though they present you with the best chance to grow and evolve, since you always have free will on Earth. In this pre-life meeting, you can also make choices about your parents, spouses, children, work, and health. All these details are chosen to help you master your lessons for that incarnation. When you are born into each new life, a veil is cast over your awareness so you see yourself as a blank slate, as do your family and friends. You may have moments of deja vu that will give you hints of a larger reality, but you cannot understand the entire picture of how this life is crucial to the growth of your soul. People tend to evaluate their lives as good or bad based upon the emotions or circumstances they have experienced. However, the value of a life is not sadness or success, but rather the impact upon the soul. What did you learn, how much did you progress, and how much good and kindness did you do for those who

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When you find yourself in a trying situation, look beyond the immediate circumstances and ask yourself what else you can learn from this situation. Hartley

you Artwork©RolffImages/123rf.com

Are Your Past Lives Living in Your Present? By Donna

Donna Hartley is an international inspirational speaker and renowned past life reader for over three decades. She has shared her compelling story on NBC, ABC, PBS, and in The New York Times, and is the author of the Fire Up book series. Visit www.donnahartley.com. Meet Donna in person at the NATURAL LIVING EXPO in Marlborough, MA on November 12 -13, 2022, at booth #5. Don't miss “Are Your Past Lives Living in Your Present Life?” at noon on Saturday.

Science of Spirituality is a worldwide, spiritual organization dedicated to personal transformation through meditation, under the guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. Learn to Meditate Webinars Meditation is a private retreat from the problems of the world. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Every Monday evening, 7 www.sos.org/webinars/learn-to-meditate-seriespm

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 57www.spiritofchange.org encountered? The answer to those questions will decide the quality of that life. In each life you have lessons to learn about virtues such as patience, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and self-worth. Take, for example, that you were unable to claim your power in a former life. Perhaps in seventeenth century Ireland you married a man, whom you thought would love, befriend, and provide for you, but in fact, he fell rather short. He worked hard but he came home drunk, demanding food on the table. He was emotionally unavailable to you and your children. Fast forward to the twentieth century, and you agree to marry that same man again because he has asked you to allow him to clean up those previous patterns.

It all starts well but after a few years he falls back into those same habits because they are easy; he is familiar with them. This is where you can change that energy. You file for divorce, get a job, and raise your children without him. Although he didn’t follow through with his commitment to you, you were able to complete the lessons without him. Past lifetimes also give you gifts and opportunities. You might be born with a fabulous singing voice, and over time develop that into a career because you have been an entertainer in many lives before and naturally shine in the spotlight. Perhaps you create a profession from a hobby, such as pottery because it just seems to come naturally to you. Or maybe you are born with a driving passion for a mission you feel you need to complete, such as working in the medical field. Your family does not have the funds to send you to medical school, but nothing can stop you. Your grades are good, you take out loans and graduate from medical school. You are intrigued by the new procedures and keep studying and learning. You were a physician in another life, but medical treatments were limited, and you had to watch many of your patients die. That was not going to happen in this life. Perhaps in this lifetime you work hard, but you’re always poor. That may simply be the universe helping you to complete a previous lifetime’s challenge, because in that life you were wealthy and belittled those whom you saw as beneath you. Now it’s your turn to understand how they felt. You might come into this life with a mental or physical disability or an addiction. If in another life you abused your mind and body, you must now take the steps necessary to allow yourself to flourish. Perhaps this is your entryway into some field of healing or medicine in your current lifetime. In your lifetimes, you get to experience the full spectrum of religions, genders, cultures, wealth, wisdom and health options to understand the depth of life. You have been the soldier killed on the battlefield who came to understand the futility of war, and you have been the bloodthirsty invader. You have been the widowed pioneer woman who discovered how to be a survivor to get herself and her children to the West Coast, and you have been a helpless victim of abuse. You have been an overseer on a Georgia plantation ruling by the whip, and you have lived as a minority under the oppression of prejudice and discrimination. Sometimes it can take many lives to gain awareness of a particular lesson or develop a certain quality. Daily meditation greatly speeds up this process by providing access to the intuitive information stored in your past lives. When you find yourself in a trying situation, look beyond the immediate circumstances and ask yourself what else you can learn from this situation. Life becomes easier when you learn your lessons and do not pass judgment. Instead, have patience with the situation and act with kindness. This will raise your energetic vibration. Know that no matter where you are, you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

MEDITATE Science of ILLisle,CenterMeditationInternationalSpirituality

Free online

58 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 Channeled by EVA MARQUEZ PLEIADIAN MESSAGE: YOUR STAR-SEEDED HISTORY Discover your starseed family and how to activate your cosmic DNA Artwork©RadkaSoulArt

ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS AND LOVE It all starts with acceptance and forgiveness. Can you accept that you are an extraterrestrial being having a human experience? This could be the greatest shock of your life. Do not worry; you will not shapeshift into an odd-looking alien with bulging eyes. You will still be you on the outside, but you will allow for great changes within.

Conscious energy is the energy of now, of the present time, of right now at this moment. It is not what happened in the past and it is not what will happen in the future. To experience this, you will need to slow down and stabilize yourself in the present moment. The key to this ancient teaching is to awaken your consciousness in your physical body and stabilize yourself in that energy. The best way to do this is to keep your emotions neutral as much as possible. Your mind and body will challenge you as emotions flood your awareness, but if you manage to hold yourself in a neutral energy as much as possible, you will master this stability.

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FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 59www.spiritofchange.org

The original journey to Earth began with us, the Pleiadians. You may call us ancient aliens. We hold a frequency of unconditional love within. Eventually, we also opened the opportunity for various star nations to join us. Slowly, as time went on in Earth’s realm, by natural occurrences the frequency of love was lowered to a frequency of fear, and many ancient aliens became stuck in the three-dimensional world of Earth. Over thousands of years, they gradually fell into a reincarnation cycle together with deep levels of spiritual coma, and began to believe that being human was their natural life.Does this remind you of something? Could the ancient aliens be your ancestors? Are you one of them just having a human experience over and over again?Many of you who are drawn to this message have lived with us before. You are us and we are you. Your soul remembers the times when you were an apprentice, healer, priestess, architect, or inventor. Your soul remembers the days you spent with your Atlantean tribe. Your soul also remembers the struggles and failures, the sadness and disappointment and the heartache — all of which manifest as blockages in current time. Your human energy wants to protect you from all those feelings, so it is trying hard to prevent you from rekindling the knowledge and ancient truths about yourself. The unconscious human mind just remembers the failure and feels ashamed and guilty, which induces infinite suffering if you allow it. The human is a scared animal, who is programed to survive and reproduce. A starseed human is who you really are. You are a being of light living in a human body. You have a choice to find out more about yourself — about who you truly Embracingare. the starseed within you begins with opening the door to the ancient knowledge hidden within your history. Knowledge is power. The power is hidden within the soul. The soul is infinite and the body is just a vessel, good for one lifetime. Remember the rule of the Earth body and physical creation. We can physically create only while in a physical body. We come to you and send you energy, love and information. We witness your soul transformation and assist you every step of the way. Then it is up to you as to what you will do with your physical body. We cannot interfere in your life, but when you consciously invite us in, we can assist you on your Imaginejourney.ifyour soul was capable of remembering the extraterrestrial being that you truly are, the galactic lives you led prior to your first incarnation on Earth, and all the abilities that transcend beyond the five basic human senses. Now imagine releasing all this information into your physical body. Will you embrace it or will you be afraid of it?

The body is just a vessel that gets you from one hypnotic, crazy lifetime into another. It is the soul within you that will wake from the long coma, and the second shock wave will arrive right on schedule with all the questions: What has happened to me? You may question: How could I have forgotten? How could I have agreed to so many lifetimes that brought so much terrible suffering? Where were my guides? These are all great questions. We know that forgiveness does not come easy in your realm, yet we encourage you to embark on a journey of forgiveness. When the answers start coming to you, when you learn who your star family is and where you belong, what your extraterrestrial skills are, what your other lifetimes were, who harmed you and who did you harm — always allow yourself to forgive others and forgive yourself. Holding grudges, being angry, or planning revenge does not serve you in any way. It lowers your vibration and holds you a prisoner. Practice a trinity of acceptance, forgiveness, and love that frees you from where you are right now. The next step is love. Can you love yourself the way you are? Can you embrace yourself as perfect just the way you are? Can you love without judgment and need? Love heals. Love is stronger than death. Unconditional love for all creation will illuminate your path back home. WORKING WITH CONSCIOUS ENERGY

When you start to make conscious changes in your life, for example, shifting from a poor, sad, frustrating life pattern into an abundant, Continued on page 60 Earth friendly jewelry that simply goes with you. Handmade with love in New England. kristenmara.com

