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FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE –The Impact of Luck in Cue Sports
When speaking with people involved in Cue sports, nearly all will be able to give a solid idea of w hat needs to be in place to perform well and achieve their goals. They will list several controllable factors that form an excellent foundation to build upon, such as commitment, trusting their technique, quality practice, temperament, and areas such as having complementary lifestyles.
However, within the sport, there is often a mystical force that is usually mumbled about, sometimes shouted, frowned upon, praised, and reluctantly accepted and apologised for, that we know as luck. Luck often emerges as a curious and occasionally controversial factor that can pop up and swing a match on its head, affect a player’s concentration, cause them to suddenly gain in frustration, or take their next shot with a mixture of glee and embarrassment depending on what side of the force you find yourself on.
Everyone has their own thoughts on it; some will feel more affected by it than others, and a small minority may believe that they have neither experienced good nor bad while playing, not even recognising when luck may have played a role in their performance.
My own thoughts about luck have often been tested and changed over the years. I actually saw myself as a highly unlucky, somewhat clumsy teenager until I had some sort of awakening and decided to choose to shed the unfortunate label I had given myself. Surprisingly, as soon as I had done this, my fortunes changed.

I later went on to see luck as an event, Something that just happened, and how it would go on to affect me very much depended on how I reacted to it, which is still very much the case today and how I generally encourage those I work with to look at it.
However, is it a mere illusion? What is this ghostly hand that suddenly changes something in our environment that can significantly affect our situation, mood, and the outcome of what we are trying to achieve? Does it really exist, this entity that can elevate or diminish a player’s fortunes? Because no matter my healthier outlook these days, I just can’t say that it doesn’t exist because we all, in one way or another, have experienced it.
While Skill and hard work undoubtedly form the bedrock of success in cue sports, fortune can be incredibly difficult to deny when it seems to influence the outcome of a match. A beneficial deflection, a fortuitous bounce off a cushion, or a seemingly impossible pot following a missed attempt are all the seemingly chance occurrences that have a significant impact that can turn the tide of a game.
However, luck isn’t a random, stand-alone force that can simply take over and dictate. It is interwoven with skill, ability, and preparation. An experienced, skilled, and well-prepared player is far more likely to perform still, capitalise, and achieve when gaining “lucky” or “unlucky” breaks, when in comparison, an unskilled player may panic, feel that they have limited options, and squander opportunities. For instance, a player with a keen understanding of controlling their emotions, angles, side, and spin can manipulate the cue ball to overcome the impact or maximize the chances of a lucky shot.
So, which following camp do you connect with when it comes to Luck?
The Illusion of Luck:
Some argue that luck is merely a perception, a way to explain unexpected outcomes that defy our understanding. They contend that underlying physical laws and probabilities govern every event, no matter how random it may seem. In this view, a lucky shot is simply a rare occurrence within the realm of possibility. For instance, when the player strikes the cue ball to play a defensive shot, surprisingly, the power and direction used causes the object ball to deflect off another, striking a cushion that sends it into a pocket. Those watching have a mixture of feelings between it being a poor shot, an unlucky or lucky shot, while the player themselves just sees it as an unforeseen “Event” to manage, but it was always strangely possible
A more flexible outlook on luck that can be connected with fate, a belief that chance plays a significant role in cue sports. The unpredictable nature of ball collisions, the subtle variations in table conditions, and the human element all contribute to an element of randomness. This inherent uncertainty can lead to unexpected results, which we often attribute to fortune and luck.
The belief:
A player who believes in luck may approach the game with a more relaxed and optimistic mindset. This positive mental state can lead to improved performance, which, in turn, can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of good fortune.
The flipside Is the competitor who sees themselves as inherently unlucky, again that can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of bad fortune, who can easily miss any good luck they seem to have. Still, they are waiting for the bad to strike.
Luck can profoundly affect a player’s mental state, performance, and overall outlook on the game. A streak of good luck can boost confidence and motivation, while a run of bad luck can erode self-belief and lead to frustration.
Players who label themselves “lucky” or “unlucky” may fall into a dangerous trap. A player who believes they are lucky may become complacent, relying on chance rather than hard work and dedication. Equally, players who think they’re unlucky may develop a victim mentality, blaming external factors for their failures and refraining from taking and accepting opportunities because they believe they are so unlucky they just won’t work out.
While luck may play a role in cue sports, focusing on the factors within your control is essential. By honing your skills, practicing, and developing a strong mental attitude, you can minimise the impact of luck.
Embracing the unpredictable and remaining open-minded to the fact that anything can happen and that luck is just a possible part of the game can be an exciting challenge and an excellent goal to set for oneself. Using a structure and putting in place plans to deal with various situations, including the possibility of gaining lucky or unlucky moments, can help cultivate and maintain a positive mindset, allowing you to stay calm and focused, even when faced with adversity.
Using your plans to recover and reset after setbacks can minimise the effects of fortune and help you return to concentrating on executing your shots and trusting your technique and process. Use these setbacks to learn and improve and feel more comfortable managing those times when luck favours you, excitement follows, or when it seems to work against you and where frustration can distract you.
Understanding the role of luck and the part it can play, its influence upon yourself, and how you respond to it can significantly help improve your performance and, for some, have dramatic results. Don’t take luck personally, and try to refrain from labeling yourself as wearing the Unlucky coat while trying to play; it will only ever weigh you down and prevent you from performing to the top of your ability. Remember, while luck may play a part, your skill, knowledge, dedication, and healthy mindset will ultimately determine your success.
Good luck! Play Well!www.mattandrewsmentoring.org