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Astrological Forecast
Spring/Summer 2021
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” — James Sherman
Spring, the season of bright hopes is near. The planets overhead hold the promise of a new paradigm. Our forecast begins with Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter joined together in visionary Aquarius. This is the sign of people power, community and friendship. Looking out for one’s fellow men and women is a fashionable necessity. The path ahead is not without challenges. Saturn spends much of 2021 in a testing square with eccentric Uranus. Cautious Saturn favors tradition and known quantities. Uranus, on the other hand, is wildly adventurous, a rule breaker open to experimentation. Both our day-to-day personal experiences as well as collective progress may feel like a case of two steps forward and one step back.
Because Uranus is also associated with freedom and naturally leans towards progressive thinking, reformers and inventors can at times appear to have seized control. It was discovered in 1781, the era of the American Revolution and birth of the Industrial Age. The promise of humankind’s inventive spirit seemed limitless. First water and then steam power were harnessed to conquer Mother Nature and boost productivity. Two-hundred-and-forty years later many folks question whether we have in fact been misguided by our technological prowess. Mankind’s balance with the natural world has been lost. Faces glued to mobile phones, people are often oblivious to the person sitting right next to them while the fragility of Earth is too often an afterthought. These quality-of-life issues need to be addressed if we hope to improve our prospects on this planet. We’ll have numerous chances to speak up and act in 2021.
Momentum is notable on the first day of the new month. The Libra Moon, a beacon of good manners and refined tastes, is agreeably aligned with Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. We know what to do and when to do it. Partnerships thrive and teamwork is super productive. Positive trends continue. A midweek sextile between Venus and Uranus fosters affection. On Thursday, the 4th mental Mercury forms an optimistic conjunction with Jupiter. Both travel and communications go well.
On Friday, the 5th the last quarter Sagittarius Moon could bring forth emotionally charged issues. The Aquarius Moon activates a tense square between Saturn and Uranus. Take changes in stride. Many folks are confronted with difficult choices. An Aquarian stellium lights the way through storms and, by the end of the working week, renews faith in humankind. Exercise the potential of positive thinking and look for silver linings.
Before dawn on Saturday, the 13th the final new moon of the zodiacal year showcases a brilliant stellium in Pisces. Composed of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune, magic is afoot. All that begins during the coming two weeks is infused with both heart and vision. Women’s causes are well-served, as are creative and humanitarian endeavors. At times it will be better to follow your passion than listen to your rational mind. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead Saturday night. Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday.
Mercury arrives in Pisces the evening of Monday, the 15th. Minds become more impressionable and fanciful. The Sun and Venus form empowering sextiles to dogged Pluto during the mid-week period. Tenacity and cooperation pay dividends on the 16th and 18th, when the supportive aspects reach peak intensity.
As the ensuing weekend gets under way the Sun enters Aries before dawn on Saturday the 20th. This is the Spring Equinox, when the hours of daylight and darkness are in balance. On the threshold of the new season the future calls. Many folks feel impelled to be on their way, eager to meet new challenges. The waxing Moon reaches her first quarter stage on Sunday. The morning hours may feel slightly off kilter but things smooth out and move briskly the second half of the day.
Numerous challenges arise on Tuesday, the 23rd and Wednesday, the 24th. Flexibility and patience are helpful. The approaching conjunction of the Aries Sun and Venus, exact early Friday morning of the 26th, proves love is a guiding light. The waxing Moon crescendos to fullness on Sunday, the 28th. Full in Libra, the Moon is in opposition to the Sun and Venus. The Moon is also part of a grand trine along with Saturn and Mars. The energies are a fabulous harbinger of healing and less fearful times.
Minutes after midnight on Thursday, the 1st, the Moon enters adventure-loving Sagittarius. Intelligent jests and jokes are recommended this April Fool’s Day. Aside from the silliness, the stars give a solid green light for important business, meetings and other commitments. The skies are relatively quiet during the first weekend of April, although some strain is felt around Sunday morning’s early last quarter Moon in Capricorn. Easter celebrations grow sweeter as the day progresses.
