Developing A Powerful Pre-Shot Routine By Anthony Beeler Next time you’re at a pro tournament, be sure to check out what top players do before each shot. A good pre-shot routine is an essential part of the game. It enables us to put ourselves into “Dead Stroke” on demand and focus all of our energy into the present moment. This month we will look at many steps you may want to incorporate into your pre-shot routine. How do they do it?
In this article, I’m going to show you how 1. Free your Mind from Negative Thoughts or Expectations: Before you get down to shoot, you should exhibit a positive attitude. You’ll be free of negativity by not thinking about the score, how you are playing, how well your opponent is playing, or the soundness of your stroke mechanics.
2. Make Quality Decisions: Take your
time and make sure that you pick out the right shot. Examine the angle and review your options. Always think at least three balls ahead. Professionals think through their entire turn (every shot). You will also need to determine the correct amount of speed and spin needed to execute the shot properly. Remember to make all of your conscious decisions from a standing position with chalk in hand. You should also look for potential problems and be sure to avoid them. Once you make all of your decisions you can place the chalk on the table and make a transition from thinking mode into subconscious execution of the shot. 6