Spirit Says Newsletter December 2011

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Spirit Says

December 2011

Realize Your Potential. Have Abundant Happiness, Health & Wealth

Your Thoughts Create Your Future.

Find Your Happiness. Establish Good Thoughts. Actualize Your Future.

Note from Erin Ponder This Be Happy! Spirit’s GOT This! Individual Ritual Group Wish Act As If Visualization (two parts) Take Your Inner Being Along Be the Star in Your Own Life Movie and & Act As If Anything Is Possible You Can Do Anything Planning Made Simple The Last Page

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Color to focus on


Intention for this issue


Spirit Says


What You’ll Find in This Issue

This is Erin, the creator of Spirit Says Newsletter. I am promoting this product because it is the first thing that actually gave a to-do item that worked. I am serious. Yes, I will get an affiliate commission if you purchase from this link, but it will help me pay the bills! I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t believe in it 100%.

Hypnosis is a quick way to influence your subconscious mind, a way to reprogram your habitual thinking, so you can quickly achieve your desires. CLICK HERE.

First Things First

Spirit Says “Go out of your normal belief system and accept there are ways that surpass a little bit of what seems possible. You can have whatever you desire in life if you allow us to do the stuff that seems insurmountable.” The intention for this issue of Spirit Says Newsletter is…

Act “As If” Get that feeling of success to well up within your Spirit and cause such energy and emotion, there is ONLY success that can possibly come from it!

Color to Focus on Purple! Purple is a color of Power. It is energetic, powerful, persuasive, and a color of money. It also corresponds with the crown chakra. The crown chakra is the master chakra of your entire body. It is where your higher consciousness resides. When you tune in to the color purple, your crown chakra, you will enable all that is mighty to help you focus on acting as if you already have what it is you desire. That is why the color is associated with energy, power, persuasiveness, the creation of money. It is all coming from your true source – your higher consciousnesses – your spirit.

Spirit Says So Spiritual/Intuitive Reading Are you stuck in a pattern that you just can't get out of? Do you have goals, dreams, desires that you haven't been able to fulfill? Do you feel lost? Are you ready to make a change in your life? Do you want that change to come easy to you? Are you ready to catapult yourself to success? If so, "Spirit Says So" is for you. When you purchase this spiritual and intuitive reading, you are getting the best help around. You are receiving guidance from Spirit, and also from me - an intuitive - that can look beyond your words to see where the actual problem resides. The entire reading is done via email so there are no scheduling issues or personal embarrassment to deal with. You are free to be yourself behind the cloak of anonymity that email provides. The process for the reading is simple. I will email you and ask you what your issue is that you would like to work on. You will then send me a detailed description of what it is you are going through. A few emails will be sent back and forth until I get a good understanding of you and your situation. After a thorough understanding is had, the "Spirit Says So" reading will then begin.

Note from Erin The idea for the intent of December’s newsletter came to me at a time when I was at a point of dismay and really needed to hear this message. “Act as if” can be tricky, and it has taken me several writings with Spirit to really come to understand the full meaning of it. The one thing that Spirit has repeated over and over is to believe. Believe that they are working on my intent for me. This belief is for us to keep pluggin’ on with our plan to achieve our desire and to know, without a doubt, that when we do our part, they can then do their part. There is really a lot that goes in to the explanation of this, and a lot of it includes Quantum Physics. It is mind blowing what Quantum Physics involves, but is quite amazing. When you can grasp, even minimally, what it is all about, it makes this “belief” Spirit talks about so much easier. This program made it all so clear. I only promote it because it is the thing that made “it” work for me. I digress… “Act as if”… Belief is paramount to obtaining your intentions, but so is taking action. Actually, there is quite a bit of action to take. However, it is probably not near as complicated as one may think. It is simply about listening to your Spirit and doing what feels right. There are some actions that are necessary, and we will cover them in this newsletter. Don’t worry. They are fun and easy! Get something warm to drink and settle in with your pen and paper. There is nothing stopping you from having anything you desire. You are an amazing person and Spirit. It is our job to create an amazing life for ourselves and for others.

