Spirit of Change Fall/Winter 2015

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Embracing Life Change Teaching What Matters Most • Eliminate Colon and Skin Cancer Risks Forever Ten Tips for Relieving Stress • The Wheel of the Year: A Path of Spiritual Awakening Your Intuitive Relationship to Food • Book Reviews, Events & Workshops

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2 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Where Myth Meets Depth

Nona Bertschy, Instructor at The Alphabiotic Academy in Dallas, Texas ... I don’t know if he is aware, but Neal has a very powerful technique, a very unique technique. We often talk about the piezo-electric effect that the alphabiotic method has, in communicating with the brain. With Neal’s, I can feel that effect. It feels like a electrical shock, its very interesting. I think it is due to his quickness.


FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 3

MAIN OFFICE PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: 508-278-9640 Fax: 508-278-9641 www.spiritofchange.org ADVERTISING INFORMATION Phone: 508-278-9640 x 1 E-mail: advertise@spiritofchange.org PUBLISHER & EDITOR Carol Bedrosian Phone: 508-278-9640 x 3 E-mail: carol@spiritofchange.org BUSINESS MANAGER Michella Brudner Phone: 508-278-9640 x 2 Email: Michella@spiritofchange.org PROJECT MANAGER Roxanne Pacella Phone: 508-278-9640 x 4 Email: Roxanne@naturalexpo.org CONTRIBUTING COLUMNISTS Editors of E/Environmental Magazine, Karen Feldman, Eric Linter, Mielle Chénier-Cowan Rose BOOK REVIEWS Gail Lord E-mail: SOCBookReviewer@gmail.com DESIGN & PRODUCTION Barry Corbett, Janice Nadeau, Amber Routten-Mitchell, Steve Sedam PRINTING TCI Publications, Seekonk, MA



Departments Features

FALL/WINTER 2015 • Vol. 29, No. 133



Teaching What Matters Most by Leah Kalish, MA.................................................24


10 Tips for Quickly Relieving Stress by Sonia Choquett, PhD.......................26 Awaken Your Intuitive Relationship to Food by Heather Waxman and Kasey Arena.......................................................................28 Save a Tooth or Save A Life? By Diane Meyer, DDS.......................................30 The Golden-ness of the Light by Lori McCray.................................................32 Seeds of Change: Transitions in Mothering by Trish Whynot.....................33

Copyright ©2015 Spirit of Change. All Rights Reserved. Spirit of Change distributes 45,000 magazines throughout New England semi-annually (Fall and Spring) and accepts paid advertising as an advertising service. Responsibility for the products, services or claims of our advertisers rests solely with them; advertisers are liable for any claims made against Spirit of Change Magazine as a result of their advertisement. The information in Spirit of Change is intended as a sharing of knowledge about holistic health for educational purposes. Health care decisions requiring medical advice should be made with the help of your health care professional. Subscriptions are $20.00/4 issues. Article and artwork submissions are accepted for review and will only be returned if accompanied by a SASE. To receive bulk shipments of Spirit of Change to distribute to your clients & customers, please email carol@ spiritofchange.org.

by Carol Bedrosian.................................. 6


by Eric Linter............................................. 8

Healthy Cooking

by Mielle Chénier-Cowan Rose..........18

The Wheel of the Year: A Path of Spiritual Awakening by Cathy Pagano, MA...........................................................................................34

Feng Shui for Everyday

We’re All Just Walking Each Other Home by Kathryn McGlynn................38


It’s Never Too Late to Change the World by Sherry Reim Glickman.........40 Online at: SpiritOfChange.org


Life Changing Digestive Health by Beth Colon, MS......................................42 Eliminate Colon and Skin Cancer Risks Forever: An Interview with Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren by Carol Bedrosian......................46

Directories Yoga Practitioners of New England ............................................................................44 Holistic Logo Directory .....................................................................................................62 Holistic Specialties Directory .........................................................................................72 Advertiser Index ...................................................................................................................74

4 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

by Karen Feldman................................ 14 by E/Environmental Magazine........ 20

Book Reviews

by Gail Lord............................................ 56

Calendar............................................58 Classifieds....................................... 73 Cover Art by Claudia Tremblay www.ClaudiaTremblay.com

Upcoming in Spring/Summer 2016

Getting Down to Earth AD DEADLINE: JANUARY 29, 2016


FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 5



Embracing Life Change


favorite postcard tacked up on my wall is from writer Nancy Slonim Aronie of Chilmark Writer’s Workshop fame on Martha’s Vineyard. Xeroxed across the front of her happy family photo is a typewritten strip: “Right now is exactly where you are supposed to be.” That card has inspired me for years in the midst of whatever angst I am feeling to stop and be right where I am and know it’s okay. Nobody knows that better than Nancy. Not long after she sent out the postcard, her 23-year old son Dan, a model and aspiring actor, was diagnosed with a severe case of multiple sclerosis. After the grim diagnosis’ initial shock of “How can this possibly be where I’m supposed to be?” wore off, they decided to embrace the disease by videoing Dan’s profound inner and outer transformation from tough guy to tough love with the help of a filmmaker and family friend. The making of A Certain Kind of Beauty galvanized Dan to express his deepest, emotional truths and documented his strongest sense of presence throughout his short life, much like Nancy’s writing workshops have done for decades in startling closeted writers into full bloom expression. And when her beautiful son passed away after six agonizing years and her heart was completely broken, Nancy embraced that, too, because “every writer must turn shit into gold.” Sometimes it seems the days and all the changes they bring are flying by so fast that time must have speeded up. Or is it that we just simply have assigned too much to ourselves to do? Americans live in far more stressful times than our ancestors ever did because we live longer, and are under the constant stress of paying bills, keeping up, living disconnected from nature, and sadly, just trying to stay safe and healthy in an increasingly toxic world. The vital support networks of our families and communities that once engaged so much of our attention have given way to virtual realities connected online through a device. Life as we know it is changing faster than we can even live it. I feel a compassionate sense of humor for my 80-year old friends. How can they possibly comprehend Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic decathlon champion, Wheaties box hero and symbol of male virility worldwide, now as the glamorous Caitlyn Jenner, celebrity spokeswoman for transgendered people globally? Talk about life change… and I don’t mean for Caitlyn Jenner! The times they are a-changing, said Bob Dylan, but this is complete revolution. Maybe it’s something in the water. Seriously. According to the National Institutes of Health, Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD), where the genital appearance is abnormal and it is not possible to decide at first glance the sex of the infant, now appears in one of every 4500 births. Other medical sources cite numbers as high as one of every 2000 births. The American Cancer Society reports childhood cancer diagnoses have risen annually for over twenty years. Over 12,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer 6 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

in the US this year. The CDC estimates the autism rate at 1 in 68 births, an increase by six to fifteeen percent each year from 2002 to 2010. Alzheimers.org reports that one in three Americans will die with incurable Alzheimer’s or dementia and that number will grow as our population ages. And, according to this issue’s Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, skin cancer rates have only increased in the last thirty years, not decreased, despite the population following doctors’ orders to slather on toxic SPF products and avoid sun exposure. The most expensive medical system in the world can offer no cures for these diseases — just expensive treatments and tests — while ignoring the obvious: good nutrition makes healthy bodies and if we are poisoning our water, air and soil, we cannot grow healthy food. The World Health Organization just this year identified Roundup, the world’s most widely used herbicide, essential for the growing of GMO crops, as “probably carcinogenic.” Roundup has also been identified as causing genetic and reproductive damage. Our soil is contaminated with Roundup. Our drinking water carries large streams of waste pharmaceuticals in it, known to cause genetic and hormonal mutations in populations of frogs, birds, fish, mammals and insects. Why would we think humans are immune to these side effects and allow corporations to continue to poison us? It brings to mind this saying attributed to a 19th century Cree Indian: “Only when the last tree has died and the river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money.” It’s never too late to take a stand or make a change. Everyone has an inner healer. Get quiet, go within and consult with this inner wisdom about making healthy changes in your own life when the time arises. I recently came to such a crossroads with Spirit of Change when I realized I could no longer continue publishing four print issues a year. As of this issue, Spirit of Change will now publish twice yearly with two larger editions — spring and fall — but no summer and winter editions. There are two reasons for this decision. First is that as communication increasingly moves online, reducing our print output and increasing our online publishing efforts makes sense in order to keep our printing sustainable and our online presence up to date. Second is that Spirit of Change/Natural Living Expo is a family-run business. As a new mother and grandmother, my daughter Michella and I have discovered the reduced print schedule makes sense for us personally. All of our angst about whether two issues per year is enough was quickly dissipated with our first public announcement to our advertisers, many of whom congratulated us for taking care of ourselves! We know that print publishing will always retain its unique value — even more so with fewer publications in print and even fewer that are independently published like us — so enjoy our fall and spring print issues and sign up online to receive our weekly enewsletter so you can enjoy even more Spirit of Change content. The website also offers a New England holistic practitioners guide, daily astrology forecast, the region’s largest calendar of holistic classes and events and free listings for New England businesses. Stay in touch! Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change holistic magazine. Visit www.spiritofchange.org.

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 7





Astrological Forecast Fall/Winter 2015


he Sun’s passage through the fall and winter signs, the final six of the zodiac, turns the focus to partnering, engaging with the physical, mental and emotional realities around us and ultimately, self-mastery. With all the challenges we face in today’s world, cultivating peace within our selves and in our relations with all other beings, as well as with our planet is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Late this year and into next we encounter another very close square between Uranus and Pluto and a powerful new T-square alignment featuring Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Maintaining inner poise and working with accurate information will prevent a lot of headaches. Starting back in 2012 and continuing into March of this year, Uranus and Pluto formed seven exact squares. Fearless and progressive Uranus in brash Aries supports evolutionary leaps in consciousness and if circumstances are right, populist uprisings. Pluto in hoary-headed Capricorn represents the powerful monied interests 8 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

“Does one really have to fret about enlightenment? No matter what road I travel, I’m going home.” -Shinsho, Japanese Buddhist monk, 797-873 attempting to preserve the status quo at any cost. These seven confrontational aspects triggered makeovers on the left and right, from environmental activism online and Occupy movements, to the political machinations of the deep-pocketed oil magnate Koch Brothers’ Tea Party, to name just a few. There’s a bright side to Uranus, too; advances in technology, increasing wind and solar energy production, computerguided cars and the deep space flight past Pluto. As old boundaries are broken life often seems crazily haphazard, but we are in a rapidly changing world. And change we must. As you make your way, be on your toes.

ove and passion are in the air as the month begins. Retrograding Venus kisses fiery Mars on the 1st. The practical Virgo Sun is moving into a trine with Pluto, exact on Saturday the 5th. For some, the empowering alignment facilitates preparations for fall’s increased workload. For others the restorative nature of Pluto supports recreational activities, rest and deep relaxation. Venus’ retrograde comes to an end this weekend. Lingering in Leo since early June, the love star resumes forward motion early Sunday morning. The time of summer play and reunions soon comes to an end. The Virgo new Moon of Sunday the 13th eclipses the Sun. Despite care and attention, the next two weeks are not likely to proceed exactly as planned. On Thursday the 17th, Jupiter’s opposition to Neptune inflates hopes. Making matters more challenging, mental Mercury turns retrograde that same day. Take time to think things through. Saturn enters Sagittarius late Thursday night. It could be a few days before reliable new arrangements can be made. Be patient. Look to friends for help and support. Diligence pays off on the 23rd when the Sun enters Libra and the Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of the new season. Proceed cautiously as the Moon waxes full. Testing angles between Mercury and Pluto, Mars and Saturn, and Pluto’s return to forward motion lead up to the full “Harvest” Moon in Aries and a solar eclipse, exact at 10:50PM on Sunday the 27th. Once again, surprising complications and contradictions will likely require rethinking goals and adjusting plans. More tranquil trends dominate until months’ end.



xpect delays during the afternoon of the 1st. The evening commute could be a bear. Weekend socializing receives a celestial boost but the Sunday afternoon last quarter Moon in Cancer may well reveal latent resentments. The Libra Sun’s square to Pluto Tuesday morning continues the theme, bringing hidden motives and conflicts out into the healing light. There are two other major planetary alignments on the 6th: Mercury’s sextile with Saturn and Mars’ opposition to Neptune. These are decidedly mixed trends. The best way to minimize difficulties this week is to keep the channels of communication open. As soon as any confusion is noticed, address it. Ask for more information. Double-check facts. Make sure your opinions are expressed and heard clearly but don’t expect everyone to be happy with your choices. Negotiations are more straightforward and fruitful after Mercury turns direct on Friday the 9th. The weekend is an astrologically mixed bag. On Saturday the 10th Venus’ square with Saturn puts a damper on lovebirds and partygoers. Sunday sees Jupiter trine Pluto and the Sun oppose Uranus. The trine can be amazing, spiritually and psychologically enriching. Anything goes with the opposition. Be gentle with partners and careful if you’re driving late at night.

Continued on page 10



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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 9



Continued from page 8

Monday the 12th features a new moon in Libra, the cosmos’ signal to begin projects. The stars foster harmonious relationships this week but Friday night’s opposition between Venus and Neptune can raise trust issues. Don’t make assumptions. Get agreements in writing. Make certain contract details are correct. Enthusiasm levels surge on Saturday the 17th as Mars overtakes Jupiter. Opinions are passionately voiced. If you offer your two cents, be logical and make sure that any advice given is constructive. Working attentively with partners and co-workers brings late week rewards. The Sun slips into Scorpio on Friday the 23rd. After a quiet, moody Saturday the action heats up. On Sunday Venus is conjunct Jupiter while Mercury also opposes Uranus. Affectionate feelings are abundant and strong, even in the face of foolish behavior. A waxing Moon amplifies all emotions, whether warm or uncomfortable, so mind your tongue. The full Moon in Taurus is exact at 8:05AM on Tuesday, October 27th. Sharing dreams, decision-making and precious resources is spotlighted. As Florence Scovel Shinn noted, “Giving opens the way for receiving.” Mind-boggling acts of generosity and kindness make news this week as the Sun nears a trine with Neptune on the 30th. Under the Cancer Moon trick or treaters are advised to stay close to home on the 31st.


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side from a midday schedule change, homebodies enjoy soothing trends on Sunday the 1st. This is the day to turn clocks back one hour as Daylight Savings Time ends. The first few evenings of the month are agreeable. Romances and social gatherings flourish. Healing energies become pronounced later in the week. On Wednesday the 11th the Scorpio new Moon initiates a powerful new activity cycle. Emerging priorities will see some alliances falter but well-intentioned, goodhearted people join together in friendship. Promote causes you believe in. Welcome transformative experiences. Mars enters Libra on Thursday the 12th. In the sign of balance the god of war brings challenges. The lunar North Node and Venus await Mars. Strive to keep important relationships on peaceful terms. Luckily, Venus and Mercury are favorably aspected on both Thursday and Friday. These are good days for creating harmony in partnerships. Avoid being overly stubborn and willful on the morning of the 17th. The Sun and Mercury are conjunct. A lack of perspective can be damaging. Empathy and compassion grow as Neptune resumes forward motion at midweek. However, sensitive feelings become more defensive on Thursday and Friday’s square between Venus and Pluto could be the breaking point for some couples. The Sun’s Sunday morning arrival in Sagittarius launches the busy holiday season. The waxing Moon and other planets are busy, too. Venus tests Uranus on Monday the 23rd. Their opposition can spell trouble for some partnerships. At the same time interesting pairings emerge. Expect to be surprised. The full Moon in Gemini is exact on Wednesday the 25th at 5:44PM. Across from the Moon are the Sun, Saturn and Mercury. The opposing planets are also in square to Neptune. Holiday expectations may be off the charts. Inclement weather and resulting travel delays can be expected this week. Give yourself plenty of time to reach destinations. Regardless of the complications, Thanksgiving Day gatherings turn out fine. The Sun’s square with Neptune and conjunction with Saturn dominate Sunday the 29th. Since the Moon is void-of-course that day, travelers and shoppers should take note. Use caution on the roads and shop wisely. Tune in to weather forecasts. Carefully read the fine print on ticket receipts, contracts and warrantees. Harmony returns on Monday.



ecember begins with gusto. On Tuesday the 1st Mercury’s trine to Uranus has minds working in overdrive and looking to the future with high hopes. The social indicators are good, as well. Starting Thursday evening keep life simple. Mixed trends over the weekend of the 5th and 6th favor some partnerships and bring trying times to others. Respect differences of style and opinion and keep controversial opinions to yourself.

Continued on page 12

10 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

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fter the loss of a loved one to suicide, it often seems as though there’s no chance of ever laughing again—let alone actually achieving a sense of peace and closure. Gabrielle Doucet knows that it is possible, however, because she has gone through the overwhelming darkness to find hope and healing after suffering a great loss of her own. When her son Drew, took his own life, Doucet plunged into grief. However, with great determination, she managed to journey through the pain, confusion and despair to arrive at a place of love. Throughout the process, Doucet relied on seven steps she had created for her clients prior to her son’s death. And now, she shares these positive life tools with fellow suicide survivors in order to spread hope and understanding to anyone touched by the emotional trauma of suicide.


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www.survivorhealing.com FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 11

ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST Continued from page 10

Love finds unusually creative avenues of expression on Monday. Look to your muses for inspiration. Personal and professional ties grow stronger, too. Thursday the 10th sees disruptions, some of which are potentially dangerous. Mars is opposing Uranus, causing impatient, angry outbursts and elevating the risks of accidents. Slow down, be polite and show some patience. It’s the last day of the lunar cycle so it just doesn’t make sense to be in a hurry. The early morning Sagittarius new Moon on Friday the 11th sets party planners into action. After a quiet Friday launch, the weekend’s afternoon social events sparkle under auspicious influences. A solar square with Jupiter on the 14th complicates matters. It may not be possible to attend every gala or visit all the relatives and friends. Luckily, supportive angles during the coming week favor making realistic contingency plans. Venus’ sextiles to Pluto and Mercury are especially helpful for planning and cooperation. A seismic shift occurs over the weekend. On stressful Saturday the 19th, Mercury is conjunct Pluto. The following day Mercury tests Uranus. Don’t get sucked into a war of words. Steer a wide path around disagreeable sorts. Brilliant minds will find much to ponder and discuss. The nature of life and death, the quest for deeper meaning and the impermanence of the physical world are likely points of interest. Winter Solstice and the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn fall on Monday the 21st. The hours of daylight are at a yearly low. Winter lies ahead of us but the hours of daylight will soon be growing longer. Our dearest aspirations, ambitions and those we emulate are tied to the tenacious sign of the goat. With the Moon waxing full this is a good week to evaluate and perhaps rethink what it means to succeed. Jupiter is augmented by both Venus and Mercury, lifting expectations for the holidays to the stratosphere. The Cancer Moon is exactly full on Christmas Day, at 6:11AM. Expect warm, friendly gatherings filled with lively conversations and reminiscing. Intuition outperforms intellect the morning of the 29th. On Wednesday the 30th emotionally liberating experiences accompany Venus’ arrival in Sagittarius. As we say goodbye to the old year and prepare to welcome a new one the Virgo Moon makes a midday conjunction with Jupiter. Health conscious folks look to 2016 as a year to improve themselves and the environment. Start by eating well today and making practical changes. Eliminate temptation. Don’t buy products that aren’t good for you or Mother Earth.



appy New Year! Late night revelers receive a post-midnight boost when the Moon enters sociable Libra. The striking thing about early January is the large number of planetary changes. Mental Mercury reaches Aquarius late on New Year’s Day. Mars enters Scorpio Sunday morning. Mercury in Capricorn retrogrades on Tuesday the 5th and Jupiter retrogrades on the 7th. Between the 5th and 7th the Cap Sun conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus. It’s easy to feel offbalance. The atmosphere is ripe with tensions and conflicts. We all do well to be on good behavior, respectful, loving, and if possible, supportive of those going through personal changes. Resilience and adaptability are keys to working with these formidable energies. Venus and Saturn form a conjunction the night of Friday the 8th. It’s time to get serious about a relationship, or end it. It’s just not possible to be halfway involved. Yes, you deserve the best! The Capricorn new Moon during the night of the 9th represents resurrection and starting over. The Sun and Moon are also conjunct powerful little Pluto. Get clear about what you truly want from life. Expect a miracle at this time and you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised. A long-forgotten buddy may prove instrumental in climbing the heights during coming weeks. Upbeat and pragmatic trends carry us through the mid-month period. Career progress is especially favored on the 13th and 14th. Imaginative sorts shine, 12 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

although less creative individuals may lag behind. Camaraderie and teamwork are augmented as the Sun slides into Aquarius on the 20th. Getting everyone on the same page will take effort and skill this week. Be sure to emphasize the benefits of sticking together. The full Moon in Leo shines brightly the weekend of the 23rd and 24th. Known as the “Snow” Moon, we can expect frigid weather but hearts will be warm. The exact moment of the full Moon is 8:46PM Saturday. Celebrate talents and personal qualities, the things that make friends and loved ones special and tie us to the fabric of our communities. Each of us has a unique contribution to make. Don’t be selfish, share your gifts. Mercury resumes forward motion the afternoon of the 25th, clearing the way for new insights and easier decision-making. Rethinking a career plan is advisable, but hold off on implementing it until after Mercury tests Uranus on the 31st.

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side from sleepy, reticent groundhogs disinclined to comment on the weather, the first week of February is pleasantly fruitful. The Aquarius Sun forms a productive sextile with Saturn on Wednesday the 3rd and another encouraging aspect with Uranus on the 6th. Romantic intrigues and relationship dramas abound as the weekend approaches. Venus is conjunct Pluto Friday night. Some ties seem unbreakable. Certain unions and contracts may seem intolerable on Saturday when ties are tested by Venus’ square with Uranus. A kiss-and-make-up Sunday night sextile between Venus and Mars saves some relationships. The Aquarius new Moon ushers in Chinese New Year of the Monkey on Monday the 8th. Because the Sun and Moon are at odds with Mars in Scorpio we can expect rivalries to be an issue in the near future. Rigid thinking and political posturing will be of little help. On the other hand, pragmatists have valid ideas and other contributions to make. Voting with one’s wallet is supported by Venus’ mid-week trine to Jupiter. Wednesday the 10th is a fertile day for meetings and negotiations. Valentine’s Day sees mixed trends, some quite passionate, others generating friction between partners. Variety is the spice of life. Use patience and kindness. The Moon is again waxing full when the Sun slips into Pisces just after midnight on Friday the 19th. This is a day of strong, if vague, impressions. Listen closely for promptings from the small voice within. Pay attention to your dreams and reveries. Mars compliments Jupiter on Saturday the 20th. Weekend outings, winter sports and socializing are favored. Nurture imaginative and visionary concepts, the more fantastic, the better. The Virgo full Moon is exact at 1:20PM on Monday the 22nd. A curious array of complimentary planetary alignments supports implementing idealistic and humanitarian programs. Creative juices swell to a torrent as the Sun overtakes Neptune on Sunday the 28th. The weather gods may unloose a great many downpours around this time. Be slow to voice displeasure or make demands on the afternoon of the 29th. This is more rightfully a day to cultivate respect and loyalty. Like love, we only feel we are respected when we in turn give respect to others. The month concludes with a comforting sextile between Venus and Saturn. Solid friendships and enduring relationships are sources of pride and worth the effort we put into them. Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings, classes and his “On Top of the Stars Monthly Guide” for making inspired career and personal decisions. Contact Eric at www.ericlinter.com. Read Eric’s daily forecast on the Spirit of Change homepage at www.spiritofchange.org

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 13



Roasties and Sea Salt “When faced with an unfamiliar vegetable, toss it with olive oil and salt, then roast it in a hot oven until it is soft. It will probably be good to eat.” –MIELLE CHÉNIER-COWAN ROSE

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oasties are so simple and delicious that they are regulars at my table. I serve them as side dishes, taco fillings, and even savory breakfasts in place of home fries. They’re a great accompaniment to non-vegetarian meals to encourage your family to eat more vegetables. I use a fairly hot, preheated oven (400°–425°) to caramelize the sugars in the vegetables, but the temperature is not necessarily important, so you can roast alongside other recipes that are more temperature sensitive. Stir your veggies occasionally while roasting, and change the pan’s position if the heat is distributing unevenly. Give them plenty of space so they don’t steam; you want the moisture to evaporate so the sugars caramelize. I always salt veggies lightly before roasting and again just before serving to heighten the flavor. If you use different vegetables in the same pan, be sure to cut them into sizes that will ensure even cooking. Cut denser, longer-cooking vegetables (like root vegetables or winter squash) into smaller pieces than softer, faster-cooking ones (such as mushrooms or summer squash). Good candidates for roasting include artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, chile peppers and sweet peppers; eggplant and tomatoes; fennel, endive, and radicchio bulbs; garlic, mushrooms, onions, leeks and scallions; roots of all kinds (potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, sweet potatoes and carrots); summer squash, zucchini, and pattypan; and winter squash — butternut, delicata, and kabocha. Vegetables may be left whole or cut evenly into any size.

• 2 lb assorted root vegetables, evenly chopped • 2 Tbsp olive oil • 1 tsp salt, to taste • 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1 lemon, sliced into rounds (scrubbed and unpeeled) • 1 sprig fresh rosemary, minced

Omnivorous Variation: Roasties are a great side dish for non-vegetarian meals. They can also be added to frittatas, omelets, quiches, or scrambled eggs.

• Salt, to taste • Dash of water Place mushrooms stem-side down and roast for 10 minutes. Turn each mushroom over and continue to cook about 5–10 minutes more, until stems are cooked through. Sprinkle lightly with a touch more salt before serving. Notes: Select mushrooms that are large, moist, and evenly sized, or pull out the smaller, faster-cooking ones as they are finished so as not to overcook them. If the stems are particularly thick or woody, slice them in half or even quarters so they cook thoroughly. The stems are the most nutritious part!

Drizzle, then return to oven until somewhat dry, up to 10 minutes. Stir once or twice to distribute glaze. Adjust salt and finish with freshly ground pepper.

Creamy Tahini Sauce • 1/4 cup tahini • 1 Tbsp rice vinegar • 1 Tbsp tamari • 2–4 Tbsp water, to achieve a pourable consistency

Moments before vegetables are fully cooked, stir in the sauce and return to oven for 3–5 more minutes to allow the sauce to dry a bit and get sticky.

Miso Glaze • 2 Tbsp miso • 1–2 tsp honey or other syrup • 2 tsp sesame oil • 1 Tbsp rice vinegar • 1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger • 2 cloves garlic, finely grated • 3 Tbsp water • Pinch of crushed red pepper (optional)

Add sauce and return vegetables to the oven for 5-8 minutes more. Remove and garnish with gomasio salt or thinly-sliced scallions.

Continued on page 16


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A simple way to add variety to roasties is by adding a sauce or glaze toward the end of cooking. Roast until vegetables are almost completely cooked through, then add your sauce and finish off with a few more minutes in the oven.

• 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1 Tbsp maple syrup • 1/4-1/2 tsp salt, to taste

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• Drizzle of olive oil to coat

Optional Sauces Balsamic Glaze

• EnERgy PSyChology

l th

Leftovers: Extra roasties are handy to have on hand to add to breakfast scrambles, salads, burritos, tacos, or pureed into a dip in a food processor by adding olive oil. Be creative with fresh herbs, vinegars or other seasonings.

• Fresh shiitake mushrooms, left whole

• EmotionaL RE-PattERning

H o l i st i c H ea

Roast at about 425° until soft (usually anywhere from 20 to 50 minutes, depending on size and density of vegetables). Stir once or twice during cooking, and season again with a little salt before serving.

Preheat oven to 400° (the exact temperature is not crucial). Combine in an ovenproof dish:

• SPiRituAl CoAChing

Holistic H ealth

Preheat oven to about 425°. Combine in an ovenproof dish:

Easy, meaty, delicious, and nutritious, these are among my favorite foods ever. Serve these roasted mushrooms whole as a snack or side dish, or add to sushi, soups, or pasta.

never think the same way again.

ai r

The lemon is a nice surprise in this basic roasted vegetable dish. Be sure to cut longer-cooking vegetables into smaller pieces than those that cook faster. Serve with grains or pasta, and top with a sauce if desired.

