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Membership Drive Contest
from Vestnik 2022.03.28
• Leaders-In-Training (LIT) Camp
Thursday, June 23 to Sunday, June 26 • Junior Camp Session One
Thursday, July 7 to Sunday, July 10
Districts Two, Three, Four, Five • Junior Camp Session Two
Thursday, July 14 to Sunday, July 17
Districts One, Six, Seven
All camps are held at Camp Kubena, which is located at 2001 Waldeck Road in Ledbetter, Texas. For more information about Camp Kubena, visit campkubena.com.
Qualifications for camp are:
SPJST Members • Youth enrolled in kindergarten through 11th grades as of 2021-2022 school year • Attend seven youth club meetings (or adult meetings, in lodges without youth clubs) between January 2021 and May 2022. Youth earn camp credits for attending youth club meetings (or adult meetings, in lodges without youth clubs)
• Youth leader (lodge secretary for adult meetings) provides sign-in sheet for verification of attendance.
• Fee:
Attended 0 meetings - $250
Attended 1 meeting - $210
Attended 2 meetings - $175
Attended 3 meetings - $140
Attended 4 meetings - $105
Attended 5 meetings - $70
Attended 6 meetings - $35
Attended 7 meetings - no charge Non-Member Youths • Youth enrolled in kindergarten through 7th grades as of 2021-2022 school year
• Fee: $350
Please contact me if you have any questions about youth attending SPJST Camp or adult chaperones needed to volunteer at camp.
Camp Registration is Now Open
SPJST and Camp Kubena are rolling out a new camp registration platform. Space is limited so please register your child(ren) for summer camp as soon as possible by visiting spjst.org. The deadline to register is June 7. 2022 Lodge Enhanced Premium Refund Guidelines
Please see the important guidelines below that were approved in the January Executive Committee Meeting by the Board of Directors. Let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance. We are here to help you attain your lodge’s goals this year!
Happy Easter!
Special Easter wishes to you and your family. Fraternally, Frank Horak State Fraternal Director —SPJST—
Here’s your chance to help grow your lodge and raise a little funds for the lodge, too.
It’s time to focus on bringing in new members to your lodge! We recently introduced a new referral program. In 2022, your lodge can earn funds for those referrals!
The lodge in each district that scores the most points each month will receive $125, in honor of SPJST’s 125th anniversary in 2022. Each person who sends in a referral and the referral becomes a new member — or a current member who purchases an additional certificate — will receive a $25 thank you gift card.
Mail in a new referral card for any potential new member. Your lodge will receive 2 points if they become a member with a life or annuity product. Mail in a referral card for an existing member who would like more insurance or a review. If they purchase additional life insurance or a new annuity, your lodge will receive 1 point.
Complete a referral card and mail it to the SPJST Home Office. Need referral cards? Contact: SPJST Vice President Delisle Doherty • 832-232-2049 • delisled@spjst.com Submit referrals online at spjst.org/referral
The referrals submitted will be assigned to one of your lodge agents or the best qualified agent to help your lodge. If the agent closes the deal, your lodge will receive the new member or certificate credit (if it is an existing member).
This is a great opportunity to get your lodge’s youth involved by, inviting friends to become members. It’s also a great opportunity to get neighbors, friends, and family involved, too!
HOW TO SUBMIT REFERRALS 2022 SPJST Lodge Enhanced Premium Refund Guidelines
One of the most important financial benefits that the SPJST Executive Committee has extended to local lodges is the annual Premium Refund Program. The purpose of this program has been to help SPJST lodges keep their operations on a sound financial basis. The formula for calculating the refund is:
1. $1.00 for each paid-up certificate in the lodge; and 2. 1.25% of the lodge’s annual earned premium.
To receive the refund in early 2023, lodges must meet the following four-point criteria: r 1. Hold Regular Lodge Meetings in Accordance with Section 74 of the SPJST By-Laws and Offer a Well-Rounded Fraternal Program. Every lodge is required to hold regular meetings to discuss lodge business with its members. Service to each other — as fellow SPJST members — and service to the community is an important part of SPJST’s mission. Rather than mandating a specific number of fraternal activities that your lodge must accomplish in a given year in order to remain in good standing and qualify for incentives, the greater focus is on lodges working to host a healthy mix of “quality” events that bring value to SPJST’s community presence. r 2. Return All Requested Paperwork by January 15, 2023.
• Form 990 or Form 990-T • Fraternal Activity Summaries • Updated Lodge Officer Listing r 3. Submit Routine News/Photos to the Vestnik.
Every lodge is required to submit news of upcoming events, lodge meetings, and/or meeting/event summaries and/or photographs to the Vestnik as well as to their local media. Youth submissions, member features, and obituaries can also be submitted to the Vestnik. Every lodge is required to have a submission in at least 4 of the 24 published Vestniks in 2022. Of course, the lodge may contribute to the Vestnik more frequently. Local news media features can also satisfy these requirements when the features are shared with the Vestnik (see contact details below).
Vestniks are published on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Unless otherwise noted in the Vestnik, the deadline for submitting items for publication are the first and third Mondays of each month at 5 p.m.
Articles and photos may be submitted in several ways:
• Online at www.spjst.org under the “News” tab • Email to vestnik@spjst.org • Fax to 254-773-8087 (articles only; photos not accepted through fax) • Mail to SPJST Vestnik • PO Box 100 • Temple, TX 76503-0100 • Text to 254-534-0807
r 4. Share Lodge/Member Activities and Stories on Social Media. Lodges are encouraged to share lodge/member activities and stories on Facebook and/or Instagram. Some examples include lodge members serving a meal at a soup kitchen; members cleaning a cemetery; food drive for local pantry; hosting a heritage or cultural event; and contribution to non-profit organization. The Communication Department is available to assist with fulfilling the lodge’s social media requirement.