What if? What if your desire comes true? What will your day look like? What will you be doing differently than now? What items will be included in your life? What actions will be deleted from your life? Think about this, and start a “Future Journal”. In this future journal, write about your day as if your desire has already happened. There is science behind this. It has to do with your subconscious mind, and impressing what you want deeply into the habitual thought patterns. If you are not a writer, that is fine! Create lists instead! Write out your daily “to-do” list that is designed around the desire that you are manifesting. You can even draw pictures if you want… The key is to use this future journal to pretend you are already living the life you want for yourself. No turning back! What are YOU going to create? Share your thoughts in the forum.


Spiritual & Intuitive Readings

Spirit Says So

Be Happy! Spirit’s Got This! “Act As If”. It can be the hardest part of manifesting a life you desire. We all know the basic rules of receiving what you desire. Have a definite goal in mind. Have a date that you will achieve it by. Create and read a statement, aloud, at least 2 times per day. And, of course, all of our own unique, personal touches that we add into the mix. There is one important aspect that seems to get in the way of so many people (myself included)… Acting as if “it” is already a reality in your life. How are we supposed to “Act as if” when we are saddled with our daily lives, our daily troubles, our daily thoughts? Let’s take something that most people want more of, and would probably like to manifest it into reality – Money. I’m not saying that we want money for the sake of having money. We want money so we can have the freedom it affords. Freedom from worry over bills. Freedom from credit cards. Freedom from being stuck in a neighborhood that is less than desirable. Freedom from everything that the lack of money seems to bring with it. So, in essence, it is freedom that we desire. But, for the sake of argument, we will stay focused on the moola right now. How are we supposed to act as if we have money when we have trouble paying our bills, limit our purchases, and avoid doing things we want to do because we know we don’t have the funds right now to do it?! Money, and lack of money, is something that we must deal with on a daily basis; so how, prêt ell, are we supposed to act as if we already have the money we want? First, let’s focus on the belief. You must believe that the Universe, Spirit, God (whomever you communicate with), is on your side and making things come into alignment so you can have what you want. Remember – we are not here to lead a depraved life! It is supposed to be easy, fun, full of opulence, and exciting! Our higher power wants us to have all of this! After all, when we are happy and living a life we so much desire, we are free to create more goodness in the world. So, believe that Spirit is on your side and working for you! How? Simply allow yourself to believe it. You don’t have to know how it works, just like you don’t need to know how a car engine works for you to get from point “a” to point “b”. You just turn it on and it gets you there, right? It is the same with this belief. Just allow yourself the childlike innocence of believing that Spirit is making things happen. They are quite the “movers and shakers” there, wherever they reside, so let them do their thing! They really like putting all of this together for you, but you MUST BELIEVE that they are doing it! Second, see yourself having what you want. In this case, money. See yourself living the life that your desired amount of money will allow you to live. You can do this in so many different ways. Simply visualize it. Create a mental movie for yourself and press “play” on that movie several times a day. Tell yourself, in a mirror, that you ARE going to have it. Be excited about it! Feel it! Imagine Spirit working for you to give you what you desire. Imagine them zipping all around and happily creating the life that you want. Put up affirmation cards. Create a vision board. Find a hypnotist that will work with you in this regard. Create a visualization mp3 so you can simply press play and hear exactly what you see and feel happening. Order a professionally created, customized visualization mp3 from SpiritSaysNewsletter. Whatever you do – see yourself as already having this money, and FEEL how great it feels to have this money! Thirdly, keep those pesky doubts out of your mind! This can be especially difficult when it comes to money, because it is so easy to see the lack of money you currently have in many aspects of your daily life. We are human; so we are going to experience those doubts, and those negative thoughts. The key is to immediately go back to step one, and believe that Spirit is taking care of all of it for you. Now, I am not saying to not do anything to help bring more money into your life! That is what having a plan is all about. We will cover that later. Lastly, plan for it. Know, with all of your heart, that you will have what you want, by the date you want it by. Count on it. Plan for it.

