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Winter 2009 N e w E n g l a n d ’s H o l i s t i c M a g a z i n e

Soul Stories

• Boost Your Immunity For Free (p. 8) • My Mother’s Fertility Secret (p. 32) • Mohawk Vision of Sacred Land (p. 40) • Stories of the Armenian Genocide (p. 44) • The Teaching Stories of Swami Kripalu (p. 51) • The Feng Shui of Fish Tanks (p. 28)


Experience Your Past Lives



Relax, Integrate Mind, Body & Spirit

with Lin Hourihan, HHCP, LMT, BCMA

All-Day Workshop with Brian L. Weiss, M.D. HeZcY i]Z YVn l^i] i]Z cVi^dc¼h [dgZbdhi eVhi"a^[Z gZ\gZh" h^dc ZmeZgi# I]^h ]^\]an ZmeZg^Zci^Va ^ciZch^kZ ldg`h]de ZmeadgZh i]Z aViZhi ^c ]necdi^X gZ\gZhh^dc i]ZgVen# 9^hXdkZg ZmigVdgY^cVgn YZiV^ah VWdji ndjg eVhi# GZaZVhZ daY e]dW^Vh VcY [ZVgh [gdb eg^dg a^[Zi^bZh# EgVXi^XZ gZkdaji^dcVgn ]ZVa^c\ k^hjVa^oVi^dch VcY bZY^iVi^dch#

?d^c 7g^Vc LZ^hh Vh ]Z deZch jcZmeZXiZY Yddgh ^cid i]Z Vhidc^h]^c\ gZVab d[ eVhi"a^[Z gZ\gZhh^dc

F International Holistic Health Counselor-Practitioner, F International Shamballa Master Teacher F International Reiki Master Teacher, F International Healthy Steps Certified Instructor F Author of “The Virtue of Virtues” F Owner of The Massage Clinic - Orange and Stratford State Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist teaching spirituality for 38 years all over New England

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begins with dinner on Friday at 6 pm ends Sunday at 3 pm This Retreat is for EVERYONE Men and Women welcome! Includes:

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7dhidc 7VX` 7Vn :kZcih 8ZciZg HVijgYVn! BVgX] '%! '%&% &%/%%Vb"*/%%eb HZVih VgZ A^b^iZY¸GZhZgkZ IdYVn 8Vaa -%%"+*)"*&'+! dg k^h^i lll#]Vn]djhZ#Xdb 2 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

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WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 3

Advertisement. A s p e c i a l d e b t o f g r a t i t u d e t o a l p h a b i o t i c i s t s J e f f S m i l e y | D a l l a s , Te x a s a n d Tr i s t r a m F o r r e s t - B r o w n | L o n d o n , E n g l a n d .

Releasing 'The Depression Tango' can slap an 'S ' on your chest, restore your moxie, replenish your MOJO, let your freak-flag-fly and wake you right out of

the day-to-day ho-hums, yawns, whatevers, mopes,

blue funks, black holes, bitter pills, mad-sweet pangs, oh you agains, blah-blah-blahs and dazzle you straight into a fresh rhythm of I'm-cutting-loose-and-devil-be-damned sparkle, elation and promise. ‘ T h e D e p r e s s i o n Ta n g o.’

(a soliloquy of unspoken reflection, by neal robert smookler.) It is consummated in less than a flash with a pair of kata like choreographed movements. Most participants will tell you their ‘first time’ is something they’ll never forget. One of those quintessential ‘Uh-duh!’ to ‘A-ha!’ moments that will linger into the next day. Emancipation from ‘The Depression Tango’, visually depicted below — demonstrates that just about anyone in a busy world can achieve a respite, a welcome suspension from the drivel, blather and ennui of contemporary life.

Contrarily, this is a bright new paradigm. It explains how ‘The Depression Tango’ hinders promise, bottles up capacity, renders wherewithal useless, curbs flair and stymies knack. The antithesis to this crestfallen dance very simply is within us all. A novel facility that enables the nervous system to wiggle out from this groove-of-inertia and jiggle up to a higher expression of order, organization and potential, read that; happiness. A simple way to elicit a ground-swell of your better abilities into play and in the process reveal a more celebrated version of oneself. The premise that happiness is situationally dependent has long been abandoned. The concept that ‘a sunny life’ was only attainable by first achieving purity of mind, through meditation, e.g. — was the next wonderful advance. The pharmaceutical epoch where Lexapro , Xanax , Zoloft , Effexor , Wellbutrin , Prozac and Paxil were prematurely anointed as the key to life’s cheer was in hind-sight, a band-aid. Now along comes a doctor who flips the entire collective on it’s head by maintaining that states of exceptional happiness can be approached from a polar opposite direction. Now, that alone is enough to create controversy, but there appears to be a further twist. It seems that this advance — works in reverse. A state of super-happiness is elicited by first working through the body, not the mind. The body shifts and happiness is revealed, not the other way around. If you look for a similar state in the medical texts, you won’t find it. Lilliputian potential is not considered a disease, so the possibility of a


4 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009







C o n t e n t w a s g l e a n e d f r o m a l p h a b i o t i c s o n l i n e . c o m , a l p h a b i o t i c s d o t . c o m , a l p h a b i o t i c s . e u a n d v i s i o n m a g a z i n e . c o m . Advertisement.

state of super potential isn’t even on the medical radar. It is a progressive concept that had it’s birth with Virgil Benson Chrane — in the early 1930’s, in a small town in rural Texas. In some ways you’d think this is the last place a paradigm-shattering breakthrough would originate. Yet in many ways it was obvious. Operating on the rural fringes of Buffalo Gap, Texas before the heavy duty legislation and homogenization of the present day healthcare system were ideal conditions for the birth of innovation. The doctors waiting list was nine months and he was seeing up to three hundred people a day (during the great depression) before mass transit systems and well before everyone owned a car. What would bring someone from Oregon down to rural Texas, when people had little money and poor mobility to see a doctor for an appointment that lasted but a few minutes? Favorably this is not one of those ‘lost-treasures-of-the-past’ stories. Quite to the contrary — in the past thirty-five years over two thousand individuals have been certified as practitioners who can now be found across North America, Australia, The United Kingdom, and countries of continental Europe. From athletes to pop culture, Tiger Woods and the members of the rock band Green Day have all experienced it. This doctor’s work was preserved in both practice and presentation — and it’s telling to know it was safeguarded in the form of a private association, outside of the healthcare system, safe from any agency who may try and lay claim or sovereignty over his discovery. So, just what was this freethinking advancement? In a sense, ‘water-wings’ for happiness. Explaining the exact mechanics of this discovery remain unchartered waters. A feature entitled Melancholy Nation, which can be found in the March 1999 U.S. News & World Report may at least get us in the ballpark. The article noted that depression is on the rise, despite the increased use of psycho-tropic medications. Researchers observed that melancholic depression is marked by hyperarousal in the brain, a sort of chronic stress response that can’t turn off. Scientists researching a procedure known as rapid-transcranial-magnetic-stimulation (rtms) use a powerful magnet to stimulate the brain and central nervous system. The magnetic field causes neurons to fire at once and something about this action seems to reset the manner in which the brain releases the various chemicals implicated in depression. Tweaked and developed further by his son, Virgil Chrane, Jr., the senior Dr. Chrane’s discovery seems to be based upon the same core foundation, albeit a more organic one. In the two contradictory tendencies of living systems we have the stability of homeostasis (order) and the instability of chaos (disorder) — and how when each do what they are supposed to do, with an assist by this applied methodology our capacity for delight reveals itself. The makings of a new you. Self-organization theory of modern physics proposes that complex systems such as humans, have an innate internal organization. Homeostasis is the term we use to summarize the complex adaptations our nervous system constantly makes to maintain that order. Whatever the challenge of modern life — the homeostatic mechanism relentlessly attempts to return to the safety of home. Order, stability, the status quo. It sounds like a good thing — and it is, unless the grip of homeostasis is so tight that it maintains an lower


potential emotional state; depression, e.g. — actively discouraging the possibility of a shift to a higher potential emotional state; happiness, e.g. Chaos is a useful concept for making an intangible process easier to grasp. In an alphabiotic context, chaos is not the answer. It may be however, along with homeostasis, a description of the answer. Chaos is part of nature. Chaos theory is a way of showing the unique and beneficial patterns that are hidden in apparent disorder. Chaos is also necessary to get past locked-in, lower potential emotional patterns. Specifically, it helps explain how living systems such as you and I are capable of phase-shifting (jiggling up) beyond the protectionism of the status quo (homeostasis) into a state that is surprisingly even more orderly; better-than before. According to chaos theory, the internal organization of complex systems can shift very quickly, with just a very small random input from outside the system. A classic example of a ‘random input’ is how the fluttering of butterfly wings in Japan could theoretically affect weather patterns worldwide. The input increases the complexity of the state. At a certain point, a shift can occur (which at first appears to be purely energetic and disorganized) — as if the system is attempting to jiggle into a higher expression of order, organization and potential; better, brighter — than before. The systems newly increased complexity, bumps up the order or frequency. Simply stated, joy is a higher vibrational frequency than sadness. It’s a description that runs parallel to the alphabiotic experience. Is the alphabiotic finding a way to trigger a chaotic state, not by a random input, but by a practical, deliberate and repeatable physical process? Keep in mind the alphabiotic approach involves a unique motion of the head; one which allows access to the nervous system. This motion is a ‘hiccup-like’ gesture which, by generating enough momentum, adds to the complexity of the nervous system. It serves as a small, yet measured input which directly adds to the complexity of the nervous system. A jump (phase-shifting beyond the homeostatic grip) can now occur as the nervous system jiggles up to a higher level of order, organization and potential; better, brighter, happierthan before. Apparently, homeostasis is a borg-like mechanism: it adapts. Any input that gets by the homeostatic defenses are then supported as part of the ‘new-and-improved’ system. Dr. Chrane’s development serves as a way of literally ‘pulling out the rug’ from underneath the homeostatic mechanism. The result is a nearly spontaneous shift in the homeostatic balance; augmenting the individual’s order or frequency to a heightened standard. Analogous to shaking up a snowglobe, the living system then re-settles more orderly, organized and beautiful than before — a more celebrated version of you! And like a true chaotic event, the results are not always predictable. Years of experience and testing however allow us to announce that the result will decidedly be positive; and oftentimes favorable beyond any reasonable level of expectation. Releasing ‘The Depression Tango’ sessions are provided Monday to Saturday through The New England Alphabiotic Foundation located in Hopkinton, MA (508) 625-1170.

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 5



Cover Stories Features Winter 2009 • Vol. 23, No 110



Mother Knows Best by L.E. Falcon Letters of Apology by Valerie Utton When Time Is All You Have: Vipassana Behind Bars by Gail Lord Mohawk Vision of Sacred Land by Steven McFadden Survivors for All Time: Stories of the Armenian Genocide edited by Carol Bedrosian with introduction by Laura Boghosian 51 The Teaching Stories of Swami Kripalu edited by John Mundahl 32 34 36 40 44

Departments 44

8 10 14 18 22 24 28 54

Musings by Carol Bedrosian Letters and Notes Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast by Eric Linter Whole Foods Healthy Cooking: Nutrient Dense Foods by Michelle Hirsch Earthtalk: Q&A by the Editors of E/Environmental Magazine Energy Medicine: Triple Warmer and Your Immune System by Donna Eden Feng Shui for Everyday by Lynn Taylor Music Reviews by Jason Victor Serinus and Book Reviews by Gail Lord

Directories 51

15 30 56 59 74 76 78

RI Advertisers Pages Yoga Practitioners of New England Calendar Holistic Logo Directory Directory of Holistic Specialities The Classifieds Advertiser Index

Winter Ad Deadline: Monday, February 1, 2010 Upcoming Editorial Themes Spring ’10 Calming Stress Fall ’10 Creating Community Summer ’10 Getting Well Winter ’10 The Abundant Mind

6 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009


Main Office PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: 508-278-9640 Fax: 508-278-9641 www.spiritofchange.org

Publisher & Editor Carol Bedrosian E-mail: carol@spiritofchange.org

Billing Manager Jamie Hoard E-mail: jamie@spiritofchange.org

Advertising Information Michella Bedrosian, Advertising Director Phone: 508-278-9640 E-mail: advertise@spiritofchange.org

Design & Production Carlton Chin, Barry Corbett, Janice Nadeau, Amber Routten-Mitchell, Wendy Thibodeau, Emily Wharton

Contributing Columnists Editors of E/Environmental Magazine, Donna Eden, Michelle Hirsch, Eric Linter, Lynn Taylor

Contributing Reviewers Books – Gail Lord E-mail: SOCBookReviewer@gmail.com Send review copies to 51 North St., Grafton, MA 01519 Music – Jason Victor Serinus E-mail: jserinus@planeteria.net Send review copies to 2749 E. 17th St., Oakland, CA 94601 Visit us online www.spiritofchange.org On the Cover: “Praying” Nip Rogers Inset: Flag of Armenia Cover Design: Carlton Chin Copyright ©2009 Spirit of Change. All Rights Reserved. Spirit of Change distributes 55,000 magazines throughout New England quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) and accepts paid advertising as an advertising service. Responsibility for the products, services or claims of our advertisers rests solely with them; advertisers are liable for any claims made against Spirit of Change Magazine as a result of their advertisement. Spirit of Change welcomes your feedback, both positive and negative, on the products, services or information advertised or editorialized within these pages. Subscriptions are $20.00/yr. Article and artwork submissions are accepted for review and will only be returned if accompanied by a SASE. To receive bulk shipments of Spirit of Change to distribute to your clients & customers, please call our office at 508278-9640. Shipping charges apply.

Large selection of Gifts, Crystals, Books, Candles, Tarot Decks, Jewelry, Yoga Supplies and more. k Large Incense and Sage Selection k Psychic Readings k Healing Sessions and Workshops k Authentic Native American Handcrafts, burden baskets, drums, rattles and flutes

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Winter Workshop Series With Dr. Judith Swack

Healing from the Body Level Up™ A new mind/body/spirit healing methodology for the 21st century Healing from the Body Level Up™ is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic psychotherapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and keynote presenter at major psychology conferences. Dr. Swack is available for private sessions in person or by phone. Call now for a free introductory 15 minute consultation: (781) 444-6940 or visit www.hblu.org

Dec 17 or Feb 19: From Dating to Marriage: Dr. Swack’s Seven Rules for Success Learn how to choose and keep your ideal mate, especially the three minimum criteria for creating a successful, happy marriage. Come away with a better understanding of your romantic relationship and discover the surprisingly simple measures of a satisfying marriage. Dec 17: 7:15-9:45pm. Boston, MA. Feb 19: 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Cost: $43 Member, $51 Non member. Code: PRUL01. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430. Feb 2, 9, 11, 18: Instant Intuition Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, but most people ignore these subtle signals. In this class, students will learn to use and trust their psychic ability, see auras, read people’s minds, feel people’s energy fields, and distinguish real intuition from irrational, emotional reactions. Feb 2 & 9: 7-9:30pm. Newton, MA. Cost: $35 Member, $40 Non-member. Register: (617) 559-6999 or https://newtoncommunityed.org Feb 11 & 18: 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430 Feb 5: Flirting, the Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Join us for an exciting fun-filled evening to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Learn what’s sexy, the difference between flirting and seduction, how to connect easily and how to follow-up! 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Cost: $43 Member, $51 Non member. Code: PFLT01. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430.

Oct 16: Flirting, the Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Join us for an exciting fun-filled evening to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Learn what’s sexy, the difference between flirting and seduction, how to connect easily and how to follow-up! 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Cost: $43 Member, $51 Non member. Code: PFLT01. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430. March 2 & 9: Overcoming Fears, Phobias, and Trauma Learn Natural Bio-Destressing, the amazingly effective and natural way to quickly and reliably cure irrational fears, phobias, and traumas. Boston, MA. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430. April 17: Personalities. What Makes Them Tick? Join us, as Dr. Swack describes the Enneagram Model of Personality. Discover your own personality type and learn how to communicate respectfully and productively with people of other types. 9:30-4:30. West Greenwich, RI. Cost: $130, includes lunch. Register: (401) 397-6436 or (781) 444-6940.

Listen to Judith Swack on News for the Soul Radio Jan 29, Feb 12, Feb 26, March 12, March 26 at 7pm Judith will be interviewed by founder, producer & host Nicole Whitney, who has been dubbed 'the Oprah of the Internet' by her listeners. Don't miss this exciting free broadcast! Point your browsers to http://www.blogtalkradio-.com/soulnews at or just before 7PM to listen live. You can participate by phone, call: (646) 595 4274 at anytime during the live broadcast.

Questions? (781) 444-6940 or visit www.hblu.org to learn more about any of these workshops WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 7

Musings By Carol Bedrosian

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” The author attributed to this quote is the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. What did this very successful businessman and ingenious visionary imagine in the future of our healthcare that we are missing today? No one would deny that healthcare in the United States is in shambles. Two thirds of Americans are overweight, we’re besieged by an epidemic of prescription drug overuse, and medical care has become so expensive that neither the people nor the government can afford it. This is not healthcare; it’s tyranny. People are living in fear for their health — afraid they will lose their health coverage and won’t be able to afford medical care, but also afraid these same treatments, diagnostics, vaccinations and medications might do more harm than good. Can we really call something “medicine” when it cures some people some of the time but also randomly afflicts others with a Russian roulette of negative side effects, including death? Somewhere along the line we started believing that prestigious doctors in white coats armed with irrefutable studies, potent pills and flashy equipment had much more power to keep us healthy than we had ourselves. While our common, everyday self-care regimens and homemade first aid remedies might seem downright primitive compared to the repair and recovery miracles Western medicine is able to perform, the truth is that medical technology was never meant to keep us healthy and well. Your body is an amazing miracle of healing potential that can restore itself with minimal intervention. The more we’ve allowed doctors to intervene in the healing of our bodies, the more disconnected we’ve become from our bodies’ natural abilities to heal themselves. Now we are held hostage by our own fear of a medical industry — not a profession, mind you, but a profit-driven industry — which never cures our diseases but continuously holds out false hope that the next medical miracle or pill is just around the corner. Despite the exorbitant costs, dangerous side effects, mysterious new epidemics and endangerment to all life forms, medical science continues to scale ever more dazzling peaks of technology manipulating body chemistry, splicing genes between species and creating new life forms, all in search of that next medical breakthrough (or windfall profit.) Give a man a pill and you treat him for the day; teach him to heal and you cure him for a lifetime. True healthcare reform means re-educating ourselves about healing and medicine as part of our everyday routines — the food we eat, the way we think and the way we move through our day. Thousands of years of medical history will affirm that all healing occurs from within. Your body’s strong immune system is the foundation for your overall health and wellness. Here’s five powerful ways to boost your immune system for free, no health care coverage required! 8 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

1. Breastfeed your children. A mother’s breast milk contains unique antibodies to boost your child’s immune system for the rest of his or her life. This extra level of protection is available only through breast milk consumed during the formative infant years. * 2. Breathe into your abdomen. Your breath is the single most powerful medicine available to you. Fortunately it’s abundantly free and available without a prescription! Breathe into your abdomen, the navel area referred to as the third chakra, or dantien in Chinese philosophy and manipura in Indian traditions. Think of this area as your body’s furnace, churning out life force energy, stoked by the fuel of your incoming breath or prana. With laser like precision, the body disperses this energy along its meridian network to maintain health and clear away stagnations before physical symptoms and disease set in. More breath creates a stronger, steadier fire; restricted breath flow yields weaker results. Feel your abdomen expand and contract as you consciously fill it with breath throughout the day. 3. Use your brain. The body follows the bidding of the mind. The new, emerging healthcare paradigm acknowledges the larger power of the mind to heal the body, beyond doctors, surgery and drugs. Affirm your body’s ability to selfheal and send positive healing messages to all points throughout the body; try it in combination with taking deep abdominal breaths. Remind yourself how strong, well-equipped and miraculous your body is to perform all its daily functions without your direction or interference. Courageously replace your health fears with confidence in self-reliance. 4. Exercise. In addition to cardio-health and weight maintenance, physical movement gives your body’s energy meridians a chance to stretch, open and flush. For maximum health benefits, choose a form of exercise that consciously combines the breath and meridians such as yoga, tai chi, qigong, bioenergetics or other forms of dance, martial arts and energy movement or tapping. This will allow your entire energy system to get an overall workout each session. While an ongoing class and teacher are highly recommended and well worth the investment, you can also learn and practice these exercises on your own at no cost. 5. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. In addition to the powerful immunity benefits of vitamin D obtained from the sun, what this familiar ageold adage doesn’t mention is that being outdoors gives your body a big healthy dose of “happy” vibrations, being plugged back into Mother Earth and recharged. *For additional breastfeeding information see www.mothersandcompany.com or www.llli.org.

Carol Bedrosian is publisher and editor of Spirit of Change Magazine.

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WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 9

Spirit Medium ROBERT BROWN

COMMUNICATE WITH SOMEONE NO LONGER LIVING. Caring, compassionate, professional help. Robert Brown ministers to clients needs by reconnecting them to loved ones who have “passed on” creating an opportunity for emotional healing in their life. Readings are given in Quincy, Massachusetts and by telephone.



PRISCILLA A GALE, REIKI MASTER//TEACHER 978-897-8846 22 Circuit Drive, Stow, MA 01775 Willowsong518@yahoo.com


I’m reading your September issue with great interest — it is a subject dear to my heart, and by and large, I think you’ve done a great job. I particularly liked “Zero Waste in Your Town,” “The Softer Side of Bamboo,” and the green ideas articles. Just a couple of comments: The article on Horizon’s switch from organic to “natural” products neglected to mention that Horizon has been under fire from organic consumers in recent years because of failure to meet organic standards, specifically, use of factory farms that do not provide pasture grazing for cows. I suspect that Horizon’s new focus on “natural” has more to do with avoiding having to meet strict organic standards than with making their products “easier on the pocketbook.” A similar issue has arisen with personal care products; a number of companies have been criticized for their so-called organic lines that are not completely organic. Many are dispensing with the word “organic” in response. The Organic Consumers Association (www.organicconsumers.org) is an important source of information for all these issues. Currently, they are calling Whole Foods Markets to task for carrying mostly “natural” foods instead of organic. Most consumers are unaware of the level of pesticides and other toxic chemicals in products on the market. Going organic is both a healthier and a greener choice. In the article “100 Ways to Green the Earth,” I would take issue with “50: Use the microwave instead of the oven.” Microwaves can leak radiation, and they destroy the nutritional value of food by damaging the molecular structure of vitamins and other nutrients, creating essentially dead food. Our health is suffering because of extensive microwave use. Better to recommend eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. in their natural raw, living state as much as possible. And I would add, “Buy organic!”

Best to you, Peggy Kornegger

Dear Editor,

Thank you so much for the fall issue, and especially for the articles on homeopathy and the Horizon switch from organic to “natural.” In particular, I appreciated the letter to President Obama about the potential for homeopathic options in addressing the H1N1 flu virus situation. I have located much information about this, including a study that found a 1% death rate during the 1919 flu pandemic for those treated homeopathically versus 29% for allopathic means. Also, a doctor in Mexico has reportedly already treated the current swine flu with homeopathy. See: www.naturalnews.com/026839_homeopathy_homeopathic_doctors.html My conclusions: 1. We need to be more open to multiple modalities in our health care palette, as suggested by WHO and done in other countries. (England has 5 homeopathic hospitals under its National Health, and spends $2,000 per capita versus our $8,000). Our position at #37 for health outcomes doesn’t impress either. 2. As to Horizon, I believe we should stop buying ANY of their products. A company committed to deceiving the public into accepting an inferior, unhealthy substitute can’t be trusted even with its organic line; why wouldn’t they cut corners there, as well?

Blessings, Liberty Goodwin, Providence, RI continues on page 12 10 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009



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JJuly 26-August 7, 2010 PERU IS A MAGICAL PLACE FULL OF CONTRASTS. A place where time and space seem to merge, showing us different things almost simultaneously in a weaving of our inner and outer experience. As we journey into this sacred land, we feel transported to another pacha (realm) and our eyes open to experience timelessness. This extraordinary, once in a lifetime journey, will be guided by Peruvian born Sixto Paz Wells, worldly renowned proliďŹ c writer, ufologist and a connoisseur of the historical and archeological signiďŹ cance of the most important sacred places around the world. This trip will include Earth honoring ceremonies in select sacred sites as well as consciousness evolving energetic dynamics for a small, intimate group of pilgrims. The main highlights of our 13 day journey include: s Lima, The City of Kings s The Tawantinsuyu – (Inca Empire) & City of Cusco s Sacred Valley of the Incas and Pisac s The Sanctuary of Machu Picchu s Celebrate the Andrean New Year in Cusco s Puno, Lake Titicaca, Uros Island & Taquile s Ballesta Islands in Paracas s Nazca We invite you to join us to awaken your consciousness to a new pacha and experience the rich culture, beauty and majesty of Peru, colored with ancient ceremonies in sacred places whether you are visiting for the ďŹ rst time or are returning to deepen your experience.

Space is limited for this journey, register today! The to total cost* (exclusive of domestic and international ights) iiss $2500. $25 A $500 non refundable deposit is due no later tthan han January J 30, 2010. For the full itinerary, logistics, rregistration egistr and valuable travel information visit

www.transformationalhealingart.com w w or co contact Laurie Friedler at Kuches@aol.com www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 11

Letters & Notes continued from page 10

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Dear Liberty, Thanks for your information. Here’s some additional cost-free ways to protect yourself from becoming a host to swine flu. — Editor. H1N1, like other influenza A viruses, only infects the upper respiratory tract and only proliferates there. The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is. It’s almost impossible not to come into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions, but you can minimize contact and prevent proliferation. 1. Engage in frequent hand washing. 2. Develop a “hands-off-the-face” approach. Avoid touching the face unnecessarily. 3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (or alcohol-based mouthwash). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. Gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. 4. For additional protection, use a netti pot or nasal swabs to clean nasal passages daily. 5. Drinking warm liquids throughout the day washes off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive due to stomach acid.

Massachusetts Pandemic Response Bill

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12 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

During the last week of September, Spirit of Change began receiving emails from readers panicking about online chatter concerning Massachusetts Senate Bill 2028 — An Act Relative to Pandemic and Disaster Preparation and Response in the Commonwealth. Most of the anxiety focused on provisions in the bill that instantly grant the Commissioner of Public Health enormous power over our personal lives including the possibility of mandatory vaccinations, quarantines, warrantless search and seizure of property, imprisonment and fines to be imposed upon uncooperative citizens in the event the governor declares a health state of emergency. The bill passed in the Senate in April 2009 and had been sitting in the House Ways and Means Committee since then. By Monday, October 5, rumors swelled that passage of the bill in the House that week was imminent, although frantic citizens in most cases reported being unable to get clarification from their State reps, who seemed uninformed of the bill’s progress. Quite unexpectedly, the news was released on Thursday, October 8 that the House had discussed, amended and voted to pass the revised bill H4271, An Act Relative to Pandemic and Disaster Preparation and Response in the Commonwealth, replacing Senate bill 2028. Voters, including myself, who had been in touch with their legislators were left wondering if lawmakers even had the time to read or understand the revised bill. The day the bill was debated and voted upon, members of the House Ways and Means Committee, who wrote the new version of the bill, were all at a public hearing in Gardner Auditorium, so they couldn’t take part in the debate and explain why they wrote what they did. After all is said and done, most sources agree that the new pandemic response law doesn’t include anything not already on the books in Massachusetts, laws that have been in effect since 1918 defining how the state should deal with a public health crisis and what the health commissioner should be empowered to do. While vaccinations are not mandatory under the current or the proposed new laws, citizens who refuse to be vaccinated could be quarantined if the commissioner or local health authority decides his or her refusal poses a public health risk. Supposedly these measures are spelled out so they can be implemented only in the case of a dire emergency. But who defines “emergency?” In

the context of today’s growing uncertainty about the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations and the lack of trust our elected officials have earned from their constituents, citizens are wise to demand that parameters are outlined defining exactly what qualifies as a health emergency and who can declare it to prevent irresponsible decisions being made in a time of fear and panic — or for the express benefit of those who might profit financially from it. A case in point is the current swine flu “epidemic.” Healthcare workers in NY sued to prevent the state from forcing them to get swine flu vaccinations because someone given the power to do so decided it was a public health risk for healthcare workers not to be vaccinated. There is much evidence that overcoming bouts of the flu naturally actually strengthens the immune system, like weight training strengthens the muscles, and over-vaccinating has just the opposite effect on the body and weakens it.* What kind of protection does this bill provide for Massachusetts residents against potentially dangerous and misguided abuses of power? According to reports from Wicked Local Cambridge, the revised House version of the bill removed some of the most controversial provisions of the Senate’s bill such as giving states the right to arrest citizens or search their homes without a warrant and it requires that quarantine and isolation orders take place in the least restrictive settings. It also sets up an appeals process under which a person can challenge these orders in court. However, now that the revised bill has passed the House, it is sent back to the Senate where a committee will try to hammer out an agreement with both branches, and then send it onto the governor for signing into law. Now is a good time to let your legislators know you want them to be active in our legislative process and not just a placeholder in the two party system. Google your state initials.gov to find out who your legislators are and how to contact them, and then let them know you are listening and engaged. — Editor * www.vaccinechoice.org (Massachusetts Citizens for Vaccination Choice) www.nvic.org/vaccination-decisions.aspx (National Vaccine Information Center)

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Thanks to all who attended the 3rd annual Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA, September 26-27, 2009. Over 5000 attendees enjoyed our keynotes John Holland, Donna Eden, David Feinstein and Bernie Siegel, MD, as well as over 75 additional experts, practitioners and entertainers throughout the weekend. Twelve workshops included ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters allowing a large contingent of attendees from the Deaf community to enjoy the expo and learning opportunities it offers, such as Mary B. from Massachusetts, who said, “I am so grateful for your willingness to do this. You have made my year!” The expo presents a unique opportunity to meet a broad spectrum of practitioners and learn first hand about alternative healing and wellness treatments and products all in one place. Here’s what some of our attendees had to say: “It smells great! Everyone is so warm and friendly.” Rita, Maynard, MA

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“Great expo. The ionic footbath was divine.” Nancy, Framingham, MA “Thank you for bringing these amazing healers to renew us.” Donna, Smithfield, RI “Why have I waited until now to attend one of these expos?” Amy “Free Reiki was wonderful. Came here feeling not so well, a little disheartened. Leaving with brighter spirit and joyful heart. Thank you.” $3,478 was contributed this year through expo ticket sales to various social service organizations selected by expo participants. Please join us next year again in Sturbridge, September 25-26 for the 4th annual Spirit of Change Natural Living Expo. Visit www.naturalexpo.org to be added to the mailing list or email Michella@spiritofchange.org. We love letters and we’ll print yours! Email to carol@spiritofchange.org or fax to (508) 278-9641 or mail to Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 13



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STARSPEAK: THE COSMIC FORECAST “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.� — AB R A H A M LIN COLN , A SUN SIG N P I SCE S ( FE B R U A R Y 12, 1809-A P R I L 15, 1865)

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cross New England winter wears many faces. Pristine snows weigh heavy on deep forests where nuthatches and black-capped chickadees trill cheerful songs. Along the coastlines hardy fishermen and lobstermen brave the dangerous icy waters of the North Atlantic to haul in their precious catch, hungry gulls circling overhead. Scholars and suited business people flick on lights, turn up thermostats and carry on. Children and the young at heart brave the elements and take to the hills for skiing, snowboarding and sledding. More fragile snowbirds head south to escape the harsh weather. For many of us the rhythm of life slows. Gathering by the fireplace remains a time-tested New England tradition, as does sipping hot mulled cider and talking about the latest Red Sox trade rumors. During these few months farmers rest easy while planning next year’s harvest. Some wild creatures, perhaps more sensible than their two-legged cousins, hibernate beneath snowy blankets. And of course, there’s always waiting for spring! In the sky above, dutiful Saturn, known as the Lord of Karma, squares obsessive Pluto. This cosmic standoff persists into next summer and is cause for much soul searching. By late February the aspect is made more compelling when rebellious Uranus again opposes Saturn and also squares Pluto. These powerfully chaotic forces could be viewed as the birth pangs of the yet emerging New Age. The need for cooperation and regeneration has never been greater. Humility and flexibility must be built into every negotiation. Cold-hearted, calculated abuses of power will be very much in evidence, but noble and inspiring sacrifices will also make news. Stay open-minded, receptive to advice from friends and informed sources. During the coming year the planetary alignments are as challenging as any I have witnessed during the past forty. I expect the events of 2010 will be far more significant than those accompanying the dreaded December 21, 2012 dateline set forth by interpreters of the Mayan calendar.

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Capricorn Dec. 22–Jan. 19

The month gets off to a rip-roaring start. Uranus, the Great Awakener, resumes forward motion on the 1st, completing a retrograde that began July 1st. Uranus is considered by many astrologers to be the planet of the Aquarian Age. There are stargazers who believe the New Age started at the time of Uranus’s discovery in 1781. In any case, continues on page 16

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16 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast continued from page 14 the change of direction heralds a stepped up pace for reformers around the world. Because Uranus is in Pisces, a sign connected with health care, this could be the time a reform package finally gets through Congress. The Gemini full Moon, exact on Wednesday the 2nd at 2:33am, also raises excitement levels and pushes already elevated expectations even higher. Less fortunately, earth changes are more probable this week. As the Moon shifts gears and begins to wane the comforts of home and familiar places beckon. With the holidays fast approaching, the first weekend of the month may be the last good opportunity to rest up and take life slowly. That said, Saturday night, the 5th, is a fine one for seasonal socializing. Mental Mercury aligns with Pluto and squares Saturn on Monday the 7th. The Moon, void-of-course in Leo until mid-afternoon, can give rise to inattention. Be careful. A slip of the tongue or mental error may damage a partnership or deplete one’s wallet. Authority figures feel especially pressured. By evening, the Moon, now in Virgo, slips into a helpful angle, calming anxieties. Quiet attention to detail is advised over the next forty-eight hours, especially Tuesday evening when the last quarter stage creates a discordant, “either fly away or stick around and be diligent� scenario. The journey is easier after mid-week. On Thursday the 10th the Sun trines Mars and spirits soar. This is a garrulous day, with lots of back slapping humor and congratulatory messages. Upbeat trends persist through most of the weekend. Tensions rise on Sunday the 13th. A friendly disagreement needs to be handled with care. The Sun squares Uranus Monday morning. Some folks’ egos will be flagrantly out of control. The afternoon brings dramatic improvement in moods and the social climate reflects this positive change. The pleasant atmosphere lingers until the early morning hours of Wednesday the 16th and the new Moon in Sagittarius. Before heading off to work or school take some time Wednesday morning to contemplate what the holidays mean to you. This is the moment to identify and pursue fondest wishes. Clarity and intention are intimately linked and, as the Moon joins with Pluto Wednesday night, powerful forces work to manifest dreams. Romantic partnerships also flourish at this time. Venus and Mars are in a complimentary trine aspect. By Saturday the 19th Venus is testing Uranus. Some friendships may be on the skids. Give partners space. Let bygones be bygones. Mars begins a lengthy retrograde Sunday morning, just as loving Venus engages Jupiter and Neptune in heart-warming sextiles. The winter solstice can be an occasion of healing and reconciliation for many couples and partnerships. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st and winter officially begins at 12:47pm EST. The Sun is closely conjunct Pluto and square Saturn. These solar aspects are exact later this week, the conjunction on Thursday the 24th and the square on Christmas Day. Holiday stress levels are seriously high. The I Ching or Chinese Book of Changes contains a hexagram known as Fu, the Return or Turning Point. This hexagram pertains to the winter solstice and the victory of light. The Wilhelm/Baynes translation explains: “The idea of Return is based on the course of nature. The movement is cyclic, and the course completes itself. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time.� Relax. Remember the deeper meaning of these holy days. Take comfort knowing the daylight hours will now increase. In similar fashion we may rest assured that despite current economic adversity, brighter days lie ahead. Mental Mercury retrogrades the morning of Saturday the 26th. Hold off on shopping. The-void-of-course Aries Moon adds to the sense of disorientation during the day but after sunset more felicitous influences take hold. The dinner hour is notably happy as the earthy Taurus Moon trines Venus and Pluto. Loving feelings intensify over the weekend but be aware of subtle as well as not so hidden motives. The Goddess of Love conjoins Pluto Monday night and relationships are sure to be tested. Those who have been reckless with their spending now feel the pinch.