Savory Roasted Shiitakes

cF sychi

Yields 4 servings


Roasted Root Medley

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 15

HEALTHY EATING Continued from page 15

A Note About Salt

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Natural salt is vital to our well-being. It helps regulate the water in our body and supports the nervous system. Unrefined sea salt provides about eighty trace minerals, many of which are now missing from our foods due to depleted soils. In moderation, it is an essential element in a healthy diet. If you’re concerned about sodium, remove packaged foods from your diet and use quality salt at home. The flavor is more fulfilling, so you will need less, and you can gradually adjust your palate to appreciate less salt overall. If you have a box of ordinary table salt in your pantry, move it under the sink and use it to clean your house. It is not a food. Salt refiners use bleach and chemicals that remove trace minerals, then add anti-caking chemicals to keep the product from absorbing water (“When it rains, it pours”). This keeps the salt from doing its primary job in the body, which is to regulate cellular hydration. Unrefined salt is much better for your body and is better tasting, but it may clump because it’s a natural product that absorbs water from the environment. Add a few grains of uncooked rice to a shaker of unrefined salt. These will absorb some excess moisture and make the salt easier to pour. When you eat refined foods such as flour, sugar, and salt, you create a cycle of depletion and imbalance. Your body will crave more of the same empty foods, perhaps instinctively seeking the nutrients that have been removed. When we overconsume salt, our body sacrifices water from its cells to eliminate the excess sodium, leading to imbalance and illness. Salt isn’t just salty. It enhances flavor, even in sweets. Nurturing an intimate relationship with quality salt can help you become more intuitive in your cooking. Most chefs measure salt with their fingers, which I recommend. The physical contact with the crystals seems to tell me how much I need. Add a little salt along the way as you cook to develop flavors from the get-go, and use salt to draw moisture out of vegetables as you saute. Salt your blanching water “like the sea” to heighten flavors of the vegetables. Pure, whole salt doesn’t need to cost much more than the cheap stuff, and is well worth it. These salts come in a variety of textures and colors depending on the minerals present. Many natural chefs and home cooks swear by Himalayan crystal salt or Celtic sea salt. I love the texture and taste of Lima salt from France. Even if the label says sea salt, it may still be refined salt with chemical additives unless the package clearly states that it is unrefined. Find the ones that feel and taste good to you, but always read the label to make sure they are unrefined and contain no additives. Mielle Chénier-Cowan Rose has tbeen a natural foods chef and advocate for natural living for over 15 years. Her latest book, Veganish: The Omnivore’s Guide to PlantBased Cooking, can retrain any person to enjoy healthier cooking and eating. Visit pieceofmyheartkitchen.com.


The Omnivore’s Guide to Plant-Based Cooking makes a welcome holiday gift.

16 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 17

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Feng Shui & Food My friends and I were having dinner together recently and the topic of feng shui came up. We began to wonder if feng shui principles can be applied to food preparation and eating?

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18 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

he answer to your question is a most definite yes! Feng shui and food correspond in many practical and essential ways, just like feng shui and money or feng shui and love. The conscious use of the five elements, employing the principles of yin and yang, as well as generating positive chi all come into play when discussing the feng shui of food. Most important, however, is the intention in all feng shui activity to cultivate healing and beneficial chi wherever possible. The five foundational elements of feng shui — wood, fire, earth, metal and water — are also the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and many other Chinese arts and sciences. The Five Element Theory is an ancient template for organizing and describing all of life, with each group including many attributes such as a season, taste, color, direction, body organ, emotion and many more distinctions. Just as all the elements are intricately connected in nature with each element being generated by another in a continuous balance of production and transformation, even the smallest details of our lives are touched by this dynamic. Too much salt or too much sweet or too much of anything upsets the natural order of things. In studying the feng shui of food, consider the elemental nature of the food you are eating and strive for a balance each day, as illustrated in the chart (page 19). While it is best to eat a balance of all the elements, it’s also wise to eat more of the flavor and color of foods that correspond to the season at hand for extra health support and taste. Just as we strive to balance color, texture and yin and yang properties in our living spaces, these same feng shui principles can also be applied to the food we consume. Yang foods are more energizing; they are warming foods that stimulate

activity and action, including meat, eggs, wild salmon, hard cheese, coffee and caffeinated beverages. Yin foods are energetically more cooling and promote relaxation, stillness, and reflection. They can be found in liquids, fruit, tofu, sour foods, and vegetables, to name a few. Yin refers to milder flavors, while yang would be the bolder, spicier flavors. Most of us are quite familiar with this type of feng shui balance in Chinese and other Asian cuisines: sweet and sour, hot and sour, and strong flavored dishes paired with plain white rice or noodles. Yin and yang applies to the texture of foods as well. This explains the appeal of dishes with a mixture of soft or delicate foods (yin) with crunchy or crisp foods (yang). All successful cooking incorporates the artful use of textures and flavors. Healthy food preparation, whether commercially or at home, requires that hands are thoroughly washed and all surfaces, utensils, and cookware are clean and free of harmful bacteria. Similarly, the quality of chi that is infused into the food by the preparer needs to be energetically clean and free of contaminants such as negative emotions, thoughts or energy for optimal feng shui. Food prepared with love, care and good intention makes for a delicious and nourishing meal as your positive state of emotions and energetic balance is transmitted into the food and then into the bodies it will feed. Simply stated, cooking with your heart is feng shui at its finest. Create a kitchen that is well lit, functional, and cheerful to help keep you energized and generating positive chi during the sometimes tedious process of preparing food. Use your best plates whenever possible. Round plates are excellent, as this shape has the most flowing, harmonious movement. Square plates, symbolic of the earth






Color: Green Season: Spring Organs: Liver, Gallbladder Flavor: Sour Foods: Young plants, fresh greens, sprouts, raw foods, especially upward growing vegetables, lime, and vinegar

Color: Red Season: Summer Organs: Heart Small Intestines Flavor: Bitter Foods: Burdock root, salads, fresh fruit and vegetables, light carbohydrates, foods that grow branching out

Color: Yellow Season: Late Summer Organs: Spleen Pancreas Flavor: Sweet Foods: Yams, squash, sweet potatoes, almonds, cherries, carrots

Color: White Season: Autumn Organs: Lungs Flavor: Pungent Foods: Garlic, onions, scallions, rosemary, ginger, mustard greens, radishes

Color: Black Season: Winter Organs: Kidneys Flavor: Salty Foods: Seaweed, steamed winter greens, miso, mushrooms, blueberries, blackberries, wild rice

element, are more grounding and make us slow down more while eating. Color also plays a role in food presentation. White plates allow the beautiful presentation of the food to come forward, acting much like a blank canvas for a masterpiece. Bright orange, red and yellow (yang colors) are often used in fast food restaurants to subliminally encourage diners to eat large amounts of food quickly. Cooler yin colors, such as pale blues and greens, have the effect of helping us be mindful of taking smaller portions, while wildly patterned plates create the potential for digestive upset or a less than calm eating environment. No matter how simple or humble are the surroundings in which you eat, strive for good chi in the form of gratitude for the food before you. Take the time to eat and chew food properly in a clear, electronic-free environment, turn down loud music and be present to yourself, your food and others dining with you while eating. Enjoy your food and allow good feng shui to nourish you on all levels! Karen Feldman is a certified feng shui practitioner and interior designer, and the owner since 1994 of Urban Eden, a full-service holistic interior design firm in Providence, RI. Karen helps her residential, commercial and corporate clients to co-create spaces that are beautiful, functional and in alignment with the best interests of their well being along with the planet’s. Send your questions to Karen at urbaneden@cox.net or visit www. karenfeldmanurbaneden.com. www.spiritofchange.org

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Your Environmental Questions Answered Polar Bears • Junk Mail • The Need for Trees Dear EarthTalk: How have polar bear populations in the Arctic been faring since the U.S. put them on its endangered species list in 2008, and what efforts are underway to protect them? — Melissa Underhill, Bangor, ME


iologists estimate that as many as 25,000 polar bears roam the far north these days, with two-thirds of them in Canada and most of the remainder in Alaska and northern Russia. Environmentalists cheered in May 2008 when the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) listed polar bears as threatened under the Endangered Species Act because of forecast evidence that circumpolar 20 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

warming is melting sea ice, the great white carnivore’s primary habitat. This listing represented the first time that climate change effects were officially considered as a cause for a species’ decline, emboldening activists to start calling for stricter regulations on carbon emissions nationwide. Polar bears have been protected in the U.S. since 2008, but only recently has the USFWS released a species management plan. The Draft Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan (CMP) outlines six strategies to manage bear populations, including: limiting global atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases to levels suitable for supporting polar bear recovery and conservation, supporting international protection efforts, managing human-polar bear conflicts, collaboratively managing polar bear hunting by Alaska natives, protecting polar bear denning habitats and

minimizing risk of contamination from oil spills. While saving polar bears is not the only reason to curb greenhouse gases, the CMP prioritizes that public officials start factoring in the “consequences to polar bears and their habitats of the likely effects of the current baseline greenhouse gases scenario” and “prompt the needed actions to maintain and, as needed, restore sea ice habitat by implementing sufficient regulatory, market-driven, or voluntary actions.” As for supporting international efforts, the USFWS is aligning with Russia to protect denning habitats in Chukotka and on Wrangel Island, where almost all denning for the Chukchi Sea population occurs, and with Canada to support polar bear management efforts in the Canadian Archipelago. To manage human-polar bear conflicts, FWS is joining communities and industry to develop safety procedures for bear encounters and establish best practices for garbage management and bear-proof food-storage options to reduce food attractants that draw polar bears into human communities. The agency has also committed to expand the scope and improve the effectiveness of community polar bear patrols. Polar bears are hunted in 15 Alaskan villages for meat or handicrafts like mittens and mukluks, and the USFWS plans to collaborate with the North Slope Borough, the Alaska Nanuuq Commission and others on implementing sustainable hunt management strategies in these villages. The USFWS is also working to minimize development and disturbance on barrier islands, which provide crucial bear habitat. To reduce the risk of contamination from an oil spill, the USFWS will continue to provide feedback on oil exploration plans and ensure that responders and companies have current information on seasonal bear movements and important habitat areas. Standard operating procedures are in the works for the rescue and handling of oiled bears. The USFWS estimates that implementing the CMP over the next five years will cost almost $13 million. CONTACTS: FWS Polar Bear Draft Conservation Management Plan, www.fws.gov/alaska/PDFs/PBRT%20 Recovery%20Plan%20Book.pdf; Environment Canada’s Conservation of Polar Bears in Canada, www.ec.gc.ca/ nature/default.asp?lang=En&n=A997D1CC-1.

Dear EarthTalk: It seems like I’m getting more junk mail than ever these days. How can I stop the deluge? — Grace Dixon, Houston, TX


irst of all, you’re probably right! Junk mail has increased to a massive scale in recent years, with the average American receiving 16 pieces each week. While this might not seem like much, it adds up to weigh an estimated 41 pounds each year, according to leading anti-junk mail organization, 41pounds.org. Continued on page 22

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 21

EARTHTALK Continued from page 20

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What’s more, 44 percent of it is never opened, though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates only about 40 percent is recycled properly. This enormous waste of paper has triggered the U.S. Postal Service to install over 4,000 postal recycling stations around the country. From a financial perspective, nearly $320 million of local tax money is used to dispose of and recycle of junk mail each year. However, junk mail has environmental repercussions on a larger scale than individual inconvenience or waste of tax money. The paper for these mailings comes from more than 100 million trees each year. Not only does this cause deforestation and other direct problems to the local environment, it also creates an imbalance of the planet’s carbon levels. While forests usually act as “carbon sinks” to maintain constant levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, chopping down these trees and converting them into paper emits this stored carbon prematurely back into the atmosphere. On top of that, according to 41pounds.org, the carbon emissions from junk mailings each year are roughly equivalent to those of nine million cars. ForestEthics.org, another leader in the charge against junk mail, estimates that junk mail produces 51.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases each year. Ciara O’Rourke reports in The New York Times that this is roughly the same amount of emissions produced by heating 13 million homes in the winter. ForestEthics’ report, “Climate Change Enclosed,” likens junk mail’s carbon burden to 2.4 million cars idling 24/7 year-round. Another negative impact of junk mail is the water waste it creates. As drought becomes an increasingly important problem across the country, Americans continue to waste upwards of 28 billion gallons of water on junk mail production and recycling every year. Thankfully, these enormous environmental costs can easily be reduced by taking basic steps to get off mailing lists. By registering at 41pounds.org, junk mailings can be reduced by 80-95 percent for $41. Similar to a no-call list for telemarketers, you can also opt out of these mailing lists at catologchoice.org. By contacting dozens of these mailers directly, these organizations aim to eliminate junk mail waste. After five years, 41pounds.org estimates “you’ll conserve 1.7 trees and 700 gallons of water, and prevent global warming emissions — and you’ll gain about 350 hours of free time.” Though readers should note you must re-register every five years, this simple action can make a huge impact in stopping the torrent of junk mail being crammed into your mailbox each week. CONTACTS: 41pounds.org, www.41pounds.org; Catalog Choice, www.catalogchoice.org; Forest Ethics’ “Climate Change Enclosed,” donotmail.org/downloads/ClimateReport.pdf.

Dear EarthTalk: How is that being around trees and other plants can help us feel good? — Amy Mola, Greenville, SC


rees are known to improve air quality by capturing six common air pollutants and toxic gases: ground-level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and lead. In fact, a single tree can absorb 10 pounds of air pollutants per year. In a study published in 2014, U.S. Forest Service scientists and collaborators calculated that trees are saving more than 850 human lives a year and preventing 670,000 incidents of acute respiratory symptoms. The researchers valued the human health effects of the reduced air pollution at nearly $7 billion every year. “We found that, in general, the greater the tree cover, the greater the pollution removal, and the greater the removal and population density, the greater the value of human health benefits,” says Dave Nowak of the U.S. Forest Service. More recently a 2015 study from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) in Barcelona, Spain found that children exposed to more greenery — as measured by satellite imagery of their schools and neighborhoods — demonstrated better attention skills and memory development. While the association was partly mediated by reductions in air pollution, Mark

Nieuwenhuijsen, one of the study’s authors, noted that he and the study’s other researchers don’t think it’s all air pollution: “I think it’s also some kind of direct effect…you see quite a beneficial effect of green space on mental health.” Numerous recent studies have focused on the positive effects that exposure to trees and nature has on our mental health. A recent study published in the journal Nature combined satellite imagery, individual tree data, and health surveys from 31,109 residents of the greater Toronto, Canada area, and found that people who live in areas with higher street tree density report better health perception compared with their peers living in areas with lower street tree density. “People have sort of neglected the psychological benefits of the environment,” says Marc G. Berman, an author of the study and professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. “I’m very interested in how the physical environment affects the brain and behavior.” Such studies correlate to the “biophilia hypothesis” associated with German-born American psychoanalyst Erich Fromm and Harvard evolutionary biologist Edward O. Wilson. The hypothesis proposes that humans have evolutionary biological and psychological needs attached with the natural world. According to the book, The Biophilia Hypothesis, co-edited by Wilson and Yale social ecology professor Stephen R. Kellert, relentless environmental destruction could have a significant impact on our psychological and spiritual quality of life. “Why do people bring flowers to the hospital all the time? Is it just superficial? Is it just a nice gesture, nice but not important? I would suggest that it is a much deeper recognition of the healing effects associated with affirming life,” Kellert told Yale 360. With over 80 percent of Americans living in urban areas, this newer research implies an indispensable need for growth and implementation in urban tree planting, urban greening and biophilic design in educational institutions and places of business for enriched physical and mental health. CONTACTS: CREAL, www.creal.cat; Nature, www.nature.com; Yale 360, www.e360.yale.edu.

EarthTalk® is produced by Doug Moss and Roddy Scheer and is a registered trademark of Earth Action Network Inc. View past columns at: www.earthtalk.org. Or e-mail us your question at earthtalk@emagazine.com.

MEdicAL iNtuitivE AkAshic REcoRd tRAvELER J.D. (ret.), CHt Art Gutkin travels the Akashic Record from the womb through the formative years to find the root cause of adult illnesses, both physical and emotional. Thereafter, he utilizes several Holistic Arts to resolve those issues. In addition, his certification as Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist allows clients to see how their past impacts the present. Art also lays hands on clients who suffer from many illnesses including chronic pain, cancer, MS, and RA. Results are achieved in a matter of minutes.

Meet Art at the Natural Living Expo November 14-15 in Marlborough MA

visit booth #410 Attend the workshop on

saturday, November 14 at 2pm

Past Life travel, Present Life healing Art will explain how past lives often create present life issues, as well as discuss between-life experiences and the role of guides that are encountered. At the end of the talk he will lead a group past life experience.

Art is available for consultations in person, by phone and Skype

215-740-0766 • artgutkin@gmail.com



FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 23

“Our children spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week in school. It is time to use a few of those hours to teach our children how to both engage safely and respectfully with each other.”

Teaching What Matters Most

Why Emotional Resilience Education and Training Should Be Core Curriculum by Leah Kalish, MA


N LIGHT OF THE LATEST SCHOOL SHOOTING, we are once again reminded of how ill equipped our children are to deal with stress. Anonymous commentators spout off in news articles about everything from gun laws to bad parenting to mental illness and bullying. But if you stop and really listen to what our kids are saying, you’d know that arguing about the above topics is not part of the solution. Instead, look at teen social media accounts. You will hear the voices of children who are confused, overwhelmed, and often in despair. Their ability to cope with the normal downturns that life presents is obviously compromised. Their school environments are toxic with competition, boredom, and disempowerment. They post 12 selfies a day and rate their own self-worth based on the number of “likes” their precocious pose lands them. They rate each other with 24 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

a sense of arrogance and shallowness that dismisses and invalidates virtues such as kindness, compassion, and acceptance. A recent article in The Atlantic about sexting tells the story of a county in Virginia that was shocked after an investigation revealed that it is the norm for our teens to send nude or inappropriate photos to their boyfriends/girlfriends. Authorities had to come to terms with the fact that if they enforced the law,

hundreds of teens would have been facing felony charges of child pornography. The digital age has desensitized our children. Exposure to sex and violence through media and video games has made fantasy and reality difficult for the developing teen brain to differentiate. The convenience of instant communication behind the veil of a screen allows them to verbally accost each other with no inhibition. Monitoring their digital interactions can be a full time job for any parent, already pushed to the edge by their own stress. We are drowning. Our educational system uses catch phrases like, “No child left behind,” and focuses on Common Core Standards to grasp onto any last hopes that America remain a superpower and produce educated go-getters and tomorrow’s leaders. Meanwhile, Suzie is posting her selfie sporting a sassy pose waiting for Tommy to give her the thumbs up so she can feel a modicum of self-worth for the next 5 minutes, but Tommy is too busy playing a game of Halo to notice. We cannot go back. We have entered the digital age. The media and video game developers are not going to develop a conscience overnight. Parents are not going to always be able to be at home engaging kids in other activities. Our children spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week in school. It is time to use a few of those hours to teach our children how to both engage safely and respectfully with each other and to cope with the society we have created for them. It is time to give them the tools they need to navigate the landscape of the digital age without losing connection to their innate humanity and greater communities. It is time to make socialemotional learning and mental-emotional health the main topics when deciding how we will teach, support, guide, and resource our children for the future. They need and deserve mind-body tools, practice, and coaching in how to self-regulate, be mindful, process emotions, and develop emotional resilience and a grounded sense of self. Leah Kalish, MA, is a speaker, writer, family constellation facilitator and recognized expert in movement, yoga and social-emotional education committed to nurturing optimal whole child development. Visit www.move-with-me.com. September PreK-G2 training offered in Westboro, MA.

THE REJUVENIZER Phyllis Light, Ph.D & Telepathic Healer



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Light Unlimited www.spiritofchange.org

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Breathe in deeply and slowly. As you exhale, notice something you’ve not noticed before in your immediate environment and name it out loud, such as “pattern in the rug.” Then breathe. “The scratch on the desk.” Breathe. “The different colors on the coffee cup.” Breathe. “The design on the lamp base.” Breathe. Keep noticing and saying out loud things in full view that you have never noticed before. Do this for at least 30 seconds to one minute. This stops your brain from racing forward and back in time and centers you in the present moment, thus relaxing you.


Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and right behind your front teeth. Next, purse your lips and exhale to the count of eight as though blowing out a birthday candle. Next, inhale to the count of seven, followed by holding your breath to the count of four. Then repeat. This easy breathing technique can calm your thoughts and refresh your body, inviting stress to flow out and relaxation to flow in.


Anytime you feel stressed, bend your knees and wiggle them back and forth as fast as possible for 10 seconds, and then squeeze your buttocks cheeks together while letting out a very loud and resounding “Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!” as though screaming all the stress right out of your body. Then relax. It not only relieves you of the stress consuming your every cell but also makes you and anyone around you laugh out loud.

10 Tips For Quickly Relieving Stress by Sonia Choquette, Ph.D.

LET’S FACE IT. LIFE IS STRESSFUL. And when we are under stress we suffer. It’s bad for our health. It leaves us feeling drained and tired. It fogs our brains. It causes us to disconnect from others. It makes it difficult to concentrate and robs us of the ability to respond creatively in life. So it’s helpful to have a few stress-busting techniques to reach for when it starts to creep up on you and take you hostage. Here are a few of my favorite busters. They are easy to do and work wonders when you need them most. Try them yourself and see if you find them as helpful for relieving stress as I do.


Open your mouth wide enough to hear a click in your ears and inhale deeply, followed by an audible exhale releasing the sound “Ahhh!” Repeat until relaxed. Three times should do it. 26 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015


Sing the song “Do-Re-Mi” from The Sound of Music. Each note when sounded corresponds with one of the seven chakras and calms the entire nervous system and lifts your mood.


Start naming out loud one thing at a time, every single thing that you feel afraid of right now. Start by naming the thing you fear most in the moment, then take in a deep breath. Next, name something you notice right in front of you. Then repeat. Again, name something you fear most right now. Breathe, and then again name something you see right in front of you. Do this until you can’t name any more fears.


Do my favorite yoga pose. Pull the corners of your mouth to the ears, and hold it. Maintain this pose for at least 30 seconds. Then release.


Thump your chest with your fist and let out the sound Ha! as loud as possible. Repeat. Ha! Ha! Ha! Then laugh.

9 10

Sing your favorite Broadway show tune at the top of your lungs.

Put your thumb and forefinger together and close your eyes. Breathe in, while saying the words “I am,” and then exhale saying, “calm.” Feel the calm flowing from your heart, through your body, and out of your fingertips. Do this as many times as needed. These are all simple, easy, silly, effective, and fun. Try them all and see which one works best for you. Most of all, just remember: This too shall pass, and with breath it will pass faster and leave you less stressed along the way.

Clear Your Heart

Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years.

It’s your emotions that disturb your mental clarity, focus and power, so strive to maintain a clear heart. To clear your heart:

During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each).

 Decide not to be a victim.

These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life.

 Take nothing and no one personally.  Take 24 hours to move away from flight or fight responses and back into clarity. (With practice it takes less and less time). Be aware that the ego reacts, becomes fearful, goes into drama and confusion so don’t make decisions in this state.  Exercise or walk to burn off adrenaline and restore the heart beat.  Breathe calmly and slowly in through the nose, out through the mouth for five minutes. This always clears the heart.  Ask “Why is this happening?” not “Why is this happening to me?”  Ask “What is the lesson?”  Want a clear heart? Make it important. Make being calm a high priority and say so.  Realize to every problem there is a clear and loving solution and expect it to reveal itself in time.

Ross can also help you to identify and communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading.

Ross J. Miller

Psychic, Medium Healer

Ross is well-known for healing people of migraines, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, anger, grief, abuse trauma, drug and alcohol abuse, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, phobias, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, PTSD and more.

Ross is available for psychic and past-life readings as well as healing sessions in person or over the phone.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit my website at www.TheMysticWay.com or call (617) 527-3583 1075 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465

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Practical & Effortless to Use Sonia Choquette, Ph.D, is celebrated worldwide as an author, spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, and transformational visionary guide. An enchanting storyteller, she is known for her delightful humor and adept skill in quickly shifting people out of psychological and spiritual difficulties and into a healthier energy flow.

Meet Sonia at the Natural Living Expo on Saturday, November 14. For details, see the program guide in this issue, or visit www.naturalexpo.org www.spiritofchange.org

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Awaken Your Intuitive Relationship to Food If you’re ready to give your relationship to food a spiritual makeover, these tips can help you start today. by Heather Waxman and Kasey Arena


n today’s food-obsessed culture we’re inundated with people talking about the benefits of going vegan, eating gluten-free, removing sugar from our diets and more. While all these choices might be excellent health options, oftentimes they’re presented in the form of “guilt marketing.” This is where you’re left feeling guilty and shameful for not eating how someone else thinks you should eat instead of feeling inspired and motivated to eat what feels right to you and leave the rest.

For info contact or call



28 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Assessing new food information is an opportunity to become more connected to your intuitive relationship to food. If you’re left thinking thoughts like, “I’m so confused. What lifestyle is right for me?” then this is exactly the right time for you to explore that question. What often comes along with guilt and shame is a nasty case of perfectionism. We tend to distrust the process of trial and error and our curious nature because we’re so afraid of getting it wrong. Ironically, though, the key to finding a way of eating that works best for you is through trial and error and a hefty dose of curiosity. These are the touchstones to awakening your intuitive relationship to food. If you’re ready to give your relationship to food a spiritual makeover, these tips can help you start right away.

Be mindful of the energy you bring to your meal Let’s be real; life is hard. We’re all so busy and have so many commitments. Add technology into the mix and you sometimes feel like you barely have time to breathe, right? And what is one of the first things to go out the window when you get busy? Self care. While it can be really hard to prioritize self care, taking the time to simply be mindful of the energy you bring to your meals is paramount. We live in an anxious society. This anxious energy brought to your meal times causes you to rush through your meals and feel uncomfortable afterwards because

3x4 Wardrobe Doctor 1-30-14:2x3


9:42 AM

you haven’t given your body the time it needs to digest the food. Not to mention that you aren’t able to actually enjoy the meal itself because you are plowing through it so quickly! The energy that you bring to a meal while you prepare it is the energy that you’ll mirror as you eat it.

Begin your journey to Wellness with our Massage, Acupuncture, Reiki and Reflexology services! Call today

TIP:Ask yourself, “How do I want to feel as I prepare my meal? How do I want to feel while I eat my meal? How do I want to feel after I eat my meal?” Take some time to think on this, write those feelings down, and make a conscious effort to bring them into your life. So, for example, if you want to feel calm as you prepare your meal, put on some relaxing music while you chop your veggies. Set yourself up to create a loving atmosphere for you to eat in.

Make meal-time intentions a habit Many spiritual and religious traditions engage in the practice of setting an intention before they eat. This ritual reminds you to recall a sense of reverence for the food and for your body. This isn’t anything new, but in this crazy-busy world that we live in, it’s something we’ve neglected and put to the side. Taking the time to slow down and set an intention eating can help you to eat more slowly and feel more connected to your body. And it only takes 10 seconds! This simple practice can help you to develop a deep respect for the food you eat and for how your body deserves to receive that food. TIP: Before you eat, set yourself up for success by setting an intention over your meal. Try this one: “I bless my food. I bless my body. I bless what this food can do for my body.”

Make room for pleasure We sometimes forget that you don’t just eat food for health. You also eat it for pleasure! Feeling pleasure about what you eat is crucial, yet so often neglected, especially by women. We both experienced this first hand. When we started our careers as healthy living bloggers, we both felt a responsibility to only eat healthy foods. When we did want to enjoy something like frozen yogurt or French fries, we felt guilty about it. We might have been physically satisfied, but we weren’t spiritually satisfied by what we ate. Your soul is constantly communicating to you through your body. When we challenged ourselves to become conscious of shifting our thoughts from guilt to pleasure and allowed ourselves to enjoy foods that gave us pleasure regardless of whether they were healthy, we craved them far less often and created a naturally balanced relationship with them. TIP: Choose seven foods that bring you pleasure. They can be healthy or unhealthy. No rules here! For the next week, allow yourself to eat one of those foods every day. Practice feeling pleasure at your meal. When you notice guilt come up, become conscious that it’s there, but don’t judge it. Witness it and repeat this mantra: “I deserve to receive this pleasure.” Watch the shifts that will happen in just one week!

Heather Waxman and Kasey Arena are the Amazon best-selling authors of BODYpeace. Through her work as a spiritual life coach, writer, and inspirational singer-songwriter, Heather Waxman helps sensitive, creative soul unbox themselves and fearlessly live the life their soul wants them to live. Kasey Arena, a personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach, helps women shift their perceptions of fitness and food. You can find Heather at http://heatherwaxman.com and Kasey at http://kaseyarena.com.

