11 minute read

Czech Culture

Slovanská Podporující Jednota Státu Texas

Česká Část

ROČNÍK 109 ZÁŘÍ 17 13.srpen.2021 Podpora ★ Lidskost ★ Bratrstvi´


Uředni orgán SPJST ★ Založené roku 1897

Učme se Česky Let us Study Czech Lekce dvanáctá Lesson 12

Read the following out loud. Get your parents, grandparents, relatives, or friends to help you with the pronunciation. Clip and save each lesson and compile into a notebook.

Vowels and Consonants

In Czech, the vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and y. They may be either short or long. The rest of the letters in the alphabet are called consonants.

These consonants have about the same sound as in English: b, d, f, h, l, m, n, p, r, s, v, and z.

Translate the examples

bude došel fazol hrdina lev máslo náčiní prsten ráno strana vůl zima

The consonants b, d, h, v, and z have different sounds when they appear at the end of a syllable or at the end of a word. The d sounds like t; h like th; b like p; z like s; and v like an f.

Translate the examples

1 syllable: dub hřev

pluh rád vůz

2 or more syllables: pohádka kolébka poukázka hlávka vlhko


Some consonants fall into a special category because they do not have exact English equivalents:

ch - as in loch or the German “Bach” (has to be demonstrated to be heard correctly). ucho, chystatí, chyba, chřipka.

g - as in gun, got. granát, groš, guma. c - like ts in mats, bats. cesta, cena, cizí.

č - like ch in chair, church, člen, člověk, čest.

j - like y in yet, yam. jelen, jemný, jed.

š - like sh in shoot, shirt. škoda, škola, šindel.

ž - like the s in measure, pleasure. žertovali, žaludek, žárovka.

ř - very hard for non-Czechs to say because there is no English equivalent. Remotely resemble rsh. It must be learned from someone who speaks Czech - čtenář, řád, Řecko.


The consonants ž, š, č, c, ď, ť, ň, ř, and j are soft consonants and are followed by the soft i or í never by y or ý.


buď teď život širší čárá coul dlaň řidič jídlo letiště budič


The following are hard consonants - h, ch, k, d, t, n, and r, and are followed by hard y or ý, never by soft i or í. chyba vlohy kysati dudy Tyrolák nýbrž rytíř Translate


The following are neuter consonants - b, f, l, m, p, s, v, and z and may be followed by either i, í, y, or ý:


býti bílý

fysiolog fiálky

plyn lilie

hmyz mimo

syn sirotek

vysoko víno

jazyk zítra



Write a sentence using each word in the entire lesson. Copy all new words into your vocabulary collection. Be sure to look up all words you do not know the meaning of.


Victoria Co. Czech Heritage Festival Sept. 26

Due to increased cases of Covid-19 in the area and lack of sufficient volunteers, the Victoria County Czech Heritage Society has decided to cancel the Victoria County Czech Heritage Festival which was to be held Sunday, September 26, 2021, in Victoria, Texas. Plans are to hold it in September 2022. Thank you, Joseph D. Janak, Jr. —SPJST—

TCGS announces publication of wedding album

Set to make its formal debut at the September 25, 2021, Caldwell, Texas, “20th Anniversary Celebration: Upward to New Heights,” commemorating the founding of The Texas Czech Genealogical Society, TCGS is offering its new publication, The Wedding Album, as its September “Item of the Month.” This publication would be a wonderful addition to a family’s keepsakes passed on to future generations.

Containing 250 pages in an 8.5 by 11 inch soft-bound book, with 1,004 indexed surnames, The Wedding Album contains 380 wedding articles submitted by 53 different individuals. Some articles have detailed text accompanying the photos, while others contain only a photograph with the couple’s name and date. Also included are four very special wedding articles:

• “Wedding Traditions (of the 1940s and 1950s in North Texas)” by Carolyn and Henry Holub • “Tradition of the Wedding March” by Lori Najvar • “Wedding Photography” by Frank Kalbac • “Wedding Kolaches” by Jan Srubar