2009 ends with a celestial splash! The full Moon in watery Cancer is eclipsed by the Sun at 2:13pm EST. The horoscope for the full Moon is noteworthy for its degree of difficulty. The Moon opposes the Sun, Pluto, Venus and retrograde Mercury. Retrograde Mars stands in opposition to Jupiter and Neptune. Inventive Uranus and optimistic Jupiter offer creative outlets for the juggernaut of challenging angles. Onward and upward! Despite the tiresome chorus of dire warnings we really have no other choice but to commit to our own evolving future.

January 2010 Happy New Year!!! Full Moon fallout mingles with confetti and hangovers as 2010 dawns. The Cancer Moon is void-of-course much of New Year’s Day, presenting a golden opportunity to catch up on sleep or spend a mellow day with friends and family. A playful Leo Moon dominates the first weekend of the year. If you’re traveling on Sunday the 3rd be alert to treacherous driving conditions Jan. 20–Feb. 18 and other weather related delays. The industrious Capricorn Sun passes by retrograde Mercury on Monday and many people will be genuinely happy to return to class or work. The Virgo Moon bolsters the Sun’s urge to do a good job and get ahead in life. Early on the 5th Venus overtakes backsliding Mercury, a reminder that an occupation is a source of emotional as well as financial support. Things are fairly quiet this week. During the night of Saturday the 9th a gathering of select friends can be extremely pleasant. Deals may be struck. Seek the support of a higher up on the 11th. The Capricorn Sun is conjunct Venus, a good omen for ambitious men and women. Interesting alliances are made public around the 13th as the Sun and Venus align harmoniously with Uranus and Saturn turns retrograde.


Following the Capricorn new Moon/solar eclipse by just a few hours, Mercury turns direct the morning of the 15th. Revelations are sure to follow. Mercury’s proximity to Pluto, and the two planet’s squares with Saturn, suggests that power brokers will be scurrying to consummate secret deals. The eclipse says it is just a matter of time before these back room manipulations are leaked. Change is again in the air. Jupiter enters Pisces the night of Sunday the 17th. Venus arrives in Aquarius the next day and the Sun follows Venus into the sign of the waterbearer the night of Tuesday the 19th. Jupiter is now harmonizing with Pluto, Venus and the Sun with Saturn. These hopeful aspects open hearts and minds to new possibilities. The time for hesitation is over. The Jupiter/Pluto aspect is especially helpful for cultivating faith, willpower and spiritual insights. As we honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, replays of his “I Have A Dream� speech are extraordinarily evocative this year. Social progress feels real, meaningful and is something to be proud of. Take a pro-active approach the afternoon of the 20th. Acknowledge parents and those you admire from Thursday the 21st through the 24th. The past is a valuable teacher during this window of time. Monday the 25th is a lighthearted but busy day. Work is fully engaging and the after work hours are also enjoyable. A testing angle between Venus and retrograde Mars warns of potential confrontations with partners around mid-week. The Moon is nearly full and the Sun’s Friday afternoon opposition to the god of war hints of more problems. Don’t throw your weight around unnecessarily. Watch your temper! The highly energized Leo full Moon is exact at 1:17am on Saturday the 30th. The Sun/Moon opposition includes the Aquarius Sun, joined with loving Venus and mother Moon conjunct macho Mars. This creates a fine, multi-layered balance between male and female polarities. Love is in the air! Saturn’s second in a series of squares to Pluto is exact the evening of the 31st. continues on page 18



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Amanda Cohen, LMT CertiďŹ ed MAM Practitioner Martha’s Vineyard, MA www.inharmonymv.com

Christine Lee, RNCS, Lic. Ac. CertiďŹ ed MAM Practitioner 'SBNJOHIBN ." t acuchrisrn@aol.com

Kristina A. Ryan, M.Ac., Lic.Ac. MAM Practitioner Ocean of Pearl, LLC -JODPMO ." t LBSZBO !HNBJM DPN

Sheila A. Fay, Lic.Ac. MAM Practitioner 8BUFSUPXO ." t acufay@yahoo.com

Kathleen McGilvray, BS, LMT MAM Practitioner $BNCSJEHF ." t kathmcgilvray@yahoo.com

Chaya Leia Sylvia, RN, BSN MAM Practitioner $BNCSJEHF ." t www.purplerosehealingarts.com

VERMONT Kayla Becker, NCMT CertiďŹ ed MAM Practitioner & Self Care Instructor Montpelier, VT FYU FSLM !BPM DPN Jill Keil, Lic. Ac., CMT CertiďŹ ed MAM Practitioner Putney, VT jhkeil@comcast.net

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 17


Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast continued from page 17

TERRY HUNT, Ed.D, Lic. Psych






Many couples will find this full Moon dominated weekend to their liking, seizing the chance to revisit and reorganize the balance of power in their relationship. This in turn can lead to greater intimacy and a more fulfilling union. International affairs are also in flux, with active engagement and pragmatism the winning formula.

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18 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

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February, winter’s final month, begins quietly. The Virgo Moon’s trine with Mercury is the first aspect of the month. This is a steadying “take care of business� aspect. Hunker down Feb. 19–Mar. 20 and tend to workplace chores. There’s time to cut loose Monday night. On the 2nd it is obvious where loyalties lay. The Libra Moon activates the tricky square between Saturn and Pluto. Follow the middle road and avoid taking sides, if possible. The midweek brings easier going with the evening of the 4th excellent for attending a lecture or meeting. Friday the 5th, with its last quarter Scorpio Moon, is far less tranquil but things take a turn for the better as Jupiter sextiles Pluto during Saturday’s noon hour. The motivation to serve and support worthy causes is quite strong. Let Spirit guide you. What you learn or experience may be profound and life changing. The weekend of the 6th and 7th unfolds under a magical Venus/Neptune conjunction. These planets represent love in both its personal and more spiritual, unconditional forms. Feelings are tender. Be warned. Saintly Neptune has been known to turn a blind eye to obvious faults. Love wisely. The 8th brings glad hearts and good intentions. Midday delays on Tuesday the 9th prove only temporary. A late afternoon surge turns the tide. Changes follow as the lunar cycle ebbs and energy levels slump. Mental Mercury arrives in visionary Aquarius before dawn on the 10th and loving Venus enters Pisces the morning of Thursday the 11th. Do what you can to sustain progress and maintain order on the 11th and 12th. Desist from starting anything new on these days. Mercury is forming an opposition to retrograde Mars, making impatient behavior an irritating nuisance. In mystical fashion, due to the influence of nearby Neptune, the Aquarius new Moon ushers in a fresh activity cycle late Saturday night, the 13th. Fantasies, films and other flights from reality are hard to resist. The enchantment lasts right through the weekend and into the new week. For lovers, this Valentine’s Day is super! Fine aspects on Monday the 15th and Tuesday the 16th include a Mars/Saturn sextile and Venus’ conjunction with Jupiter. The former is


Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services, including his “On Top of the Stars Monthly Guide” for making inspired career and personal decisions. Consultations are available in person, by phone or on audiocassette. Contact Eric at (508) 541-4115 or email at stars@ericlinter.com. Read Eric’s daily Astrology reading at www.spiritofchange.org.

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a breadwinner’s delight, the latter one of the most fortunate of them all. Count your blessings, and then share them! The Sun reaches watery Pisces the afternoon of Thursday the 18th. Being accustomed to looking ahead, I always search out telltale signs of spring, however subtle. The changing angle of the sun, lengthening daylight hours, warmer temperatures, swelling tree buds and the return of migrating birds quicken my senses. This week the presence of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces stirs imaginations, dreams and expectations of happier times. Night owls find Friday the 19th into Saturday very much to their liking. During Sunday evening jittery nerves benefit from straight talk. Tell it like it is! A solar sextile to Pluto dominates the early part of the week. Cooperation is key to getting ahead. The waxing Moon speeds us through the second half of the week. Wednesday the 24th and Thursday feel remarkably exuberant and fruitful. Mercury overtakes Neptune the morning of the 27th as the Leo Moon forms an opposition. Finding just the right way to express feelings can be challenging but making the effort could produce surprisingly good results. Folks are listening, many with open hearts and minds. Saturday night events take place under an inspiring scenario. Take in the grandeur of the moonlit sky and have fun! The full Moon in Virgo is exact at 11:38am on Sunday. Just as this forecast began, we end with a Full Moon. This time the Moon is exactly opposite the exquisite conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in visionary Pisces. Everything seems magnified. Hopes are sky high, many with good reason. A supportive angle from Pluto suggests that our late winter dreams will indeed come true. Let’s hope so.

PAULA PAETZOLD, LMT Shrewsbury/Cape Cod (508) 842-1057 paularamis@townisp.com Certified kinesiologist; NRT testing. Herbal consultations: seeking out root causes to chronic conditions. Reiki Master: classes and treatments. Wellness talks. WALTER RICE, M.DIV., LCSW (508) 450-4230 • wrice123@hotmail.com www.holistic-spiritual-counseling.com Holistic spiritual counseling, stress management, tuning forks, Cymatron sound table, toning, Reiki, crystal healing. BUFFY CAVE, ABT, LMT Framingham (508) 380-2612 www.holistic-treasures.com Zen Shiatsu, Thai massage, on-site corporate and event chair massage, sound healing, Reiki, labyrinth facilitator, artisan. ACARA YOGA STUDIO 11 Main St., Southborough (508) 259-2847 • www.acarayoga.com Ashtanga, Kripalu and Vinyasa Yoga classes. Private instruction and meditation. All are welcome. STARSEED DAY SPA (508) 336 -0930 www.starseeddayspa.com Natural nails, skin care, pregnancy massage and more. Free ½ hour massage or facial with purchase of ½ hour ($40) when you mention this ad. INSTITUTE FOR EKP Linda Marks, MSM Newton, MA (617) 965-7846 • LSMHEART@aol.com www.healingheartpower.com Heart-centered body psychotherapy and coaching for individuals, couples and groups. Apprenticeship training. Healing the Traumatized Heart workshops. CONFIDENT DIRECTIONS Life Coaching for Life’s Journey Marilyn Taylor, Life Coach (508) 460-0044 www.confident-directions.com Start today to live your dreams, nourish your soul, express your passion. Holistic coaching, partnering clear visions with joyful manifestation.

DARYN BOWER, CLMT 680 Worcester Rd (Rt 9) Framingham (508) 872-3700 • www.darynbowermt.org Deep tissue techniques, postural analysis, warm stones, pre- and perinatal massage in an inviting and relaxing studio with a spa atmosphere. WELLSPIRIT...THE ART OF LIVING Jen Silverberg, MA, DTR Westborough (617) 835-3204 • gotgroove@verizon.net Feeling stuck? Hurt? Disempowered? Heal artfully to live joyfully. Expressive art therapy, the Nia Technique, and more. Free initial consult. LISA SPELLMAN, LIC. AC. Ancient Wisdom Healing Arts 155 Boston Rd., Southborough MA (508) 460-0444 • www.awhealingarts.com Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture, Reiki and energetic bodywork. Specializing in treatment of kids and those who are needle sensitive. Dr. KAREN MORIARTY Northboro Chiropractic Center 6 Maple St., Northboro, MA (508) 393-2513 www.northborochiropractic.com Offering natural chiropractic care, massage therapy, holistic nutrition, EFT and European thermography. INTEGRATIVE ACUPUNCTURE Tamara Allen, LAc, Dipl of OM, LD Westborough/Upton (508) 366-1795 • www.ia-health.com A holistic, integrative approach to treating pain anywhere in the body, symptoms due to chemotherapy, anxiety, and more. YOGA WITH CAROL Carolyn Waite, CSYT Westboro (508) 662-3763 • yogawithcarol@gmail.com Offering Svaroopa Yoga classes for groups and private instruction. Suitable for beginners to advanced students. Yoga for your body, mind and spirit. SHELLY WATSON, LICSW Certified Holistic Health Counselor Worcester (508) 887-2735 shelly@abundantlifecounseling.biz Holistic weight loss counseling combining nutrition, counseling and EFT; Nutritional cleanse coaching. Free initial consultation. JOHN STEVENS, GCFP Maynard, MA (978) 897-3711 Guild Certified Feldenkrais practitioner offering Functional Integration ®, Awareness Through Movement ® and Bones for Life ® classes. SPIRIT OF CHANGE MAGAZINE (508) 278-9640 • info@spiritofchange.org www.spiritofchange.org New England’s largest free alternative health resource in print and online.

Join The Wellness Roundtable Community! This is a partial list of our members; we have many talented people in our network to learn with. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30AM, in Northboro, MA. For more information contact The Wellness Roundtable facilitator: Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Life/Wellness Coach at marilynataylor@prodigy.net


WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 19



WHOLE FOODS HEALTHY COOKING Choose Nutrient Dense Foods for Healthy Eating


You’re running late and traffic is moving at a snail’s pace. It’s almost dinnertime and you have no idea what you’ll serve your family. Your mind quickly runs through the options: pizza delivery, take out at one of the dozen chain restaurants you’ll pass by, a quick-to-fix option from the supermarket’s grocery aisle, assorted cold cuts and rolls from the deli for sandwiches or a healthy homemade meal packed with nutrition. Which option do you choose? Having so many options can make eating healthy a challenge. And, monetary cost aside, the price for most of these options is quite high. Many of our choices include foods that contain more calories than our body needs and far too few nutrients necessary to keep us in good health. Bodies lacking essential nutrients don’t run efficiently and health problems begin to appear. Medical studies consistently show a number of chronic diseases directly related to diet. Selecting foods high in nutrition is the best health insurance bargain around. It will go a long way in preventing health problems today and in the future. Basically, nutrient density is all about how many nutrients are in a food compared to the number of calories it has. In other words, how many calories will it cost you to get the nutrition your body needs? Based on what you choose, you’ll either get a great return on your calorie investment or you’ll come up short. Foods that are nutrient dense have abundant vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, fiber and healthy fats. Some of the most nutrient dense foods are green vegetables, other colorful vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, beans and legumes. The closer a food is to the way nature produced it (less processed), the more nutritious it’s likely to be. Processed foods lose nutrients. If you have a big appetite, here’s some good news. The more nutrient dense a food is, the quicker and longer you’ll feel satisfied. You can fill your plate with great tasting food and you’ll keep hunger at bay for longer. Here are some of the best foods to keep on hand to ensure you get a good return on your calorie investment. This is by no means an all-inclusive list, but it’s a great start to setting up a healthy kitchen. Stock these items on a regular basis and a great, healthy meal that’s packed with nutrition will never be more than 30 minutes away. Make meal prep a snap by cooking some things ahead of time. I usually prep things like brown rice, lentils and beans on Sunday evening for an easy start to the week. We eat whatever item(s) I make for dinner on Sunday and I’ll use the remainder to add to lunches the next day and provide the base for Monday’s dinner. Make it easy to choose healthy foods and it becomes almost effortless.

20 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Nutrient Dense Must-Have Foods


Nuts & Seeds

Asparagus Beets Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Greens (kale, collards, chard, spinach) Garlic Leeks Mushrooms (crimini, shiitake, etc.) Onions Sea vegetables (nori, kombu, dulse) Squash Sweet potatoes Tomatoes (whole and salsa)

Almonds (whole and butter) Flaxseeds Peanuts (whole and butter) Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds Walnuts

Fruits Apples Bananas Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries Citrus fruit (lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges) Grapes Kiwi Pears Pineapple Watermelon

Grains Barley Brown rice Buckwheat noodles Corn (whole, cornmeal, polenta) Millet Oats Quinoa Whole Wheat flour Ezekiel tortillas, bread & English muffins (frozen)

Beans & Legumes Black beans Cannellini beans Chickpeas Kidney beans Lentils Pinto beans Tempeh Tofu

Other Essentials Olive oil Vinegar (apple cider, balsamic) Miso Basil Cilantro Cinnamon Cumin Ginger Pepper Sea salt Turmeric

Courtesy: Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman

Breakfast Ideas • Ezekiel muffins topped with almond butter and sliced bananas • Porridge made from brown rice, oats or quinoa (add cinnamon for great flavor boost and top with berries) with freshly ground flaxseed • Smoothie made with whatever fruits you have on hand, soy, rice or almond milk (or try cold green tea as an alternative) and a handful of spinach • Apple cut in half, cored and spread with almond butter

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Lunch Ideas • Salad of spinach topped with kidney beans, carrots, sliced mushrooms and brown rice w/homemade dressing of olive oil/vinegar, salt and pepper Lentils with chopped leftover veggies from the night before tossed with a little vinaigrette dressing and sprinkled with some chopped nori. • Toss a handful each of kidney beans, black beans and cannellini beans into a bowl. Add a chopped tomato and a little chopped onion. Squeeze a little lemon juice into the bowl, add a splash of olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper for a tasty bean salad. • Place cooked beans in a food processor, add a clove or two of garlic, some cumin and salt and pepper. Process until smooth. Use as you would hummus, either in sandwiches or as a dip for veggies.


Dinner Ideas • Buckwheat noodles cooked and tossed with lentils. Chop broccoli and onions and sautĂŠ in a little olive oil. Grate a little fresh ginger over mixture just as veggies get tender and toss with noodle/lentil mixture. • Soup made with leftovers from the past few days. Saute an onion in a little olive oil. When the onion is tender, toss in handfuls of veggies, grains, legumes, etc., whatever is in the fridge. Add vegetable broth or water, a piece of kombu and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon or two of miso and serve. • Burritos made with Ezekiel tortillas: sautĂŠ an onion in a little olive oil. Add in your favorite beans, a few handfuls of cooked brown rice, and any other leftover veggies you like. Heat for a few minutes and roll into tortillas. Top with salsa and cilantro. • Greens and tofu. Wash and cut kale and cut tofu into half inch cubes. Place tofu on paper towels to remove excess water. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet and toss in a clove or two of chopped garlic. Saute for a minute and add the chopped kale and tofu. Saute for five minutes and remove from heat. Squeeze a little lemon juice over the kale. Serve “as isâ€? over brown rice, roll in a tortilla or toss with some whole grain pasta. Michelle Hirsch lives in southern NH and teaches whole foods cooking throughout New England. She is a graduate of the world-renowned Kushi Institute where she also worked developing curriculum. Michelle is the author of Venturesome Vegetarian and can be contacted at mphirsch@yahoo.com. www.spiritofchange.org

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E / T H E



• Responsible Recycling • Geothermal Energy

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Dear EarthTalk: Everyone knows we should recycle metal, glass and plastic cans and bottles, but what about all the lids, tops and caps? I see people recycling plastic bottles, for example, with their caps on, but I’ve always been told to thrown them out. Is that wrong? — Stefanie Gandolfi, Oakland, CA —

any municipal recycling programs throughout the U.S. still do not accept plastic lids, tops and caps even though they take the containers that accompany them. The reason is that they are not typically made of the same kinds of plastics as their containers and therefore should not be mixed together with them. “Just about any plastic can be recycled,” says Signe Gilson, Waste Diversion Manager for Seattle-based CleanScapes, one of the west coast’s leading “green” solid waste and recycling collectors, “but when two types are mixed, one contaminates the other, reducing the value of the material or requiring resources to separate them before processing.” Also, plastic caps and lids can jam processing equipment at recycling facilities, and the plastic containers with tops still on them may not compact properly during the recycling process. They can also present a safety risk for recycling workers. “Most plastic bottles are baled for transport and if they don’t crack when baled, the ones with tightly fastened lids can explode when the temperature increases,” says Gilson. Some recycling programs do accept plastic caps and lids, but usually only if they are off their containers completely and batched separately. Given the many potential issues, however, most recyclers would rather avoid taking them altogether. Thus it is hard to believe but true: In most locales the responsible consumers are the ones who throw their plastic caps and lids into the trash instead of the recycling bin. As for metal caps and lids, they, too, can jam processing machines, but many municipalities accept them for recycling anyway because they do not cause any batch contamination issues. To deal with the potentially sharp lid of any can


you are recycling (such as a tuna, soup or pet food can), carefully sink it down into the can, rinse it all clean, and put it in your recycling bin. Of course, the best way to reduce all kinds of container and cap recycling is to buy in large rather than single-serving containers. Does the event you’re holding really require dozens and dozens of 8- to 16-ounce soda and water bottles, many of which will get left behind only partly consumed anyway? Why not buy large soda bottles, provide pitchers of (tap) water and let people pour into re-usable cups? The same kind of approach can be taken with many if not all of the bottled and canned grocery items we buy routinely for the home. If more people bought in bulk, apportioning out of larger, fewer containers, we could take a huge bite out of what goes into the waste stream CONTACT: CleanScapes, www.cleanscapes.com.

Dear EarthTalk: How are heating, cooling and electricity produced by geothermal energy? I’d like to understand how it works. — Delano Stewart, Wyandanch, NY —

he term “geothermal” is derived from the Greek words for earth (“geo”) and heat (“therme”). In essence geothermal energy is power harnessed from Earth itself. Heat from Earth’s core, which averages about 6,650 degrees Fahrenheit, emanates out toward the planet’s surface. Heated springs and geysers up to three miles underground can be accessed by special wells that bring the hot water (or steam from it) up to the surface where it can be used directly for heat or indirectly to generate electricity by powering rotating turbines. Since the water under Earth’s surface is constantly replenished, and Earth’s core will continue to generate heat indefinitely, geothermal power is ultimately clean and renewable. Today there are three main methods for harvesting utility-grade geothermal energy: dry steam, flash steam and binary-cycle. The dry


steam process brings steam up directly from below to drive turbines that power electricity generators. Flash steam plants bring the hot water itself up from below; it is then sprayed into a tank to create steam to drive the turbines. These two methods are the most common, generating hundreds of megawatts of electricity across the American west, Europe and elsewhere. But expansion is limited as these plants only work in tectonic regions where it is easier to access ground heated water. The binary-cycle technology extracts close-tothe surface warm (not necessarily hot) water and combines it with a second (binary) fluid, like butane or pentane, which has a low boiling point. This fluid is then pumped through a heat exchanger, where it is vaporized and sent through a turbine before being recycled back into the system. Binary-cycle geothermal plants already pump out dozens of megawatts of electricity in California, Nevada and Hawaii, among other places. But geothermal isn’t just for utilities. Homeowners looking to go green and lower their utility bills can install a residential system, essentially a scaled-down version of the binarycycle system. A series of pipes is installed underground. Water circulating in the loop is heated naturally underground and then transferred to a heat exchanger that concentrates the energy and releases it inside the home as heat. In summer and in warmer climates, the process is reversed to fill the home with geothermal-cooled air. Geothermal has its drawbacks. For homeowners, it may be hard to justify the up-front expense of $7,500 or more to install a system, though the IRS now offers tax credits for 30 percent of the cost. At the utility level, geothermal plants are costly to build and operate. And finding a suitable site requires digging expensive test wells with no guarantee of hitting a productive underground hot spot. Nevertheless, analysts expect utilitygrade geothermal capacity to nearly double over the next just six years. The Obama administration has set aside $750 million for geothermal development, and Congress has also been generous, allocating $129 million to the Department of Energy for various geothermal programs. Geothermal may be in its infancy in the U.S., but it is a big player in Iceland, which derives 26.5 percent of its electricity needs from geothermal, and in New Zealand, which gets 10 percent of its electricity likewise.

Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each). These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life. Ross can also help you to identify and communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading.

CONTACTS: DOE Consumer Energy Tax Incentives, www.energy.gov/taxbreaks.htm; Geothermal Energy Association, www.geo-energy.org.

Ross J. Miller GOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION? Send it to: EarthTalk, c/o E/The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881 or submit to earthtalk@ emagazine.com. Read past columns at www. emagazine.com/earthtalk/archives.php. EarthTalk™ is now a book! Details and order information at: www.emagazine.com/earthtalkbook. www.spiritofchange.org

Psychic, Medium Healer

Ross is well-known for healing people of migraines, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, anger, grief, abuse trauma, drug and alcohol abuse, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, phobias, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, PTSD and more.

Ross is available for psychic and past-life readings as well as healing sessions in person or over the phone.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit my website at www.TheMysticWay.com or call (617) 527-3583 1075 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465 WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 23



ENERGY MEDICINE Triple Warmer and Your Immune System You can reprogram your immune system to go from invading foe to protective friend with simple energy medicine tools. cientists who study the immune system can only marvel at its capacity for memory, recognition, discrimination, anticipation, learning, and self-organization. But in spite of its remarkable sophistication, the immune system is operating on a battleground that has changed beyond recognition since it originally evolved. You can, however, greatly enhance the effectiveness of your immune system with a few well-chosen conscious actions from the energy medicine toolkit such as tracing meridians, holding acupuncture points, and opening energy blocks. You can literally reprogram your immune system. The immune system can, in fact, be conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs. In one experiment, a group of people were given sherbet along with an injection of adrenaline, which increases the activity of the immune system. After several of these treatments, the injection was changed to an inert substance, yet the sherbet and the placebo injection continued to increase immune cell activity1. I know a woman who, as a girl, was eating red grapes at the moment she learned her mother had just died in a car crash. She has been violently allergic to red grapes ever since. In addition to physical threats, your immune system is responsive to your emotional states, to psychological interventions, and to energy work. When you are angry, your antibody production increases2. Relaxation training can significantly improve the immune system’s functioning3. So can directed imagery. Patients who prepared for surgery with guided imagery that helped them mentally rehearse effective coping experienced less postoperative pain, requested less pain medication, and had more favorable blood chemistry measures than patients who did not use such imagery4. Your immune system operates at the physical levels of the thymus, spleen, lymph, and bone marrow, but it is ruled by two energy systems. The Chinese practitioners named them triple warmer and the strange flows (also known as the radiant circuits). These energies are vastly different from each other in nature and in this article we will focus on the triple warmer. Triple warmer is traditionally recognized as simultaneously operating both as a meridian and as a radiant circuit. It is a meridian, but it functions in ways that are beyond the scope of any other meridian in that it networks the energies of all the meridians to counter an invader. It also operates as a radiant circuit. Radiant circuits do not follow specific pathways. They are more diffuse and intersect all the meridians. Rather


continues on page 26 24 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

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WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 25

Energy Medicine continued from page 24 than stay on its own meridian line, triple warmer energy jumps its course and, like a radiant circuit, hooks up with the other meridians and organs to network information. It also works to heat up the body in conjunction with the hypothalamus gland, the body’s thermostat and instigator of the fight-or-flight response. Though triple warmer seems to be a radiant circuit as well as a meridian, it also conspicuously different from the other radiant circuits, which ensure cooperation, synergy and peace. Triple warmer prepares the body for war!

different biochemical pathways in your immune response than does self-compassion. Activating compassion for yourself can be a critical step in reversing autoimmune disorders. Rather than be angry at your body because of an allergy or autoimmune disease, you can help a crazed triple warmer meridian loosen its grip by entering into conscious partnership with it. Individually and collectively, we also need to become smarter about what we are doing to our habitat and about the foods we ingest.


The Militia Within The cellular level of the immune system — with its lymphocytes, thymocytes, memory B cells, helper and killer T cells, antigens, and antibodies — is a military display that is dazzling in its design, complexity, and intelligence. The triple warmer aggressively mobilizes all the systems in your body to fight. For your health, triple warmer ignites fevers and infections to fight disease. For your safety, triple warmer prompts the release of adrenaline to meet an emergency. Triple warmer is like the king who conscripts an army from the various locales, organs, and systems, although it never conscripts energy from its queen, the heart. But if it chooses, it can draft so much energy from any other part of the body that important systems become temporarily incapacitated — all presumptively for the common good. As commander in chief, the king has available numerous and intricate strategies passed down from one generation to the next where it has learned to recognize and destroy foreign intruders. I used to resist military analogies when speaking of the immune system. I am a peaceful person, and I find the implication that a warlike intelligence in my body is necessary to keep me alive hard to embrace. The closer you look, however, the more the parallels become inescapable between the immune system and a nation’s military (protecting against outside invaders) and its police force (patrolling the local inhabitants). And it is more apt today because triple warmer, like our exceedingly militarized civilization, has become as much a threat to the common good as the antagonists it was designed to oppose. Autoimmune diseases, for instance, where the immune system turns terrorist and attacks the body’s cells and tissue, are a new breed of pestilence and on the docket as the illness of the future. One of the most difficult changes for modern armies is distinguishing between friend and foe. Triple warmer’s habit for millions of years has been to treat whatever it does not recognize as an enemy. While this strategy did sometimes result in kindred forces being decimated by “friendly fire, “ triple warmer was not confronted with much it did not already recognize. Today’s enemies are not so easy to identify. Terrorist cells emerge from within the society and blend into the population, just as cancer cells can be a worse threat than outside microorganisms. Moreover, we pump a greater variety of substances into the atmosphere in one day than were, not so long ago, generated by all of humanity in a century. Your body cannot possibly fight or even distinguish among all it encounters, and the job of triple warmer has become daunting. Autoimmune and immune-deficiency disorders are, respectively, internalized fight responses and internalized flight responses, both in the extreme. In autoimmune disorders, an overactivated triple warmer fights its allies. In immune-deficiency disorders, triple warmer has gone into retreat. The immune system faces unprecedented challenges in finding a balance between maintaining a strong protective force versus spiraling into overkill and self-destruction. If triple warmer continually sets false alarms or sics the immune system’s troops on the good guys, it can keep you on perpetual red alert and exhaust the body. Conscious action is required to retrain our immune systems for our modern world. To begin reprogramming your immune system, the first thing you can adjust is your attitude. For instance, self-judgment triggers 26 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

The Triple Warmer Anytime you are feeling overwhelmed or a little crazed, you can sedate the triple warmer meridian. A quick method is to flush it. (time — under 20 seconds) 1. To flush the triple warmer, trace it backward (see illustration). Breathing deeply into your abdomen, place the fingers of one hand on the opposite temple, trace around your ears and down your shoulders and pull the energy off your fourth finger. 2. Repeat several times on each side.

NOTES: • Angelika Buske-Kirschbaum, Clemens Kirschbaum, Helmuth Stierle, Hendrick Lehnert, and Dirk Hellhammer, “Conditioned Increase of Natural Killer Cell Activity in Humans,” Psychosomatic Medicine 54 (1992). • Glen Rein, Mike Atkinson, Rollin McCraty, “The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger,” Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1995. • Herbert Benson, Beyond the Relaxation Response (New York: Times Books, 1984). • Anne Manyande, Simon Berg, Doreen Gettins, and S. Clare Stanford, “Preoperative Rehearsal of Active Coping Imagery Influences Subjective and Hormonal Responses to Abdominal Surgery,” Psychosomatic Medicine 1995. Excerpted and adapted from Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine (Revised Edition). New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2008. Donna Eden is among the world’s most sought after spokespersons for energy medicine and her abilities as a healer are legendary. Her bestselling book, Energy Medicine, is the authoritative text in its field and recently won U.S. Book News “Book of the Year” award in the self-help category. Learn more about her books and classes at www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com.

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WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 27



FENG SHUI FOR EVERYDAY Dissatisfied with your space? I make house calls. Lynn Taylor

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Dear Lynn, I have a small blank 1’x2’ concrete slab next to my front porch. I would like to place something there to enhance my front entrance. It’s not a good place for a potted plant or tree because it receives very little sun due to the roof overhang. And the porch is a small square with no awning. I would like to bring more fun and prosperity into my life. — Sandy

Dear Sandy, Tile it. De-industrialize that unattractive but useful slab. An area with that small square footage will be very inexpensive to make over with design. If you’re going to buy tiles, specify that they will be placed outside. If you are handy you could make and design them yourself. Is there a country or place you especially love? Try to get tiles that evoke it — or some other type of its earthen work. If tiling seems out of reach for you, a wonderful effect can be achieved with brick. Create a pattern with an alternating design. You could have them cut in half, maybe implement stones and pebbles and weave a labyrinth. It could be quite a squirrel stopper. They’ll be bringing you nuts from the entire neighborhood! These suggestions are meant to transform the offending object/area. Another approach would be to lessen its influence by distracting the eye. Make the porch area interesting and compelling in some way. What suggests lightness of being to you? What holds the energy of your gratitude? Does the porch have a railing? If it does — and it should — black iron would be best for a space this size. You want fun? So does the porch. Decorate it with splashes of color. You could strand the doorframe or iron rails with lights.

Although you seem sure that no plant will survive in that general area I think evergreens are still an option. They don’t have to be large mature ones. Considering the scale of this smallish area you could grace part of it with two or three dwarf evergreens. No straight rows, gentle curves. They could be moved around to different areas or from time to time or as the seasons change.

Dear Lynn, I just got a new fish tank for tropical fish! I want to place it in my living room right near the front door. I have always loved fish tanks with their lighted water and would like to know if water and fish have special meanings in feng shui. I am hoping you can tell me all about that and where would be the best place for them in my home. Thanks Lynn! — Swimmin’ in CT.