Page 1

Massage, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Cupping, Eden Energy Medicine, Chakra balancing, Angelic Life Counseling, Wardrobe Consultation/ Coaching, Holistic Health Coaching, Yoga, Ear Candling... and if all that wasn't enough... Crystals & Gifts too!

38C Park Street, Medfield, MA

508-359-7400 www.Holisticwellnesscenter.org We want to help you be your best inside and out.

Like us on Facebook to be up on all the latest happenings at HWC!

The Wellness Roundtable

Holistic Practitioners Network



Merry Cole, Executive Director • Hubbardston, MA www.truenorthholisticcenter.org • (978) 820-1139 Comfortable, welcoming, nourishing. Perfect location for teachers, trainers, and practitioners to bring your groups for daylong or overnight retreats, workshops, classes.

Metrowest, MA • (774) 278-0801 www.marystarrgreen.com Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Kripalu Yoga. Group classes, private instruction and custom programs for adults, teens and the workplace.


Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Certified Coach (508) 460-0044 • confident-directions.com Struggles to solutions. Effective, inspired coaching for wellness practitioners.

Wellsprings Acupuncture 30 Lyman St., Suite 7, Westboro, MA www.wellspringsacupuncture.com • (508) 366-0613 Empowering your source of health and wellness with acupuncture, herbal medicine, holistic nutrition, massage therapy and Reiki.




Eileen Nikopoulos, RYT 500 • Yoga of Energy Flow mountainbrookyoga.com • (508) 591-FLOW Westborough, Marlborough vicinity Personalized Yoga for individuals and couples. Traditional Thai Yoga Massage.


Jessica Reagan Salzman • jess@jessrs.com heartbasedbookkeeping.com • (508) 455-2507 We work with small business owners who love what they do, but can’t keep up with managing the numbers side of their business.


Carolyn Waite, CSYT • Grafton, Westboro & Marlboro, MA www.yogawithcarolwaite.com • (508) 662-3763 Yoga for your body, mind and spirit. Svaroopa® Yoga Classes for beginners to advanced students. Yoga Therapy available for individuals experiencing chronic pain or illness.


wrice123@hotmail.com • (508) 450-4230 Shrewsbury, MA • Holistic-spiritual-counseling.com Holistic counseling, stress management, grief and loss, personal and family entanglements, PTSD, Reiki, tuning forks, sound healing, family constellations.

Holistic Financial Consultant www.sageconsultingresource.com • (617) 244-1966 Registered representative, securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/ Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisor representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor.

ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY INtERVENtIONS & PREPARE FOR SURGERY, HEAL FAStER Karen Lilley, MA, LMHC • Northborough and Sterling, MA www.karenlilley.com • (508) 393-0015 Anxiety and stress release with EFT, TAT and Emotion Code.


www.sohum.org • (508) 329-3338 30 Lyman Street, Westborough, MA All styles of yoga, small class sizes, yoga for beginners, yoga therapy, mindfulness meditation, corporate wellness, workshops, free events, community activities.


www.SpiritofChange.org • (508) 278-9640 New England’s largest free alternative health magazine and 9th annual Natural Living Expo, November 14-15, 2015, in Marlboro, MA.

This is a partial list of our members; we have many talented people in our network to meet.


Meet Heather and Kasey at the Natural Living Expo where they will present intuitive food and cooking demos all day on Sunday, November 15 in the exhibit hall. Visit www.naturalexpo.org for details or see the inserted program guide this issue.


Join The Wellness RoundTable CommuniTy!

Si n


Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30am, in Northboro, MA. Members gather with the intention of creating collaborative relationships and building professional community. Meetings are opportunities to be inspired, stimulated and educated for the greater good of our respective professions. Together, we join to increase the level of well-being, body, mind and spirit, for ourselves, our clients, our communities and our world.

Contact Wellness Roundtable facilitator: marilyn Taylor, marilyn@confident-directions.com


FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 29

Tooth Save a


or save a The Root Canal Controversy by Diane Meyer, DDS


HE CONTROVERSY SURROUNDING THE SAFETY of the root canal procedure has ensued for over a hundred years. Dr. Weston Price, the early 20th century holistic dental and nutritional pioneer, discovered long ago that there is no procedure that can completely sterilize a root-canaled tooth. Thus, the tooth becomes a harbor for anaerobic bacteria and their associated toxins. These toxins and bacteria then seep into the surrounding tissues and circulate throughout the body causing various health ailments. Today, a still practiced and promoted procedure by endodontists across the globe, the root canal can be one of the most detrimental procedures to overall health. It is important to understand why and how root canals are performed. First, for whatever reason, the tooth has become sick due to decay (i.e., poor nutrition), traumatic bite, injury, dentistry, stress/emotional conflicts, etc. At this point, the dentist makes the call that the tooth can no longer be saved and will eventually die. A root canal or extraction is now in the future for this poor tooth. A root canal typically entails a local anesthetic. After the patient is numb, the insides of the tooth are stripped with a file (see diagram). Once the inside chamber(s) are stripped of all tissues, sodium hypochlorite (common household bleach) is used to disinfect the tooth. Next, the inside of the tooth is dried and a filling material is packed. The filling material is typically gutta percha — the same material used inside of golf balls — along with a sealer. The whole procedure is accomplished in one or two visits and the tooth is now considered dead. Additionally, a crown or reinforced filling will be placed on the tooth to prevent any fracturing. Next, let’s take a closer look at what is really going on. The main chamber has been cleaned out and packed with an inert material and supposedly disinfected. However, if you were to zoom in to the micrometer scale (average width of human hair = 100

Opening Decay Gum

microns), the tooth would no longer look solid. In actuality, the tooth is porous and full of what are called microtubules. These microtubules permeate throughout the entirety of the dentin. Furthermore, the microtubules are supported by their own vascular system that connects to the main chamber. This whole network is why teeth are able to sense hot and cold sensations. How is it possible to completely disinfect the tooth with all of these microtubules? In short, it’s not! Many biological/holistic dentists claim that a tooth can be completely disinfected using ozone. These dentists use this assertion to justify utilizing the root canal procedure within their practice. My personal experience with ozone shows otherwise. The ozone does not completely disinfect the tooth and you end up with the same situation in the end as with conventional techniques. It will temporarily halt these bacteria however the lack of blood supply to the tooth doesn’t allow the immune system to get in and clean up the dead bacteria.

Dr. Westin Price’s Root Canal Discovery Controversy surrounding the efficacy of root canals has been ongoing since Dr. Westin A. Price’s research in the early 1900s. Motivated by the death of his only child at a very young age from endocarditis after having a root canal, Dr. Price began his research to prevent other parents from having to live the same fate as he. Thus, he embarked upon a 25-year journey across the world where he studied the teeth, diets, and bones of native populations. He was determined to find a group of indigenous people who were free from dental decay. Furthermore, he conducted numerous studies exploring the results of root canals. Over the course of his studies, Dr. Price came to learn that many degenerative diseases could originate from root-canaled teeth. The most common diseases associated with root canals are heart and circulatory diseases. The next most common are diseases of the joints, arthritis and rheumatism, followed by diseases of the brain and nervous system. Based on his own research, Dr. Price recommended to an elderly woman that she have her root-canaled tooth removed. Up until this point, this woman was wheelchair bound and had suffered from debilitating arthritis for six years. After extraction, the woman completely recovered. Additionally, Dr. Price implanted the extracted tooth

Endodontic file





Infected pulp

Nerves, blood vessels


Gutta percha


Bone Infected tooth

Opening made in tooth

30 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Infected tissue removed; canals cleaned

Canals filled with permanent material

Opening sealed with filling. In some cases, a support post is inserted

New crown cemented onto rebuilt tooth

EMPIRICAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AND BODY ORGANS – to CHART circulating through TEETH it, but the maze of microtubules still remains. Due this stagnant

Tooth Organ Meridian Chart Kidney, Bladder

Liver, Gall Bladder

7 6

Lung, Large Intestine

Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Circulation/ Sex

Posterior Pituitary


Lung, Large Intestine




Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Circulation/ Sex


C7 T1 T2 T6 S1 S2


C5 C6 C7 T3 T4 L4 L5


Lung, Large Intestine

Parathyroid/ Adrenals/Pineal


Ant. Pitutary


Spleen, Stomach


C7 T1 T2 T6 S1 S2


Thymus/Thyroid Thyroid/Pituitary


C5 C6 C7 T3 T4 L4 L5




T11 T12 L1


Parathyroid/ Adrenals/Pineal


T9 T10


Pancreas, Stomach


L2 L3 S4 S5 Coccyx


Thymus/Thyroid Thyroid/Pituitary

Liver, Gall Bladder


Posterior Pituitary

environment, the odontoblasts (cells in the tooth responsible for the creation of dentin) will shrivel and die. The once aerobic (oxygen friendly) bacteria have now morphed into anaerobic (not oxygen friendly) bacteria. Worst of all, these anaerobic bacteria are no longer accessible to antibiotics. The lack of circulation throughout the tooth as well as no blood supply to the area is responsible for this unfriendly situation.



Lung, Large Intestine

T11 T12 L1

Pituitary Thyroid



T9 T10

29 28

Pancreas, Stomach



Liver, Gall Bladder

L2 L3 S4 S5 Coccyx

Kidney, bladder

26 25 24 23 Adrenals

Pituitary Thyroid

20 22

Spleen, Stomach

21 Gonads

Liver, Gall Bladder

Kidney, Bladder Chart courtesy of Thomas Rav, MD, Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland

Dr. Price came to learn that many degenerative diseases could originate from root-canaled teeth. under the skin of a rabbit. Incredibly, the rabbit soon developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and then died 10 days after the onset of the infection. Fast forward 100 years and this procedure is still being performed despite all of the evidence against its safety. In fact, 25,000,000 root canal procedures are performed annually in the U.S. alone! Additionally, many new and different ailments — mainly autoimmune disorders — have been correlated with root-canaled teeth since Dr. Price’s time. For nearly a decade, the late Dr. Hal Huggins carried on Dr. Price’s work by studying the bacteria found within root-canaled teeth. Through DNA analysis, he identified at least 90 different organisms that can have detrimental effects on the human body. “When we examine root canal teeth using DNA identification, we find microbes 100% of the time in hundreds of samples. Not just one microbe, but sometimes as many as 30 or 40 different primary anaerobic ones,” said the Colorado dentist, who was also known for outspoken advocacy against mercury fillings. What many fail to realize is that a root-canaled tooth no longer has any fluid www.spiritofchange.org

The Body’s Invisible Transport System The ability for bacteria, in general, to move throughout the body has a long history of research and documentation in both the medical and dental communities. For example, the face is supplied by a single branch of the central nervous system, the 5th cranial nerve or trigeminal nerve. Bacteria from the mouth have been found to travel retrograde up the axon of the trigeminal nerve and elicit toxic infectious encephalopathy (infection of the brain). Bacteria also have a negative effect on the energy meridian system of the teeth. The foundation of teeth energy meridian assignments is found in the teachings of acupuncture with its vast body of wisdom on the energy system permeating the entire body. An interruption of any point along the meridian system (ie, with a metal needle) will produce a noticeable effect elsewhere in the body, including the teeth. Each tooth is connected to a specific area of the body and disruption through bacteria or death (root canal), will also have an effect elsewhere in the body. Throughout his career, Dr. Price published numerous articles on his research into the toxicity of root canals. Unfortunately, the American Dental Association (ADA) denies his claims and asserts that the root canal is a safe dental procedure. However, they have no published data or actual research to support this claim or refute the research of Dr. Price and others. In the end, the ADA deliberately buried Dr. Price’s work and there it remained for many years, unread and unappreciated. Fortunately, his work didn’t remain unnoticed forever. Dr. George Meinig, an endodontist, was born in Chicago nearly 100 years ago. Early on in his adult life, Dr. Meinig was a captain in the U.S. Army during World War II. Afterwards, he decided that dentistry was the life for him and attended dental school shortly after being discharged. Following dental school, Dr. Meinig moved to Hollywood where he happily performed root canal therapy for many A-list actors. Eventually, he even became one of the founding members of the American Association of Endodontists. Dr. Meinig’s benign notions of root canal therapy experienced an upheaval in the early 90s when he was introduced to Dr. Price’s life work. He spent 18 months intensively studying all of Dr. Price’s root canal writings and was powerfully moved by what he read. At that moment, he decided that he was going to expose the truth about root canals to all people. In June of 1993, Dr. Meinig published Root Canal Cover Up (Price-Pottenger Foundation), which continues to be the authoritative reference on this topic today. Thanks to this book, all of Dr. Price’s work was not done in vain.

To Pull Or Not To Pull Deciding to lose a tooth or not is a question many people struggle with. This is an irreversible decision that should be made once the dentist and patient have exhausted all conservative efforts. It’s important to look at all your options before making a final decision. First, determine what is causing the tooth to be in this position. Is it diet related? Is it bite related? Has the tooth been compromised by many dental fillings/crowns? Is the cause possibly emotional? Just because the tooth has an infection doesn’t mean that you have to lose it. Identify the cause and remove the cause if possible. If the tooth is condemned, consider extraction over a root canal procedure. The evidence against the root canal is monumental and only grows with time. In the end, your health is in your hands and the choice is ultimately up to you. Diane Meyer, DDS, has been extensively trained in the mouth and body connection. Her entire career of 38 years has been in the dental field where she utilizes medical practitioners and other healthcare providers along with her own knowledge to help her patients achieve their best overall health.Visit holisticdentistillinois.com. FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 31


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Photos: Lori McCray

The Golden-ness of the Light By Lori McCray I see with a poet’s eye toward beauty. The tiniest discoveries delight me. The sleek vole who scurried beneath my pot of portulaca. The grasshopper, pretending to be a peony leaf. The mourning dove feathers I’ve been so tenderly collecting, and now I’ve met the birds, sitting sweetly in my garden. Yesterday I found the prettiest flowers by the cattails I’d come to photograph (a quickly forgotten mission), and on them, dozens of freezing bumblers. I couldn’t warm them all (the rabbits were waiting for their cilantro), so picked the three nearest me, took them in my hand and blew hot air on them, like those driers in public restrooms. The thrill, when they begin to move! I offer them the goldenrod, but they are warm in my hand, climb further up my arm. When the sun finally descends on the front row of flowers (I set out early to see the sun rise), I set all three in the golden-ness of the light and set off to buy cilantro. It warms my heart, the way they trust me. I love them so. As I was opening our front door I saw a bumblebee on the step. Curled up dead, his proboscis still extended. The nasty bees (hover-darts) no doubt stung him while feeding. I’ve watched them do this, the stricken bumbler falling to the ground, spinning in circles, disoriented, delirious. I shoo them all away. I don’t like bullies. This morning there is frost on my neighbor’s roof. Poor chilly bees who didn’t make it home last night. I cannot save them all, but offer my small protection, as they complete their very important work. Feeding and gathering, soaking up the sun, following the light, before winter’s dark sequestering.

Lori McCray is a nature photographer, poet, musician, gardener and swan enthusiast. She lives in Marlborough with her husband Doug and two house rabbits. https://www.flickr.com/photos/wingthing/ 32 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Seeds of Change: Transitions in Mothering

by Trish Whynot


y garden continues to reflect the changes in my life and I take great pleasure in my new freedom. My husband has been after me to do something with the seeds in our catchall drawer. “I’m going to plant them in the spring,” has been my response for the last few years. But springs have come and gone and the only growth that appears to be happening is that of the size of the pile of seeds in the drawer. I have an affection for gardening. I even dried these seeds myself. Hence, my lack of follow through with planting is a sign of change for me. It is a hint that I have outgrown this activity — outgrown it because it doesn’t fit who I am anymore. In order to be sure that something no longer fits who I am, I have to try it on at least one last time. So this past year I planted some seeds. I have always tended to seeds with the caring heart of a new mother, but this time it felt more like a chore. My heart wasn’t in it. My life has changed dramatically over the past few years. My youngest graduated from college and the older two have married. These changes had an affect on all aspects of my maternal nature. My affection for gardening has not diminished, but adopting from the nursery has been more appealing during my transition out of motherhood. Tending to plants that others have lovingly germinated brings me joy now. I take great pleasure in my new freedom. So what about the seeds in my drawer — the physical remnants of my motherhood? They are truly seeds of change. My lessons from motherhood are within me. The joy of their memories remains deep within my heart. It is easy to picture myself without young children of my own these days, but gardenless? My garden continues to reflect the changes in my life, and the joy of planting seeds could return with the coming of grandchildren. But for now giving the job to someone who enjoys it as much as I used to makes the most sense. www.spiritofchange.org

I revere my relationships with everything in my life, including the seeds in my drawer, so when something stops bringing me joy it deserves some reflection. Sometimes a relationship is ready to be redefined or changed in some way and sometimes it is time for the activity to be passed along to someone new or for the activity to be retired. Just tossing something so poignant into the trash seemed disrespectful. But celebrating the closure of my germinating days with gratitude and a little ritual would honor my liberation and express my appreciation for Mother Nature’s role in my life. The woods near our home provided the perfect environment for returning the aging seeds to their Great Mother. I expressed my gratitude for all the healing, rejuvenating and growth those germinating days had provided. Mother Nature had, indeed, been by my side for the entire journey, even during times when I was unaware of her presence. I look forward to discovering new ways of connecting, enjoying and seeking her counsel. My future adventures are likely to provide us with lots of new material. Reprinted from Why Me? Why Now? Why Not? Finding Opportunity in Your Obstacles by Trish Whynot. ©2012 Patricia Whynot. Reprinted with permission from the author. Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed, is a holistic counselor, Doctor of Core Education, writer and speaker with a private counseling practice in Pittsfield, NH. She enjoys the outdoors, photography and the seasons with her family, friends and pets. Visit www.TrishWhynot.com or call (978) 314-4545 for more information. Attend Trish’s talk “Make Way for Desires” at the Natural Living Expo, Sunday, Nov. 15 at 2pm FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 33


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The Wheel Of The Year: A Path Of Spiritual Awakening As the light waxes and wanes throughout the year, life’s dramas manifest through us. “And it harm none, do as thou wilt.”

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by Cathy Pagano, MA


HE WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY MOVEMENT has reclaimed an ancient Earth-based spirituality that was eradicated from the more traditional religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This Earth-based spirituality not only shows us how the physical life of our planet evolves but it also outlines a path of psychological and spiritual growth that unites us with the life of our Mother Earth. In this time of tremendous Earth changes, working with these energies of life and death can help us create a new paradigm for living in unity with Earth.

Gaia-centered spirituality revolves around our life here on Earth rather than an afterlife paradise. It acknowledges and builds on the cyclical processes of life created by the Earth, Sun and Moon. Women have always been connected through our menses to the lunar cycle, and consciously reconnecting to the lunar cycles by celebrating the new and full moons takes us deeper into our own feminine process. The larger cycle of the year is celebrated through the eight-fold path of the Wheel of the Year, which encompasses the interweaving of masculine and feminine energies. While our modern religions look to a god of rules that decides if we are worthy of everlasting life, Earth spirituality puts each of us in the center of our own salvation — our own evolution in consciousness. While all spiritual disciplines connect us to a larger sense of self, the Wheel of the Year connects us not only to that greater self, but also invites us to find our own rules of life within the larger context of the cosmic laws of life. The only rule is: And it harm none, do as thou wilt. This puts the responsibility squarely on our own shoulders to create and sustain a conscious way of living.

Cycles of the Cosmic Year

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Winter, spring, summer, autumn — the cycle and circle of nature’s year. In an age where most of us have lost touch with the life and rhythms of our Mother Earth, the cycle of the year is a sure way back into the center of life. As we reclaim the lost heritage of our natural life rhythms through the gateways of the Wheel of the Year, we come to understand and accept the cycle of conception, gestation, birth, flowering, fulfillment, harvest, decline, and finally death, which returns to a new birth once more. When we reclaim our connection to Mother Earth in this way, we get back in touch with the essential things in life. We name these gateways according to our experience of the absence or presence of the light of the Sun. As we become more conscious of our connection to Earth, we learn to accept both the light within us as well as our inner darkness, since our inner states are so often reflected in our outer lives. Darkness is not inherently evil, as we’ve been taught by religions that divide the divine light from the divine darkness. Darkness also symbolizes the unknown or the potential of life. Our ancestors knew this and celebrated the seasons to forge a strong bond with all the cosmic laws of life. This cycle of the Wheel of the Year contains the archetypal bones of the processes of life. When we participate in this larger Earth story, we can utilize the cosmic energy available at each season to deepen our awareness of life. This cycle allows for times to plant and times to sow, times to play and times to rest. It can take us out of our culture’s insistence on an endless summer of blossoming and progress, with no rest or rejuvenation in sight. By honoring these seasonal gateways we can consciously integrate their energies, learning to age gracefully as we are renewed and supported by Earth and the cosmos.

Winter Solstice While Pagans celebrate their New Year on October 31st, I begin the new cycle on Winter Solstice, December 20-22 (speaking from the perspective of the Northern Hemisphere; in the South, seasons are reversed). At Winter Solstice we celebrate the rebirth of the light in the time of greatest darkness. We experience the shortest time of daylight and the longest night, and feeling the weight of the darkness, long for the return of longer, lighter days. This is when we welcome the divine child of light once again into the world. A time to go within, we give birth to the light within our inner darkness during this season. Our soul calls to us and we discover that something new wants to get born this coming year, although we haven’t a clue what it is yet. This is the time when a new seed is planted, but we have to wait to see if it takes.

Imbolc (Candlemas) Six weeks later we celebrate the second gateway, the Celtic festival of Imbolc, Candlemas, or St. Brigid’s Day. It is the festival of quickening, the time when seeds Continued on page 36 www.spiritofchange.org

FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 35

WHEEL OF THE YEAR Continued from page 35

split open, the light grows stronger and creativity stirs in our depths. Celebrated on February 2nd, Ground Hog’s Day, we look to predict the return of spring through the strength of the returning sunlight. And we look within for visions of that new life and new creativity for the coming year.

Spring Equinox

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36 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

The third gateway is Ostara, the Spring Equinox (March 20-22), when life bursts out from the seemingly barren earth, and the chains of darkness and winter are broken for another year. There is a balance of light and darkness, and we breathe in the knowledge that the light is growing and the days are getting longer and warmer. At Spring Equinox, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as the Jewish holiday of Passover. The symbolism of death and resurrection is played out at this balance of light and dark, life and death. Now we begin to assert our creativity more dynamically and bring our creative talents to bear on new projects. At this time, the fertility of the Easter bunny, named for the great fertility goddess of northern Europe, Oester, captures our imaginations. There is a story about Oester that exemplifies this balance of feminine being and masculine doing. A bird came to her one day, and told her that she had fallen in love with a land animal, a rabbit, and wanted to be changed into a rabbit to be with her beloved. So Oester blessed her and changed the bird into a rabbit, and in gratitude, the rabbit laid eggs for the goddess for the rest of her life. The ancients knew that the great goddess of life grants our wishes for life and love and happiness in spring, and that the correct response is to offer our respect back to her through our actions. At Spring Equinox, we move out of our winter hibernation into action.

Beltane On May 1st we celebrate the fourth gateway, the Feast of Beltane, when “sweet desire weds wild delight” (Starhawk) as the colors return to nature and flowery perfumes intoxicate our senses. This is when we experience, each time as if for the first time, how awesome is Earth’s beauty, seeing and feeling the gift of life that we have been blessed with. It is a time to know joy and hope and desire and passion, for these are the gifts of life that we remember as the round of the year circles on. Beltane marks a time when we celebrate the gift of life’s possibilities. We have come from birth into youth and flowering. On Beltane, we dance around the maypole, joining the masculine and feminine energies to create the passion that sparks new inventions, new creativity and new life in partnership with each other.

Summer Solstice Now the Wheel of the Year turns to its second half and the cycle of maturity and fulfillment open up, followed by the slow decay and death of autumn and winter. The fifth gateway is Litha, Summer Solstice (June 20-22), the time of the longest day and the shortest night, the marriage feast of Heaven and Earth when we feel the fullest potentials of life. At this time, the four planes of life — the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — are aligned to promote greater spiritual awareness and growth. This is a time of spiritual opening when we can blend the feminine and masculine energies within, as well as without. Nature is open to us, assisting in this new integration. This is the time when we know what our purpose is and are fully engaged in it. The sun bathes us in light and life. This is the moment when we celebrate the power of light, for the sun is at its most powerful and Earth is most fertile. This light brings new consciousness, new illumination, new beauty and vision as we consummate our life. But in the very moment of this longest day of light we know that the cycle is turning, and imperceptibly the darkness begins to grow and the light lessen.

Lughnasadh (Lammas)

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The sixth gateway is August 1st, the festival of Lammas, or Lughnasadh, which marks the beginning of the end of summer and the coming of autumn. Now we begin to notice that the days are shorter, giving way to cooler days and longer nights. This festival highlights the fading power of the sun as well as celebrates the first fruits of the year’s harvest. It is the time of year when the abundance of the harvest is apparent and we begin to see the first fulfillment of our creativity and hard work. It is a time to give thanks for our lives and the good things in it. This is the time to dedicate the first fruits of the harvest to Mother Earth, an offering that reminds us that all things come from this divine source.

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Fall Equinox The seventh gateway is Mabon, the Fall Equinox (September 20-22), when once again we hang in the balance between the energies of the light and the darkness, but a very different balance than we experience in spring, for we are moving out of the light and into the darkness. As we accept the decline of the light, we also accept the gifts of the harvest. These gifts often entail healing, balance and greater strength of body, soul and spirit. This harvest is not only of the foods that sustain our bodies, but the harvest of another creative year of our lives. Hopefully, we have grown and matured through the year and have something new in our lives to show for it. This time of harvest is a time of celebration, but also of purification and preparation. We have to look at our values and determine which ones center us in our lives, considering how our harvest went and what new goals we might want to pursue in the coming year. We are preparing for the death of the year, for without death there can be no new life. This time of year teaches us how to let go of what no longer serves our life. Now life demands that we recognize that we are growing older and that we must learn how to accept the inevitable death of our youth, of our middle age and ultimately of our lives.

