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Meet the Streamers - Volume II -Pg

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Mr Roboto

By Suzanne Smith

In our last issue we interviewed Inside Pool’s Alvin Nelson, this issue we are featuring another well-known live streamer, Mr. Ray Hansen, aka Big Truck, who runs Pool Action TV. I first met Ray when I ventured down to Louisiana for my first Dragon Promotions event, the US Amateur Open, in 2009. At Emerald Billiards, Ray was streaming the professional 9 and 10 Ball events, ran concurrently with the amateur and proam events. Ray exudes southern charm and I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying his running commentary of pool in general. Ray and I have stayed in contact via Facebook, and he has been very busy promoting events all over the Midwest and Southeast regions. Some of his upcoming events include Fight Night 07 Bar Table 9 Ball and Big Dog Billiards One Pocket and Hunter Cole Benefit Tournaments. You can check out his live streaming website at www.poolactiontv.com and give their group page a like on Facebook. Without further ado, please enjoy our interview:


1. Why did you get involved with Live


I originally got involved in live streaming for fun with my friend My Nguyen pronounced (Me Win). I saw the media as something that could really promote the regional tournaments in my area. My Nguyen played a big role in helping me get started. I guess you could say he pointed the way and provided a means.

2. What are the key elements to a good stream?

I think that’s a matter of personal opinion.

My definition of a good stream is one that you can see the players, the ball are clear, scoreboard on screen, updates from around the room, relative commentary and interaction with the viewers. A good stream can really benefit the industry as a whole if done properly.

3. How do think players can benefit from watching streaming?

Players can really learn a lot from the streams, especially if the commentary/ analysis is from a knowledgeable player. It’s really great listening to a top player explain their thought process during a live game.

My most recent production series, Fight

Nights, featured Scott Rabon and guest commentary from top players such as Nick

Varner, Shawn Putnam and even James

Davis Jr. This type commentary makes it like a class on pool rather than simply a past time.

4. How do think streaming has changed the pool world?

Streaming has changed the pool world in that we get to see inside the events that we have previously only heard about. It has allowed players to become celebrities, pool rooms to be shown and products to be marketed like never before.

5. What types of events do you stream?

I stream all kinds of events throughout the U.S. 8 Ball, 9 Ball, One Pocket, 10

Ball. Mostly regional events but I have also streamed some Pro events like the

Seminole Pro Tour, The Ultimate 10 ball

Championships, The Gem City Classic (now the Johnny Archer Classic) and a few

Dragon Promotion events in Louisiana.

6. What is the average cost of your stream?

The average cost of my stream is mostly free now but I do broadcast the end of the tournaments pay-per-view. That currently is only about $13. That fee along with the help of the venues and the industry often time are what makes it possible to even be there .

7. What events do you stream?

Some of my favorites have been the Ultimate 10 Ball

Championships, Seminole Pro

Tour, White Diamond Super 9 ball, 4 Bears 8 Ball Classic, the Pro events from Emerald Billiards, The

Texas Open, Houston Open and I really love doing the 2 man tournaments like the

Fight Nights series. I also cover annual and semiannual events. All in all I do 25-30 events a year.

8. What are some of your fondest memories from events you have streamed?

Some of my fondest memories from streaming include streaming some of

George SanSouci aka Ginky’s last matches from Long Island pool room Cue Nine and

Brooklyn’s Skyline Billiards. Another great memory is filming Grady Mathews final public speech from The Derby City Classic just a few months before he passed. Grady and I started putting a tournament together at his pool room but Grady, R.I.P., left this earth before we could follow through with it and it became the Grady Mathews Memorial tournament. Another fond memory was organizing the Country Calvin Classic old school 9 ball tournament and having Country Calvin finish 9th!! He was so excited to feel the excitement of doing well in a big event. It had been several years since he had that kind of fun.

We would like to thank Ray for taking the time to complete this interview with us and we hope that our readers are able to enjoy his streams for many years to come. There have been several streaming companies that have agreed to do an interview with us for this series, if you have a streamer in your area that you would like featured, please send me a message at editor@sneakypetemafia.com. Our next issue will feature Daniel Busch from POV Pool.

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