Hi There, The very upbeat tone of your question conveys how good this tropical fish tank is for you. In addition to delighting you, the water and fish are supportive and emblematic of your flow in life’s journey. You’ve already decided that it will be in the living room right next to the front door. This area corresponds to the career sector as shown in the bagua. It is appropriate to place the fish tank in that front public sector of your home. The fish enliven it and by their very happy existence they set a sweet, moving, possibly vigorous flow. Water is the conduit for our careers, our flow through life. It vitalizes what is immediately present inside, as well as outside. When placing the tank be sure that it does not present even a slight hazard for passersby.

Position it in a way that creates a surrounding “home” of sorts that makes it the chief focal point for an area and keeps it from being bumped into. Fish are written about quite frequently in feng shui literature. Most typically they are talked about in color ratios that optimize their auspiciousness. The color gold is considered very auspicious, as are certain fish — the carp for example — swimming in ponds both indoors and outside in public establishments. The number 9 is considered the most yang number, the strongest in that it’s the highest number with which to express yourself numerically before having to use additional digits. So lucky number 9 is a component in fish selection. Choose eight fish of one color and one fish of a different color. The differing one is the agent of change. However, fish selection does not affect placement of the tank at the design/decision level, so select fish in colors and numbers that seem most uplifting or intriguing to you. Beneficial chi flow is assured and active in your home.

Hi Lynn, I work from home and I’ve moved my desk many different places in my home office. What is the ideal way for my desk to face for productivity and financial success? I prefer my desk to face out into the room, but then my back is to the window. Any help? — LL

Dear Double L, It doesn’t feel right to turn your back to the light, does it? Let’s try to figure out how you can both enjoy the view the window provides and face back into the room as you work. The cardinal directions won’t govern this decision. Practicality will. For prosperity, success and health you must be maximally supported in your environment. A good arrangement helps deepen your ability to focus, create and grow. Ideally you are supported by a wall behind you, facing into the room with a clear view of the entrances but not directly lined up with one. Your chair should be comfortable and if you are not able to completely face into the room as well as view the door, have a swivel chair with a high back. The chair itself will provide backing creating a mini-environment within the room and allow you to easily swivel to optimum positions. Many times in small rooms at home or in rooms with multiple uses this ideal (a wall of support behind you and desk facing into the space) will seem impossible. It is not. In almost all situations it can be created. If the room is really small and you’ve achieved this arrangement, you might be faced with the www.spiritofchange.org

challenge that you are in a tight spot when seated. This may mean that you have to adjust your posture (your physical self), at least somewhat, to get behind the desk. Over time, this speaks to your governing subconscious mind with messages to lower your expectations, settle for less, compromise, don’t expect too much, which are very limiting messages indeed. Do your best to make this wall of support and inward facing desk position with enough chair space possible, even if it means eliminating some of the other furniture in the room. Or consider the possibility that by switching the function of another room that is more accommodating to this arrangement and moving your office there, you may boost other uses of your overall space for the better. This is a big change physically and can bring a newfound clarity to embedded thought forms. If the space is used additionally for houseguests, make it comfortable for you and compromise the rest for the guests. Their stay is brief and pretty passive in terms of daily functioning and responsibility. In dining rooms or family rooms, create an area within the larger area that provides the same principles. If you have to, use a movable screen to separate the energies; this will also concentrate your workspace more beneficially. Bookcases can be used to block the back of a desk if it’s visible and looks unattractive, but can also serve as room dividers/definers, much the same as screens do. You didn’t ask, but if in your home office you ever interview people and you are seated with a window behind you, you will be in “relief.” Your actual presence is diminished as your countenance becomes silhouetted. It weakens your influence and makes you less heard. There is effort for the person opposite you to keep your presence visually. Maybe you don’t have meetings or interviews at home but this principle also applies to talking to your kids! If you want your voice to be taken seriously, step out of that spot and into one with a wall behind you, backing you up.

Margo Mariana *ÃÞV VÊ Õ Ãi ÀÊUÊ viÊ >V ÊUÊ i` V> Ê ÌÕ Ì Ûi


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Lynn Taylor is a senior feng shui practitioner who teaches and consults in the United States and Mexico for both business and home environments. She has been featured extensively on television, radio and in print. Send questions for this column or contact Lynn at lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com or (617) 924-4205.

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 29



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Bridgewater Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt. 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324, 508-697-3273 www.mahayogacenter.com. Yoga all levels, hatha, Ashtanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (YA).

Brighton Ayurvedic Rehabilitation Center, 103 Bennett St., Brighton, MA 02135. 617-782-1727. Loretta Levitz, Dir. Yoga, all levels (including disability), Ayurveda, teacher training, private or small groups. 30 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Open Doors Power Yoga Studios, 10 locations outside Boston. (781) 843-8224. Hot power yoga and gentle yoga- all levels. 200 & 500 hour yoga teacher training. www.opendoors7.com.

Groton Groton Wellness. 493 Main St. Groton, MA, 01469. Individualized for all levels. Vinyasa yoga, meditations, nia and kettle bell. www.GrotonWellness.com • (978) 449-9919.

Holden Opening Lotus Yoga. An Eco-Green Studio. www.openinglotusyoga.com • (508) 829-7435 456 Main St., Holden, MA, 01520. BeginnerAdvanced. Gentle-Vigorous. Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin & More.

Manchester The School of Complete Yoga, Manchester Community Center, 40 Beach Street. Classic Hatha Yoga to enhance and improve overall health. First class is complementary! 908-307-4496.

Marblehead Namaste Yoga Center, 66 Clifton Avenue. Iyengar inspired classes. Private sessions with specialized yoga programs. Seminars and 200/500 Teacher Training. Join anytime! 617-816-1489 namasteyogactr.com.

Marlborough The Yoga Studio at Rising Sun. Ongoing beginner, continuing and deeper Svaroopa® Yoga classes. Private sessions in yoga therapy. Workshops, special classes. www.risingsunacupuncture.com (508) 786-0788.

Peabody Mind, Body & Soul Yoga, 36 Walnut St, Peabody, MA. All levels yoga, beginners yoga, gentle yoga, Hatha yoga, power yoga and workshops. 978-257-4545 • www.yogamindbodysoul.net.

Revere Tranquil FlameYoga, Point of Pines Yacht Club, 28 Rice Ave., www.tranquilflameyoga.com. 781-284-7949. Morning and evening classes at oceanfront location. Seasonal workshops and retreats. Beginners welcome.

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South Hamilton Yogaspirit® Studios and Teacher Training. (978) 927-0099 • www.yogaspiritstudios.com. 200/500 RYS: Comprehensive teacher certifications since 1999. Daily yoga classes with nurturing teachers who inspire the transformative qualities of yoga.

Uxbridge Harmony Wellness Center, 9 North Main Street, 508-278-3553, Tai chi, pilates, belly dance, meditation, massage, energy and spa therapies. www.harmony-wellness-center.com. State of Grace, 104 East Hartford Ave., Uxbridge, MA 01569. 508-278-2818. Yoga, belly dance, Pilates, massage, skin care, workshops. www.stateofgracewellness.com


West Roxbury Bikram Yoga for You, 1864 Centre Street. 617-325-3244 • www.bikramyogaforyou.com. Established in 1995. Bikram certified instructors. All levels welcome. A healing yoga.

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Westborough Westborough Yoga for healing, transformation and health. www.westboroughyoga.com. Offering Svaroopa Yoga, meditation, private yoga therapy and embodyment, prenatal and gentle yoga. Contact Michelle Gross: 508-341-6424.

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WORLDWIDE General Information YogaFamily.com is the world’s largest, FREE, online yoga directory; connecting teachers, students, and community. YogaFamily.com also offers yoga resources and healthy living products.

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 31

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have heard the adage, father knows best. However, countless women recognize unequivocally that mothers run the show. The motto, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy,� seems difficult to dispute. Perhaps all the insights my mother alleged did have wisdom wrapped within. One notable anecdote was my mom’s recollection of fertility in the 1960’s. Her doctor told her she would probably have difficulty conceiving, considering her small frame and irregular cycles. His advice was to go home, relax and not think about it. Taking his advice to heart, she did exactly as told. She got pregnant three times within four years. Thirty-five years later, she told me that story, advising me to go home, relax, and not think about it. Unlike my mother, I thought about it incessantly. I charted my ovulation, measured my body temperature each morning, and checked my pee on a stick, figuring out scientifically the exact hour the window opened for optimum conception opportunity. Without success, my husband and I visited the Reproductive Science Center for testing. The results were inconclusive, except that my husband’s sperm were active with remarkable motility; he promoted himself to macho-man status. Our sex life improved dramatically with such newfound confidence; we increased our efforts. Yet, results still left us baby-less. Almost a year later, with autumn approaching, new beginnings and changes upon us, I resigned myself to a life as a childless woman, imagining travel adventures and a variety of careers that would recharge my soul. The prior spring, my husband and I had purchased our first home, imagining our life with children. We chose a great school district with the expectation that our offspring would attend the neighborhood elementary school. It was laughable to think about the plans we made to make our

dreams happen. Even more comical were the giant hips I was granted at age eleven. For decades, I had assumed that God could only have made me this way for one purpose: bearing children. Even more astounding was the number of women getting pregnant around me. It seemed that every week, another friend announced that she was “expecting,� as if to say, “nah, nah, na nah, nah.� Even bunnies in our yard appeared to multiply exponentially. Actually, that was not that surprising. What you think about, you bring about; the law of attraction was in perfect harmony with my life. With bits of discord, yet surrendering to reality, my husband and I lived fully, traveling to Hawaii, Illinois, New Hampshire, Arizona and Alaska, attempting to embrace our freedom, while practicing baby making at every juncture. Sex in the wilderness of Alaska, sex in the exotic backdrop of bamboo forests and waterfalls, sex in romantic cottages, sex on the beach, sex, sex, and more sex. We attempted each position, wondering if anything would bring about conception. Through all of these experiences, we enjoyed life, taking in the moments of adventure, living, laughing, and loving. Yet we also cried, full of sadness that life was not what we expected. There was deep anguish from not knowing if children would be part of our future. I attempted to imagine my life without offspring. By September, I conceded, accepting whatever life offered me. It is significant to note that when you release control and surrender, life brings the extraordinary to you. Day-to-day moments feel immensely exhilarating and powerfully beautiful. I pondered this thought as I weeded garden beds at our home. It was a warm September day full of possibility; the smell of lavender filled my senses. I was wearing ordinary, beige gardening gloves and shorts. At some point, I removed one glove to sever a vine from choking a birch tree. Taking off that glove, unwrapping that vine, releasing the tree from strangulation, my life was forever changed. The following month revealed how. Within a day, my legs and hands started itching with an abundance of bumps. I was miserable; poison ivy had ravaged my entire body. About ten years had passed since my last poison ivy outbreak. I looked like a burn victim with wounds full of puss, oozing and scabbing. Within a week, I went to see my primary care physician. He asked how life had been going besides the obvious ailment; I reported the story of poison ivy acquisition, and mentioned that I had been trying to get pregnant for the past year, only to receive multiple negative pregnancy test results. Putting my poison ivy treatment aside, he whispered, “Don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you. My colleagues would think I am nuts. But my sister pretty much had the same story as you. She went to an acupuncturist for some treatments and I now have four nieces and nephews.� He proceeded to give me the name and number of an acupuncturist and a prescription for Prednisone to treat the poison ivy. Within a week I was meeting with a Chinese acupuncturist, who told me unambiguously that I would be pregnant soon, similar to her last two fertility clients. She explained that my chi (energy) was out of balance. With three one-hour acupuncture treatments, swallowing five brown Chinese herbs three times per day, and doing the “deed,� I was pregnant. Some will say that the Chinese herbs readied my body for pregnancy or the acupuncture relaxed my body and ripened my eggs for conception. However, if you asked me what happened, I would say that my mother knew best. Go home, relax, and do not think about it. As I lay on the table during those acupuncture sessions, I felt at home, relaxed and thinking about nothing in particular. My mother knew something that I did not. Forget the predictions, the calculations, the control you think you have, and surrender to the present moment. That is where you find peace, where the extraordinary lives. Whatever your ailment or desire for the insurmountable, allow yourself to go home, relax, and do not think about it. Let it come to you. Mother knows best.


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L.E. Falcon is a Boston area author, where she lives with her macho husband and two children, and no longer weeds garden beds. She can be reached at lefalcon@ lightalife.com or visit www.LightALife.com. www.spiritofchange.org


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etters of Apology began collecting letters in 2008 as a forum where people can contribute an anonymous letter of apology for any unfinished business they’d like to take care of. In this way people can speak with a heartfelt sincerity that isn’t always possible face to face. Letters are addressed to Dear Mom, Dear Neighbor, Dear Husband, etc., giving readers the opportunity to identify with others carrying similar burdens or read the words that sound like they were written just for them. Volume 1 of these extraordinary letters was published in 2009 and is excerpted here. In these letters, people tell us about the different kinds of mistakes they’ve made and the honest and sincere regret they feel for having made them. Reading them reminds us that other people — maybe even millions of people — have made the same mistakes. They also let us know that other people — maybe even millions — have struggled because of someone else’s mistakes. This is an amazing gift. When we accept it, we accept the truth implied within: that the people who hurt us may feel the same sincere regret for what they did even if they’ve never spoken or written the words we’ve longed to hear. Dear Son, The life that I have lived has not been one of privilege, and is no excuse for not being in your life. I regret that I have allowed you to grow up with only one parent. I am sorry for allowing this jail life to come between you and me, and not being there for you when you needed a father. There is nothing I can do to make up for the years I have left you without a father. I do believe that you have the right to despise me and the awful mistakes that I have made. It is not the killing or drug crimes I regret, that is the life I chose. The crime of allowing a young man to grow up without a father is the crime I now serve the rest of my life in prison for. The only crime I shed tears for everyday of my shameful life. I sincerely write this letter in hope of putting you at peace with the demons I have allowed to fill your soul. I know I have not been there to teach you right from wrong. I hope I have in-

fluenced and set enough of an example for you to be nothing like me. If I have done that then I know you will live a long life filled with hope, love and the motivation to achieve greatness. I have always loved you, From the Dad to a stranger The simple fact is that an apology only needs to be seven words long: I’m sorry I did this to you. It’s all the other words people include that can dilute an apology’s ability to resolve a situation. People shy away from the simplicity of this apology because it’s humbling. When delivered with sincerity, there’s no place to hide, no excuses, nothing — just the simplest of statements that acknowledges and exposes our imperfections in front of another human being. Sometimes people do a good job with the “I’m sorryâ€? part, but without the other five words, how does the listener know what someone is saying they’re sorry for? The person speaking could just as easily be finishing the sentence in their mind with a slew of words that have nothing to do with a sincere apology. Instinctively, we know this. The â€œâ€ŚI did this‌â€? part will let both of us know that we are on the same page talking about the same thing. And if we can agree on what happened, then we should be able to resolve the situation. But it’s the last two words, the â€œâ€Śto youâ€? that seal the deal. When someone finishes his or her apology with the â€œâ€Śto youâ€? words, it’s like a breath of fresh air to us because now we can put the whole situation behind us. Without the last two words even the simplest, smallest, stupidest issues can take up residency in dark corners of our mind where they threaten to influence all future interactions with that person. If an unresolved issue persists long enough or is severe enough, it has the potential of influencing the way we interact with everyone and everything else in our world. Dear Daughter, Let me start by saying that the day you were born was the happiest day of my life. I was so young, barely a teenager and so inexperienced. But when I saw your beautiful face it made the pain go away.

I know you think that you were not planned, wanted or welcome. I was never taught how to love and therefore I’m a woman of small words, or few words. This is why I want to write these words and though they are way overdue, I want to write them while I’m still alive. I’m so sorry for not telling you how much you mean to me, how much I love you and how proud I am of you! I also want to tell you that I am so sorry for all the hurt you’ve suffered and all you’ve been through. I’m so sorry for all of the abuse: physical, mental, spiritual and yes, even sexual. I know what your father did to you. I do believe you. Maybe if I had had the courage to do something when you told me you would’ve been okay. If I had believed you sooner and left him, or ran away, or sought shelter for us you wouldn’t have had to pay the price you paid. I was so young and feared for my life and yours. I was paralyzed with fear so I stayed. I need to say I’m sorry. I believe you and I pray that you can forgive me so that I can rest in peace. Love, Mom The easiest way to recognize when an apology is appropriate is to look at a situation like it’s an equation. On one side of the equation we have people doing something. On the other side of the equation we have people dealing with the results. If the results have had a negative effect on a person, place or thing, chances are very good that someone owes somebody an apology. We’ve all been on both sides of the apology equation and learned a few things in the process. Like how much easier it is to recognize when we’re the one owed the apology than it is to admit it if we’re the one who owes the apology. We’ve also experienced the shift in power that sometimes takes place when the equation is completed. Without a doubt, none of us enjoys finding ourselves on the wrong side of the apology equation regardless of how we got there. It doesn’t matter if we got there as the result of a miscommunication, someone else’s minor mistake or the result of someone else’s ridiculously unacceptable behavior. All of these situations can be unpleasant and uncomfortable and when we find ourselves caught up in them our instinct is very often to wonder what we did wrong. In reality, we’ve been drawn into someone else’s drama and once we start thinking from this perspective it’s hard to shift our attention to any other. We want to understand what happened and we think that if we can figure out what we did wrong, then we might be able to fix things and prevent this type of thing from ever happening again. Unfortunately when we spend our time trying to understand what we did wrong, we lose sight of the simple truth: people do what they do for their own reasons. www.spiritofchange.org

Dear Wife, I am sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused you. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know how a man was supposed to treat his wife. I didn’t understand that I should have cherished and loved you sincerely and with all of my heart. I regret cheating on you, hitting you, neglecting you and running away from my responsibilities as a husband. I never want to hurt anyone this way again. I realize now what a beautiful, loving and caring person you are. I hope you find love, peace and happiness because I took all of that away from you. I never befriended you and hope that you will find friendship in your next relationship, someone you can talk to, someone who will listen to you and understand and respect your feelings. I will love you always. I am forever sorry. Your Husband If someone did something and we suffered as a result, regardless of whether that was their intention or not, their decision to act was influenced by their private agendas, both conscious and unconscious and made in the quiet solitude of their mind. We might have provided input, but it doesn’t make any difference what our input was; any action they took was based on a decision they made for their own private reasons. Granted, it takes a little time and practice to stop reacting to people and their actions, especially if we have history with them. But if we can delay our reaction long enough to wonder what might be going on for someone else, we’ll see unexpected things like sadness, frustration, anxiety, exhaustion, anger, fear, etc., all of which probably have nothing to do with us. And when we take the time to consider what might be going on for someone else, we are less likely to jump to the conclusion that we are responsible for his or her actions. Every time we wrap the seven magic words around a situation we’ve created and offer them to the person or people involved, we’re not just saying we’re sorry; we’re saying that we value our relationship with them, that they deserve better, that it wasn’t their fault, that they are worthy and that we are truly and sincerely sorry if we did something that made them feel otherwise. When we tell the people in our lives this, then maybe, when they look in the mirror tomorrow morning it will be easier for them to see and believe these truths too. Valerie Utton, M.Ed., is author of Letters of Apology, an ongoing project that welcomes your contribution of your own anonymous letter of apology for future editions of the book. Please email letters to letterofapology@earthlink.net, fax to (203) 413-6390 or mail to PO Box 934, Suffield, CT 06078. For more information visit www.theletterbooks.com.


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“You are more than the worst thing you’ve ever done.”





36 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

onaldson Correctional Facility is not a nice place. Here are society’s convicted murders, rapists and thieves. Known as “the House of Pain,” this maximum security prison in the deep south is crowded with rage and misery. It’s a breeding ground for violence, the end of the prison line. Inmate OB Oryang describes it this way: “Donaldson is a crazy place. The most incorrigible in the Alabama prison system are put here, the high-risk people and the people who are unmanageable at other prisons. It’s a jumble of confusion, a jumble of violence. Nobody is immune to it. The past two weeks have seen evidence of that. Two prisoners killed another prisoner last week, and there were seven stabbings...”

Jenny Phillips, a cultural anthropologist and psychiatric nurse from Concord, Massachusetts was inspired to enter Donaldson after learning that prisoners in this harsh environment were teaching each other how to meditate. Inmate R. Troy Bridges (serving life without parole) began leading prisoner meditation study groups based on a Lionheart

Foundation book Houses of Healing he found while working in the prison library. In six years the group grew to over 300 meditating inmates. They wanted to expand on the Houses of Healing program; they wanted to go deeper with their meditation practice. But they didn’t know how. What Phillips found at Donaldson were prisoners — human beings — suffering greatly and tremendously motivated, but incapable of finding another path. They wanted to look at the past, and at their crimes, but they lacked the skills. Anger management as taught in prisons everywhere is mostly anger suppression; for an inmate population permeated with fear and aggression it is “whipped cream on garbage,� and doesn’t help people heal. The inmates, some serving multiple life sentences, had only hopelessness as a framework. “Life without parole doesn’t mean that you’re to be punished, or worked, or any of that,� said inmate Grady Bankhead. “It means you’re to be warehoused till you die.� Searching for solutions to their chaotic lives, these prisoners were hungry for whatever bit of deliverance they could find behind bars. Phillips was convinced Vipassana (pronounced Vy-PASS-uh-nah) meditation was the answer. Taught and practiced at Vipassana Centers throughout the world, Vipassana is not a relaxation method or a religion. There are no gurus or rituals or mantras. Vipassana is a set of very structured meditation techniques for addressing inner issues as practiced and taught by the Buddha 26 centuries ago. Sitting in noble silence for 10 days for 10 hours a day, 100 hours of meditation, students observe sensations in the body, moment by moment, recognizing the impermanence of nature. Penetrating self-observation reveals the causes of one’s suffering, and the suffering one has caused others. Deep insight also provides the path for overcoming the suffering. A Vipassana retreat includes sitting, rest, vegetarian meals, teacher interviews and lot of training and support. Students are required to undertake the five precepts: to abstain from killing any being, from stealing, from all sexual activity, from telling lies and from all intoxicants. Philips knew of the success of Vipassana for violent criminals through the film Doing Time, Doing Vipassana. This documentary chronicles the introduction of a large Vipassana course to 1,000 inmates in Tihar Jail, India’s largest prison, and the subsequent decline in violence and improvement in quality of life at the jail. Guided by the Vipassana Meditation Center in Shelburne, Massachusetts and prison psychologist Ron Cavanaugh, and with the advocacy and support of the Lionheart Foundation (a publicly supported non-profit dedicated to bringing prisoners tools, opportunity and inspiration to heal while incarcerated) the Alabama Department of Corrections approved the program at Donaldson after much negotiation, making it the first state prison in North America to hold a Vipassana course. Phillips documented Vipassana at Donaldson in the award-winning film The Dhamma Brothers; East Meets West in the Deep South. In order to adhere to the exacting Vipassana program requirements, two Vipassana teachers moved into the maximum-security prison, living with the meditation students 24 hours a day for a total of 11 days. They slept in the gymnasium along with the students, but, at the warden’s insistence, in a separate locked area. By rearranging the room, hanging curtains to create separate sleeping places for each student, bed mats were rolled out, carpet (from the warden’s home) was put down and meditation cushions were set on the floor. The west gym in the “House of Pain� was transformed. “It had something holy about it,� said an inmate. They spent 11 days in this “ashram� together; an ashram, which the day before as the prison gym was often the setting of brutal aggression; an ashram, behind double barbed-wire, locked, with a correction officer on guard at all times. But inside, the seeds of transformation were growing. Completely isolated from the general prison chaos outside, 20 Vipassana students began their journey. Their seclusion was not punitive; it was for their privacy and benefit. Their needs were attended to by their teachers. But, as a teacher reminded, “We can’t really do anything. Our job is just to give; it’s up to the men.� Vipassana is not soft on prisoners. For inmates whose identity often relies on posturing, on having the right walk, the right display of aggression, Vipassana offers only truth, only “seeing things as they actually are.�

the Colon Cleansing Kit™ ($89.50) by Blessed Herbs A 9 day program guaranteed to remove old intestinal debris

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n October, 27th 2004 we received this letter from one of the tens-of-thousands of people who have taken our Colon Cleansing Kit. He writes:

“Dear Blessed Herbs, this was an email I sent to my family and friends after my amazing experience. Since then, six of them have done your cleanse. This is what I wrote... Friends, about a month ago, brother Jon sent me a link to blessedherbs.com. He asked me if I knew anything about their Colon Cleansing Kit. I had always been interested in cleansing but had never actually participated in a program. After spending time on their website, I ordered the kit. I just finished the program and wanted to share my experience with you. It is estimated that the average person carries 5–10 pounds of intestinal buildup in their intestines and colon. It is a hard coating of putrification that releases toxins into the bloodstream and prevents us from effectively absorbing vitamins and minerals into our system. It is one of the reasons that many people feel hungry all the time and crave stronger and stronger flavors. As a fifteen year vegetarian and life-long non-smoker, non-drinker... I thought the Colon Cleansing Kit would be good for me, but I didn’t expect that much old waste removal. Boy, was I mistaken. First of all, I followed the program to the letter. It is eight days... the first three are a “pre-cleanseâ€? getting you ready for a five-day liquid-only herbal fast. There are two herbal elements to the cleanse. The first is Digestive Stimulator capsules that help you get the bowels moving. The second is Toxin Absorber powder. It includes psyllium husk (an intestinal broom... not unlike Metamucil™ but totally herbal), bentonite clay (absorbs forty times its weight in toxins and pulls the buildup from the walls of the intestinal tract), apple pectin and ginger root (anti-bloating and adds flavour to the drink). During the five-day fast, you take the Toxin Absorber with organic apple juice five times a day, three hours apart. Before bedtime you take the Digestive Stimulator. In addition you drink 6–8 glasses of pure (distilled water) a day. You can also drink additional apple juice and vegetable broth during the day if desired. I never felt hungry during the five days. I sit here on the morning of the sixth day (waiting to break

my fast with an organic apple) and don’t feel hungry whatsoever. Anyway, the program suggests that you start seeing old waste on the second day of the fast. That is exactly what happened to me. It was absolutely amazing to see what was being removed.I thought it would start to slow down during the fast, but yesterday was actually the heaviest removal. Lest you think that you spend

These photos show bowel movement containing old intestinal debris passed while taking the Colon Cleansing Kit™ ($89.50). This old debris can form a hard coating that builds up on the walls of your intestines and may release toxins into the bloodstream. To order or learn more visit: www.BlessedHerbs.com or call: 800.489.4372 Orders placed within two months of this ad get 10% off with this promotional code: 4637

the day in the bathroom, don’t worry. There was never a time where I felt a sense of urgency. In addition, it is a very pleasant experience (not violent at all) and you barely need to wipe yourself. There is no burning or rawness that would normally be associated with diarrhea. Sorry for all the details, but it has been a life-changing experience. I played tennis on days 3, 4 and 5 and it was the best I had played in years. My energy and overall sense of well-being is quite extraordinary. In addition (although they don’t advertise it as such) I lost seventeen pounds. Thanks, Jon, for sending me the link. I would encourage any of you to do it and counsel that if you do, do it by the letter. I did, and felt like I received the maximum benefit.� 5P PSEFS UIF $PMPO $MFBOTJOH ,JU


continues on page 38 www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 37

When Time Is All You Have: Vipassana Behind Bars continued from 37 Students must enter the frightening prison of the mind. A tough gang leader confided, “I don’t know if I can do this. I’m a really angry man.” With the reassurance of the teachers, the student returned to his cushion.

If we’re ever going to solve the problem of violence in our society we’re going to have to find ways that closed hearts can open and broken lives can mend. — Joan Borysenko Ph.D., board member, The Lionheart Foundation

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During the rigorous first three days, 30 hours of meditation, the students rose with a 4 a.m. waking bell and practiced only anapana, “awareness of respiration.” This scientific breathing technique is merely observing the breath enter and exit the area just below the nostrils. There is nothing to focus on, no mantra, prayer or candle. The goal for the students, sitting hour after hour, trying not to move as the monkey mind goes running wild, is simply to slow the mind. On the fourth day, the students again awoke with the 4 a.m. bell. (“I would hear this sound I’m not used to and it means it’s time to get up,” said Vipassana student Rick Smith, serving life without parole. “I would learn to hate that sound.”) For the remaining days, students meditated by observing the body, moving from one part to another. Through this deep, internal process a lot of mental suffering is uncovered; toxic emotions surface. Each student experiences an “inner storm,” a deep sense of fear, rage and depression. Students, overwhelmed, would jump from their cushions and, ironically, try to escape from the gym sanctuary back to the prison. But eventually, after many days and many hours of constant support, the meditating inmates glimpsed inner freedom. Vipassana helped the men to understand the conditioned responses of their minds. It helped them to see that a person’s reaction to a given situation is a choice. A corrections officer said the individuals in the program were “more relaxed, easier to get along with and don’t cause as many problems.” Vipassana also helped the men realize the full impact of their crimes. “I’m up on capital murder,” says Grady Bankhead, “but that’s not what it was. It was a slaughter.” After being on death row for eight years, Bankhead was returned to the general population to face the rest of his life at Donaldson. Like others, he depends on Vipassana to navigate the reality of his daily existence, to keep him from constantly clashing with other prisoners, with support staff… and with his own past. As a child of five, dressed in his best clothes, Bankhead and his three-

Jenny Phillips, author of Letters From the Dhamma Brothers, was inspired to enter Donaldson Correctional Facility after learning that prisoners in this harsh environment were teaching each other how to meditate.

year-old brother were driven by their mother to an abandoned house in the country. She told Bankhead to wait on the porch and take care of his little brother until she came back for them. They stayed on the porch all night and in the morning found a hubcap filled with rain water and a dead bird. These were their rations till they were found several days later. Bankhead’s baby brother later died. Bankhead, filled with guilt, always blamed himself. He never saw his mother again until he got to death row. Family history doesn’t excuse behavior, but it does help to explain it. Isolated and victimized with no one to trust, a child’s whole life begins to unravel.

Criminals, people who commit crimes, usually society rejects these people. They are also part of our society. Give them some form of punishment to say they were wrong, but show them they are part of society and can change. Show them compassion.” — His Holiness, The Dalai Lama

In the ancient Pali language of the Buddha, “dhamma” (or “dharma” in Sanskrit) translates to “the pathway to wisdom.” The meditating



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Vipassana is not soft on prisoners. The goal for students, sitting hour after hour, trying not to move as the monkey mind goes running wild, is simply to slow the mind. inmates named themselves “Dhamma Brothers” in honor of their new found pathway, their individual and communal devotion to self-awareness and spiritual growth. After the 10-day course they continued meeting for daily meditation, with longer sits once a week. Many of the general prison population rejected or simply didn’t understand the meditating inmates, but some noticed the calm and non-reactive nature now present in the meditators. The value of the Dhamma community was expressed by one Dhamma brother: “Blessed, indeed, are those of us who dwell among the hating… and do not hate.” Several months later the prison chaplain, fearing inmates were being “turned” Buddhist, asked the Alabama commissioner to shut down the Vipassana program at Donaldson. Highlighting the often arbitrary nature of the penal system, the men were simply told they could no longer meditate. Devastated, they wrote letter after letter to Phillips and to the Vipassana instructors. Phillips compiled these letters in an emotional and fascinating book, Letters from the Dhamma Brothers. Many of the men continued their silent practices, and eventually, as unexpectedly as it was taken away, Vipassana was welcomed back to Donaldson. As of this writing, Donaldson continues to run 10-day intensives, and there are hopes to install a permanent Vipassana unit in the prison with ongoing courses, similar to one in Tihar Jail in India. Exciting early academic research findings by the University of Alabama in collaboration with the Alabama Department of Corrections show the great value Vipassana programs hold for inmates. This may lead to program www.spiritofchange.org

expansions. Additionally, Jenny Phillips is in communication with the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, pursuing the possibility of introducing Vipassana to the Massachusetts correctional system. The spring issue of Spirit of Change will include an update on these projects. Gail Lord is a freelance writer in Massachusetts. INMATE RESOURCES • The Lionheart Foundation, P.O. Box 194, Back Bay, Boston, MA 02117. (781) 444-66674. www. lionheart.org. Publicly supported non-profit dedicated to bringing prisoners tools, opportunity and inspiration to heal while incarcerated. • Vipassana Meditation Center, Shelburne, Massachusetts. www.dhara.dhamma.org. Vipassana as taught by S.N. Goenka. All courses run solely on a donation basis. Donations accepted only from students who have completed at least one ten-day course and have experienced for themselves the benefits of Vipassana. Thus, Vipassana is offered free from commercialism.