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Samhain This death is celebrated at the eighth gateway on Samhain, our Halloween night, on October 31-November 1. It is not a time of evil forces, but rather the night when the veils between the worlds are thin and the spirits of the dead may once more walk among the living, so that we remember and honor what has gone before us. This night celebrates the opening of the gate between life and death. In accepting the fact of death, we allow ourselves to open to the birth that will come once again on Winter Solstice. This is the time to let go of our fears, our failures and our unfulfilled goals so that they can go back into the darkness for rebirth at Winter Solstice. As we experience the withdrawal of life force into the depths of Earth for renewal, we learn that we too can let go of those parts of ourselves which no longer serve us, because as Earth’s children, we are assured of new life to come. So the Wheel of Life continues its round. In celebrating these sacred times, women and men are once again acknowledging the ancient wisdom which Earth offers to her children: first, that human beings live in cyclical time, as well as linear time; second, that our human lives are regulated by the cycles of birth, growth, decay and death that Earth herself is subject to; and third, that we have an opportunity at these times to direct and influence how we use and store this energy of life for our spiritual growth. The Wheel of the Year creates the big story that bonds us with Mother Earth, our solar system and with each other. We all live on one planet and are all subject to her laws. As the light waxes and wanes throughout the year, inner and outer become one, and life’s dramas manifest through us. We each create our own story. Psychologist, astrologer, author, ritualist, coach and teacher Cathy Pagano has worked with the gifts of the imagination for over 30 years. Cathy is an initiated priestess of the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, and she creates rituals and classes throughout the year based on the Wheel of the Year. Visit www.wisdom-of-astrology.com. www.spiritofchange.org

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We’re All Just Walking Each Other Home by Kathryn McGlynn


hat night — her last night — as I sat quietly in her room, I thought about the woman my mother had been. She had raised a family of seven children born seventeen years apart. At age 53, she set out to fulfill her lifelong dream of obtaining a college degree. She worked while attending Massasoit Community College and then Bridgewater State College. She graduated, at age 59, magna cum laude, with a B.A. in English. She then studied for her master’s degree at Bridgewater and completed her degree at Oxford University’s Trinity College in England at age 61. Yes, she was a woman of determination and many accomplishments. 38 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

These past few years had not been easy for her. Illness had stolen her independence, forcing her into a wheelchair. She had moved into a long-term care facility where her care providers said she had the most visitors of any resident there. Books, plants and paintings adorned her little room. She always enjoyed a lively conversation and special little tidbits of food that her guests would bring. She began to fail in increments. It was difficult for her to adjust to her limitations. It was difficult for us, her children who visited daily, desiring to provide some sense of normalcy for her. Her breathing became more difficult, requiring oxygen 24/7. Tethered to the tank, her world was reduced to labored attempts to

manage her most basic of personal needs. And then not knowing what kind of physical state she would be came one health crisis after another. in. In the days and hours leading to her passing, several When I got to her room, I felt so sad to see her lying of my siblings and I took turns sitting with her. When I there all alone, making that final journey all alone. I was alone with her, I massaged her hands with lavender know we all have to, but still.... essential oil, putting drops on a cold compress for It was a huge relief to see that her body and breathing her forehead and gently rubbing it into her temples had calmed down. The previous two days had seen and the crown of her head where it could quickly be her twitching, sometimes flailing, and the gurgling/ absorbed transdermally. Lavender is a very calming drowning sound of her breathing had been horrendous and soothing oil, so I carry a lavender inhaler in my for me to hear. So it was easy to sit down and just purse. It was very helpful for my own state of mind observe her and be with her, quiet, not talking or those last few days. I also used Bach Flower Rescue touching. Remedy, an energetic calming remedy for trauma and That’s when I became aware of the profound softness stress. I massaged it on her temples and wrists and used and enveloping feel of serenity. The energy in her it multiple times a day on myself. room had a different feel from all previous visits and Hospice had provided a bottle of frankincense I was able to enter a meditative state very quickly and essential oil, blended with several other oils. We were connect heart-to-heart with her. encouraged to apply it to my mother’s chest to help the She began making the sound “ah” with every fourth gurgling. Frankincense is also known to be a sacred or fifth exhalation. In some traditions, ah is considered essential oil for the transformation of consciousness. to be the sound of creation, so I began toning “ah” The blend was named, fittingly, “Passages.” along with her. My voice became something different; I did Reiki on Mum with the intention that the it began making its own beautiful sounds. Soon, her energy enter through her breath began expressing soles, travel through her body When I finally went to bed that “ah” with every exhalation. and out through the top of It wasn’t a sound of night, in the dark and quiet I her head, paving the way for pleasure, just a reflexive her spirit to follow. I read sound her body made, as received a revelation: that soft some anglicized passages she was unconscious. feeling was the presence of many from the Tibetan Book of Gradually, her sounds the Dead, encouraging her became silent, her lips angels with her. to leave the dense body and became pale and she move to the light. gently stopped breathing. When my father passed a few years earlier, some I was holding her hand. It was 6:30 pm. I had the of my siblings had “sung him out” with a particularly opportunity to anoint her with the frankincense oil meaningful song after he received the last rites. that hospice had provided, feeling like I was partaking The melody I chose for my mother was Loreena in an ancient sacred tradition. I was glad for her and McKennitt’s, “Skellig.” Light the candle, John, daylight for our family that her long arduous journey had has almost gone. I sat by her bedside, softly humming, ended. holding a place of safety and certainty for her. When I finally went to bed that night, in the dark On a practical level, hospice had provided foam and quiet I received a revelation: that soft feeling was lollipops that are dipped in water and swabbed inside the presence of many angels present with her. I knew in the mouth. In her unconscious state, Mum’s lower jaw my heart the truth of what had been silently revealed had dropped open and she was breathing through her to me. I felt so blessed to have experienced her passing, mouth. I periodically swabbed her mouth to keep it alone, in private, with the angels. I might even call it moist and to help stimulate the swallowing reflex after spiritual awe. I had never planned nor expected to be the nurse squirted morphine into her mouth, rather alone with her at the end. However, I am so grateful than inject it. that I was and that I was able to share my gifts with her. On my mother’s last day, one of my sisters had gone I was the first of seven children who came in to be with to her bedside. She called me in the morning and said her in this life and I was honored to be the last with her Mum’s condition had deteriorated and it was very when she left. difficult to be there. She had seen that Mum’s tongue As Ram Das says, “We are all just walking each other was black and it scared her. I assured her that when back home.” I saw Mum yesterday her tongue was fine and it may have been black in the morning from just having had Kathryn McGlynn is a certified hypnotist and success the morphine squirted onto it. coach. Her interest in the world of metaphysics extends It was excruciating to wait on that last day. I went back to the second grade when she had her first nearto the beach. Being near the water, feeling the breezes, death experience. A facilitator of past life regression and watching the clouds was so healing and therapeutic for life before life regression, she is known as “The Time me. At about 3:30, I got a tremendously strong urge to Traveler.” For more information, visit www.hypnosis.ws go to Mum. I screwed up my courage and drove to her, or call (781) 340-2146. www.spiritofchange.org

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 39

It’s Never Too Late To Change the World Why I became a vegetarian at age 86 by Sherry Reim Glickman

My grandmother was my hero; she always has been. She taught me how to play fair, how to be confident enough in myself so that idiots wouldn’t matter, and how to put on eyeliner. She showed me how to consistently strive for greatness (she thinks I’m great!), and gave me the self-assurance to tap into my talents in a way that would do good in the world. When I was 14, she taught me how to drive, how to memorize Frank Sinatra lyrics, and how to curse in Yiddish. She continually demonstrated compassion, kindness, generosity, and humility. Even at age 88, in the wake of losing her ability to walk, she kept her head held high and her sense of self strong and unwavering. My grandmother was my favorite person on the planet, and she’s about to become your favorite, too. — Jasmin


want people to know who I was! Born in 1924 into a Jewish immigrant household in Brooklyn, I was raised on chicken soup, meatloaf, pot roast, gefilte fish, hamburgers, hot dogs, and steak. I loved them all, never questioning what the source of my food was. Everyone I knew lived and ate the same way. Thanksgiving was for eating turkey. Passover was for eating chicken or pot roast. There was no strong meat industry in those days, not like today anyway. Factory farming hadn’t yet boomed. Perhaps animals were treated better, but then again, they were still slaughtered for food. And who even thought about that anyway? Eating meat was the norm of the day. There were no supermarkets then. Meat was purchased at butcher shops. I still remember the neighborhood butcher, Mr. Young, who was a real jokester (well, he thought so). When we’d stop by Mr. Young’s shop, jokes would often arise regarding life in a butcher shop. Most of them were not very funny. One joke I remember was about a consumer who asked to smell the hind section of a chicken she was about to purchase (that’s how you knew how fresh the carcass was—why I didn’t go vegan then is beyond me). The joke goes that the butcher responded, “Could you pass that test yourself, lady?” Awful, isn’t it? When I got married to George, I was 18. I continued to cook like my mother had, except I added more vegetables to our diet. George was a very open-minded, progressive guy, who always questioned assumptions. He marched with Martin Luther King, an experience that forever changed him. He was the kind of partner 40 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Celebrating yet another milestone with grace and joy. PHOTO: MAIA REIM

who encouraged me to follow my dreams. He was not the sort of man who would be embarrassed by a working wife—though that was the thinking of many at that time. As a result, I led a happy, fulfilled life. The reason I bring this up was because had we known about the exploitation of animals then, and about veganism (a word that was not even coined yet), George would have become a vegan, and embraced animal rights activism. I’m sure of it. Too bad we didn’t know about that lifestyle. Maybe he would have lived longer. My George died way too young, of a fast and furious cancer that took his life in a matter of months. My second husband, Murray, loved animals. He took more pleasure in talking about his dog than about his children. When we would visit my daughter—Jasmin’s mom—who had a cat named Rocky, the cat would immediately jump onto Murray’s lap, where he was pampered and petted. Rocky stayed on Murray’s lap as long as he could. Who wouldn’t? Had Murray been alive when Our Hen House started, he would have been an activist for the cause. So how did I change, and why? How did I become who I am, instead of who I was? I had always been an activist for women’s rights. I lived life as a woman who moved to the beat of her own drum. It seems like a natural extension that animal rights came next. But I never had any pets. I never even thought about animals, to be honest. As a teacher, I did keep them in my classroom — which I see now was not the best decision, when looked at from the point of view of the hamster or turtle. The

schoolchildren cared for the animals, considering it an honor to take them home on the weekends. I must admit, I became enamored with one particular turtle, which I thought had more spunk than his comrades (let alone some of the humans in my life). When my darling granddaughter Jasmin went to work for Farm Sanctuary, I became a little involved. I bought Gene Baur’s book Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food, and I went to Princeton to hear his lecture. I attended the NYC Walk for Farm Animals, and marveled at what a movement this cause had become. I attended meetings and workshops where they showed films documenting how animals were being abused. These films were very graphic, and not easy to swallow. I did not realize how much I was being affected. I shared my feelings with my friends. Their reactions were mostly sympathetic; they realized that animals were not treated humanely. One of my friends decided to become a vegetarian. The others told me it was too late to change their eating habits. I had not yet declared myself a vegetarian, although I was eating differently and didn’t realize it. When I joined my family at restaurants, I discovered how tasty vegan food is. Then, when I read a letter to the editor that Mariann had published in the New York Times Magazine, regarding how deeply we as a culture are impacted by the massive denial our society has when it comes to consuming animal products — consuming death, really — it had a profound effect on me. That letter was, I see now, my last straw, the final step in making a decision regarding the path I must take. I declared myself a vegetarian, putting an important label on a behavior I realized I had already adopted. I now knew, without any doubt, why I could no longer eat meat. It was a declaration for my future, and for the future of the planet. Meat made me sick. At long last, there was simply no way I could continue to support the cruelty of animal production. The world evolves, and so do we. So who am I at this point of my life? I was 86 when I made such dramatic changes. I no longer join my friends for lunch, because even the smell of meat cooking makes me ill — and not just physically. I am now an 88-year-old dame living in a vegan home. My daughter cooks colorful, healthy, decadent, delicious meals for me. I eat better than I ever have before. I am happy to have changed the way I eat and the way I think. I am angry that society accepts the way we treat our animals, and I will continue to espouse the rights of animals. I like who I am now! Postscript: Sherrey Reim Glickman passed away in June 2015. Sherrey Reim Glickman was an 88-year-old retired schoolteacher living in Marlboro, NJ, at the time of this writing. She had a penchant for winning at mahjong. When not busy on her iPad, she could be found catching the latest indie flick, doting on her great-granddaughter and great-grand-dog, reading mystery novels, or singing old show tunes, perfectly on pitch. Our Hen House is a multimedia hub of opportunities to change the world for animals. Visit ourhenhouse.org. www.spiritofchange.org

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Getting control over digestion by improving one’s gut health is a life changing experience. It is totally worth the time and effort to improve your digestive heatlh and to live pain free. by Beth Colon, M.S.

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Life Changing Digestive Health


E ALL EAT AND DIGEST FOOD, assimilate the nutrients and eliminate toxic byproducts. This process must be able to happen without physical blockages or impediments in order for us to thrive. But what if one experiences digestive discomfort often and suffers with pain after every meal? Unfortunately, digestive distress is becoming the norm for many people today. Why?

The short answer is our stressful lifestyles, unhealthful eating practices, industrialized farming methods, genetically modified foods, processed foods filled with chemicals and a plethora of pro-inflammatory foods which can lead to disease. For many, getting control over digestion by improving one’s gut health is a life changing experience. Allopathic medical doctors pay little or no attention to gut health. They typically haven’t been trained in digestive wellness practices. For the most part, it has been the holistic practitioners who have gotten in the trenches with people, helped them heal their guts and saved them from a lifetime of medication. Despite the dominance of pharmaceutical medications for gut issues, several diets have emerged to help facilitate gut healing. Elaine Gottschall, with the help of Dr. Syndey Haas, healed her daughter of ulcerative colitis with nutritional protocols in the 1970’s. Elaine became an evangelist for this work and introduced the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to the world. This grain-free, lactose-free, sucrose-free diet remains popular today. Another mother, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride saved her autistic son from crippling behavioral issues by using traditional foods. She developed the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet which is a comprehensive healing protocol built upon the work of Elaine Gottschall and Dr. Haas. More recently, the FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols) Diet was made popular in the early 2000s when Dr. Peter Gibson and Dr. Sue Shepherd created it as an elimination diet that can improve symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders. These and other healing diets are gaining popularity because the need for digestive repair is so great in society. So, what do you do to help heal yourself and create a more enjoyable life without digestive distress? It can be confusing to start; there are many voices touting many solutions to a very simple problem — digesting and absorbing nutrients. What happened to the basic food fundamentals of farming, cooking, eating and digesting? It shouldn’t be this hard! While it can be challenging to make dietary changes, since our nutritional practices become engrained in our psyche right from birth, for those with a debilitating digestive issue, a solution must be sought out and implemented so that you can move on with your life. It is totally worth the time and effort to improve your digestive health and to live pain free. Let’s simplify it: the key to improving digestive health lies in changing one’s eating habits, improving the quality of food and supportive supplements consumed, along with making lifestyle changes. But after years of gut damaging habits, these seemingly simple solutions may be challenging to implement. However, once you make up your mind to change, you will be on your way. Follow these three simple guidelines — STOP, LOOK and LISTEN — to help ease your journey to better digestive health.

“Dr. Natasha CampbellMcBride developed the GAPS diet and saved her autistic son from crippling behavioral issues.”

STOP what you are doing! If you are in pain or are having negative digestive symptoms, revaluate your eating habits and stop what and how you are eating. Sometimes a big turnaround is needed to heal the digestive tract after years of abuse. Acknowledging that a change is needed is the first big step before taking action. You may be able to make changes to your dietary habits without help, but if not, seek out a holistic practitioner to help you sort out options, craft a plan and coach you through it. LOOK at what you should be doing. Start by analyzing your behavior. Are you stressed all the time? Are you stressed while you are eating? Not good. Stress is a huge disruptor of the gut. Stress tightens your muscles, such as your intestinal tract, and makes it hard for them to work efficiently. Stress releases hormones that tell the body to shut down digestive processes and route blood and resources instead to vital organs for “fight or flight.” If you are continually stressed and leading a 24/7 lifestyle, your digestive system is not able to work efficiently. This can lead to chronic conditions and diseases. The most successful patients are those who are willing to make dietary changes and lifestyle changes to reduce their stress levels. The digestive system has a better chance Continued on page 45 www.spiritofchange.org

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DIGESTIVE HEALTH Continued from page 43

of calming down when you calm down. This is not just an adult problem. If you are a parent, don’t underestimate the stress your child may be under. Adolescents and young adults experience digestive disorders in some part due to internal or external stress from life issues, school or sports. Another behavioral consideration is your willingness to cook. The simple truth is that fast foods and processed foods are not as healthful as the meals that are cooked in your kitchen from whole, organic foods. You do not have to be a gourmet chef; keep it simple and use common ingredients that are always available. I know it is not fair that some people can eat fast foods and are seemingly fine. We are all different, so don’t try to compare yourself! Eating your meals with regularity also helps maintain digestive health. After you’ve analyzed your behavior, turn your attention to the foods you are eating. Are you eating foods that result in painful digestion? Burning, bloating or cramping? Does your brain feel foggy or do you feel fatigued or depressed after eating certain foods? This is not your imagination! The gut is intimately connected to the brain via the vagus nerve. Certain foods may elicit a drug-like reaction for some who are highly sensitive. Foods may cause allergic symptoms as simple as a stuffy nose or as severe as hives, breathing problems or even seizures. Fundamental nutrition like broths and soups are very healing. Substitute these types of meals instead of unhealthy fast or processed foods to start healing and work from there. Small changes made over time add up to a big solution!

something for Everyone at Yoga at the ashram

“The digestive system has a better chance of calming down when you calm down.”

LISTEN to your intuition about your body and follow that lead. Someone tells you that raw food is healthy so you feel it must be good for you, but when you try to eat it your abdomen hurts. Listen when your body says, “I can’t digest that raw stuff and here is a pain response to let you know.” If you feel dizzy after eating breads and sweets, don’t eat them! If you feel pain after eating raw nuts, stop eating them. If you get a rash after drinking commercial milk, stop drinking it! You are the best person to analyze foods as to whether they are healthful or hurtful for you. Trust how you feel and follow that path. Sometimes after avoiding a food for a while the symptoms will lessen or go away as you give the body time to heal. Ultimately, our digestive system must liquefy all foods so the nutrients may be broken down and assimilated into the body. If you are in digestive distress, think about how much digestive power it is going to take to liquefy a food item. Raw nuts can be irritating if your gut is not up to the task. Produce that is juiced is easier to digest than a whole apple or a raw carrot. Whole organic foods are, by definition, good for you, but particular food items may be irritating if you are having digestive issues. Foods that are, in essence, “pre-digested” during preparation may be more comfortable for you to eat. Nut butters or ground nuts may go down easier than whole, raw nuts. Meats and vegetables cooked in liquid, like soups and stews, are easier to digest than grilled and raw foods. Cultured, fermented foods are basically “cooked” in a brine and will be easier to digest as well as a great source of probiotic bacteria. Digestive wellness is in your hands. Avoid foods that you know are not good, such as processed foods filled with chemicals and GM (genetically modified) foods. Look inside of yourself by stopping, looking and listening to what is going on nutritionally. Efficient digestion improves your energy level, cardiovascular health and brain function, which can help you to think and feel better for accomplishing your tasks at home, school or work. Maintaining digestive wellness can be a life changing accomplishment. Beth Colon, MS, is a holistic nutrition and wellness counselor and owner of Holistic Nutrition Services LLC. She practices at The Healing and Wellness Center in Westborough, MA. Beth specializes in digestive health and is a certified GAPS practitioner. Contact Beth at 978-340-0448 or visit www.HolisticNutritionServices.com. www.spiritofchange.org

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FOREVER An interview with holistic medical educator and humanitarian Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren By Carol Bedrosian, Publisher


urious after many years of receiving email invitations to have my moles non-surgically removed at a twice-annual skin clinic event in Waltham, MA, I finally decided to give it a try. Surprisingly, my appointment booked with Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren was only for a 10-minute time slot. Even better. Dr. T., a European-trained MD, and Minnesota-licensed nutritionist, is an expert in functional and preventive medicine and testing. He travels worldwide conducting nonmedical skin clinics and health consultations, educating both the lay and professional public, and certifying other doctors and practitioners in his successful, non-surgical holistic procedures for eliminating and preventing skin and colon cancer. That’s a tall order to fill in a medical industry firmly rooted in surgery, drugs and never-ending 46 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

pathology, yet this doctor remains undeterred in promoting more commonsense, cost-effective and safe alternatives for cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention, with plenty of success around the world to show for it. Born in Jerusalem, Israel, Dr. T served five years in military intelligence and had an extensive career in music before switching to medicine, the result of a long-term interest in health and nutrition stemming from a severe illness and tragedy in his family. He is the founder of humanitarian projects in several countries, including the Ecopolitan Eco-Health Community in the USA and the Everest Learning Academy in Nepal — a network of schools, community centers, and orphanages that educates, nurtures, and protects nearly 20,000 disadvantaged Nepali children from child trafficking, prostitution, and slavery. Dr. T supports these projects through proceeds

from humanitarian treks and retreats he leads in Nepal and Thailand twice a year, as well as other ventures including his gluten-free organic Green Bakery in Wisconsin, his healthy Ecopolitan restaurant in Minneapolis, the Ecopolitan network of skin clinics run by his certified Skin Lesion Physicians, the functional medicine consultations and innovative lab tests provided by him and the American doctors he has trained, as well as the proceeds from a factory he has built in Kathmandu processing sulfur-rich black Himalayan salt. On the day of my appointment, I arrived early to fill out a thorough questionnaire and read pre-appointment information. A clinic assistant reviewed my responses and showed me a chart displaying an amazing variety of gruesome-looking moles, tumors and skin conditions all treated non-surgically. My appointment with Dr. T went well over ten minutes due to my inquisitive nature and impromptu interview request, but the mole treatment was painless and took just seconds, as promised. Over the next ten days, the mole scabbed into various colors, then disappeared for good. No hassles, no insurance claims, no lingering side effects. Just pure and simple healing. Unfortunately, just days after the treatment, a devastating earthquake hit Nepal and it was impossible to follow up for the interview right away. There was too much rebuilding to do. When we eventually connected by phone, Dr. T was as passionate as ever that skin and colon cancer can be eliminated, along with their risky testing methods, in favor of greatly simplified alternatives to testing and therapy that are science-based and free of risk. Humanity holds its own healing potential. Carol Bedrosian: As a holistic MD, you have worked with patients for over a decade using successful natural protocols for skin and colon cancer. What can you tell us about these treatments? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: First, I’d like to point out that my focus has always been prevention on the most fundamental level for any type of health condition. Any time we deviate from what our physiology has adapted to in the natural environment where we came from, then we start having tendencies toward ill effects. We experience changes in our cellular function, and tissue degeneration follows. This includes colon and skin cancer. Humans have resided in their natural environments for thousands of years, with that environment dictating what our physiology would thrive with and what it will not. Our genetics have developed through environmental influences; our genes turn on or off based on our nutritional choices, our stress levels, and our exposure to various physical elements around us. If zebras and giraffes and other mammals thrive in their natural habitat and never develop chronic modern diseases, so can we. Since we have altered our diet, our stress level, our activity, our movement, our chewing, our food preparation, our agriculture, and our toxic exposure — everything has changed. We have deviated from what the original natural environment, in conjunction with our own genome and our own microbes, has dictated to sustain health. Every time we depart further from that natural environment, we further destroy our own biology and the microbes that are crucial for our health. And we also increase the potential for turning on and turning off the wrong genes. This is the science of epigenetics. Carol Bedrosian: What is turning off and turning on the wrong genes? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: We have thousands of genes that code for different traits. Many of them are lying dormant, doing nothing until they are activated so they can express themselves. If those genes pre-dispose us to illness, as soon as they get turned on we may develop an illness that wouldn’t have developed had we not turned them on — meaning, had we stayed in our natural environment. When we process and refine our foods, when we eat, breathe, and drink artificial and toxic substances, when we are exposed to severe, elongated stress, when we are immobile, sitting for too many hours — anything that affects our physiology can change how our genes will manifest their destiny. Some of the genes that might protect us might be turned off and we would lose that protection. And some of the genes that could harm us would be turned on and start harming us. They would become expressed, meaning they will start coding for proteins that could harm us. Carol Bedrosian: How does this relate to skin and colon cancer? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: This relates to any condition. Both skin and colorectal cancer are a result of long term exposure to the wrong environment and the wrong genetic expression, leading to disorganization and alteration in the rate of cellular replication. The cells start multiplying fast, and when that happens while we’re exposed to high levels of toxins, stress, waste material, insufficient nutrients, and infectious agents,

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Continued on page 48


FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 47


Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: There are no clear-cut answers. There are situations, albeit rare, where such an invasive and potentially dangerous — as well as extremely expensive Continued from page 47 — procedure would be justified. But those are situations where you handpick specific the result is abnormal inflammation. In addition, the risk of mutation increases patients based on their individual symptoms and other findings, instead of screening because when cells replicate fast while being genetically pressured, they may alter their the entire population. Once in a while there would be a patient where clinical judgment replication sequence at increased frequency. would lead the doctor to recommend colonoscopy appropriately. When the cells multiply faster, they may start appearing as little moles or tumors. But this is vastly different from what has happened in this country in the last The fast replication and increased mutations can lead to various lesions on the skin 15 years when colonoscopies suddenly became a favorite screening test among and on the mucous surface of the colorectal tube, the inside of the pipe. Both our skin gastroenterologists. This is costing our country many billions of dollars annually and colorectal mucous membranes have surfaces made of epithelial cells — lining without the benefit of reduced mortality and morbidity. There is no justification for this cells that are like a carpet. When epithelial cells replicate, grow, and mutate in the type of massive testing for healthy people, considering the invasiveness, the inherent presence of inflammation, they start dividing uncontrollably and change their behavior dangers, the inaccuracy, the cost to society, and the vast number of complications that metabolically. If the immune system is compromised locally — by toxins, stress, occur as a result of this test. inflammation, microbial imbalance, and malnutrition — conditions in the skin or colon Carol Bedrosian: What are the other screening options? become ripe for the formation of a cancer called carcinoma. In the skin, if melaninDr. Adiel Tel-Oren: There are various accepted screening options in the U.S. For producing cells called melanocytes undergo this process, a melanoma can form. example, flexible sigmoidoscopy and a colonography have been established tests Carol Bedrosian: How do you work with cancerous cells? for many years and they don’t have nearly as many risks. They’re almost risk-free Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: On one hand it’s always important to reverse the causes as much by comparison to a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy has never shown itself to be more as possible. We don’t always know what all of those causes might be — there may be ten effective than these tests in detecting colorectal cancer or in reduction of colorectal of them — and maybe we can reverse some cancer mortality and morbidity, plus of them, not all of them. But the body is a colonoscopies are so much more expensive magnificent machine that is made to adapt and dangerous. But all of these tests are to changes. Therefore, even if we can change not able to catch cancer early on, and the When we process and refine our eight out of the ten, or seven out of the ten patient never knows for sure if a cancer was foods, when we eat artificial and toxic causes, we may be able to stop this process missed. substances, when we are exposed to severe, and/or slow it down dramatically, or even Carol Bedrosian: So why are we relying reverse it. Therefore, we would need to on the colonoscopy in this country as our elongated stress, when we are immobile, know at least seven or eight factors present major colon cancer-screening tool? sitting for too many hours — anything that in each individual, taking into account that Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: This is question we are all different from each other. For we do affecting our physiology can change that has to be addressed to the that we need to engage in more meaningful gastroenterologists and the American how our genes will manifest their destiny. assessments, such as functional evaluations Medical Association, who made that and tests that are normally not done in the determination without necessarily having typical clinic in the United States. scientific reasons or justification for it. Carol Bedrosian: What type of testing? But why should we be so surprised when Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Stool tests, urine tests, etc., that are not made to evaluate just late we see numerous examples where medical tradition and/or financial motivation take phase pathology, but to reveal the process of deviation from healthy physiology into precedence over what is best for the population? There are many medical doctors in early pathology. the holistic world who would agree with every word I am saying and are appalled by Carol Bedrosian: So it’s detection before it becomes cancer. the money-oriented machinery of medicine today that is causing decisions to be made Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: It can already be cancerous, but we’re detecting it really early, so in high places, often behind closed doors, bankrupting the entire society and causing early that the body may easily reverse it, if given the appropriate support. It’s important many more problems at the same time, without giving us any significant benefit. to note that everybody has cancer cells all the time. We normally have some cancer The vast majority of colorectal cancers are going to be missed with a colonoscopy. cells, and as long as they’re not excessive, and as long as we have an intact or semi-intact And, most important, researchers have discovered that the most virulent colorectal immune system, we can avoid the development of a tumor or a risky cancer entity. cancers develop in flat or recessed areas of the colon, and therefore they are not visible But that is just one side of the equation: Detecting a risky cancerous entity really early to the colonoscopy camera unless they are extremely obvious and bleeding. So the most is very important for action-oriented individuals, enabling them to reduce the risk of dangerous cancers, and all of the small ones that are still in the process of growing, are further cancer development and even improve the chances of reversal by identifying being missed. and removing the contributory factors. Carol Bedrosian: Do you have a recommendation for what people should do if they’re The earlier you catch something, the easier it is to reverse it. When you do a concerned about colon cancer and the screening? colonoscopy, for example, you only discover a tiny percentage of existing colorectal Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Absolutely. There is a test that has been mainstream in Europe cancers because most of them are microscopic and you cannot see them with a camera. for years. It’s already been approved and published in various scientific journals and all By the time the tumors are visible, they are very advanced. That’s late detection, often the scientists are in agreement that this is an ideal screening tool for colorectal cancer too late. that has zero side effects and is much less costly. It is a stool test that measures for a Carol Bedrosian: But colonoscopies are recommended yearly; doctors are vigilant chemical found in the stool of people who have gone into the cancerous phase. This about making sure their patients comply. chemical can be easily detected by the lab. A special container is sent to the patient, who Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: And there are plenty of political and financially motivated reasons can poop in the comfort of their own home and send it to a U.S. office that forwards why they’re recommended like that. But according to the major taskforce for preventive it to a laboratory in Germany. This screening test has been in Germany for many medicine in the United States and studies in other countries, subjecting the entire years, recognized and accepted as accurate by European doctors and researchers, but healthy population to colonoscopy as a screening test has not been shown to reduce American doctors have never heard about it. mortality or morbidity from colorectal cancer. Carol Bedrosian: Is there any type of action to introduce this screening in the Carol Bedrosian: What is your opinion of the colonoscopy procedure? Is this United States? something that people should undergo? Continued on page 50 48 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015



