Angel Therapy Meditation - Spiritualaloha

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How to Connect with your Angels through Angel Therapy Meditation

Angels are our well-wishers looking upon us from their world and showering us with blessings and unconditional love. These spiritual beings are always ready to guide us towards a fruitful path in our lives, working for us, caring and listening to our every request. Many of us feel the positive vibe of these angels around us yet in some difficult times we feel disconnected with them. Angel therapy meditation is a way of re-establishing the connection or strengthening the weak bond between you and your guardian angels. Teaching angel therapy can be revolutionary for oneself or it will at least bring the calmness in your chaotic everyday life.

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Having a calm and quiet surrounding is much important while working on angel therapy meditation. This allows the free flow of energy in and out of your body and removes the hindrance. Sit in a straight position and close your eyes. Keep your body and mind at ease and make sure you don’t feel tension anywhere. Rest your hands on the thighs. Invite your guardian angels with “I require your assistance” or “I request you to be with me” in your mind or ask loudly, it is up to you. Now focus on your breathing and visualize the flow of energy between your body and ground. You will feel firmly rooted in the mother earth. Now draw the energy from the root towards your body and direct it towards your chakras. Keep moving upward passing energy through each chakra and finally directing your complete attention towards the crown chakra that sits at the centre of your head. Try to establish a connection between you and the sky above with the energy and visualize the movement of energy between your body and heaven. As you feel connected to heaven, you can direct the energy towards all your chakras. Pay attention to every emotion you are feeling and if there is any resistance you are facing during the therapy. Concentrate on each hindrance and acknowledge their presence. Remember how you face those problems and what they have taught you in your life. Be grateful for your learning and then focus on removing the blockage. Inhale deeply and remove the blockage with every exhale slowly and step by step. Inhale from the nostril and exhale from the mouth a few times. Now inhale the energy of heaven and allow your body and mind to surround with the bright light. Visualize a copper light sphere as it is being poured upon you from the sky. Feel it surrounding your crown charka and showering your with energy as you inhale the light. Now visualize a silver light followed by the previous copper light. Inhale and take it along your spine, you will feel more powerful energy as compare to the previous golden light as it resides higher frequency. Finally, inhale the smooth and calming golden light as you visualize it over your crown and take it from your head to the base of your spine, moving through all the chakras.

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As you have attained a similar frequency to your guarding angel now, you can communicate with them easily. Ask for their guidance or assistance in your life and receive answers to your requests through messages or sensations. At the end of the session, be thankful to your angel and slowly move out from the angel’s frequency. Slowly open your eyes and return to your normal state.

Everyone at some point in life faces difficult times and some of these problems dwell deep in our soul and leave their imprints for a lifetime. These dreadful memories also start to haunt the quality of our everyday life. One needs to relieve these symptoms with angel therapy sessions. Sharoo Sahni is a gifted spiritual reader and along with her team of highly experienced professional in the field of spiritual healing, past life regression therapy, angel oracle card reading and many other techniques help you to seek the solution to the problems that can affect your quality of life by many folds. Spiritual Aloha offers basic and advanced angel therapy courses that help you to seek a satisfactory result of your problems.

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