Many of you have seen spaceships in the sky and perhaps you’ve had a personal UFO encounter. There are many of us surrounding Earth and holding the higher available frequency for the best outcome of future events. We cannot interfere with your physical life, for example your governments, as you would like us to do. It would be against the universal law, which we all mustFreeobey.Will


thesoulhealingwisdomhealingscience of DNA mediators


Law on Earth is part of Universal Law. Unless there is 100 percent agreement among Earth beings that we should interfere with your chain of events, we cannot come and give our assistance as regards physical changes of your world and its events, whether they are positive or negative. We love you and it emotionally hurts us to witness you suffer, yet we respect your collective decisions and keep our distance. The most precious gift we can give you is to awaken you from your hypnotic sleep. When you accept that there is more to life than what you are living, we will empower you in your transformation and shower you with clues to hidden knowledge so you will ultimately become the creator of your own Metaphoricallyfuture.speaking, we are shining a light on your path, but according to Free Will Law it is you who must walk that path. You have a choice. You always have. You have the ultimate choice to do good or evil. We, the Pleiadians, are connecting with you from the past and also from the future. The past is solidified, but the future is variable, and it is up to you what future we all will have. Everything depends on your current actions. We have a great interest in assisting you. The human body is a gift, for the human body can make physical changes in Earth’s realm. We would like you to embrace your star origins and ask yourself questions like, What changes does the Earth need? What does humanity need? How can I be of service? If you would ask us, we think that humanity needs to embrace love, compassion, and kindness for one another. We hear you, that you would like to move to another planet, that you are done with life on Earth and that you suffer so much. But what did you learn? You are still separating yourself by race, color, language, and social status. You feel betrayed by us and by God. But will you believe us when we tell you that since the days of Atlantis we have been offering assistance to you, trying to help you find your way out of the incarnational cycle? The only way you can leave Earth for good is to end your incarnational cycle by liberating yourself and finding your way back home. You can do this as an individual or with your soul family. When you do this, you leave a trail of energy for others to follow.

It is your birthright to make choices in your life! Use the knowledge to make the right choices and use love to heal all of your soul wounds.

60 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 happy life pattern, your soul might experience a temporary shock from such a change. It can cause temporary chaos and resistance because a change is intimidating to the human body. Change is like walking over a shaky, old bridge; it can be frightening. Stabilize yourself by staying in the neutral energy of your emotions. Feel neither excitement of changing nor fear of possible failure. Review what you have achieved so far. Are your goals still the same or do they need some readjustment? Believe in yourself and you will succeed. Resistance is just a form a fear. Layers of resistance exist in the upper layers of your aura. They are like a rubbery, bouncy material that literally keeps bouncing you back from achieving your goals. The way to break through that resistance is with fire in the soul. Turn your fears into fire and walk over that shaky bridge with fire in your soul.

PLEIADIAN MESSAGE: YOUR STAR-SEEDED HISTORY continued from page 59 Love is the essence of everything. Love is the universal energy that your soul has never forgotten; it connects you to your star home. Through all the incarnations when the alien within you became more human and you eventually experienced soul trauma, accepted programs of fear and control, fell into a deep spiritual coma, and were trapped in the incarnation cycle, there remained one energy that you have never been able to completely forget. It is the energy that may present the most blockages and fears for you. It is the energy of love, which creates a better tomorrow.

Excerpted from Activate Your Cosmic DNA by Eva Marquez ©2022 Bear & Company. Reprinted with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International. www.InnerTraditions.com.

CONTACT The most common question we hear is, “When will we land our spaceships on Earth?” The best answer we can give you is that we are already here. All starseeds on Earth are ambassadors of their star nation. You are the extraterrestrial beings living on Earth in human form, which is how we lived there eons ago. Some of you are our children, some of you are children of other star nations, and some of you are Thereus.have been twelve seeding races and each of them possesses special traits that are reflected in your own body as your unique skills. Some star nations mentioned below also served as portal door openers for others who might not be mentioned here. The blockage you have is that you do not believe that you have full consciousness to access the ancient wisdom, inventions, technologies, and knowledge we had. You think you need some special upgrade of your human body to be like we were when we roamed Earth. You already are like us. The special light codes you are seeking to activate are hidden within you and are activated by the frequency of love. Once you learn to hold the frequency of love within, you will have access to all you seek. Could it be that easy? Yes, it is.

You are a powerful being of light, a member of the vast stellar family, having a human experience.

Eva Marquez is a spiritual consultant, healer, teacher and writer with Pleiadian starseed ancestry. She works with her guides, Lights of the Universe, who are a collective group of light beings from various star nations. Eva teaches online workshops on starseed DNA activation and Atlantean soul healing.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 61 Going Deep Just Got Easier Newest StGermainMysterySchool.com In this guide to anchoring yourself in 5D consciousness, Maureen St. Germain explores many tools and shortcuts to help you understand and master your 5D self. Published by Inner Traditions • Bear & Company Available through your favorite booksellersBOOKS BY Har monic Egg: • Clear s Stored Emotions • Clear s Energy Bloc kages • Reduces Stress • Clear s the Mind • Aids in Sleep • Aids in Spiritual Growth • Accelerates the Body’s Natural Healing Abilities • Resets Autonomic Ner vous System 250 Commercial St., Ste 2003B, Manc hester NH 03101 DIRECTIONS: Waumbec Mill Center Entrance, 603-504-4305 • LuAnneLantz36@gmail.com

Ann woke up in the middle of the night extremely disturbed, left her husband asleep in their bed, and ran crying to call 911. She told the dispatcher that her husband was trying to kill her and she needed help immediately. Police arrived shortly thereafter, but her husband was calm. The police and Ann’s family felt she belonged in the hospital for psych evaluation. Despite being a licensed social worker and trainer, Ann knew she was imagining things that weren’t real and had reacted irrationally. She’d lost her balance. Her husband was a loving, supportive man who had never even come close to physically abusing her. For the next two years Ann was put on anti-psychotics to stop what her doctors believed to be hallucinations violent images that sometimes invaded her consciousness. A side effect of the drugs was gaining over 50 pounds and not being able to lead what she thought of as a normal life, working and attending to her husband and son. Her inner life felt blunted while she was on the medication.However, during her first hospital stay Ann also experienced the spark of divinity within her — her own God-self. It came to her as the voice of Jesus Christ. So, Ann was drawn to read books that reinforced her notion that she, like others, can have a direct connection to the God-self. She practiced connecting often. Fearlessly compelled, she started writing what came to her through this direct connection — channeling God. All the while, she still wondered if she was crazy. After Ann’s second (and last) hospitalization she felt the drugs, themselves, were actually causing an overlay of more disturbance. Under responsible supervision by an integrative psychiatrist, she began withdrawing from the medication. Distinct memories she had previously locked in her subconscious then arose of how her father had tried on several occasions to murder her mother. Ann then realized: “My initial disturbance when I called the police was that memory coming forward in my consciousness, but in a distorted way, with no reference to time. It wasn’t my husband trying to murder me; it was the trauma of being a young child and seeing my father attempting to murder my mother. And my mother always acted as if nothing bad had ever happened. It was surreal. She was in denial and passed that on to me and my brother.”

As Ann’s mind became clearer and she systematically mined her memories, she also became aware of times she had perceived Jesus Christ close to her during other traumatic events early in childhood. She wanted to reclaim and validate the memories, as well as the emotions embedded in her that had not been safe to express in childhood with her parents. She was now weaving together the life story that was real for her, a story of both profound spiritual connection and profound trauma, a story that had stretched her emotionally, spiritually and mentally to the breaking point.Ann now knows she had a spiritual emergency — a psychospiritual crisis that chaotically mixes flashbacks to past trauma with profound spiritual experiences. Unfortunately, nurses and doctors are not conventionally trained to recognize or support someone in such emergencies. With compassion they give medication to relieve the patient from what appears to be selfdefeating hallucinations. They typically have no other resources to provide and don’t have time to listen to the patient’s personal story to reach the real causes of disturbance.

By Emma Bragdon, PhD


62 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022


When consideredotherexperienceyourisnotacceptedasrealornotvisibletopeopleandamarkofmentalillness,thenitcanseemsafertoburyit.