Tuesday, the 6th is a standout day for fun. Venus and the Aries Sun are conjunct, while also harmonizing with Mars. The Aquarius Moon joins the party late in the day, setting the stage for enjoyable get togethers. Don’t forget to wear your mask and practice social distancing. Later in the week Mars forms a difficult square with Neptune. Exact the afternoon of Friday, the 9th, the aspect raises risk factors. Be conscious of the weather, potentially spoiled food and other toxic substances. Gas and water leaks, as well as simple oversights are also more likely. Improved trends dominate low key Saturday, the 10th.
The Aries new Moon is exact Sunday night, the 11th. A new achievement cycle begins, but with Venus, the Sun and Moon in testing angles with Pluto, careful planning and cooperation are necessities. Follow common sense rules and regulations. Make sure partners are informed and agree with your plans. Good progress is made through the 15th but if anything is amiss, it will likely come to light on Friday, the 16th when the Sun squares Pluto. The active stars of the 17th mirror a beehive of activity down here on Earth. Springtime energy is definitely in the air. The upbeat atmosphere is a plus for chores, traveling, studying and assorted adventures. Even Mercury’s late afternoon square with Pluto can be put to good use, doing research or negotiating contracts.
The Sun enters Taurus on Monday afternoon, the 19th. The pace of life eases. Sleep may be elusive that night as the Leo Moon reaches her first quarter phase. A stressful Tuesday follows. Minimize frustrations by toning down expectations. Breathe, stay calm and pace yourself.
Earth Day, April 22nd, is exciting. Appropriately, the Moon is in the earth sign Virgo. Lunar aspects are inspiring. Venus forms a conjunction with Uranus, an omen of universal peace and harmony. Even a love at first sight meeting is possible. Plant a tree and fall in love! What could be better?
Mercury overtakes Uranus during the early morning hours of Saturday, the 24th. Social, spiritual and technological boundaries may be redrawn. Talk with friends. Sobering news arrives late Saturday night. Under the cover of the waxing Moon a Sunday evening Mercury/Venus conjunction reminds us of our blessings. Late on Monday, the 26th the Moon is full. This is the Scorpio full Moon, at which time India celebrates the sacred Wesak festival and the spirit of Buddha is said to return to Earth’s plane. Uranus is the closest planet to the Sun, indicating this is a particularly favorable time for enlightening experiences. Less spiritually oriented souls may be in for a wakeup call.
The days following the full Moon are comparatively mellow but the month ends dramatically. On Friday, the 30th the Sun conjuncts Uranus. Sudden changes of fortune or circumstance may catch unsuspecting souls off guard. What topples now is meant to go. In time it will be apparent that the emerging new reality is preferable to what has been lost.
We’re off to a sweet start as May arrives with an uninterrupted series of agreeable aspects. May Day harmony is a highlight. This day truly is a feel-good story. Maypole dancers are inspired! On Sunday, May 2nd more good vibes come flooding in as Mercury trines Pluto and Venus sextiles Neptune. Investigators and shoppers find what they’re looking for. People see eye-to-eye. Lovers and dreamers dream true.
Monday, the 3rd ushers in more challenging energies. The Taurus Sun and Aquarius Moon both set off the square between Saturn and Uranus, creating a tense, unstable atmosphere. People who thrive on certainty find the going particularly tough. If ever there was a time to practice a “live and let live” philosophy, this is it. Respect what is. Many laws and regulations exist for good reason. Rules that don’t make sense are likely to be broken today.
Mellower trends hold sway as the Moon wanes. On Saturday, the 8th it’s smart to avoid overdoing in any way. Venus enters Gemini late that night, a good placement for people who enjoy socializing. Mother’s Day, the 9th, has its ups and downs. The first half of the day holds a number of potentially uneasy moments. Defer to Mom and you can’t go wrong. Moods improve during the afternoon hours. The waning Moon and Mars give Monday, the 10th an energy boost but it’s also a good night for turning in early.
