3 minute read
Veteran shares his journey to receiving benefits
Chuck Fenton learned to navigate the claims process
By Ruth Aresvik
Have you ever heard of Operation Ranch Hand? How about Agent Orange? Of course. It was part of the U.S. military herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Its long-term effects have been battled by an untold number of veterans in their fight for VA benefits. Thankfully for Chuck Fenton, it was a no-struggle victory.
Chuck grew up in Orondo, Washington, and lived on an apple and peach orchard with his mom, dad, and older sister. He attended Eastmont High School in East Wenatchee. In October 1967, at the age of 19, he joined the Army.
“My brother-in-law’s buddy was an Army recruiter” said Chuck, “And he wanted me!” After basic training in Fort Lewis, Wash., Chuck went through Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Belvoir, Va. And then it was on to Vietnam as a combat engineer for Company 588. In May 1968, he headed to Vietnam and began duty as a combat engineer for Company 588.
Chuck arrived six months after the Tet Offensive so a lot of equipment had been destroyed.
“We were on stand-by,” he said. “There wasn’t a lot to do.”
Chuck would sit with his crew and hear the helicopters fly overhead. When he asked about the aviation unit, he was told he would have to extend his enlistment an extra six months. He did.
As a result, Chuck was assigned to the 118th Assault Helicopter Company as a door gunner – “We would go out every third day on a mission.”
Chuck enjoyed the job and his buddies. His crew chief James, was easy to work with, and they became fast friends.
“I loved it – it was exciting. You knew you were there helping the guys – picking them up. It felt like you were really doing something,” he said.
Chuck came home to Orondo in December 1969 and worked with his dad in the orchard for the next 10 years. In 1980, he started his career with the Douglas County Fire District No. 2 as a firefighter, and became Fire Chief in 2007. Chuck retired in 2012 after serving 32 years with the department.
Chuck kept in contact with his Army buddy James, who was receiving VA benefits due to Agent Orange exposure. When Chuck mentioned he’d had some medical issues, James suggested – many times – filing a VA claim.
Chuck saw his primary doctor on Oct. 9, 2020; a doctor who had been an Army surgeon in Iraq and was all too familiar with chemical warfare. He referred Chuck to a neurologist on the spot. On Oct. 21, 2020, Chuck was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Chuck’s daughter Kelsey immediately began the online process of filing a VA disability claim. She set up an ID.me account and spoke with the VA disability office on what paperwork should be submitted.
“I found the online filing process relatively easy” said Kelsey, “but I’m somewhat computer savvy. The easiest way to upload the info was to take a picture with my phone, then I emailed pictures of the diagnosis from the doctors to the VA.”
They submitted the claim on Nov. 3, 2020, and it was approved on February 11, 2021. The first payment arrived five days later, including two months retroactive pay.
Chuck is a member of the Rathdrum American Legion and has been married to his lovely wife Willynne since 1987. They have two daughters, Kelsey and Amy, and four
Chuck Fenton and his helicopter crew.

Chuck Fenton, left, who served as a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam, and his friend and crew chief, James Bock.
The VA claims process can be scary, overwhelming and frustrating. Or not. Kelsey was methodical and kept on top of requesting updates and submitting evidence in a timely manner. Chuck is very grateful for her help and thankful for his VA benefits.
Veterans need to be aware of the resources and benefits available to them. Get familiar with the Veterans Administration website; take time to browse; search out specific topics. Contact your local county Veteran Service Officer to ask questions or set up an appointment. Does this sound like someone you know? Find local help in the “How can I get help?” section located in this edition. Or go to VA.gov for online applications and help.