Continued on page 64

People experiencing spiritual emergency today are not finding adequate support from conventional healthcare providers. Yet, there are more positive outcomes when experiencers get adequate support: deeper peace, profound self-acceptance, lack of depression and anxiety, expanded consciousness, profound knowing of our reason for being alive, increased empathy and ability to intuit other’s problems as a medical intuitive, even heal at a distance. However, it can be challenging to find qualified support people to help integrate these experiences in order to reach that positive outcome. While online groups can provide a base for people to find others who feel destabilized by profound spiritual experiences often mixed with anxiety, depression and/or strong physical sensations, there remain personal questions that cannot always be answered by peers online: Is this energetic tremor moving up my back a sign

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 63www.spiritofchange.org The Largest, Most Complete New Age Store in the Salem Area Books ▲ Tarot ▲ Crystals ▲ Jewelry Incense ▲ Dream Catchers and Other New Age Gifts Licensed Professional Readers Daily Psychic Phone Readings Available Located at 214 Derby Street in Historic Salem, MA (Opposite Pickering Wharf) 978-745-7171 ~ 978-741-3224 fax PyramidBooks, Inc. ~Tools for personal growth~ SacredHealingResonance Reiki Master/Teacher B ena Phillipo Holy Fire III, Karuna Reiki Master/Practitioner Teacher Craniosacral Practitioner EM Level 4 Practitioner Geobiology Land Clearing We offer 60-or 90-minute sessions of Reiki, EM (Eminus Mirus), or Craniosacral therapy. You can request to have a single modality used in a session or let your body decide what it needs. On Site Holy Fire III Reiki Classes Holy Fire III, Reiki I & II Class - April 15th & 16th, 2023 Holy Fire III, Master/Teacher Class - May 12th - 14th, 2023 Holy Fire III, Karuna Master Class - June 9th - 11th, 2023 Geobiology Land Clearings Certified Geobiology Land Clearing Practitioner, using quantum tools, light, sound vibration and Sacred Geometry to restore Mother Earth’s original blueprint, releasing her stress in a very gentle way. www.SacredResonanceHealing.com | facebook.com/SacredResonanceHealingBena@SacredResonanceHealing.com|508-303-0366

Emma Bragdon, PhD, is the Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU), which she founded in 2013. She wrote two of the first books on spiritual emergency and coordinated two invited conferences for professionals at Esalen Institute in 1985 to define spiritual emergency and the best ways to manage such a crisis. Dr. Bragdon maintains a private practice in Vermont and can be reached at EB@IMHU.org.

Can I assume all energy workers are skilled in helping me through this? Maybe I need a psychiatrist?

Other ways that spiritual emergencies might manifest include experiencing the presence of ancestor spirits, acknowledging past lives in ourselves and our loved ones, experiencing our own divinity, or seeing and feeling auras and energy fields. Memories of being abused as a child previously tucked away in the unconscious may suddenly become real. When we don’t have a cognitive framework for these experiences or we are told, “That never happened — or couldn’t happen,” overwhelm can set in. Unpacking years of denial in ourselves or our parents and ancestors is no simple task, nor is finding the real truth. Fear easily steps in since most of us were taught early that unusual spiritual experiences like talking to a spirit guide should — at best — only be spoken about as a fireside ghost story — or worse — understood as proof of mental illness. When your experience is not accepted as real or not visible to other people and considered a mark of mental illness, then it can seem safer to bury it.


Healing the Split: Integrating Spirit Into Our Understanding of the Mentally Ill by John Nelson, MD. 1994. SUNY Press.

According to psycho-spiritual emergency researcher Steve Taylor, PhD, most of these crises are caused by stress after the loss of a loved one or job, a health or financial setback, confusion over a major decision like a career choice, loneliness, domestic abuse, daily overwhelm, or, like Ann, uncovering trauma from the past. Various forms of meditation, yoga or psychedelics can also expose one to dimensions of their reality that may cause overwhelm. One or more of these can tip the scales, causing us to lose our balance or judgment for a time as Ann did when she called 911.

• American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE) trains professionals and offers a support directory at https://aciste.org/support-directory/.

These kinds of overwhelming experiences deeply challenge our sense of identity.

of kundalini rising or blocked energy left from trauma? Can my yoga instructor help me resolve my problem or do I need a trauma-informed psychotherapist?

“Crazywise”FILM/VIDEO Feature length film. https://crazywisefilm.com/ “Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening” TedTalk by Phil Borges. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFtsHf1lVI4

All things vibrate at a specific level. Match that level and you can explore different realities. Spiritual emergence moves us dramatically towards these new realities. While the wonders of modern medicine’s pharmacy and technology can provide miraculous healing, we can also add knowledge of consciousness itself, and a blissful connection to the source of our being as extraordinary resources for being more whole. Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof and his wife, Christina, started the first Spiritual Emergency Network in 1980. These pioneers recognized the need to have a shared language about these experiences to help us differentiate phenomena of spiritual awakening from symptoms of mental illness, and offer supportive connections. As a result of their initiative there are more resources for support today.


Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Clinical Practice by Cassandra Vieten, PhD and Shelley Scammell, PsyD. 2015. New Harbinger.

• International Spiritual Emergence Network gives contact information of offices throughout the world for qualified counselors in their regions at https://spiritualemergencenetwork.org.

Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis by Stanislav Grof, MD, and Christina Grof. 1989. TarcherPerigree. A Sourcebook for Helping People in Spiritual Emergency by Emma Bragdon, PhD. 1988 & 2006. Lightening Up Press.

Experiencers ask themselves: “Can I accurately perceive reality? Am I crazy? Will my family and friends still love me if I tell them what I’m experiencing? Will they think I’m crazy? Should I talk to a psychiatrist? Should I take medications to stop these


• FiresideProject.org offers a psychedelic peer support line. All volunteers are rigorously trained and can be reached 7 days a week.

64 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

hallucinations? Who can I trust as a support person?” Along with these deep questions often comes a need for time out — to stop work, cut back on household chores and childcare, reflect on what in our heart of hearts is true, and sort out our next steps in life. We might use that time to ask ourselves, “Do I want to confront the person who abused me earlier in my life? Do I want to read about those who talk to the dead or about esoteric Yogic philosophy? Do I want to take a course on mediumship?”

• spiritualemergenceanonymous.org is based on 12-step programs. The support people are laypeople who have had personal experience and some success in finding balance again. The site makes no claim that the sponsors are qualified to work with profoundly destabilizing issues.

BOOKS The Call of Spiritual Emergency: From Personal Crisis to Personal Transformation by Emma Bragdon, PhD. 1990 & 2013 HarperSanFrancisco & Lightening Up Press.

• SpiritualAwakeningsInternational.org trains facilitators and offers online support groups led by them.

The Stormy Search for the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth through Transformational Crisis by Stanislav Grof, MD, and Christina Grof 1992. Jeremy P. Tarcher.


We are living in a time that yogic sages call the transition into the Dwapara Age. In that age it is said that more people will see auras and energy fields, communicate through mental telepathy, and elevate consciousness into direct communication with the divine. It is a transformative age, an Atomic Age, when medicine, psychiatry, and all the sciences will integrate more fully the essence of what Einstein summed up 100 years ago: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening by Steve Taylor, PhD. 2017. NewWorld Library.

• Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU) trains Spiritual Emergence Coaches® and provides an international directory at https://imhu.org/coaching/directory.

SOHUM Yoga and Meditation is an online platform. Ritu Kapur is an Occupational Therapist and E-RYT. She offers a variety of classes, workshops and in-person Yoga retreats. www.SOHUM.org. Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti, CYT. Over 30 years experience Iyengar yoga. 508-829-6300. worcesteryogacenter.com. Yoga Anita. "Calm the mind, stretch the body, invigorate the spirit." Yoga and meditation. Online or in-person, Leominster/Central Mass. area. Books & podcasts. yogaanita.com. 978-227-8297.

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 65www.spiritofchange.org

ANIMAL SERVICES MASH Integrative Veterinary Care, since 1982. Dr. Margo Roman & Associates. 508-435-4077. Hopkinton, MA. MashVet.com. CRYSTALS Portal Crystal Gallery, 489 Mass. Ave, Arlington Center, MA. Open 7 days 1-4pm. Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com.617-771-5119.

PAIN RELIEF Pat Lebau, MA, ERYT-500, Kripalu Yoga teacher, offers Integrated Positional Therapy PatLebauyoga.com.sessions. READINGS Nancy Smith, spiritual medium and Akashic life readings. 978-835-0005. www.angelscapes.net. Astrologer Eric Linter, over 35 years experience. Readings, classes, daily forecast. stars@ericlinter.com.

DOWSING Discover the science of dowsing. Self-instructional DVD's, books, home of the Original Cameron Aurameter. 805-649-5721. www.dowsing.com. EMF PROTECTION The Rejuvenizer®, protection from EMFs and other damaging frequencies. Strengthens the immune www.lighthealing.com.system.512-301-2999.

DATING Our amazing members value spiritual growth, yoga, meditation and sustainable living. 21 years online! Meet your soulmate. www.SpiritualSingles.com.

REIKI Holy Fire III Training. Women of Wisdom. Katie Malloy Ramaci. Holy Fire III Advanced/RMT. Womenofwisdominc.com.508-230-3680. Libby Barnett, MSW, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher and author. 41 years Reiki experience. www.reikienergy.com.603-654-2787CEU’s. Northeast Reiki Center. Extraordinary Reiki Training. northeastreikicenter.org.508-808-5696.