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• Vipassana Prison Trust. www.prison.dhamma.org • “The Dhamma Brothers” (2007 film). A Freedom Behind Bars Production, Concord, MA. www.dhammabrothers.com • Letters From the Dhamma Brothers, Jenny Philips, Pariyatti Press, 2008. www.pariyatti.org

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Mohawk Vision of Sacred Land By Steven McFadden


n an August evening in 2009, Doug George-Kanentiio offered a ten-minute oration while the sun was setting. Choosing good words, he spoke about the power of great art, about our prophetic era, and about our relations with the land and each other. At the end, he gave voice to the emerging vision of establishing an Indigenous University in America. The microphone Kanentiio stood at that evening was set on land about twenty-five paces from “Sacred Rain Arrow,” one of the sculptural masterpieces created by the late Allan Houser. Kanentiio’s talk was part of a benefit event for Go Native Arts, hosted in the garden of the Houser Estate about 20 miles south of Santa Fe, New Mexico. An hour after Kanentiio’s oration, his wife Joanne Shenandoah stood before the same microphone. By this time the stars had emerged, and Jupiter was strong in the sky to the east. Joanne faced south, centered herself, and gave voice to the enthralling Prophecy Song from her Orenda CD. She was supported with harmonies arising from daughter, Leah, and flanked in the west by the beseeching bronze presence of “Sacred Rain Arrow.” We are now reminded to be aware of our place upon this earth,. And to fulfill our obligations to ourselves, our families, our nations, the natural world, the Creator. The words sing, we are to awaken. Stand up, be counted, for you are being recognized in the spirit world. Several days after the benefit event, I met Kanentiio again amid a crush of people by the bandstand at the annual Santa Fe Indian Market. We found a quiet place to sit and talk. To answer my questions about the land, Kanentiio began telling of where he was born and raised — Akwesasne Mohawk Territory on the “Discussing the Environment” by Arnold Jacobs Arnold Jacobs is a Six Nations artist who owns and operates Two Turtle Iroquois Fine Art Gallery in Six Nations, Iroquois Territory, Ontario, Canada . E-mail: isabelwjacobs@execulink.com

40 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Courtesy of Chiinde LLC

shores of Kaniatarowanenneh (St. Lawrence River) at the New York-Ontario frontier. The Mohawks are part of the Iroquois Confederacy, and the Keepers of the Eastern Door. Their confederacy is the oldest, active participatory democracy on Earth. With its Great Law of Peace, the Confederacy was a direct example and inspiration for the U.S. Constitution. A former editor of Akwesasne Notes, Kanentiio is also a founder of the Native American Journalists Association, and the author of several books, including Iroquois on Fire: A Voice from the Mohawk Nation. In collaboration with his wife, Joanne, he is co-author of Skywoman: Tales of the Iroquois. As we talked in Santa Fe, Kanentiio reminded me that Mohawk Territory straddles the border between the USA and Canada. It’s territory that’s in both nations, and it’s in neither. “Akwesasne is a nexus,� he said. “It’s situated at a juncture of land and water that is of considerable strategic importance. We straddle the St. Lawrence River at what were once known as the 25-mile rapids. “Historically at Akwesasne the lives of the people were interwoven with the land and the water. People were called there because the place had all the resources necessary for life, and those resources gave stability to the people and to the community. That provided the Mohawk people with a high degree of cultural continuity, and it gave us a certain power and purpose. We always had that. “Then in April of 1959 there came a break with this pattern. The St. Lawrence Seaway came into being, and our whole way of life changed. The natural, free flow of the living waters at 25-mile rapids was choked with locks. That energetic change fractured our community. It messed up the fishing grounds, and it separated the people from the water and from the land. We began to metamorphose from a vigorous people to a sedentary people. We became wage earners for the first time, dependent on money, and we began to lose our language. That brought about a huge change in values, and a whole generation of our children began to change from that point onward. “When traditional indigenous peoples are separated from the land, then there is a break in trust in relation to the land, a break that goes both ways. We don’t trust the land, and the land doesn’t trust us. But you must have that trust. When we don’t communicate with each other, and when we don’t communicate with the land, the relationships become abrasive.� In this context, Kanentiio mentioned Handsome Lake (Ganyahdiyok), the legendary figure who brought gaiwiio (good words) to the people over 200 years ago. Among his life experiences, Handsome Lake was given a vision of the future. He foresaw environmental disasters including air and water pollution, and he offered prophetic cautions. “Handsome Lake and others warned us that the final assault on the Iroquois — the greatest danger — would come from within. continues on page 42 “Sacred Rain Arrow� Bronze sculpture by Allan Houser www.spiritofchange.org

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Mohawk Vision of Sacred Land continued from page 41 That’s what’s happening now,” Kanentiio said. “In terms of ideals, the Iroquois Confederacy represents something very good. But things change. Metamorphosis has continued and is continuing today, but at a faster pace. In our tradition we have in our creation story an important part about the twins, one twin of the good mind and one twin of the bad mind. That’s something to remember. These twins are always present. “Smuggling of tobacco and narcotics, and gambling — whatever commands a profit — has created a narco-culture at Akwesasne,” he said. “Our good, traditional Iroquois values of humility, compassion, simplicity, generosity and communal service have been replaced by greed, intimidation, violence, and death.”


fter hearing this, I told Kanentiio of a meeting that happened about 17 years ago in Montreal. I found myself sitting beside the widely known and respected Hopi messenger Thomas Banyacya in a hotel lobby after he had given a talk. As we conversed, Grandfather Banyacya told me that long ago, when the Earth had gone through another epic metamorphosis, gambling had been the precipitating factor. “That was the last straw,” Banyacya told me. “When the gambling and all its related problems built up to a certain level, that triggered the great flood that cleansed the land.” After listening to my story, Kanentiio responded. “We Indian people are supposed to be the custodians of the land, but what we are doing now is running casinos. We are sidetracked. We have lost sight of what we are supposed to do. The bright, shiny thing along the path has enticed many of the people to become lost, to lose track. Handsome Lake warned of that a long time ago, and now it’s everywhere. “The Earth is beginning to stir,” he said. “She’s beginning to express the dreams and visions of long ago. The Earth is showing us that she’s increasingly upset with us. There will be huge changes in this time of reckoning, of healing, until the balance is restored. We are very close now. It won’t be subtle. Big winds will come. The Earth will shrug its shoulders. “We are not able to change this movement toward purification,” Kanentiio said, “but we know some things will survive. The Confederacy will endure in spite of itself. That is a shared understanding among traditionals, that despite all the odds the Confederacy will survive and go on, as the larger world will also go on in a new way. “People feel the urgency of the changes now, and many are motivated to do things. That’s good. Preserve what you can. You have to leave something good and tangible behind. A particular thing that Kanentiio would like to help leave behind is an Indigenous University for North America. “A few years ago, Vine Deloria, Jr. thought maybe we could take the system of formal education, which had been used to undermine traditional native societies, and reverse its impact by creating our own institution based on the university system,” Kanentiio said. “We would create a formal, accredited university where native knowledge keepers would have a place to teach. “We have native colleges, but an Indigenous University could in time meet and exceed universal standards for learning, and provide formal instruction in all native arts and sciences, of which there are many. It would have a high emphasis on online study. That’s a dream of ours.” The Indigenous University would be open to everybody on the planet, no restrictions of race or religion. “That is typical Iroquois,” Kanentiio explained. “Our way is to make it possible that people come to a meeting of the good mind. To get there, you need to sit in respect with one another. You have to invite people from all walks of life and viewpoints to share information, and you have to listen to one another. “We have the ideas to create an Indigenous University,” he said. “What we need now are the physical and financial means to bring it about.” In a related effort to weave indigenous viewpoints into the world’s larger framework, Kanentiio and Joanne — as well as other native peoples from North America and around the world — have become involved with

Joanne Shenandoah and Doug George-Kanentiio at the 2008 Canandaigua Treaty Commemoration.

the Parliament of World Religions. “We have in part managed to get the Parliament to adopt a native perspective on the Earth: to regard Earth not as a commodity, but as a being.” Kanentiio serves on the board of directors for the Parliament. He noted that the theme of their December, 2009 meeting will be Reconciling with Mother Earth. “My hope for this Parliament,” he said, “is that teachers from world’s various disciplines — Jews, Evangelical Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Roman Catholics, and many more — can get together again in Melbourne and finally acknowledge that Earth is a living planet and should have standing. If spiritual leaders accept that and take these spiritual understandings to their nations and congregations to make it a guiding principle, then that’s a good thing. “We feel the real revolution in human society will come about through these spiritual changes,” Kanentiio said. “It has to happen there first, on the spiritual level. Once we change the spiritual, then the politics will follow. “For me,” he said, “the roots of this understanding go back to our Iroquois value that all human beings have equal worth, if not necessarily equal abilities. Everyone’s life has meaning. Some are singers and healers, and some are cooks or builders, but each one of us has the blessings of existence. To cultivate this, to acknowledge, to have gratitude for being alive, you can always do that. Our lives are not casual, not by chance. We have been directed here to this time and place, and we are meant to take all of our life experiences with us, all the joys, suffering and pain, and to take it with us with a good mind when we return to the place of living light. That makes the light stronger for the generations to come.”

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Author’s note: Many of the themes articulated in this story are also explored in my epic, nonfiction saga of a North American journey through our era of transition: “Odyssey of the 8th Fire” (www.8thfire.net). A journalist, professional speaker, and healer, Steven McFadden is the author of six non-fiction titles and co-author of two. His 2009 release, The Call of the Land: An Agrarian Primer for the 21st Century (NorLightsPress), continues his decades-long work with sustainable agriculture and healing our relationship with the Earth. Visit www.chiron-communications.com for more information. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 43

Survivors For All Time

Stories of the Armenian Genocide Compiled and edited by Carol Bedrosian

Introduction by Laura Boghosian

“My Armenia” by Meruzhan Khachatryan

Often called “the forgotten genocide,” the stories from Armenian Genocide survivors haunt us with horror too unimaginable to have lived through, yet infuse us with hope that even in the midst of monstrous evil and injustice, the courage and endurance of the human spirit can sustain us. For additional information on Meruzhan Khachatryan and his work, please contact his representative at katama916@yahoo.com.

44 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009


n April, Armenians will commemorate the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, a crime against humanity in which 1.5 million Armenians were massacred by the Ottoman Turkish government. Those who survived were exiled from their 4,000-year-old homeland; today, they and their descendents are scattered around the world, forming a diaspora of approximately eight million people. It is rare to meet an Armenian today who did not lose a family member in what is sometimes called “the forgotten genocide.” Located in the southern Caucasus and bordered by Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Armenia has a population of three million citizens. Mount Ararat — the snow-capped mountain around which the Armenian nation developed and the beloved symbol of the Armenian people — looms over the capital city of Yerevan, but lies across the border in Turkey. It serves as a poignant daily reminder of what Armenians have lost. A short-lived, independent Armenian state was established at the close of World War I, but fell to a joint Turkish-Soviet invasion in December 1920. Ninety percent of historic Armenia’s territory was forcibly incorporated into Turkey, while the small portion of Armenia that had for a century been controlled by Russia became part of the Soviet Union. This tiny remnant of the Armenian nation was reborn as the Republic of Armenia when the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991. Each year on April 24th, Armenians gather worldwide to honor the survivors and memorialize those who perished in the Armenian Genocide. Desiring to rid itself of an inconvenient minority in its quest to create a more homogeneous Turkic empire, the Turkish government embarked on a planned, systematic program of extermination of its Armenian population on April 24, 1915 by arresting, and later executing, over 250 Armenian community leaders, intellectuals, members of parliament and high-ranking clergy. Armenian men, who had been drafted into the Turkish army at the commencement of World War I, were segregated into labor battalions and later taken to isolated spots to be murdered. Turkish troops then ordered the remaining Armenian population — defenseless women, children and elderly — to begin marching to the desert of Deir ez-Zor, torturing, raping and massacring them along the way. After eradicating its Armenian citizens, the Turkish government confiscated the land and wealth they had left behind — businesses, factories, schools, churches, farms, homes and bank accounts — and claimed these assets as their own. The result was the disappearance of an ancient civilization and culture from its native land. Traumatized survivors were forced to rebuild their lives in foreign lands, such as Lebanon, France and the United States. A generation would grow up as orphans, and the next would be deprived of grandparents. The plight of the Armenians captivated the American public in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. After earlier Turkish massacres of Armenians in the mid-1890’s in which 300,000 Armenians were killed, American political and intellectual figures led the public in protesting the slaughter and in raising relief funds. An 1896 Congressional resolution condemning these massacres was the first international human rights legislation passed in the United States, according to historians. Following the genocide, American efforts to provide aid for the survivors and to foster Armenian independence expanded dramatically. The American public donated over $100 million for Armenian relief. A banquet in 1919 organized by the American Committee for the Independence of Armenia, brought together hundreds of influential Americans, including several presidents, in support of the Armenian nation. Theodore Roosevelt, an ardent advocate for Armenia, telegraphed his intention to attend, writing:


“Armenia has been a proud bulwark of western civilization demonstrating long ago her inalienable right to democratic self government. Her awaited hour of liberation is upon us. It is our requited duty to see that justice and freedom be opportuned to all who seek its hallowed ground. None are more deserving than the Armenians.” He died just hours later. Given this history, it is a testament to the success of Turkey’s extensive maneuvers to conceal its crimes that many Americans today are unaware of the Armenian Genocide. Turkey’s denial and cover-up of the Armenian Genocide began even as they perpetrated it, and it is a crime in Turkey today to talk or write about it. Last year, the respected anti-hate group Southern Poverty Law Center documented Turkey’s multi-million dollar campaign of genocide denial, detailing the efforts by lobbyists and academics on the Turkish government’s payroll to influence American lawmakers. Over 20 countries, the European Parliament, the World Council of Churches, and numerous international bodies, including a United Nations sub-committee, have recognized the Armenian Genocide, as have 42 of 50 U.S. states. In 1997, the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) unanimously affirmed the Armenian Genocide and condemned its denial by the Turkish government and its supporters. In a heartening development, courageous Turkish intellectuals have begun to speak out about the Armenian Genocide, inspiring 30,000 Turks to sign an online petition apologizing to Armenians. Yet the United States has refused, thus far, to affirm the Armenian Genocide in an effort to appease Turkey, which hosts American military bases. In a March 2009 letter to President Obama urging him to formally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, the IAGS pointed out that the Armenian Genocide was “the template for all modern genocide.” Turkey’s denial, they attested, “has emboldened perpetrators ever since.” Indeed, just prior to his invasion of Poland on the eve of the Holocaust, Adolph Hitler asked his generals, “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” Today, those words are inscribed on a wall of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. While campaigning for the presidency, Barack Obama declared, “America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide...as President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide.” He further stated that the Armenian Genocide is “a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence. The facts are undeniable. An official policy that calls on diplomats to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy.” Upon taking office, however, President Obama, like his predecessors, capitulated to Turkish threats and failed to use the term “genocide” in his remarks on April 24, 2009. In breaking his very explicit pledge, the president betrayed not only Armenian Americans, but the values of truth and justice that the United States alleges to uphold. In September 2009, Hillary Clinton led the U.S. State Department in exerting enormous pressure on a weak Armenian government to sign protocols that would “normalize” relations with Turkey without accounting for the past. Armenians in the diaspora, as well as Armenia, were outraged by this agreement that imposed dangerous and humiliating terms on Armenia. Turkey, with American backing, succeeded in inserting provisions that formalize Turkish sovereignty over Armenian lands and relegates the Armenian Genocide to “further study” by a historical commission, a development that the IAGS says “would only serve the interests of Turkish genocide deniers.” So why does the United States embrace Turkey and reject joining countries such as France, Russia, Argentina, Lebanon, Greece, Poland, Switzerland, Canada, Italy, Venezuela, the Netherlands, Vatican City and continues on page 46

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 45

Survivors For All Time: Stories of the Armenian Genocide continued from page 45 others in affirming the Armenian Genocide? Aside from controlling access to American military bases, Turkey is the transshipment point for Caspian oil and gas; pipelines run from Azerbaijan through Turkey, bringing energy supplies to the West. Turkey is also a major customer of U.S. weapons manufacturers; defense contractors including BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and United Technologies, as well as oil giant Chevron, have lobbied the U.S. government against Armenian Genocide recognition. Finally, influential Jewish American organizations have long lobbied for the Turkish government against acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide in support of Israel’s strategic alliance with Turkey. Bowing to these powerful interests, the U.S. Departments of State and Defense have repeatedly blocked Congressional recognition of the Armenian Genocide, sacrificing Armenians — and human rights — to economic and political interests. In effect, our government has become complicit in genocide denial. Genocide denial, according to scholars, is the highest form of hate speech and the last stage of genocide. In testimony to Congress last year, genocide scholar Gregory Stanton explained that denial perpetuates genocide by attempting “to destroy the victim group psychologically and culturally, to deny its members even the memory of the murders of their relatives.” He added that recognition “is as essential to healing as closing an open wound.” Despite Turkey’s denial and the myriad forces arrayed against them, the Armenian people are determined to attain universal recognition for the Armenian Genocide and to strengthen the developing country of Armenia. A nation of survivors, Armenians will succeed in their quest to achieve justice.

Teriz Enokian (1900-1984) & Nevart Janigian (1904-2000) “Turkish soldiers came into the village and after they had confiscated all the arms and weapons, ordered the inhabitants to come out of their homes, which were then locked up. The peoples’ belongings were taken away from them. In the pouring rain, the villagers were marched off to the army barracks where they stayed for one week before the soldiers came and stripped them of all their remaining money and jewels. Men and women were separated as soon as possible. The men were taken and forced in labor camps where they eventually died of starvation, poor health and other causes. The young, attractive girls were beaten and raped and forced to work in the brothels. When they were no longer useful they were killed. Women with children were subjected to similar brutalities, but even worse. The fear of being caught was so great that, if possible, the female captives tried to commit suicide in any way possible, sometimes jumping off cliffs. Some of the women and girls were separated from the rest to serve as domestics in the homes of their captors. In one such case, a young girl was snatched from her mother’s arms to serve a captain’s wife as her servant. Ironically, this girl’s sister also ended up in the keep of a Turkish priest who was sympathetic to the plight of the Armenian people. Fortunately and miraculously, some of these victims survived the Turkish brutalities. In the case that I have described, one of the sisters was my mother, and the other was my aunt, who was like a second mother to me. Somehow, with the aid of an underground support system, my mother

46 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

RESOURCES • Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA), 65 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. (617) 926-2562. www.almainc.org • www.genocide-museum.am/eng/index.php. English-language website of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in the Republic of Armenia. • www.armenian-genocide.org/. Information on the Armenian Genocide. • www.GenocideEducation.org. Educational materials on teaching about genocide. • www.anca.org/genocide_resource/index.php. Armenian National Committee of America. U.S. official records, state recognition and a pending Congressional resolution. • www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?aid=935. The Southern Poverty Law Center intelligence report on the Turkish genocide denial. • BBC documentary on the Armenian Genocide: “The Betrayed.” video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7833166317264817428# • www.constellationapproach.com (Boston). Family Constellation Work addresses healing of ancestral trauma. • www.meaningfulworld.com (New York). Dr. Ani Kalayjian, disaster and mass trauma specialist. Laura Boghosian is a writer and activist. She can be reached at Laurian25@gmail.com. Carol Bedrosian is publisher and editor of Spirit of Change. She can be reached at www.spiritofchange.org.

and aunt were able to get away, and after living in orphanages in different countries, they found their way to the United States.” — Submitted by Ralph Enokian, Albany, NY

Zartar Rose Bandazian (1912-2000) “In 1915, my mother, Zartar Rose (Dervishian) Bandazian, at 3 years of age, walked from a village in Kharpert to eventually arrive a year later in Alexandrapol, now called Giumri, Armenia. After my grandfather was shot, my grandmother took her 6 children on the northern route to Armenia. Only 3 of the children survived starvation, typhus and marauding on the treacherous journey. The children were eventually transported from Alexandrapol to an orphanage in Yerevan on Abovian Street. It was a chaotic time. In the 4 years that my mother spent in Yerevan, there was constant fighting between the Reds, Whites, Turks. My mother spoke of the meager food rations at the orphanage — a piece of bread the size of her palm that she nursed all day, starting with crumbs picked up one by one. The children may not have had full bellies, but they had a wonderful diet of physical fitness and Armenian culture. It was there that my mother learned to read and write Armenian, sing songs, recite poems and dance. She was thrilled with the dancing that was taught by the famed Tatoul Altounian. It was classical Armenian dance with all its grace and charm that my mother tried to teach me: how to hold your hands, your steps, your gaze. My mother never had any more Armenian instruction after that

time, but she forever had what had been instilled in her at that time and she dipped into it all her life as she sang the Arshin Mal Alan tunes with her beautiful voice and danced so gracefully. I am so grateful that my mother lived to see the second republic of Armenia in 1991, to sing the national anthem at its first anniversary at the embassy of Armenia, tears streaming down her cheeks.” — Submitted by Mary Ann Bandazian Kibarian

Goussineh Basmadjian (1890-1971) Djagadakir — “Destiny” “My maternal grandmother was a schoolmistress in her village and 25 years old in 1915. Every morning she led the children through a secret passage to a basement classroom used for the instruction of Armenian, a language forbidden by the rulers. Singing at the top of their voices, “Aravod lousso, Arekagn artar, Arr iss louis dzakya…”, the children studied the Armenian alphabet and Grapar — classical Armenian — at the same time. Finally she was deported like millions of her compatriots. The march in the desert, the starvation, the selling of goods, then bodies, the rapes, the killings and the other forms of man’s inhumanity to man, finally ended with their arrival in Aleppo train station. Trainloads of Armenians were brought there, collected from villages and towns along the rail tracks. It was hot and dusty. On the crowded platforms indistinct voices were heard shouting out family names in the hope of finding surviving relatives. Arakelian. Manougian. Karakashian. Gemidjian. Malkhasian. Basmadjian. The resulting cacophony was deafening. Suddenly, amidst the crowd and the noise, my grandmother heard her name, ‘Ba-ass-madj-ia-an.’ Looking up, she saw her husband’s weary face. A euphoric embrace was followed by her faint voice telling him about the death of baby Vahram, their first-born baby, one year old. “Do not cry,” he said to her, “now that fate has reunited us, we will make new babies.” Indeed, they were blessed with another baby boy who they named after the first one. Then they had my mother, Arminée, followed by my aunt Arpinée. Soon the “Holy Family” — father, mother, and three children — settled in Egypt. All this is very important to me because without these circumstances, I would never have existed. We would have never existed. Destiny. El Maktoub. Djagadakir!” — Submitted by Nora Armani, who performs her grandmother’s story as part of her self-penned one woman play, “On the Couch with Nora Armani,” which has been performed in English, French and Armenian.

Almas Boghosian (1907-present) “I was born in Hussenig, Kharpert. My older sister was going to school, but I wasn’t going yet. One day she was very late. When she came, my mother said, “How come you’re late?” She said, “We went on bedooyd.” And I said, “When am I going to school so I can go on a trip too?” When the massacres started I told my mother, “Where are we going?” “We’re going on bedooyd,” she said. Oh, I was so happy! Gendarmes came to the house when they came to massacre everybody. My father put me on a donkey. My younger sister, two years old, was on my mother’s back. My older sister held my mother’s hand. That’s how we started the massacres. After we go awhile, all of a sudden the women started screaming and crying. All the men were taken — every male over 15 years old. They killed them. The gendarmes were on horses, riding on the sides of the Armenians. When we passed water they wouldn’t let the people drink. So we die like that. Kids can’t walk, sitting there, can’t move. Food for the wolves. We were walking, walking. When my father was gone, we lost the donkey. My younger sister was crying, “Water, water.” She died. I was always crying, “I want water.” You don’t ask for food. You need water. My mother said, “Oh, we’re going to reach some garden, we’re going to have water, we’re going to have milk.” We reach Suwar, a little village. There was a store there. The guy was very good to us. He gave something to my mother; he gave me a treat. And my mother said, “You stay here. We’re going next door to buy bread, and I will come take you.” I fell asleep. When I open my eyes, nobody there. I started crying on the floor. Poor guy. He took me to Deir ez-Zor to live with his family. He had a daughter about 14, 15 years old, and his wife. In not even two months, I learned their language, Arabic. I lived four years with them. One day, a dirty, dirty girl, ran out and grab me, started to kiss me. She said, “I’m your sister, Maritza.” I ask her, “Where is Mama?” She said, “After she gave you away, she died the next day.” Every day my sister was sitting there looking at our house, hungry, nothing to eat. I took her something to eat. One morning, I didn’t see her. I asked a kid, “Was there a girl there?” They say that they put about 10-20 kids in a boat, and right in the middle of the river, they turned the boat over. And one was my older sister. Then, they start taking the Armenian kids and putting them in orphanages. They took me to Aleppo, Syria. There was nothing to eat. We had lice in our hair and all over our bodies. No soap, no washing, nothing. One day they call me. You have an aunt in America. My aunt brought me to America in 1922. I was 79 pounds.” — Submitted by great-granddaughter Taline Boghosian, Lexington, MA continues on page 48

Family of Teriz (Moomjian) Enokian, pre-1915: From left to right, are daughter Anna Moomjian, father Avedis Moomjian (seated), relative Kevork Moomjian (standing behind father), mother Yesapet Moomjian (seated), sister Theresa (Teriz), who has her right arm on her mother’s shoulder, and sister Nevart. Only Teriz and Nevart survived. Photo courtesy of Ralph Enokian.


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Survivors For All Time: Stories of the Armenian Genocide continued from page 47

Mesrob Kloian (1902-1968) “They gave us one day to get ready. We were forbidden to carry any weapons, even a pen knife. Any they found with weapons would be instantly put to death. So the next day we left our villages escorted by gendarmes. We walked all day and were led through desolate areas where there wasn’t even a drop of water; then we camped at night. On the third day of our march we were led into a narrow canyon where we camped. The next morning as we prepared to leave the encampment we heard some shots. In the wink of an eye we were completely surrounded by hundreds of bandits who had taken position around the convoy. They were accompanied by the Turk gendarmes who had been guarding the caravan. Among them were Kurds, Turks, Cherkes, Zazas, as many women as men, all armed with rifles, swords, yatagans, scythes, clubs, and axes. I was beside my mother and father and our whole family was there together. At the shot of a rifle the massacre began. The ground was instantly covered with bodies everywhere. My sisters, brothers, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew were killed or carried off. I saw my father try in vain to save my mother as two Turks carried her off. I ran behind my father as he climbed a hill. There were a hundred of us running in all directions but we were soon surrounded by Turks who searched the men, one by one. After taking everything they had, including their clothes, they cut them down with swords, axes, killing them right where they stood. I escaped and hid in an abandoned stable that night. I awoke to hear cries and screams, and through a crack in the door, I saw that under the trees surrounding the camp they had piled up hundreds of babies that had lost their mothers. They were trying with their yatagans to see who could sever the head of each child with just one blow. For them it was a game. To add to their sport, they placed babies at fifteen or twenty meters up against a tree or bush, to see who could shoot the best. What I saw there that day and in the narrow canyon has haunted me all my life.” — Excerpted from a 100-page handwritten memoir by Mesrob Kloian in 1960 and submitted by nephew Richard Kloian of Richmond, CA.

Mannig Dobajian (1906-1985) “Mannig Dobajian of Adapazar, Turkey, survived the Armenian Genocide. At age 12 she found herself foraging the famine-stricken city of Mosul in northern Iraq, the memory of her perished family burned into her conscience. The gendarmes whipped her father to death, shot her grandmother for slowing the foot caravan of the deportees and shoved her cousin off the cliffs into the raging Euphrates River. Mannig also experienced the agony of watching her little sister suffocate in the crammed cattle train and then seeing her mother, brother and aunt die of typhus and starvation in Der Zor. She and her older sister, Adrine were the only survivors in her family of eight. After nearly two years of orphanhood, fighting over edibles with other orphans in cold alleys in Mosul, Mannig and her sister were harbored in the orphanage established by an American/Armenian charity for the Armenian children. Housed in army tents and fed meagerly, Mannig was content among 900 other orphans. She excelled as a student and coordinated programs to entertain the visiting benefactors, including Mardiros Kouyoumjian and Sebouh Papazian, two benefactor bachelors

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from Baghdad. She addressed Mardiros flirtatiously as “Dear Father of the Orphans.” He became infatuated with her wit, beauty and boldness. Mardiros knew how his aristocratic family would react to the love that bloomed in the orphanage. He battled his conscience and lost to his heart. He summoned Mannig to his lavish surroundings of the pavilion he inhabited amid the squalid army tents housing the orphans. He lit his lanterns and played Plaisir d’amour on his gramophone. In awe, Mannig tread on plush Persian carpets with her bare feet. Mardiros removed his shoes and waltzed with her. She heard him whisper, “I love you,” and “Will you marry me?” He was thirty-two, an aristocrat, and she was fifteen, an orphan. She loved Mardiros, but would not abandon her sister. He assured her his friend Sebouh was in love with her sister and was asking for her in marriage. The two orphan sisters married the two Armenian gentlemen and lived in Baghdad, Iraq — my birthplace.” — Submitted by daughter Aida Kouyoumjian, Mercer Island, WA

Arshaloos Shahbegian (1893-1970) “Before the death march began, my mother crawled on her belly off the road undetected for three miles to the city of Mezre to beg the Turkish Bey, who was a friend of her father, to take in her two youngest brothers, her young first cousin and her eldest daughter. She had just given birth to her fourth daughter only one-week prior. When the Turks descended upon her village, they stripped the people of all their money, valuables and clothes and searched for valuables that might be hidden in their private parts or mouths. Three of her four daughters were slaughtered; the eldest was carried off by the Turks. My mother endured the death march and raping for six years. She was sent to Der Zor 3 times and survived. The first two times when she was taken to Der Zor to be slaughtered, she survived by staying in back of the masses of Armenians. There weren’t enough gendarmes to kill the masses. They used their Turkish swords so they could fall into the ditches. My mother fell into the ditch along with the dead. She would lay there with the dead bodies on top of her in the hot sun with snakes hissing all around. At nightfall, the Bedouin Arabs would call out to see if there were any Armenians alive so they could save them. They would feed and clothe the survivors but they had to be on the run again so they wouldn’t be killed. At one point on the march all the women were walking naked. The mayor of an Arab village was horrified so he gave the women potato sacks to hide their naked bodies. As a young girl my mother had been trained by the ARS and ARF how to nurse the wounded at all stages. Consequently she worked herself into the position of being head nurse at the Turkish Army Hospital outside of Der Zor. A Turkish soldier tried to rape her so she fought back and killed him. She had to go into hiding and was on the run. She became a skeleton beyond recognition. She was captured and sent a third time to Der Zor. During her time in the hospital the Baghdad Doctor General had fallen in love with her. When he learned what had happened, he sent his aides to search for her. When it was announced she would be saved with her relatives, she refused to identify herself because she felt it was a hoax and she only yearned for death. When she revealed her identity to the old man beside her, he begged her to save herself. She did and claimed the 200 or so people around her as relatives. My mother finally made it to the US and ended up saving many others.” — Submitted by Florence Shahbegian, Whitestone, NY

Sinam Eranosian (1900-1996) “Sinam Eranosian, my great-grandmother, my mother’s grandmother, was a young girl in 1915. The first to arrive in their village were the Kurds. The men were immediately separated from the women and children. A Kurdish girl with her mother and father took a liking to my great grandmother so they decided to take her along after the mob was done taking what they wanted out of the homes. She ended up in the wagon, screaming and crying for her mother, who eventually broke away from the villagers holding her back and began to chase the wagons. My great-grandmother saw her mother get shot and that was the last time she saw anyone from her village. She was kept with this Kurdish family for many months, maybe as long as 2 years. She stayed in the house and helped the mother with the cooking and cleaning and played with the little girl. One day the Turks came to the village and brutal fighting took place. She was taken to a Turkish military camp where for many months she was kept in the basement and used to service the officers when they came back from their battles. She always knew when they would come back because two women would come downstairs and prepare her for the men who would rape her. One night a man bound and gagged her, put her into a burlap bag and carried her outside where she began a long journey tied to a horse. She was eventually dropped off at an Armenian orphanage in what turned out to be Aleppo, Syria. She wouldn’t eat, speak, or walk for months. They would put her in a wheelchair and sit her outside in the sun all day and put her back into bed in the evening. Eventually, they got her to eat some broth, next, some bread and finally she spoke her first words...”I want to die.” But the ladies wouldn’t let her die. They told her they needed her help with all the younger Armenian orphans that were arriving each day. They told her that maybe someone from her village would eventually arrive and that hope is what got her to come around. No one from her village ever arrived. But one day, an Armenian man arrived looking for a wife. That man was my great-grandfather. He had come all the way from America looking for a light-eyed Armenian wife who could pass for his deceased wife on her American passport and my great-grandmother was the only one with light eyes. She refused, however, wanting to spend the rest of her years behind the safety of the orphanage walls, and only agreed to marriage after the man promised to send the orphanage much needed funds every year. He also promised to search for her family from America. And he begged her to have children, as many as possible, to make up for all the Armenian children killed by the Turks. My great-grandfather kept only one of his promises to my great-grandmother. He supported the orphanage for its entire existence, always sending money. He never looked for her family, though, afraid if she found someone she would leave him. He never called her by or let her use her name, afraid This photo, taken by an unknown German businessman, shows a group of Armenian men being escorted out of the city of Kharpert by armed guards to the prison in Mezereh, a nearby military center. Photo courtesy of Project SAVE Armenian photo archives.


the United States government would deport her. It wasn’t until her husband died that she found the letters from her relatives looking for her that had been directed from the orphanage to my great-grandfather, who had never responded.” — Submitted by great-grandson Jake Der Hagopian, age 16, Moorestown, NJ

Hagop K. Kalayjian (1906-1982) A Survivor’s Memoir “We began to walk along the edge of the river. It was summertime, the weather was hot, and we were hungry and thirsty. We slept in our clothes on the ground or on rocks. We were never fortunate enough to sleep on green grass. At one point, we came to a place that was somewhat hilly where we could rest and sleep before the evening darkness set in. That night my sweet mother gave birth to my baby sister. We saw our little sister when we awoke the next morning. Again, they made us set out in the early morning hours. We were hungry and thirsty. Despite her depressed and worn-out condition, my sweet mother had to continue on the way, carrying her newborn child. Clutching her skirts, we too were proceeding toward certain death. We couldn’t rest during the day; we had to walk until evening. The order was that the sun had to set first. In that summer’s heat we had to walk endlessly from morning till evening. My sweet mother, clutching my baby sister to her bosom, and I began to fall behind. We knew quite well that danger threatened us if we lagged behind the caravan. Before we knew it, a group of wild Kurds — men, women and young boys — attacked us. I defended my sweet mother with all my might. Unable to help her, I began to run away quickly. It was quite a while before I caught up with the caravan. I found my brother and sister together, sitting under a tree. When we woke up the next morning, we saw that my sweet mother had come. I said, “Mommy, where’s my little sister?” She said, “The Kurds abducted her.” Do you know what the beasts did? They removed whatever my mother was wearing and left her naked. She had walked all night and found us at dawn. Kind women, seeing that my mother was naked, immediately gave her clothes to wear. Early in the morning, they made us set out on the road again. I began to say to her, “Mommy, the Kurds are coming again to rob us.” She didn’t say anything and then, suddenly, fell to the ground and breathed her last breath. I stood there for a while and then saw that, from afar, a Kurd was coming toward us, riding a white horse. That’s when I left my sweet mother there. Instead of being buried in God’s holy ground, she became food for wild animals and squirrels. The same lot befell untold numbers of other mothers and sisters. All this happened in the vicinity of the town of Sourouj.” — Submitted by granddaughter Anahid Ugurlayan from Jackson Heights, NY. “A Survivor’s Memoir” was translated from Armenian into English by Aris Sevag and was published in the winter 2008 issue of Ararat magazine. continues on page 50

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Survivors For All Time: Stories of the Armenian Genocide continued from page 49

Hagop Jamgotchian (1905-2002) “We suffered a lot, especially when crossing a barren mountain, which I think was called Akherdash (meaning “heavy stone” in Turkish). I don’t know how long it took to arrive at Marash; we kept walking but never arriving. Finally we arrived. They settled us in and around an inn. There were still plenty of Armenians in Marash, who spent the whole night, until daylight, nursing the sick. The eyes of almost all the deportees were burning from the bright sun and the dust. The Marash Armenians treated everyone’s eyes with medicine and gave clothing to those in need. In the morning, when we got back on the road, the Marash Armenians offered us donkeys, mules and bedding, but the gendarmes did not allow us to take them along. They forcibly threw them off to one side. We camped that night on the road between Marash and Aintab. There the gendarmes, who were escorting us, engaged in licentous and lewd behavior with the Armenian women and young girls. We had been settled in houses belonging to Armenians in the vicinity of Aintab College. That area used to be called Bagh Evleri, which means “vineyard houses.” We stayed there for fifteen days. During that time, the Turkish gendarmes separated the families who still had grown-up boys or old men and sent them away. I don’t know where they went. None of those families has been seen again since. My hair had already grown long so my folks easily disguised me in girl’s clothes. That’s how I was saved.” — Excerpted with permission from My Legacy by Hagop Jamgotchian; Translated by A. Jamgochian. (2005, Dall Publishers, Yerevan, Armenia)

Victoria-Nectar Vosgeritchian (1892-1978) “My grandmother, Victoria-Nectar Vosgeritchian, was born in Osmania, Turkey. She came from a wealthy family. She was married to an officer of the Ottoman army and lived in Egypt prior to the war. She had to return to her hometown at the start of the war along with her two children, Elizabeth, age 8, and Nazareth, age 6. In 1915 she was deported with her children to the Syrian desert. Upon arriving to Aleppo, she was forced to surrender her two young children to German missionaries to spare them certain death in the desert of Der Zor. My grandmother spent two years in the desert at the verge of death. She developed the skin pigment condition vitiligo, and her hair turned white at the age of 26. She was brought to Aleppo where she was cared for by her relatives. Her two children were lost forever. Till her death, I remember her lament-

Armenian American writer William Saroyan eloquently captured the indomitable spirit of the Armenian people when he wrote: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.”

