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Sneaky Pete Page 13 JB Cases Page 14 JB cases

Sneaky Pete

Psst! Hey you! Yeah you! So you’re just starting to seriously work on your game? Then you’re going to want to focus on developing a strong and effective stroke! Since everybody has a different body then it’s going to be up to you to find what is ideal for you and what is not. Everybody has a “track” in which their stroke hand will follow on every single shot. Think of your hand going from Point A (fully extended backwards) to Point B (contact with CB) to Point C “Finish line” (hand fully pushed forwards.) Remember to keep your cue as level as you can, try to never drop your elbow, and swing your cue as slowly and smoothly as you can. The goal is to swing the cue as accurately to where you’re aiming as possible which can be harder than it seems so have a little patience as it can sometimes take a. It if practice to master.


Two drills to develop a straight stroke:

1. If you drop down on a pretend shot with your cue directly above the line where the cloth meets the wood on the rail and swing your cue slowly to feel for any flaws in the “track” of your swing and always address and correct your flaws as soon as you find one.

2. Placing the CB on Headspot and line up a shot aiming at the center Diamond in the short rail across the table. If you place your tip at the absolute bottom of the CB where it meets the cloth then you can establish where true center ball (vertical axis) is and now lift your tip to the Center of the ball (horizontal axis) and take a few slow pre-strokes before shooting at the center Diamond and completely freeze in place until the CB comes back. Since we’re shooting a straight line through the middle of the table the CB should come straight back and run into the tip of your cue. If it doesn’t then it means that you are accidentally applying side spin and you’re going to have to continue practicing these drill until you’re stroking straight.

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