SPIRITUAL GOODS Mystical Banners. Hand painted wall hangings and altar cloths. Sacred symbols, angels, mantras and mandalas. Divine designs with a magickal https://www.etsy.com/shopMysticalBannerstwist!.

YOGA FrogPong Yoga Centre in Princeton, MA. Classes in the tradition of Raja Yoga for all levels of practitioners. 200 and 500hr classes are ongoing. frogpondyoga.org. Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324. Yoga all lev els, Hatha, Asthanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (Yoga Alliance). 508-697-3273. mahayogacenter.com


HOMEOPATHY Abby Beale, CCH. Certified in classical homeopathy. Online and in person. Homeopathy relieves HomeopathyHealings.comsymptoms.

9/1 — HOW TO WORK WITH A SINGLE THERAPY DIAMOND ONLINE COURSE. Support personal transformation in yourself and others using the power of Therapy Diamonds to awaken inner blueprints of optimal health. You will also get a $1000 credit toward the purchase of a Therapy Diamond. (860) 646-3063. customerservice@gemformulas.com. Register https:// gemstonetherapyinstitute.org/.

10/1 — 3rd ANNUAL STURBRIDGE HERBFEST. Classes, vendors, food! Join us on the Sturbridge Common, Rt 131, MA. 9:30-4:30. For more info or vendor applications con tact Salli Greene at Alternatives for Health. (508) 347-2111 or sargreene@gmail.com. www.sturbridgeherbfest.com.

10/7-10/9 — USUI REIKI RYOHO 1ST & 2ND DE GREE TRAINING WEEKEND. Nicholas Pearson, author of Foundations of Reiki Ryoho, visits from Florida to lead this weekend training in person in Methuen, MA. Register and info www.circlesofwisdom.com. (978) 474-8010. 10/12 — HEALING AND STRENGTHENING THE KNEES: GROUP REMOTE DIAMOND AND GEM STONE THERAPY SESSION. In this session, we’ll make sure the knees are well nourished, strengthened, and hydrated, and clear of unwanted energy. Join us whether you have knee issues or want to avoid them. (860) 646-3063. customerservice@gemformulas.com. Register https://gemstonetherapyinstitute.org/.

OCTOBER RE-EARTHING, for all, is a 7-month journey to con nection and soulful community, and ANIMA TERRA, for women, a year-long journey of wild descent and soul emergence. Beginning in October. Details at www. spirithollow.org.

9/17 — FERMENTATION WORKSHOP WITH KAREN MASTERSON at Sweet Autumn Farm, 180 Prospect St., Carlisle, MA. Learn why fermented foods are so import ant to your diet and how to make it an easy, nutrient dense addition to what you are already doing. It will be fun and informative! Email herbstudies@gmail.com or visit www.bostonherbalstudies.com for more info.

10/4 — LYME PRACTITIONER TRAINING WITH TOMMY PRIESTER. Online. 6 Tuesday evenings 6:00-9:00pm, meeting every 2 weeks starting October 4. This class is designed to help people of all walks understand and address Lyme disease and co-infections in an effective and comprehensive way. Email herbstudies@gmail.com or visit www.bostonherbalstudies.com for more info.


10/3/22 - 2/6/23 - SPIRITUAL DREAM DEVELOPMENT CIRCLES. Free monthly virtual meetings. Are you curious about dreams? Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of why we dream or how to interpret them? Contact cherylbradley.com

66 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022

10/3 — FENG SHUI HEALTH: FIND HEALTH SOLU TIONS IN YOUR HOME . Are you having health issues that you can’t seem to resolve? Work with the energy around your space to change the impact on your health. Learn more and sign up at www.wonderspacefengshui. com/heal. 7pm-8pm: Zoom . Cost: $11. roomfullofwonder@gmail.com

10/14 — COLOR RAY HEALING LEVEL 1 ONLINE COURSE. Take charge of your healing journey by learning how to shift the color spectrums that un derlie any condition, and how to evaluate a person’s main color ray. Color-Ray Healing Practitioner certi fication available. (860) 646-3063. customerservice@ gemformulas.com. Course includes video instruction, live coaching call, study guides, quizzes. Register https://gemstonetherapyinstitute.org/. 10/15 — REIKI LEVEL II TRAINING. Learn advanced Japanese Reiki techniques for purification, distance healing, and spiritual growth. Receive a 47-page manual, practitioner certificate and lots of guided in-class practice. (508) www.northeastreikicenter.org808-5696,

9/30-10/2 — LEARN TO PLAY MUSIC IN A WEEKEND! With The Understanding of Music Seminar online. World famous seminar (www.understandingofmusic.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. (781) 599-1476. https://signup.understandin gofmusic.com or sallee@understandingofmusic.com

10/6 — HERBS AND AROMATICS WEBSITE LAUNCH. The Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies is excited to announce the launching of our new website and online aromatherapy course — an introduction to essential oils, teaching the many ways they keep us healthy while reducing stress, and providing balance! We invite you to join the celebra tion with a free online workshop, “Essential Oils for Winter Health," and 10% off our new online inter active aromatherapy course! Visit our new website HerbsAndAromatics.org and enter the coupon code AromaLaunch to obtain your discount! Be part of our community @HerbsandAromaticson Facebook and Instagram to continue learning and exploring the many benefits of essential oils!

9/24 — REIKI LEVEL I TRAINING. Learn to use the healing life energy of the universe to heal yourself, others, pets and to thrive in stressful times. Receive a 43-page manual, practitioner certificate and lots of guided in-class practice. (508) 808-5696, www.northeastreikicenter.org

9/14 — HEALING BETRAYAL AND BROKEN TRUST: GROUP REMOTE DIAMOND AND GEMSTONE THER APY SESSION. Learn about the common energetic ef fects of betrayal and broken trust to help you heal these hurtful experiences more quickly and completely. Leave the session ready to see new relationships with fresh eyes. (860) 646-3063. customerservice@gemformulas. com. Register https://gemstonetherapyinstitute.org/.

9/1 — GEMSTONE THERAPY LEVEL 1 ONLINE PROGRAM. Experience the deep healing results you in tuitively know are possible from gemstones but haven’t been able to achieve using common crystals or pocket rocks. Enjoy learning in the comfort of your home and meet with peers in online group coaching sessions. (860) 646-3063. customerservice@gemformulas.com. Register https://gemstonetherapyinstitute.org/.

ECK LIGHT AND SOUND SERVICES ON ZOOM spon sored by the Massachusetts Satsang Society on the first and third Sunday of the month starting at 11am. Check eckinmass.org for monthly themes or contact Mark at resa_in_ma@yahoo.com.


beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. (www.understandingofmusic.com). (781) 599-1476. Register understandingofmusic.com/sign-upform/ or sallee@understandingofmusic.com.

10/ 23 — AROMATHERAPY LEVEL ONE WITH LINDA PATTERSON at Sweet Autumn Farm, Carlisle, MA. An introduction to aromatherapy and essential oils. This class is 4 full days (10am-5pm) one month apart. 11/13, 12/4, 1/ 23/23. We will discuss body systems, blending and working with the oils. https://www.bostonherbalstudies.comVisitfor more info. NOVEMBER 11/9 — FINDING FREEDOM FROM UNHEALTHY HABITS: GROUP REMOTE DIAMOND AND GEM STONE THERAPY SESSION. We’ll work with gem stones that soothe and nourish the emotions, so they’ll be more likely to express themselves positively. You’ll also get direct support for the patterns underlying the habit you want to address. (860) 646-3063. customer service@gemformulas.com. 11/11 – PROTECT YOURSELF BY INSTALLING HEALTHY BOUNDARIES. Learn how to identify the percent boundaries you currently have with the speech and actions of someone you need to estab lish boundaries with. Discover techniques to access and release energy frequencies that prevents you for installing 100% healthy boundaries. Register at awell thyyou.com 11/12-11/13 — 15TH ANNUAL SPIRIT OF CHANGE MAGAZINE NATURAL LIVING EXPO. Royal Plaza Trade Center. 181 Boston Post Road West, Marlboro, MA. Saturday 9-6; Sunday 9:30-4:30. Featuring 200 exhibits, 50 workshops, readings, shopping and fun. Enjoy the healthy indoor and outdoor food courts for delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner meals throughout the weekend. Too much to see and do in one weekend! Plan to attend both days! www.NaturalExpo.org.

GENTLE KRIPALU YOGA ZOOM CLASSES. With Pat Lebau, professional level Kripalu Yoga teacher. M, W, TH at 10:30am. Gentle Zoom Yoga for Plantar Fasciitis on TH at noon. Donation-based payment via Paypal or Venmo. PatriciaLebau@gmail.com or 508-393-5581. www.PatLebauYoga.com.

BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES. Arlington and Lincoln, MA. Affordable, evening and weekend classes, Aromatherapy Certification Courses, Herbal Apprenticeship Programs and Advanced Training. Call (781) 646-6319 or see bostonherbalstudies.com.