The Taurus new Moon launches the next activity cycle on Tuesday, the 11th. With Mars and Uranus in a favorable sextile, progress promises to be swift during the coming weeks. Wednesday, the 12th is quietly fruitful. Jupiter enters Pisces Wednesday evening, a fine omen for those born under the Sign of the Fishes. Monday, the 17th and Wednesday, the 19th can be notably productive but a new strategy may be called for on the 19th under the waxing first quarter Moon. Seek input from a more experienced co-worker.
The Sun enters Gemini the afternoon of Thursday, the 20th. The bright, breezy vibrancy of the Twins is a welcome energy. Adding to the exuberance, the Sun forms a square with Jupiter on Friday morning, the 21st. Some souls drink fully of life, others look to expand their knowledge or set out on a grand voyage. Because Mercury is nearing a square with confusing Neptune, it may be wise to tone down expectations. At a minimum double check appointments and itineraries. We are also moving into spring eclipse season. Things begun the week of an eclipse rarely proceed as planned. Saturn turns retrograde on the 23rd, which is sure to slow or delay some projects.
The Sagittarius Moon is full and eclipsed the morning of Wednesday the 26th. Close by her own south node, it’s an excellent time to let go of outworn ideas. Embrace moments of self-discovery. Venus tests Neptune the following afternoon. For some souls this is a time of heartache and disappointment. Others find renewed inspiration through faith and love. Friday, the 28th holds one of the month’s better social evenings. Mercury aligns with Venus, giving words extra sweetness. With the Winged Messenger stationary and about to go retrograde, unexpected reconnections sparkle over the holiday weekend.
Mercury’s retrograde begins Saturday evening. Be ready to change your thinking as new facts will almost certainly be made known during the coming weeks. Mars’ trine to Neptune is May’s last major planetary alignment. You alone have the power to make your dreams come true.
Confidence grows as June begins. The morning of Wednesday, the 2nd Venus settles into sensitive Cancer. Loyalties and affections are deeply felt. Thursday, the 3rd is a decisive day. The Gemini Sun trines Saturn. The stabilizing pairing reaffirms good choices and underscores the benefits of experience. The day is busy and highly productive. Venus’ evening trine to Jupiter is good reason to celebrate. Things take a turn as the weekend approaches.
On Saturday, the 5th Mercury tests Neptune while Mars opposes Pluto. Morning hopefulness gives way to feelings of confusion and desperation after noon. Emotional maturity and poise are needed. If in doubt, put a hold on important decisions and negotiations. The evening’s void-of-course Aries Moon provides a timely opportunity to disentangle from a tough situation. Relax and decompress Saturday night. Several quiet days follow.
The new Moon in Gemini ushers in a fresh activity cycle during the early morning of Thursday, the 10th. This is also a solar eclipse event. Once again, we are in a delicate time of revelations. Plans are apt to change. On Sunday, the 13th a solar square to Neptune adds new wrinkles and possible confusion. Saturn squares Uranus the following evening, lending Monday a fly-by-the-seat-of your-pants vibe. Be ready to adjust and improvise. The middle of the month is comparatively tranquil but the stars spice up June’s second half.
Sunday, the 20th is very active. The Sun enters Cancer and summer begins. This is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. Jupiter turns retrograde in early Pisces, leading to a reevaluation of laws and beliefs and for some folks, a crisis of faith. Instincts are powerful, offering strength and confidence. Hearts are infused with empathy and compassion as Venus trines Neptune the following day. During Tuesday evening of the 22nd Mercury resumes forward motion. The direction change helps clarify a variety of issues, but some facts may remain questionable.
Full Moon fever hits early. Wednesday, the 23rd sees great expectations as well as overwrought feelings. The full Moon in Capricorn is exact during the early afternoon of Thursday, the 24th. Jupiter helps most folks strike a healthy balance between work and play. The month closes under mellow skies.
