3 minute read
Hey Veterans, Did You Know?
… you don’t need to sign into My HealtheVet to see if you have a Secure Message response?
When you have a question that isn’t an emergency, you can send a Secure Message, but you don’t have to sign in to My HealtheVet to see if you’ve received an answer.
You can update your My HealtheVet profile to get an email notification when you receive a new Secure Message. You’ll get a response to your Secure Messages within at least 3 working days (usually less). You can also sign up to get notifications about upcoming appointments, Rx shipments, and new medical images.
To learn how to activate this option, visit www.myhealth. va.gov/mhv-portal-web/web/ myhealthevet/ss20211015don-t-miss-a-new-message.
… disabled veterans living in Idaho may qualify for a $1,500 property tax benefit?
Before April 15, disabled veterans with a rating of 100% service-connected disability may apply for a $1,500 property tax benefit. Income is not a factor for qualification. The veteran must provide a VA letter each year, stating the 100% rating and must have this determination prior to the first day of the year. Contact the VA at 1-800-827-1000 to acquire a current letter.
This benefit can be combined with the Property Tax Reduction (Circuit Breaker) if applicable; however, the combined benefit cannot be more than the actual bill.
For more information, visit www.kcgov.us/838/VeteransProperty-Tax-Benefit or call (208)446-1500.
… there are specific symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder?
Veterans experiencing PTSD may exhibit the following symptoms or behaviors: • Avoiding situations that remind the person of the traumatic event (memories may be triggered by sights, sounds, or even smells) •Negative changes in beliefs and feelings •Feeling jittery or always on alert and looking out for danger •Being startled by loud noises or surprises •Experiencing the need to have one’s back to the wall in a public place
Does this sound like someone you know? Find hope and help. See “How Can I Get Help?” on page 5 of this publication for local resources.
… More than 5 million adults have PTSD?
Sixty percent of men and 50% of women experience at least one trauma in their lives.
Ten percent of women develop PTSD at some point in their lives, compared to 4% of men.
Between 7%-8% of the US population will have PTSD at some point in their lives.
Over 5 million adults have PTSD during a given year.
Treatment is available. If you or a veteran you know needs help, visit ptsd.va.gov/ or call 1-800-273-8255 (press 1).
… Spokane-area vets make up more than 10% of the population?
Over 2.8 million service members have deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq since 9/11. Ninety percent of injured service members survive their injuries. One in 50 sustained physical combat injury. One in five veterans experiences from PTSD, TBI or depression.
Eighty-eight percent of veteran caregivers report increased stress or anxiety. Seventy-seven percent are sleep deprived. Thirty percent provide care for 10 years or more. (Family Caregiver Alliance 2016)
Between 50,000 to 60,000 veterans live in Spokane County, which equates to between 10-12% of the estimated 2012 population. (Spokane County Veteran Services)
Over 25% of homeless men are war veterans, including those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and debilitating injuries, and now have no place to go.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan led to physical injuries for more than 50,000 service members. In addition, an estimated 400,000 battle combat-related stress, major depression, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The greatest casualty is being forgotten. There is a heavy cost for freedom – and the service men and women are freedom providers. (Wounded Warrior Project, 2013)
Over 18 million veterans live in the U.S., including 1.6 million women veterans, 9.2 million over the age of 65 and 1.6 under the age of 25. (Census Bureau)