UPCOMING 1/27-1/29 — READ & PLAY MUSIC in a weekend! World famous seminars now live online! The Under standing of Reading and Playing Music Seminar turns

11/12 — Experience a chi reactivation meditation with an acoustic carpet ride to realign your body from cell to soul through the power of sound with Holly Eden Morrow, 5pm, at the Natural Living Expo, Marlboro, MA. See 11/12 listing or visit www.NaturalExpo.org. — HERBS AND ENTHEOGENS FOR BRAIN HEALTH AND FUNCTION - AND HOW TO USE THEM RIGHT with Guido Mase. Going well beyond ginkgo, we'll explore how herbs can impact our abil ity to think clearly, remember well, and stay focused, both in microdoses and at therapeutic levels. Visit https://www.bostonherbalstudies.com for more info.

HERBS AND AROMATICS (formerly The Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies) offers live certification classes in the: Introduction to European based Aromatherapy beginning in: Sturbridge 10-22, Carlisle 10-23. Aromatherapy Level II Advanced Blending beginning in: Lincoln 1-28-23, Sturbridge 2-25-23. Goat's milk soap making in Stur bridge 9-25. For more information contact HerbsAndAromatics@gmail.com

3/24-26 — JAHC 2023 JOINT AMERICAN HOMEOPATH IC CONFERENCE. Homeopathy for all. Join for one day or all three, virtual or in person at Holiday Inn San Antonio Riverwalk. Registration opens Dec 2022. www.JAHC.info. 4/26-4/30 — THE 28TH ALL & EVERYTHING INTER NATIONAL LIVE AND ONLINE HUMANITIES CONFER ENCE. The ALL and Everything International Humanities Conference is an international forum for the presen tation and discussion of studies associated with the exploration of G. I. Gurdjieff’s work and legacy and in particular his writings. Register at www.aandeconference.org. ONGOING DAILY FREE GUIDED COMMUNITY PRACTICE online through Cambridge Health Alliance Center for Mind fulness and Compassion. Over 20 teachers offering ses sions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. See schedule and register at www.chacmc.org/connect or (617) 591-6132.

2/23-2/25 — 15TH ANNUAL ANNIE APPLESEED PROJ ECT COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE CANCER THERAPIES CONFERENCE. Held at the Embassy Suites in West Palm Beach, FL. Register today! (561) 749-0084. www.anniappleseedproject.org 3/19-3/19 —THE JOY SOURCE'S 12TH ANNUAL WOM EN'S JOY WEEKEND, Ashworth Hotel, Hampton, NH. Join Julie McGrath as she hosts this uplifting weekend full of engaging workshops, inspiring speakers and an amazing joy vibe to last for weeks after the event! De tails at www.JulieMcGrath.com.

LEARN TO MEDITATE WEBINARS WITH SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY. Free online Monday evening at 7pm. “Meditation is a private retreat from the problems of the world.” Sant Rajinder Singh www.sos.org/webinars/learn-to-meditate-series.Ji.

10/20 — STOP UNCONSCIOUS SELF-SABOTAGE. Learn how to easily identify and root out unconscious subliminal messages streaming to your conscious awareness, that causes you to self-sabotage. Discover techniques to access and release energy frequencies that causes you to do the opposite of what you con sciously know to do. Register at awellthyyou.com

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 67www.spiritofchange.org


TRADITIONAL JAPANESE USUI REIKI TRAINING Learn to use the healing life energy of the universe to thrive in life. Heal yourself, others, pets. Receive illustrated manual, practitioner certificate and lots of guided in-class practice. (508) 808-5696, www.northeastreikicenter.org



tracks for

AstrologicalCentersConsultingChanges in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better under stand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.” Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appear ances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call: stars@ericlinter.com X 508-541-4115 X “I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.”- J.G., Cambridge, MA ? Questions? hasEricAstrologerLinteranswers. Classes, Certifications & Schools Change Through Empowerment Rev. Kristen Stone is an Intuitive Psychic and Spiritual Medium. Rave reviews describe her as “connected and gifted” and having “an uncanny ability to zone right into your energy.” Her readings are profound, accurate and get to the root of the soul’s need to heal.Illuminating Light Healing Center • Universal Readings: Psychic, Mediumship, Oracle & Tarot Cards • Healing Modalities: Usui, Karuna, Holy Fire, and Kundalini Reiki. New Paradigm M.D.T. • Mentoring/Coaching Programs: Intuitive, Conscious Living Coaching to guide you to your Soul-Purpose. www.illuminating-light.com • 508-818-0675 57 West Main Street, Unit 4, Norton, MA, 02766 NEW ENGLAND’S Holistic Di rec tor y HOLISTIC HEALING CENTER Usui, Holy Fire, Karuna Reiki Hypnotherapy G Crystal Healing Past Life Regression Integrated Energy Therapy Akisni G Inner Child Healing SCHOOLS OF WISDOM Holistic Practitioner and Professional, Earth Medicine, Angel Alignment, Wicca Akashic Soul Mastery, Hypnotherapy, Mediumship, and Animal Communication; Training for Reiki, IET, Gaiadon Heart, etc., plus workshops daily GIFT SHOP Unique Jewelry G Healing Tools G Statues Crystal Bowls G Ritual Items G Angels Mediums or Psychic Readings Hours: M-F 10 am-8 pm, S/S 10 am-6 pm 118 Washington Street, N. Easton, MA womenofwisdominc.com508-230-3680 Celebrating27+ Years! Women of Wisdom NEW ENGLAND’S Holistic Di rec tor y 68 Spirit of Change FALL/WINTER 2022 ~ Now teaching throughout New England ~ www.walkinbalance.com v 508-317-3044 v v Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques strengthen foun dations and create a balanced treatment style v NCBTMB provider Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! New UniversalReflexologyInstituteEnglandof&Studies Herbal Apprenticeships ❖ Advanced Training Ongoing Classes, Medicinal Plant Walks For information on all our classes, see www.bostonherbalstudies.comArlington,MA ❖ 781.646.6319 A FFORDABLE HERBAL EDUCATION THROUGHOUT THE YEAR ❖ Intensive Seven Month Herbal Apprenticeships ❖ Advanced Training – Levels two and three ❖ Aromatherapy Certification – Two Levels ❖ Lyme Disease Practitioner Training HERBAL CLASSES October 4 - Lyme Practitioner training webinar with Tommy Priester; October 15, 16 - Herbs and Entheogens for Brain Health and Function with Guido Mase; October 23 - Aromatherapy Level One with Linda Patterson; Nov 6Mushroom workshop with Rachel Goclawski.

The Acupressure Therapy Institute (ATI) offers a comprehensive professional training Asian Bodywork Therapy, specifically Acupressure Shiatsu, separate Tuina and Medical/Clinical Qigong Asian Bodywork Therapy is a healing profession that emphasizes balancing the body’s energy or “Qi” on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Traditional Chi nese Medicine, Japanese Shiatsu and Classi cal Acupuncture Theory are the foundation for assessment skills and treatment planning. Acupressure Shiatsu is a blend of Acu pressure (which puts more emphasis on specific acupressure points in treatment) and Shiatsu (which focuses on balancing the channels/meridians). Tuina techniques are used to treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal (orthopedic) and internal organ disorders by opening stag nant meridian channels and encouraging the flow of qi into deficient areas. Medical/Clinical Qigong refers to a wide series of therapeutic methods, includ ing breath training, psychosomatic exer cises, meditation, and guided visualizations that direct the practitioners to create a place of health and balance in their clients. Adjunct Therapies include, but are not limited to, magnet therapy, moxibustion, cupping, herbal plasters, liniments and cor rective exercises such as Sotai and Qigong. Graduates of this program will be profession al practitioners capable of assessing, evaluating, treating and following the care of the individual. The aim is to develop not only technical exper tise but also self-development as a healer. We wish our graduates to be healers in the global sense, able to foster peace and health within themselves in order to share it with others. ATI is now accepting applications for our 2023-24 Professional Asian Bodywork Therapy training program. To learn more and apply visit our website or contact: Lauren Paap, President/Director Hello@AcupressureTherapyInstitute.com(617)942-1271317NorthMainStreet,Natick,MA01760 www.AcupressureTherapyInstitute.com


The Free Universal Spirit is the teaching of the love for God and Neighbor Toward People, Nature and Animal Spiritual Books to learn from and attain ethical moral values Critical Commentary — FREE! “Who Are the Good Guys? Who, the Bad?” Every war is based on lies and half-truths. Has war ever brought peace? What interests are behind a world politics that divides into only good and bad? www.Gabriele-Publishing-House.com Toll-Free Order No.: 1-844-576-0937 Coaching Coaching Classes, Certifications & Schools At the Gemstone Therapy Institute, you’ll find both medicinal-grade therapy tools and an alternative-healing school offering meaningful and scientificallybased beginner to advanced training in Diamond and Gemstone Therapy. Join a circle of well-connected individuals who understand the art, science and transformative potential of gemstone healing in a world where an energy-based approach has become both accepted and essential for overall health and well-being. We can show you how to use diamonds and gemstones to get deep and meaningful healing results, so you can transform your life and fulfill your potential. Online classes available!Ourfounder, Isabelle Morton, was the original visionary for Diamond Therapy and Gemstone Therapy in 1987. She is the go-to expert on gemstones, how they work, and how to receive their benefits. LearnGem.org • education@gemformulas.com860-646-3063 www.spiritofchange.org FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 69 Formerly The Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies Linda Patterson brings 30 years of teaching HerbsAndAromatics.orgexperience @HerbsAndAromatics Live ongoing Certification Courses offered throughout NE Herbal PalmistryAdvancedEuropean-BasedcertificationAromatherapyEssentialOilBlendingasatoolofdiagnosisFormoreinformationemail: HerbsAndAromatics@gmail.com New Online Course and Website Launch October 6th! Colon ConsciousnessHydrotherapyTransformation

Stop by booth # 1112 at the LivingNaturalExpo.

