2 minute read
G1’s Drill Run!
In order to become a high-level player, one must do more than just play games with friends. In this issue of SPM, I would like to introduce one of my favorite drills and how it can be manipulated in many different ways.
I was born an 8-ball player. In 2016, I captured the Iowa State 8-Ball Championship, and the following March, I captured the 2017 Illinois State 8-Ball Championship. In order to obtain high-level championships, one must comprehend what the spirit of 8-ball is. 8-ball can be described as an object ball pattern game where a player may have multiple opportunities to be successful and many opportunities to fail.
The drill that is going to be discussed is my favorite object ball pattern drill. This drill is called “Twelve Ball Mayhem.” Check it out below, and you can find a YouTube clip demonstrating the drill and its different variations here.
On one side of the table, freeze seven object balls to the rails on one side of the pool table. Two object balls will be on the side rail frozen on the diamonds closest to the corner pockets, while three object balls will be frozen on the diamonds located on the same side end rail. Place the remaining object balls along the diamond lines that connect the object balls by the side rails. Place the cue ball on the spot.

1) With the cue ball on the spot, shoot as many object balls as possible using the cue ball without missing.
2) All pockets are available to pocket object balls.
3) Banks and kicks are allowed.
4) No object ball can touch another object ball.
5) The cue ball cannot touch an object ball that isn’t currently being shot.
Stroke Straight.
“G1” Eric Naretto https://youtu.be/GzA1Dq226CM?si=L8BDxzu1OKwOLt_q