Easy does it on Thursday, the 1st. Proceed with care. Both Mars opposing Saturn and a last quarter Aries Moon inflate stress levels. Saturday’s astrological omens are worrisome. Mars is square Uranus, an explosive combination that calls for extreme caution while traveling or using machinery. Slow down! Mixed trends continue on Sunday, the 4th. Independence Day celebrations may grow raucous in some locales. Our country is still searching for a renewed sense of identity and purpose. Progress is apparent in certain areas but nagging mistrust of government authority also lingers.
The week of the 5th is an up and down ride. The Sun forms an exhilarating sextile to Uranus on Monday, the 5th, putting sparkle in everyday events. Multiple challenges require attention on Tuesday. With Venus igniting the Saturn/Uranus square, this is a time to be attentive to loved ones, as is Thursday, the 8th. Friday night’s new Moon in Cancer ushers in another activity cycle.
There’s relatively smooth sailing from the 10th through the 16th but the Sun’s opposition to Pluto on Saturday, the 17th could bring a major shift in priorities. This first quarter Moon day is a good time to re-evaluate goals. Look within rather than pointing fingers. The evening of Wednesday, the 21st brings a more practical focus as Venus enters Virgo. Love is caring for others under this placement.
The Sun arrives in spirited Leo the morning of Thursday, the 22nd. Summer heat is on. So, too, is an indulgent, party-like atmosphere as Venus opposes Jupiter and the Moon grows full. The high-flying Aquarius Moon is full the night of Friday, the 23rd. Heed the callings of your heart but if you socialize, do so with appropriate caution. Bodies of water and places of natural beauty are attractive destinations. Moonlight dancing by the water is wonderful! Mixed trends make communications challenging the weekend of the 24th and 25th. Keep in close touch with playmates.
Be tactful on Thursday, the 29th. Passions rise as Mars opposes Jupiter. Don’t overstate what is obvious, and watch your temper. The last quarter Moon in Taurus sets off a dramatic fixed sign T-square on Saturday, the 31st. You definitely have more to gain using sweetness under this rather tense alignment.
Effective communicators are usually also great listeners. Remain open-minded on Sunday, the 1st. Decisive awareness and endings are likely as the Sun and Mercury oppose Saturn. Some commitments deepen but with a week of unpredictable twists and turns in store, it may be wise to keep your options open. The Sun’s square to Uranus caps off the tumultuous work week on Friday, the 6th. Review recent events and rethink plans on Saturday. Calmer trends arrive with the Leo new Moon of Sunday, the 8th. It’s time to get proactive.
Monday and Tuesday strategy sessions become increasingly ambitious and culminate with a deal-sealing trine between Venus and Pluto during the evening of Wednesday, the 11th. Second opinions are helpful and the strength of partnerships is obvious. Strategies may need to be fine-tuned around the time of the first quarter Moon, exact on Sunday, the 15th.
The week of the 16th races by. The Moon is waxing. Wednesday’s powerful Mercury/Mars conjunction is trine Uranus. On Thursday, the 19th the Sun opposes Jupiter. Big ideas make great things possible. The Aquarius Moon is full during the early morning hours of Sunday, the 22nd. With Jupiter close by the Moon, life is good.
Dream big but don’t be gullible on Tuesday, the 24th when Mercury opposes Neptune. Second thoughts are timely the morning of Thursday, the 26th. Do your research and acquire needed information as Mercury aligns with Pluto. The forecast period ends under quiet skies. Savor these mellow late summer days but be respectful of the forces of Mother Nature. Keep safety in mind. Stay on top of weather forecasts and have appropriate gear on hand.
Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings and classes. Contact him at stars@ericlinter.com or by telephone at 508-541-4115. Read his Daily Forecasts on the Spirit of Change homepage at spiritofchange.org.