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• Eastern Philosophy-Using the mind to heal the body.

in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment. Stephanie Dumas I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA stephanie@healthyspiritcleansing.com781-860-5116 Advaita (Nonduality) is a philosophical and spiritual tradition of self-realization. We look to both eastern and western teachers for inspiration. From our students: • How do you stay calm in this busy life? The center has given me the tools to do just that. • There has been no greater blessing in this life than finding the path of Advaita and the amazing people who journey together on it! • Introductory class in Advaita starts each January, April and September. • Open Meditation every Wednesday evening throughout the year. • Sanskrit classes for all student levels. • And more! See our website for full details. advaitameditation.org 28 Worcester Lane Waltham MA 781-647-002002451 Email: info@advaitameditation.org BETTE R TOOL S FO R WORK AND LIFE Advaita Med i t at ion Center ® BETTER TOOLS FOR WORK AND LIFE Advaita Med i t at ion Center ® Imagine a world where you: k Follow your inner guidance k Take empowered actions k Fulfill your soul’s destiny k Live in your purpose Join Carolyn to Create Your Own Sacred Haven k Where reality and imagination come together k Filled with magic, mystery and awe that inspires a life of ease and flow k And allows your soul’s energy to guide you confidently and gracefully to your heart’s desires. When you live in your own Sacred Haven, you discover the power of nature’s cycles and create an authentic life that lights you up. Start your journey now and get your free soul clarity http://bit.ly/IntuitionGiftgift! www.CarolynMcGee.com Carolyn McGee k Sacred Haven Living Guide k Intuition Coach & Teacher I could tell you that our World-Class Health Coaching Concierge Service will be the most effective Wellness program you’ll ever use, but I won’t. I’ll let you discover it for yourself. This Bio-Individualized Program was created to reflect your commitment to your personal well-being AND to save you time, energy, stress and trial &

Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit Experience colon hydrotherapy error while getting you to the health goals that you’ve been striving for! The all-inclusive package has EVERY THING you’ll need to get started for your Energy, weight loss, anti-aging and perfor mance goals. Get ready for 4 months of world-class 1-to-1 health education via tele-health with a certified level-2 IHP Health Coach. Our clinically proven approach is derived from these seven successful modalities of Integra tive Health:

• Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbalism – Unlocking Nature’s Healing Wisdom

Barbara Madden Johnson, MA, CAGS, LPC 617-484-1716 u UcanEmerge@aol.com

From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others. I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Tech niques, Therapeutic Movement & Psycho therapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you.

Counseling and Therapy

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. — Chinese Proverb



Client Comments: s Sandtray –“Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.” s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement –“It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 508-828-0820


Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration

Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Classes As an LCSW I’ve Imagination: Jungian Dreamwork Jungian Shadow Work 3. Active JourneyingImagination/Shamanic Connecting to the Divine Feminine Astrology Classes beginning in Fall 2022 1. The Goddess and the Zodiac 2. Dream Groups – online and in person in southern RI Cathy is a Jungian psychotherapist, soul coach and astrologer, as well as a teacher and author of a book on the Return of the Goddess: Wisdom’s Daughters: How Women Can Change the World. www.cathypagano.com

email: info@cathypagano.com PAGANOCATHY, MA, CEC. Jungian Therapy & AstrologicalCoaching Consultations Author of “Why Me? Why Now? WHY NOT? Finding opportunity in your obstacles.” Dr. Trish Whynot’s approach is a blending of personal growth and spiritual wisdom incorporating ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, meditative tech niques, and wise guidance that comes through the Mineral Kingdom. G Get to the root of physical, social

Counseling and Therapy Consciousness Transformation

Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help all humans make theshift into the higher levels of consciousness. Readings with Vywamus cover your life work, relationships, past lives, and other issues with his characteristic warmth, humor, and practical advice. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutor ing help you personally evolve and begin to live in a state of higher consciousness.

Evenings with Vywamus: Enjoy discussion evenings with Vywamus, contact Andrea for next dates. For information, contact Andrea at www.andreaseiver.com617-332-1541


Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of CORE Education 2022

Barbara brings a rich blend of deep experience as a clinician, clinical supervisor, college administrator, and professor. She helps individuals resolve health issues, including learning disabilities, dyslexia, immune and auto-immune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and depression, as well as issues relating to career, identity, relationships, and more recently, gender identification.

Available Now! The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness A Vywamus Book Read more at www.andreaseiver.com

www.facebook.com/CathyPaganosWisdomSalon and financial problems. G Learn approaches to living and loving that expect opportunities even during challenging times. G Thrive on the wisdom, compassion and understanding gained from life experi ences and open to an array of extraordi nary futures. “What impressed me about Dr. Trish Whynot was her ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of any problem.” — Bob Olson, Afterlifetv.com Workshops and Sessions Available In Office, Phone or Skype Pittsfield and Windham, trish@trishwhynot.comNH www.TrishWhynot.com G 978-314-4545

always believed that therapy should be an enjoyable experience that suits different needs. No “one size fits all” or use of the “therapy couch”. Instead I offer a variety of creative and unique healing experiences to address body, mind and spirit; tailoring each session to best suit YOU and meet you where you are on your healing journey. I do not have a physical office and see Maine residents for therapy in nature in the Harpswell and LEVASSEURKAREN Owner of The Art of Healing Emotions, LLC and Remote Energy Healing, LLC Brunswick area. As a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner I also provide energy healing sessions via video call to clients living anywhere. Clinical services: • Walk and Talk Therapy: Allow yourself to move forward in life as you move along the walking path. • Ecotherapy: Immerse yourself in the outdoors as you learn from nature’s therapist; Mother Earth. Energy sessions: • The Emotion Code: Identify and release the energy of trapped emotions allowing for optimal well-being. www.artofhealingemotions.comasoulwithin@gmail.com Re-Connect to Your Soul’s Wisdom Working with the tools of the Creative

“Barbara has a unique gift. She really helped me find the person I was meant to be buried under the layers of what people wanted me to be.” – Sheryl C., Boston, MA You can do this. You can find peace of mind. You can make positive changes permanent. You can heal your body, mind, and soul. You may not know how to connect to the part of you that knows the way, but that part of you is still in you. Barbara will help you reconnect and guide you on your unique healing path. Be at your creative potential now.

70 Spirit of Change FALL/WINTER

Hypnotist NLP EnergyPractitionerMedicine Practitioner


What you think you become. — Buddha

is a


to learn more, and schedule a FREE 15-Minute


Counseling and Therapy DistanceCrystalsHealingCrystals & Wellness Space Kyle Russell, Founder R Minerals and Jewelry R Top Quality Selection R Weekly Classes R Guest Presenters R Available for Rental R Meditations and Workshops 489 Mass. Ave., Arlington, MA 12 – 4 pm Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.comdaily 617-771-5119 R PortalCrystalGallery.com Portal Crystal Gallery Tarah is a holistic psychologist who uses a combination of energy healing techniques, breathwork, meditation, and visualization to help her clients move through blocks, shed layers of programming, and realign to their Authentic, Soulful selves. If you are ready to consciously evolve past old patterns that are no longer working for you and are committed to your process, Tarah invites you to reach out. Tarah offers the following services: • Holistic Life Coaching • Guided Energy Clearing Sessions • Transformational Workshops, and • Individual & Group Coaching Programs www.tarahdoyle.com tdoylepsyd@gmail.com DR. DOYLE,TARAH Holistic Life Coaching and Energy Healing Holistic Psychotherapy Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential. EMDR R BSP R Hypnosis R Reiki I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing. Brainspotting A neurobiological tool for releasing traumatic/emotionally-charged issues within the brain. HolisticClinicalPsychotherapyConsultation Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias. Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted. 294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA www.eaglespirittherapies.com781-297-2003 Diane Spindler, LMHC, LMFT Healing and teaching for over 25 years h Relief of PTSD and depression h Elimination of phobias h Reduction of anxiety, panic attacks, unexplained body pain, nightmares, flashbacks, and dissociation Psychotherapy clients have reached a point where they know why they feel badly, but don’t know how to release these bad feelings that keep them attached to their old stories and in the past. Using Gentle Reprocessing and other leading edge therapies, I help clients let go of these old stories so they can move on to a happier future. If you’re a veteran, a first responder, a victim of physical, mental, or sexual abuse, a victim of a disaster, a person with a traumatic background, a person who has anger issues, or a person who is afraid of public speaking, this process could be for you. h 508-886-0007 h www.GentleReprocessing.com



www.spiritofchange.org FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 71 Healing and Bodywork The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. — Alice Walker Astrology illuminates your journey in a beautiful and amazing way. In this warmly interactive session, we’ll explore how your natal chart validates your knowing and empowers your soul. Your 90-minute recording further enlightens with each listen. Nikki