This special TCGS September “Item of the Month” offer, featuring free shipping and handling, a savings of $10, will be available through September 30, 2021. To order The Wedding Album, mail a $32 check (per copy) payable to TCGS, c/o Nancy Machu, 3337 Bianco Terrace, Round Rock, Texas 78665. If you need more information or want to pay by credit card, you may contact Nancy at nbmachu@gmail.com or 512971-4284 (please leave a message, and your call will be returned). A complete list of all TCGS publications can be found on the TCGS website https://txczgs.org under “Store.” Gladys Valchar TCGS Secretary Lodge 87, Temple —SPJST— We need to take precautions against COVID-19, so please wear a mask at the meeting. Janie Zbranek TWCCHS Reporter —SPJST—

Travis-Williamson Counties CHS sets Sept. 26 meeting

After one and one-half years of not meeting because of COVID-19, TravisWilliamson Counties Czech Heritage Society will meet on Sunday, September 26, 2021, at 1 p.m. at Taylor Bay Seafood and Steak, located at 200 West Lake Drive in Taylor, Texas.

We will be honoring Nicklaus Hall, the recipient of the $500 TWCCHS Scholarship.

We will also discuss participating in the SPJST fundraiser for the people in Czech Republic after the tornadoes hit the Moravia area.

Hope to see you all at the meeting.

Brazos Valley CHS to offer fall Czech language class

Brazos Valley Czech Heritage Society (BVCHS) will be offering Czech language classes which will begin Monday, September 27, 2021, and continue through December 13, 2021, at St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan,

C z e c h C u l t u r a l C a l e n d a r

Tuesday through Saturday Czech Heritage Museum and Genealogy Center, 119 West French Avenue, Temple. Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. To arrange a private small group tour, contact the Museum: czechheritagemuseum@gmail.com; or leave a message 254-899-2935. The Museum hosts Czech Films on the second Tuesdays of the month - at Beltonian Theatre, 219 East Central Avenue, Belton: Matinee at 3 p.m.; Night - 6 p.m. Free admission. Donations accepted online or through a donation box at the concession window. Imported Czech beer, wine available.

Every First and Third Tuesday Evenings Tarok Parties—at Czech Heritage Museum, Temple, 119 West French. All ages and anyone interested are welcome. No admission or fee. Jimmie and Carolyn Coufal are award-winning tournament champions who not only teach beginners, but also help experienced players increase their skill. For information, call CHMGC 254-899-2935; find them on Facebook; or on the web at https://czechheritagemuseum.org.

Monday through Saturday Czech Center Museum Houston, 4920 San Jacinto Street in Houston, Texas 77004-5719, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit revamped exhibits. Experience the culture, art, music, and stories of many Czechs, Slovaks, and people of all cultures who left their country to seek liberty and democracy in America. For information, call 713-528-2060; or visit czechcenter.org. Through November 15 Exhibit: Texas-Czech Wedding Apparel and Tradition—at Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC), 250 West Fairgrounds Road on US Highway 77, La Grange: exhibit includes 10 dresses that have been donated by our members and are from weddings that occurred from 1883 to 1946; view fragile mementos; and leave with an understanding of Czech culture and traditions that are still alive today.

September 19 Holy Trinity Church Bazaar, Corn Hill— held on the grounds of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 8626 FM 1105, Jarrell: Holy Mass - 10:30 a.m. BBQ and Corn Hill fried chicken dinner with all the trimmings - 11 a.m. in the parish activity center. Live auction - 1:30 p.m. Hamburgers - 2:30 p.m. Full day of family activities - polka music, kolache sale, homemade ice cream, children’s games, silent auction, cake walk, bingo, and prize drawing (held after live auction). For questions, email holytrinitycc@yahoo.com or call 512863-3020. Visit www.holytrinityofcornhill.org. Submitted by Monica Snook, Admin Assistant, Holy Trinity of Corn Hill. CANCELLED!

September 26 Victoria Co. Czech Heritage Festival: It has been decided to cancel this year’s festival. Watch for festival information in 2022. Thank you. October 9 Czech Fest—at SPJST Lodge 88, Houston, 1435 Beall Street at West 15th, Houston (the Heights), 4 to 8 p.m. at the hall: Beer Garden opens at 2 p.m. Musical entertainment features Texavia and the Lodge 88 Czech Orchestra. Performance by the Czech Folk Dancers will also perform. Fair games and fun for the kids start at 4 p.m. Traditional Czech food will be available. There will be a cornhole tournament, kolache eating contest, and kolache baking contest. Prizes from local vendors - Burger Joint, Eureka Heights, Harold's, Jubilee, Magnolia Brewery, Painting with a Twist, Pure Parenting Shop, Waffle Bus, and Yogaleena Studio. For information and to purchase tickets, go to https://www.lodge88.org/eventsall/2021/10/9/czechfest.