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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 49


but a big part of it is the diet. Some other parts include temporary supplementation, the use of highly bio-active plant molecules, digestive immune support, and other activities Continued from page 48 that help rehabilitate the health of the colorectal mucosa, including the reduction of inflammation. This treatment will necessarily counteract inflammatory bowel of any Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Not by the mainstream. I have personally introduced it to my type, since inflammation in the gut dramatically increases the risk for colorectal cancer. patients during the last 13 years. It’s already available and the scientific research is This is a big risk that patients with inflammatory bowel disease have to contend available for anybody to read. with, but we can reverse that risk, plus we can detect the development of colorectal Carol Bedrosian: Is it covered by insurance? cancer much earlier and stop it before it gets too advanced. Twenty or thirty years later, Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: No. Insurance here only covers the ancient, often ineffective diagnosed through a colonoscopy, there would be major surgery to remove a section approaches or the expensive ones promoted by specialists with vested interests. Just of the colon, resulting in lifelong digestive problems, plus the patient would suffer the paying cash for the test is lower than the co-pay charged by most insurances. heavy toll of chemotherapy, radiation and so on. Carol Bedrosian: Is our medical industry intentionally ignoring this screening test so All of that can be avoided. If you catch it early and try the natural individualized it’s not introduced here? approach that reverses the causes and addresses the mucosal inflammation, you Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: I believe that most practitioners and doctors really do want eliminate the tendency of those stressed, malnourished, poisoned cells to become what’s best for their patients, but they are often small pawns who aren’t introduced to cancerous. According to M2PK testing results in Europe, approximately 10% of the information that would be financially harmful to the medical industrial complex and general population has colorectal cancer they don’t even know about. Among all its inflationary practices. I also believe that it would be very inconvenient for thousands cancers, colorectal cancer is the most common killer affecting both men and women, of gastroenterologists to suddenly reduce the use of their expensive colonoscopy yet it can easily be stopped if we don’t wait until a colonoscopy discovers it, when it’s equipment significantly and see their income dwindle to one tenth of what it used to be already extremely advanced, highly debilitating, and often lethal. because of the hyper-priced colonoscopies in this country, which are many times more Colorectal cancer has been increasing in expensive here than in Europe. numbers, not decreasing. People are afraid of This inconvenience plays a role, but I don’t it for a good reason. Even some young people think that the individual practitioners are in their late teens or in their twenties, who feel necessarily aware of it. In medical school they Colonoscopies are costing our very healthy except for some minor digestive don’t learn about this test, and the media is not country billion dollars annually complaints that are considered normal aware of it. The media always interviews the nowadays, were already found to have a without showing the direct benefit same experts who are part of the mainstream positive M2PK test. But if they found out about establishment that has no incentive to introduce in terms of reducing mortality and it only at age 50 during their first colonoscopy, it. Therefore, we have a vicious cycle where morbidity. There is no justification for by then the cancer would have gotten out of both the public and the practitioners remain hand, because it’s a silent disease. This can’t unaware of new tests and other developments this type of massive testing of healthy happen if they undergo the M2PK even once in medicine that have taken place twenty years people, considering the invasiveness, at age 30, once at age 35, or every 3 years. It’s ago. inexpensive enough that anybody can do it. the inherent dangers, and the vast Carol Bedrosian: What is the name for this Carol Bedrosian: Or you could just eat a test? number of complications that healthy diet to begin with. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: It’s called the M2PK test come as a result. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Yes, but most people and I have been using it for nearly 13 years (A) Don’t know what a healthy diet is. They in the United States, sending the stool kits to get confused by numerous propositions that Germany. Based on my experience providing they see in the media and in books and on therapy for my patients who had a positive test, the Internet, and (B) Simply changing your diet might address only one out of many by using a natural individualized approach, so far 98% of the patients who tested positive inflammatory factors as I mentioned earlier. If you only change one factor, you often were able to successfully test negative within 3 months. Therefore it was not necessary to don’t succeed. You might succeed if that one happened to be the main cause, or the only refer them for a colonoscopy or other aggressive approaches. cause for dysfunction. But most people today have many causes for the inflammatory Carol Bedrosian: What is this natural therapy procedure? process and abnormal organization of cells associated with cancerous development. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: The therapy is to address all of the nutritional, environmental, Carol Bedrosian: In addition to diet what would some of those other causes be? physiological and inflammatory factors that can be discerned by another stool test that Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: There are different factors leading to inflammation, and you might looks at close to thirty health parameters of the digestive system. These parameters are say that certain elements within the diet cause the majority of them, when combined not tested by gastroenterologists or general practitioners because they are not suited to with the unique traits, genetics, dietary history, immune status, emotional status, prescription drug therapy, but to a nutritional approach instead. Such an approach will medical drug use, and clinical history of each individual. Not everybody is the same. not be taught in medical schools, which are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, The blanket statement “Change your diet,” adds to the confusion that occurs in the therefore the doctors rarely become aware of these nutritionally oriented tests. media about what is the right diet. The underlying question is what differentiates one For example, all doctors know about histamine, but they don’t know that it can person from the next and how do we apply that knowledge to stop the inflammation. be tested in the stool. If you detect high histamine levels, you know there is an I have seen 20-year-old people who seemingly followed a perfect diet and still had inflammatory process in the gut, and you could then engage in the appropriate positive M2PK. nutritional, dietary, and anti-inflammatory therapies to improve it. The same is true for Carol Bedrosian: Why would that be? other gut health parameters detected in the stool. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Let’s use again the example of severe inflammation associated with Using drugs will only cause new problems, new toxicities, and new imbalances, high histamine levels in the gut. There are different foods that lead to high histamine in and using antibiotics may destroy the healthy microbes of the gut and increase the some people more than in others. For example, some people can handle eating some inflammation, further destroying the immune system. Only the appropriate return fermented foods, but others, who actually believe these foods are healthy just because to a more natural and balanced environment, to which our gut cells have adapted for they read it somewhere, can develop severe histaminosis in their gut when exposed. thousands of years, will enable our gut lining to slough off the cancerous entity. Carol Bedrosian: From everything I’ve read, fermented food is good for everyone. Are Carol Bedrosian: The therapy appears to be mostly diet and nutrition-based. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: I don’t want to oversimplify, because it’s more than just nutrition, Continued on page 52 50 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 51


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52 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Continued from page 51

there no general guidelines for what is a healthy diet? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: There are guidelines, of course, but often those are promulgated by special interest groups that aren’t following the principles of biochemistry and physiology, ignoring the rules of Nature in favor of the rules of commerce. Even if truly natural guidelines for the optimal diet existed, there would be important exceptions and variations between individuals. The guidelines must attempt to emulate Nature’s principles, but whenever we have deviated from a natural, balanced, optimal environment we need to analyze how each of us handles that deviation, and that’s where individualized therapy comes in. There is no one-size-fits-all. That’s why people who think they have a really healthy diet can still develop inflammation in the gut. Each person has a different history; different damage was done in the past. Why should we all do the same thing when we all have different factors predisposing us to inflammation? Carol Bedrosian: What about the idea of the vegetarian diet versus a meat diet — is there a general guideline there? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Oversimplification can be misleading; some vegetarian diets are unhealthy with many junk foods or foods that challenge our immune system, and some are much healthier. And there are many types and intensities of meat diet. Generally, the more unprocessed or minimally processed plant foods, the better. It has been shown conclusively that plant-based diets dramatically reduce the risk of many cancers, including colorectal cancer. That is a general guideline, giving us a good start, as long as we don’t repeatedly challenge our gut’s immune system with inflammatory and allergenic foods or processed foods. Many vegetarians eat a lot of histamine-rich foods, or get hooked on highly commercial histamine-releasing foods, like some fermented foods, or develop sensitivity to frequently eaten commercial vegan foods, like soy products, wheat and gluten products, and habitually eaten nuts. I prefer to tell people what to eat rather than what not to eat, because the more you focus on the positives of eating healthier foods, the less you need to focus on the bad ones you are missing. The goal is to guide people toward a healthier lifestyle as a foundation. That is the inalienable right of each person — to get fundamentally good information about general health and nutrition. But with numerous deviations from the natural lifestyle, which are almost impossible to avoid nowadays, and which affect each of us in a different way, with these individually unique deviations people may need some professional help. Just a few appointments may be needed, which can be done by phone. No need to go to a clinic. The statistics of success with this M2PK test throughout the whole continent of Europe speak volumes about how far behind the U.S. is in moving toward a peoplefriendly medicine that would cost less, be less invasive, and more effective. On the contrary, the United States’ tendency is always to complicate things further, to do more invasive procedures that make more money, and to focus only on advanced pathology, leading to further complications. Instead, we should try to prevent this process in advance, by giving the public information about prevention, earliest detection, and healthy lifestyle. Carol Bedrosian: Can you talk a little bit about skin cancer? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Yes. The same principles apply, however, here we don’t need a test. Here, we just need to evaluate the skin visually. We cannot see the colorectal mucosa very easily, and often time it’s hiding behind a carpet of fecal material, so even a colonoscopy will show nothing. But we can easily see the skin. And we know that the number one cause of melanoma is multiple pigmented nevi. If somebody has many dark spots on the skin, especially someone with a fair complexion, that person has a much higher risk of developing melanoma than those who don’t have nevi. And the more you have of them, the higher the risk. Another risk for melanoma is family history. Another risk is irregular and insufficient sun exposure. Carol Bedrosian: Insufficient sun exposure causes skin cancer? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Causes melanoma. Carol Bedrosian: We’re told that the sun causes melanoma. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: And we’re told to avoid the sun and use plenty of sunscreen. Yet that advice has been accompanied by the largest increase in melanoma that we’ve seen in the last forty years since those sunscreens have been introduced, and since people have been treating the sun as an enemy. Look at the statistics. If we did something

correct in staying out of the sun, if we did something good in smothering ourselves with SPF 30 and above, we would expect melanoma rates to go down, wouldn’t we? But instead they’re going up since the introduction of those products and since skin doctors started advising their patients to stay out of the sun. Not only that, thanks to this advice, we now have 25 other forms of cancer, including colorectal cancer, at significant increased risk as a result of this sun-avoidance behavior and the use of SPF products. Vitamin D from the sun protects us from all of those cancers and other chronic or degenerative conditions, from depression to dementia, cardiovascular disease to auto-immune disease, diabetes to developmental disorders, and many others. However, let’s clear up any confusion between melanoma and carcinoma. Carcinoma is a different type of skin cancer and it does occur in higher frequency on the head, the face and the scalp where we are exposed to more sun, especially with farmers or athletes, but those carcinomas never kill anyone. They are not dangerous and they are very slow to develop. Oftentimes the treatment is worse than the condition, even though those carcinomas can easily be eliminated without surgery, without invasion at any phase of their development. Most importantly, studies show that outdoorsy people who are in the sun a lot and get Just like carcinomas have almost no melanomas to ever worry about and live longer without all zebras and the diseases that kill people who stay out of giraffes and the sun! So I’m not too worried about the skin other animals cancers that are resulting from excessive have their solar exposure. But people who have a habitat and healthy diet and sufficient antioxidants with less inflammation in their body will thrive and rarely ever develop skin cancer — or even never develop skin spots — no matter how much they chronic disease are in the sun, especially if they listen to the sun and get out of it when they start when they are feeling discomfort. What do you think in their natural is the number one cause for our lack of environment, so discomfort in the sun, and the reason we stay in the sun much longer than we can we. should? The SPF products. Solar UV radiation is only a tiny fraction of the total solar spectrum, and SPF products can’t block the majority of the radiation. They increase our solar radiation exposure thirty times, increasing the risk for serious cancer. They also contain many toxic products, the subject of another complete interview. Carol Bedrosian: What are moles and do they need to be removed? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: They are basically signs of irregular cellular growth. Irregular growth derives from some kind of imbalance in a certain parts of the body like the nervous system, the hormonal system, or our immune system. Any kind of irregularity that could lead to rapid replication of cells could cause this growth called a mole, which is basically a tumor. All moles that are protruding are tumors. Carol Bedrosian: Even if you were born with it? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: Yes, if it’s protruding it’s a tumor, but it’s a benign tumor. Just like you can have benign tumors in the gut called polyps, you can have benign tumors on the skin called moles. Carol Bedrosian: Do benign moles need to be removed? Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: That depends on the type of lesion. Moles are usually considered to be benign, but they could be injured, inflamed, traumatized, scratched or bitten by a bug and that could lead to an increased risk of mutation and cancer development, so that’s one reason to remove them. But the surgical approach is too invasive. We know that the main risk factor for melanoma is dark spots that are usually flat. Almost all melanomas have evolved from those small, flat, melanin-containing dark spots that were smooth and were ignored to begin with. But if you simply peel them off and eliminate the melanin-producing cells — the melanocytes — you eliminate the risk of melanoma. The procedure takes 15 seconds per lesion, so you can do many of these flat Continued on page 54 www.spiritofchange.org

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Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: One of them is my network of practitioners around the country that are removing skin lesions using my method — licensed doctors and practitioners Continued from page 53 in their states who do this procedure and then donate some of their proceeds to the dark lesions in one sitting. It doesn’t hurt, and you don’t even need to inject people with Ecopolitan Community and the Everest Learning Academy. All of the money that I anesthetics. make from my consultations over the phone and Skype go to support the non-profit. Carol Bedrosian: What does the procedure involve? Some money comes from donations. After the recent disaster in Nepal, we had more Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: A trained practitioner simply applies a little liquid acidic donations coming in and we used them to engage in disaster recovery, but we still have compound that dries the lesion, and later it becomes a scab and falls off. Then the to rehabilitate the schools and to help the villages rebuild after the monsoon season. practitioner examines what’s underneath it. If it had a root, you can dry out the root and This rehabilitation effort will take several years since hundreds of schools and hundreds eliminate it completely. If there is no root and no dark spot remaining, then the lesion of thousands of homes were destroyed. Since we are an inside organization, not just is gone and the risk for melanoma is gone with it. So if you simply eliminate all of those outsiders who come and leave quickly just for short-term disaster relief, we have the spots that are dark, it’s just like removing the colorectal cancer early on. It never has a trust of the local people and the trust of the government, so the government will not chance of developing. create obstacles for us. Carol Bedrosian: Do you recommend removing all dark moles? Also, I created in Kathmandu a factory for the healthiest and tastiest salt in the world. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: All of the ones that are dark enough and all of the ones that are in areas It’s called black salt or Himalayan sulfur-rich black salt. It’s the only salt in the world that of concern. Where does melanoma form? Almost always in areas where the sun does not is rich with sulfur. Sulfur is a crucial element that is missing in our diet. This salt comes shine and are covered with clothes. If you remove the moles, then the risk for melanoma from the belly of the Himalayas. It is pristine and contains numerous trace elements. will be eliminated. And that is so important. It could save hundreds of thousands of lives People who order it support the humanitarian projects in Nepal while enjoying the and prevent so much disfigurement and suffering. benefits of sulfur to detoxify, provide longevity and Unfortunately it’s not being done in the mainstream enhance appearance. skin doctor’s office. Typically, skin doctors use surgical Carol Bedrosian: Do you have a vision for the or other invasive methods that either leave the roots future of where you would like to be? We’re told to avoid the sun and behind or go too far in. But this gentle application Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: I expect to train as many use plenty of sunscreen. Yet that of the liquid compound actually eliminates early predoctors as I can in eliminating chronic and lifemelanomas from the root so they never come back threatening disease, dysfunction and degeneration, advice has been accompanied by the and you don’t need surgery. and at the same time, to help society realize largest increase in melanoma that The most common cancer in humanity is skin what we have done that made us so chronically we’ve seen in the last 30 years. cancer, which can be easily addressed or prevented ill. Compare our modern society to a poor entirely. The most common cancer for both men undeveloped country like Nepal, where we have and women, and the most lethal, is colorectal cancer. now almost 20,000 children who will never These two cancer areas are huge. They are oiling the develop childhood cancer or autism or ADD/ medical industrial complex to a great extent. Lots of money goes into those. If you simply ADHD or autoimmune disease or asthma or allergies or obesity or diabetes until they eliminated all skin cancers without surgery and without waiting for skin lesions to change start living the American way. into something scary, suddenly the skin doctors would have nothing meaningful or And that’s the second reason for what I do in Nepal — beyond ending child serious to do. And if you eliminate colorectal cancer, what will the gastroenterologists do? trafficking and enhancing their lives and helping them thrive, we also want to learn Carol Bedrosian: In addition to your obvious passion for holistic health education, from them. With what is perhaps the last control group that still exists on Earth: What your website lists extensive information about your humanitarian work in Nepal. What is it that makes them healthy and makes us so sick? Why is it that we have the highest is the connection there? level of childhood cancer ever? Why is it that we’re sicker, even though we spend Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: I started an organization in Nepal called the Everest Learning more money than ever on children’s health? In Nepal, on $2 or $3 a month per child, Academy, supported solely by my non-profit charitable organization in the U.S., we can almost completely eliminate childhood diseases simply by giving them a safe Ecopolitan Eco-Health Community. In just over five years, Ecopolitan has grown to environment and making sure they don’t starve. They don’t need medical specialists support nearly 20,000 children in orphanages, schools, community outreach programs, because the only care they may ever need is urgent care for injury. That’s it. They might childcare centers, adult literacy programs, mother’s groups, and community care and need the ER, or the ICU right after a necessary surgery following a trauma, but that’s hygiene centers. The goal is to stop child trafficking, which easily occurs when the it. Almost nothing else will be necessary, unless they start living on Western processed children are roaming about without being in frameworks such as schools, orphanages, foods and changing their lifestyle to emulate the West. or centers. When children are growing in a home with illiterate parents and have no Right now I’m creating a school adoption program whereby companies, individuals, infrastructure and community support to protect them, we see the horrible outcome of communities, and schools will be able to adopt and support a school or orphanage in slavery and prostitution resulting from trafficking. Nepal and get reports from it once a month to see where the money is going and how Carol Bedrosian: How did you get involved with Nepal? it’s helping the school. In addition, we in the West will benefit because the information Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren: I started working in Nepal about 17 years ago when I first went and the research we gather will show us how to manage technology in a way that will there on a trek. I became the group’s doctor and started treating people in the remote damage us less and allow us to still be healthy instead of becoming chronically ill. villages, and after that I started bringing groups regularly to Nepal to support another non-profit that I was involved with. But for various reasons I decided to start my own For more information about health education, Dr. T’s natural treatments or his NGO [non-governmental organization], when I realized I could develop the most humanitarian work in Nepal visit www.ecopolitan.com. amazing staff of highly dedicated people, which now I can direct from afar. The Nepali government recently awarded my Ecopolitan organization with a special honor, giving it the coveted title International NGO and giving me the title “Country Director of Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren will be giving two free Nepal.” I go there twice a year to see the conditions on the ground and guide the staff. presentations at the Natural Living Expo, Saturday, I always take Western groups with me to trek in the Himalayas and visit places and Nov 14, 3pm, “Eliminate Skin Cancer Risks Forever” and Sunday, Nov 15, 1:30-3:30 keynote talk, “A villages where no tourists ever go. All the profits from these humanitarian treks go to Revolutionary Approach to Healing Skin and Colorectal Cancers. support the Everest Learning Academy. Visit www.naturalexpo.org for more information. Carol Bedrosian: What are the other ways that you fund the Academy? 54 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015





Natural Healing & Wellness, LLC Alternative Therapies of Spirit, Mind & Body Energetic Integration and Balancing Debbie Woodbury www.spirits-love.com

Estonia is an intuitive psychic medium who connects to your highest vibrational energy. Beth Leblond


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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 55


Holly Bellebuono

Women Healers of the World: The Traditions, History, and Geography of Herbal Medicine Helios Press, New York, NY 2014

Herbalist Holly Bellebuono offers a brilliant tribute to women who carry forward the gift of botanical healing in Women Healers of the World, a global celebration of influential herbalists, both past and present. Visually beautiful, powerfully informative, and refreshingly optimistic, she shares herbal medicine’s spirited history through the stories of thirty-one Wise Women who’ve made green medicine their life’s work. From Polynesian elder Auntie Velma DelaPena to midwife Dona Enriqueta Contreras of Mexico, to Arizona’s iconic medicine woman Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, the special role of culture and heritage in the herbal wisdom tradition is evident. Nearly all the woman healers recognized were influenced or mentored by older relatives working with plants. And many “began a lifelong journey of healing and connection because their mothers and grandmothers inspired and taught them.” Sharing knowledge and history of herbal traditions with the children around us is a gift of inspiration and encouragement to the next generation of healers. In addition to understanding and supporting the value of mentoring, these women healers teach another crucial component of the green healing arts: “under no circumstances can you be a true healer if you do not have one very important thing: confidence in yourself.” Women Healers of the World focuses on botanical medicine as it is practiced in four primary traditions. 1) Plant traditions including Western Herbal, Native Nation and Folk Medicine; 2) Body Traditions such as Ayurveda, Midwifery and Allopathic (Modern) Medicine; 3) Spirit Traditions

such as Homeopathy, Shamanism and Spirit Medicine; and 4) Land Traditions including Conservation and Gardening. Also included are instructions for making herbal remedies at home, inspired by world traditions. Eucalyptus Respiratory Steam, an easy kitchen remedy of eucalyptus leaves and boiling water, clears mucus and nasal passages. It’s inspired by Middle Eastern remedies and used in Western herbal traditions. Kelp Spirit Bath, inspired by both Polynesian and Spirit medicine, benefits the skin by bathing with seaweed fronds. Just as herbal traditions mingle together, the colorful photographs and paintings of Women Healers of the World weave together with fascinating plant facts and lively herbalists’ stories to create a cross-cultural journey into the dynamic world of female healers.

Gail Silver; Illustrated by Youme Nguyen Ly

Peace, Bugs, and Understanding: An Adventure in Sibling Harmony Plum Blossom Books, Parallax Press, Berkeley, CA 2014

Offering Metta — loving kindness — to those around us, or even to ourselves, interrupts unhappy situations and helps soothe stormy emotions. Metta, a practice so simple a child can do it, is the lesson thoughtfully illustrated in Peace, Bugs and Understanding. This relatable tale of sibling rivalry finds older sister Lily resenting her baby sister Ruby for “ruining everything,” including the special picnic they’re having with their dad. As Lily’s anger and frustration towards her sister escalates, her dad remains calm and offers Lily his grandfather’s journal. Inside the sepia-colored pages, Lily finds her great-grandfather as a young boy, experiencing the same out-of-control angry feelings she is having about her sister. The exasperated boy’s encounter with an

56 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

unrelenting frog named Anger introduces Metta as a serene way to navigate difficult emotions. Written from the perspective of an older sibling, Peace Bugs and Understanding teaches Metta as a gentle tool for self-calming and a way to share heart-centered caring with others. The story also honors the importance of ancestral teachings. As Lily embraces her great-grandfather’s example, she transforms her upset into loving kindness. Leaning over her sleeping baby sister she silently offers Metta, echoing the words of her great-grandfather: “May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be strong. And may you live with peace.”

Regula Meyer

Animal Messengers: An A-Z Guide to Signs and Omens in the Natural World Bear and Company, Rochester, VT 2015

A hawk overhead, a fox crossing the road, aphids on your houseplants. Some animal encounters are more profound than others, but each brings a personal message to direct you to look inward. Animal Messengers explorers the spiritual meaning of encounters with over 150 creatures including mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians and insects. Most people will likely never encounter a brown bear in the wild, yet these majestic animals have a message for those who are “touched” by them. Bear reminds us of our earthly origin through our family line. This is not a psychic or karmic connection, but a human, genetic connection to our primal roots, roots which were almost lost. The family line genetically transfers fears, patterns and dramas, but it also provides the foundation for new life and new experiences. Though once driven out of the forest by human fear, bear’s return brings to the human consciousness respect and recognition for our ancestors. Fly encounters are very common, and if one is particularly buzzing around and bugging you, it’s because there is transformation taking place. Something in your emotional system may be rotten. Go ahead and let yourself be annoyed by the fly as its unnerving buzzing breaks down emotional garbage and helps you come to terms with the fact that some things, like the annoying fly, are just a part of life. To best interpret messages from the

animal world, pay attention to what you’re thinking as you encounter the animal, and also what direction the animal comes from. An animal encounter from the east points to change and transformation, a new beginning. An animal from the north comes as a reminder of stalled energies and brings movement as its message, while an animal coming from the south is telling you about your feelings. Pay attention to the animal coming from the west as it tells you what you need to take care of physically and what you can realistically do.

Megan Gilmore

Everyday Detox: 100 Easy Recipes to Remove Toxins, Promote Gut Health, and Lose Weight Naturally Ten Speed Press, Emeryville, CA 2015

Food digestion is the most energy intensive function of the human body. Improve digestion and you’ll have more energy for your body to use! Nutritionist consultant Megan Gilmore, a self-described former junk food eater and yo-yo dieter, knows a two-week hunger-inducing juice fast doesn’t compare to the lasting health changes that come from properly combining wholesome foods to create delicious meals and optimize digestion. Though food combining principals may sound uninterestingly complicated at first, Everyday Detox offers an easy-to-follow generalized approached in three easy steps. To begin, build each meal or snack around only one of the four basic food groupings: fresh fruit, starches, animal protein, or nuts/seeds/dried fruit. Next, round out your plate with cooked or raw non-starchy vegetables. Finally, wait 3 to 4 hours before consuming food from another food category. Tasty meal planning is easy with recipes such as Maple Pecan Granola, Mediterranean Chopped Salad and Cauliflower and Leek Gratin, and with treats like Almond Butter Freezer Fudge. More Everyday Detox tips to boost digestion include eating fresh fruit alone on an empty stomach, or paired with leafy greens, and beginning each meal with something raw. And enjoy high quality dark chocolate after each and every meal. (Yes!) Also, make sure to include healthy saturated fats as one of your cooking staples. Though formerly vilified as a high cholesterol contributor, both butter (grass fed) and coconut oil promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins found in some

vegetables. As an added bonus, coconut oil may help with weight reduction as recent studies show it can help reduce abdominal fat in humans. No wonder farmers in the 1940s gave up on attempts to fatten their livestock with coconut oil, the animals actually became leaner as a result!

feels sadness the pilgrimage is coming to a close because it’s moved her spirit so deeply, but she’s actually kind of okay with it being over because her feet really hurt. Like millions of pilgrims who traveled before her, Sonia’s walk truly became The Way of Forgiveness.

an innovator, get involved in Farm Hack, a farmer-driven organization that gathers online and in person to build and optimize farm equipment. If you’re in college, start a student farm. Whatever your interest, begin there. And don’t stop.