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ing their loss. As children, we named our dolls and pillows Elizabeth and Nazareth in order to give her some comfort. She lost 5 of her brothers along with her husband and 2 children. After her ordeal, she remarried and settled in Damascus, Syria.” — Submitted by Ara Kayayan, Albany, NY

George Vetzigian (1906-2001) “I was born in Shabin Karahisar, a small town in Turkey. The Turkish people were very aggressive against the Armenians and the Christian elements of this town. Very often they would invade the privacy of the Armenian homes, taking for themselves whatever they were able to find without the consent of the family. Many times they would abuse young females in the presence of her family while the search was going on. The people of our town decided to go to the mountains where they would not be molested and abused by the Turks, taking with them food, chicken, cows and water. When the Turks found out there were no Armenians left in the town, they became furious and vengeful. The Turkish soldiers forced their way up the mountain and began spreading terror and destruction. The Turks separated the males from the females, then formed deportation caravans. All males over 13 years of age were deported then shot and killed on the road in cold blood. Women walked on foot for days to reach the concentration camps. Hungry, thirsty, and exhausted they were forced to keep going. Some of the young woman and young girls taken from the group were raped and their clothes ripped off their bodies, and they lay naked in the field. My mother carried her one-year-old twins in her arms for many hours and her belongings on her back, but the babies were not able to live long. The boy died from starvation and the girl drowned passing over a large body of water. A year later she was able to locate where I was being held and managed to see me whenever possible. One night I managed to escape from my camp. I went to my mother who was a great distance from where I had been staying. Mother decided that our next step was to get out of this barbaric and savage country as fast as we could. We traveled for many days under difficult conditions until we came to Constantinople. With the aid of the Near East Relief Organization, I was able to enter an Armenian orphanage in Istanbul. My mother was able to send me to America with my aunt Hagouhie who had to adopt me in order to be able to bring me to America. Two years later, my mother came to America and joined me here in New York. When I came to America in 1920 we passed the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor and came to Ellis Island. Seeing the giant Statue of Liberty I knew we were forever free. Here one will find respect for mankind, respect for human beings, and above all, respect for your religion. It is a great privilege to live in peace and freedom. — Submitted by daughter Adrienne Movsesian, Marlton, NJ

The Teaching Stories of Swami Kripalu Edited by John Mundahl


wami Kripalu was a renowned master of kundalini yoga in India. Even though he maintained the most rigorous spiritual discipline for himself (including 12 years spent in complete silence), he was fond of telling unforgettable, often funny and heartwarming stories as a way of making his teachings relevant to everyday life. In 1977, Swami Kripalu surprised thousands of devoted Indian followers by accepting an invitation to visit America. He was so struck by the spiritual openness of the American youth he met that he stayed more than 3 years. He deviated from his life of silence to deliver a series of teachings and stories, which devotee and author John Mundahl has compiled and edited into From the Heart of the Lotus: The Teaching Stories of Swami Kripalu (2008, Monkfish Publishing), excerpted here with permission. These stories contain the essence of his deepest spiritual teachings which still serve today as the foundation to yoga and spiritual life at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, MA.

Story #2 ~ June 21, 1977 Compassion is the religion of the Lord, the religion of love, and the religion of everyone. The brother of compassion is service, not obligation, and service is selfless. The daughter of non-violence is compassion. The daughter of violence is cruelty. The pain of others doesn’t touch everyone. Those touched by the pain of others are God’s messengers because God can comfort his suffering children through them.

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The Old Master Whips The Young Prince Once there was an old acharya, an old spiritual teacher. He was an exceptional saint and an exceptional teacher. He served the king of that area and the king respected him so much that he never disobeyed an order from this saint, even though he himself was the king. The king had one son. One day the king called the old master to his side and said, “I’m getting old. The prince is ready to sit upon the throne. I’d like to have a coronation ceremony. Please plan this in keeping with the scriptures.” The acharya planned the ceremony with the help of others in the court, and when the festive day arrived, everyone in the kingdom celebrated. That morning the king and queen inspected the special clothes that the prince was to wear, along with the jewelry and ornaments. continues on page 52 www.spiritofchange.org

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The Teaching Stories of Swami Kripalu continued from page 51 “Everything is fine,” the king said. “Bathe and dress the prince now for the ceremony.” But when the prince was only half dressed, he received a message from the acharya. The message said come at once to see me. The prince was surprised. What could be so important that his teacher would call him now? The prince left immediately because he, too, never disobeyed an order from this great saint. Maybe Guruji wants to tell me something special, the young prince thought, since this is such an important day in my life. The prince entered the acharya’s room and bowed to him. Immediately the acharya took a whip off the wall and whipped him hard on his bare back! Then he did it four more times! He whipped him so hard there were marks and blood on his back. The prince screamed with pain! “Why is Guruji punishing me?” He asked himself. “Normally Guruji is gentle and explains everything to me! Today he’s punishing me severely and yet saying nothing! I must have made some mistake!” When the beating was over, the young prince stood up and looked into the face of his teacher. The old acharya’s face was peaceful, totally balanced and calm, and full of compassion for the young prince. The attendants rushed out to tell the king and soon the king and queen and many others arrived. Here it was, such a happy day, full of music and dancing, and yet the prince was being beaten? No one could understand this. The prince left the room and everyone saw the marks and blood on his back. They saw the pain and hurt on his face and the tears in his eyes. They knew he had an innocent nature, yet no one dared say a word, not even the king. The old acharya was loved and respected so much that no one ever doubted the wisdom of his actions. Everyone returned inside the palace and the great coronation ceremony continued. By the end of the day, the young prince had become the new king. “Maharaja,” the old acharya said to the young prince the next day. “Now you’re the king, so I’ll call you Maharaja. Now you must serve as final judge on all matters in the kingdom. So I ask you to administer justice to me for the harsh beating I gave you yesterday.” The young king became silent. “Why did you punish me?” he asked softly. “I saw the need for it,” the old acharya said. “Did I commit some wrong?” the young king asked. “Did I make a mistake?” “No, you did nothing wrong,” the old acharya said. “Then why did you punish me?” The young king asked. “To teach you a lesson,” the old acharya said. “What is the lesson?” The young king asked. “You were born into the family of a king. You were raised with great love. You have never experienced physical punishment. Now you’re the king and you must pass judgment on others. I wanted you to know the pain of physical punishment so that you don’t rule too harshly. You must punish people with understanding.” The young king stood up and bowed to his teacher. “Guruji,” he said softly. “I know the horrible pain of the whip now and I won’t be unjust to anyone.” “May you rule with compassion,” the old acharya said, and then he left the room.

Story #37 ~ July 16, 1977 Many years ago when I was sitting in meditation, I chanted this same Ram Dhun that I chanted for you this morning. The tune emerged automatically from within. I didn’t try to chant it or arrange the words or the tune. It just came spontaneously from within. This is called “anahat nad,” or spontaneous sound. This happens in yoga sadhana when the prana and apana both begin to rise up. When they join together and work in the visuddha chakra, or throat chakra, sound is produced. 52 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

The yogi spontaneously chants Om, Ram, and the immortal mantras such as the Gayatri and Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, your mantra. These are divine sounds to the yogi and so the yogi says these sounds are from God. When we use sound willfully to create music we can enchant our mind and make it one pointed. It’s useful then as a tool for meditation. We can even use sound as a friend in a difficult situation, which reminds me of a funny story.

The Woman and the Truck Driver Once a young sister was driving on a narrow mountain road. The road was so narrow that there was only one lane. She was all alone. It was night time, very dark, and her car broke down. “Now what will I do?” she said. “There’s no one around to help me.” She tried fixing her car, but couldn’t. So she got back in her car to rest until help came. It was late and she was tired so she fell asleep. Eventually a truck arrived. The driver saw the car blocking his way and someone sleeping and he became angry. There was no way he could get around the car because the road was too narrow, so he honked his horn. Then in anger he kept honking it again and again. The sister woke up and now she was scared. She was all alone on a mountain road and in a bad situation. A strange man was angry at her, honking his horn and wanting her to move, yet she couldn’t move her car. Getting up her courage, the young sister opened her car door and approached the truck driver. “Dear brother,” she said with a smiling face. “Would you please help me? I’m having car trouble. I’ve tried, but I don’t know what’s wrong with my car. I’m sorry I’m in your way.” Listening to her kind words and seeing her desperate situation, the truck driver climbed down and agreed to help. “Thank you,” she said, climbing into his truck. “You keep trying to repair my car and I’ll keep honking.” They both laughed and all the tension in the situation ended. The kind truck driver fixed her car and they both continued on their way.

Story #39 ~ May 22, 1977

The Man Who Was Going to America Once there was a well-known saint in India named Swami Ram Tirtha. He lived during the time of Swami Vivikananda. He was truly a non-attached mahatma. He decided to visit America, but before he left India, a man came up to him and asked, “Are you really going to America?” “Yes,” he said. “Please write to me and tell me when you’re returning, as I would like to see you then.” “That’s fine,” Swami Ram Tirtha said. Swami Ram Tirtha left for America, just as he had planned, and stayed a long time and created many devotees. When he returned to India, the same man found him. “You’re back from America now?” the man asked. “Yes,” Swami Ram Tirtha said. “I’m also thinking of going to the America,” the man said. “How expensive is it?” “There’s no expense at all,” Swami Ram Tirtha said. “But I’m not a swami like you,” the man said. “No one will give me food, money, and passage. How can I go to America without money?” “Brother,” Swami Ram Tirtha said. “You’re just thinking about going to America, so there’s no expense involved. The expense comes only when you go there.” It’s the same on the spiritual path. As long as we only think about going to God, there’s no expense involved. The expense comes only when we decide to make the journey.

Story #82 “A tool for opening the heart and shining light on the spritiutal path.”

Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita to control the mind and to control the wind is the same. Extraordinary seekers understand the importance of mental steadiness. They take immediate steps to calm their minds before they enter their meditation room.

The Man Who Rescued a Dog Once upon a time during the monsoon season a well-known, dignified gentleman set out for his morning walk. He happened upon a dog stuck in the thick mud of a ditch. The dog was unable to free itself. The man paused, studied the painful situation, and then jumped into the muddy ditch without giving a thought for his fine, clean clothes. The frightened dog was struggling violently to extricate itself. Its eyes were rolling wildly with terror. As the man approached, the dog bared its teeth, snarled and snapped. When the man pulled on the animal to free it, the dog bit the man’s hand. The man’s only thought, however, was to free the dog. There was no anger in his mind. In spite of the pain in his hand he continued to tug. Finally after great effort, he freed the dog from the mud. When the man climbed out of the ditch, his entire body and clothes were soaked with mud. He walked home casually, not the least bit embarrassed to be in public in such a dirty condition. When his friends heard about the rescue they were impressed. “That was a wonderful thing you did,” they said. “You saved that poor animal. We respect you for what you did.” “No,” the man said, shrugging off the compliment. “I don’t deserve such praise. I didn’t rescue the dog for the reasons you think. I actually did it for me. When I saw the dog suffering in the ditch, I was so heartbroken that I rescued him just to sooth my troubled mind. I was merely helping myself. Had I returned home without rescuing the dog, I would have felt guilty for months. Saving the dog was a greater favor to myself than the animal.” Before we enter our meditation room, we should attend to our thoughts first. Are we angry at someone? Are we hurt by something? Do we need to take care of something? The music of the Lord can’t be heard on a radio full of static.

L. Shannon Anderson, M.Ed., LMHC Author of The Magdalene Awakening

A beautifully illustrated book introducing the Image Keys: combines Sacred Geometry, Crystals and Angels for a Personal Spiritual Journey.

Barbara Evans, author

Messages Of Universal Wisdom is a book of inspiration and self empowerment. It presents an opportunity to anchor Rays of Hope into your life and into this world through awakening deeper levels of your true self. 269-731-2649 800-247-6553 www.SpiritualWeb.org www.CrystalWingsHealingArt.com

Story #102 ~ August 4, 1977

How to Chant OM Before you chant OM, you must relax and withdraw the energy, the outgoing energy, and focus it within. Then take a long, deep breath and chant the sound of OM. Continue to say OM as long as you can with one breath. Then experience the vibrations that are generated within your body and mind. Start another OM and let your mind dissolve in the sound. Then sit still and experience the vibrations generated within your body and mind again. If you continue doing this with a peaceful, steady mind, you will experience peace, joy, and bliss. OM is the king mantra; all the other mantras are included in it. Reprinted by permission of Monkfish Book Publishing Company from From the Heart of the Lotus: The Teaching Stories of Swami Kripalu, as spontaneously translated by Yogi Amrit Desai, edited by John Mundahl, foreword by Rick Faulds, preface by Yogi Amrit Desai. www.monkfishpublishing.com. The unedited archival materials underlying this book and photo are copyright Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and used by permission. John Mundahl has been a yoga teacher and practitioner for 32 years. He was a resident at the original Kripalu Yoga Ashram in Sumneytown, Pennsylvania from 1977-1981, the four years of Swami Kripalu’s remarkable stay in the United States. He can be reached at johnmundahl@yahoo.com for more information on Swami Kripalu or to arrange a book signing. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 53

MUSIC REVIEWS Patrick Beckman Big Muddy: Suite for Clarinet & Piano Navona Records NV5815

Written for the remarkably versatile, Grammy-award winning American clarinetist, Richard Stoltzman, the Big Muddy Suite is an irresistibly swinging piece of music. An amalgamation of various musics of the Mississippi Basin, it blends jazz, r&b, classical, and more than a hint of boogie-woogie into a marvelously melodic mix. The duo of Stoltzman and pianist/ composer Beckman improvise like crazy, producing a recording of great spontaneity and verve. A simple look at the movement titles — “Memphis Nightrain,” “Bayou Lament,” “St. Louie Thunder,” “Natchez Hymn/Gigue,” and “Catfish Rondeau” — hints at the musical range of this 40-minute, uninterrupted celebration. “St. Louie Thunder” will have you toe tapping, while “Natchez Hymn” will induce a more ruminative mood until it breaks into its jolly gigue. The final “Catfish Rondeau” begins upbeat, and segues into a heart-touchingly nostalgic, bluesy section before swinging its way to conclusion. The enhanced CD includes PDF study scores of the music, two lowresolution QuickTime videos whose sound refused to come through on my iMac, and a small picture gallery. But the music is what Big Muddy Suite is about, and it’s a joy.

Ray Davies The Kinks Choral Collection Decca B0013434-02

Forty-five years after Ray Davies’ chart-topping song, “You Really Got Me,” put The Kinks on the map,

54 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009


the band’s founder, lead singer and composer is back. His delightful new CD, The Kinks Choral Collection, showcases his novel reworkings of Kinks classics. The recording pairs Davies and six other rock musicians with The Crouch End Festival Chorus, a community chorus based in the north London neighborhood where he grew up. This may sound like a recipe for camp, but it’s anything but. While retaining their quintessentially English gentility, the chorus’ contributions to such classics as “Days,” “Waterloo Sunset,” “You Really Got Me,” and “All Day And All Of The Night” are delicious. There’s also a suite of songs from The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, Davies’ late-60s homage to an idyllic England that some consider his masterpiece. One of the most fascinating aspects of Davies’ music is its ability to comfortably swing between the nostalgic, hometown feel of “Village Green” and the big city rock of “You Really Got Me.” Add in the choir, whose sound has been carefully crafted to complement both genres, and you’ve got a déjà-vous classic with a freshness too seldom encountered in today’s pop universe.

she is set to open ears and hearts to the music of an oft-forgotten culture. Levy’s low-voiced, remarkably flexible throaty instrument sounds like a channel to olden times. Singing of love and longing, even performing an original setting of Psalm 118: 21-22, her highly evocative, wailing delivery cuts across cultural boundaries. One moment you think you’re listening to the daughter of a Hasidic cantor, the next you wonder if she may be Iranian or Turkish. Her haunting voice, filled with the heart and passion of a people who have survived centuries of persecution and misunderstanding, is certain to attract a huge following.

Paul Avgerinos Love Round Sky Music RSM 1012

Yasmin Levy Mano Suave 4Q FOT-CD-1817

Singer-songwriter Yasmin Levy, 34, has built an estimable reputation as a champion of Ladino music, the ancient music of the Sephardic Jews of Spain. Singing Ladino, Bedouin and original Ladino-like songs, sometimes spiced with Turkish or Flamenco influences, she is on a mission to preserve and promote a language and culture facing extinction. Since making her international debut at the WOMEX International World Music Expo in 2002, Levy has released three albums. The first, Romance and Yasmin, was nominated for a BBC World Music Award. Now with Mano Suave, her first album distributed in the U.S.,

About Love, there is little to say, and everything to say. Created by an artist whose Grammy nominated music has received several Best Album Awards, it is an all-enveloping wash of sonic bliss. For once the New Age birds and water seem right at home with Love’s mix of acoustic, electronic, and synthesized sounds. Avgerinos’ chordal progressions are anything but complex, the repetitive patterns reminiscent of music Aeoliah composed years ago, and ethnic musicians have reveled in for centuries. But the beauty that comes with grace is what Love is about, and the beauty is abundant. Kevin Braheny Fortune, who joins Avgerinos on the CD, improvised the melodies for “Love Is,” “Oceans of Bliss,” “Surrender,” and “Healing Touch.” Then Paul added his beautiful orchestrations. The nine tracks, which last over 63 minutes, are perfect for massage, Reiki, meditation, or a romantic eve by the proverbial fireplace. Created in Paul’s Studio Unicorn, on the edge of a 10,000 acre wildlife sanctuary and reservoir, the music flows like a refreshing stream. Avgerinos’ ambient mix goes right to the heart.

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The Waitiki 7 Adventures in Paradise Pass Out Records POR 7001

From the sublime to the ridiculous and back again. Of all the great music on the planet, why choose this contemporary re-imagining of the classic exotica sound that pianist Martin Denny introduced to Hawaii in 1959? Because it’s so much fun! Sounding like big band jazz one minute, and inebriated night club musings the next, this hybrid mix of classic Tiki Bar and New Age surfer paradise spiced with one too many cocktails is a trip. Instead of New Age birds we have some overly enthusiastic feathered friends on a roll, cawing and whooping as the Waitiki 7’s instruments weave their spell. Co-founded by bassist Randy Wong and drummer Abe Lagrimas, the septet includes vibist Lopaka Colon, whose preposterous birdcalls channel the chatter that his father, Augie Colon, provided for Denny’s group 50 years ago. While some tracks are arrangements of music that Denny and other Exotica pioneers once performed, others are originals. One in particular, “Craving,” is an arrangement of Duke Ellington’s “Mood Indigo” by two of the septet’s ASCAP Young Jazz Composer Award winners. Do I hear echoes of Canteloube and Ravel on Wong’s “L’ours Chinois”? This delightful album has far more going for it than it initially lets on.

Jason’s Hot Holiday Tip: Of all the gift packages to come my way, Harmonia Mundi’s 30-CD Sacred Music box has me cheering! Complete with program notes, it’s filled with 68 transporting works — from early Christian chant to Bernstein’s Mass — in a set so reasonably priced that you can indulge without guilt.

Jason Victor Serinus is a holistic author, bodyworker, whistling virtuoso and music critic (www.jasonserinus.com) who resides in Oakland, CA. Please send music review copies to Jason at 2749 E. 17th St., Oakland, CA 94601 or email jserinus@planeteria.net.

BOOK REVIEWS Tristram Stuart Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal W.W. Norton Company, NY, NY. 2009

42 sandwiches, 11 cheese twists, 10 croissants, 1 chocolate cake, 86 rolls and 4 pints of milk. This isn't a party shopping list, it's a mere fraction of the contents found in a village co-op store garbage bin. In Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal, food industry critic Tristram Stuart passionately argues that the world doesn't have a food problem; it just thinks it does. Stuart travels the world tracing an appalling massive amount of edible food waste. Europe and North America throw away up to half their food, enough to feed the world's hungry three times over. The waste is enormous, but Stuarts sees hope in common sense fixes, such as replacing supermarket “sell by” dates with “use before” dates and retrieving tons of imperfectly shaped produce from trash heaps. A dedicated freegan, Stuart personally highlights the magnitude of the waste scandal by living off selfproduced or discarded food.


facilitator in their healing process. But this message wasn’t taught in medical school, and it took Dr. Dupree many years to fully awaken to her role as healer. She shares her inspiring professional and spiritual transformation in The Healing Consciousness: A Doctor's Journey to Healing. Writing in a warm and personal style, Dr. Dupree reveals the enormous role synchronicity plays in her life. When a best friend is diagnosed with cancer, and a fellow physician with Lou Gehrig’s disease, Dr. Dupree learns in no uncertain terms that concentrating on the physical body isn't enough. The thousands of surgeries she has performed makes her “keenly aware of the importance of connecting with the heart chakra energy in my patients.” Working with Raphael, the angel of healing, she sees a patient as a whole person, not simply a body to examine and repair. As a board certified surgeon, Dr. Dupree is grateful for her excellent Western medical training. But the doctor she is today encompasses much more. Amidst the world of hospitals and state-of-the-art medical technology, her journey reveals that the human spirit is, unequivocally, a factor in healing.

Paul Quinn Tarot for Life: Reading the Cards for Everyday Guidance and Growth Quest Books, Wheaton, IL. 2009

Beth Baughman Dupree, M.D. The Healing Consciousness: A Doctor's Journey to Healing Wovenword Press, Boulder, CO. 2006

Dr. Beth Dupree carries a variety of tools in her doctor’s kit. As a surgeon focusing on breast cancer care, she’s trained in Western medicine. But she's also a Master Level Reiki practitioner who uses Reiki in the operating room. She channels angels, does past life regression work, and offers yoga, guided imagery and other holistic practices to her patients. Her role as a physician, she feels, is not to cure patients, but to be a


Tarot for Life moves the tarot beyond fortune-telling and celebrates the cards as an intimate way to connect to the higher self. Though there are many paths to inner wisdom, the tarot communicates with an instant response that helps make wise choices. “The tarot can be a dynamic tool for spiritual development, though the cards themselves have no power to transform us.” Insight comes from the courage of the questions asked of the deck and the action taken once information is received. Paul Quinn’s accessible guide is easy for tarot newcomers to follow (you’ll feel like a student in one of Quinn’s classes) and has unique insights for experienced readers. Exploring various spreads,

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the Major Arcana, and the spiritual, practical and psychological meaning of all 78 cards, Quinn respects the tarot’s mystical core while offering amusing anecdotes and examples to explain complexities such as reversed cards.

Rod Rotondi Raw Food For Real People; Living Vegan Food Made Simple New World Library, Novato, CA. 2009

Michael Newton, Ph.D., Editor Memories of the Afterlife: Life-Between-Lives, Stories of Personal Transformation Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, MN. 2009

Dr. Michael Newton's work as a counselor and master hypnotherapist moves beyond past life work to uncover a more meaningful soul experience in a place he calls life-between-lives, or LBL. Through intensive spiritual hypnotic regression Dr. Newton’s technique helps hypnosis subjects vividly recall their definite purpose in life. It also joyfully and tangibly illuminates that real personhood is not lost at physical death. In Memories of the Afterlife: Life-Between-Lives Dr. Newton combines the actual client case histories of over thirty hypnotherapy sessions with certified LBL therapists from around the world. Though clients come from unique cultures, ranging from Europe, the Americas, South Africa and Australia, the similarities each experience during the life-between-life regressions cross geographic lines and are truly fascinating. Dr. Newton’s first experience with a life-between-life case was in 1968. A woman came to him with the problem of feeling chronically lonely, though she was social and otherwise well. She yearned to be with “old friends.” During hypnosis, Dr. Newton tried to establish if her missing friends were from childhood, and as they regressed her further he was baffled to find her crying with happiness. Her missing friends weren’t from her current past, or even from a past life. “I’m in-between — in the spirit world,” she reported. "My soul group is all HERE!” Though this first LBL case of Dr. Newton’s isn’t as complex as many of the others presented, the story highlights the comfort and contentment found examining a life-between-lives.

Chef Rod Rotondi is on a mission to “change the world, one bite at a time.” In Raw Food For Real People; Living Vegan Food Made Simple Rotondi welcomes the uninitiated to the raw food movement, but he has a few confessions. First, he admits that being a raw-food chef is easy. Really easy. (Cut an apple in half and you're a raw-food chef, cube it and you're a gourmet raw-food chef.) Next, he admits he hasn't cured himself of any diseases or ailments with raw food. But, he has seen raw food restore and enhance health. Lastly, he confesses he doesn't always eat a 100 percent raw-food diet. But with a last name of Rotondi (“the round ones” in Italian) he credits his good health to eating predominantly raw food. Raw Food for Real People is the ultimate no-cook cookbook. The chapter explaining how to set up a raw-food kitchen suggests a knife and cutting board as a great place to start; the cuisine is basically chopping fruits and vegetables, and sprouting grains, seeds and nuts, and dehydrating them. A detailed easyto-follow chart covers sprouting basics, and pages of scrumptious photographs inspire the slicing and dicing to begin. Flying falafel croquettes, mango bread and flaxseed crackers are tempting treats, as is the chocolate brownie sundae made with raw cacao powder. Rotondi’s culinary philosophy: enjoy your food. If you’re just eating healthy food out of fear, you won’t get the full nutritional benefits. “And if you eat lessthan-optimal foods, eat them with gusto and appreciation. Love your food, love your world, love yourself.”

Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 or email socbookreviewer@gmail.com.


WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 55

Winter Calendar Your source for holistic happenings in New England • Always available online at www.spiritofchange.org

December 12/1 — MEDITATION 1. Teaching you simple tools to find and protect your space! Join us for this 4-week series just in time to help you get grounded and centered for the holidays. Tuesdays, December 1-22. To register, call (617) 763-7575 or visit www.sevenlevelscoaching.com.

12/2, 1/6 & 2/3 — DENTAL SECRETS: A LIFETIME OF HEALTH. Jean Nordin-Evans, DDS presents holistic dental care approaches that treat the whole body. She discusses mercury and its effects on the body along with whole body detoxification. Free. 7pm. Call to register (978) 449-9919. www.GrotonWellness.com

12/4 — CONVERSATIONS WITH HEAVEN. $25.00. 7-9:30pm. A mediumship session to connect with loved ones and angelic guidance from the other side. Elaine Read-Cole, medium, paranormal investigator, advanced Angel Therapy Practitioner®, founder of Angel Wings of Light™. Favorite Things Studio, Pembroke, MA. www.favoritethingsstudio.com. (781) 294-7360. 12/4-12/6 — READ AND PLAY with the “Understanding of Music Seminar,” world-famous Lorien Method weekend that turns beginners into musicians, inspires music teachers and revitalizes any musical career. Call (781) 599-1476 or email sallee@dlorien.com, www.dlorien.com.

12/5 — CLAIMING YOUR PERSONAL PASSION with Virginia Swain. 2-4pm, $35. www.amethystpoint.com. Call Amethyst Point to register (508) 753-3975.

12/5 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR. The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding interactive process in which group members are chosen to stand in for family members for this or previous generations, allowing for insight and resolution. Saturday, 9:30am-6pm, registration required. Private Constellation sessions also available. Jamy and Peter Faust. www.ConstellationApproach.com. (617) 484-4325.

12/5 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine coauthor. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU's/contact hours. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U or 603-654-2787. Reiki II: 12/6.

12/5 & 12/6 — HERBAL HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE. Join us as we kick off the holiday season to relax and enjoy the beauty and bounty of this special time of year. Refreshments,

56 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009


Champion Awards.” 6-10pm. Bernie’s approach is one of compassion, caring and love coupled with a wonderful sense of humor. At the Lantana, Randolph, MA. Tickets: $35 advance, $45 door. Nominate your Health Champion at www.MyHealthyLivingMag.com.

Judy Silvan, LICSW and Laurie Ure, LICSW. 1-5:15 pm. $70. Gloucester, MA. Pre-registration required. Call (617) 876-3652.


door gifts and holiday specials. Scentsibilities. Boylston. www.scentsibilities.com. (508) 869-3300,

12/6 — HEALING THE TRAUMATIZED HEART WORKSHOP with Linda Marks, MSM. Newton, MA. 2-5pm. An afternoon of heart-centered healing including meditation, experiential exercises and body-centered psychotherapy. LSMHEART@aol.com. www.healingheartpower.com. (617) 965-7846.

12/7 — THE DEPRESSION TANGO. 7-8pm. See pages 4-5 of this issue. (508) 625-1170.

12/10, 1/14 & 2/4 — ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED? Dr. Robert Luby, board certified in family medicine, certified American Board of Holistic Medicine, presents ways to live a toxin-free lifestyle through diet, supplements, alternative and medical lab tests and detoxification. 3pm. Free. Call to register (978) 449-9919. www.GrotonWellness.com.

12/19-12/20 — REIKI I CERTIFICATION WITH JOHN HARVEY GRAY AND LOURDES GRAY, PH.D., Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing is recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training for its commitment to excellence in Reiki education. Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. 13.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or go online to sign up now. (603) 899-3288. www.learnreiki.org.


Join our 3-week program designed for those interested in a rewarding career as a professional certified hypnotist/hypnotherapist. 120+ hours. All materials included. Successful graduates receive certification and 1 year membership to IACT. 118 Washington St., N. Easton, MA 02356 (508)-230-3680. womenofwisdominc.com.

1/15 — INTERESTED IN LEARNING HOW TO READ TAROT CARDS? Register for long distance beginner or advanced classes. $150 for a 5-week class. MC/VISA. For more info visit www.ameliashea.com or call (603) 924-0056.

1/16 — REIKI ONE CERTIFICATION. 10-5pm. Over 15 years experience teaching to clients and colleges. Usui Reiki at reduced tuition. $75. Diane Gelinas, MSW. (603) 483-0132. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com.

1/17 — BAREFOOT SHIATSU II. Centering exercises and barefoot technique for releasing the back and maintaining the strength of the practitioner. $100. 5.5 CE hrs. Acupressure Therapy Institute, Quincy. www.acupressuretherapy.com. (617) 697-1477. 1/19 — SPRING CLASSES BEGIN AT SALVE REGINA UNIVERSITY. We offer three unique programs that develop well-trained master’s level practioners, capable of working effectively with individuals, groups and large systems. Please visit us at www.salve.edu.

1/22 — PRANA FLOW 200-HR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with Coral Brown, E-RYT 500. 7 weekend immer-


sions begins Jan 22, 2010. At All That Matters, Wakefield, RI: www.allthatmatters.com or (401) 782-2126.

day and Saturday. Discounted: two sessions for $50! By appointment! Book early! Acupressure Therapy Institute, Quincy. (617) 697-1477. www.acupressuretherapy.com.

1/23 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR. The Constellation Approach is based on the

workshops 1-3. Presented by EOL founders Sue and Aaron Singleton. $175 early-pay discount. 9.6 contact hours. Details: Visit www.TheWayToBalance.com or call (978) 834-0341.

work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding interactive process in which group members are chosen to stand in for family members for this or previous generations, allowing for insight and resolution. Saturday, 9:30am-6pm, registration required. Private Constellation sessions also available. Jamy and Peter Faust. www.ConstellationApproach.com. (617) 484-4325.

1/9 — KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH DR. BERNIE SIEGEL, keynote speaker at “Healthy Living Magazine

1/23 — OPEN HOUSE IN HONOR OF YOGA DAY USA. The Yoga Studio at Rising Sun, Marlborough, MA.


Saturday 10-2. Refreshments and free mini classes. 11am: The Magic 4. 1pm: Yoga for Your Back. From 2:30-4pm: Free intro to yoga therapy. Visit YogaAtRisingSun.com for details.


1/23 — RECLAIMING THE DIVINE FEMININE WORKSHOP. Presented by Annette Farrington, executive


director of the Emergence Project, healer and Reiki master. This one-day workshop will focus on accessing a deeper understanding of the divine feminine’s emerging role in our lives and society. Annette will work with attendees on soul journeying to reclaim an inner balance and sense of deep nurturing to help us through the shift. Working with Mother Gaia, ascended masters, and your guides, you will learn to clear energetic blockages to find balance and wholeness in your individual journey. Winchester, MA. Visit www.theemergenceproject.net or email info@theemergenceproject.net.

1/23 — YOGA AND AYURVEDA MINI-RETREAT FOR WOMEN. Synthesis Center, Amherst, MA. 1:30-5pm: Guidance on self-care and self-massage, gentle yoga class. Joann Lutz, L.I.C.S.W., first of a series. (413) 586-6384. www.ayurvedicyogatherapy.com.

1/23-1/24 — EOL VISIONARY ACUPRESSURE SYSTEM, LEVEL I, MODULE 3: The EOL Acupressure System transcends the parameters of current systems, ensuring participants a positive, life-changing experience. Laypersons and experienced practitioners will benefit! Full details at www.TheWayToBalance.com. 9am-6pm both days. 36 contact hours. $350. EarlyPay discount available.

1/23-1/24 — REIKI I CERTIFICATION WITH JOHN HARVEY GRAY AND LOURDES GRAY, PH.D., Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing is recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training for its commitment to excellence in Reiki education. Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. 13.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or go online to sign up now. (603) 899-3288. www.learnreiki.org.

1/24 — KEEPING A VITAL HEART WORKSHOP WITH LINDA MARKS, MSM. Newton, MA. 2-5pm. Explore the relationship between emotional heart health and physical heart health, and how to nourish and revitalize your heart. This workshop includes meditation, experiential exercises and body-centered healing work. (617) 965-7846, LSMHEART@aol.com, www.healingheartpower.com.

