7 minute read

Only Human by Lori B. McCray

Only Human

You are only human. Nothing more, nothing less. If you love who you are, life is so much easier. If you’re mean to your sweet self, does that really lift you higher?

Hatred is not in the best interest of evolution. Hatred is going backwards. I say, experiment with love. For your self, for your neighbors, for the dog who won’t stop barking.

Hate is a sinking ship (I know, I took my turn as captain). Swim away from it. Swim fast. Swim far. Let love lift you up; I promise the view is better. Let love float you along peacefully. Nothing to fight against; calm, relaxed, tranquil. Let love teach you how to open, and remind you that you are whole.


We Are Made of Love

Dogs are highly intuitive beings capable of unconditional love because we understand that we are made of love. Our unconditional love is not an act of doing; it’s an act of being. It’s the love we exude from every cell each day that makes humans create cute sayings like, “Dogs should rule the world.” Humans are also made of love, but they often think of unconditional love as an action that requires effort, work and practice to develop and maintain. If unconditional love were an action, it would be near impossible to love everything and everyone under every circumstance — like swimming up the most powerful waterfall. Unconditional love is being, not doing.

Every relationship we have begins with the relationship we have with ourselves. When love rules on the inside it pours out into life to create an existence of joy. It doesn’t mean an individual’s life is trouble-free — usually far from it — but it means they are not shaken by every speed bump they encounter, and they can look beyond a challenge to understand its purpose and transient nature.

When people have contradicting thoughts about themselves, the resulting self-talk creates barriers and places a strain on their relationship with themselves and with love. This subsequently leads to strained relationships with others. It’s not unusual for people to sabotage themselves and undermine love’s power and goodness by disabling its ability with negative thoughts.

Life is crafted by love, then implemented by the thoughts and actions that resonate with our imbedded beliefs and intentions. We attract that which resonates with our most dominate beliefs. These beliefs can be true or false; either way, we are a magnet attracting to our life that which we believe, consciously or not. We express frequencies of love determined by all the choices we make, the quality of our intentions and the way in which we live our lives. The frequencies created by this framework place each person into a state of magnetism to gather more of the same, as the universe responds to these rules of attraction. It’s so important to be mindful of how we think and what we believe to be true, especially about ourselves. Life takes on a more enhanced and richer quality when a person expands one’s tolerance, widens one’s viewpoints and enriches his or her curiosity and zest for life. A human’s purpose is to be love, to know your love makes a difference and to be true to your calling and capacity to give. It’s to make the world a better place from the inside out.

If unconditional love were an action, it would be near impossible to love everything and everyone under every circumstance — like swimming up the most powerful waterfall. Unconditional love is being, not doing.

Karma Is Not Optional, It’s Mandated

I hear the word “karma” tossed around a lot when humans are chatting. I think it could be helpful if I shared some information about karma that I learned back home. The garden of life has roots that retain memory — karma. The universe has to have a way to balance cause and effect, because balance in the universe is not optional, it’s mandated. In this capacity, the universe plays the role of the

ultimate police officer, ensuring ethical and honest action; or the accountant, ensuring that for every debit there is a credit that restores balance. Balance that is lost must always be regained and this is karma. To maintain balance, there must be some system that resolves any and all inequity created by human intention and action. This is why we reap what we sow, as the universe has a responsibility to ensure ethical activity. It’s also the reason we don’t need to wish for the demise of others or render judgment.

Aspects of love like acceptance, tolerance, inclusion and forgiveness — not retribution — are expected from humans. An important reason to forgive is to restore love. Forgiveness should never be at the expense of anyone’s dignity or self-respect. No one should ever submit to any kind of abuse or sacrifice. The purpose of forgiveness is to release negative attachments towards people or events. This allows for greater health and clarity of mind. It frees us from the bondage of that drama, and clears the clutter and negativity that can stress the bonds of love with self and others. This negativity can also attract more of the same, and result in situations that are not conducive to the highest good of self or others.

Humans need to remember to reach for the stars and pull themselves and our world out of the quicksand. There is no avoiding the inheritance of a world flawed with good and bad, but anyone and everyone can have the courage to be the change we want to see in the world. We are one — we are all brothers and sisters in this world together to make it a better place, filled with love, compassion, honesty and accountability.

You’d be amazed at the number of humans walking on Earth today who have signed up to mitigate and help eliminate karma of the past. While you may not realize it, much karma has already been resolved, and love consciousness is expanding at a faster rate than ever on planet Earth. There are many individuals of love, including lightworkers, meditators and healers, who continue to put their efforts forth to bathe the universe in healing love and light for the benefit of all. Some special, highly evolved souls come to Earth to teach us many lessons, not the least of which is inclusion. Their lives exemplify incredible love and compassion, as things are not always what they appear to be.

Angels All Around Us

Buffy is a beautiful soul who incarnated with special needs. On Earth, one would say her external carrier had been affected by abnormalities in the structure of chromosome number 21. Buffy lives on planet Earth with a condition known as Down’s syndrome.

I say her external carrier or vessel, because I know her internal carrier, and her soul is one of the most precious and evolved souls one could meet. She has given the world a great gift by agreeing to land as a special needs kid. I was at Buffy’s going away party and I can’t even describe the send-off. She agreed to complete amnesia but she will be able to see and hear a great deal that humans cannot because of her lack of susceptibility to human domestication and the quality of her sacred heart. She will have the gift of direct communication with her angels, and she will be able to sense auras and energy fields.

The family who mutually agreed to assist the world with Buffy as their offspring and siblings are souls committed to mitigating Earthly karma, and teaching compassion and inclusion simply through their example of living and loving. These are an exceptional group of souls — if you could only see what I see and know what I know. There will be some children and adults who meet Buffy and feel sadness for her and her family. They may think she’s mentally challenged because she is talking to herself, but she’s not talking to herself; actually, they are mentally challenged regarding her gift. They may think her family has to carry heavy burdens.

Buffy will live as one of the happiest humans around, and her love will touch every heart she meets. She will find delight in the little things and teach those with incredibly high levels of intelligence that they have much to learn. During

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