Individual Ritual

Group Wish

For more information about Individual Rituals, and the science behind them, click here.

Intent: Solidify Your Desire Items Needed: *1 purple candle *Special holder for your candle *Something to light candle with *Blank piece of white paper *Colored pencils, markers, or pens *Relaxing Music *Anything that feels special to you (incense, Bible, cloth, more candles, etc.) Directions: *Set up your area any way that makes you feel good. *Light your candle and turn on your music. *Write your desire on your paper – anywhere that feels right for you to write it. *Either draw or doodle around your desire to make it feel special to you. *Take your new, wonderful paper and put it where you will see it regularly (by your bed is a great place!)

For more information on group wishes, and the science behind them, click here.

When: December 15th, 2011 at 10pm eastern time. What to do: Find yourself a quiet spot, relax your body and mind a few minutes before the set time. Have your desire (from the Individual Ritual) in your mind. At the time and date specified, repeat the following sentence: “I wish for everybody wishing tonight, to feel a surge of power and magic that will allow their desire to come to them quickly and easily. Opportunities will be abundant and everything will effortlessly fall into place so they can achieve their desire.”

Act As If Visualization This is not a typical visualization. You will read the sentence and then fill in your own answer. The key (and the visualization part) is to see, feel, hear, touch, and smell whenever possible. Really feel the emotion that comes with each of your answers. There are two parts to this visualization. While they are not necessarily connected, it is best to do each one of them daily! (It will remind your subconscious mind exactly what you want, therefore, helping you achieve it even quicker.) Enjoy both of these segments as if you have already attained your desires. If you record this visualization on your own, make sure to leave plenty of quiet time between statements. This will allow your mind to visualize exactly what you want. You can always purchase the professionally created visualization, with relaxing sounds, here. This morning, I woke up to the sound of __________________. I got out of my bed and walked toward the door. I saw my reflection in the mirror and I am so proud that I look ________________. As I walk to the kitchen, I look around my home. I am still amazed at what I have created, so I take the time to really look at and appreciate each room I pass… Today is a free, fun, relaxing day for me – I can do anything I want. I am going to enjoy _________________. Before I head out the door, I take a quick peek at my bank account. I have enough money in there I could do anything I wanted to do! I take a moment and think about what all I can do with all of this money… Driving to my destination, I start thinking about my initial desire… If I had only known then what I know now, it would have been such an enjoyable journey. I am so glad I took the steps I took to attain my desire…

My Relationships This is what I desire regarding my relationships.

My Work This is what I desire regarding my work.

My Home This is what I desire regarding my home.

When I think of my relationships, this is what I see: Married or Single In Love? If I’m in a committed relationship, we do this for fun How many friends do I have? If I do things with my friends, this is what we do What characteristics are important to me in my relationships? I want all of my relationships to have this component When I put all of this together, all of my relationships allow me to feel: When I think of my work, this is what I see: This is what I love doing for a living I spend this much time a day/week/month working I enjoy my work because I earn this much money a day/week/month/year The most enjoyable part of my work is The most creative part of my work is The most rewarding part of my work is My work allows me to feel When I put all of this together, my work allows me to feel: When I think of my home, this is what I see: I live in a The location I live is I have this many bedrooms & bathrooms I have this many square feet The colors on my walls are The dÊcor of my home is The amenities of our home are The community that surrounds us is like Some of my favorite items in my home are My home is unique in that it When I am in my home, I feel: Why?

Part 2 of

This is what I desire regarding my body.


My Body

When I think of my ideal body, this is what I see for my: Weight Clothing Size Fitness Level Muscles Physical Activity Enjoyed Hair Skin Mental Health Health of Internal Systems Clothes I like to wear My body, being like this, allows me to feel: Why?

