2 minute read
Start by earning those small victories. Build your confidence by increasing your knowledge of the game. Develop your skills and increase your abilities.
Challenge your friends or start a Solo-Practice quest. Always try to beat your personal best score. Pick a division/weight class & train for the upcoming Points - The Sport of Billiards. Watch for local Points Tournaments & the Points Players League coming soon!
Until next time.
By Albert Charbonneau - Inventor & author
Made in America for the world to play, watch & enjoy the game of billiards. It has an easy-touse scoring system & puts the player’s creativity on full display. Excitement & entertainment for everyone! America leads the way!
One of the things that draw people to this country is that no matter who you are or where you came from, if you have a new product or a better way to do something & you have a solid plan, then America is still the place where you can make your dreams a reality. It’s the land of prosperity and opportunity.
Some of the best innovations and inventions in history came from this great land. Americans are bold, brash people with an uncanny tenacity and an unwavering desire to succeed. Points will lead the way!
Points is a great example of the American dream. What started as a simple statement, “I want to do something for billiards.” has become a quest to bring billiards back to its roots and back to mainstream television here in the U.S.
In order to capture and maintain the attention of today’s general mainstream audience, billiards has to show something that’s new, challenging to play, and exciting to watch. Points delivers!
If you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, you will be challenged by this game. What’s your personal best score in SoloPractice? Did you give yourself points that you really didn’t earn? Being honest with ourselves is the pathway to playing at the highest level. Points requires precision, so we all, as players, must demand more of ourselves.
As fans & spectators, we want to be entertained before we need to understand what is really happening. If you don’t catch our attention after 10 seconds, then you had better deliver in a really big way, or we are gone.
Billiards has not had a major change in over 100 years. The general mainstream audience has far too many other ways to occupy their time. The games we have relied on for so long have become the same old, same old in their eyes.
Well... This bold, brash, American-made billiards game, called Points, is ready to lead the industry to a bright, positive future for all.
I designed the game of Points to be open-ended so you and your opponent can decide on how many balls to use, what the shot limit is, or to what point limit to play up to. I also created SoloPractice as a way for everyone to start the game. Not just Points but billiards in general.