Sonia Choquette

Ali Berlow

Talking with Dogs and Cats: Joining the Conversation to Improve Behavior and Bond with Your Animals

Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from Humbled to Healed Hay House, Carlsbad, CA 2014[

Sonia Choquette travels the world as a celebrated spiritual teacher and intuitive guide. When a series of devastating personal tragedies leave her feeling utterly lost, she knows listening to her intuition is the only way to find herself again, and her intuitive voice is clear: “Walk the Camino de Santiago. And go alone.” Walking Home is Sonia’s transparent and revealing account of her arduous and healing 500-mile journey from France across the Pyrenees to northern Spain. Walking the Camino, also known as The Way of St. James and The Way of Forgiveness, she allows the ancient pilgrims’ route to teach her lessons of humility and forgiveness. Yet even before leaving for her journey the universe is teaching Sonia. During a hiking boot buying trip to REI she lets go of needing to be in charge of everything. She also realizes she’s very good at giving and not good at asking or receiving. She trusts the universe to take care of her, but recognizes she never really trusts people, except for her daughters, and she’d never ask anything of them. Unable to decide on what to leave behind Sonia fills two backpacks, and forgives herself for not carrying both on the Camino. The pack she carries she names Pilgrim, while Cheater is the pack that gets transported for her. Walking primarily solo, Sonia meets interesting (and angelic) travelers, but her steady companion is a rubber Gumby she’s had since childhood. Her deceased father also accompanies her, and Sonia posthumously heals their once troubled relationship. Her account of the Camino is intimate, sometimes upsetting or humorous, and often simply human and relatable, such as marching along yelling outloud at God, Mother Mary and the heavenly helpers for failing her, then happily taking a rest to enjoy a Coke and a snack. Near the end of the journey she www.spiritofchange.org

The Food Activist Handbook: Big and Small Things You Can Do to Help Provide Fresh, Healthy Food for Your Community Storey Publishing, North Adams, MA 2015

Author activist Ali Berlow is passionate about food justice. Everyone needs access to affordable, healthy, fresh food and each of us has something we can contribute to our community to make that goal a reality. The Food Activist Handbook is a collection of wisdom, connections and actions, both large and small, which will inspire you to dig in and help do your part to create a food production system that benefits eaters. Start a cooking club, go meatless on Mondays, plant a garden at a jail, harvest public fruit trees, connect food policy councils and town planners. With practical tool kits and advice on every page, this enthusiastic resource book shouts “You Can Do This!” Do you need special credentials to get started as a food activist? Leave judgment behind, and just start doing. As farmer activist and writer Wendell Berry says, “I begin with the proposition that eating is an agricultural act.” Find out where your food comes from; USA raised chicken purchased at the grocery store may have taken a legal detour to China for processing before landing on your plate. The seeds you carefully plant in your vegetable garden could be Monsanto seeds; if they’re Seminis seeds (seminis.com), they are. Can your seed dollars be traced back to pharmaceutical corporations? Find out. Keep informed. Or start with the transformative act of cooking and eating together. Make Sunday dinner and have leftovers throughout the week. Make your diet local and historic by engaging in a project such as Northern Michigan University’s ambitious Decolonizing Diet Project, a year-long eating challenge by Native American studies professor Martin Reinhardt to eat only food grown in the Great Lakes region before 1602. If you’re

Tim Link

New World Library, Novato, CA 2015

Our dogs and cats are more than ordinary companions, they’re special members of the family, with many households consisting of more animals than people. Head tilts, tail wags, barking and scratching, we know our pets are trying to communicate with us, but what are they saying? Talking with Dogs and Cats suggests “talking to the animals” creates the happiest relationship with our four-legged family members. How? Communicate effectively with your pet by saying exactly what you want out loud. Talk to your dog or cat like you would any other person; they understand you. Since animals communicate more intuitively and telepathically than humans, as you speak mentally visualize an image of what you want the outcome to be. The clearer and more precise your words and images, the quicker your dog or cat will respond. Above all, keep your energy and tone positive. A dog not responding to the “stay” command isn’t necessarily ignoring you, but more likely confused by your tone or mental picture. Effective communication also helps when your pet is seriously misbehaving. Often times bad behavior is caused by animal distress. Angel the cat, for example, suddenly began a pattern of ripping curtains when her human companion, Angie, was gone from the house. After some investigation, Angie realized her changed work schedule was terribly upsetting to her cat. To help Angel feel more secure, Angie explained how many hours she’d be at work, what time she’d be back, and told Angel to take long naps. From that day forward, Angie comes home to find Angel waiting by the door, house undisturbed. Dogs and cats definitely understand time, so telling them how many hours you’ll be gone and visualizing on a clock the time you’ll be back is very reassuring to them.

For multiple overnights away, visualize the sun rising and setting the number of days you’ll be gone. Your pet will be less stressed, and you’ll feel better about leaving them behind.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Buddhism Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, VA 2015

His Holiness the Dalai Lama describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk. A man of peace interested in cosmology, quantum physics, neuro-biology and psychology, he dialogues with leaders of the scientific community trying to help individuals achieve peace of mind. Even in the face of extreme aggression he unfailingly advocates policies of non-violence for which he was awarded the Noble Peace Prize for world peace and religious understanding. The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Buddhism shares His Holiness’s eight decades of insight in the Buddhist tradition as well as his extensive studies of the thoughts of others. This small pocket book filled with short helpful insights such as “Anything that contradicts experience and logic should be abandoned,” was directly authored by His Holiness. In this age of Internet misquotes and dubious attributions (no matter how well intended), it’s encouraging to verify the source of these thoughtful words. His compassionate advice is always practical: “Look at one person who annoys you, and use the opportunity to counter your own anger and cultivate compassion. But if the annoyance is too powerful — if you find the person so repulsive that you cannot bear to be in his or her presence — it may be better to look for the exit!” We are creators of our own happiness and suffering. Everything we experience we originate in our minds, so we must do our best to take responsibility for what we encounter. “‘To do our best’ means at all times in our everyday life we should probe our minds so that we don’t feel guilty about our mistakes, even though others don’t know about them. If we do that, we are truly doing our best.”

Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 or email socbookreviewer@gmail.com

FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 57

FALL/WINTER CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 9/6 — THE ART OF MAKING GOAT MILK SOAP. Come learn the ancient art of soap making this fall. Watch the demonstration of kitchen chemistry reveal techniques for creating beautiful and successful goat milk soap. The workshop will cover the benefits of different ingredients, molds, recipes and tools. All participants will leave with a sample of soap made that day. Boston School of Herbal Studies. (781) 646-6319 or bostonherbalstudies.com. 9/9 — LYME DISEASE WITH TOMMY PRIESTER. This six-session intensive teaches how to use herbs and supplements specific to Lyme disease and co-infections, determine which tests are most accurate, support the body to repair damage caused by Lyme and address the psycho-spiritual dynamics responsible for immune suppression. The focus is to restore balance so that those afflicted with Lyme are symptom free. Boston School of Herbal Studies. (781) 646-6319 or bostonherbalstudies.com. 9/9 — FREE LECTURE: READ & PLAY MUSIC. World famous seminars (www.understandingofmusic.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 7:30 pm. 169 Mass Ave. Boston. (781) 599-1476. http://signup.understandingofmusic.com or sallee@dlorien.com. 9/11 — THE COMPLEMENTARITY OF CHRISTIAN CONTEMPLATIVE AND TAOIST PRACTICES. Evening talk, 7:30pm. Workshop on Sept. 12. Heartwell Institute, Worcester. www.heartwellinstitute.com/calendar/contemplative. 9/12 — CONTEMPLATIVE MOVEMENT: INTEGRATING SACRED ACTIVITIES IN DAILY LIFE. 2-5pm. Evening talk on Sept. 11. Heartwell Institute, Worcester. www.heartwellinstitute.com/calendar/contemplative-movement/ 9/12 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 34 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Credit cards accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 9/13 9/16 — HEART TO HEART CD RELEASE CONCERT. At Scullers Jazz Club. With originals and other favorite songs, from Broadway to Bacharach to Barbra to Begin Again, join singer/songwriter Linda Marks at Scullers Jazz Club in Boston at 8pm joined by a six piece band. For tickets: www.scullersjazz.com or (617) 562-4111. 9/16 — FUNDAMENTALS OF MEDITATION. A five-week introductory course presenting basic information and tech-

58 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

niques related to meditation. This course can be followed by our Mantra Meditation course and other ongoing courses related to Advaita philosophy and meditation. Begins at 7pm September 16 and again on January 6, 2016 at the Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Lane, Waltham, MA. (781) 647-0020. See www.advaitameditation.org for more details. 9/16 — AWAKENING THE SPIRITUAL HEART with Patrice Green. Focusing on the heart as the seat of spiritual and emotional awareness, students will learn a three-step process to protect, center and open the heart. You will also learn about herbs, flower essences, essential oils, mantras, meditations and shamanic journeying techniques to support this process. Boston School of Herbal Studies. (781) 646-6319 or bostonherbalstudies.com. 9/19 — FEELING OVERWHELMED? Experience the incredible benefits of tapping “away” anything and everything that has you in a state of overwhelm using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which is a gentle but powerful acupressure technique. 1-4pm, Northboro, MA. $40. RSVP to Tina Marian: tmarian@aol.com or (508) 523-7132.

11/15 — Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior author, shares the secrets of health and vitality at Natural Living Expo on Sunday, November 15, 11am. See November listing or www.naturalexpo.org.

9/19 — ANNUAL KUNDALINI FALL YOGA AND MUSIC FESTIVAL with Ajeet Kaur and friends. Kidfest with puppet show with Snatam Kaur and friends. Bazaar, food court, healing arts. Yoga at the Ashram, Millis, MA. www.YogaAtTheAshram.org 9/19 — HEALING THROUGH IMAGINATION WORKSHOP. Learn simple, effective ways to relieve pain and stress; improve sleep and feel better! 9am-12pm. Peaceful Escapes Holistic Center, Middleboro, MA.$40. Janet Dwinells, MA, CCH, soul coach, alchemical hypnotherapist. (508) 7762620 or janet@voyageofyoursoul.com. Visit www.voyageofyoursoul.com for details. 9/19 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Newton, MA. Libby Barnett, MSW. 34 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Credit cards accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 9/20 9/19 — PSYCHOPOMP: SHAMANIC PRACTICE WITH THE DYING. 9am-4pm at Spirit Hollow. Exploring the shaman’s role at a major transition in life’s progression. For more detail go to www.spirithollow.org. 9/19-9/20 — LEARN THE MOEVMENT AND MINFULNESS CURRICULUM FOR PREK-G2. Teach yoga stories, brain games and 12 proven self-regulation techniques to early learners and educators at Sohum Yoga and Meditation Studio in Westborough, MA. http://move-with-me.com/boston-cert/ 9/26 — AN AROMATHERAPY CERTIFICATION COURSE taught by Linda Patterson. Learn how essential oils work to heal body, mind and spirit. This comprehensive course addresses the body systems, their common ailments and the essential oils most helpful for each condition. Boston School of Herbal Studies. (781) 646-6319. bostonherbalstudies.com. 9/26 — PSYCHIC/HOLISTIC FAIRE. Women of Wisdom, North Easton, MA. Psychics, angel readings, crystal healings, Gaiadon Heart, chair massage, mediums, Reiki and more! Sign yourself up for a few appointments and bring your friends! www.womenofwisdominc.com or (508) 230-3680. Also on 11/28. 9/26 — YOUR IDEAL LIFE BEGINS. Internationally-renowned medical intuitive and master healers/teachers Sue and Aaron Singleton present The Energy of Life® I.D.E.A.L. Process For Creating a Life You Love. This life-changing 7-module intuitive development workshop series initiates a healing transformation that enhances all aspects of your life. Workshops held in Portland, CT.

See www.TheWayToBalance.com for details, other module dates. 9/27 — AWAKEN WELLNESS FAIR. Body, mind, spirit holistic expo. Wellness techniques, ancient practices and cutting edge technology.100+ exhibitors: speakers, healers, vendors and readers. 10am-5pm. Double Tree Hotel, Fort Lee, NJ 07024. www.AwakenFair.com. 9/27 — VISIT LYNDA THAYER AT RADIANT HEALING CENTER’S booth for a powerful energy healing session on the amazing Amethyst BioMat at the Holistic Life Expo, Sunday from 10am-4pm at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Chelmsford, MA. www.RadiantHealingCenter.com.


10/2-10/3 — WEEKEND OF SPIRIT: EMBRACING HARMONY IN OUR LIVES. Friday evening: a program of music, art, poetry and gentle yoga. Saturday morning and afternoon: concurrent morning and afternoon workshops, including vegetarian lunch, healing spa. www.openspiritcenter.org to register. 10/2-10/10 — DON MARIANO QUISPE FLORES, master shaman and healer from Q’eros (Peru) will offer a workshop, The Seven Layers of Pachamama on October 2-4 and healings from October 5-10 in Madison, CT. His ancestral teachings are based on a profound, heart-centered desire to pass along wisdom teachings and to impart unto us the need to love and heal ourselves and Mother Earth. For more information visit www.TransformationalHealingArt.com. 10/3 — REIKI LEVEL 1 (SHODDEN) TRAINING with Reiki Master-Teacher Kathrin Seidl-Gomez, PhD. Feel and perform daily at your very best: Mentally, spiritually and physically! Saturday, 10am-3pm. 440 Arsenal Street, Watertown, MA. Contact: (978) 626-2140. www.energyhealing.center. Tuition: $150. 10/03 — PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, PAST LIVES AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. Saturday, 10AM-5PM, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583. 10/4-1/-18 — SHAMANIC ENERGY MEDICINE LIGHT BODY SCHOOL. With Alberto Villoldo. Part 1 of the 300hour residential course taught at the beautiful Eastover Retreat in Lenox, MA. Find out more or register online www.thefourwinds.com. (877) 892-9247. 10/8-10/11 — DIGESTING THE UNIVERSE: A REVOLU-


10/2-10/10 — Don Mariano Quispe Flores, master shaman and healer from Peru, will be in Madison, CT conducting a workshop and personal healings for the week. See October listing or www.transformationalhealingart.com.

TIONARY FRAMEWORK FOR HEALTHY METABOLISM FUNCTION. Eastover Estate and Retreat, Lenox, MA. Professional intensive weekend training on healthy metabolism function from Dr Nan Lu’s unique TCM and modern science perspectives from the body, mind and spirit levels. For more information and to register go to www.tcmconference.org. 10/8 — QIGONG, MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS AND IMMUNITY with Lewis La. This workshop combines standing and sitting qigong meditation with powerful herbs to strengthen immunity and support recovery from disease. You will sample a variety of medicinal mushrooms while exploring different techniques for making your own extracts. Boston School of Herbal Studies. (781) 646-6319 or bostonherbalstudies.com. 10/10 — FREE YOUR DREAMS. Sandy Corcoran and Nancy Cantor combine shamanic and business practices to offer a unique approach to enhance your creativity or business. Magic Barn, Ashland, MA from 10-4:30pm. Total participants 14. Registration: Sandy (508) 435-2681. www.starwalkervisions.com. 10/10 — 3rd ANNUAL SARATOGA SPRINGS HOLISTIC HEALING AND SPIRITUAL ARTS EXPO will be held on Saturday at the Saratoga Springs City Center. Our keynote speaker, Chris Vanderzyden, is the best-selling author of 7 Steps to Entrepreneurial Victory and The A-Z Blueprint for Success. In addition, she has had the pleasure of co-facilitating events with Jack Canfield and appears on Hay House radio. Don’t miss the presentation “How to Develop a Mindset of Prosperity and Make More Money!” at 12 noon. Expo admission is $7; children under 12 free; keynote ad-

mission is $15; and keynote and expo admission is $20. The expo will include over 50 exhibitor’s booths and ongoing presentations by local and regional professionals. For more information or to pre-register, visit www.holisticspiritualexpo.com or email info@holisticspiritualexpo.com. 10/10-10/12 — GENTLE, TRAUMA SENSITIVE YOGA RETREAT in Wellfleet, MA. Benefit for Ammachi’s New England Ashram. Includes gentle yoga, yoga nidra, lodging, ocean walks, sunset meditations, vegetarian meals. $400. Includes $300 tax deductible charitable contribution. Visit www. yogainpsychotherapy.com, joannlutz@yahoo.com. 10/11 — SOUL LIGHT EXPO. 87 vendors and readers, 20 workshops, and a teacup raffle at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 100 Berlin Road, Cromwell, CT. 10am to 5pm. More info at www.dooropenermagazine.com. 10/15-10/18 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH IMMERSION PROGRAM with Jamy and Peter Faust, healers and facilitators. Find inner peace with your life and circumstances. Experience your family energy field, soul nature and ancestral healing through the lens of Family Constellations, energy medicine and evolutionary awareness. Join us for six life-changing 4-day weekends (Thurs.-Sun.) from October–May. Full program registration required. Registration/ info: www.ConstellationApproach.com/ImmersionProgram 10/16-10/18 — READ & PLAY MUSIC in a weekend! World famous seminars (www.understandingofmusic.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 169 Mass Ave. Boston. (781) 599-1476 or sallee@ dlorien.com. http://signup.understandingofmusic.com Continued on page 60

FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 59

CALENDAR Continued from page 59 10/17 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR with Jamy and Peter Faust, healers and facilitators. Any issue with family (family of origin or current), career, illness, or other obstacles are set up through the lens of Family Constellations. Participants may represent relevant people or elements important to presenting need of client working. Saturday 9:30–6 pm. Belmont/Waltham area. Registration/ info: www.ConstellationApproach.com/seminars. 10/17 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Concord, MA. Libby Barnett, MSW. 34 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Credit cards accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 10/18 10/18 — HOLISTIC AWARENESS EXPO 2015. Presented by the Rhode Island Holistic Healing Association. Sunday, 10am-5pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, RI. Admission: $10 door, $7 online. www.RIHHA.org 10/18 — NEW AGE AND CRAFTS EXPO. Sunday, 105pm. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Southbury, CT. Aura and intuitive readers, crystals, 2 rooms of dynamic speakers and guided meditations, unique crafters and jewelers, healings, and more. Information: cryours87@yahoo.com or (203) 733-6560. 10/24-10/25 — MARCONICS: MULTIDIMENSIONAL HEALING FOR THE TRUE EVOLUTION OF LIGHTBODY. Ascend from density into the 5th dimension. Become a Marconics “no-touch” practitioner. Level 1 certification seminar, Boston. Information and registration: www.MarconicRecalibration.com. (617) 366-6042. 10/28-11/1 — GEMFORMULAS’ GEMSTONE THERAPY HEALING RETREAT in Chester, CT. Experience daily intensive gemstone therapy in a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment, lodging and meals included. For more information and to register: (877) 4GEM-GEM or www.gemformulas.com.


11/1 — THE REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS FILM FESTIVAL AND EXPO. Westin Waltham Hotel, 70 3rd Ave, Waltham, MA. 10am-6pm. Day-long film festival includes screenings of three enlightening documentaries, 80+ exhibitors including The Bodywork Oasis featuring handson body and energy workers, and a diverse selection of workshops relating to mind-body medicine and higher consciousness. www.TROC.media. 11/5 — INTRO TO SHAMANIC JOURNEYING: THE LOWER WORLD. November 12 — Intro to Shamanic Journeying: the Upper World. Held at Roudenbush Center, 65 Main St, Westford MA. 6:30-9:30pm. www.roudenbush.org to register.

60 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

11/6-11/8 — SOUL LEVEL ANIMAL COMMUNICATION WEEKEND. into the universal language of all species through telepathic communication and get answers about the health, life, and love of your beloved pet with animal intuitive Danielle MacKinnon. Andover, MA. www.circlesofwisdom.com. (978) 474-8010. 11/7 — SEACOAST HOLISTIC HEALTHFEST: WELLNESS AND HEALING ARTS FAIR. 10AM-5PM. Project Walk, 20 Portsmouth Ave., Stratham NH. 30+ healing arts practitioners will offer informational tables and workshops. Admission $5.00. Email mariehall326@gmail.com for electronic copy of the event flyer. 11/12 — THE MECHANICS AND TOTALLY OPTIONAL NATURE OF SUFFERING. 7-9:30pm. $5. Inspiring Life, Stow, MA. (978) 579-0897. MariePatrice@SacredSpiralLifeWork.com. http://www.SacredSpiralLifeWork.com. 11/14 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Newton, MA. Libby Barnett, MSW. 34 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Credit cards accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 11/15 11/14 — BECOME A LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Learn more about the program at Great Bay Community College Open House, Saturday, 9am-noon, at their Portsmouth campus. For more information contact (603) 427-7610 or visitwww.greatbay.edu. 11/14-15 — 9TH ANNUAL SPIRIT OF CHANGE MAGAZINE NATURAL LIVING EXPO. Royal Plaza Trade Center, 181 Boston Post Road West, Marlboro, MA. Saturday 9-6; Sunday 10-5. Featuring 225 exhibits, 90 workshops, free natural product sample bar, cooking demos, personal wellness shopping, holiday shopping, mini healing sessions, readings, healthy food and fun. Tickets on sale at www.NaturalExpo.org. See back cover. 11/15 — MAKE WAY FOR DESIRES. Dr. Trish Whynot shares three lifestyle components and illustrates how they make way for desires. Take one and see what desires find their way to you. 2pm, Natural Living Expo., Marlboro, MA. www.trishwhynot.com for more info. 11/17 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 34 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Credit cards accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 11/18 11/18 — HEALING TRAUMA AND INSTALLING BOUNDARIES. With Judith Swack, Ph.D. in Needham. 9am-6pm. Learn how to rapidly transform and heal your clients and yourself. 28 CE credits for social workers, LMCHs and nurses. (781) 444-9640. info@hblu.org. www.hblu.org 11/20 — OPEN HOUSE FOR SCHOOLS OF WISDOM. Meet instructors for School of Mediumship, Holistic Professional, Angel Alignment, Earth Medicine Shaman, Holistic Practitioner, Advanced Holistic Professional, Animal Communication, Akashic Soul Mastery, Hypnotherapy Certi-

fication. Light refreshments. (508) 230-3680. Also on 1/8/16, 3/8/2016. www.womenofwisdominc.com. 11/21 — HOLISTIC HEALTH AND PSYCHIC FAIR. 10am5pm. Free admission. Healings from psychics and mediums. Experience Reiki, spirit drawings, massage, yoga, and more. 1-3 Blue Hill River Road, Canton, MA. Sponsored by Canton Spiritualist Church. (617) 469-2568. www.spiritualistchurch.wix.com/canton 11/21-11/22 — 40th ANNUAL WORCESTER MINERAL CLUB JEWELRY, GEM, FOSSIL AND MINERAL SHOW. Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm. National Guard Armory, 701 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA. 16 dealers, exhibits, demonstrations, hourly door prizes and more. Donation: $4 adults, $3 students and seniors, under 12 free. Save $1 off admission with copy of ad in this issue. www.worcestermineralclub.org. 11/22 — HISTORY TRAUMA: LEARN HOW TO HEAL PTSD. 9am-6pm. With Judith Swack, PhD. Explore HBLU™ to learn how to rapidly transform and heal your clients and yourself. 28 CE credits for social workers, LMHCs and nurses. Register by Oct 18 for early bird rates. (781) 444-6940 or email info@hblu.org. www.hblu.org.


12/05 — ADVANCED PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, LIFE BETWEEN LIVES REGRESSION AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this advanced workshop you’ll develop a strong, personal connection with your spirit guides and angels. You’ll also learn which ones to call in for healing, spiritual guidance, finances, protection, creative inspiration, and romance. In addition, you’ll experience your life between lives, the period when your soul was in the white light preparing for your current incarnation. Discover why you incarnated this time around, and why you chose your family members, etc. You’ll then enter the celestial Hall of Records and view several of your past lives in your personal holographic lifebook, after which, you’ll meet your spiritual council members who helped you select your current life. Finally, you’ll improve your psychic skills by giving psychic reading to others in class. Saturday, 10AM-5PM, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583. 12/12 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR with Jamy and Peter Faust, healers and facilitators. Any issue with family (family of origin or current), career, illness, or other obstacles are set up through the lens of Family Constellations. Participants may represent relevant people or elements important to presenting need of client working. Saturday 9:30–6 pm. Belmont/Waltham area. Registration/ info: www.ConstellationApproach.com/seminars. 2/5-2/7 — FREE SEMINAR. “Past lives, dreams, and soul travel are all part of Eckankar. They can help open your spiritual ears to the divine love that surrounds you every

minute of every day. Look into the ECK teachings. You will find they are charged with the energy of life and love. Those qualities can be yours too.”— Harold Klemp, spiritual leader of Eckankar. Join us for a free seminar in Springfield, MA. Enjoy heart-opening talks, music. Engage in spiritual discussion. Connect with like-minded people. Free admission, everyone welcome! For more information go to www.eckinmass.org. 2/6 — EMERGE: A WOMEN’S MOTIVATIONAL AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM. Beginning of 10-month program, meets monthly. Designed for women who seek to facilitate change and empowerment in their lives or in professional roles. www.OmniForte.org. 3/19 — FUNDAMENTALS OF FENG SHUI: CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. Beginning of eight-month program, meets one weekend/month. Learn to address various aspects of feng shui and subtle energies related to one’s home and work environments. www.OmniForte.org. 3/19 — TEACHINGS ON THE ANDEAN MYSTICAL TRADITION, (Pana, right side path), and the three worlds of the Andean cosmovision. Roots & Wings, Natick, MA. 10-4:30. Total participants 12. Registration: Sandy Corcoran (508) 435-2681. www.starwalkervisions.com. 3/19 — HOLISTIC HEALTH PRACTITIONER TRAINING. Explore eastern and western philosophies on spiritual, energetic, and scientific aspects of health and healing. Develop holistic skills for common and chronic issues in herbs, nutrition, and homeopathy. Heaven & Earth. (978) 534-1319 or www.heavenanearth.com. 4/16 — HERBAL APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM BEGINS. Hands-on! Established program. Experienced teachers. Registration is now open. Deadline: February 15. Misty Meadows Herbal Center, Lee, NH. Wendy Snow Fogg, senior herbalist. www.mistymeadows.org. (603) 659-7211. 4/16/16 — THE SCHOOL OF AKASHIC SOUL MASTERY AND PRACTITIONER CERTICATION. A seven-month program with Nancy Smith. Open house: 11/20, 2/2, 3/4. Contact: Women of Wisdom in North Easton. (508) 230-3680 or Nancy Smith: nancy@angelscapes.net. (978) 835-0005. 5/15-5/28 — SPRING IN HIDDEN IRELAND 2016. Join Ann Quinlan for another small group (12 max) private land journey in her native Ireland. www.spiraljourneys.com. ann@spiraljourneys.com. Contact Ann (207) 899-2606. 6/15-6/19 — AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS NATIONAL CONVENTION AND EXPO. Saratoga Springs, NY. Workshops, lectures, vendors, practitioners & field trips! Details: www.dowsers.org.

ONGOING SOUND HEALING WITH GONGS AND HIMALAYAN SINGING BOWLS. Over 25 fall events throughout CT, MA and NH with Priscilla Gale of Sacred Song Reiki. Also Reiki Level I Training, September 20 in Avon, CT. (978) 897-8846. www.sacredsongreiki.com.


4/16/16 — Join Nancy Smith for a seven-month certification at The School of Akashic Soul Mastery in Easton, MA. See Upcoming listing or angelscapes.net

BHAVNA’S WELLNESS GROUP. Living in Wholeness 1-year program starts December 2015. Intensive Transform Your Life 2-month course December 2015-January 2016. Powerful 1212 Divine Connection December 12, 4-8pm. 2nd Annual Wellness and Spiritual Retreat in India February 13-20. (774) 242-2112. www.bhwellnessgroup.com. BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES. Arlington and Lincoln, MA. Affordable, evening and weekend classes, aromatherapy certification course, herbal apprenticeship programs and advanced training, Lyme disease practitioner training and Awakening the Spiritual Heart Intensive. (781) 646-6319 or bostonherbalstudies.com. DOWN TO EARTH CRYSTAL FAIRS. Held monthly: September 27, October 25, November 22, December 13, January 10, February 21. Cape Cod Center for Whole Health, 116 State Road, Sagamore Beach, MA. 10am-3pm. Free admission, 10%-20% discounts! Quality crystals, minerals and jewelry! Contact: (508) 680-6195. www.downtoearthcrystals.com. www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com. CALLING ALL WELLNESS NERDS AND PERSONAL GROWTH ENTHUSIASTS! Monthly interactive meetup with rotating topics, speakers and movement therapies. Fridays 6:30 to 9pm. Come relax in a supportive community. Join “Calling All Wellness Nerds to Union Square” on MeetUP.com or contact Susan (781) 254-0548 or healthwisdom@me.com. GREATER BOSTON CHURCH OF SPIRITUALISM FALL EVENTS. Saturday, September 26: Fall Fair. Mediumship

readings and vendors. Saturday, October 31: Healing Arts. Experience many healing modalities and a reading. Saturday, November 28: Holiday Fair. Start your holiday shopping and have a reading. GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism.com CLASSES IN CHANNELING AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION with Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness, channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, join Learn to Channel, other classes, enjoy Evenings with Vywamus September 10, October 1, November 5. (617) 332-1541. www.andreaseiver.com OPEN MEDITATION at Advaita Meditation Center, every Wednesday, 7 to 8:30pm. Please join us for meditation, discussion, and refreshments. Newcomers and experienced meditators both welcome. Instruction provided. 28 Worcester Lane, Waltham. Go to www.advaitameditation.org for more details. THE ECLECTIC INSTITUTE OF AROMATHERAPY AND HERBAL STUDIES OFFERS: Goat’s Milk Soap Workshop, September 6 in Arlington and November 8 in Chelmsford. European Aromatherapy Certification Course beginning September 26 in Arlington and beginning November 1 in Sturbridge. www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com. THETAHEALING® PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION TRAINING for beginners and experienced healers alike. The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation training technique using focused thought and prayer. Upcoming classes in RI, MA and Sedona, AZ: Sept 4-6, Sept 18-20, Oct 2-4, Oct 16-18, Nov 13-15, Dec 11-13, Jan 15-17, Feb 12-14. Tuition: $450. To register, contact Monique LaCroix. Healingarts11@aol.com or (401) 480-2626. SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker Meetinghouse, Cambridge, MA. Open to all, instruction available on website: http://www.friendsjourneycircle.org/. Emily (781) 641-3980 or Christian (781) 424-0510. PRANIC HEALING. Private sessions. Level 1 Workshop: November 7-8. Twin Heart Meditations and review ongoing. Advanced Pranic Healing/Pranic Psychology November 13-15. Pathwork ongoing. North Andover, MA. Miriam Smith, certified healer/teacher. mgsenergy@comcast.net. (978) 807-1634. www.PranicHealingNE.com. WELLNESS ROUNDTABLE HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS NETWORKING GROUP. Please join us at our monthly meetings, second Wednesday each month in Northboro, MA. Stay inspired and create collaborative professional relationships. A welcoming community working for the greater health and wellbeing of all. Contact marilyn@confident-directions.com. PARENTS, NURSES, TEACHERS, MASSAGE THERAPISTS. Workshops for special needs, depression, anxiety and hundreds of physical issues. Massage therapists receive CE. Restore 1 and 2, Advanced Light Touch Therapy. Restore For Life Natural Health. Restoreforlife.com. (603) 770-6177.

FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 61


HolisticDirectory FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 5

Categories Acupuncture and Asian Medicine . . 62

Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66

Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . . 68-69

Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-71

Astrological Consulting . . . . . . . . . 62

Colon Hydrotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Healing: Combined Modalities ..69-70

Salons and Spas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Consciousness Transformation . . 66

Holistic Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Children's Health & Services . . . . . 63

Counseling and Therapy . . . . . . 66-67

Homeopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Classes, Certifications & Schools . . 64-65

Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Acupuncture & Asian Medicine ACUPUNCTURE OF WORCESTER Holistic Health since 1974

Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use

Acupuncture Plus Yoga

of energy balancing, nut­ritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation. Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557.

Treatments and classes for healing all stress-related ailments, sports injuries, women’s health issues and more Specialties include: anxiety, mild to moderate depression, back pain, migraines, and infertility, as well as other health issues. We also specialize in facial rejuvenation (micro-current facial) and offer non-needle options. Bryn has over 22 years experience. Available weekdays and weekends by appointment. 481 Great Road #6, Acton, MA 01720 info@acupunctureplusyoga.com www.acupunctureplusyoga.com S 978-266-9889 S

62 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Astrological Consulting


Questions? Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”



Esoteric Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE

Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance

Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call: stars@ericlinter.com X 508-541-4115 X

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on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach. I have been in practice for 25 years. U Astrological Consultations U U Psychospiritual Counseling U www.astrologicalpsychology.com 617-524-7072

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201 Boston Post Rd. West, Marlborough, MA 508-460-0091 relate effectively with others and foster their natural enthusiasm for learning. S Child-centered preschool program

We are a nonprofit Center devoted to teaching meditation and exploring Advaita, the spiritual tradition of self-realization. To learn more about us, go to our website or visit us at our lovely, historic house in Waltham. Wednesday Evening Open Meditation Introductory Classes Reading Groups and other Activities


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limited openings available At Small Miracles Preschool the unique spirit of each child is acknowledged and cherished. Our mission is to provide a loving, supportive environment where children thrive in an atmosphere of security and mutual respect. We strive to nurture children’s self-esteem, guide them in learning to

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FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 63

Classes, Certifications & Schools ACCREDITED HOLISTIC DEGREES Certificate and Coach Training Programs in Emerging Fields of Inquiry MASTER OF ARTS DEGREES:

a a a a a

Integrative Health and Healing Consciousness Studies Learning and Thinking Writing and Oral Traditions Organizational Leadership


a Positive Psychology, Emotional WellBeing and Happiness a Integrative Health and Healing a Health Coaching and Patient Navigation a Ecotherapy and Cultural Sustainability a Story Telling

Our Mission is to create an environment for learners to pursue their passions and affect changes in their lives and work. All of the programs are experientially based and designed to facilitate both professional growth and personal development.

Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming. A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and

~ Pierre Sorey, High School English Teacher Master of Arts in Oral Traditions, Class of 2012

171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT 06524 203-874-4252 | info@learn.edu

Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies

v Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education

Instructor Linda Patterson offers over 20 years of experience in the science, art and principles of herbalism and aromatherapy.

800-262-8530 v www.spatech.edu

Ongoing certification courses offered throughout the northeast including: ✴ 7-Month Herbal Certification ✴ 4-Month European-Based Aromatherapy Introduction ✴ 4-Month Advanced Aromatherapy Course ✴ 3-Month Conscious Nutrition Course ✴ Palmistry a tool of diagnoses www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com 978-297-4502

Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! ~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ Hyannis, MA Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA www.walkinbalance.com v 508-317-3044 v

Peggy Huddleston’s

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Training™ A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques 781-538-5466 F www.HealFaster.com


❖ ❖

Intensive 7 Month Herbal Apprenticeships Advanced Training with Prominent Herbalists Aromatherapy Certification Lyme Disease Practitioner Training UPCOMING HERBAL CLASSES

For more information on all of our classes: www.bostonherbalstudies.com Arlington, MA ❖ 781.646.6319

Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students.


Currently enrolling students for Fall 2015. Contact us to learn more about programs and financial aid options.

v Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style v Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion

Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings.

a Transformative Coach Training a Health Coaching and Patient Navigation

“This school has brought me to a new level. Simply put, it is the place where I realized my dreams and where I was encouraged, taught, and supported to pursue a creative life. I have made life-long relationships at this institution.”

New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies

energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future.

The Art of Making Goat Milk Soap: Sept 6 Lyme Disease Practitioner Training: begins Sept 9 Awakening the Spiritual Heart: begins Sept 16 Aromatherapy Certification Course: begins Sept 26 Qigong, Immunity & Medicinal Mushrooms: Oct 8

“I recommend this program to all who require surgery and want to recover faster.” – Andrew T .Weil, MD Peggy will show you how to give a one-hour workshop using mind-body techniques for people facing surgery. Workshop is based on her book, Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster and companion relaxation CD or MP3. Research shows that Peggy’s method helps people reduce anxiety, use 23-60% less pain medication and heal faster.

You also learn to give these one-hour workshops using mind-body techniques: Reduce Anxiety, Headaches and Insomnia Lessen Chronic Pain and Speed Healing Lessen Side-Effects of Chemotherapy You learn how to use these workshops in hospitals, surgeons’ offices, and your own private practice. Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Workshops are recommended at hospitals including Brigham and Women’s Hospital, NYU Langone Medical Center and Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center in CA. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Peggy Huddleston’s writing and clinical work focuses on the ways emotions and the human spirit enhance healing. In Lexington, MA and at a distance 15 CEUs approved for nurses Training is Sat. 10-5 pm and Sun. 10-6 pm. $445 per person.

Classes, Certifications and Schools continued

64 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Classes, Certifications and Schools continued

trauma and illness, without relying solely on linear meridian techniques. Learn powerful protocols for deeper, more rapid release of the Root Cause. Our easy to learn 60-point number system includes detailed diagrams; no prior acupressure experience or knowledge required.

more information about our training and our trained psychosynthesis coaches, visit www.psychosynthesiscoach.org.

The Synthesis Center Professional Training in Psychosynthesis The Synthesis Center: Professional Training in Psychosynthesis is a holistic, trans-personal model of human development integrating psychology and spirit in the healing arts. The Center offers two Professional Training programs in psychosynthesis for all helping professionals and students.

The Will to Grow: Transformational Life Coaching is a nationally certified, coach training program, with start dates in the fall of 2015. This program trains people in psychosynthesis coaching and leads to a Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) certification through the Center and to the prestigious and nationally certified Board Certified Coach (BCC). The program is offered via teleconference and independent study formats and prepares people to work in the expanding field of life and business coaching and its many variations. The training process is deep and rich, supporting the coach trainee in stepping fully into the field, through personal and shared processes, didactic training and on-going co-coaching practice. For

The Psychosynthesis Professional Training Program teaches psychosynthesis theory, the principles of holistic psychology and the process of psychological and spiritual development. It provides in-depth theoretical and practical training as well as intensive personal, professional and spiritual growth in a face-to-face setting. This training is open to those actively engaged in or studying the helping professions. This is a comprehensive threeyear program that leads to certification as a Certified Psychosynthesis Practitioner (CPP) as well as Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) and BCC certification. CEU’s for social work and mental health counseling are available. The next Level I training starts in the fall of 2015. Full program information is available on our web site. Synthesis center teaching staff are available to talk in person or by phone as well. Free Introductory live and teleconference sessions will be offered in the fall and winter of 2015. Dates are available on our websites. Free Self-Coaching Exercises. For a copy of “Got Self? 4 Great Self-Coaching Exercises,” send us your email! The Synthesis Center e Amherst, MA www.psychosynthesiscoach.org admin@synthesiscenter.org www.synthesiscenter.org e 413-256-0772

But it’s difficult to have a serious impact on the world if you’re not getting paid what you’re worth... or if you don’t now how to keep paying clients until they achieve their goals and refer others. We’ll teach you best practice coaching skills and give you the tools to make a great income.

Dr. Sharon Livingston

Like Helping Others? Make a Living While Making a Difference Become a Certified Professional Coach Turn Your Love for Helping Others into a Professional Career Got a burning desire to change the world for the better? Want to share your experience with others so they can reach their goals more easily (with less pain)? Already having an amazing impact on others with your conversations and insights? If so, you’re a natural coach! And that’s great news, because coaching is one of the best professions in the world today with very few barriers to entry.

G Live Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Certification 5-day course G Live Certified Hypnosis Coach (CHC) Certification 7-day course G Remote on-line Certified Professional Coach Certification (CPC) 12-module, learn-at-your own pace course can be completed in as little as 12 weeks

Training Programs to complement all medical and holistic modalities

EOL Rings of Oden™ Net-Neutral Ionic


Internationally renowned Medical Intuitives, Authors, Visionaries, Inventors and Founders of The Energy of Life® (EOL) Integrative and Intuitive Healing Process, Sue and Aaron Singleton offer a diverse variety of Training Programs to complement all medical and holistic modalities, and to empower practitioners and laypersons. EOL I.D.E.A.L. Process for Creating a Life You Love! Workshop Series A totally unique intuitive development and healing process that transforms lives for healers, doctors, executives, and fulltime parents. Apply the EOL Process alone, or to enhance Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. The EOL Process for Discernment is prerequisite for medical intuitive training with Sue Singleton. EOL Visionary Acupressure System

Workshop Series This fusion of ancient and modern techniques makes a quantum leap to address

Technology for Quantum Healing: Revolutionary technology imbedded in The Rings of Oden accelerates light resonance and provides modulating energy frequencies for healing. Users resport rapid resolution of chronic pain, injuries, glaucoma, chronic emotional patterns and illnesses. The Rings combine Crop Circles, and DNA Holographic Re-Patterning to create specific vortices and frequencies for various conditions and spiritual transformation. Powerful for self-healing, as well as helping others. Other Workshops and Programs Radical Hands-On Healing™ F Introduction to Medical Intuition F BioMorphic Geometry™ F Stone Play™ Crystal Matrix Technology F EOL

Classes as online webinars, DVDs/CDs, home-study manuals, and in-person in MA/CT. 21 Water Street, Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Coaching John Howe The Transformation Rocket Scientist Transformational Coaching and Counseling Are you ready to shift from a good life to a great life? Awesome relationships, a career that fits you perfectly, a life that reignites your passion!

Using specialized tools for belief change, inner harmony, connecting with Higher Guidance and finding your Life Purpose, John helps you make the shifts that count! “I can now create the soul-guided life I long to live, and embody the blessing I long to be. This is just the beginning…” ­– Nina Davis (Germany)

Call John at 978-443-3460 for a free exploratory session. PossibilityCoach@HoweToTransform.com http://tinyurl.com/JohnHowe-linkedin-2

Live courses offered at The Livingston Center in Londonderry, NH. “My expectations were exceeded. I was impressed by both the character and competence of Dr. Sharon Livingston. Her ability to draw people out in unique and creative ways and apply the gathered data to complicated analyses made my experience working with her a memorable and fun one!”

find “us” again with Come Back to Love Coach™

Rediscover the true connection that ignited your passion for each other when you met. Tantric intimacy coaching and psychotherapy tools will help you find the “us” again in your relationship.

– Stephen R. Covey

www.CoachCertificationAlliance.com G 603-505-5000 G

Private Coaching, Intimate Puja Circles, Workshops

www.RobynVogel.com phone/text: 508-380-9254 Coaching continued


FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 65

Coaching, continued


Law of Attraction LIFE COACH

Learn how to improve all aspects of your life by learning how to use the Law of Attraction! I am an experienced, certified Law of Attraction life coach and I can help you do just that.

David Scott Bartky Meet David at the Natural Living Expo on Nov. 14-15, at booth #906

First session is FREE! www.lifecoachdavid.com F 973-444-7301

Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment. Stephanie Dumas I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA healthyspirit@verizon.net 781-860-5116

Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit

Lead Senior Colon Hydrotherapist in New England, 35 years, over 55,000 sessions.

Constance Jones

Center for Progressive Therapies 192 Hartford Road Manchester, CT 06040

Change your Mind – Change your Life: Fast, Simple, Powerful

I-ACT Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year 2014 I-ACT Instructor and NBCHT Certified connie@cleanmycolon.com www.cleanmycolon.com G 860-287-4558

Love the Way you Look V Stop Smoking Sleep Well V Relieve Stress and Tension Build Confidence

Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help all humans make the shift into the higher levels of consciousness. Readings with Vywamus cover your life work, relationships, past lives, and other

Soul Coach

Janet Dwinells, MA,CCH Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Practicing since 1989, it is my calling to help you explore your inner world, transform obstacles that are holding you back and create the life of your dreams. Explore Within Come to know your true Soul-Self through Guided Imagery, Dreamwork, “Healing through Imagination” and Guided Meditations.

Transform Obstacles Heal your body, mind, spirit and soul through Alchemical Hypnotherapy techniques, such as Inner Child and Inner Personality Work, Past Life Regression Therapy, Energy Clearing, and NLP. Live Your Possibility! Enjoy guidance and support to make the changes you desire by empowering your true Soul-Self. Live your best life through “Coaching for your Soul.” Offices in Mashpee, Middleboro & Norton, MA janet@voyageofyoursoul.com 508-776-2620 G voyageofyoursoul.com

Meet Sharon at the Natural Living Expo, Booth #714 NGH Certified Hypnosis Consultant NGH Certified Hypnosis Trainer 603-505-5000 DrSharonLivingston@gmail.com

issues with his characteristic warmth, humor, and practical advice. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and begin to live in a state of higher consciousness. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus shares his energy and discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Other Classes: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling For information, contact Andrea at 617-332-1541 • www.andreaseiver.com

Available Now! The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness A Vywamus Book Read more at www.andreaseiver.com

Counseling and Therapy HELPING PEOPLE

live better lives

GLENN BIGONET, M.A. Mental Health Counselor Clinical Hypnotherapist COMPASSIONATE ACCEPTANCE

Consciousness Transformation

Free Consultation plus 50% off 6-Session Package (mention Spirit of Change for Discount)


Coaching is done over the phone.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy

Hypnosis for Change

Counseling Individuals, Couples & Families Weekly Group G Workshops Offered Conveniently located in Wellesley Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95

Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Work­ing together, one-on-one, you can over-

Glenn utilizes a wide variety of therapeutic techniques and powerfully combines hypnosis and psychotherapy. This method is safe, effective and faster than using only talk therapy. You’ll feel better in your life as he works with you to make your goals a reality. Issues with which Glenn commonly works are: relationships, anger management, anxiety, adult ADD/AHDH, addictions, trauma and abuse, weight loss, hoarding/cluttering, sleep problems, and mental health. Initial consultations are free. www.CompassionateAcceptance.com 617-462-6642

come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner bal­ance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with: u Career and identity is­sues u Immune and autoimmune illnesses u Chronic fatigue syndrome u Depression u Learning disabilities and ADD u Relationships u NLP Certification Training Program u Bel­mont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716. Counseling and Therapy, continued

66 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Counseling and Therapy, continued

Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education Dr. Trish Whynot’s way incorporates ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, meditative techniques and wise guidance that comes through the Mineral Kingdom. Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Discover, address, and release issues blocking health and wealth. G View relationship discord and illness as opportunities for growth and change. G Open to an array of extraordinary futures. G

Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express the power of the heart. Emotional safety,

Learn perspectives for living and loving that expect opportunities even during challenging times. You can’t thrive on problems but you can thrive on the wisdom, understanding and compassion gained from them. Dr. Trish Whynot is a holistic counselor, speaker and author of “Why Me? Why Now? WHY NOT? Finding Opportunity in Your Obstacles.” Paperback and electronic versions available. “What im­pres­sed me about Dr. Trish Whynot was her ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of any problem.” — Bob Olson, Editor, OfSpirit.com Workshops and Sessions Available In Office, Phone or Skype Pittsfield, NH G trish@trishwhynot.com www.TrishWhynot.com G 978-314-4545

words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Sunday nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: www.heartspacecafe.com/blog

Holistic Psychotherapy Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential. EMDR R TAT R Hypnosis R Reiki

Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.

I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.

294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA www.eaglespirittherapies.com 781-297-2003

Center of the Heart

I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you.

Whole Health Integration

Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.

Mediation for couples and families. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups. Apprenticeship training. Newton, MA www.healingheartpower.com LSMHEART@aol.com 617-965-7846

Brainspotting A neurobiological tool for releasing traumatic/emotionally-charged issues within the brain. Holistic Psychotherapy Clinical Consultation Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias.

Client Comments: s Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.” s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138

Crystals Crystal Concentrics

Free consultations Huge variety of crystals available Monthly meditations and workshops Individual sessions, including long distance

HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY Dedicated to the freedom to explore and express the authentic self.

Jonathan Chisholm, MA Present moment awareness is the technique and goal of this psychotherapeutic process. Healing begins as you learn to be fully aware of and respectful to your own inner state while being present with another person. In this way, you can learn to let go of old relational habits and the self-limiting beliefs that lead to them. You can genuinely address various addictions and learn to release the traumas and hurts that underlie them. Emotions that were once overwhel-


ming become a guide to who you are and what you need from life. As you begin to respect your feelings and perceptions as valid, you realize you are free to live your life in a way that naturally flows from who you are. You become yourself. This work must be done gently. You will need the guidance of someone who will keep you on task but at the same time allow you to go at a pace that feels safe. You need someone you can learn to trust. We enter into a collaboration that is itself a form of meditation. By learning to be present to each other in the therapeutic setting, a new possibility for being in the world emerges. 100 Lafayette St, Pawtucket, RI 02860 Jonathan@HolisticPsychotherapy.com www.HolisticPsychotherapy.com 401-952-0142

Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com Arlington, MA b 617-771-5119 www.PowerStoneCrystals.com

KYLE RUSSELL Working with crystals for 25 years

Andara Crystals Raise your Vibration and Expand Consciousness www.Andarawakening.com www.Andaraoraclecards.com G Automatically expands your state of awareness

G Increases access to universal knowledge G Activates channeling abilities

G Accelerates the spiritual development process G Creates a bridge between ethereal and physical dimensions

G Manifests and creates by inserting your intention into the Andara Energy Field G Clears and balances chakras

G Raises your frequency of energy, raising your overall vibration

FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 67

Healing and Bodywork

Altering disruptive short circuits so that energy may flow more easily throughout the body.

Reiki Satellite

Create a balance for a healthier habit of everyday living.


Reiki Master/Teacher in Usui Shiki Ryoho, certified in the Ataana Method

Experience unique energy healing sessions combining Usui Reiki with techniques from the Ataana Method. Inquire for Private Reiki Level I and II Training, Workshops and Gift Certificates.


Available weekdays and on weekends / early evenings by appointment. 440 Arsenal Street | Watertown, MA kathrin@energyhealing.center www.energyhealing.center G 978.626.2140

Life Coach Using Traditional Usui, Hayashi & Takata Methods


Reiki Healing

Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”

Divine Intervention

Spontaneous Remission

Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results.

Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.

Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 u www.claireluft.com

The John Barnes’ Myofascial Release approach is considered to be the ultimate mind/body therapy that is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last.

7 years experience In person or long distance healings by phone:

Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. Awaken your healing skills immediately and be a powerful channel for Reiki energy! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996 to empower and develop a student’s capacity for healing. The Center offers the most thorough Reiki healing training available, ‘with no cut corners’, as it was taught by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He was one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He was also the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the Western Hemisphere until his passing into spirit on January 12, 2011.

603-897-5979 R Nashua, NH www.reikisatellite.com

Lourdes was initiated by John Harvey Gray as a Reiki Master Teacher in 1996 after intensive one-on-one training by John Harvey Gray. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Lourdes has taught over 700 Reiki workshops and trained more than 8,000 Reiki students to date and serves as the director of the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Each workshop consists of two full days of learning and hands-on practice. You will immediately be able to effectively channel Reiki healing energy for yourself, others and pets. In Reiki First Degree you will:

✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural,

intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Effectively treat any condition with Reiki energy— physical, emotional or spiritual, chronic or acute. ✴ Immediately be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients and pets ✴ Receive a training manual & certificate. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted

See Full Class Schedule: www.learnreiki.org ✴ 603-899-3288

We treat a variety of conditions:

Authentic Healing with John F. Barnes Myofascial Release

Back Pain G Neck Pain G Trauma Carpal Tunnel G Pelvic Pain Sports Injuries G Myofascial Pain Headaches G Scars and much more

2 First Avenue, Suite 111, Peabody, MA www.NorthShoreMFR.com G 978-548-6475

Patricia Warren Reiki Jin Kei Do

Union, returning 13 times, as well as to thousands of people in medical, religious and educational settings throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Middle East since 1989. ✦ ✦

38C Park Street, Medfield, MA 02052 www.holisticwellnesscenter.org 508-359-7400

Bringing complimentary and alternative care to our community... We are a dedicated and professional group of practitioners providing compassionate care to assist our clients on their journey to wellness.

New Englands most InternationallyExperienced Reiki Master since 1989

Our offerings include Acupuncture and Cupping, Ear Candling, Facial Rejuvination, Holistic Health Coaching, Mayan Abdominal Massage, Massage Therapy, Reflexology Reiki, Polarity, Eden Energy Healing, Wardrobe Consulting/Coaching and Holistic Life Counseling. And if all that wasn’t enough... crystals and gifts too!

Patricia has taught healing techniques of Buddhist, Sikhs and Christians for over 25 years. She is the appointed East Coast representative of Reiki Jin Kei Do ~ Buddho Healing, authentic and advanced teachings of Usui Reiki in the lineage of Buddhist Monk Seiji Takamori. Patricia was the first woman to teach Reiki in the former Soviet


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ S

All Levels of Reiki Jin Kei Do Training Buddho Healing (advanced Reiki classes) “His Garments Hem” Christian Healing Touch Gung Fu Chinese Tea Ceremonies Past Life Regression Justice of the Peace Spiritual Director S














S Reiki Jin Kei Do Level 1 CD S

Reiki Jin Kei Do CD $16
















Patricia Warren, Reiki Master Teacher 508-528-5888 ✦ warrenhealing@gmail.com www.patriciawarren.com Healing and Bodywork,w continued

68 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Healing and Bodywork, continued One of Libby’s passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, creating greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. ©

Libby Barnett, MSW, RMT Awaken Your Healing Touch Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 33 years experience. Libby learned Reiki from John Harvey Gray in 1979, and is the longest practicing Reiki Master Teacher on the East Coast. Her book, Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice has sold over 70,000 copies in five languages. Use Reiki to create more joy, ease, and happiness. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has been teaching Reiki at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for 14 years. She has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale, as well as staff at Mass General, Brigham and Women’s, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Columbia Presbyterian hospitals, and social workers at the University of Maryland. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul. “Libby has a beautiful way of teaching and creates a perfect atmosphere for healing and learning.”

In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki and highlights the latest research. Reiki stories from Libby’s extensive experience will uplift and inspire you, showing how anyone can learn Reiki. You receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and Reiki pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and animals. “Hands on, Reiki’s on.” "My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective self-care tool to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki.” Reiki I, Boston Area Classes: Newton, MA: Sept. 19 or Nov. 14 Concord, MA: Oct. 17 Reiki I, Wilton, NH Classes: Sept. 12 or Nov. 7 Reiki II Class: on day following Reiki I Class Reiki Master, Wilton, NH Class: Oct. 10 Graduates of other Reiki teachers welcome. Additional Reiki training dates can be found at: www.reikienergy.com All credit cards accepted. Social Work, Nursing and Massage contact hours/CEU’s available. Reiki Master Teacher Training info available on request. To register or for more information: www.reikienergy.com reiki@reikienergy.com • 603-654-2787

Healing: Combined Modalities Illumination, Soul Retrieval and Reiki to work with you to bring light to what stands between inner peace and happiness. A healing session is individually tailored to your unique needs and offers guidance along life’s path as you navigate the sacred waters of life. Each session is approximately one hour. AMY K. NIELD, RN, BS, CHPN

Helping to navigate the sacred waters of life... Navigating through blocks, challenges and emotions can cause us to lose objectivity. Amy Nield, RN, BS, CHPN, uses a variety of healing techniques such as



Reconnective Healing® The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing® with Animals

Vibrational Transformation

Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.

Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 v www.claireluft.com

Give yourself, a loved one, or beloved animal a Reconnective Healing,® uniquely customized by the intelligence of the universe, whereby you or they will receive what is needed — emotional, spiritual or physical healing, not merely just what you think you should have. The objective of The Reconnection® is to return the body to balance, while tapping into the universal healing intelligence. www.lightandlovehealing.com RUSSELL RICCIO r 603-935-9106

By increasing your Vibrational Frequency, you’ll transform the denser, heavier energies within your system allowing you to:

intuitive HEALING

Wendy Marks

M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA R Medical intuitive sessions, energy healR 30 years of experience in traditional and

complementary healthcare

Unleash your innate gifts, talents and abilities desires in all areas of your life

Vibrational Transformation is a process whereby vibrations are introduced into the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies for transformation.

ing and integrative therapy


Embody and reveal who you truly are

G Come back into harmony with your true

Your Vibrational Frequency informs your entire reality.

Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials.

Email me for an in-person or remote session: Nav.SacredWaters@gmail.com



We are vibrational beings.

22-Strand DNA Activation

Shamanic Energy Practitioner, The Four Winds Light Body School Reiki Master, BS Counseling and Family Studies RN Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse Kripalu Yoga Teacher

Offices in Watertown, MA and Cumberland, RI Available in-person or by phone Cheryl@WrightHereNow.com 617-448-8749 G www.WrightHereNow.com

R Improve your physical, mental, and

spiritual health

R Works with individuals to develop their

own intuitive skills

“As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.” www.wendymarks.com R 781-449-5368 wlm922@wendymarks.com Healing: Combined Modalities, continued


FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 69

Healing: Combined Modalities, continued

Sacred Spiral Life Work

Inspiring Life Events

Oneness Blessings Full Moon Paddle and Campfire SpiritSong Circles Y Munay-Ki RitesMonthly Heartbeat Salons, and more…

Release patterns, stories, limiting beliefs. Be held in unconditional love and acceptance. Relax into your Self, life, and circumstances. Release stress and tension. Get unstuck, move beyond fear. Unfold your true magnificence.


Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic ener­gy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,

Safe, effective, non-toxic, no side effects

Check out our calendar at: www.tinyURL.com/InspiringLife


Anything is possible.

Homeopathy Does not interact with other medicines



150 North Shore Drive, Stow, MA 01775 MariePatrice@SacredSpiralLifeWork.com

Classical Homeopathy Homotoxicology (FCT CEASE) Pranic Healing

In-person and phone sessions available.

www.SacredSpiralLifeWork.com 978-579-0897

Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r info@eyeofeagle.org www.eyeofeagle.org r 978-475-1268

Brings rapid, gentle balance of the immune system Holistic approach to healing and wellness www.behealthyhomeopathy.com veravolfson@gmail.com T 508.397.6098

Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Services, LLC BETH COLON, M.S., HHP Nutrition and Wellness Counselor Certified GAPS Practitioner Specializing in digestive wellness and gut repair.