1/24 — STRESS REDUCTION WITH ACUPRESSURE FOR THE LAY PERSON. For beginners, basic easy-to-learn finger pressure techniques for reducing stress. Sign up with a friend or partner; two for $60. Limited enrollment! Acupressure Therapy Institute, Quincy. www.acupressuretherapy.com. (617) 697-1477.

1/28 — SALLY FALLON, AUTHOR OF NOURISHING TRADITIONS. Join us for a presentation on Nourishing Traditions followed by a Q&A session. Sally Fallon is the co-founder and president of the Weston A. Price Foundation for Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts. 7:00-8:30pm at Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493 Main st., Groton, MA. Call to register (978) 449-9919. www.GrotonWellness.com

1/30 — RAW FOOD BASICS WITH RAWBERT REID, raw foods chef of organicgardencafe.com. Saturday, 10-2pm. Incorporate raw food living into your life. Kitchen set-up, food combining principles and more. $125. Hanover, MA. www.MyHealthyLivingMag.com. (781) 834-2728.


famous seminars (www.dlorien.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 7:30pm, 169 Mass Ave., Boston. (781) 599-1476. sallee@dlorien.com or www.dlorien.com/signup.

2/6-2/7 — SINGING SEMINAR. Become the singer you want to be in two days! World famous seminars (www.dlorien.com) teaches beginners to sing and professionals to reach new notes. 169 Mass Ave., Boston. (781) 5991476. www.dlorien.com/signup or sallee@dlorien.com.

2/7 — REIKI ONE CERTIFICATION. 10-5pm. Over 15 years experience teaching to clients and colleges. Usui Reiki at reduced tuition. $75. Diane Gelinas, MSW. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com. (603) 483-0132.

2/7 — SUPER YOGA SUNDAY. Fundraiser for Voices Against Violence. Register for morning yoga and meditation classes with your donation and support victims of domestic violence. Center for Yoga, 393 Worcester Rd., Framingham, MA. www.centerforyoga.us. (508) 620-9642.

2/20 — RINGS OF ODEN – MODULE 2: SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS! The rings combine sacred geometry, DNA re-patterning, crop circles, and cell microbiology concepts as part of a revolutionary technology, “Net-Neutral Ionic Energy”. This advanced module includes over 50 new advanced configurations, 20 new on-the-body techniques, and more. 9am-4pm. Details at www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341.

2/21 & 2/28 — KARUNA REIKI® MASTERS TRAINING. 10-5pm. Available to Reiki masters. Additional symbols, attunements, chanting and toning techniques are reviewed. Work more closely with enlightened beings. $550. Diane Gelinas, MSW. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com. (603) 483-0132.

3/20 — PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, PAST LIVES, & ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. Saturday, 10am-5pm, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583.

3/20 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine coauthor. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U or (603) 654-2787. Reiki II: 3/21.

4/9-4/11 — CONSCIOUS LIVING IN A SACRED WORLD. Shelburne, Vermont. Presentations and workshops by international speakers in a stunning location. Presented by Earth Spirit Conferences. www.earthspiritconferences.com or (802) 922-7507.

4/17-4/18 — JOIN US FOR THE JOY OF COMMUNITY AND HEALTH at the 26th Annual Northampton Whole Health Expo at the Clarion Hotel, Northampton, MA. Over 100 exhibitors and talks relating to body, mind, and spirit. Visit www.WholeHealthExpo.com for more information, call (413) 584-0010, or email Producer@WholeHealthExpo.com.

7/26-8/7 — MYSTICAL AND MILLENNIAL PERU, AN EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY with Laurie Friedler and Sixto Paz Wells, world renowned author, UFO researcher abd tour guide. Space is limited. Register today. For pricing, itinerary and logistics visit www.transformationalhealingart.com.

2/26-2/28 — CELESTIAL RETREAT. Everyone’s welcome to rejuvenate. Guest House Retreat & Conference Center, Chester, CT. Woodland trails, sauna, motivational talks, meditations, gentle exercise by Lin Hourihan, HHCP, LMT, BCMA. See page 2. RSVP 877-620-2042. www.guesthousecenter.org. 2/27 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS (5): THE REAL QUANTUM LEAP TO A SUCCESSFUL AND FULFILLING LIFE. Fifth class in series. Prerequisite: EOL workshops 1-4. Presented by EOL founders Sue and Aaron Singleton. $175; early-pay discount. 9.6 contact hours. Details: call (978) 834-0341 or visit www.TheWayToBalance.com.

Upcoming 3/13 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Concord, MA. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine coauthor. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U or (603) 654-2787. Reiki II: 3/14. 3/20 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS (6): HEIGHTEN DISCERNMENT AND ENGAGE 9 CRUCIAL LAWS FOR MANIFESTATION. Sixth class in series. Prerequisite: EOL workshops 1-4. Presented by EOL founders Sue and Aaron Singleton. $175; early-pay discount. 9.6 contact hours. Details: visit www.TheWayToBalance.com or call (978) 834-0341.

1/9 — KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH DR. BERNIE SIEGEL, keynote speaker at “Healthy Living Magazine Champion Awards” in Randolph, MA. See January listing or visit www.MyHealthyLivingMag.com

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 57

SEPTEMBER 2010: EKP BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING WITH LINDA MARKS, MSM. Learn the fundamentals of this heart-centered approach to body psychotherapy. LSMHEART@aol.com, (617) 965-7846, www.healingheartpower.com.

Ongoing MCKS PRANIC HEALING FULL MOON MEDITATIONS. December 3, January 7, February 11. Miriam G. Smith, M.S.ED. PranicHealingNE.com. mgsenergy@comcast.net. (978) 6838129.

WINTER PRETZEL KIDS® classes for ages 5-11 begin in January at Breathe Joy Yoga in Sharon. To learn more, view class locations throughout Ma. and RI, and learn about PK teacher trainings, go to www.pretzelkids.com

consciousness, channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, join Learn to Channel and other classes, enjoy evenings with Vywamus: December 3. Check for additional dates. (617) 332-1541, www.andreaseiver.com.

CHILDREN’S YOGA TEACHER CERTIFICATION. Learn to share the gifts of yoga with children during this fun and interactive weekend. Upcoming dates: Jan 16 & 17/Boston, Feb 7 & 8/Concord, March 13 & 14/Haverhill, March 21 & 22/Philadelphia. More info: www.childlightyoga.com or (603) 781-3323. MELROSE THERAPEUTIC AND HOLISTIC CENTER. Yoga with Vicki every Monday and Wednesday at 7pm, $12 drop-in, $60 for a 6-class card. Danskinetics with Rochelle every Saturday at 10am, $10. (781) 979-0178. 414 Main St., Melrose, MA. www.melrosetherapeutic.com.



- 10am and Thursdays 7:30pm-9pm. Presented by Judith of Pooled Resources. For more information call (617) 923-8856.

and February 28 from 4:30-7:30. Free event in loving service and devotion to Mother Earth. Check out Sharon’s site. www.grandmothersspeak.com. Call Karen for info and questions (508) 395-6392.


TEA AND ANGELS AT MARCIA’S SWEET PANTRY. 38 South St., Wrentham, MA. Dec.13 and Jan. 17 from 2pm-4pm. $25. Tea and Crystal Monday evenings, upcoming dates online. Open to groups of 10-12. Details at www.marciasweetpantry.com or call (508) 384-7100.

PROVIDENCE ZEN CENTER. Free walk-in instruction, Wednesdays at 6:15pm. 99 Pound Rd, Cumberland, RI. (401) 658-1464. Pzc@kwanumzen.org. www.providencezen.org.

REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION WITH FLORENCE WHIPPLE AND KRISTIN WEBB, Marblehead, MA. John Gray lineage. Two-day intensive training, hands-on practice, supporting clinics, 16.8 CEU’s. Offered: 12/5-12/6; 2/6-2/7. Pre-registration required. Call (978) 777-5732 or go online www.reikiprofessors.net.

CREATE THE LIFE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED! Ongoing weekly group Wednesday evenings in Needham. Discover what has been holding you back. Find new ways to meet your full potential. Glenn Bigonet, M.A. (617) 462-6642 or visit www.glennbigonet.com.

SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker Meetinghouse, Cambridge. Open to all who know how to journey, instruction available. Terrence (978) 952-2704 or Emily (781) 641-3980. www.cambridgeshamaniccircle.org

UNITY CHURCH offers weekly Sunday service at 10am. Welcoming and affirming we offer meditation, song, and a spiritual boost. 21 Cedar St. Worcester, MA. www.unityofcentralma.org.

MONTHLY ENERGY AWARENESS CLASSES ON SKYPE. Four weeks each, begins first Tuesday and Saturday, $100. Inner Light 1-3; Healing Light 1-4; Woman’s Alchemy 1&2. www.michellepelletier.org. (707) 849-7793.

MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN. Amazing psychic medium Gayle Kirk provides wise psychic guidance and healing messages from loved ones in heaven similar to John Edward’s “Crossing Over”. 1/24, 1/29, 3/11, 5/6. 5/13. (617) 489-7717 or www.GayleKirk.com.


Heal your relationships. Attract more love. Alternate Tuesdays 7:30pm. Unity Church of Somerville. Please call (913) 927-4281 or visit www.doiohm.com.

MA. 2/6: Advanced Aromatherapy in Cape Cod. 2/20: Herbal Certification in Cape Cod. 2/21: Palmistry, a tool of diagnosis in Cape Cod. 2/27: Aromatherapy and Herbal workshops in Acushnet, MA. The Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies. www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com or (978) 297-4502.

ANGEL ROOM WELLNESS CENTER. 29 Commercial Street, Mashpee, MA. Mon, Tue, Wed and Sat: Svaroopa® style yoga. Thurs: yoga nidra- 6pm. Tuesday night meditation, 7:30. 2nd/4th Sunday: free Reiki clinic, noon-2pm. AngelRoomWellnessCenter.com.

PARTNER EARTH EDUCATION CENTER at Sweetwater Sanctuary in Danby, VT announces classes and apprenticeships for the 2010 season in Plant Spirit Healing taught by author, educator and practitioner Pam Montgomery. Contact info: Visit www.partnereartheducationcenter.com or (802) 293-5996.

INDIVIDUAL APPRENTICESHIP IN DIVINITY TELECLASSES. Offered monthly through The WisdomGrace Mystery school. Awaken your divinity through personal classes (which will be recorded for your reference) and spiritual practices. The (W)hole Point Institute, LLC. (603) 895-4530. www.wholepoint.us.

DENTAL SECRETS — A LIFETIME OF HEALTH. Jean SPIRITUAL AND PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT CIRCLE. This group led by Gerri Lynch meets on a drop-in basis every Monday 7-9pm and Wednesday 10am-12pm. Experience meditation, mediumship and energetic clearing as you develop a deeper connection to spirit. $15 any session. www.circlesofwisdom.com. Andover, MA. (978) 474-8010.

TAOIST CHI GONG MASTERS/HEALERS from Korea giving classes/healing sessions in Boston area daily from Dec 3rd - Feb 28th. First time in the U.S. for these high level masters! See Koreanchi.com for locations and times.

THURSDAY NIGHT BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP with Linda Marks, MSM. Newton, 7-9pm. A safe, committed group for healing and growth including meditation, group process and heart-centered body psychotherapy work (EKP). Interview/EKP session required to apply. LSMHEART@aol.com, www.healingheartpower.com, (617) 965-7846.

REIKI SHARE WITH CHARLENE SAUCIER, REIKI MASTER. First Friday of every month. 7pm. Free! www.amethystpoint.com.

WOMEN’S RETREAT CENTER. Peaceful setting for selfguided or staff facilitated individual or group retreats. Weekly: Yoga (7:00pm Monday, 9:30am Tuesday, 5pm Wednesday, 7pm Thursday), Monthly: 2nd Wed. Potluck/Meditation, Last Sunday Book Discussion. Details: www.gatheringinn.org.

FREE HEALER SHARE WITH LISA CAMPION AND RHYS THOMAS. December 9 and January 20. 7-9pm. Healing shares to experience a full evening of energy and relaxation. Open to all. At Solstice Healing Arts Center, 163 Main Street Suite 6, Medway, MA. (508) 533-0669. www.solsticehealing.com.

SACRED BRIDGING® CLINICS. Experience the benefits of Sacred Bridging®. January 9 & February 13. Times: 10am-noon. Space is limited so call Andrea to reserve your place: (978) 4331910. Cost: $50.00. www.SacredBridging.com. AROMATHERAPY AND HERBAL CERTIFICATION CLASSES. 1/31 Aromatherapy certification in Winchendon,

Nordin-Evans, DDS presents holistic dental care approaches that treat the whole body. She discusses mercury and its effects on the body along with whole body detoxification. 12/10, 1/6, 2/13. 7pm. Free. Call to register (978) 449-9919. www.GrotonWellness.com

ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED? Dr. Robert Luby, board certified in family medicine, certified American Board of Holistic Medicine, presents ways to live a toxin-free lifestyle through diet, supplements, alternative and medical lab tests, and detoxification. 12/10, 1/14, 2/4. 3pm. Free. Call to register (978) 449-9919. www.GrotonWellness.com

NOURISHING TRADITIONS FOOD PREP WORKSHOP. Learn traditional techniques based on Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions. Hands-on class, workbook, recipes, samples. 1/9: 12pm; 1/21: 6pm; 2/13: 12pm; 2/25: 6pm. Call to register (978) 449-9919. www.GrotonWellness.com

CRYSTAL BOWL MEDITATION WITH RHYS THOMAS. December 7th and January 6th. 7-9pm. Cost: $35. Awaken your passion and joy. At Solstice Healing Arts Center, 163 Main Street Suite 6, Medway, MA. www.solsticehealing.com. (508) 533-0669.

TAPPING FOR MONEY WITH MARGARET LYNCH. January 14, February 11, March 11. 6-8pm. Cost: $45. New England Success Coaching, leaning how to get to the core of what blocks our success. Untapping our potential. At Solstice Healing Arts Center, 163 Main Street Suite 6, Medway, MA. (508) 533-0669. www.solsticehealing.com.

OPEN HOUSE AT THE BODY BALANCING CENTER. Bringing body, mind and spirit into balance. Visit us December 6 and January 10. The center is located at 70 James Street, Worcester, MA. www.BodyBalancingCenter.com. (508) 797-5057.

TRANSFORMATIVE HEALING INTENSIVES WITH KRISTIN KIRK. December 5 and February 28. We will spend the day in deep focus and soft receptive healing states to activate internal transformation and self-realization. (413) 5868444. www.kristinkirk.com.

Spring calendar listings due Feb. 1, 2010. Email michella@spiritofchange.org or call 508-278-9640.

58 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

new england’s

Holisticdirectory winter 2009

• New England’s largest free holistic magazine — with hundreds of practitioners, products and resources listed here! • Connecting over 250,000 readers with professionals in their fields.

Acupuncture & Asian Medicine Tibetan Science of

Healing Dr. Keyzom Bhutti

Animal Services

Keyzom Bhutti, Doctor of Tibetan Medicine, corrects any imbalances of the body and mind using finest quality medicinal herbs, mineral supplements and, in some cases, moxibustion. For information or an appointment, please call. 617-666-8635

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton Integrative and Conventional Veterinary Medicine

Acupuncture of Worcester Holistic Health since 1974

Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use of

Patricia Smith Burkhart, MAC, LIC. AC.

Gentle relief from: • stress and pain • medication side effects • chronic health problems

energy balancing, nut­ritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation. Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557.

I look forward to alleviating your suffering. Whether your issue is chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, plantar fascitis, golfer’s elbow, infertility, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, a compromised immune system, or a host of other problems, I can help you. Call for a free “meet and greet” appointment. 259 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA Free parking in rear. www.anappleadayacupuncture.com 781.648.0911


• Acupuncture and Asian Medicine . . 59 • Animal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 • Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 • Astrological Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . 60 • Bookstores and Gift Shops . . . . . 60-61 • Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 • Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 • Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-63 • Children’s Health & Services . . . . . . 63 • Chiropractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-64 • Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 • Consciousness Transformation . . . . 64 • Counseling and Therapy . . . . . . . 64-67 • Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . . . . 67-68 • Healing: Combined Modalities . . . . 69-70 • Health Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-71 • Herbs and Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 • Holistic Medical and Dental . . . . . . . . 71 • Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 • Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 • Retreats and Workshops . . . . . . . . . . 73      • Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 • Yoga, Tai-Chi and Fitness . . . . . . . . . . 73

www.mashvet.com Here at MASH we offer conventional veterinary medicine and alternative therapies in a balanced, whole health approach to your pet’s healthcare. Our goal is to support your pet’s vital energy for good health and self-healing. We use nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, and traditional diagnostics, along with a caring, compassionate staff to optimize your pet’s health.

Animal Readings & Intuitions Life from Your Animal’s Perspective carolburke6@hotmail.com www.animalsay.com G 978.793.9229

We are now also offering ozone therapy. We recognize that your pet in an important member of your family. From well visits to chronic disease, we offer medicine that respects the integrity of your pet’s mind, body and spirit. In addition to the services offered by our doctors, we have practitioners ready to provide chiropractic, cranial sacral, Reiki, massage, physical therapy, or polarity therapy for your pet. These are offered in our unique Holistic Care Center for Companion Animals, attached to our hospital. We are now offering client education classes, please call for more details. Dr. Margo Roman, Veterinarian and Practice Owner – Classical Homeopathy, Acupuncture, NAET, Cancer Therapy, Nutrition, Herbal Remedies, General Medicine and Surgery 72 W. Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748 (Exit 21A off of Route 495) 508-435-4077

Carol Burke is an animal intuitive who listens to your animal’s point of view and relays it back to you. This basic conversation quickly solves many concerns and behavioral issues and creates space for you to have more fun with your animal. Contact me for information, an appointment, or a FREE 15 minute reading.

Include your Business in this Holistic Directory Next Ad Deadline: February 1, 2010 Call 508-278-9640 x1 or Michella@spiritofchange.org WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 59

Arts Perfect your Singing Voice as Spiritual Path B a rr y H a rri s

Perfect singing is a combination of mastery of vocal technique and emotional release/spiritual surrender. My background makes me uniquely qualified to teach perfect singing. In the early 80s, I sang in a number of musicals, and with several opera companies in New York City before weakening my vocal cords. I was then extremely fortunate to study with Judy Oas, a world renown teacher written up in Opera News, who taught vocal rehabilitation, with a spiritual approach,


calling her instruction, “Zen and the Art of Singing.” Her unique dual-focused approach was to teach vocal technique, while simultaneously exploring how the study of voice leads to a self-knowledge, which makes vocal training an emotional/spiritual therapy. My classes use the same dual focus, presenting even more detailed vocal technique, and spiritual/emotional healing. I teach the foundations of vocal technique which can be applied to all types of singing. Because it is such a unique approach, I offer a free two-hour introduction class that covers both explanation and demonstration of the spiritual work, and also the beginning of basic technique. Noticeable improvement likely from first lesson. Schedule your FREE class today. Barrymh2002@yahoo.com G 617-202-8091

Astrological Consulting


Questions? Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”

Joseph Crane

Practical Astrology Joseph Crane has been a professional astrologer, consulting and teaching astrology since 1988. He is co-director of the Astrology Institute and author of A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology (1998) and Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Tradition (2007). Contact Joseph if you are interested in astrology classes or tutorials. As a consultant, Joseph uses astrology

60 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call: stars@ericlinter.com X 508-541-4115 X

“I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.”

mary macdonald

Astrology is one of the great tools of self-awareness. This ancient art continues to validate our gifts, offer insight into our challenges, awaken us to our purpose, and direct us along our soul’s path.

Private Readings Group Gatherings



Esoteric Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE

Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance

Cosmic Counsel Unlock the magic and mystery of your soul’s blueprint

By appointment Mary MacDonald V 617-835-0583 mary.macdonald61@gmail.com

on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes twenty years of experience and an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach. U Astrological Consultations U for Individuals and Couples Rayology U Psychospiritual Counseling To contact me, please call: 617-524-7072.

v v v v v v v

Appointments in person or by phone starurania@aol.com www.CarolBellis.com v 508-728-4680


ASTROLOGY… is a blueprint of the soul is a language of symbols mirrors life patterns (past, present & future) offers clarity and insight engages the psyche and soul identifies opportunities, challenges, strengths is a sacred science supports personal growth & development Additional complementary services: Soul Coaching now available!

- J.G., Cambridge, MA

Bookstores and Gift Shops to help people work with specific situations in their lives. Natal and Predictive Astrology examines situations in the larger context of one’s life and shows probable outcomes. Horary Astrology examines the meaning of particular moments in time, including using the specific time a question is asked as the basis for an interpretation. Electional Astrology gives the best time for a new undertaking, including weddings, interviews and promotions, buying and selling, and travel. Consultations are in Rhode Island, Eastern Mass. or by phone. All sessions are recorded josephcrane@verizon.net s 401-527-2035 www.astrologyinstitute.com

new age gift shop

Books and music @ Aromatherapy and tools Incense and candles @ Cry­stals and jewelry Learning Center

Workshops @ Reiki Training @ Readings Yoga @ Gaidon Heart @ Bellydance Psychic Development Holistic Healing Center

Usui and Karuna Reiki @ Hypnotherapy Reflexology @ Massage @ Crystal Healing Inner Child Healing @ Body Talk™ Hours: Mon–Fri 10 am-8 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun noon-5 pm. Gift Certificates available. 118 Washington St., Rte. 138, N. Easton, MA www.womenofwisdominc.com 508-230-3680

Circles of Wisdom A Metaphysical Bookstore & More www.circlesofwisdom.com 90 Main St, Andover, MA|Open: Mon 6-9 pm, Tue-Fri 10 am-9 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 12-5 pm Shop our Retail Store Inspirational Products Y Books Y Music Healing Tools and Supplies Y Crystals Gemstone Jewelry Y Tarot and Oracle Decks Statuary Y Incense, Sage, Oils, and Candles

Expand your Horizons in our Classes Alternative Health Y Personal Growth Energy Clearing and Healing Y Mediumship Meditation Y Psychic Development Shamanism Y Crystals Y Spirituality Receive Guidance in a Private Reading or Healing Session (in person or by phone) Intuitive/Psychic Y Tarot Y Angel Spiritual Coaching Y Astrology Mediumship Y Reiki Y Energy Healing Check our web site for complete schedule. www.circlesofwisdom.com 978-474-8010

The Silver Willow

Large selection of bulk herbs The Silver Willow’s own herbal tea blends Handmade herbal products for you and your whole family, including your pets Crystal Balls n Tarot Cards n Pendulums Incense n Ritual Tools n Statues Challis’s n Reiki Treaments The largest selection of New Age books in the entire area!

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Home of the Celtic Cricket Psychic Reader... What’s in your Future?

Tue-Sat 11:30-7, Sun 12-5 pm., Mon-Closed, 54 Fall River Ave. (Rt. 6), Rehoboth, MA www.thesilverwillow.com n 508-336-8813

Readings available in person or over the phone

Business Services TrueNorth

Business Consulting Health & Wellness Professionals are our Specialty Cynthia Pasciuto, owner of TrueNorth Business Consulting, is a licensed attorney and insurance broker in Massachusetts. You are the expert in your business, but there is so much more you need to know.

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Established in 1990 and rated, “Best of the Best” in Melrose, our dedicated staff of professionals offer a comprehensive range of services to complement a healthy lifestyle. Conveniently located in Melrose, our center is a safe, peaceful haven to take a break from the stresses of daily living. For a calendar of events, visit our website at www.melrosetherapeutic.com

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Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes

Eclectic Institute

of Aromatherapy & Herbal Studies Offering over 20 years of experience in the science, art and principles of herbalism and aromatherapy

Ongoing certification courses offered throughout the northeast including: ✴ 7-Month Herbal Certification ✴ 4-Month European-Based Aromatherapy Introduction ✴ 4-Month Advanced Aromatherapy Course ✴ 3-Month Conscious Nutrition Course ✴ Palmistry a tool of diagnoses All courses are practical and provide the understanding necessary to use these tools both safely and effectively. www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com 978-297-4502


Included in The TrueNorth Guidebook: V Planning your Marketing Strategy V A Review of Insurance Protection V The Legal Elements of Business: The different types of business entities, attorney-generated legal forms to get started, negotiating tips V Project Management Simplified


163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway, MA 02053 solsticehealing@yahoo.com

Melrose Therapeutic & Wholistic Center

Our two gorgeous workshop rooms are available for rent by the hour and the day. Charming, light filled practitioner rooms are also available for rent. Reasonable rates!

HEALING t h r o u g h LOVE Elizabeth A. Gilberg, B.Sc., B.S.W. Reiki Master-Teacher Intuitive Therapist Holistic Healer Elizabeth is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and healer who has dedicated her life to helping others. She combines over 20 years of counseling and teaching experience with extensive studies in Reiki, Hawaiian huna, NLP, psychic channeling, shamanism, hypnosis, past-life regression, crystals, guided meditation and holographic breath healing. Elizabeth’s classes and private consultations are transformational, fun and enlightening! She is a compassionate and gifted healer and teacher who has taught thousands of students over a period of 20 years. Free Introductory Evening of Reiki Learn about Reiki healing, psychic intuition and spiritual development. Also receive a free introductory Reiki session. RSVP to attend: 978-594-0166

The Reiki I and II Class First and Second Degree Reiki are taught together in a 4-day weekend intensive or one night per week for six weeks. This class will enable you to heal yourself, others, animals and the planet. You will learn how to sense the aura, chakras, energy blockages plus scanning, distant Reiki, psychic protection, introduction to guides and more. Advanced Reiki Training & Usui/Tibetan Reiki Mastery Some topics covered in Advanced Reiki and Mastery are: intro to crystals, pendulums, pyramids, Reiki psychic surgery, a guided meditation to meet your highest Reiki guide, how to give all attunements and a special healing attunement. Advanced Classes Manifestation Mastery Karuna Practitioner Karuna Mastery G Hologrophic Healing An Evening of Shamanism Healing Your Inner Child Ongoing Reiki practice and review nights are offered for all students. All classes are offered in love and light. Elizabeth A. Gilberg Reiki Master Higher Vision Seminars G 978-594-0166

Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes continued WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 61

Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes continued

Rhys Thomas Healer Training Offering two exciting programs at the Solstice Healing Arts Center Teachers Rhys Thomas and Lisa Campion invite you to The Rhys Thomas Healer Training programs at the Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway MA. The Growing the Healer Within program is for those just starting on their journey into healership. The Healer Training Program is suitable for practitioners who are looking to deepen their personal growth, increase their intuition and learn advanced healing techniques.

A community of peers that will support your journey on a day to day basis F A model for looking at your own defenses to heal yourself at a deeper level F Learn how to hold your energy field and stay in your center no matter what is going on around you F Understand your own energy system to see where your blocks and strengths are F Experience your own soul as the best teacher and guide you have ever had F Powerful Full Spectrum Healing techniques to take your healership to the next level F

Classes start in September and meet six weekends a year. For more information: rhys@rhysthomashealing.com rhysthomashealing.com F 508-740-3038

New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies v Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style v Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion


Certification Program Intensive Apprenticeship begins April ‘10: F Herbs to nourish & heal each body system F Instruction on how to make herbal

tinctures, teas, salves, oils, flower essences, herbal baths, etc. F Plant ID with medicinal plant walks

The Boston School of Herbal Studies Seven Month Herbal Apprenticeship

F Facial, tongue and pulse diagnosis

We offer affordable evening and weekend workshops, herbal supervision groups, and an Herbal Apothecary. 12 Pelham Terrrace, Arlington, MA 781-646-6319 www.bostonherbalstudies.com

Introductory and Advanced Workshops and Classes

The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders

The Energy of Life® (EOL) Process Educational Programs complement all medical and holistic modalities, and empower practitioners and laypersons. EOL I.D.E.A.L. Process for Creating a

Life You Love! Workshop Series A totally unique intuitive and healing process that transforms lives, whether you are a healer, doctor, executive, or full-time parent. Use the EOL process alone, or to enhance Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. The EOL Process for Discernment and Intuitive Accuracy within this series is prerequisite for Medical Intuitive training with Sue Singleton. EOL Visionary Acupressure System

Workshop Series This fusion of ancient and modern techniques makes a quantum leap to address trauma and illness, without relying solely on

62 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

linear meridian techniques. Learn unique protocols for deeper, more rapid release of the Root Cause. Our easy to learn 60-point numbered system includes detailed diagrams: no prior acupressure experience or knowledge required. EOL Rings of Oden™ New Technology for Quantum Healing Revolutionary “Net-Neutral Ionic Energy” technology embedded into The Rings of Oden accelerates light resonance and provides modulating energy frequencies for healing. Users report rapid resolution of chronic pain, injuries, glaucoma, chronic emotional patterns and illnesses. The Rings combine Sacred Geometry, Crop Circles, and DNA Holographic Re-Patterning to create specific vortices and frequencies for various conditions. Powerful for self-healing, as well as helping others.


Other Workshops Radical Hands-On Healing Light Therapy: Healing at the Speed of Light Sound Therapy: Healing with Resonance Introduction to Medical Intuition, etc. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

2010 Schedule This certificate program is 100 hours of independent adult study which includes two intensive weekends of instruction. The program includes an introduction to Ericksonian hypnosis , hypnosis and child birthing, medical and dental applications for hypnosis, pain management, hypnosis with children, habit elimination or modification, age regression, a wide variety of hypnotic inductions and techniques, the elimination of all phobias, etc. This program is approved for 32 CEUS for nurses and social workers. Graduates may join the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Instructor Ted Benton, Ed., a Winchester Hospital staff hypnotherapist, is a national and international hypnosis instructor. He holds numerous certifications for advanced hypnosis training, including training approved by the American Psychological

Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming. A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and

v Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! ~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ All That Matters in Wakefield, RI Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA New classes starting 2010 in Hanover, MA www.walkinbalance.com v 508-317-3044 v

Association. He has published articles on hypnotherapy and recently appeared on the Discovery Health Program on national television. Winchester Hospital is one of several hospitals in the nation offering full certification to hypnotherapists. The cost of the program is $1600, which includes all textbooks and materials. The tuition is tax-deductible. The first payment of $800 is due at registration. Final payment is due at the first class. If you refer a student who registers in the same session, $100 will be deducted from your fee. Weekend classes will be held as follows: F F F F

Jan. 9-10 and Mar. 13-14 April 10-11 and May 8-9 June 5-6 and Aug. 28-29 Oct. 2-3 and Nov. 6-7

Classes are held at Winchester Hospital Community Health Institute, Baldwin Park I, 12 Alfred Street, Suite 207, Woburn, MA. To sign up for a class, or for more information, call us or visit our website and click on Community Health Institute. 781-756-4700 www.winchesterhospital.org

energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future. Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings. Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students. 800-262-8530 v www.spatech.edu

The Connecticut Institute of Herbal Studies

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practiced for over 4000 years. It employs a highly developed theoretical system which determines the appropriate application of herbs based on an individual’s unique symptoms and not just on a named disease. In this way TCM treats the causes of disease and not just the disease itself. Appointments for TCM care are available as well, by Laura Mignosa, Nationally Certified Chinese Herbologist.

Founded in 1992, the Connecticut Institute of Herbal Studies in Wethersfield, Ct. focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine and offers a Certified Herbology Program with a foundation in both theory and clinical diagnosis as practiced in China today.

www.ctherbschool.com G 860-666-5064

about the Constellation Approach. They are experiential and you may have the opportunity to set up your own constellation, assist others by being a representative in their constellation, or observe the various constellations throughout the day. Saturday Seminars 9:30 am-6 pm $125

The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. Our Seminars are specifically designed so that any issue may be presented. Open to all who wish to experience and learn

Dec 5, 2009 Jan 23, 2010

Apr 10, 2010 May 8, 2010

Mar 6, 2010 Private constellation sessions also available. Jamy Faust, MA and Peter Faust, Mac www.ConstellationApproach.com 617-484-4325

Aromatherapy, Western Herbology and other holistic care modalities are also provided at the Institute. Information on classes, events, cultural tours to China and more, can be found on our website.


Acusage Academy

& Body Reflexology ONLINE CLASSES

Foot Reflexology q Body Reflexology Light Reflexology LIVE CLASSES

Massage q Reflexology

The (W)hole Point Institute The heart of The Wisdom WAY™ is the point at which our psychology intersects with our spirituality. This point is the space in which we awaken — for real. Alaya Chadwick has drawn on her 28+ years of experience to develop The Wisdom WAY™, a personal, practical, self-sustainable map and method for personal and spiritual growth. Found in The Wisdom WAY™ are the tools you can use to Walk Awake saying Yes to life. Oftentimes we feel like we are simply sleepwalking through life. We find ourselves responding to people and experiences as if we are on “auto pilot.” We can feel like we have little energy or joy in our lives. We may wonder, “How do we wake up?” The Wisdom WAY™ is the skeleton found inside most healing modalities, including conventional therapy and alternative practices. What makes this WAY different is that you are the expert. By following the map using your own life experiences, you unravel the mysteries of yourself and reveal the wonder you truly are on all levels — emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Massage q Foot Reflexology q Body Reflexology q Reflex Light Reflexology Shiatsu-Acupressure q Myofascial Release Lymphatic Drainage q Myo-Skeletal Alignment q Nutritional Consultants Act now! State requirements are changing in 2010; programs will be longer & cost more. State Licensed and Approved www.AcusageAcademy.com www.ReflexologyOnline.com 250 Main St., Oxford, MA q 508-987-0178

The (W)hole Point Institute offers a wide range of self-development experiences, healing opportunities, and empowerment trainings for individuals and couples or partners. These workshops are both experiential and educational and are offered in group and/or one-on-one settings. Additionally, there are intensive apprenticeship programs which offer personal in-depth study. 2-Day Intensive (W)hole Workshops Learn practical tools to reveal your own unique pathway to (W)holeness. 2-Day PAIRing™ Workshops (People Activating Intimate Relating™) Open to couples and singles, this workshop is for those who wish to bring their relationships to a deeper level of self-appreciation and intimate union. One-on-One (W)hole Life Coaching Relationship Intensives for Couples

Chaplaincy Institute of Maine Creation Spirituality T Interfaith Worship Spiritual Practice T Community Service

ChIME T P.O. Box 3833 T Portland ME 04104 chimeadmin@gmail.com www.chimeofmaine.org T 207-347-6740

Children’s Health & Services Touchstone offers:

Touchstone Community School offers a progressive, child-centered approach to education. For twenty-three years, we have nurtured and inspired children to be creative, independent partners in their learning.

Small, mixed-age classes Thematic studies that integrate subjects Dedicated, expert teachers A diverse community and highly positive culture Parent-teacher-child partnership in educational development To learn more about our holistic approach to education for children ages 4 to 14, visit www.touchstoneschool.com or call Ana at 508-839-0038.