Ann’s Energy Healing is currently specializing in DISTANCE HEALING and offers affordable rates. Please call Ann at 774-259-7392 or email her at amv60854@aol.com. Davis passionate caring Holistic of 32 practicing a powerful hybrid of counseling Astrology-Therapy.com Consultation.

and astrology. Visit

Nikki Davis, MA Holistic Therapist and Astrologer

Ann Valiante has been doing energy healing for over 20 years. She is a Certified Pranic Healer which is much more in depth than regular Reiki. It consists of balancing, cleansing and energizing the chakras also cutting cords, releasing attachments etc.


Adventures for Body, Mind, Emotions & Spirit Inspired Thought LLC Integrative Therapies Clinics and Learning Centers 317 North Main Street, Natick, MA 01760 335 Broadway, Cambridge, MA www.Inspired-Thought.com02139 Integrative Therapies: Using East Asian Traditions and Integrative Therapies to help you step back into the flow of your life with an elevated sense of strength, resilience, and resourcefulness. Includes: Acupuncture, Asian Bodywork Therapy (Acupressure, Shiatsu, Tuina, Medical Qigong), Intuitive Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Guided Meditation. Integrative Coaching: Using the principles of East Asian Traditions and Neuroplas ticity to Re-Imagine and consciously ReEngineer how we experience life. Includes: Intuitive Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Energy Transformation, and other Traditional & Integrative Therapies to help you transform outdated paradigms and let go of limiting patterns, behaviors and beliefs that keep you from stepping into an elevated version of yourself. Transformative Experiences: Events and workshops. Public, professional, corporate. In Person and Virtual: Each session is customized for your individual and unique needs.Tolearn more contact Lauren Paap, MAOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. & ABT (NCCAOM)®, AOBTA®-CP, CH (617) Lauren@Inspired-Thought.com942-1271 Learning Centers: www.AcupressureTherapyInstitute.comwww.EasternMedicinalTherapies.com Clinic: www.Inspired-Thought.com

Ann is also a Karuna Reiki master teacher, a Lightarian master teacher who works with archangels and a Pranic crystal healer. Lastly she does Pranic psychic self defense, which is for spirits that may attach themselves or cords that are sent out from people you may or may not know. She also practices Tong Ren energy healing therapy.

with Reiki Master-Teacher Lou Orsan, MFA, RMT 18 years Yourself Naturally with Reiki Crystal Reiki sessions, Reiki Training, Spiritual Coaching you in living your best life, Birth Healing and Land and Space clearing provide healthy beginnings and environments for life. Deborah is dedicated to the whole health and well-being of her clients. She brings a wealth of training, experience and practical, compassionate wisdom to every person, appointment, and class.

R 508-353-5136 R www.CrystalReikiEnergy.com DEBORAH STRAFUSS Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, SCR, CDP SESSIONS AND CLASSES • In House Sessions using Reiki, CST and EM Email or call for a session • Distance Healing Sessions using EM and Reiki Flexible times offered • Geobiology Land Clearing for home and property. ON SITE CLASSES

• Holy Fire III, Master/Teacher Class May 12th - 14th, 2023

offers Reiki

Learn to use the healing life energy of the Universe to feel less anxious, more at peace so you can thrive in these stressful times. Our comprehensive, certification trainings provide the in-depth instruction and in-class practice you need to confidently bring Reiki healing to yourself, your loved ones and pets. Learn traditional Reiki meditations and chanting techniques to purify and strengthen your Ki and express your Great Bright Light. Have confirmation Reiki’s energy is flowing from your hands by end of the class. Receive a 40-page manual, practitioner certificate and ongoing after-class instructor support. Reiki practitioners are like lightening rods for positivity — we specialize in bringing in the Light and ushering out the darkness.


Exploring the healing arts in the San Francisco Bay area, I came upon many practitioners who used a variety of modalities. Some combined different techniques in a single session, which worked well for me. Knowing this, I went on to learn many different healing modalities: Chi Nei Tsang, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki and my latest healing modality is EM (Eminus Mirus). I have had great success combining these different modalities in various ways. EM (Eminus Mirus) is a type of healing energy medicine that combines ancient Chinese systems, including acupuncture, feng shui, with modern knowledge of physics and anatomy. EM allows practitioners to diagnose and treat people over long distances. Tapping into Universal QI for both diagnosing and treating both western diseases and balancing eastern flows.


ONLINE AND COVID-SAFE IN-PERSON SESSIONS AVAILABLE Find Crystal Reiki at The Gentle Place Wellness Center in

Healing and HomeopathyBodyworkHealing and Bodywork Take control of your thoughts, emotions, stress, and chronic conditions with the healing and self-care benefits of Reiki. Northeast Reiki Center Framingham, MA 01701 www.northeastreikicenter.orglou@northeastreikicenter.org508-808-5696 EXTRAORDINARYREIKITRAINING

WHAT HER CLIENTS SAY “Your access to Spirit is divine, healing and magical.” – Sarah “Deborah … gently offered her insight and provided tools to help me turn my mindset from frustration to acceptance.” Jeni Framingham, MA

• Holy Fire III, Reiki I & II Class April 15th & 16th, 2023

• Bena@SacredResonanceHealing.com508-303-0366 Bena Phillipo EM Level 4 Practitioner CST Practitioner Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher SACRED RESONANCE HEALING 72 Spirit of Change FALL/WINTER 2022 www.BodyBalancingCenter.com Text or call info@BodyBalancingCenter.com508-868-3624 COLON HYDROTHERAPY Detox with state of the art “Open System” providing complete privacy. F I-ACT and National Board certified. ENERGY HEALING Therapy Emotion and Body Code, Energy Codes and Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique, Psych-K, NLP and more... DETOX & CLEANSE With Infrared Thera Sauna, Q2 Ionic Foot bath, BEMER MASSAGE THERAPY Body Balancing Center bringing body, mind and spirit into balance Are you looking for a smarter way to heal your body from nagging chronic issues? Homeopathic care is holistic and individualized, taking into account all of who you are and how you experience life – mentally, emotionally, and physically. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, women’s issues, digestive troubles, child behavior problems, or more, know that homeopathy works with your body to relieve symp toms, restore vitality, and improve your overall health. Ask about Tea with a Homeopath events or beginner study groups. All appointments currently online only. ABBY BEALE, CCH HomeopathyHealings.comhomeopathyhealings@gmail.comRSHOM(NA) k 413-426-1024 Experience the Healing Energy of Homeopathy ABBY BEALE , CCH RSHom(NA) Natural Products Mind Body Spirit Well-Being with Reiki and Essential Oils PAULINE KOSOWAN Reiki Master Practitioner and TeacherRemoteAromatherapistReikiSessions Essential Oil Instruction & Authentic Oils 508-737-1384 * pauline@lifeforcereiki.comwww.lifeforcereiki.com LIFE REIKIFORCE & AROMATHERAPY SHEEPSKIN MAMA INFO@SHEEPSKINMAMA.COMSHEEPSKINMAMA.COM

and transformative

to support

• Holy Fire III, Karuna Master Class June 9th – 11th, 2023

Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki, the energy comes directly from source and most who experience it find it to be stronger than other forms of Reiki. Attunements are replaced by Placements and Ignitions and the energy flows directly from Source, as we relinquish control over Reiki energy, we also gain free will to use it. Craniosacral Therapy using the light touch of CST one uses their hands to diagnose and treat distortions and dysfunctions along the spinal cord. Using soft touch techniques, we release the restrictions in the tissues around the craniosacral system. My journey continues. Perhaps yours will begin, or continue; join me.