Come on a journey with me to improve your health with holistic nutrition.

PROGRAMS FOR: S Practical Nutrition

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987-340-0448 www.HolisticNutritionServices.com

Readings Special Introductory Rate: $40

Light and Love Please call or e-mail Jay Chakra Illumination G Soul Retrieval Entity Extraction G Object Extraction Cord Cutting

for an appointment healingshamanic@gmail.com

Dr. Jody E. Noé MS, ND

Dr. Jody E. Noé, MS, ND is a Licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, adjunct faculty at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is a published natural medicine researcher. Dr. Noé has been in practice for over 20 years and is a specialist in Integrative Medicine, and Naturopathic Oncology. Dr. Noé is the author of the Textbook of Naturopathic Integrative Oncology, CCNM

with october’s angel

V Tarot Readings V V Angel Card Readings V V Dream Interpretation V V Astrology Charts V

healingshamanic.com G 617-340-9593

Holistic Medical Natural Family Health & Integrative Medicine


V Tea-Leaf Readings V

Press, a first-of-its-kind text, available at her office or on Amazon/textbooks. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are trained at accredited naturopathic medical schools, which are 4-year post graduate medical schools accredited by the US Dept. of Education. These medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors are trained as primary care doctors where they can order labs, diagnostics and diagnostic imaging, perform physical examinations, and refer to specialists when indicated. A naturopathic doctor uses natural complementary and alternative therapies, in conjunction with, or in place of, conventional medicine, based on the individual. 101 West Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT www.drjodyenoe.com v 860-495-5688

Visit October’s Angel at Booth #32 November 14-15 in Marlborough, MA


PSYCHIC MEDIUM | NEW AGE AUTHOR Call for Readings: Z 978-420-8213 Z psychicmediumkelle.com

Like us on Facebook.com/amythstmoon V www.octobersangel.com V

Kelle’s new award-winning book Listen Up! The Other Side Is Talking is available! Get your signed copy through her website (also available on every book source in the Universe!): psychicmediumkelle.com “Kelle is a wonderful evidential medium and radio personality. Her new book is enlightening and entertaining and will open you up to the reality of spirit contact.” – Mark Anthony, the Psychic Lawyer UPCOMING EVENTS

Z Join Weekly Spirit Circle Sundays Z Mediumship Development Classes One night weekly for six weeks: Sept 9 – Oct 7, Oct 21 – Nov 25 Readings, continued

70 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

Readings, continued

Nancy Johansen RN, CCH, RMT

Connecting you with your Angelic Dream Team, creating your Happily Ever After Angel Readings S Past Life Regression Angel Therapy® S Reiki S Hypnotherapy

at Angeltouche

Private sessions in person or distance by phone and e-mail. Classes and workshops ~ North Attleboro, MA Nancy@Angeltouche.com www.Angeltouche.com S 508-577-4552

Psychic Intuitive S Angel Therapy Practitioner ®



Intuitive Guidance for Your Life

Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.

If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own.


Connecting to Spirit is your inspiration, is your inspiration, sustenance and support for your life’s journey. Nancy gently guides you into a connection with spirit and your soul for guidance, healing and direction. Whether you want to connect with a loved one who has passed or you have questions and challenges you want to work with, allow spirit to inspire you in a reading session with Nancy.

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.


Psychic mediumship Spirit portraits of loved ones in Spirit Akashic record life readings Session packages available Group sessions and classes: Mediumship & Spirit Art Demonstrations, Akashic Records, Meditations, Mediumship and Psychic training, Drawing in Spirit, and more Free inspirational “Wing Tips” at angelscapes.net

Sign up for Nancy’s 7-month series, School of Akashic Soul Mastery, at Women of Wisdom, Inc. in North Easton. Next session starting April 16, 2016.

Start your Neurobiological Shift www.onenessma.org/awaken The Oneness Blessing is a direct transfer of intelligent sacred energy, which causes the heart to flower and the mind to quiet. It initiates a neurobiological change in the brain.

North Andover F nancy@angelscapes.net www.angelscape.net F 978-835-0005

Ann Bissanti

Creative Strands HAIR


Chill Out, Ease Stress & Restore Balance Treat yourself to the ultimate in relaxation!


Enjoy a Thai Yoga Massage or enjoy a softer touch with a Swedish Massage. We also have Deep Tissue Massages and many more. Facials to fit every season. Skin care and hair care products for all skin types and hair care needs. Our whole team continues to keep up with the latest trends and state of the art techniques. 3 Boston Road, Sutton, MA www.creativestrandsllc.com i 508-865-1141

An affiliate of the Spiritualists United Network (SUN) and the International Spiritualist Federation.

We have regular large group events and smaller blessing circles within the Oneness Massachusetts group – check our website: OnenessMA.org for details and locations. Sign up for our newsletter and get email invitations to our large events. Meet us at the Natural Living Expo, Nov. 14-15. Visit Booth #16

Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness

Meet Nancy in booth #51 at the Natural Living Expo or attend her expo workshop Opening to Akashic Energy on Sat., Nov. 14 at 11:30.

Salons and Spas

As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the last Saturday of every month, except in July and August when it’s the last Tuesday; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a brochure including upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor, call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at www. GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism.com.

The Oneness Blessing frees the senses from the constant chatter of the mind, bringing clarity and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace and inner silence. It dissolves negative patterns, releases traumas stored at the cellular and energetic levels, and facilitates deep emotional physical healing. Eventually the process brings a permanent end to personal suffering and full Awakening to the very highest states of consciousness.

For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant jocelynintuitive@hotmail.com 978-694-8946


…In the presence of loving Angelic energy

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism

All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~



Spiritual Practices

Worcester Yoga Center HathaYoga begins with refining the physical body but does not stop there. The exercises involve slow precise stretching, strength­en­­ing, and breathing techniques,

which not only tone the muscles but affect internal organs, nerves, skin, and virtually all body systems, making yoga a superior wholistic method for physical fitness and preventive and corrective health care. Certified teacher Ann Bissanti, trained in India by B.KS. Iyengar, has studied yoga and meditation for the past 30 years. She has taught yoga at Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, at various fitness centers and adult education programs, and privately. For more information call: Worcester Yoga Center, 508-829-6300.

Include your business in this directory next issue! Spring/Summer Advertising Deadline: Jan. 29 Contact: advertise@spiritofchange.org or 508-278-9640 x1 FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 71


Holistic Holistic Specialties Specialties DIRECTORY OF

ACUPUNCTURE JoyCommunityAcupuncture.com. ANGELS Newton, MA. 617-510-0559. Sliding fee $20Ross J. Miller, psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides. 40, $10 initial.Visit www.The MysticWay.com 617-527-3583. ANGELS SERVICES ANIMAL

Ross J. Miller, psychic. Meet your angels and Sharon Doolittle, DVM, Inc. Holistic. Smithfield, RI. spirit R. guides. 617-527-3583. 401-349-2668. www.holisticanimalvet.com Visit www.The MysticWay.com MASH Integrative Veterinary Care, est 1982. SERVICES ANIMAL Margo Roman, DVM. 508-435-4077. Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc. Holistic. www.mashvet.com

Smithfield, RI. 401-349-2668.

ASTROLOGY www.holisticanimalvet.com Eric Linter, over 25 years experience. Readings, classes, MASH Integrative Veterinary Care, est 1982. daily forecast. stars@ericlinter.com. 508-541-4115.

Margo Roman, DVM. 508-435-4077.

CERTIFICATIONS www.mashvet.com Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, IET and Crystal Healing. ASTROLOGY 508-539-2885. Clinics and fairs. Eric Linter, over 25 years experience. Readings, www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com classes, daily forecast. stars@ericlinter.com. Schools of Wisdom for Professional Development & 508-541-4115. Spiritual Enrichment. WomenofWisdominc.com. BODYWORK CHILDREN’S HEALTH Anna Smith, energy healing and bodywork for Touchstone Education for ages health andCommunity well being.School. 508-735-3838. 4-14. Grafton, MA. 508-839-0038. CERTIFICATIONS www.touchstoneschool.com.

Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, IET and Crystal

COLON HYDROTHERAPY Healing. 508-539-2885. Clinics and fairs. Genesis Alternative Health. 31 years of www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com experience. I-ACT certified instructor. HEALTH CHILDREN’S NBCHT certified. 603-347-1861.

Touchstone Community School. Education for

Bio-Detox Center. I-ACT and NBCHT ages 4-14. Grafton, MA. 508-839-0038. www.touchstoneschool.com. certified. Westminster, MA. 978-874-6200. drdeb@bio-detoxcenter.com COLON HYDROTHERAPY Body Balancing Center.Health. I-ACT and Genesis Alternative 30 National years of experience. Board certified. 508-868-3624. I-ACT certified instructor. www.bodybalancingcenter.com

NBCHT certified. 603-347-1861.

COUNSELING AND THERAPY Bio-Detox Center. I-ACT and NBCHT Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed 35 yrs. Stress, certified. Westminster, MA. 978-874-6200. drdeb@bio-detoxcenter.com anxiety, relationships. Stow & Shrewsbury, MA. Putnam, CT. 978-897-9797.

Body Balancing Center. I-ACT and National CRYSTAL ENERGY508-868-3624. WORK Board certified. CrystalConcentrics.com. Workshops, www.bodybalancingcenter.com Meditations, oneon-one, distance work. Wide selection of Crystals. Healthy Spirit. Stephanie Dumas. 617-771-5119.

I-ACT certified. 781-860-5116.

DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY TREATMENT healthyspirit@verizon.net Healed in 2 Hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic healer. Natural Path. Annette Cormier. The 617-527-3583. www.TheMysticWay.com

Hudson, MA. Text: (978) 855-3056.

EMF PROTECTION ancormier01@aol.com The Rejuvenizer®, protection from EMFs and other COUNSELING AND THERAPY damaging frequencies. www.lighthealing.com. Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed 35 yrs. Stress, 512-301-2999.

anxiety, relationships. Stow & Shrewsbury, MA.

FENG SHUICT. 978-897-9797. Putnam, Urban Eden. Transform and empower your CRYSTAL ENERGY WORK home/work spaces. 401-351-5632. CrystalConcentrics.com. Workshops, karenfeldmanurbaneden.com

meditations, one-on-one, distance work.

GHOSTS REMOVED 617-771-5119. From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. TREATMENT Miller, psychic DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY Healed medium, healer. CallRoss 617-527-3583. in 2 Hours. J. Miller, psychic healer. www. The MysticWay.com 617-527-3583. www.TheMysticWay.com

GHOSTS REMOVED From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic HOMEOPATHY medium, healer. Call 617-527-3583. Loretta Butehorn, PhD, CCH. Substance abuse, mental www. The MysticWay.com health. Boston, MA. www.lorettabutehornphd.com. HEALING CENTERS MEDICAL INTUITIVE Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Sue Singleton. 20+ years accurately finding Root Cause. Maine forest. www.forestcircles.com 978-834-0341. TheWayToBalance.com INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALING Elizabeth Thorson RN, Certified by C. Myss www.IntuitiveHealingResonance.com. Move and Norman Shealy, MD. 207-712-9495. beyond pain/trauma/anger/regret. elizabeththorson.com 401-466-4901 Intuitive with Wendy Marks. MEDICAL Healing INTUITIVE Over 25 years of experience. 781-449-5368. Gillian Drake. Diet-related health scans. www.wendymarks.com Candida, toxicity and more. GillianDrake.com NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS Sue Singleton. 20+ years accurately finding Dr. Jody Noe, 978-834-0341. MS, ND. Naturopathic integrative Root Cause. TheWayToBalance.com medicine. 860-495-5688. www.drjodyenoe.com NUMEROLOGY Elizabeth Thorson RN, Certified by C. Myss Kathy Bernstein. 35 years experience. and Norman Shealy, MD.of207-712-9495. elizabeththorson.com 401-338-1317. www.numerologypro.com PAST LIFE THERAPY Intuitive Healing with Wendy Marks. Over 25 years of experience. 781-449-5368. Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked www.wendymarks.com energy. 617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

MEDICAL TOURISM READINGS Dental and surgery in beautiful Costa Rica. Rachel Perry, Psychic Medium. (508) 681-0320. www.PearlMedcr.com www.RachelPerryMedium.com. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS REFLEXOLOGY Dr. Jody Noe, MS, ND. Naturopathic integrative Marian C. Kelly. Comfortable and relaxing. 617-733-7409. medicine. 860-495-5688. www.drjodyenoe.com Natick, MA. marianreflexology.abmp.com. NUMEROLOGY REIKIBernstein. 35 years of experience. Kathy 401-338-1317. www.numerologypro.com Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher. 603-654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. CEU’s. PAST LIFE THERAPY

Ross J. Miller. Relive livesfor and release The John Harvey Graypast Center Reiki Healing. energy. www.learnreiki.org 617-527-3583. blocked 603-899-3288. www.The MysticWay.com Sacred Song Reiki and Sound Healing. Priscilla Gale,

Reiki Master/Teacher. SacredSongReiki.com. READINGS Beth Ann Fisher. Spirit energy consultant. RETREAT CENTERS 25 years experience. www.bethannfisher.com Wild Dolphin Swims. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. www.wildquest.com. 800-326-1816 REIKI Amanda Rezendes, and Center. RI Brahma de Kumaris PeaceRM/T. VillageMA Retreat 508-612-7083. www.onevoicespiritualcenter.com Haines Falls, NY. 518-589-5000. www.peacevillageretreat.org Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher. 603-654-2787. www.reikienergy.com. CEU’s. ROLFING EricJohn Jacobson, InCenter practicefor since 1974. The HarveyPhD. Gray Reiki Healing. 603-899-3288. Arlington, MA. ericjacobsonbodywork.com. www.learnreiki.org 781-643-6874 VISION IMPROVEMENT VISION Natural IMPROVEMENT Coleman Vision. Boston/Plymouth, MA. ShavasanaGaddum your eyes. www.eyesonyoga.com Rosemary Gordon, MA. Cambridge, MA and Portsmouth, NH. www.visioneducators.com Rosemary Gaddum. Gordon, MA. Ree Coleman,MA Better Guru. Personalized Cambridge, andVision Portsmouth, NH. programs, online classes. www.BetterVision.Guru. www.visioneducators.com YOGA YOGA Worcester Yoga CYT.CYT. Worcester YogaCenter. Center.Ann AnnBissanti, Bissanti, years experience 3030 years experienceIyengar Iyengaryoga. yoga.508-829-6300. 508-829-6300.

FENG SHUI Add your listing. Next deadline: Feb. 1, 2015. Urban Eden. Transform and empower your Add your listing. Next deadline: January 29, 2016. Email: advertise@spiritofchange.org. Email Bryan@spiritofchange.org home/work spaces. 401-351-5632. karenfeldmanurbaneden.com 72 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

56 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2014


BUSINESS SERVICES DeVoe Accounting and Bookkeeping. Services structured for your business at reasonable rates. Call Brian or Linda. (781) 599-8275.

CLASSES Zentangle Classes and Retreats. Relax, have fun and create beautiful designs through mindful drawing. Anyone can do it. Looks complicated, but it’s so easy. More info: www. jackirose.com or meetup.com/rejuventangle Upper Cape Tech in Bourne, MA near Cape Cod Canal is a leading provider of career training offering Culinary Arts, Technical, Trade, Nurse’s Aide, Health Careers, Drivers Ed, Computers, Wellness/Healing, Art, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Facial Reflexology, Design, Weight Loss and Professional Reflexology. 600+ online and more. Visit www.uppercapetech.cc or call (508) 759-7711, ext. 211 for details.


The Organic Maid



All About Dowsing. Through dowsing discover more about yourself and your health. Self-instructional DVD’s, books, instruments. www.dowsing.com. (805) 649-5721. Catalog: PO Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

All About Pyramids. Wellness, meditation/ experimental tabletop models. Worldwide research. (805) 649-5721. www.dowsing.com. Catalog: P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.



Boston Feng Shui with Lynn Taylor. After decades of studying many different feng shui traditions, as well as teaching and consulting both nationally and internationally, I have blended what I believe to be the best of many approaches. For more information or to arrange a consultation please contact me at (617) 924-4205, or e-mail lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com. www.BostonFengShui. com. Residential, business and staging services.

FOR SALE Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna: $1000. Wooden, 3-seater, Easy to assemble. (781) 254-2025.




To benefit Amma’s New England Ashram October 10-12, 2015 Wellfleet, MA With Joann Lutz, E-RYT

Mindful and Intentional Living. Skills for human wellness. Private, corporate, educational settings. Southeastern MA and RI. Ethel Fraga, (508) 822-2410. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor.

PSYCHIC READINGS A Creative Insight provides psychic readings $35 per session. Hypnotherapist $70 per session. Spiritual minister for guidance/marriages. Contact Linda (781) 599-8275

Low prices on all spiritual goods! Incense, candles, crystals and so much more. Spend $100 and get a free 20-minute tarot/picture reading! Visit www.healingsonthego.com.


For more information visit YogainPsychotherapy.com


Make a Difference and Become an Ascend Hospice Volunteer in Massachusetts

Contact one of our Volunteer Supervisors for more information Jami-Lynn Lamy: Ann Brum: Visit our website to learn more about our specialized hospice care and services AscendHospice.com



Kathryn McGlynn Hypnosis. Past life regression and metaphysical hypnosis. Schedule your private session today or gather your group together for an illuminating experience. (781) 340-2146. http://www.hypnosis.ws

Coping skills, perspective development, introspection, empowerment + peer support. For appointments/consultations (in-person in Salem/telephone), attend/host workshops and copies of the Better Days Recovery workbook: www.BetterDaysRecovery.com, betterdaysrecovery@gmail.com, (857) 719-4840.

yoga retreat

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Enable the full expression of your body’s healing intelligence through the non-invasive release of trapped emotional energies that are likely at the root of your health challenges. $65/ session. Contact: Roma Kessaram: www. easeintohealing.com. (617) 259 6450.

Distill the Water. Your choice for quality, made in the USA, water distillers. Remove contaminants, chemicals, fluoride, and bacteria from your water. Save money, as little as 25¢ per gallon. www. distillthewater.com.

Beautiful space for rent in Shrewsbury, MA for practitioners providing services, workshops, classes and networking. Full-time/part-time and hourly rates available. Bhavna’s Wellness Group: (774) 242-2112.


gentle and trauma-informed





Swimming with Wild Dolphins. The ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. www.wildquest.com. (800) 326-1618.

We have two gorgeous luxury log homes


nestled in the woods of Maine for the ultimate in peace and tranquility. They are located in the Sebago Lakes region of Maine (25 miles west of Portland) and can be rented singly or together. Hot tub, fire pit, fireplace, gourmet kitchen, Wi-Fi and kayaks.

Contact Anthony Rauseo: bostonanthony@hotmail.com or (978) 886-0648

Classified Line Listings •$1.50 per word, $35 minimum •Add a box around your ad for $10 Classified Display Ad Send us your PDF ad file or we will design your ad for a fee. 1” high — $80 2” high — $120 3” high — $160 All ads are 2 ¼” wide.

Newton Center Office Space For Rent. Full-time/part-time availability. Inviting, furnished psychotherapy suite includes private office, waiting room, clerical space and bathroom. Contact Chris Gruener (617) 965-6552, crossroads-counseling-services.com, chris.gruener@comcast.net.

Spring/Summer issue deadline: January 29, 2016 All ads and listings must be prepaid. Check, MC, VISA and Discover accepted. Credit card payments may be processed online at www. spiritofchange.org/payments. Send payment and listings to Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Fax: 508-278-9641. Email: advertise@spiritofchange.org Questions? Call (508) 278-9640.

FALL/WINTER 2015 | Spirit of Change 73

Index of Advertisers Fall/Winter 2015 A




Abra Therapeutics........................................... 22 Acupuncture of Worcester............................. 62 Acupuncture Plus Yoga................................... 62 Adidam of New England................................ 42 Advaita Meditation Center............................. 63 Advanced Allergy Center of New England.... 55 Alternatives for Health.................................... 16 American Society of Dowsers........................ 33 Amethyst Point................................................ 44 Andara Crystals............................................... 67 Angel Chatter................................................... 12 Angelscapes...................................................... 71 Angeltouche..................................................... 71 Arvigo Massage................................................ 43 Ascend Hospice............................................... 73 Awaken Wellness Fair..................................... 23

East Coast Institute of Medical Qigong...........7 Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies, The....................................................... 64 Enchanted Fox................................................. 42 Energy Healing Center................................... 68 Evoking Alchemy............................................. 18

Marconic Recallibration................................. 21 M.A.S.H............................................................ 35 Massachusetts Satsang Society, Inc............ 7,47 Judith Mabel..................................................... 42 Maha Yoga Center........................................... 44 Tina Marian...................................................... 16 Linda Marks..................................................... 67 Wendy Marks................................................... 69 Medical Aesthetics of New England................2 Metrowest Thermal Imaging.......................... 34 Ross Miller................................................... 18,47 Lori Miller-Freitas........................................... 67 Misty Meadows Herbal Center...................... 52 Native Earth..................................................... 53 Natural Awakenings Boston........................... 10 Natural Health & Wellness of New England... 17 Natural Living Expo........................................ 76 NE Institute of Reflexology............................ 64 Amy Nield........................................................ 69 Dr. Jody Noe................................................ 32,70 North Shore Myofascial Release.................... 68

Sacred Song Reiki...............................................9 Sacred Spiral Life Work.................................. 70 Salve Regina University.................................. 41 Scalar Energy Healing..................................... 75 Science of Spirituality...................................... 36 Andrea Seiver................................................... 66 Kathleen Seguara............................................. 73 Reva Seybolt..................................................... 19 Shamanic Healing............................................ 70 Skin to Soul...................................................... 37 Small Miracles Preschool................................ 63 Miriam Smith................................................... 47 SoberSerenity................................................... 21 Sohum Yoga and Meditation Studio............. 44 Sophia’s School of Music................................. 18 Southwest Day Spa.......................................... 16 Spa Tech............................................................ 64 Spirit Hollow.................................................... 37 Spirit’s Love....................................................... 55 State of Grace Yoga and Wellness Center..... 44 Survivor Healing.............................................. 11 Kelle Sutliff....................................................... 70 Synthesis Center, The...................................... 65

B Susan Barbera.................................................. 13 Libby Barnett.................................................... 69 David Bartky.................................................... 66 Beadniks........................................................... 55 Bhavna’s Wellness Group................................ 32 Glenn Bigonet.................................................. 66 BlackBox Cosmetics........................................ 55 Body Balancing Center................................... 45 Body Mind and Spine..................................... 63 BodyStrongBoston.......................................... 44 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The........... 64 Bnourished....................................................... 16 Kelly Buckowski............................................... 32 Susan Burdick.................................................. 36 C Nancy Canning................................................ 53 Canton Spiritualist Church............................ 17 Celtic Art Therapy........................................... 55 Jonathan Chisholm..................................... 45,67 Circles of Wisdom........................................... 17 Coleman Natural Vision................................. 11 Beth Colon....................................................... 70 CommonWealth Ctr. for Herbal Medicine..... 33 Constellation Approach.....................................7 Creative Strands Hair & Bodywork............... 71

F The Fourwinds Society................................... 35 Four Winds One Breath.................................. 55 FrogPond Yoga Centre.................................... 44 G Gemstone Therapy Institute........................... 12 Arthur Gertler.................................................. 28 Jesse Goldman.................................................. 39 Graduate Institute, The................................... 64 Great Bay Community College...................... 28 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism........ 71 Groton Wellness Center.................................. 49 Arthur Gutkin.................................................. 23 H Loentine Hartzell............................................. 70 Healing Arts Massage, LLC............................ 17 Healing from the Body Level Up................... 51 Healing Place.................................................... 55 Healthy Spirit................................................... 66 Heaven & Earth............................................... 22 Holistic Wellness Center............................ 29,68 Joan Holzman.................................................. 67 John Howe........................................................ 65 Peggy Huddleston............................................ 64



October’s Angel................................................ 70 Omni Forte....................................................... 41 One Woman One Voice Project..................... 11 Oneness............................................................. 71 Open Doors Yoga Studios......................... 44,63 Open Spirit....................................................... 44 Opening Lotus Yoga........................................ 44 Optimum Balance........................................... 63

TCM World Foundation................................. 13 Tea of Life......................................................... 18 Lynda Thayer.................................................... 22 Touchstone School.......................................... 63



Inner Bridges Physical Therapy..................... 39 Inner Traditions............................................... 52 International Coach Certification Alliance.....65

Pacifica Graduate Institute................................2 Cathy Pagano................................................... 36 Rachel Perry..................................................... 21 Peter Stone Jewelry.............................................5 Pets and Spirits................................................. 53 Pipal Leaf Yoga Studio.................................... 44 Monique Pommier.......................................... 62 Pyramid Books................................................ 43

J Jocelyn............................................................... 71 John Harvey Gray Center............................... 68 Barbara Johnson.............................................. 66 Constance Jones............................................... 66



Developmental Alphabiotics.............................3 Doolittle, Dr. Sharon....................................... 39 Door Opener Magazine.................................. 34 DoTERRA Essential oils................................. 17 Janet Dwinells.................................................. 66

Light and Love Healing................................... 69 Light Soul Therapy.............................................9 Light Unlimited.......................................... 25,55 Eric Linter......................................................... 62 Little Frog Healing........................................... 53 Living Earth, The............................................. 16 Sharon Livingston............................................ 66 Lotus Flower Living......................................... 17 Claire Luft.................................................... 68,69 Joann Lutz......................................................... 73

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(508) 278-9640 advertise@spiritofchange.org


74 Spirit of Change | FALL/WINTER 2015

R Anthony Rauseo.............................................. 73 Real Life Yoga Studio...................................... 44 Reiki Satellite.................................................... 68 RI Holistic Healing Association.................... 55 RI Yoga Center................................................. 44 Kyle Russell....................................................... 67

U-V-W Unity Yoga........................................................ 44 Robyn Vogel..................................................... 65 Vera Volfson..................................................... 70 Pat Warren........................................................ 68 Way to Balance, The................................... 27,65 Wellness Roundtable, The.............................. 29 Westborough Yoga........................................... 44 Trish Whynot................................................... 67 WildTree........................................................... 17 Wisdom of the Ages...........................................9 Women of Wisdom...................................... 9,63 Worcester Mineral Club................................. 11 Worcester Yoga Center.............................. 44,71 Cheryl Wright.................................................. 69 Vibrant Health................................................. 19 Jane Wentzell.................................................... 73 X-Y-Z Yoga at the Ashram.................................... 44,45 YogaLife Institute............................................. 44 The Yoga Studio............................................... 44 Zuzu’s Healing Arts......................................... 63

Spring/Summer Issue Advertising Deadline Friday, January 29, 2016

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It is amazing to me, that after 35+ years of having the herpes virus, I am free of it! This is especially wonderful since as a former nurse, I previously believed the statement from western medicine, that there is no cure for herpes, and that I would have it for the rest of my life. I am only on my first week of scalar healing and it has been absolutely mind blowing. I find myself more attentive and just full of life mentally and physically. What blows me away is this is only the first week.

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3 Treatments make Up Scalar Energy Healing 1

PATHOGENIC CLEANSE – Clients are treated to disassemble pathogens that cause illness. A client is treated 7 days per week. You will actually receive the Scalar Energy pathogen cleanse sessions over a 30 day period that disassembles over 150,000 species of bacteria, fungi, protozoan, prions and viruses.


NUTRIENT THERAPY – Clients are treated 7 days per week and receive Scalar Energy nutrient therapy sessions that assembles 275 essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fatty acids inside the cells that are optimal for health.


CHAKRA BALANCING – Clients are treated 7 days per week and receive Scalar Energy chakra balancing sessions that balance and harmonize the seven chakras of the human body each week. Meet Tom at the Natural Living Expo, VISIT BOOTH #1110

Learn more about Scalar Energy and this groundbreaking approach to health and healing on Saturday, November 14th by attending Tom’s workshop at 10:30am in the Seminar Room.

Tom PaLaDINo is the leader Scalar Energy. Inspired by Nikola Tesla to the existence of energy not of the electromagnetic spectrum, Tom has dedicated over 25 years to the study of Scalar Energy. After years of research, Tom has developed an instrument that can harness this energy and remotely breakdown pathogens. Scalar energy operates at the quantum level and is capable of disassembling all bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral agents.

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