Chiropractors • Integrated, Gentle, Individualized Family Chiropractic Care with Dr. Jennah Dieter Pediatric/Perinatal Certified Chiropractor, Summa Cum Laude Palmer Grad

Reiki Level I and II classes Learn this ancient healing art to support yourself and those around you. …and much, much more!

chiropractic Z massage Z nutrition Z exercise

“Alaya Chadwick is able to put ‘hands and feet’on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life.” — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D.


Author of: Wake up to your (W)hole Life Raymond, NH www.wholepoint.us r 603-895-4530

First Year: The Way of Contemplation Second Year: The Way of Action Campuses in Portland, ME and Amesbury, MA

World Religions T Art as Meditation

Awakening Divinity Apprenticeship

Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick M.Div., MSW., L.I.C.S.W., Reiki Master,

Interfaith Spiritual Growth and Ordination as an Interfaith Minister

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, call to get healthy! Complimentary Consultation ($45 value) 260 Merrimac St., Newburyport, MA 01950 978-499-WELL (9355) www.healthcarecomplete.com

• Customized Nutrition Programs with Nutrition Response Testing • Detoxification and Weight Loss • Massage Therapy • Rehabilitative Exercise • Pilates and Yoga • Reiki and Holistic Psychotherapy Where Your Complete Health Matters!

Chiropractors continued www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 63

Chiropractors continued

H ol i s tic H e al ing C e n ter Dr. Jennifer Lees Network Chiropractor Imagine feeling more ease in your body. Imagine more joy and serenity in your life. Sometimes our capacity to heal may be overwhelmed by the stress of life. Our body

tends to lock up and mold to the stress. After a while we may find ourselves sick, tense, symptomatic or simply just wanting more out of life. I specialize in gentle techniques that unwind these tension patterns. It is my goal to help you move through life’s stresses with more grace and ease. Healing is possible... and it can be easy. Dr. Jennifer Lees 410 Boston Post Road #26, Sudbury, MA 978-443-3248

Coaching Benefits of the Sedona Method®

Cheryl Wright

Life Coach Use day to day, moment by moment, in real life situations Face whatever happens with a new feeling of inner strength, ease and confidence. Coaching Using the Sedona Method® What is the Sedona Method®? A simple, powerful, easy-to-use technique that shows you how to tap into your natural ability to let go of any uncomfortable or unwanted feeling in the moment.

Success Coaching with Kate Eliminate blocks to your success Overcome life long issues Reach your goals Become the best YOU SPECIALITIES

Self Esteem O Stress O Weight O Fear Work/Sports/Artistic Performance Procrastination O Clutter

Do you suffer from the chaos of addiction? Confidential, Private Telephone Coaching Affordable Group Coaching Engaging Teleclasses Convenient Email Coaching Support Community

64 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Eliminate your stress, fears and tensions Improve your relationships G Be radiantly healthy G Have financial security G Drop addictions and bad habits G Gain emotional wellness and intelligence G Have lasting inner peace, joy and happiness

Consciousness Transformation Transformational Healer


Spiritual Teacher Kristin Kirk After experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, Kristin began healing within the multidimensional soul and universe. She works in unison with a team of spirit guides to transform the soul by releasing layers of density, old trauma, and conditioning, that have hindered a brighter and clearer expression of the Radiant Self.

This may occur as soul clearing, past life and current life healing, emotional and mental release, balancing of subtle energetic anatomy, integration of multidimensional consciousness, embodiment support, and channeled guidance. With 20 years in practice, Kristin offers healing sessions, both long distance, and locally, for individuals, couples, groups, pets, loved ones, and those who have passed on. She also offers ‘Journey Into Awakening’, a transformational and educational series to support and facilitate the awakening process. www.kristinkirk.com




Coaching available by phone or in person Introduction and Support Groups monthly Offices in Watertown, MA & Providence, RI Cheryl@WrightHereNow.com 617-448-8749 G www.WrightHereNow.com

As a level three certified practitioner in Meridian Tapping Techniques (Pro-ER), Kate effectively works with her clients using Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT), which includes Emotional Freedom Technique to reduce and eliminate blocks to success.


Reference this ad and receive 20% off when you book 3 sessions Not to be combined with other offers or promotions

Kate’s tapping techniques are featured on her radio show, “Tapping to Success with Kate” and live through audio/visual stream over the internet.

Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Personal Evolution Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help us make our next evolutionary step into the higher levels of consciousness. Receive his insights, his energies, and his practical advice in classes or readings.

Raising Grace Coaching offers profound healing for addicts, alcoholics, and those who love them most. We combine intimate knowledge of the processes and effects of addiction with powerful spiritual truths and healing techniques to help free you from harmful life patterns. You can reclaim your power and joy. Call for your free consultation to learn whether our approach will work for you. SHARON ROY Certified Life Coach, Recovery Coach, Reiki Master

www.succeedhappily.com S 401-588-1799

For information about classes or readings, call Andrea at 617-332-1541 or visit me at www.andreaseiver.com.

Counseling and Therapy Compassionate Psychotherapy & EMDR Barbara Gangemi, LMHC

Schedule your FREE 15 min. success consult now! Kate Beeders O 617-733-0737 www.SuccessCoachingwithKate.com

Readings with Vywamus cover your questions about life work, relationships, past lives, and other issues with his characteristic warmth and humor. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and practice living on a wider scale as your larger self. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Call for next dates. Courses: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling/Spiritual Support Class

We are each endowed with an enormous capacity for self-healing, and often what’s needed is a wise and experienced guide to show us the way through darkness. Barbara’s style of compassionate psychotherapy, combined with a number of highly effective stress reduction techniques as well as the rapid and profound healing effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can lead to new levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well being. EMDR is a body-focused psychotherapy that allows an individual to reprocess disturbing memories that have become locked in the nervous sytem through a disruption in normal information processing. Past events seem “frozen in time,” and the traditional methods of talking about them do not relieve the strong feelings they contain.

Maybe you are having trouble maintaining relationships or employment in the present. Perhaps you remember childhood mistreatment, medical procedures that were frightening and painful, accidents, illnesses, even natural disasters. Many people today experience a pervasive feeling of “being stressed.” Whatever the source of your distress, this combination of therapies can bring deep and lasting healing to your body, mind, and spirit. As a licensed mental health counselor and a fully certified EMDR practitioner, Barbara has been practicing psychotherapy for sixteen years and EMDR for the past eleven years. She considers the opportunity to assist clients to be a sacred trust, and she moves toward the path to healing with the knowledge that, in a safe and supportive therapeutic relationship, we can heal what has been too daunting to face alone. Some insurances accepted. Call for further information or to schedule an appointment. BarbaraGangemi@aol.com Roslindale: 617-553-0714 Hopkinton: 508-435-5580

Lynda Thayer

Raising your


Professional Intuitive Coach Hypnotherapist • Intuitive Reader Energy Healings Improve your health Expand your career or job possibilities Create more fulfilling relationships In your healing journey you will feel true alignment with your authentic self, gain clarity and focus for emotional well being, and increase your self awareness.

Get More Out of Life! More Love! More Joy! More Satisfaction!

You Deserve It! Glenn Bigonet, M.A. Mental Health Counselor, Cert. Hypnotherapist Initial consultation free Weekly Group and Workshops Offered Conveniently located near the commuter rail in Needham. Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95. www.GlennBigonet.com 617-462-6642

Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Work­ing together, one-on-one, you can over-

A Balanced Way Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D., psychologist, has 35+ years of experience in alternative and traditional therapies. The calm and supportive environment created empowers you to make the changes

For over 18 years, Lynda has provided her healing skills and intuitive gifts to facilitate each individual’s healing. Following the *Course in Miracles* and the *Law of Attraction,* Lynda provides the necessary techniques to release unconscious sabotaging energy patterns. Once the energy patterns are released, the path is clear to manifest the life of your dreams, one step at a time. Contact Lynda to schedule your complimentary phone session. Lynda Thayer, CPC, LMT, CH.t Metrowest Boston www.IntegratedEnergyCoaching.com LRThayer@gmail.com 7 508-875-1705

Do you feel stuck in your daily routine? Are you unsatisfied or angry with your life as it is now? Do you wish you could live the life you really want? I’m Glenn Bigonet and I want to help you love your life. I will help you get unstuck, move toward your dreams and feel more positive and happy. I utilize heart-centered therapeutic techniques, and at times powerfully combine hypnosis and psychotherapy. This method is safe, effective and faster than using only talk therapy. The results will amaze you! You’ll notice a huge change in your life as we work together to make your goals a reality. Don’t wait! Call now to set up your FREE consultation. It’s time to create the change you desire.

come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner bal­ance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with: u Career and identity is­sues u Immune and autoimmune illnesses u Chronic fatigue syndrome u Depression u Learning disabilities and ADD u Relationships u NLP Certification Training Program u Bel­mont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716.

you seek in yourself, your relationships, and your family life, establishing balance and hope, often in just a few sessions. You can take control of your life. Increase effectiveness, health, and joy Simplify your life v Build confidence Strengthen relationships v Adapt to loss Master fears v Improve communication Learn relaxation techniques Reduce anxiety and panic Worcester, MA ~ 508-799-0407 Putnam, CT ~ 860-928-6619

Life Coaching

Improve motivation, accomplish tasks & more

Holistic Psychotherapy & Life Coaching Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW

Holistic Psychotherapy/Clinical Consultation

Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias, ADD.

Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential.

Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.

EMDR R TAT R Hypnosis R Reiki I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.

294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA

Daniel J. Richard, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist

CrossroadS CounselinG Christopher Gruener MA, LMHC Everyone knows the experience of being at life’s crossroads — personally, professionally, spiritually. We often wonder, “How do I move forward?” and “What kind of support would really help?” As a Master’s degreed clinician, a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and a Blue Cross provider, I have served the mental health and relationship needs of Boston area residents through my Newton-based private practice for the past 20 years. I offer individual, couples, and family counseling in single hour sessions. In addition, I offer breathwork and group counseling in a two hour session format. I work on a sliding scale basis, and no one is denied services for lack of funding. My approach to counseling integrates traditional Western insight oriented psychotherapy, elements of Buddhist thought, a progressive political perspective and techniques developed through the Transpersonal Psychology Movement. And as a long time student of “A Course In Miracles,” my work reflects deep appreciation for the transformative power of heartfelt forgiveness and the creative wisdom of our Higher Self. Whatever the magnitude or urgency of your concerns, my approach is essentially the same. I offer an oasis for self exploration—a place to attend to your own Inner Voice—and an environment of reflection

www.eaglespirittherapies.com 781-297-2003

Psychotherapy Assessment F Consultation Stoughton, MA F 617-615-9402 DrDanielJRichard.com

and encouragement as you move through and beyond your personal crossroads. TOOLS FOR TRANSFORMATION OFFERED SPRING 2010

Free Form Breathwork Free Form Breathwork uses the power of guided breathing practices to foster profound self-generated healing in all aspects of one’s life—practical, emotional and spiritual. Evocative music, sustained focusedbreathing and facilitative body work are integral elements of this process. This type of work with one’s breath often involves intense emotional release as well as the recollection and resolution of very early difficult memories. Activists Support Group This group, which is limited to eight participants, offers solution focused group facilitation. Participants have identified themselves as being—or desiring to be— political, ecological or spiritual activists. The group offers emotional and practical support for taking personal responsibility and collective action to heal our planet and ourselves. Group members participate in meditative practice, relationship process work, and strategic planning during sessions. Practical support and group encouragement will be offered to all group members who choose to pursue organizing field work and community activism between sessions. To explore the possibility of our working together, a pre-session “Get Acquainted Meeting”— for which there is no fee — is requested. Please call or email me to schedule this session. Newton Centre, MA F 617-965-6552 chris.gruener@comcast.net www.crossroads-counseling-services.com

Counseling and Therapy continued www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 65

Counseling and Therapy continued

Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration

Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.

Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express

Massachusetts Society of

Bioenergetic Analysis “Bioenergetics is the vibrant way to health and the way to vibrant health.“ ~ Alexander Lowen, MD, Founder Integrated mind-body therapy, combining talk therapy with guided body move-ments and expressive exercises. The

Body/Mind Psychotherapy Judith Prebluda, L.M.H.C. Body/Mind Psychotherapy is a therapy modality, which synthesizes the best of Eastern Philosophy, Spiritual Orientation and Modern Western Psychology and Research. Visit my website for detailed descriptions of methods, philosophy, and approaches.

66 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009


I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you. Client Comments: s Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.” s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138

the power of the heart. Emotional safety, words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Tues. and Thurs. nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: www.heartspacecafe.com/blog Individual, Couple and Group Psychotherapy Newton, MA www.healingheartpower.com LSMHEART@aol.com 617-965-7846

Shawna V. Carboni LICSW, DCSW

Bioenergetic Analysis Clinical Hypnosis & EMDR The innovative combination of Bioenergetic Analysis, Clinical Hypnosis & EMDR is unique in the field of mind-body psychotherapy! Each is a creative and powerful vehicle for making a life change. Bioenergetics is an active, body-oriented psychotherapy; Clinical Hypnosis is a state of intentional inward concentration characterized by deep body relaxation; and EMDR utilizes bilateral eye movements to facilitate the emo-

Stephen-Wolf Foster, Psy.D.  “Be a light unto yourself; See for yourself what is true.”

- the Buddha

Being only human, at some point in our lives we may realize that something isn’t going the way we had hoped and dreamed it would. When we take an honest look at ourselves, we wonder, “How did I get here? This can’t be all there is. How can I really live the life I really want to live?” Dr. Stephen-Wolf Foster has been helping

work focuses on increasing aliveness and self-respect through body-oriented psychotherapy. It helps people resolve emotional problems and release chronic tensions to become more relaxed, and ultimately to maximize their potential for intimacy and joy in life. Visit our website or call for more information and to be added to our mailing list. Training Group, Ongoing Workshops, Exercise Classes, Individual Therapy www.massbioenergetics.org 617-876-3652

Mindfulness and Spiritual Development Classes These short-term psycho-educational classes focus on spiritual tools to support and enhance your mental/emotional balance, sobriety, healing and wellness. For class schedules and descriptions, please visit my website. 1236 Broadway, Teele Square, Somerville (Arlington line) Insurance accepted. For consultation, please call: 781-643-2313 or email: judith@jpbodymindtherapy.com. www.jpbodymindtherapy.com.

Healing from the Body Level UpSM A new mind / body / spirit healing methodology for the 21st century

Announcing hbluSM A breakthrough new therapy that can change your life, even when other therapies have failed! • Do you have fears, anxieties or phobias that get in your way? • Are your relationships frustrating, painful, or unsatisfying? • Are you feeling unfulfilled with your career, current income, or just life in general? • Do you constantly struggle to achieve and maintain your ideal weight? • Are you being weighed down by chronic health problems? • Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again? When you’ve done your best to solve these problems, but find that they are not

tional and cognitive processing of distressing and traumatic experiences. Each modality helps to identify and access inner conflicts, self-limiting beliefs, and energetic disruptions that are just beneath ordinary awareness. Positive, lasting change occurs from the inside out as one resolves those obstacles, experiences new potentials, and learns new skills. Shawna V. Carboni, LICSW, DCSW is a licensed clinician with more than 20 years of experience who fervently believes in each individual’s innate capacity for selfactualization. She brings a vigor, maturity, and commitment to her work that is refreshing and rare, and her style is collaborative, professional, and future-oriented. Visit www.lifechangeboston.com for more information, or contact her private practice LifeChange, LLC at 617.782.5020 to schedule an appointment.

individuals and couples answer these questions since 1985. Existential Psychotherapy is rooted in the timeless principles of Freedom, Truth, Beauty, and Love. With an attitude of “no shame/no blame,” Stephen-Wolf engages you in deep “Authentic Conversation,” wherein you distinguish your true voice and true vision. When we are grounded in the Truth of who we really are, we can realize the possibility of Freedom from the tyranny of Others, from resentment and regret, and from anxiety and guilt – and we can know Freedom to create the life we really want to live. Stephen-Wolf works powerfully with people suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, and addictive behaviors. Contact Dr. Stephen-Wolf Foster at his office in Newton, MA (617-413-3712) for a free consultation.

under your voluntary control, you are experiencing unconscious self-sabotage. Healing from the Body Level UpSM (hbluSM) is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic psychotherapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and keynote presenter at major psychology conferences. Dr. Judith Swack and her associates Nicole LaFrance, MA, and David Danzig, LICSW, are now available for private sessions in person, or by phone. “This work gave me back my life.” – Susan S., Writer, Boston, MA “I’ve made more progress in the most important areas of my life in just a few sessions than I did in 5 years of traditional therapy. This woman is amazing! I’ve already referred – Jane U., Teacher 10 clients to her.” For a free information package and to book appointments, call 1-800-310-6549 or 781-444-6940, or visit www.hblu.org.

Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education “What im­pres­sed me about Dr. Trish was her natural ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of problems.” — Bob Olson, Editor, OfSpirit.com Offering a variety of techniques, including: ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, Meditation, Energy Work, Crystals, and Aromatherapy

Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Unresolved issues stored in our physical and energy bodies can manifest as pain, illness, or mediocrity.

Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment.

Discover, address, and release issues block­­ing health and wealth. View obstacles, relationships, and illness as opportunities for growth and change. Experience resonance-changing techniques that get to the root of problems. Open to an array of extraordinary futures.

I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner

Private Appointments, Phone Sessions & Workshops Middleton, MA u Trish@TrishWhynot.com www.TrishWhynot.com u 978-314-4545

Stephanie Dumas Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit

America’s Most Experienced

In addition to its commitment to excellence in Reiki education, it also serves as a platform from which John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray have developed and launched several important works, including their Reiki book Hand to Hand, the audio cassette tape “Takata Speaks: Volume 1,” and a CD by John Harvey Gray containing his ground-breaking theory on “Emotionality and the Chakras” and a “Balancing Meditation.” These Reiki products are an invaluable source of information and learning.

John Harvey Gray ✴ Lourdes Gray, Ph.D.

Each workshop of The John Harvey Gray Center’s highly acclaimed Usui-Gray Integrated Reiki System® consists of two full days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners to certify you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. Reiki First Degree will teach you to: ✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural, intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Work on any condition — physical, emotional or spiritual. ✴ Be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients or pets.

Reiki Teachers

ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling Hypnotherapy Karuna Reiki® Master Shamballa Basic Master Teacher Appointments and workshops available.

Janet Sedgwick Holistic Counseling Services

774-766-9353 Janet@JanetSedgwick.com www.JanetSedgwick.com

Start living the life you want.

Stop Smoking In One Session

Lose Weight Naturally Dr. George W. Mephis, Ph.D., BCH, is a world-renowned Russian healer and spiritual teacher, with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight and achieve freedom from addiction slavery. He has been called The Miraclemaker for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the negative memories related to addictive behavior.

Mr. Mephis helps people quit smoking in one session, lose weight and control their appetite, eliminate pain, stress, anxiety, depression and various other physical disorders including cancer in a unique and miraculous way. u

Stop Smoking in One Session


Lose Weight


Eliminate Pain


Stress, Anxiety, Depression


Substance Abuse


Addictive Behavior


Self Destructive Behavior


Cancer Patients Support


Enhance Spot Performance

George W. Mephis | Market Street Health 214 Market Street u Brighton, MA02135 617-507-1991 www.hypnoenergetic.com

Healing and Bodywork Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”

Divine Intervention Spontaneous Remission Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.


Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results. Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 u www.heartssinging.com

healthyspirit@verizon.net 781-860-5116

The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He is one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He is also the longestpracticing Reiki instructor in the Western Hemisphere. Over the course of thirty years, he has taught over 900 Reiki classes and trained more than 15,000 students. Dr. Lourdes Gray is the sole successor and lineage bearer in The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Dr. Gray is also the Center’s director. An ancient Eastern healing art, Reiki, (pronounced “ray-key”) is the Japanese word for Universal Life Energy. This energy is all around us and we can channel it. The Reiki process is a simple method of hands-on healing as developed by Dr. Mikao Usui of Kyoto, Japan. The mission of our Center is to preserve the teachings of Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata, and at the same time, to further expand on those teachings by offering a comprehensive system of training based on John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray’s vast storehouse of knowledge from many years of teaching and practicing the Reiki system of natural healing. The knowledge and experience of both of these teachers has been distilled into a curriculum that provides students with a profound understanding of energy healing techniques and powerful tools for self development. Students are taught how to use Reiki confidently, to treat any condition, chronic or acute, in all living things. Easy to learn and effective meditation practices are presented in order to help accelerate the student’s own spiritual evolution and define his or her own sense of purpose. Over time, The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing has become recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training and energy healing.

s s

“John Harvey Gray taught me Reiki. I quickly integrated this form of spiritual healing into my practice with wonderful results...” – Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom (Bantam, 2005), The Wisdom of Menopause (Bantam, rev. 2006), and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, (Bantam, rev. 2006). Upcoming Classes

Reiki 1st Degree Program (13 CEU’s for nurses taking Reiki I workshop) Jaffrey, NH: Dec 19-20, Jan 23-24, Feb 27-28 Reiki 2nd Degree Program Jaffrey, NH: Oct 24-25, Dec 5-6, Jan 30-31, Mar 13-14 Past Life Regressions Jaffrey, NH: Mar 27 Learn to See Auras Jaffrey, NH: Mar 28 Get to know us! John and Lourdes were featured on WMUR-TV N.H. Chronicle. Watch the broadcast at www.learnreiki.org. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted For registration and more information: www.learnreiki.org ✴ 603-899-3288

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 67

Healing and Bodywork continued AB egin to open your Fourth Eye — The

Rising Star

Masters Eye all cells of your body cells on A Rejuvinate all levels

Patricia Warren Reiki Jin Kei Do

AA ddress the process of ascension on all

healing system Private Healing Sessions / Practioner Training

The Rising Star Healing System is an ancient and sacred healing modality recently reintroduced to humanity by the Ascended Masters. It is a tremendously effective system that was channeled to Derek O’Neill, who is a Spiritual Master based in Dublin Ireland. This healing system has enormous significence for the planet, with the potential to bring about unity and profound planetary shifts and is for The Lover of Divinity. Through this new Healing System, you will:

AR emove misqualified or negative energies from the chakras and seven body systems, allowing your being to clear and heal on all levels, and open to your True Self A Activate your full DNA blueprint A Connect with your highest consciousness

levels: Soul – Spirit – and Physical

AC reate unity consciousness and more This healing modality brings a symphony of Pure Love and Pure Light into all levels of your being. It is a vital teaching and healing modality for the ascension of humans on all levels. PRACTITIONER TRAINING This is an extremely powerful Initiation and Training from Source to Source, that calls upon the Fire of Truth to remove all energies from your being that are allied with error and that are not in accordance with your True Self. It raises your vibration tremendously and removes much that may be blocking the attainmant of your full potential. Visit our website for a schedule of upcoming trainings. Rev. Claire Luft, Master Teacher & Healer Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA A 781-281-2888 www.heartssingingcom

Union, returning 13 times, as well as to thousands of people in medical, religious and educational settings throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Middle East since 1989.


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

New Englands most InternationallyExperienced Reiki Master since 1989 Patricia has taught healing techniques of Buddhist, Sikhs and Christians for over 25 years. She is the appointed East Coast representative of Reiki Jin Kei Do ~ Buddho Healing, authentic and advanced teachings of Usui Reiki in the lineage of Buddhist Monk Seiji Takamori. Patricia was the first woman to teach Reiki in the former Soviet

Colon Hydrotherapy

✦ ✦ S

All Levels of Reiki Jin Kei Do Training Buddho Healing (advanced Reiki classes) “His Garments Hem” Christian Healing Touch Gung Fu Chinese Tea Ceremonies Past Life Regression Justice of the Peace Spiritual Director S














S Reiki Jin Kei Do Level 1 CD S

Reiki Jin Kei Do CD $16 ~ A Great Holiday Gift S















Patricia Warren, Reiki Master Teacher 508-528-5888 ✦ warrenhealing@gmail.com www.patriciawarren.com

T I-Act Instructor T NBCHT Certified T Over 6 Years Experience T FDA Approved Instrument T Closed System

J oya Z. Baynes

Awaken Your Healing Touch


Libby Barnett, MSW Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 26 years experience. She is coauthor of Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice – over 55,000 copies sold in seven languages. Use Reiki to create more joy and ease in your life. Let Libby's warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale as well as staff at Massachusetts General, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Foundling, and New York Columbia Presbyterian. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul. For the past seven years, Libby has conducted Reiki classes at the University of Maryland School of Social Work and at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.

68 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

One of Libby's current passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, affording greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki. You hear the Reiki story, receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, colleagues, and pets. "My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective way to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki."

Experience Colonic Irrigation in the comfortable surroundings of the Lydian Center for Innovative Medicine, located inside the Professional Building of Sancta Maria Hospital.


16 Center St, Suite 514, Northampton, MA

Lifetime Health & Consulting 777 Concord Ave, Suite 301, Cambridge, MA lifetimehealth@colonlove.com www.colonlove.com 617-710-1337 or 617-876-6777

I’ve offered flower essence therapy internationally for over 16 years. I offer sessions by phone and in my Northampton office. I work with clients on a broad range of issues and develop a flower essence formula specifically for each session. Call me if you want compassionate and powerful support for healing into a more gracious and empowered life. 413-667-8820 j www.foxmountain.net

Wilton, NH Reiki I Classes: Dec. 5 or Mar. 20 Wilton, NH Reiki II Classes: Dec. 6 or Mar. 21 For info on additional classes, call or check our website: www.reikienergy.com Click on Upcoming Events To register, call the Reiki Healing Connection: 1-888-REIKI-4-U (1-888-734-5448). Visa/MC accepted. Social Work CEU’s and Nursing contact hours available. Reiki Master Training information available on request. E-mail: reiki@reikienergy.com Fax: 603-654-2771; Phone: 603-654-2787 www.reikienergy.com

22-Strand DNA Activation

Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.

Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials. Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 v www.heartssinging.com

Healing: Combined Modalities ENERGY HEALING for You, Your Home, Land, and Community

Karen Piedra


Improved health and relationships


Reduces EMF rays and geopathic stresses


Releases trauma of land and structure


Receive a better quality of sleep Also offering Reiki classes with Earth healing techniques! Call for a free consultation: W 508-395-6392 W www.AtlantisPathfinder.com


The Way to Balance,® LLC

Resolve WHY you are sick, or feel unfulfilled! We combine Medical Intuition, Massage/Integrative Bodywork with many more modalities. v

Medical Intuitive Readings that get to the Root Cause of why you are ill, or as a means of prevention.

Body Balancing Center bringing body, mind and spirit into balance

Removes unwanted spirit energy


Revitalize your home and land! Great for selling and buying homes!

Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders

Elizabeth A. Gilberg, B.Sc., B.S.W. Reiki Master-Teacher Intuitive Therapist Holistic Healer

Benefits of a DEEP Space Clearing:

Environmental space clearing with plant spirit and nature energies, Reiki and dowsing-geomancy

Center for Advanced Healing and Training

HEALING t h r o u g h LOVE

Elizabeth is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and healer who has dedicated her life to helping others. She combines over 20 years of counseling and teaching experience with extensive studies in Reiki, Hawaiian huna, NLP, psychic channeling, shamanism, hypnosis, past-life regression, crystals, guided meditation and holographic breath healing. Elizabeth’s classes and private consultations are transformational, fun and enlightening! She is a compassionate and gifted

The Rings of Oden™ for the release of X-Ray, MRI, chemo, EMF’s, antibiotics, vaccine and other drug residues, environmental pollutants, petroleum, plastics, and more. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913

www.mydivinechild.com I 978-274-5588

www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

DETOX with Colon Hydrotherapy

State of the art “Open System” providing complete privacy

energy work

Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Hypnotherapy

Center for Spiritual light

Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic ener­gy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,

Elizabeth A. Gilberg

Higher Vision Seminars • 978-594-0166

JENNIE SANDBERG, M.ED., RYT 81 Commonwealth Ave., Ste 12, Concord, MA mydivinechild@hotmail.com

sA re you curious about the other side of life?

Terry Porter Medium/Spiritual Healer/ Shamballa Master

Massage Therapy

Eye of the Eagle

Private Sessions r Hospital/Hospice Visits Long-Distance Healing r Telephone Readings Workshops and Classes

Specializing in supporting families with Intuitive and Energetically Sensitive Children

Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Swedish

70 James St. #155A, Worcester, MA www.BodyBalancingCenter.com 508-797-5057

For information on ongoing workshops, please call or refer to the previous Classes section in this directory.

Energy Balancing Expressive Art Classes I Soul Coaching Meditation Classes Holistic Education for Children & Adults

cle, nerve, organ issues. Years of pain gone in just a few sessions, or even just minutes.

I-ACT and National Board certified

Open House: Dec 6 & Jan 10 from 1-4 pm

Elizabeth’s work will help you to: r Release pain and stress! r Support the body’s natural immune system! r Feel rejuvenated and renewed! r Find and live your passion in life! r Communicate with your spirit guides!

Visionary Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Sound and Light Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to address issues of anxiety, overwhelm, loss, resentment, and more.

v Trauma Release Modalities for bone, mus-


healer who is most appreciated for helping people to IDENTIFY and HEAL the underlying causes of their problems. Only treating underlying causes, as well as symptoms, leads to true and lasting healing.

Q2 Ionic Footbath F Infra-Red TheraSauna Ear Candling F Kinesiology (Muscle) Testing COMPASS Stress Analyzer Nature’s Sunshine Herbs & Health Products

Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r info@eyeofeagle.org www.eyeofeagle.org r 978-475-1268

A re you searching for answers? A re you in need of closure? D o you feel unfulfilled? D o you feel great loss from a loved one’s passing? s C an you relate to any of these feelings: sadness, loneliness, anger, pain you don't understand? s s s s

intuitive HEALING

Wendy Marks

M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA R Medical intuitive sessions, energy heal-

ing and integrative therapy R 25 years of experience in traditional and

complementary healthcare

If “yes” is the answer to any of these, then you should speak with Terry. Terry has been a Medium for over 10 years, providing Love, Guidance, Healing and information in helping people find the answers they seek. Mediumship and Spiritual Healing provides all of the above and more. It can help in so many ways!

Make the Ordinary – Extraordinary

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Terry Porter: 440 Washington St., Weymouth, MA 02188 porterTAP@aol.com s 781-331-4441 www.TAPSpirit.com

R Improve your physical, mental, and

spiritual health R Works with individuals to develop their

own intuitive skills “As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.” www.wendymarks.com R 781-449-5368 wlm922@wendymarks.com

Healing: Combined Modalities continued www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 69

Healing: Combined Modalities continued

Favorite Things Studio

A Place of Art and Soul Elaine is the founder and facilitator of Angel Wings of Light™ Certification Course Level I and II. She is also a Paranormal Investigator, practicing Shaman, Certified Hypnotherapist (specializing in Past Life Regression), Empath, Ordained Minister, and a Reiki Master/Teacher offering private sessions and certifications in all levels.

Holistic Spiritual Healing Services WALTER RICE

Elaine is also a certified yoga instructor and has been a meditation and psychic development teacher for more than 10 years. To inquire about any of her practices or workshops, please go to her website or call her studio and gallery. Rev. Elaine Read-Cole Angel Therapy Practitioner® with Advanced Training and Medium certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.

479 Center Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 781-294-7360 www.favoritethingsstudio.com

8 Holistic Spiritual Counseling 8 Stress Management 8 Vibration and Sound Healing

8 Tibetan Bowls 8 Reiki 8 Crystal Healing

Shrewsbury, MA 8 508-842-8727 www.holistic-spiritual-counseling.com

Our center is constantly evolving. Please check our website for details. Lighten-Up Wellness, located in Mansfield, Massachusetts, is a holistic center reaching out to it’s community. We encourage people

Body Memories and The Art of

Natural Breathing


Discover that your body has it’s own language, never lies, and learn to listen!

Dunja Moeller, Ph.D. is a teacher and master practitioner of Body Memories and The Art of Natural Breathing, with over 15 years experience in facilitating the healing process. As a medical anthropologist, she has studied many modalities and authored a book called Gentle Medicine, which supports holistic ways of healing “big labels” and the associated physical expressions which accompany these “issues in the tissue.” She is experienced in bridg-

70 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Tina Walsh, RYT, LMT Certified Shake Your Soul® DansKinetics Instructor

www.lighten-upwellness.com 508.261.1444

ing the world of western medicine with alternate health. Using her intuitive guidance, Dunja encourages us to listen to our bodies, as they are mirrors for our mind and emotions. Body Memories is a powerful hands-on healing modality, which accesses the body’s subtle energy field to allow for easy and dramatic changes on the structural/physical level. It promotes the release of cellular memories (trauma) by letting go of one’s physical, emotional and mental blocks from the past, so health is restored. Through reclaiming our innate way of breathing, The Art of Natural Breathing superoxygenizes every cell and opens up our ability to breathe and heal deeply. www.workshopsforabetterlife.com v 978-439-9956 v

Bach Flower Essence® consultations and creation of custom formulas


Weddings and other ceremonies

The Heart to Heart

that gets the issues out of your tissues once and for all. Become empowered to be ALL you are meant to be!

Healing Connection

Michelle McCarthy RMT, Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor Recognized as one of the Top IET Master Instructors 3 of the last 4 yrs

Integrated Energy Therapy — A next-

generation hands-on power therapy technique

of all ages... to lighten-up and become selfempowered. Some of our offerings to help you on your journey include: v Yoga, Qigong Classes v Reiki Certification v Monthly Reiki Share Shake Your Soul® v Therapeutic Body Work Corporate Offerings v Other Special Events


Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals and Better Business Bureau,® Serving Eastern Massachusetts.

8 Acutonic Tuning Forks

Reiki Master

Services offered: Reiki treatment sessions and training for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki


Betty Solbjor has been practicing and teaching Reiki since 1996. In 2002 she became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was ordained an interfaith minister. She has extensive experience using Reiki on both people and animals to gently treat many illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki brings about a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. Combined with

8 Cymatron Sound Table

MA, CAGS, M.DIV, LCSW, Providing Holistic/Spiritual options to help heal and restore balance and well-being into your life

Betty L. Solbjor, BFRP,

Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki ® Master Interfaith Minister

Magnified Healing, crystal singing bowls, guided meditation, a session can help to restore balance and harmony to body, mind and soul.

Waltham, MA w betty@reikiflowers.com www.reikiflowers.com 781-258-7712

The Amethyst Bio Mat — Relieves pain and soreness, reduces stress, depression and fatigue, stimulates calorie burning and detoxifies! Contact us to schedule an appointment — for Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy and/or The Amethyst BioMat: 413-737-9443 See our class schedule and Community Healing Events online: www.heart2hearthealing.com

Mark Levin specializes in: Hypnotherapy W Reiki W Polarity Therapy White Light Healing W Remote Healing

able to create very powerful healing processes for hundreds of satisfied clients both within the physical confines of his office, and remotely throughout the entire world. There are many clinically documented cases of spontaneous healing performed by him. Located at 121 B Tremont Street, Suite 19, Brighton, MA 02135. For those who are unable to come to my office, home or hospital visits are available. Major credit cards accepted.

