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SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 31

Richard Kranicki's Protrusion Cue

By Kat Day


Richard Kranicki is a pool player, screen

writer, designer of the Protrusion Cue and pool instructor. Kranicki was also a writer for a billiards magazine. It was not the clacking of the balls or the bright colors that attracted Kranicki to pool.

Kranicki states, “I walked into a poolroom at the age of 14 with my friends and fell in love with the game and the pool room’s wooden floors. I Just liked how I was sinking the balls...how they disappeared off the table.”

Kranicki goes on to say, “While watching a

world class tournament in Philadelphia in 1986, I learned that the world class players were not just banging balls around. I talked to a Magazine writer and learned that world class players had methods that they used. So, I signed up for lessons then and traveled to New York every week for several months! That was a 200-mile round trip every Saturday!”

In a previous interview with Joe Young, Kranicki goes on to say that after learning with Jerry Briesath and being put on the right track he went on to train with Don “The


Preacher” Feeney! Feeney taught Kranicki the importance of proper alignment.

Kranicki would spend 12-14 hours practicing and states in a prior interview with Joe Young, “During a two-year span of mainly practicing, 12-14 hours a day at times, I would lose track of time. For example, I would start practicing on a Monday morning and finish on a Tuesday evening, but still thought it was a Monday afternoon when I went to bed! I went from running five balls in rotation 50% of the time to 10 balls 50% of the time. But my 500% improvement did not satisfy me. So, I started my personal quest for more knowledge with a prayer and a daily journal.

Ironically, in the summer of 1989, I ended my quest to be the best player I could be when meeting Willie Mosconi. I met Willie through Mike Fusco who was the owner of The Boulevard Room and I soon started to write Willie’s screenplay. While I was demonstrating a couple of my discoveries to Willie, he offered his collaboration with my instructional book that I was beginning. What an honor! Here’s a legend whose name everyone would empathetically say while shooting pool back then, and he offers his assistance to me? I was in disbelief! I was extremely honored to be the only author to have received the Mosconi endorsement! Sadly, Willie and I did not get a chance to work together on my book, because he passed away soon afterwards. However, his family honored Willie’s intentions by endorsing my book, ANSWERS TO A POOL PLAYER’S PRAYERS.” You can find Kranicki’s book on the Internet!


Kranicki is a God-fearing man that puts all his trust in God before he begins anything he starts his day or task with a prayer for guidance. SPM asked Kranicki, what was the thought process behind creating The Protrusion Cue?

The Protrusion Cue idea originated in July of 1987 in a 17-and-a-half-hour drive from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Madison Wisconsin. Kranicki was first introduced to the importance of straight stroke by Jerry Briesath, who he calls “The Godfather of Pool Instructors.” Kranicki used Briesath’s organized teachings as the fundamentals. Kranicki spent thousands of hours exploring new techniques for aiming, alignment, cue ball speed control and developing a consistent straight stroke.

Kranicki states, “Naturally I was aware, like every player that the proper aiming of the front of the cue stick was necessary. However, I came to realize that the correct alignment of

the back of the cue was not so automatic. This is because the shooter can see the front of the cue stick but cannot see the back of the cue while shooting. The cue butt area is out of sight when in a shooting position. It became apparent to me that the alignment of the back of the cue stick relies more on a ‘feeling in the hand.’ So, after many hours of experimenting with different gadgets, and investing thousands of dollars, I designed The Protrusion Cue Stick to embellish that feeling.”

The Protrusion A


The Protrusion B

According to Kranicki, The Protrusion Cue Stick does what no other cue stick can do, it’s designed protruding piece will help sensitize your palm and finger points of your grip hand where they touch the protruding piece as you hold the cue. Thus, the sensitize points on your hand and fingers act like a guide as you stroke and will immediately alert you if you are twisting or angling your stroke. Therefore, The Protrusion Cue is an excellent playing cue and training tool for developing the proper muscle memory for achieving a straight stroke.

Kranicki is very grateful that Dale Perry the world-renowned custom cue-maker was the first to make his custom prototype cue which first sold for $500.00. Kranicki states, now with his association with a world cue manufacturer, Kranicki is very happy to announce that he can offer them for $150 each! Kranicki has a limited supply left.

The Protrusion Cue has a Member Cue Level Grade Canadian Maple Shaft with Lepro tips that are 12.5mm with a white plastic ferrule. It comes in both an A and B model. With a 5/16 *18 joint, Black plastic middle ring with one silver ring on the shaft and a black plastic cap. Weight adjustable 19 – 19.5 oz. These are the specs on The Protrusion Cue Stick.

Kranicki was asked where he sees the Protrusion Cue Stick in Five years and this was his reply: “If one of my screenplays is produced into a film, then The Protrusion Cue Stick will live on for decades in motion picture history. This is because I wrote The Protrusion Cue into the story! I am happy that the cue meets the approval of my supportive friend, Fred Caruso who is a successful veteran Hollywood Producer! Fred Caruso approved the cue being in the story simply because it is an integral tool used by the main character and not as a commercial for the product. Kranicki has three screenwrites and is hopeful with the help from his friend and Hollywood Producer Fred Caruso that one will be made into a movie! Two of his screenwrites are pool related! SPM Magazine looks forward to what the future holds for Richard Kranicki!

Richard Kranicki is the designer of The Protrusion Cue and can be reached at Poolprayers@ aol.com.


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