Take Your Inner Being Along There is a story of a warrior. He was the only one, among a crowd, that held the convictions that he felt strongly in. Everybody else was against him. He was faced with an angry mob, throwing stones at him in attempt to bring him down. He was on the ground; beat almost to the point of submission. Then, something happened. He remembered he had the power within himself to take on this angry crowd. He brought himself up to his feet, stared at the crowd with conviction, and began to walk toward them. This took the entire crowd by surprise. Before long, the people in front, that just seconds before had been bashing him with stones, stopped trying to bring him down. They instead looked at him and parted way so he could walk through. Then everybody simply stopped and stared at him, letting him pass. He had won. The lesson in this story is that this warrior called upon his inner being. He pulled that power from himself and took control of the masses so he could live on to honor his convictions. You can do this too. Feel that power that you have, innately, within your self. Maintain that feeling of power. Allow your inner being to take control of your actions, and you will, without a doubt, achieve what you desire. When you act as if, and know with all of your heart and power that you will succeed – you will.

Dear Lee and Ellie. The letter. Everybody who has read this "Letter to Lee and Ellie" has said that it makes them feel so warm inside, so loved. It has brought tears to many. It emits a love that is embraced and taken to heart by your own spirit.

Be the Star in Your Own Life Movie & Act As If You Already Have It Now this one you may have heard a few times around, but people always seem to get stuck on this topic. If I want to be a millionaire, how can I act as if I already have it? I don't have a million dollars so what am I supposed to do. This is what trips most people up in their manifestation processes. Acting as if you already have something is a mind frame not a physical plane existence. It is explained to you in the physical because this is how we live, but it is all in your mind and conscious side of your brain. You have to build the image of what you want to become. Live the part of what you want to grow into and you will become the success you want to be. Let's take actors for example, they study their parts and scripts for the "thing" they want to portray. The good actors really get into these roles, as they do their research, go out and study the types of people or areas to be able to project this through onto the screen and make a believable performance. This is what acting as if you already have it is all about. This is your life, and you are the your own star in your own movie. You write the script, you know what you want. So do the research and field work. If you want to have that house, look at some pictures of the homes you want, go and check into some of them. Find the prices; find the layouts, live the movie. Learn all that you can and portray that. It will manifest in your life. You are the actor in your own life, so start living it to the fullest and the in the best way possible for the way you want your own movie to turn out! For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com Many Blessings and Love and Light, Nicole Lanning

I Act As If…

Anything is Possible!

Planning Made Simple Making and following a plan is simple. 1. Start with what you want to accomplish. 2. Figure out the main steps you need to take to accomplish what it is you want. 3. Take those main steps and figure out what you need to do to accomplish those steps. Keep doing those 3 steps until you have your plan all laid out in front of you. Next, put a date next to each step you have created. This is a very important step. Remember to be realistic – but push yourself a little as well. Take action. Start your plan. Don’t let anything get in your way. This is something you want! Remember that for the law of attraction to come into play, things should be easy. There is an easy way to go about your list, & that is the way you take. If it feels like you should do something weird – DO IT! Just make sure to feel good & take that action.

You Can Do Anything Do you know that you, absolutely, 100%, can achieve anything you want to achieve? In fact, you already are achieving everything you put your thoughts toward. Whenever you know something is going to happen, it does, right? Start expecting the good things to happen. The things you want to happen. When you act as if anything is possible… it has a weird way of happening for you. Give it a try – you will amaze yourself.

The Last Page. Mission of Spirit Says Newsletter:

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To help you realize your potential, and have abundant health, wealth and happiness.

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“When you know that you’re in charge of your intentions, then you’ll come to know that you’re in charge of your entire world.” ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

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January’s Newsletter will be based around YOUR Personal Power. Each of us has the power, within ourselves, to be downright magical. We will learn more about this power and how to use it in order to create a harmonious life for ourselves, and for society.

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