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Birthday wishes for Tony Marcelli
Spokane, Wash. / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho VETERANS CHRONICLE
WWII veteran Anthony ‘Tony’ Marcelli turns 100
Anthony “Tony” Fred- rick Marcelli was born in Collinsville, Califor- nia, on Aug. 15, 1920. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps from November 1943 to November 1945, and the U.S. Air Force Re- serve from Nov. 1945 to November 1955. His rank upon discharge was 1st lieutenant.
Tony attended naviga- tor/bombardier school at Deming Army Airfield in New Mexico, and then was sent to Tonopah Army Airfield in Nevada where he was assigned to a B-24 bomber crew. Tonyflew 35 combat missions over Eu- rope during World War II as a navigator/ bombardier. He flew his first five mis- sions as a bombardier, and the following 30 as a navi- gator. He served in the 8th Air Force, 392nd Bombard- ment Group, and the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron based at Wendling Royal Air Force Station in near East Dereham, Norfolk, England.
“Those brave men were all young, all trained for a job, performed well under trying conditions. All were untested, living out their destiny day by day. They are now all gone. They did not go unwept. It is for us to see they do not go un- honored or unsung,” said Marcelli when reflecting on his time in service and his fellow service mem- bers.
Tony is married to his wife of 71 years, Marie. He has three children: Sandy Marcelli, Cris Burkhart (Tom), and Jim Marcel- li; 3 grandchildren: Jake
Tony Marcelli and his family.

“Those brave men were all young, all trained for a job, performed well under trying conditions. All were untested, living out their destiny day by day. They are now all gone. They did not go unwept. It is for us to see they do not go unhonored or unsung.” Anthony “Tony” Marcelli
Burkhart, Amy Burkhart, and Sean Drew; and 2 g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n : Blaine Burkhart and Kaid Burkhart. He currently resides in Spokane Valley, surrounded by his proud and loving family.
Happy Birthday, Tony!