October 17 Celebrate Heritage Day—at Sokol Dallas, 7448 Greenville Avenue in Dallas, Texas 75231, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stay tuned for more information. Event is presented by the American Czech Culture Societies and its member societies - Sokol Dallas, SPJST, WFLA, KJT, KJZT, VH Czech School of Dallas, and RVOS. You may contact Bob Podhrasky pod@att.net; Nina Marcussen czechschoolofdallas@yahoo.com; or Lynda Novak magiclady_46@hotmail.com for information.

Texas, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (the class will not meet the week of Thanksgiving). The class will address basic Czech and Czech culture and is open to anyone who is interested. Tuition will be $35 for the semester.

The instructor for the course will be BVCHS member Stanislav (Stan) Vitha, who is from Olšovice in the Southern Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic and now a resident of Bryan.

For information regarding the class, contact Jo Ann Zaeske at 979-224-4434. Kelly J. Sandhop, ADN, RN BVCHS Reporter —SPJST—

Czech Family Histories V article submission deadline is fast approaching

Did your family history story (stories) appear in either of the previous four volumes of Czech Family Histories published by TCGS in 2005 or 2007? If so, maybe you are wondering how to update your article other than with newfound names and/or dates. Why not go back and review some of the items learned from the January 23, 2021, webinar, Using Social History to Enhance Family Stories. Susan Kaufman pointed us towards many sources in which family histories can move beyond names, places and dates. (Susan’s speaker handout was included in the February OZ as well).

While their story may be recorded in Czech Family Histories, I, II, III, or IV, with new information now available online, through Ancestry, MyHeritage, Family Search, and adding some of Susan’s suggestions, a much more historical informative document can be preserved for future generations.

Ones serving on the Czech Family Histories V Book Team have served on almost all 20-plus books TCGS has published to date. We have set the bar high and are dedicated to publishing only books that we can take pride in as a society and within each of our own hearts. Our goal continues to be the same as we want you to be proud of having your article(s) published in our books.

With the above said, the decision was made to extend the submission deadline to September 25, 2021. We plan to have an in-person event on Saturday, September 25 at Caldwell Civic Center. The submission date will coincide with the event date making it easier for you.

Submission Guidelines for Czech Family Histories V

1. You may submit as many articles as you wish. Each can be of any length, but each surname submission must be submitted separately on a CD, DVD, or flash drive and must be accompanied by a printed copy of the article if submitting on a CD, DVD, or flash drive.

2. Submissions can also be sent via email. See the contact and email information below.

3. If you do not have access to a computer, a typewritten hard copy will be accepted. We are sorry, but we cannot accept handwritten articles.

4. Articles should be typed using number 12 Times New Roman Font and be single-spaced with doublespacing between paragraphs. Margins should be set at one inch.

5. If at all possible, only black and white photos should be submitted as the book will not be published with color photos. If color photos are submitted, they will be published in black and white. Photos should be of good quality. Quality copies can be made at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, or CVS Pharmacies for your convenience at a very low cost. 6. Please do not send original photos as they cannot be returned.

7. Please be sure to write the names of ALL persons on the back of the photos as they are viewed from the front along with your name, address, and phone number, in the event we need to contact you.

8. It is best not to submit an article laid out in a particular manner as this, as a rule, does not comply with the book layout. Please DO NOT embed photos in the article.

9. Because of the number of printers involved, some do not recognize the Czech diacritical markings and WILL change the letters, resulting in possible incorrect spellings, especially with names. Having said this, please do not use the Czech diacritical markings.

10. Genealogical outlines and charts should not be submitted, as due to spacing, they cannot be reproduced. If this type of information is to be submitted, the submitter will need to place the information in paragraph form prior to submitting.

11. Texas Czech Genealogical Society reserves the right to make minor corrections ONLY, i.e. grammatical or sentence structure. TCGS will not write articles. If the book committee has any questions regarding the content, contact will be made with the article author.

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