Sacred Resonance Healing 43 Highland St. Southborough, MA 01772

TraditionalexperienceteachinginbothJapaneseandWesternReiki Healing

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism When we change... the world changes. Raja Yoga is a simple but powerful form of meditation that can help you to develop peace of mind, resilience, and inner strength. Classes include meditation and a range of other practical tools for self-transformation. All activities are offered free of charge, as a community service. Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center A Learning Center for Peace 75 Common St, Watertown, MA 617-926-1230 • bknewengland.org boston@us.brahmakumaris.org


Nutrition Readings I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind. — Albert Einstein I CAN HELP YOU: Relieve digestive issues such as IBS and GERD Stop unhealthy eating practices Curb sugar and carb addictions while improving your A1C numbers Enhance your health with nutritional cleansing.BETH COLON, M.S., BCHN Nutrition Counselor Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition Come on a journey with me to improve your health with holistic nutrition. HolisticNutritionServices.com978-340-0448 At a crossroads? Looking for a better path to health? At Caramia Wellness food is medicine and your body is my guide to the root cause of your issues. EAT WELL - FEEL WELL - BE WELL Cara Joseph, RN, CCWFN Advanced Nutrition Response Testing Specializing in • Pediatric and Adult Nutritional Support • Digestive Support • Cardiac Health • Sports Nutrition Free Consultations Available Book online at caramiawellness.com (860) info@caramiawellness.com334-3331 1101 Noank Ledyard Road, Mystic, CT Telehealth and In-Person Visits Available CARAMIA WELLNESS • NUTRITION Readings Connecting to Spirit for inspiration, sustenance and support for your life’s journey Nancy guides you into a connection with spirit and your soul for guidance, healing and direction. Connect with a loved one who has passed or receive Soul messages in a session with Nancy. Ask about package discounts and mentoring relationships. READINGS AND SESSIONS IN F Spiritual mediumship F Spirit portraits of loved ones in Spirit F Akashic record life readings F Group sessions and classes F Akashic Training F Soul Art SOUL ART Nancy offers sessions in the Akashic Records to open to your Soul. She will sketch while she reads. You will receive your art a couple weeks later. SOUL ART MENTORING Nancy Also offers Soul Art Mentoring over a period of time. This mentoring includes Akashic healing work, sketches to help you on your way, and a final piece of art that commemorates your Journey and gives you a vision of you on your Soul’s path. Interested in finding out more about training or mentorship? Contact Nancy for a FREE discovery session 978-835-0005 F nancy@angelscapes.net Haverhill, MA F angelscapes.net Connecting you with your Angelic Dream Team, creating your Happily Ever After Angel Readings S Past Life Regression Angel Therapy® S Reiki S Hypnotherapy Private sessions in person or distance by phone and e-mail. Classes and workshops ~ Franklin, MA www.Angeltouche.comNancy@Angeltouche.com S 508-577-4552 at Angeltouche Soulful Life Coaching Psychic Intuitive S Angel Therapy Practitioner ® NancyJohansen RN, CCH, RMT www.spiritofchange.org FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 73 Awakening Moments Center Offering the following services onsite or at your location as well as remote. Parties-Corporate or School FunctionsFundraising events. Psychic Readings * Reiki * Past Life Regression * Hypnosis * Intuitive Development * Home clearings Angie D’Anjou, Spiritual Consultant Angie@angiedanjou.com * Angiedanjou.com603-321-4818 Sessions By Appointment Inspired .... Yoga and Health We offer a variety of yoga classes to meet your needs. See our events and offerings which support health, wellness, healing and spiritual growth. Chair Yoga * Vinyasa Flow Yoga * Gentle Yoga * Sound Healings with Crystal Bowls * Reiki Shares * Meditation FREE Community Yoga Classes monthly Molly Thomas, Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor Molly@inspiredyogaandhealth.com603-548-9873inspiredyogaandhealth.com 126 Rte. 27, Ste. A1, Raymond, NH 03077 Drop-In or Advance Booking Available Two Great Services in One Easy Location Spiritual Practices ARLINGTON MASONIC TEMPLE 19 Academy St., Arlington, MA (off Mass Ave., easy access by T via Harvard Sq.) The Greater Boston Church of Spiritual ism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with con temporary thought. Services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by laying on of hands. As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in medi umship, healing, and meditation; mediums days are the last Sunday of the month; and seminars and workshops through the year. For a brochure with upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor, call us. Our mailing address: 40-44 Spring St., Watertown, MA 02472

74 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2022 A A Wealthy You 3,37 Acupressure Therapy Institute 27,68 Advaita Meditation Center 2,69 Alternatives For Health 20 Alternative Health, Inc 47 Angelscapes 56,65,73 Angeltouche 73 Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute 49 Ann’s Energy Healing 71 Art of diNo 63 Art of Healing Emotions, The ..............70 Arvigo Therapy ......................................31 Awakening Moments Center ...............73 B Balance Within 59 Bill Balkus 21 Libby Barnett 65 Beadniks 11 Abby Beale 65,72 Bemer 47 Dianne Bischoff James 45 BLU-Eden 47 Edie Blue 31 Body Balancing Center 72 Boston Gardener 25 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The ............................................68 Cheryl Bradley, Spirit Medium ............39 Brahma Kumaris.............................. 41,73 Mark Braunstein ....................................27 C Cambridge Health Alliance 7 Caramia Wellness 73 Circles of Wisdom 15 Betty Crowson 10 Crystal Reiki 72 Crystal’s Quest 12 D Dancing Heart Healing .........................57 Dr. Amparo David .................................53 Dinno Health Acton Pharmacy ...........53 Michael Doten .......................................49 Dr. Tarah Doyle .....................................71 E Eidon Ionic Mineals 17 Enchanted Fox 29 F Fine Media International ......................65 Frog Pond Yoga Centre .........................65 G Gabrielle Publishing House..................69 Gaia’s Garden Herbals ...........................13 Gemstone Therapy Institute 69 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism 73 H Healing from the Body Level Up 76 Healthy Spirit 69 Heart and Soul Holistic Healing 57 Heart Songs & Circle Songs 52 Heart to Heart Communications 29 Heaven and Earth Studio......................47 Herbs And Aromatics ...........................69 Holistic Nutrition Services ...................73 Holistic Oasis .........................................71 Joan Holzman ........................................70 I Illuminating Light Healing Center 68 Inner Traditions 51 Inspired Thought, LLC 71 “It’s Magickal!” 53 J Barbara Johnson 70 Joy Source, The 59 K Anne Kulakowski ........................... 39, 59 L Pat LeBau .......................................... 61,65 Life Force Reiki ......................................72 Light Unlimited 5,65 Eric Linter 65,68 Lions Gate Spiritual and Wellness Center 49 Love Energy Wellness 17 LoveLight Illuminations 7 Love Rising Ltd. 27 M Made Simple Skin Care 51 Maha Yoga Center .................................65 Marriage Quest ......................................12 M.A.S.H. ...................................... 20,23,65 Kristen Mara ..........................................59 Tina Marian..............................................9 Massachusetts Satsang Society ......... 7,55 Carolyn McGee ................................ 19,69 Lori Miller-Freitas 71 Mystical Banners 65 N National Center for Homeopathy 21 Natural Living Expo 33 NE Institute of Reflexology 68 New England Spas 43 New Paradigm TransformationMulti-Dimensional 25 N Northeast Reiki Center ................... 65,72 O Olson Media Group 2,19 Optimism Plus 25 P Cathy Pagano 70 Bonnie Page 55 Path to the Present 71 Pets and Spirits 56 Pleasant Health Center For The Healing Arts....................................19 Portal Crystal Gallery ..................... 65,71 Prism Wheel Designs ............................45 Pyramid Books ......................................63 R Realization Consulting 39 Maryann Roefaro 23 S Sacred Resonance 63,72 Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary 20 Science of Spirituality 57 Sea Glass Yoga & Wellness 55 Seeds of Awakening......................... 41,61 Andrea Seiver .........................................70 Sheepskin Mama....................................72 Sister Sage, LLC................................ 12,13 Spirit Hollow ..........................................23 Sohum Yoga and Meditation................65 Spiritual Singles .....................................65 Maureen St. Germain 61 Sturbridge Herbfest 15 T Natalie Toth ............................................56 V Voice of Clay, The ..................................17 W Brianna Walsh ........................................11 Waves of Wellness Institute ..................61 Way to Balance, The ................................9 Trish Whynot .........................................70 Wicked Peaceful Healing and Wellness................................................ 31 Women of Wisdom ...................... 9,65,68 Wonder Space Feng Shui 11 Worcester Yoga 65 Wu Healing Center 35 Y Yoga Anita 65 Index AdvertisersofFall/Winter2022

FALL/WINTER 2022 | Spirit of Change 75www.spiritofchange.org “Calling Occupants of InterPlanetary Craft” ©ARTofDiNo.com

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