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Hey veterans, did you know?
... vets can learn to be airline pilots for free?
Being a pilot is a challenging yet rewarding vocation. If you love the thrill of flight, travel, and working as a team, it can be a great job to pursue. There’s only one thing stopping you: money! Find out more about training at no charge by visiting by visiting www.rtag.org/about/ news-updates/vets-can-become-airlinepilots-for-free.
.... veteran designation is available on ID, WA licenses
As of Aug. 31, 2017, veterans can get a veteran designation on their Washington driver license or ID card. Doing so is free if someone is only adding their veteran status. To get started, bring one of the following to a state driver licensing office: •Your DD Form 214 or a separation document equivalent to a DD Form 214 that shows "honorable" or "general under honorable conditions" status.) Or ... • Your U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID Card
If you don't have your DD Form 214 you can request one at www.archives. gov/veterans/military-service-records
There's a fee if you're adding other endorsements at the same time; updating information on your card such as name or address; or renewing your license. You can renew up to a year in advance.
In Idaho, sine Nov. 10, 2014, veterans with valid documentation showing proof of honorable discharge from military service will be provided veteran designation on their Idaho driver’s license or state-issued identification card. There is no charge to add the veteran designation to a new or renewed Idaho driver’s license or identification card.
There is a $15 duplicate card fee to add a veteran designation at any other time. The designation is permanent and will not incur any additional cost.
... pandemic-related job training is offered
If you're a veteran who lost your job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Veterans Administration may have a solution. The Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) offers education and training for a variety of high-demand jobs so you people can get back to work.
Qualifying veterans can receive up to 12 months of tuition and fees along with a monthly housing allowance.
To be eligible for VRRAP, you must be between 22 and 66 years of age, unemployed due to COVID-19, able to work, and not eligible for education or unemployment benefits.
If you do qualify, apply soon! The VA will stop accepting new VRRAP enrollments on Dec. 11, 2022, or when either the funding or participant limit is met, whichever comes first.
For more info visit www.va.gov/education/other-va-education-benefits/veteran-rapid-retraining-assistance/ For local help see “How can I get help?” on this page.

Every county and state has a Veteran Affairs office to answer questions about benefits and provide assistance. There are also other useful resources for veterans in the Inland Northwest.
The Department of Veterans Affairs website has resources on every topic relevant to veterans.
The VA Welcome Guide covers all types of benefits and services available for veterans, new recruits, active service members and their families.
Based in Post Falls, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 9 Fort Sherman shares links and information to both local and national help organizations for veterans.
Explore VA benefits and discover which ones you and your family may be eligible to receive.
Spokane County Regional Veteran Service
1117 N. Evergreen Rd., Spokane Valley, WA (509)477-3690
Apply for emergency services, or have any benefits or service questions answered by 5 Veteran Service Officers (VSO) and staff.
North Idaho Veteran Services and Benefits Office
120 E. Railroad Ave., Post Falls, ID (208) 446-1092
Meet with a VSO or staff for help with VA benefits enrollment, claims or other veteran needs.
Goodwill Support Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
130 E. Third Ave., Spokane, WA (509) 828-2449
SSVF helps homeless veterans and their families find housing and connects veterans with other support organizations.
Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) 504 E. Second Ave., Spokane, WA (509)435-2019
Provides healthcare and outreach for housing, job opportunities and counseling.