By combining traditional healing methods such as Reiki, hypnosis, and polarity therapy with his original white light healing therapy, Mark Levin was

For an office appointment or to place a remote healing request, please call: 617-779-8765 or cell: 617-233-3986 www.transcendentalhealing.com

Devoted to helping you feel better. Energy Healer Reiki Master Certified Hypnotherapist

Health Products Change Your Menu, Change Your Life!

Learn how superfoods and nutritional cleansing can help save you money, make you money, and help you feel tremendous! Trim the fat from the unwanted places and make sure your wallet stays plump! DEBORAH YAFFEE Certified Nutritionist and Cleanse Coach deb@riversidehealing.com 413-625-2800

Nutritional Supplements

CPR Classes and Workshops

s tie

Shaklee-Vivix The Anti-Aging Resveratrol Product

sibili t n


Professional Massage Products

500 N. Main Street, Suite A, Randolph, MA www.thebodymaintenanceplace.com 781-767-BODY (2639)

An Herb and Aromatherapy Shop Common and unique herbs for your herb garden. Scentsibilities also carries herbal products including herbal teas,

The Colon Cleansing Kit $89.50 Removes Old Intestinal Debris

If colonic irrigation sounds too daunting, there’s a less intrusive way to give your insides a spring-clean. The Colon Cleansing Kit from Blessed Herbs ($89.50) is guaranteed to remove old waste and hardened intestinal debris through an eight-day herbal program. The first three days are a “pre-cleanse” that gets you ready for a five-day liquidonly herbal fast. There are two herbal elements to the cleanse. The first is Digestive Simulator capsules that assure regular bowel movements. The second is Toxin Absorber powder, with psyllium husk, which works by binding to old debris and removing it from your system. You will usually start seeing results by the end of the second day. Purchase the kit directly from Blessed Herbs (a family owned company local to MA) and receive a 10% discount with this promotional code: 4638 800-489-4372 • www.BlessedHerbs.com

Herbs and Gardens

books, potpourri, candles, incense and skin care products. Dried herbs are available for making your own herbal teas. We carry a full line of essential oils, oil diffusers and related aromatherapy products including carrier oils and colored bottles for your mixes. Workshops are offered at the shop in herb garden design and planning, herbal topics and aromatherapy. We are glad to fill special requests. Sign up for the monthly email newsletter by emailing us at Linda@scentsibilities.com and receive updates on products and workshops. 750 Main Street, Boylston, MA 01505 508-869-3300 a www.scentsibilities.com

Holistic Medical and Dental Clara A. Lennox, MD Herbalist r Holistic Medicine Board certified since 2004 Family Medicine Board certified since 1984 35 Green Street, Melrose, MA 02176 DrClara@LavenderDoc.com www.LavenderDoc.com r 781-665-0101

Nutrition Holistic Nutritional and Herbal Counseling Susan Huppe Certified Nutritionist A practice focusing on wellness!

All Reiki Charged for Your Good Health

More than just telling you what to eat. Susan helps clients listen to their inner wisdom and discover ways to heal illness and enhance nourishment in all its forms. She works with whole food supplements and herbs. For optimal healing, all areas of a client’s life are addressed. Experience vitality! Call today! Watertown, MA R Susan@SusanHuppe.com www.SusanHuppe.com 617-926-2467

Crystals i Herkimer Diamonds i Gemstones Reiki i Usui/Karuna Healing and Classes Pet Reiki/Therapy Healings and Remedies for All Animals Chinese Ear Coning i Ionic Footbath Detox Parasite Zapper Detox Crystal Chakra Balancing Intuitive Reiki Healing with a Reading


Monthly Series (3rd Saturday of each month)

Sivvie Lio, Pharmacist 518 Main Street, West Rutland, VT

Enjoy our live chat room, listen to music, read from our library and share some herbal tea.

Over 30 Herbal Medicines Teas i Capsules i Tinctures

info@vermontherbal.com i 802-438-2766 Shop online: www.vermontherbal.com


Advanced Nutrition

Dr. Richard E. Picard Chiropractor, Nutritional Consultant

Dr. Picard specializes in developing individualized nutritional programs based on clinical findings and patient profile. Dr. Picard’s approach towards nutrition is both scientific and holistic, balancing the needs of the body through wholesome nutrients. 342 Atwood Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 www.drrichardpicard.com 401-942-6967

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 71



Readings by phone, email and in-person. MC/VISA accepted.

Nancy Christie Johansen is a psychic intuitive medium and certified ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® having studied under Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh in California. Among her credentials, Nancy is also a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Shamballa Master and Usui Reiki Master. In addition to her own business, Angeltouche, she is currently working as a Registered Nurse and works in a busy emergency room.

www.ameliashea.com t 603-924-0056

Private sessions in person or distance by phone or e-mail

~ Nancy Johansen,

Astrology & Tarot Amelia Shea

Need insight and clarity? Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation?

lisa@nexushealing.com www.nexushealing.com c 508-473-0609

Lisa Campion


Specializing in Relationships, Career and Transitions

A soul reading can help! By speaking directly to your guides, we will examine your life from a spiritual perspective to discover your life’s purpose and resolve issues about relationships, health, finances and career. Lisa Campion also teaches Psychic Development and Reiki Classes. Offices located at Solstice Healing Arts Center, Medway MA.

Psychic Readings Soul Readings Energy Healing


Angel Readings S Reiki S Mediumship Hypnotherapy S Past Life Regression Ongoing Classes & Workshops

Nancy@Angeltouche.com North Attleboro, MA www.Angeltouche.com S 508-577-4552


ing an oil tycoon land a multi-million oil deal! Tarot, numerology, Runes, the I Ching, crystals, palmistry, scrying, and tea leaves can be used to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world. Receive a reading for relationships, fertility, finding a job, investment strategy, and just about anything! Psychic Readings at Emma’s in Quincy, MA: 15 min = $25 * 30 min = $35 * 1 hr = $65


Gifted Psychic, Medium and Channel

Phone Readings available at $1.99 per min.

LOW RATES! Wise Psychic Readings

A renown intuitive advisor for the past 24 years, Emma is a gifted psychic, medium, and channel and has worked for the corporate sector with a highlight including help-

To schedule an appointment, or for directions, call or visit Emma online. Friend Emma Tracey Phaneuf on FaceBook! EmmaPhaneuf.com v 617-769-9933

Messages from Loved Ones GROUP EVENTS — “MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN” Spiritual Healing and Chakra Balancing




Intuitive Guidance for Your Life

Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.

Telephone & In-Person / Groups & Individuals CD or Tape of Reading / Credit Cards & Cash www.GayleKirk.com v 617-489-7717

Readings are our Specialty With the Love of Angels Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski

If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own.

Spiritual Counseling  Trance Channeling Med­iumship  Psychic Readings Tele­phone Readings  Tarot Readings Aura Photos: Face and Chakra Body Astrological Charts  Angelic Healings Reiki  Polarity and Energy Work

All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~

angelicaofsalem@aol.com www.angelicaoftheangels.com

For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant jocelynintuitive@hotmail.com 978-694-8946

Angelica and Angels Landing offer a wide variety of both metaphysical and new age gifts. Browse around, enjoy the softness of the Angelic energy. Feel the magic that Angelica of the Angels and Angels Landing will bring to you. We have a knowledgeable staff to answer any and all questions. We also offer: classes, workshops, lectures, parties, weddings and healings. A reader is on hand at all times. By ap­pointment: Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Classes Ongoing Weekly: Meditation & Focus on Psychic Development Open Monday through Sunday Angelica of the Angels 7 Central St., Salem, MA  978-745-9355 Angels Landing 131-1 Essex St., Salem, MA  978-744-0170


395 Washington Street, Braintree, MA Private Readings Tarot, Psychic or Mediumship

Michelle Pelletier Psychic Reader Find your Answers in a Reading Open the door to yourself and listen to what your soul has to say. Are you listening or are you trying not to?

72 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Sometimes the hardest voice to hear is your own. Shine a light on your journey in a reading and hear the guidance that is right here for you. Monthly Energy Awareness classes on Skype 16 years experience Licensed Minister • Readings on CD www.michellepelletier.org T 707-849-7793

7 days a week, telephone readings or walk-ins Store open daily, 9 am-10 pm

Open Doors Largest New Age Store in New England and Power Yoga Studios Yoga Studios now in Weymouth, Hanover, Easton, East Bridgewater, Canton, North Attleboro, Westwood & Braintree

www.OpenDoors7.com u 781-843-8224 POWER YOGA STUDIOS

Hot Power Yoga ~ All Levels Power Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hours Nationally Registered www.OpenDoors7.com u 781-335-3090

Retreats and Workshops The Gathering Inn

A place to step out of the busyness and distractions of the world, to be in quiet and stillness, to be a bit pampered and to reconnect to your spiritual center.

A Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House

As a non-denominational retreat house, we offer rest and renewal through transformative programs that teach, nurture and expand upon women’s spiritual journeys.

at Daydream Farm

Ongoing weekly classes, circles and gatherings Individual & Group Retreats View the full schedule online

82 Healdville Road, Hubbardston, MA www.gatheringinn.org g 978-820-1139

Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness Improve your Health Relieve Sress Improve your Circulations Exercise your Mind and your Body Studios located in Shrewsbury and Sutton. Call for more information.

Tai Chi Arts Association

Spiritual Practices Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace

When we change ... the world changes. Methods of achieving stability and clarity of mind become more and more essential as our social, political, and economic structures change dramatically. Raja Yoga is a simple but powerful form of meditation that can help you to develop peace of mind, resilience, and inner strength.

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.

Unity is positive, practical Christianity. We teach the effective daily application of the principles of Truth taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. We promote a way of life that leads to health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind.


The Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace is a worldwide spiritual organization, affiliated with the UN and recipient of seven Peace Messenger awards. Classes include meditation and a range of other practical tools for self-transformation. Workshops, group meditations, and retreats are held regularly. All activities are offered free of charge, as a community service. The meditation center is at 75 Common Street in Watertown MA. For information or to schedule an appointment, visit the website at www.bkwsuboston.com, e-mail: boston@bkwsu.com or call 617-926-1230.

As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the 4th Saturday of every month; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a detailed brochure, a listing of upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at: www.GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism. com. An affiliate of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches and the International Spiritualist Federation.

We invite you to our Sunday morning services at 10 am held amidst the beauty and prosperity consciousness of an historic mansion in downtown Worcester. Come enjoy encouraging messages, heartfelt music and warm fellowship. All are welcome here. Sunday Service: 10 am Child care available from 9:30-11:30 am 21 Cedar Street, Worcester, MA www.unityofcentralma.org H 508-755-6830 H

Tai Chi & Qigong Alan Krentzel, MBA Certified Instructor Learn tools to help your innate body wisdom to heal yourself Private Qigong Healing Sessions

Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation The oldest Tai Chi school in New England, the Gin Soon Tai Chi Club was founded in 1969, authorized by Grandmaster Yang Sau Chung to propagate Classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan in North

Ann Bissanti

Worcester Yoga Center HathaYoga begins with refining the physical body but does not stop there. The exercises involve slow precise stretching, strength­en­­ing, and breathing techniques,

508-842-1236 www.tai-chi-arts.com

Tai Chi and Qigong are ancient disciplines practiced today for numerous health benefits: * reducing stress and anxiety * enhancing the immune system * preventing/easing osteoporosis & arthritis * promoting balance, flexibility, and strength * managing ADD/ADHD and mental focus Weekly Tai Chi and Qigong classes in Wayland, Newton, and Metrowest Boston 15 East Plain Street, Wayland, MA www.WaylandWellness.com v 617-513-0791

America. Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, founder, received a deep and well-rounded training from Master Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong and then as a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, first-born and heir of the legendary Yang Cheng Fu. The school has attracted many students from around the world with its traditional approach to training: individual attention, emphasis on correct forms, personal development, repetition, mutual respect, hard work, and integration of body, mind, and qi. All instruction is by Grandmaster Chu and his sons Master Vincent Chu and Gordon Chu. Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation 33 Harrison Ave., 2nd fl, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-4442 • www.gstaichi.org

which not only tone the muscles but affect internal organs, nerves, skin, and virtually all body systems, making yoga a superior wholistic method for physical fitness and preventive and corrective health care. Certified teacher Ann Bissanti, trained in India by B.KS. Iyengar, has studied yoga and meditation for the past 25 years. She has taught yoga at Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, at various fitness centers and adult education programs, and privately. For more information call: Worcester Yoga Center, 508-829-6300.

WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 73



Holistic Specialties Acupuncture

Colon Hydrotherapy (cont.)

Joyce Nemser, Lic. Ac. Acupuncture, ear coning,

Healthy Spirit. Stephanie Dumas. I-ACT Cert.

balancewithacupuncture.com, 617-510-0559.

Angels Ross J. Miller, Psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides.

Visit www.The MysticWay.com. 617-527-3583

Animal Services Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc-Holistic. Smithfield, RI.

401-349-2668. www.holisticanimalvet.com Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH).

Dr. Margo Roman. (508) 435-4077. www.mashvet.com.

781-860-5116. healthyspirit@verizon.net Lifetime Health. Cambridge, MA. www.colonlove.com.

I-ACT/NBCHT certified. (617) 710-1377. Lisa Hansen. Divinely guided. Intuitive and gentle. Hudson,

MA. 774-249-8208. HudsonNaturalHealth.com. Constance Jones, 30 years exp. Glastonbury Naturopathic

Center. (860) 287-4558. www.cleanmycolon.com. A Non-intrusive Herbal Colon Cleansing Kit. 800-489-4372.

www.BlessedHerbs.com Revitalive Health & Wellness Center. Newburyport, MA.

(978) 462-1488, www.revitalive.com.


Counseling & Therapy

Certified Astrologer: Carol Bellis B.S., 508-728-4680.

Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Helping with anxiety and relation-

Sandwich, MA. www.carolbellis.com.

ships. Worc: 508-799-0407 or Putnam: 860-928-6619.

Breema Bodywork

Craniosacral Therapy

Breema Bodywork supports being present in our daily lives.

Lelia Joseph, Ed.D., RCST. Craniosacral/Polarity. Fluid biody-


namic style. 508-460-7038. 802-453-7088.

Certification Programs

Feng Shui

Hypnotherapy, Reiki, IET, & Crystal Healing.

Home & Business. A blend of the best of Feng Shui tradi-

www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com. 508-539-2885.

Coaching Explore The Energy of Money with financial coach, Jayn

Krasco Stillson. 781-665-0895. www.Jaynyk.com. Sallie Felton, Life Coach/Transition Specialist.

(978) 626-0090. www.salliefeltonlifecoach.com. Triad Wellness速. For mind-body-spirit. Medway, MA.

Genevieve Kohn. triadwellness.net.

Colon Hydrotherapy Body Balancing Center. I-ACT & National Board certified.

(508) 797-5057. bodybalancingcenter.com. Colonic Institute of West Hartford, CT. I-ACT cert.

www.colonics4life.com 860-521-8831. Genesis Alternative Health. 26 yrs. exp. I-ACT certified

Instructor. NBCHT. (978) 463-8800. Health Wise Nancy VanLaarhoven R.N. I-ACT cert.

Detox footbath. Lakeville. 508-947-1181. 74 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

tions. LynnTaylor@bostonfengshui.com 617-924-4205. NE School of Feng Shui. Seminars. On site and phone

consults. www.newenglandfengshui.com. (203)266-4211.

Fitness and Wellness Coaching WellSpree, LLC. Fitness & Wellness. Achieve healthy living.

781-724-0098. www.wellspree.com.

Ghosts Removed From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic medium,

healer. Call 617-527-3583. www. The MysticWay.com

Healing Life Flowering Healing. Connect directly: miracle healing for

body-mind-spirit. (617) 694-0994. lifeflowering.com Marie Beecham. DALFH/Reiki healing. Wellness Boutique

of Putnam: (860) 963-7981. Multi-talented, intuitive therapist. Aquantumhealing.com.

Mary Morrin, LMT, RYT. 508-792-2222.

Healing Centers


Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Maine

Lighten Up! Energy treatments. Hyannis, MA. Member

forest. www.forestcircles.com

ABMP. Joyce Cassidy. 954-298-4848.

Groton Wellness. Dental spa. Medical center. Bistro.

www.GrotonWellness.com. 978-449-9919.

Essence of Healing. Reiki sessions and trainings.

Essencehealing.net 508-843-1638 Florence Whipple & Kristin Webb, Reiki Masters. Reiki classes.


(978) 777-5732. www.reikiprofessors.net.

Schworer & Co Landscapes. A truly artistic process with an

intuitive approach. www.schworer.com.

The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing.

603-899-3288. www.learnreiki.org. Reiki training. Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master. Reiki classes

Karma Release

1-888-REIKI-4-U. www.reikienergy.com

Heal 80% Of Your Karma in 2 hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic

healer. 617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

MyLittleShangri-La.com. Reiki and copywriting services.

Boston & CapeCod. (617) 872-5268.

Medical Intuitive

Retreats & Retreat Centers

Sue Singleton. Finds root cause of pain and illness, helps

Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Ctr., Haines Falls, NY.

you heal. 978-834-0341. TheWayToBalance.com

518-589-5000. www.peacevillage.com Change! Awareness Meditation Retreats in Leyden, MA.

Naturopathic Consultant

www.SpiritFire.com. (413) 624-3955.

Carl Ferreira ND, CNHP, AMP. Fall River, MA. 508-679-4199.


The Peace Abbey. Sherborn, MA. A multi-faith retreat and

conference center. www.peaceabbey.org.

Nutritional Counseling


Beth Colon, MS, HHP. Holistic nutritional therapy. Hudson,

Shaman Rites. Shamanic healing and training. Maryann

MA. (978) 340-0448. www.bccnutrition.com. Michelle Olsen-Petty RN,CCN. Nutrition and lifestyle

consults. Sudbury, MA. (978) 760-0342.

Spiritual Coaching Soul Coaching, Astrology and Tarot. Carol Bellis.

Past Life Therapy

www.CarolBellis.com. 508-728-4680. Barnstable, MA.

Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked energy.

617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

Weight Management Deborah Yaffee, CN. Change your menu, change your life!

Polarity Therapy

(413) 625-2800. www.cleanseforsuccess.com.

Be The Light, Liz McKeen, Polarity therapist, RMT.

www.bethelight1221.com. (508) 942-0921. Kingston, MA Wellness Works Yoga, Fern Lee, Worcester. 508-798-7836.

www.WWYoga.com. Est. 1992.

Yoga Bikram – Yoga For You. W. Roxbury. Established 1995.

(617) 325-3244. www.bikramyogaforyou.com. Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti Qutab, C.Y.T.


28 years experience. 508-829-6300

Receive clear info from your Spirit Guides. Jacqueline Ryan

Brodnitzki, (774) 286-9964, innerbalanceyoga.net. Jocelyn. Intuitive guidance for your life. $25 off your first

session. 978-694-8946.

Shadem. www.shamanrites.com. 508-331-4570.

www.YogaFamily.com. The largest online yoga

directory that is absolutely free. Yogaspirit. The healing power of yoga. Hamilton, MA.

978-927-0099. www.yogaspiritstudios.com

Include your business in the Holistic Specialties Directory Next ad deadline: February 1 • Call Michella for details: (508) 278-9640 or email your listing and category choice to: advertise@spiritofchange.org


WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 75

AURA PHOTOGRAPHY See your Aura/Chakras Live on screen! Includes two large color photos and 20-page analysis. Private Aura and Reiki sessions by appointment. Reiki classes, all levels. Full Circle Aura. (617) 620-0888. www.FullCircleAura.com.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mom’s at home making a difference... and a lot of money! Would you like to make an income from home? Call Project MAHMA (508) 320-2566. Newly introduced Japanese life enhancing technology. Profound business opportunity! Call Zayne for details at (413) 624-9605.



AlternativesForHealing.com a national holistic directory. Find practitioners, products, books, CDs, stores, magazines, schools, expos and seminars.

Holistic Counseling. Mind-body approach for healing and discovery. Personal/spiritual growth based on mindfulness and self-compassion, to increase our connection to ourselves and to others. Counseling for pet loss also available. www. nataliefemino.com. (978) 745-8311.

DEPRESSION SUPPORT 44 year old female looking for other females going through depression to communicate with and to exchange mutual ongoing support. Send email to harmony445@gmail.com.

COMPLETE HEALING Healing with the power of the mind to a body that wants to be healed.

FRANK ST. MARTIN Commissioned Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist


I Believe I Can Help You!

Intuitive Reader will access your own higher knowledge to help you to create the life situation you desire. Private/couples/ gatherings. Having received intuitive gift at 10, I have now 50 years national experience. Donna Sprague (508) 699-4663.


(508) 822-9000



76 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009

Natural supplements made only from the finest pharmaceutical grade ingredients available. Natural supplements for weight loss, appetite suppressant, pain relief, cholesterol, blood pressure, acne, nicotine cravings, menopause, hair regrowth, diabetes, stress, etc. www.Wellness-Herbals.com.

Miracles Do Happen! Taunton, MA

Through dowsing discover more about yourself and your health. Self-instructional DVDs, books, instruments. www.dowsing.com. Call (805) 649-5735. To order a catalog: PO Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.




Man with acquired disabilities who enjoys photography and mastering new challenges seeks network support, friendship and communication from others with acquired disabilities. Contact Sebouh Kan0085@aol.com

Clutter? Furniture fatigue? Is your living space stopping you from living? Or is it your work space that’s not working? Feng Shui can deliver you from chaos and clutter and create comfort in your environment. Contact lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com

The Wellness Roundtable is a professional community of practitioners in Massachusetts who meet monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30am in Northboro, MA. For more info: marilynataylor@prodigy.net.



Counseling Hypnosis with an intuitive touch… relaxation, focus, motivation, habit changes, health issues, self-anesthesia, guidance, explore within, etc. A Creative Insight: (781) 599-827.

All About Pyramids. Wellness, meditation/experimental tabletop models. Worldwide research. (805) 649-5735. www.dowsing.com. Catalog: P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

SCHOOLS University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Bachelors, Masters, D.D., Ph.D. Degrees. Distance learning, Internet downloads, Postal mail. Home/study, Low tuition, $50-60/month payment plans. Free course catalog. www.umsonline.org. 1-800-598-META.

SELF CARE Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage. April 30 - May 4: Self Care Workshop (CEU credits). At Nierika, an organic healing center in Chalmita, Mexico. Details: Kayla Becker (802) 223-7481 ext.2. www.arvigomassage.com. www. birthrootmidwife.com. erkl18@aol.com.



Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More

Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers to work with terminally ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. Volunteers receive training and continuing education related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff.


The Arlington Center has beautiful class, workshop and therapy space available. chip@arlingtoncenter.org (781) 316-0282.

Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway, MA has two gorgeous, light filled rooms that are great for workshops or classes. Perfect for Yoga! solsticehealing@yahoo.com.

WILD DOLPHIN SWIMS Swimming with wild dolphins is the ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. Visit us online at www.wildquest.com. 1-800-326-1618.

YOGA Ann Bissanti, certified yoga teacher and classically trained in India with Yoga Master BKS Iyengar, has over 25 years of teaching and meditating experience. Worcester, MA classes. (508) 829-6300.

600-1500 Square feet of flexible space in Holliston, busy intersection great visibility. Own bath, entrance and utilities. A/C. Plenty of off street parking. Possible uses: yoga studio, acupuncture, massage therapy. Space is zoned commercial/retail so anything goes! Owner will work with the right tenant to fit up space for their needs. (617) 593-4499

Display Classified 1. Choose your category. 2. Send us your camera ready PDF file or we will design your ad for a fee. 3. Rates and Sizes (All ads are 2.25Ó wide.) 1 inch high $80 | 2 inches high $120 | 3 inches high $160

Labyrinths offer a special place for the community to come together and for individuals to walk the single path that unfailingly leads to the center. The parish community of St. Joseph’s Church generously accepted the role of hosting the labyrinth site on a beautiful hilltop within walking distance from the Bridge of Flowers. When the labyrinth is complete, an aerial photograph will be taken so that pilgrims around the globe will be able to walk it online, anywhere, anytime. Your special intentions will also be included in the Stories of the Stones being compiled as an inspiration to seekers on the path. We’ll do all the work, but we need you to contribute the stones along with your loving intentions to support all spiritual seekers on their journey in life. It’s only a dream if no one gets involved. You can be a special part of this incredible global project no matter where you live.

To create and order a Legacy Stone for yourself and one or more as gifts for your loved ones, call project steward, Deborah Yaffee, at 413-834-3407 or visit www.shelburnefallslabyrinth.com.

4th Annual

Standard Classified ¥ $1.50 per word, $35 minimum ¥ Add a box around your ad for $10. ¥ Word Count: 10-digit phone number is one word. E-mail and website addresses are two words each. All other words, initials, dates or numbers separated by a hyphen, slash or space count as one word each.

Mail, email or fax your listing to the address below. All listings must be prepaid, Check, MC, VISA and Discover accepted. Send to Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Fax to 508-278-9641 or email to advertise@spiritofchange.org. Questions? Call 508-278-9640. www.spiritofchange.org

For the cost of an evening out, you can install an inscribed Legacy Stone in the Global Community Labyrinth in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts where your loved ones, your pets, your business, your most cherished ideals will be celebrated for generations to come.

Say it in stone and let your light shine forever!

Submit your ad

NN Spring deadline is Feb 1, 2010

What if this year you could give your loved ones a holiday gift so different, so meaningful and so solid that it will be remembered and enjoyed hundreds of years?

For information about classes and volunteer opportunities, please call Lindsay at 508-887-0220.


Arlington, MA. The Healing Center. Beautiful offices to sublet for psychotherapists or body-workers in holistic center. Peaceful and nurturing environment. Please call Lidia: (781) 643-5982. Lidita@Juno.com.




September 25-26th 2010

Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Join us at New England’s LARGEST holistic health event! Saturday, Sept. 25 Sunday, Sept. 26 Sturbridge Host Hotel 366 Main St (Rt 20 West) Sturbridge, MA

Download the forms, view floorplans and see event details at www.NaturalExpo.org

Now accepting 2010 Exhibitor and Speaker Applications

www.NaturalExpo.org WINTER 2009 | Spirit of Change 77

❄✺ ❆ ✺

❄ ✺

Winter 2009

❆ ✺ ✺


A Balanced Way ..................................... 65 Acupressure Therapy Institute................. 42 Acupuncture of Worcester...................... 59 Acusage Academy .................................. 63 Adidam of New England ......................... 51 Advanced CellTraining ........................... 15 All Seasons Retreat Center ...................... 34 All That Matters ...................................... 15 Allston Physical Medicine Center ........... 33 An Apple A Day Acupuncture ................ 59 Angelica of the Angels ............................ 72 Aquarius Sanctuary ................................ 42 Denise Archambault ............................... 30 Arlington Center ..................................... 30 Nancy Slonim Aronie ............................. 22 Arvigo Massage ...................................... 17


Susan Barbera ........................................ 35 Libby Barnett .......................................... 68 Barnstable Friends Meeting .................... 12 Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman ..................... 68 Christine Bavaro ..................................... 22 BC Essentials .......................................... 34 Bedford Hypnosis Center........................ 29 Carol Bellis ............................................. 60 Glenn Bigonet ........................................ 65 Blessed Herbs....................................37, 71 Body Alive.............................................. 72 Body Balancing Center ..................... 42, 69 Body Maintenance Place, The ................ 71 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The..... 62 Brahma Kumaris Learning Center............ 73 Breathe Joy Yoga .................................... 31 Robert Brown ......................................... 10 Carol Burke ............................................ 59


Nancy Canning ...................................... 27 Care Alternatives Hospice ...................... 77 Shawna V. Carboni ............................11, 66 Jennifer Carroll ....................................... 14 Center for Yoga ...................................... 14 ChildLight Yoga ...................................... 76 CHIME ................................................... 63 Jonathan Chisholm ................................. 10 Circles of Wisdom .................................. 61 Clarity .................................................... 34 Constellation Approach .....................27, 63 Copure ................................................... 15 Joseph Crane .......................................... 60 Crystal Cave, The ................................... 19 CT Institute for Herbal Studies ................ 63


Developmental Alphabiotics ................ 4, 5 Sharon Doolittle ..................................... 15


Earth Spirit Conferences ......................... 14 Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies, The ................................ 61 Emergence Project, The.......................... 35 Enchanted Fox .......................................... 7

78 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2009


Favorite Things Studio ............................ 70 Devorah Feinbloom................................ 32 Sallie Felton ............................................ 37 Stephen-Wolf Foster ............................... 66 Fourwinds Society, The .......................... 25 Fresh Image Graphics ............................. 28 Laurie Friedler ........................................ 11


Barbara Gangemi ................................... 64 Nicki Garner .......................................... 16 Gathering Inn, The ................................. 73 Arthur Gertler......................................... 17 Elizabeth Gilberg ...............................61, 69 Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation ....... 73 The Grateful Heart ................................. 15 John Harvey & Lourdes Gray .................. 67 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism .... 73 Groton Dental Wellness Spa..................... 9 Christopher Gruener............................... 65


Barry Harris ............................................ 60 Nancy Harris Leontine Hartzell.................................... 69 Hay House, Inc. ....................................... 2 Healing from the Body Level Up. Inc.. 7, 66 Healthcare Complete PC ........................ 63 Healthy Spirit ......................................... 67 Heart to Heart Healing Connection, The 70 Holotropic Breathwork ........................... 16 Joan Holzman ........................................ 66 Susan Huppe .......................................... 71


Idea’s Inc. ............................................... 76 Inner Traditions ...................................... 53 It’s My Health ......................................... 15


Jocelyn ................................................... 72 Nancy Johansen ..................................... 72 Barbara Madden Johnson ....................... 65


Gayle Kirk .............................................. 72 Kristin Kirk.............................................. 64 Alan Krentzel ......................................... 73


Marcia’s Sweet Pantry............................. 33 Margo Mariana ....................................... 29 Market Street Health............................... 18 Linda Marks...................................... 19, 66 Wendy Marks ......................................... 69 MASH .................................................... 59 MA Society of Bioenergetic Analysis ...... 66 Mass Yoga Network ............................... 77 Massage Clinic, The ................................. 2 Massage School, The ................................ 3 Paul Matthew ........................................... 9 Cathryn McIntyre ................................... 30 Melrose Therapeutic Holistic Ctr. ........... 61 George Mephis....................................... 67 Ross Miller...................................13, 23, 42 Lori Miller-Freitas ................................... 65 Dunya Moeller ....................................... 70 My Little Shangri-la ................................ 12 Mystical Whispers .................................. 51


Net Atlantic, Inc ..................................... 21 New England Coaching .......................... 11 New England Inst. of Reflexology ........... 62 Newton Dental Wellness ........................ 43 Nexus Healing ........................................ 72


Omega Institute ........................................ 7 Opal Consulting ..................................... 25 Open Doors ........................................... 72


Peace of Mind Emporium ....................... 41 Dennis Pearne ........................................ 25 Emma Phaneuf ....................................... 72 Richard Picard ........................................ 71 Karen Piedra........................................... 69 Monique Pommier.................................. 60 Judith Poole ............................................ 24 Terry Porter ............................................ 69 Pravaha Energy Healing & Insight ........... 13 Judith Prebluda ....................................... 66 Present Moment Coaching ..................... 38 Providence Zen Center ........................... 15 Pyramid Books ....................................... 79


Larry Quemere ....................................... 79


Dr. Jennifer Lees ..................................... 64 Clara Lennox .......................................... 71 Mark Levin ............................................. 70 Lifetime Health & Consulting.................. 68 Lighten Up Wellness............................... 70 Eric Linter ............................................... 60 Living Earth, The .................................... 21 Lowell General Hospital ......................... 27 Claire Luft..........................................67, 68

Rainbow-Works...................................... 29 Raising Grace Coaching ......................... 64 Revitalive Health & Wellness .................. 38 Rhys Thomas Healer Training ........... 18, 62 Walter Rice............................................. 70 Daniel Richard ....................................... 65 Rising Sun Acupuncture ......................... 32 Riverside Healing Arts ...................... 28, 70



Judith Mabel........................................... 37 Mary MacDonald ................................... 60

Sacred Bridging ...................................... 23 Sacred Song Reiki ................................... 10 Salve Regina University .......................... 13

San Francisco Herb & Natural Food Co. . 41 Jennie Sandberg ..................................... 69 Scentsibilities.......................................... 71 Lisa Schuetz ............................................. 9 Schworer & Company Landscaping, Inc. 27 Science of Spirituality ............................. 27 Janet Sedgwick ....................................... 67 Andrea Seiver ......................................... 64 Seven Levels Coaching ........................... 22 Shaman’s Heart Healing & Hypnosis ...... 31 Amelia Shea ........................................... 72 Silver Hawk ............................................ 41 Silver Willow .......................................... 61 Miriam Smith.......................................... 16 Soap Factory, The ................................... 77 Betty Solbjor .......................................... 70 Solstice Healing Arts .............................. 61 Some Enchanted Evening........................ 12 Source School Tantra.............................. 24 Spa Tech ................................................ 62 Fran Spayne............................................ 25 Spirit of Change ...................................... 80 Spiritual Web Communication, LLC ........ 53 Frank St. Martin ...................................... 76 State of Mind Products ........................... 38 Success Coaching with Kate ................... 64


Tai Chi Arts Associates ........................... 73 Lynn Taylor ............................................. 28 Tibetan Science of Healing ..................... 59 Lynda Thayer .......................................... 65 Touchstone School ................................. 63 TrueNorth Business Consulting ............... 61


Unity Church of Central MA ................... 73


Ann Valiante ........................................... 34 Nancy VanLaarhoven ............................. 35 VT Herbal General Store ........................ 71


Waggy Tail Organics .............................. 32 Pat Warren ............................................. 68 Way to Balance, The ........................ 62, 69 Kristin Webb/Florence Whipple ............. 32 Wellness Roundtable, The ...................... 19 Westborough Yoga ................................... 9 Melissa White......................................... 79 Whole Foods .......................................... 15 Whole Health Expo ................................ 43 (W)hole Point Institute, The .............. 51, 63 Trish Whynot .......................................... 67 Winchester Hospital ............................... 62 Woman of Wisdom .......................... 21, 60 Worcester Yoga Center ........................... 73 Cheryl Wright ......................................... 64


Yoga Studio, The .................................... 24 Yogaspirit Studios ................................... 31

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